Business Ethics Final Paper

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Samantha Tejada December 15, 2008 Business Ethics Final Dr.

Roseman Case 1: Holland Hardware & Wichita Supermarket You here people say all the time say business is business and its a dog eat dog world. People are out to do the best for themselves and their families. This is true for everyone isnt it? In the case of Wichita, Kansas resident Matt Holland money was not everything, but it helped make life a lot easier. He was given the chance to make his life a lot easier by taking a position with Wal-Mart, but what would have to give up his family store that has been open for over a hundred years. Other family businesses in Wichita were also at risk of being put out of business. Matt Holland had the future of Wichita on his mind and a decision to make. Matt Holland waited to give an answer to Wal-Mart because he cared not only for himself, but for also in the town. He used his basic moral judgments meaning he first evaluated the social costs and benefits of taking the job with Wal-Mart or not taking it. He showed he had respect for individuals of Wichita by holding off and not giving and answer even when he was getting pressured by Wal-Mart executive Bill Harrington. Matt knew that the principal of fair opportunity was not being offered to all the residents and it was only him getting a chance. Not every person employed at his hardware store or at his supermarket would be able to be employed by Wal-Mart and he knew that. Matt had the upper hand on what Wal-Mart wanted to do in Wichita and had a duty to do what was right for its people. However, on the other hand Matt had a duty to his family in giving them a better life and didnt want to pass up an opportunity that could allow him to do that. Matt always

wanted to send all of his children to college and Wal-Mart was willing to pay twice the income he was making now and with that extra money he could afford to pay all their college tuitions. He also wouldnt have to manage the supermarket nor the hardware store anymore. So the way Matt saw it was he was loosing a legacy of his family business, but making a new investment for him and his family and their futures. Matt Holland is a smart business man and knew a lot of people in Wichita, Kansas which made him a huge asset. Wal-Mart knew that and that is why they chose him to set a meeting up with. Matt could give them all the inside information about what the people of Wichita wanted and what they liked and didnt liked. Bill Harrington as did Wal-Mart saw that Matt understood business and had a strong work ethic because if he didnt he wouldnt have kept both the supermarket and hardware store open for the last 22 years nor would he had turned a profit. What should Matt have done? Taken the job with Wal-Mart or not? In my point of view I believe that Matt Holland should take the offer with Wal-Mart not because they offered him a job and no one else but, that over time if Wal-Mart didnt establish a store now they will eventually work its way into the Wichita area. Matt has done nothing wrong and if he takes the job offer it is not a crime. Matt needs to get the most utility possible because its just a matter of time that Matts supermarket and hardware store would be out of business because of Wal-Mart. Why should Matt compete with a conglomerate of a corporation when they want him? That would be outrageous. Then where would Matt be working? Or the rest of Matts employees? Times are changing and Matt knows that the best way to keep up with it is by taking this offer and even though people may loose jobs in his stores, there will be new positions for higher when Wal-Mart were to open. Matt has a

right to give his family the best life possible, but to his workers he has a right to assure there will be job openings at Wal-Mart if he were to close down his supermarkets and hardware. Matt knows if he passes this opportunity up it may not come around again and it may affect him and his family in the long run so he cant let it go. Wal-Mart can put Wichita, Kansas on the map and could bring more businesses to the area which in the future could be great for Matts children as well as his workers children. John Rawls wrote leave the world no worse then you found it, Care wrote leave our children a world no worse than we received it and Robin Attfield wrote leave the world as productive as we found it.(Business Ethics Concepts and Cases 6th edition p. 245) As a man and a father Matt has all these obligations to fulfill so his children and children of his workers can have a chance to give themselves a better life as well as their children. By Matt taking the job as manager he isnt being unjust to his friends, workers or community he is making Wichita, Kansas a better place than when he found it.

Case 2: Merck & Co., Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. during the seventies was one of the largest producers of prescription drugs at the time and made their money off of their famous discoveries: Indocin and Aldomet. Indocin was used for rheumatoid arthritis and Aldomet was a treatment for high blood pressure. Moreover, Merck knew that they needed to come up with a new prescription drug because the future of the company depended on it greatly. So the spending began for new ideas because studies had shown, on average it took 12 years and $200 million dollars to bring a new drug to the market.

River Blindness, a disease that is common in third world countries had no cure. It affected over 85 million people world wide, especially in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. This disease caused a horrible itch that some people killed themselves because they couldnt deal with the itch anymore. Could their ever be a cure for this? Many people didnt think so even the World Health Organization didnt think so. Ivomec was introduced by Dr. P. Roy Vagelos as an anitparasitic for cattle and animals. It had a potential to be a major advance in animal healthcare. Then when further research was done by Dr. Campbell with Ivermectin, he saw that if Ivermectin might just be the answer to cure River Blindness. The reason being was because it might kill off the parasites that cause humans to have a terrible itch. Dr. Campbell and Dr. Vagelos believed that it was a long shot, but there was a chance that they could find a treatment for River Blindness if they could get the funding. However, other questions got raised could they get the funding for finding the cure and if they did would there be a great enough demand for the drug. Also would people be able to afford it so Merck wouldnt take a hit of loosing money on their product? It was a huge gamble but, both doctors new ethically it could help a lot of people live a better life in third world countries. Merck & Co., Incs philosophy was we try never to forget that medicine is for the people, its not for the profits. The profits follow, and if we have remembered that, they have never failed to appear. The better we have remembered it, the larger they have been.(The Role of Organizational Values Merck & Co ., Inc) Also Merck was also raising the question if Ivermectin, the veterinary drug would have lower sales and not sell as much because of the testing with the drug on humans. Should Merck take the chance or no? If they did it was a huge risk and if they didnt was Merck & Co., Inc. being unethical

to the human race and to those who are suffering from this terrible disease? The ethics of care states that we should care for those dependent on and related to us. So doesnt Merck have that moral obligation to continue to research for all those infected with River Blindness? Merck clearly states in their philosophy that its not just about money, its about helping make people around the world live a healthy and prosperous life. If that is the case there should be no hesitation in approving the research for find treatments or a cure for river blindness. In my opinion Dr. Vagelos has to make the right decision and that is by signing off the request from Dr. Campbell in continuing to do further research on river blindness and needing more funds to do so. The integrity of Merck & Co., Inc I believe would be forgotten because of not trying to abide by their philosophy. I am a firm believer that the morality of this company is truly to help people and to not just try and turn a profit. River Blindness is a disease that is unimaginable and Dr. Vagelos has a strong lead in creating the cure and it would be unjust to turn it down. I also believe Merck & Co., Inc should sit down and look at their cost-benefit analysis and see that the funds they put up now will not out way the future benefits that will follow. If the company does in deed continue operations in finding a treatment for river blindness then I believe it will also lead to other treatment findings for other diseases. Which will then increase revenue for Merck in the future. It is understandable that the company doesnt want to find a treatment and then not have enough of a demand for it but, it can bring justice and closure for many people who are suffering. So why not do the right deed and try and help those in need. Every individual has a right and an entitlement to a healthy life just like Dr. Campbell, Dr. Vagelos, and I have. What about the millions who

are infected by this terrible disease, do they to get a chance at having a healthy life? Yes they do and it would be selfish for Merck & Co., Inc to know they can help and then just stop because they want to make more money off of theses poor individuals. Life isnt fair and Dr. Vagelos knows he can even the playing field if he gives it a chance. John Locke believed that every human regardless or race, sex, wealth had the right to life, liberty, and property. Dr. Vagelos and Dr. Campbell both know this as well and if they didnt go forth in testing drugs for the cure then they are doing society a dissatisfaction. Merck is a multimillion dollar corporation and its not just about the money its the well being about the people in the world. They are in business to serve the public and to serve those in pain or who are sick and in need of help. It will cost millions to find the treatments for river blindness but, the morale and duty of these doctors for finding a treatment out ways any amount of money possible. That is why they do what they do day in and day out. People everyday are depending on Merck & Co., Inc. and their doctors to do their jobs as well as possible so they wont suffer. St. Thomas Aquinas, a Christian philosopher of the middle ages who followed the teachings of Aristotle said: moral virtues enable people to follow reason in dealing with their desires, emotions, and actions meaning peoples morals dictate how they think act and adjust when put into a situation. (p.110) Dr. Vagelos was in between two decisions and they were to pull the funding for further research of a treatment on river blindness which was a gamble or take the chance and give people hope with that disease to have a better life and grant the funding for the research. He worked for the company and he worked for money. However, he also works to benefit the lives of all those who are alive and suffering.

If Dr. Vagelos didnt care for those in need he wouldnt be in this field and he would not turn down the fund for future research on river blindness. After reading both of these cases I have come to the conclusion that in whatever situation I come involved in, I must choose between what is right and what is not. There are things in life that I will not want to do but, I am going to have to make a decision on regardless what is at stake. No matter what comes up and whatever I may choose I have to be confident in my decision because if I am not I will live with that regret. Every human has the same rights and chances as I do and if I am able to better others lives then by all means I will. Life is short and if I know I can change lives and take a pay hit I will do so. Just like Albert Einstein once wrote: A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. (Albert Einstein)

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