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The Gambit #3 Draft By Keith L.


The Gambit


EXT. HIDEOUT APARTMENT - NIGHT Cowboy stands outside, holding a bottle. INT. HIDEOUT APARTMENT - NIGHT COWBOY How do you like the liquor. KILLER Cheap. Shit. Id do better drinking from my own piss. Cowboy laughs. COWBOY Ive never been a big spender. KILLER Normally, Im not a drinker. COWBOY Im envious, Im all too familiar with the fragrance and taste. You dont drink at all? KILLER Drinking has a negative effect on me. COWBOY Ah, me, I get emotional when I drink. KILLER I cant stand the memories drinking draws back. COWBOY A whole lot of nothing, thats just about what I remember. KILLER Boy, let me tell you, Ive spent too much time remembering. Its only when I drink, shit, look at me now. Killer chuckles.


CONTINUED: (2) COWBOY Another shot? KILLER Please. Cowboy pours killer the sixth shot. KILLER (contd) Ive been wondering. Why are you here. COWBOY We have to finish are game. KILLER What game? COWBOY Do you Remember, Three months ago, round there.


Killer gravely drops his smile, setting the glass neatly on the table. KILLER Youll have to refresh my memory, cowboy. COWBOY pulls out a revolver, he loads a bullet and spins the chamber COWBOY Were going to play. KILLER You dont give up, do you? Cowboys hand shakes as he puts the gun to his head. KILLER (contd) Behind every man is a grave, Cowboy. This could be it. He pulls the trigger, CLICK, nothing. He hands the revolver to killer. Sloppily killer pushes the gun to his head, CLICK, nothing. The two go back and forth until the fifth chamber is loaded to COWBOYS HEAD. CLICK, NOTHING.


CONTINUED: (3) COWBOY You lose. KILLER To hell with you! COWBOY Three months ago, how come you didnt kill her. KILLER I dont recall. COWBOY A beautiful aged mother and her drunken slop of a husband, and the cherry on top little girl. KILLER She was hiding. COWBOY I figure it differently. KILLER Think what you will. Whats what, I didnt kill her, and you know I have to now. COWBOY And you can live with yourself? Killing a little girl whos lost everything? KILLER Im not a killer cause I have a conscience, I do what Im paid to. Now I done just hurt that little girl. Stabbing her parents necks like a sewing needle through cloth. Quick, easy, satisfying. Hell, consider this a mercy killin. COWBOY And Im to believe she just watched? KILLER She damn well hid! How in Gods name did she get home so early! I keep asking myself that, I had it all planned, you know, but She saw me out there! She fucking saw me. For my sake, I have to kill her.





COWBOY For your sake? Look at you, youre a mess. KILLER Better watch yourself. COWBOY There wont be another request, I beg of you to not kill that little girl. KILLER Nothing doin. COWBOY takes the gun in hand, spins the chamber. He points it at killer, CLICK, nothing. He hands it over to Killer. Killer points it to cowboy, CLICK, nothing. Killer gives the gun to Cowboy. C.U Cowboys eyes. Sympathetic. C.U Killers eyes. Sympathetic. Both of them the same. Cowboy SHOOTS killer in the chest. Killer spins and falls to the ground, he drags himself across the floor. KILLER (contd) Why does it matter so much?? COWBOY Little girls are allowed to make mistakes. KILLER For my sake. Killer dies. EXT. HIDEOUT APARTMENT - NIGHT Cowboy walks down the steps.


INT. CAR(MOVING) - NIGHT Cowboy whistles

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