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Articles from General Knowledge Today

Government looking for more storage facilities for bumper wheat production
2012-04-01 16:04:11 puneet

As the country gets ready to harvest a record wheat crop, in excess of 90 million tonnes, 3.4% more than 2011-2012, the government is managing to clear its grain inventories to make space to hold the bumper crop. Albeit the procurement process has begun, the big push will come in April, 2012 when Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh start sending in their crop, which together account for more than 80% of the India's total production. In March, the total amount of food-grain in the central pool totalled 50 million tonnes (mt), while the Total Storage Capacity available with the Corporation was 30.2 mt in Covered Space and 3.4 mt in uncovered Scientific Storage, also known as Covered Area Plinth (CAP). (more...)

CBI calls Tatra chief Ravi Rishi for investigation

2012-04-01 15:04:32 puneet

Ravi Rishi, owner of the Vectra Group called by the CBI for investigation. Mr Rishi, a London-based businessman is the chief of Vectra Group which has majority stake in Tatra trucks, a Czech manufacturer. The interrogation is probable to relate to the allegements of offering a bribe of Rs 14 Crore to Army Chief General V.K.Singh for the purchase of their vehicles, as averred by V.K.Singh in his letter to the Prime Minister.

Nancy Powell confirmed as US envoy to India

2012-04-01 15:04:35 puneet

Career Diplomat Nancy Powell confirmed by the US Senate as Ambassador to India, a position that had remained empty for the past year since President Obama's first ambassador to India, former congressman Timothy Roemer, had announced his resignation in April 2011. In December 2011, US President Barack Obama had nominated Ms Nancy Powell as his next Ambassador to India but since then her name was waiting for an approval from the Senate. Preciously, Ms Powell had served as US envoy in Pakistan and Nepal and holds the prestigious rank of Career Ambassador.

'Frankenstein monster' Lokpal may further raise corruption: Katju

2012-04-01 15:04:46 puneet

Press Council Chairman Markandey Katju recommended the Parliament to refer the Lokpal Bill to a Standing Committee for additional deliberation so that practical corruption investigation machinery can be shaped. Mr. Katju held that in its its present state, the Bill can create a parallel bureaucracy that could turn into a Frankenstein monster and increase corruption. He held that whether it is the Jan Lokpal Bill or the Sarkari Lokpal Bill, the legislation ideated supervising the work of some 55 lakh government employees in the country from the PM to a peon. Thus, one person cannot investigate into the millions of complaints which are sure to pour in thus demanding for thousands of Lokpals, who will have to be given salaries and amenities like housing, offices and staff and further there is no guarantee that these will not themselves become corrupt. Mr. Katju held that considering the low level of morality prevailing in India, we can be fairly certain that a large number of Lokpal Officers may turn corrupt and may also become blackmailers.

Mr. Katju held that whilst Anna Hazare is an honest person, his ideas are not scientific.

India gives over US $4 million to UNDEF

2012-04-01 14:04:39 puneet

Over US $4 million contributes by India to the UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF). Thus, Indias total contribution to UNDEF is now $30 million since the Fund was launched in 2005. UNDEF was launched in 2005 by Indian PM Manmohan Singh, the then US President George Bush and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in New York in for furtherance of democratic values. India is the second largest contributor to the UNDEF. At the origin of the fund, India had contributed US$10 million followed by contributions of US$ five million each in 2008, 2009 and 2011. Objective: UNDEF supports projects that reinforce the voice of civil society, encourage human rights and promote contribution of all groups in democratic processes. Since its foundation, UNDEF has funded about 400 projects in over 100 countries, bringing total disbursal to about US $ 110 mn.

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