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#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<string.

h> //We need to define our list structure typedef struct _List_t{ char *string; struct _List_t *next; }List_t; //We need to define our hash table itself typedef struct _HashTable_t{ int size; List_t **table; }HashTable_t; HashTable_t *CreateTable(int); HashTable_t *CreateTable(int size) { HashTable_t *NewTable; //We wil need to alocate memory both for the table structure //and the table itself NewTable=(HashTable_t*)malloc(sizeof(HashTable_t)); NewTable->table=(List_t**)malloc(sizeof(HashTable_t)); //Initially we will need for the table elements to be NULL for(int i=0;i<size;i++) NewTable->table[i]=NULL; //We also need to set size of the table NewTable->size=size; return NewTable; } unsigned int hash(HashTable_t *hashtable, char *str) { unsigned int hashval=0; if (str!=NULL) hashval=hashval*37 + *str; *(str+1); return hashval%hashtable->size; } //We need to define our search function List_t *search(HashTable_t *hashtable, char *str) { List_t *list; unsigned int hashval=hash(hashtable,str); for(list=hashtable->table[hashval];list!=NULL;list=list->next) if(strcmp(str,list->string)==0) { return list; } return NULL; }

//We need the insertion function int insert(HashTable_t *hashtable, char *str) { List_t *NewList; List_t *CurentList; unsigned int hashval=hash(hashtable,str); NewList=(List_t*)malloc(sizeof(List_t)); //Is the item already in the list? CurentList=search(hashtable,str); //Handling a positive search if(CurentList !=NULL) return 2; //Finally the insertion NewList->string=_strdup(str); NewList->next=hashtable->table[hashval]; hashtable->table[hashval]=NewList; return 0; } //We'll need to implement 2 clear functions:one for clearing a specific value i n the table, and another one to clear up the table itself void ClearKey(HashTable_t *hashtable,char *str); void ClearKey(HashTable_t *hashtable,char *str){ List_t *list,*temp; int hashval=hash(hashtable,str); //We position ourselves on index of the table, because that's where our head of the list is list=hashtable->table[hashval]; while(list!=NULL){ //If we found what we are looking for erase it if(list->string=str) temp=list; list=list->next; free(temp); } } void ClearTable(HashTable_t); void ClearTable(HashTable_t *hashtable) { List_t *list,*temp; if(hashtable!=NULL) for(int i=0;i<hashtable->size;i++){ list=hashtable->table[i]; while(list!=NULL){ temp=list; list=list->next; free(temp->string); free(temp); } } free(hashtable->table); free(hashtable); } void main() {

char sel,s[12]; HashTable_t *MyHashTable; int TableSize=12; MyHashTable=CreateTable(TableSize); printf("Select an operation\n"); printf("1. Insert 2. Search 3. Erase Other=Quit\n"); sel=getch(); switch(sel) { case 'l': printf("Enter the key:\n"); scanf("%c",&s); insert(MyHashTable,s); break; case '2': printf("What key are you looking for?\n"); scanf("%c",&s); search(MyHashTable,s); break; case '3': printf("What key do you aim to delete?\n"); scanf("%c",&s); ClearKey(MyHashTable,s); break; case '4': ClearTable(MyHashTable); break; default: printf("Invalid option"); } }

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