Tutorial 2 Q

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Tutorial 2 DAS 14203 1. A 1.00 m3 volume of water is subjected to a pressure of 1.08108 Pa.

What is the change in volume of the water, expressed in cm3? This pressure is approximately the pressure at the deepest part of the ocean in the Mariana Trench (approximately 11 km deep) off the southeastern coast of Japan. 2. What pressure increase will decrease the volume of a maple of water by 1.0%? 3. A plank 2.00 cm thick and 15 cm wide is firmly attached to the railing of a ship by clamps so that the rest of the board extends 2.00 m horizontally over the sea below. A man of mass 80.0 kg is forced to stand on the very end. If the end of the board drops by 5.00 cm because of the mans weight, find the shear modulus of the wood. 4. Assume that if the shear stress in steel exceeds about 4.00108 Nm-2, the steel ruptures. Determine the shearing force necessary to (a) shear a steel bolt 1.00 cm in diameter and (b) punch a 1.00 cm diameter hole in a steel plate 0.500 cm thick. 5. A defensive lineman of mass M = 125 kg makes a flying tackle at v = 4 ms-1 on a stationary quarterback of mass m = 85.0 kg. and the linemans helmet makes a solid contact with the quarterbacks femur. (a) what is the speed vf of the two athletes immediately after the contact? Assume a linear inelastic collision. (b) If the collision lasts for 0.100 s, estimate the average force exerted on the quarterbacks femur? (c) If the cross-sectional area of the quarterbacks femur is equal to 5.0010-4 m2, calculate the shear stress exerted on the bone in the collision. 6. A steel pipe of length L= 4.0 ft, outside diameter do= 6.0 in. and inside diameter di=4.5 in. is compressed by an axial force P = 140 k. The material has a Youngs modulus, Y = 30000 ksi (206.84 GPa) and Poissons ratio of 0.30. Determine the following quantities for the pipe (a) the shortening of the pipe L (b) the lateral strain. (c) the increase do in the outer diameter and the increase di in the inner diameter, and (d) the increase t in the wall thickness.

DAS 14203 Tutorial 3 Hydrostatics 1) A solid sphere has a radius of 1.5cm and a mass of 0.038kg. What is the specific gravity of the sphere? 2) A certain pycnometer (a small flask used for density measurements) weighs 20.00g when empty, 22.00g when filled with water, and 21.76g when filled with benzene. a) Find the density of benzene. b) For every accurate measurements of density, the weight of air in the empty flask must be taken into account. What mass of air fills the pycnometer? 3) The weight density of water is 62.5 lb/ft3. A piece of cork has a specific gravity of 0.25 and weighs 4 lb in air. Find the volume in cubic feet of this piece of cork. 4) An 80kg metal cylinder 2m long and with each end of area 25cm2 stands vertically on one end. What pressure does the cylinder exert on the floor? 5) Atmospheric pressure is about 100kPa. How large a force does the air in a room exert on the inside of a window pane that is 40cm x 80 cm? 6) At a height of 10km above sea level, atmospheric pressure is about 210mm of mercury. What is the resultants normal force on a 600cm2 window of an airplane flying at this height? Assume hydrostatics conditions and a pressure inside the plane 760 mm of mercury. The density of mercury is 13600 kg/m 3. 7) The pressure gauge shown in Figure 3.1 has a spring for which k=60N/m, and the area of the piston is 0.50cm2. Its right end is connected to a closed container of gas at a gauge pressure of 30kPa. How far will the spring be compressed if the region containing the spring is a) in vacuum and b) open to the atmosphere? Atmospheric pressure is 101kPa. Spring

F Figure 3.1 Area

8) The height of the mercury column in a barometer is 760 mm. Find the pressure of the atmosphere in Pascals. 9) Find the pressure at a depth of 10m in water when the atmospheric pressure is that corresponding to a mercury column of height 760mm. The densities of water and mercury are 10 3kg/m3 and 13.6x103kg/m3.

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