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Progress Report

eSkwela (ICT4BE)
as of November 28, 2007

Project Overview

The eSkwela Project is a flagship project of the Commission on

Information and Communications Technology (CICT), through its Human
Capital Development Group (HCDG), that is envisioned to provide ICT-
enhanced educational opportunities for Filipino out-of-school youth and adults.
It likewise aims to help reduce the digital divide and enhance the capacity of
these individuals to be successful participants in a global and knowledge-based
economy. The initiative responds directly to a national development priority and
will bring elearning opportunities and ICT for learning resources to mobile
teachers / instructional managers and out-of-school learners in the Philippines in
an exciting, innovative, and locally meaningful way.

Under this project, community-based e-Learning Centers or eSkwelas will

be established in major urban centers around the country to conduct ICT-
enhanced alternative education programs for interested individuals. These
centers will serve as venues where out-of-school learners and other community
members can learn new skills and competencies, review for the Accreditation
and Equivalency (A&E) Exam of the DepEd-Bureau of Alternative Learning
System (BALS), and/or help prepare learners to rejoin the formal school system,
if so desired.

CICT-HCDG was able to secure a grant from the APEC Education

Foundation (Korea) for the establishment of eSkwela Centers in four (4) pilot
sites, namely: Quezon City, San Jose del Monte, Cebu City, and Cagayan de Oro
City. Recipient communities are provided with 21 units of networked
computers, relevant peripherals, one-year Internet connectivity, funds for site
renovation, relevant educator’s training, elearning modules (developed by the
Sandiwaan Center for Learning), a customized Learning Management System
(LMS), and project monitoring and evaluation. In return, these communities are
expected to commit to the use of the ICT-based eSkwela Instructional Design –
using the elearning materials and the customized LMS – within DepEd’s ALS
A&E framework. Community stakeholders are likewise expected to participate
heavily in the project by managing the Center operations; opening up venues for
collaborative, relevant, and engaged learning; and providing support for
community-based learner projects.

Funding from eGov Fund 2006

Additional funding amounting to P30 Million has been received from the
eGovernment Fund 2006, under the ICT4BE Program of HCDG which likewise
covers 320 iSchools sites and various Content Development projects.

The original project design was supposed to use the money to establish 14
more sites around the country to serve as additional pilot sites and models for
future wide-scale deployment. However, recent developments such as inquiries
from various parties (LGUs, NGOs, etc.) who are interested in financing the
infrastructure component of the project (i.e. site renovation and hardware
acquisition and installation) convinced CICT management to devote the new
funding on developing additional elearning modules that will be beneficial to the
nation’s out-of-school youth and adults. Further, communities can tap existing
ICT infrastructure that are not being maximized (i.e. in schools, in internet cafes,
in barangay halls, in Community eCenters) to serve as the community’s
counterpart contribution to the project and thus heighten community ownership
for the project.

As such, the project was redesigned to use the P30 Million for the

Component/Activity Status
Development of ALS • Four (4) partner State Universities and Colleges were
& livelihood/voc- tapped to develop 120 ALS modules through
tech elearning individual MOAs (progress payments): Benguet State
modules University (BSU), Bukidnon State University (BukSU),
Cavite State University (CvSU), Western Visayas
College of Science and Technology (WVCST)
o The capability building workshops for these 4
groups commenced this week and will run
through January 2008.
o The first set of working scripts will be out by
December 2007, with storyboarding following
suit that will form as the basis for the alpha and
beta versions of the elearning modules. We
scheduled a staggered release of the certified
modules on March, June, August, and October

o We have likewise submitted the draft MOA
with DepEd enumerating their counterpart
responsibilities in this sub-project – we hope
that the document gets signed by early
December 2007.
• By early December, CICT will likewise be entering
into a MOA with WVCST for the development of the
1st set of livelihood courses for eSkwela, in partnership
with TESDA. There are four (4) courses targeted,
totaling 65 modules. The modules are targeted to be
released by December 2008.
Core Team • The eSkwela Project Team tapped representatives
Orientation, from BALS and the four (4) pilot sites to become part
Planning, and of the eSkwela Core Team. Members of this team will
Training Workshop be the ones who will be conducting the Regional
Roadshows and Trainers’ Training implementations.
• A Core Team Orientation, Planning, and Training
Workshop was held last Oct 8-12, 2007 to finalize the
materials for the upcoming workshop and to train the
core team of trainers so as to ensure consistent
implementations across teams.
Regional Roadshows • The roadshows were designed to allow the Core Team
promote the eSkwela Project from region to region as
well as meet and network with future partners who
would be willing to set up their own community-
based eSkwela initiatives.
• As with the Content Development component, the
eSkwela Project team partnered with several SUCs
through Event Management Proposals (100% transfer
of funds; SUCs to submit Audited Financial Reports
and savings). SUCs were tasked to coordinate with
their respective DepEd Regional and Division Offices,
invite and confirm the attendance of participants,
source the venue and caterer, and provide board and
lodging for live-in participants.
o The tentative schedule for the roadshows is
shown in the attached document.
• The first two (2) implementations were held in Region

IV-A and Region III on November 22 and 28,
o The reception has been wonderful from these
two regions. As expected, there were a lot of
questions on how to set up and operate
eSkwela. Afternoon sessions were scheduled
so that the Core Team members could meet
with the DepEd Regional and Division ALS
officials to come up with an initial strategic
plan on how eSkwela can be rolled out in their
respective reagions.
o The Core Team will be meeting at CICT on
November 29, 2007 to discuss various concerns
and recommendations on how to ensure
successful future roadshow implementations.
Trainers' Training • This project component aims to develop a pool of
(clusters of regions) trainers for each region that can be tapped by
interested eSkwela "investors" for their training
• Trainers will be trained on how to conduct the
following eSkwela courses:
o Center Management - new course on center set-
up, operations, and sustainability
o Teacher Training - meant for Mobile Teachers
and Instructional Managers; concentration will
be on ALS, ICT4E, use of the modules vis-a-vis
the LMS, including a site visit for observations
of actual sessions
o Network Admin/Lab Mgt - technical skills in
Linux OS, networking, maintaining the
facilities and equipment, including a site visit
for observations of actual sessions
• The Project Team scheduled six implementations from
January to March 2008. As with the Content
Development and Regional Roadshow components,
SUCs were tapped via Training Management
Proposals (100% transfer of funds; SUCs to submit
Audited Financial Reports and savings).
AEF Conference • Mr. Avelino Mejia represented the eSkwela Project

(Nov 20-21) Team during the recent AEF Conference held in Cebu
City (Nov. 19-20). He gave a short assessment of the
project, including the various success stories and birth
pains that the project team experienced during the
pilot implementation. He also showed some clippings
and feedback from the learners and teachers of the
four (4) pilot sites.
o The AEF Board of Directors was greatly
impressed with the project's progress - stating
that AEF would be open to supporting
eSkwela's efforts inthe future.
• The eSkwela – eGov Fund 2006 sponsored a site visit
to eSkwela-Cebu and a special dinner for AEF and the
conference delegates. Chairman Chua attended the
Progress Monitoring • The eSkwela Project Team is constantly
communicating and coordinating with BALS and the
pilot site implementers – discussing and solving
various concerns, sharing success stories, etc.
• The results of such monitoring activities served as the
basis for the next Project Proposal submitted to the
CICT management for eGov Fund 2007 funding.
Project Management • The eSkwela Project Team is being managed by the
HCDG HEA, supported by a team of five capable and
dedicated individuals. Each project staff member,
while given personal areas of focus, are required to be
team players – i.e. always flexible and open to
• The team is comprised of two (2) CICT personnel and
four (4) contratuals.

Below is a list of Interested Groups for eSkwela Partnership that the

eSkwela Project Team has met through CICT network and because of numerous
presentations on eSkwela in various seminars and conferences (we expect the list
to get longer as we hold the Regional Roadshows in December):

• Quezon City barangays – through PGMA’s weekly roadshows on the

array of community projects being implemented by different government

• Baguio: Save Our Streetchildren Foundation – w/ 2-3 sites (working with
• Gawad Kalinga - Manila
• Congressmen/Councilors of QC
• CICT-Community eCenters of CICT & TELOF
• internet cafés (community-based either put up by community leaders or
private groups)
• community libraries
• Rotary Club centers
• Imus Internet Café Association
• La Union NGO
• School divisions (whose school laboratories can be used after school
• CAR ICT Committee
• E-Net (Education Network – Civil Society groups working with DepEd on
providing alternative learning to Filipinos)
• ALS or ADM providers who would like to include the eSkwela-ALS
model into their respective programs:
o DepEd-Lanao
o Angelicum
o Philrice
o ALS-Manila
o Marikina-LGU
o SUCs

As per the eSkwela Strategic Planning Workshop held last September 3-6, 2007:

VISION: The eSkwela Program (by 2010) will be widely available across the
Philippines to empower out-of-school youth and adults to be globally
competitive through the effective use of ICTs in alternative learning.
MISSION: In partnership with various groups, eSkwela provides out-of-school
youth and adults with opportunities towards attaining basic education
competence and life skills through an ICT-enabled environment.

Schedule for Regional Roadshow
Region Date Venue Partner SUC
1 12/3/2007 San Fernando, La Union Benguet SU
2 12/17/2007 Tuguegarao, Cagayan TSU
3 11/28/2007 Tarlac City TCA
4A 11/21/2007 Cavite State University CvSU
4B 12/11/2007 Puerto Princesa??? CvSU
5 12/6/2007 Legaspi City BU
6 12/3/2007 Iloilo City WVCST
7 12/7/2007 Cebu City CNU
8 12/6/2007 Tacloban City EVSU
9 12/13/2007 Zamboanga City WMSU
10 12/18/2007 Cagayan de Oro City BukSU
11 12/5/2007 Davao City BukSU
12 12/14/2007 General Santos City BukSU
CARAGA 12/17/2007 Butuan City NORMISIST
ARMM 12/6/2007 Kidapawan City BukSU
CAR 12/14/2007 Baguio City/BSU Benguet SU
NCR 12/18/2007 TELOF QC CICT

Schedule for Trainers' Training Tentativedates

Teacher Training + Network Admin - QC NCR,4a,4b,5 Jan. 7-11, 2008 Cavite State University
Teacher Training + Network Admin - SJDM 1,2,CAR,3 Jan. 7-11, 2008 CLSU
Teacher Training + Network Admin - Cebu 6,7,8,12 Jan. 21-25, 2008 Cebu City
Teacher Training + Network Admin - CDO 9,10,11,ARMM, CARAGA Jan. 21-25, 2008 NORMISIST/CDO
Center Mgt Training - Luzon 1,2,3,4a,4b,5,CAR,NCR Jan. 30-Feb.1, 2008 Bataan SU
Center Mgt Training - VisMin 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,CARAGA,ARMM Feb. 11-13, 2008 NORMISIST/Butuan City

Content Development Training Schedule

Instructional Design Nov 27-29 Benguet SU
Scriptwriting Dec 4-6 Cavite SU
Storyboarding Dec 11-13 WVCST
Advanced Flash Techniques Jan 7-11 BukSU

REMAINING EXPENSES: November 2007-December 2008 - eSkwela ICT4BE eGov Fund 2006

November December March June September October December totals

TOTAL REQUIRED BUDGET 29,699,965.30 5,754,547.05 13,234,256.25 4,291,392.00 2,905,831.00 1,216,216.00 1,385,561.00 912,162.00 29,699,965.30

Contracted Services 100% 15% 45% 20% 10% 0% 10% 0%

120 ALS modules + 10 mos project staff
Benguet SU 3,234,436.00 485,165.40 1,455,496.20 646,887.20 323,443.60 - 323,443.60 - 3,234,436.00
Bukidnon SU 3,417,234.00 512,585.10 1,537,755.30 683,446.80 341,723.40 - 341,723.40 - 3,417,234.00
Cavite SU 3,631,900.00 544,785.00 1,634,355.00 726,380.00 363,190.00 - 363,190.00 - 3,631,900.00
WVCST 3,572,040.00 535,806.00 1,607,418.00 714,408.00 357,204.00 - 357,204.00 - 3,572,040.00

65 livelihood modules 100% 15% 0% 25% 25% 20% 0% 15%

WVCST 6,081,080.00 912,162.00 - 1,520,270.00 1,520,270.00 1,216,216.00 - 912,162.00 6,081,080.00

100% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
BALS - module review
CICT 685,000.00 - 685,000.00 - - - - - 685,000.00
TESDA - module review
CICT 325,000.00 - 325,000.00 - - - - - 325,000.00

Regional Roadshows 100%

Region I Benguet SU 156,279.02 156,279.02 156,279.02
Region II Tarlac SU 112,736.45 112,736.45 112,736.45
Region III Tarlac College of Agri 217,632.10 217,632.10 217,632.10
CAR Benguet SU 169,665.41 169,665.41 169,665.41
Region IV-A Cavite SU 125,319.74 125,319.74 125,319.74
Region IV-B Cavite SU 151,517.52 151,517.52 151,517.52
Region V Bicol U 172,744.70 172,744.70 172,744.70
Region VI WVCST 154,349.71 154,349.71 154,349.71
Region VII Cebu Normal U 141,804.43 141,804.43 141,804.43
Region VIII EVSU 138,378.24 138,378.24 138,378.24
Region IX WMSU 138,934.22 138,934.22 138,934.22
Region X Bukidnon SU 138,606.34 138,606.34 138,606.34
Region XI Bukidnon SU 141,576.34 141,576.34 141,576.34
Region XII Bukidnon SU 136,833.84 136,833.84 136,833.84
CARAGA NORMISIST 109,875.74 109,875.74 109,875.74
NCR CICT 52,596.00 52,596.00 52,596.00
ARMM Bukidnon SU 131,853.74 131,853.74 131,853.74

Trainers' Training 100%

Teacher Trng & Network Admin - QC Cavite SU 656,821.94 656,821.94 656,821.94
Teacher Trng & Network Admin - SJDM CLSU 679,113.44 679,113.44 679,113.44
Teacher Trng & Network Admin - Cebu Cebu Normal U 734,611.19 734,611.19 734,611.19
Teacher Trng & Network Admin - CDO NORMISIST 787,868.24 787,868.24 787,868.24
Center Management - Luzon Bataan Peninsula SU 920,128.44 920,128.44 920,128.44
Center Management - VisMin NORMISIST 1,179,698.52 1,179,698.52 1,179,698.52

Project Staff (3 months) 153,980.00 76,990.00 76,990.00 153,980.00


Supplies (Roadshows & Trainings) 240,200.00 240,200.00 240,200.00

Printing Costs (Manuals) 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00

AEF Conference
travel 13,500.00 13,500.00 13,500.00
per diem 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00
accommodations (RARC, TDR) 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
dinner 10,500.00 10,500.00 10,500.00
souvenirs 6,750.00 6,750.00 6,750.00

Office Supplies 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00

Capital Outlay
PMO workspace & hardware 801,000.00 801,000.00 801,000.00

Other Expenses 53,000.00 20,000.00 33,000.00 53,000.00

communications, trips, meetings, Core Team workshops, mailing, etc.

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