Leadership Lesson 4

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Modern Whig Party of America Whig Academy Leadership Course Lesson 4: Acknowledging Change

Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 3 In this Lesson................................................................................................................................. 3 Definition of Change ..................................................................................................................... 3 Examples of Change ..................................................................................................................... 3 Response to Change ..................................................................................................................... 4 The Phases of Change .................................................................................................................. 4 The Phases of Change: Denial ..................................................................................................... 4 The Phases of Change: Resistance............................................................................................. 5 The Phases of Change: Exploration............................................................................................ 5 The Phases of Change: Commitment.......................................................................................... 6 Barriers and Resistance to Change............................................................................................. 6 Successful Change ....................................................................................................................... 6 Steps to Successful Change ........................................................................................................ 7 A VICTORY ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Review Exercises .......................................................................................................................... 8 Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 8

MWP Academy Leadership Course - Lesson 4

Welcome to the lesson Acknowledging Change. Many of us tend to resist change. Many of us are comfortable with the known and uncomfortable with the unknown. We can all agree change is inevitable, so we need to learn to live with it rather than against it. This lesson is all about change. Were going to discuss change and how we deal with it.

In this Lesson
This lesson explains the different definitions of change, responses to change, four phases of change, barriers and resistance to change, and required to successfully change.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Definechange. Discuss and relate the phases of resistance to change to personal experiences. Discuss strategies to overcome resistance to change.

Definition of Change
Click on the dictionary for a definition of change.

Change: A difference in routine. Atransformation. A substitution of something for another.

Examples of Change
Some changes are personal things that happen to each of us personally. Some examples of personal change include graduation from school, getting married, loss of a loved one, unexpected financial gain or loss, changing jobs, or moving. Some changes are organizational changes that happen within any organization. Examples include change in unit or organization command, mergers, buyouts, and closings. And some changes are societal changes that take place within a society. Examples of societal change include changes in government or laws, major catastrophes, politics, crime, or economy.

Change can be perceived as both good and bad. Change can be perceived as good because it keeps us fresh, from getting stale doing the same old thing all the time, and because if we dont like something it will change eventually. Change can be perceived as bad when its something we dont like or werent expecting.

MWP Academy Leadership Course - Lesson 4

Response to Change
How we react to change can depend on whether we have planned for the change or if we have to suddenly react to change. There are two basic ways individuals handle change.

Change Master The Change Master recognizes, is prepared for, and accepts change as an opportunity to improve or move forward in another direction.

Change Victim The Change Victim is often unprepared and overwhelmed by change. Change Victims have lost their sense of security and control and may become hostile, negative, or completely passive.

The Phases of Change

When we are faced with a change we resist, it helps to recognize there are four phases we go through. Denial. Resistance. Exploration. Commitment.

Lets discuss each of these phases in more detail.

The Phases of Change: Denial

The Denial Phase Think about the change you have experienced in your life that you found hard to accept. What feelings did you experience when you first found out about the change? Did you feel anger? Did you feel resistance? The denial phase involves resisting the truth and not accepting a change is occurring or has occurred. When going through a change, you need to recognize this step, and take the time necessary to experience and understand your thoughts and feelings. What can you do if you are in the Denial Phase? Try to define your fears and pinpoint the reasons you are avoiding the change. Ask yourself, What is the worst thing that can happen as a result of this change? If this is part of an organizational change, recognize your feelings as they relate to others and allow yourself to work through the change management phases, with or without others involved.

MWP Academy Leadership Course - Lesson 4

Seek information and accept the fact that the change is inevitable, and think realistically about the future.

The Phases of Change: Resistance

The Resistance Phase In this phase, reality sinks in and unpleasant emotions and actions may result. What kinds of feelings did you feel when faced with your change? Did you complain? Get angry? Withdraw? Become ill? These feelings are to be expected and are logical if you understand that your security and competence may be threatened. There is a heightened fear of failure and you may be reluctant to give up the known for the unknown. What can you do if you are in the Resistance Phase? Take care of yourself and find a way to let go of the past. Identify your reasons for resistance. Find out the reasons for change and look for positive challenges. Dont burn bridges or say things you might regret. Look for people who make you feel better and avoid those who bring you down. Identify the blocks that keep you from reaching out to others and moving on.

Recognize that you are resisting change and try to find positive ways to approach the change.

The Phases of Change: Exploration

The Exploration Phase During this phase, there is a shift to a more positive, future-oriented outlook. The change is accepted and potential outcomes are contemplated. Exploration, energy, experimentation, and a general openness to the change are the main components of this stage. What can you do if you are in the Exploration Phase? Avoid being scattered. Set priorities and use time management skills. Use the energy that comes with exploration and dont seek perfection. Temporary measures may allow you to move on and keep you from spinning your wheels over things you cant control.

Accept the change and spend you energy looking at ways to confront it and solve it.

MWP Academy Leadership Course - Lesson 4

The Phases of Change: Commitment

The Commitment Phase Now you are ready for a new form and cohesion to emerge. If you successfully go through the change phases, what would you have learned? More than likely, you would have learned personal strengths and weaknesses, personal reactions to change, and what to do with them. Try to be proactive toward change instead of being reactive; adapting to change is better than resisting it. Mastering change means taking control of your life. Visualize in your mind a picture of your future and work towards that goal. What are some things you might do? At this point, you should recognize what you have been through and learn from your strengths and weaknesses. Take time to celebrate your success, and try to avoid the letdown that sometimes follows the completion of an important accomplishment. Now is a time for growth, so set new and more challenging goals. Find out how to avoid returning to a previous phase of the change process.

Barriers and Resistance to Change

As with any process, there can be resistance to the change process. What are some of the factors that can be barriers to overcoming change? Uncertainty. Fear of the unknown. Feelings of loss. Mistrust of new ideas. Fear of failure. To understand and overcome these barriers, you must understand the need for change, obtain and provide information of the new situation, and evaluate similar situations as a resource.

Successful Change
Managing change means planning, realizing, controlling, and finally stabilizing the change in your life. Once you do, you have become a successful Change Master. Those who have learned to be successful Change Masters have some secrets to their success. Change Masters demonstrate some similar change management strategies:

MWP Academy Leadership Course - Lesson 4

They first have a commitment to succeed whether it is in their careers, their marriages, or in their personal growth. They feel that change should be viewed as an opportunity. They network, seeking help from family, friends, and coworkers, and also offer help to those around them. They try to recognize and focus on situations they can influence and control, and let go of those they cant. They possess an overall feeling of optimism and challenge and resist limiting, pessimistic thoughts and actions.

Steps to Successful Change

In addition to the secrets to success, there are six steps that can improve the change process for individuals and organizations. Following these steps can lead to continued success when faced with change. Looking at these steps, which do you find most challenging? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Recognize the need for change. Determine goals of the change or a vision of what the change will be. Develop a plan to implement the change. Seek support, knowledge, or resources to improve the situation. Follow through the implementation of the change plan. Evaluate the plan for future use.

Keep in mind some key factors to successfully adapt to change. Be a Change Master by focusing your attention on A VICTORY. Click on each letter in the acronym to see what that letter stands for.

Ability - Are the resources and capabilities available? Values - Do your values support the change? Idea / Information - Is the idea and information about the change understood? Circumstances - What factors affect the change? Timing - Are you ready for the change? Obligation - Are you ready and committed? Resistance - How can you overcome resistance to the change? Yield - What are the benefits and outcome of the change?

MWP Academy Leadership Course - Lesson 4

Review Exercises
1. What are some of the definitions of change? Click all that apply. a. A difference in routine b. A transformation c. A substitution of something for another d. A decision to remain true to ones self

2. Which type of event is a form of personal change? a. Loss of a loved one b. Reorganization of a unit c. Increase in crime

3. Which phase of change does the following description best define?: Reality sinks in and unpleasant emotions and actions may result a. b. c. d. Denial Resistance Exploration Commitment

4. What are some of the barriers and resistance to change? Click all that apply. a. Uncertainty b. Fear of the unknown c. Feelings of loss d. Mistrust of new ideas e. New opportunities

5. Which is the last step in the process of successful change? a. Seek support, knowledge, or resources to improve the situation b. Evaluate the plan for future use c. Follow through the implementation of the change plan d. Evaluate the plan for future use

Congratulations! This completes the lesson Acknowledging Change. In this lesson, you learned about the different definitions of change, responses to change, four phases of change, barriers and resistance to change, and required to successfully change.

You should now be able to:

MWP Academy Leadership Course - Lesson 4

Definechange. Discuss and relate the phases of resistance to change to personal experiences. Discuss strategies to overcome resistance to change.

This document property of the Modern Whig Party of America PAC and is not part of any specific candidacy or political campaign.

MWP Academy Leadership Course - Lesson 4

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