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A NARRATIVE REPORT On the Job Training at BlueBit Business and E-Solutions Enterprise Unit 7, 232 2nd Floor, Auto

Part Center, JLSD Bldg. Kalayaan Homes Molino Blvd corner Molino II Bacoor, Cavite

Presented to the Faculty of Computer Studies Department CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY IMUS CAMPUS Imus, Cavite

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Submitted to: Joan C. Candelaria OJT Coordinator

Submitted by: Ellizar S. Calinga Student Trainee

May 2012


Imus Campus
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV, Imus, Cavite (7 (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70/ (046) 686-2349

APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements in ON-THE-JOB TRAINING for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, this narrative report has been prepared and submitted by


Accepted and approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements in the course BACHELOR of SCIENCE in COMPUTER SCIENCE, with a rating of _______.

JOAN C. CANDELARIA OJT Coordinator, Computer Studies Dept. Date:

MILDRED T. APOSTOL Chairperson, Computer Studies Dept. Date:

GILCHOR P. CUBILLO Dean, CvSU-Imus Campus Date:


Despite of the many efforts, trials and hardships exerted during m y t r a i n i n g , I w o u l d l i k e t o d e d i c a t e a l l m y a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s a n d success to our Almighty God for His many blessings showered upon me, to my loving parents for their moral and financial supports. TO MR. ARIEL P. ASINAS for giving me the opportunity to work, enhance and share my ability and knowledge to the company. to Cavite State University as my very foundation in molding my abilities and knowledge in relation to office and computer works, to my co-trainees who became part of my daily activities in my on-the-job training, to my classmates and friends who were always there to gave me their comforting words and advises to work hard and better.

Ellizar S. Calinga


I dedicate this completion of training To my family most especially to my parents Whos always been very supportive with my studies

To my relatives and friends For sharing their thoughts and experiences


Approval Sheet Acknowledgment Dedication Table of Contents

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ii iii iv v 2 3 4 5

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Objectives of OJT ... CHAPTER II: THE TRAINING AGENCY/COMPANY PROFILE Company Philosophy. Mission ......... Vision . Values . History of Company . Industrial Linkages and Coordination Office ... CHAPTER III: COMPANY ORGANIZATION Profiles of the Company.. Organizational Chart Function of the Company. Expected Benefits CHAPTER IV: EXPERIENCE EVALUATION OJT Experience. Insights Problem Encountered Suggestion and Recommendation Weekly Report.. APPENDICES A. Endorsement Letter.. B. Acceptance Letter. C. Memorandum of Agreement (optional) D. Daily Time Record E. Practicum Evaluation F. Certificate of Completion. G. Photos ... AUTHORS PROFILE..


Imus Campus
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV, Imus, Cavite (7 (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70/ (046) 686-2349

Computer Studies Department CERTIFICATION

__________________ Date

To whom it may concern: This is to certify that the narrative report of ELLIZAR S. CALINGA has been read for English and is now ready for final reproduction.

Mr. Sandy L. Adriano English Critic (Signature Over Printed Name) _________________ Dat CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION

On the job training or OJT is one method by which students is given a chance to apply the theories and computations that they have learned from the school. It also helps the students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. Colleges and universities require their students t o u n d e r g o s u c h t r a i n i n g w i t h i n a s p e c i f i c n u m b e r o f h o u r s a s p a r t o f t h e curriculum.For the students, an OJT or internship program provides opportunities to go t h r o u gh the actual

m e t h o d o l o g i e s o f a s p e c i f i c j o b u s i n g t h e r e a l t o o l s , equipments and documents. In effect, the workplace becomes a development venue for a student trainee to learn more about his chosen field and practice what he has learn from academy. On the other hand, an effective OJT program also benefits the companies who accept trainees. First OJT or intern provides additional manpower for a lesser labor cost than a regular employee. Most of them are all eager to learn the ropes so chances are high that they will cooperate. Employers can use this internship strategy as a method in recruiting new employees. Since the trainer or the supervisor can follow the trainees progress, he can gauge based on performance, behavior and attitude if the trainee will make a good recruit after the completion of his internship.

OJTs can bring fresh ideas into the organization. Given the opportunity to s p e a k t h e i r minds freely and without fear, they may be able to contribute significantly in brainstorming sessions or research and eventually help improve the organizations productivity. While training the interns, employers are in fact also teaching their employees to process of guiding the trainees stretches their patience, develops teaching skills and makes them more sensitive to the needs and mind set of the younger

generation. The course of supervision also teaches them how to share what they know and be receptive to questions. Hence, the i n t e r n s h i p a l s o b e c o m e s a n a v e n u e i n t r a i n i n g f o r f u t u r e m a n a g e r s o f t h e company. Accommodating onthe-job trainees can truly be beneficial not only to the trainees but also to the companies that provide opportunities for this type of learning. There is wisdom in the front lines. Such training can be an investment that will be valuable to the company later on. This is also why trainees should take their internship seriously as it can become a powerful tool and possibly even source of recommendation when they take that big lift from being students to career professionals.


Enhance and practice my skills with the help of IT professionals and harmonize with a team of experienced professionals for my individual as well as corporate development.

Acquire new knowledge and skills required in the practice of their profession. Discover God-given potentials, physically, mentally, morally and emotionally through familiarization of actual office practices and protocols.

Experience and understand the operations of their field of specialization in preparation for them to face the world.


Company Philosophy

The computer has become an intrinsic necessity in many facets of the society, from home, school to many businesses and industries. But the challenge is delivering and sharing the right technology to the right people and making it affordable. For a developing country like the Philippines, price becomes almost second nature in choosing the right kind of equipment and very few providers can offer low-priced computer peripherals.

BlueBit was established to provide the latest and best-of-breed equipment that the computer industry has to offer. From its humble beginning in 2011, opening a ship at Molino II Bacoor, Cavite, BlueBit would like to become one of the admired computer retailers in the country. It carries the widest range of products suited for all market segments.

Apart from offering computer parts, BlueBit is prepared to provide after-sale services and consulting to buyers. BlueBit makes customers aware of their needs and the products that go well with their requirements. The thrust is to deliver fast, effective, and practical service.


BlueBit is committed to achieving continuing excellence in the computer retail industry by: Adopting customer focused activity management by exceeding customer expectations and wants with the newest lines of computer products and quality services. In recognizing our employees as the most important resource and inspiring them to be the best they can be.


BlueBit is not just about satisfying the technological demands of a fast-paced and globalized economy. It is about affordability and long-term value for todays home, businesses and enterprises. It is about offering clients first-rate computer products for less. BlueBit aims to lead the market in the retail and distribution of the newest line of computer products, providing high-quality and cost effective goods and the best customer support to various market sector.

CORE VALUES Teamwork (People) We value human capital as the source of our strength and success.

Integrity We are honest, open, and professional in all our activities. Excellence We are a results-driven organization dedicated to outstanding performance. Customer Delight We give our customers the best solutions for their business. Social Responsibility We are committed to aspirations that generate benefits for the communities where we work.


Tiny it may be, a drop of water can send ripples munch enormous than itself. In a serene environment, concentric waves produce vibrations gradually turning irregular, splashing with each other after racing to the boundary. A year ago that drop was BlueBit.

What was once a droplet is now a small wave in the field of PC components retail.BlueBit delivers affordability and long-term value in todays fast-paced and globalized economy. High-quality and cost-effective goods fill the demand in various market sectors. Today, Bluebit continues to create the same waves that shake the industry. Established in 2011, Our Company is based in the heart of BACOOR, CAVITE and is committed to give you the best services for your PC and Laptop. We will provide personalized services to your PC & LAPTOP in accordance to what it needs to be more efficient, more effective and will still perform the way it should be. We provide SPA for Laptop & PC to regain its best before performance and we guarantee 20% to 30% increase in performance compare to the day you bring it to us.


It is a great privileged to worked and be part of BlueBit Business and E Solutions Enterprise team. The company provides me new knowledge that can be used in making a career path to Computer Industry.

Mr. Ariel P. Asinas the owner of the company, teaches us How to deal with other people when it comes to Business, the importance and flow of the business through Marketing Strategies, Business Ethics, an Over view of Computer Hardware and its functions. I, was assigned and trained to the Marketing and Sales Department by Mr. Ariel P. Asinas together with my companion Mr. Jhon Eleazar F. Isuga from the Technical Department as one of his apprentice in creating a Marketing Strategic plan for the Development of the Company and was appointed to create a Networking Page Site that will catch the interest of the costumer to buy computer parts and peripherals.

Creating Web pages for the company is time consuming; it must be detailed starting from the design, the header, its fonts and the content of the page. Photos of the products was captured, edited and uploaded by me to make the content of the pages more interesting. This will help other people to know about the company, its objectives and the products that are available. Updating and Searching for other sources to improve the site add new learnings to me from time to time. I too was assigned in the Technical department, helping our manager Mr. Asinas and my companion on technical job has improve my skills in troubleshooting computer problems. Everyday, new knowledge is acquired and experience is being made.

The Experience and Knowledge that BlueBit Business and E-Solutions has given to me was something that I can used in creating my Business Career in the future as a Computer Science Student.

Insights Problem Encountered Suggestion and Recommendation

The First thing I noticed was that the position of the company was in an isolated place which costumers and other people could not notice unless they see the banners on top of the walls. The Manual process of making transactions to the costumer in accepting computer/laptops, writing and finding their records could take time to finish.

To solve this problem, I and my co-worker Mr. Isuga suggested in creating an Inventory System that will help the company to make transactions more convenient and less time consuming. Creating a Marketing Strategy, Posting on the internet and creating Flyers and Technical Support with all my knowledge is the least thing I can do to help the company.


Imus Campus
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV, Imus, Cavite (7 (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70/ (046) 686-2349

STUDENT ON THE JOB TRAINING WEEKLY REPORT Name: Ellizar S. Calinga Course and Section: BSCS-3B Period Cover: May 04 10, 2012 Training Station: Sales and Marketing Department No. of Hours 4 8 7 8 9 9

Days 1 2 3 4 5 6

Summary of Work, Duties and Responsibilities Orientation, Doing Technical Operations of Computer Hardware Creating website for the Company and updating sales Creating designs and uploading photos of products Making a marketing strategy to introduce the site, updating product information Analyzing codes for the inventory system, updating website Selling products and repairing computer

Prepared by: Ellizar S. Calinga OJT Trainee

Checked by: Ariel P. Asinas Trainor/Supervisor

Noted by: Joan C. Candelaria OJT Coordinator


Imus Campus
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV, Imus, Cavite (7 (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70/ (046) 686-2349

STUDENT ON THE JOB TRAINING WEEKLY REPORT Name: Ellizar S. Calinga Course and Section: BSCS 3B Period Cover: May 11- 18, 2012 Training Station: Sales and Marketing Department No. of Hours 3 10 9 9 7 8

Days 7 8 9 10 11 12

Summary of Work, Duties and Responsibilities General Cleaning Creating Pliers, Updating web photos Adding details on the companys website, researching Taking photos and Editing Pictures of products Designing of web page and updating product photos Analyzing and Creating Marketing Strategy for the web page

Prepared by: Ellizar S. Calinga OJT Trainee

Checked by: Ariel P. Asinas Trainor/Supervisor

Noted by: Joan C. Candelaria OJT Coordinator


Imus Campus
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV, Imus, Cavite (7 (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70/ (046) 686-2349

STUDENT ON THE JOB TRAINING WEEKLY REPORT Name: Ellizar S. Calinga Course and Section: BSCS 3B Period Cover: May 19 27, 2012 Training Station: Marketing/Technical Department No. of Hours 6 6 8 10 10 4

Days 13 14 15 16 17 18

Summary of Work, Duties and Responsibilities Creating Facebook Web page for the Company Searching for other source to develop the site Implementing other functions for the companys website Accepting repairs, developing web, troubleshooting Technical Support, formatting, web developing Updating of web page, uploading photos

Prepared by: Ellizar S. Calinga OJT Trainee

Checked by: Ariel P. Asinas Trainor/Supervisor Noted by: Joan C. Candelaria OJT Coordinator


Imus Campus
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV, Imus, Cavite (7 (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70/ (046) 686-2349

STUDENT ON THE JOB TRAINING WEEKLY REPORT Name: Ellizar S. Calinga Course and Section: BSCS 3B Period Cover: May 29 June 08 Training Station: Marketing/Technical Department No. of Hours 10 10.5 8.5 9 8 7 8 7.5

Days 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Summary of Work, Duties and Responsibilities Accepting PC for Upgrades and Installation Replenishing Stocks for Clients ( Valenzuela ) Browsing the net to develop Marketing Strategy Updating and uploading Photos on the Companys Facebook Page Creating reports for the product Price list, updating web page Computer Spa, troubleshooting and Installing new OS Creating Banner, Updating Sales Creating Mark up Price and Marketing Strategy for the Product

Prepared by: Ellizar S. Calinga OJT Trainee

Checked by: Ariel P. Asinas Trainor/Supervisor Noted by: Joan C. Candelaria OJT Coordinator

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