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1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____

11. _____ 12. _____ 13. _____ 14. _____ 15. _____ 16. _____ 17. _____ 18. _____ 19. _____ 20. _____

21. _____ 22. _____ 23. _____ 24. _____ 25. _____ 26. _____ 27. _____ 28. _____ 29. _____ 30. _____

English Teacher: Daniela Molina Arellano Student name:_________________________________Grade:_____ El presente examen tiene la finalidad de diagnosticar tu nivel de ingls. Consta de 30 reactivos distribuidos en cuatro secciones. Vocabulario Gramtica Funciones Lectura LEE CUIDADOSAMENTE ANTES DE CONTESTAR ! VOCABULARY SECTION (1 8) 1. My uncle Works in an office. Hes _________. a) a homemaker b) an accountant c) a dancer d) an actor 2. This clothing store sells a lot of_________. a) sweaters b) staplers c) food d) CDs 3. Paula is my mothers sister. Paula is my _________. a) uncle b) cousin c) aunt d) niece

4. Peter doesnt talk much. Hes _________. a) good-looking b) rich c)shy d) charming 5. How often do you _________ music? a) like b) eat c) help d) listen to 6. We have a big _________ in our kitchen. a) garden b) bathtub c) refrigerator d) bed 7. Id like a glass of milk and some ________pie. a) fish b) onion c) apple d) egg 8. A: Does she watch TV? B: Yes. She _________ about two hours a day. a) watching b) watch c) are watch d) watches GRAMMAR SECTION (9-15) 9. A: Is this Anns briefcase? B: Yes, it _________. a) arent b) are c) isnt d) is

27. Levi buys himself a tool kit. What else does he buy? a) a game and a pack of gum b) a key chain and a pack of gum c) a key chain and a guitar d) a game and a key chain 28. Levis mom call him a sweet boy because a) it is his birthday b) he eats a lot of candy on his birthday c) he waits until the next day to go to the store d) he buys something for his mom and little sister.

29. Levi doesnt know that a) he has received many presents b) his baseball jersey is too big c) most things he wants cost more than 20 dollars d) his sister has more money than he does
30. Levi goes to the store with his I. sister II. mother III. uncle

a) I only b) I and II c) II and III d) I, II, and III

Will you buy me something, too? asks Levis little sister Maybe Levi, says. He runs to look around the store. Ugh! The guitar costs more than 20 dollars. The video game costs more than 20 dollars. The camera costs more than 20 dollars. The tool kit costs 12 dollars. Levi buys the tool kit. He buys his little sister a key chain. He buys his mom a pack of gum. You are a sweet boy, Levi mom tells him. QUESTIONS
23. How does Levi feel about his presents? I. He likes all of them II. He likes the money best III. He likes the game least. a) I only b) I and II c) II and III I, II, and III 24. Levi dream about buying a _________ a) bike b) camera c) key chain d) baseball jersey

10. A: How do I get to the hotel? B: _________ right at the corner. a) turn b) turns c) turning d) to turn
11. _________ a post office near here. a) There are b) There is c) They are d) They is

12. A: is Sandra _________ her boyfriend? B: Yes, she is. a) go meet b) going c) going to meet d) meets 13. A: Do you _________sushi? B: No, I dont. a) likes b) like c) likes to d) liking

25. Levis mom frowns at Levi because he _____ a) is mean to his sister b) asks for more money. c) does not thank everyone for this gifts. d) wants to go to the store during the party

14. There _________ a lot of water in the lake a) is b) are c) is being d) arent
15. A: _________ B: Shes tall, slim, and has dark hair. a) What does she look like? b) What does she like? c) Who is she? d) How is she?

26. When Levi goes to the store, it is a) morning b) afternoon c) evening d) night

FUNCTIONS SECTION (16-20) 16. A: How are you? B: _________. How are you? a) Im Ann Chavez b) Im an engineer c) Fine, thanks d) Thats good 17. A: My phone number is 555-0725 B: __________, please? a) How do you spell that? b) Could you repeat that? c) Where is that? d) Whats your name? 18. A: What________you________? B: Were accountants a) are/doing b) do/work c) do/do d) are/working 19. A: Why are you wearing earrings? B: _________. a) For protection b) To look taller c) Because its the fashion d) For health reasons

21. A: I really want to see the new Steven Spielberg movie. B: Me, too. _________. a) I think it was great! b) I cant wait to see it! c) Did you like it? d) I dont want to see it. 22. A: Do you know who Tania Rodriguez is? B: _________ A: Tania Rodriguez a) I think so b) How so? c) Really? d) Tania Who? READING SECTION (23-30) The 20 It is Levis birthday. He has a party at home with his family. Everyone sings, Happy Birthday! Levi has nine candles on his cake. He blows them out. He opens his presents. Levis mother and father give him a bicycle. Levis little sister gives him a game Levis uncle gives him a baseball jersey. Levis grandma and grandpa give him 20 dollars! Thank you! he yells to everyone. Levi is excited. He likes all his presents. He likes the 20 dollars best. It means he can go to the store. He can buy anything he wants! Can we go to the store now, Mom? Asks Levi. Mom frowns. Levi, your guests are still here. I will take you to the store tomorrow. That night, Levi dreams of all the things he might buy with his 20 dollars. Maybe I will buy a video game! Maybe I will buy a guitar! Maybe I will buy a camera! Maybe I will buy a tool kit! In the morning, Mom takes Levi and his little sister to the store.

20. A: I think baseball is boring B: _________A lot of people love it. A: Yeah, but I prefer basketball a) Do you really think so? b) Thats true c) What would you like? d) You dont? Why not?

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