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1. During the mid-year program review of the Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Support Project (ETESP) in August 2007, the Executing Agency, Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi (BRR), requested assistance for supporting information development for the management of forest resources in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). The scope of the ensuing support evolved during subsequent stakeholder consultation involving Aceh Provincial Government (APG) agencies, donor representatives and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). This paper outlines the understandings that result from these consultations relating to technical assistance under the Spatial Planning and Environmental Management (SPEM) component of ETESP. II. BACKGROUND

2. The Aceh Autonomy Law that came into force in August 2006 has given the APG a unique opportunity for undertaking sustainable resources management in NAD. The first step in this direction was initiated with the issuance on 6 June 2007 of a logging moratorium by the provincial governor. The governors moratorium instructions outline intent to undertake reforestation programs, reduce the extent of current legal logging, and restructure the institutions that currently manage Acehs forests, national parks and the Leuser ecosystem. The Provincial Forestry Office (Dinas Kehutanan) will be entrusted to achieve these goals with the support of a team of experts comprising representatives from different agencies.1 A follow-up decree from the governor will provide the legal basis for the restructuring. The team will be guided by a Steering Committee, which will provide political support and guidance. Its aim is to produce a draft proposal for institutional arrangements for effective forest resource management and conservation, and the broad strategy for sustainable forestry management for the province. 3. The new institutional arrangements and the strategy will help undertake an equitable and sustainable approach to forest management in Aceh, until recently dominated by the interests of powerful stakeholders in government and private sectors. A strong provincial leadership in defining forest management policies, plans and programs, securing the funding for effective implementation measures, and strict monitoring and enforcement against potential violators will be the major tasks of the new arrangements. A community-based approach in managing forest resources outside key conservation areas and in forest buffer zones may also yield more success in the districts and sub-districts. 4. Under the SPEM component, substantial amount of valuable spatial and environmental data have been gathered, including on ecologically sensitive forest areas, throughout the province and has produced detailed land cover/land-use analysis and strategic recommendations for its target areas. SPEM data and analysis capabilities could be one of the

The technical working group will be supported by a number of partners, including international agencies such as Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Leuser International Foundation (LIF), the Spatial Information and Mapping Centre (SIM-C), Badan Pengelola Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser (BPKEL), and other key stakeholders.

2 many building blocks in putting together a new forest management system for Aceh that may become a better functioning model than those currently in force in other provinces of Indonesia. 5. With intensive data collection, spatial analysis and mapping, and land suitability assessment SPEM could assist the provincial government and new forest management institution to develop a strategic plan for sustainable forest management of forests and its immediate surroundings in Aceh province. The provincial government and parliament have the intention to make this strategic plan the basis for a provincial law, guiding future provincial and kabupaten-level land-use planning and management activities in forests. This would be in line with the framework for sustainable forest management in a New Aceh (Alur Pikir Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari Menuju Pembangunan Aceh Baru), introduced by the NAD Dinas Kehutanan in 2007, together with the logging moratorium. 6. Extensive stakeholder consultations were held in the formulation of the proposed ETESP support for forest related initiative. Positive feedback on further inputs through ETESP has been provided by these stakeholders. The general consensus is that any ETESP initiative should be targeted towards and implemented in coordination with the relevant provincial government agencies and NGOs, and should build on the activities carried out under SPEM initiatives.

III. A. Purpose


7. The purpose of the proposed assistance is to establish an information system to support forest management and to outline forest zoning recommendations and alternatives in NAD. B. Approach and Methodology

8. The establishment of a geographic information system (GIS)-based forestry information system will consist of: (i) establishment of baseline information concerning forests and other natural resources the utilization of which affects them; (ii) establishment of a GIS-based forestry information system as a tool to support forest management, including the implementation and enforcement of forest-related laws and regulations; (iii) land suitability and current land use assessment of current and planned forest management policies, plans and programs; and (iv) capacity building within key technical positions to provide a sustainable ongoing information system following the completion of this project. In the longer term this proposed forestry information system could become an integrated part of a provincial natural resources management system that also encompasses fisheries, agriculture, mining, and the environment. 9. The establishment of baseline information and a forestry information system would be done in seven steps: i. Information analysis based on consultations with NAD forestry stakeholders. The working group and key stakeholders will be intensively consulted about their information needs, existing data and existing standards to ensure the content and direction of this project leads to providing a tool that is useful for the new forest management institution.

ii. Design and development of forestry information system. Design and development of the spatial database and basic applications making use of Arc GIS tools and existing

3 standards (in order of preference: national, provincial, international, or designed under the study if not yet available). iii. Initial data collection. Based on the results of the consultations with the forestry stakeholders, information and data will be identified to be included in the forestry information system. Since the tsunami a lot of aerial and satellite imagery of NAD has been collected not only by the ETESP SPEM projects but also BRR SIM-C, FFI, LIF and other organizations. All relevant data will be collated and stored into a GIS-based information system, considering existing data standards and as much as possible using the Aceh Spatial Data Infrastructure that is currently under development. iv. Identification of the forest areas in NAD and its condition. This will be done using recent satellite and/or radar imagery. The status will be classified according to FAO used parameters, i.e. crown cover, cubic meters/ha and biomass/ha. This will have to be supported by ground truthing. This would be in support of the current logging moratorium, to allow for an appropriate basic level stocktaking of forest resources in the province prior to any further interventions. This would also help to identify significant areas of logging activities. v. Mapping of those parts of the forests that are affected by human intervention and the land use of the surrounding areas. If the available aerial and satellite imagery does not provide sufficient level of detail, additional imagery is required. Also ground truthing will be required. This will result in more detailed baseline data for the areas identified. vi. Development of forest management tools The GIS-based forestry information system will include tools to compile forest cover, land cover, land suitability, and planned land use data in order to compare these and provide management information to authorities that are responsible for forest management, monitoring of activities in and around forests and forest-related law enforcement. a. Forest monitoring. The forest monitoring application is a tool to periodically determine changes using satellite and aerial imagery obtained at different moments in time. Once this imagery has been compared with that of a previous date and analyzed, the system will provide essential information in order to detect changes in forest use and status over time. The monitoring application will be used to identify temporal changes, over one period (length to be determined) and depending on available data. This temporal analysis will be oriented to the identification of areas affected by human activities (hot spots). Hot spots will be reported to the appropriate forest management agency for verification of actual activities on the ground. Determination of contradictions between different land uses. Contradictions will be identified through comparison of the results of the spatial data analysis, land suitability analysis and environmental assessment. Based on Kabupaten-level documents and development proposals by other APG agencies or line ministries (agriculture, plantation, mining, forestry, infrastructure), overlaying of forest cover data with designated land-use/ forest function zoning (e.g.


4 production forest, protected forest) and locations for proposed development and forest management activities to identify conflicting uses, current or potential. c. Forest rezoning for NAD. Integration of the outputs from vi-a and vi-b, together with sustainable forest management alternatives for identified conflict forest zones will identify no-go-, slow-go forest areas, and other forest and land use management alternatives including reforestation, which can be proposed as input for the provincial forest zoning in NAD. The sustainable forest management alternatives should be obtained through a consultation process with forestry stakeholders. The zoning results will be displayed in a map at appropriate scale showing revised forest utilization/ management zones based on principles of sustainable forest management and appropriate land use recommendations for adjacent areas (buffer zones). This possibly will provide the basis for legalization of the plans as part of a new provincial law regulation (Qanun) on sustainable forest management in NAD, guiding future development planning (RTRW) processes in the Kabupaten with significant forest resources. vii. Stakeholder capacity building and knowledge transfer. To ensure sustainability of the forestry information system, including that of forest and other land use spatial data analysis described above, two to three provincial government forest management officers with basic knowledge of GIS and remote sensing will be trained on the job in using remote sensing interpretation and, if applicable, field data collection methods for critical and selected forest areas. One training focus will be on information system management, and the other on using remote sensing tools for the purpose of regular monitoring of forest conditions. This involves the set up of a provincial remote sensing monitoring lab with equipment used by the Project. As much as possible, the trainees should be involved from the very beginning of the creation of the forest management system in order that they get ownership of the system. This task will also provide financial assistance for the participation of provincial government officials to meet the objectives of this task. C. 10. Outputs The following outputs will be produced during the study: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) GIS based forestry information system; Consultation of key stakeholders and focused roadmap for forestry information system. Maps showing forest and adjacent land cover for NAD at an appropriate scale; Digital dataset as forest and land cover baseline (2007) for future monitoring activities. Identification of fringe areas where human activities may affect the management of the forest area to focus management and monitoring activities. Maps for NAD, showing current and future land-use-forest cover conflict areas at an appropriate scale. Recommended revisions to provincial forestry zoning at an appropriate scale, as input for a strategic plan for sustainable forest management in NAD. Capacity building and knowledge transfer to provincial government forest authorities; guidelines for the use of the forestry information system.

5 D. Consulting Services

11. The work will require consulting services for a total of 197 person-months (pm), of which 36 pm will be by international and 161 pm by national experts, all to be engaged in accordance with ADB Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (Table 1). Table 1: Requirements of Experts Expertise International Specialists Team Leader/ GIS Specialist GIS Data Base/ Deputy Team Leader Remote Sensing Environmental Assessment/Ecologist Spatial/Land Use Planner Land Systems Specialist (soils, land cover, land use, etc.) Forestry Specialist Subtotal (International) National Specialists GIS Data Base GIS Modeler GIS 1 GIS 2 GIS / Remote Sensing 1 Remote Sensing 1 Remote Sensing 2 Environmental/ Forest Ecologist 1 Environmental/ Forest Ecologist 2 Environmental/ Forest Ecologist 3 Spatial Planner 1 Spatial Planner 2 Land Systems 1 Land Systems 2 Forestry 1 Forestry 2 Cartographer/ Graphics Designer Information Technology Specialist Consultation Facilitator Subtotal (National) Total E. Implementation Arrangement Person-months (pm) 12 9 4 3 3 2 3 36 8 8 13 13 13 8 8 10 10 13 4 4 4 4 10 6 6 7 6 161 197

12. The implementing agency for the proposed assistance will be BPKEL established by APG for the preservation of the Leuser National Park. The work is expected to commence in March 2008 and will be completed in 14 months by May 2009. A tentative implementation schedule is in Figure 1.

6 Figure 1: Tentative Implementation Schedule


Cost Estimates and Financing

13. The estimated cost of the proposed activities will be $1,998,479 (Table 2), which will be financed from the SPEM allocation for consulting services.

Table 2: Summary of Cost Estimate ($) ITEM 1. Consultants (Professional) a. Remuneration and Per Diem i. International Consultants ii. National Consultants b. International and Local Travel 2. Office Accommodation and Transport a. Office Accommodation i. Banda Aceh b. Transport - Vehicle Hire (inc. Driver plus fuel etc.) i. Banda Aceh 3. Equipment a. Equipment Purchase b. Equipment Rental 5. Miscellaneous Administration and Support Costs a. Office Staffing i. Banda Aceh b. Office Supplies i. Banda Aceh 6. Reports and Communications a. Reports b. Communications 7. Workshops and seminars 8. Investigations, Surveys, Documentation 9. MOSS Security Provisions 10. Contingencies (7.5%) TOTAL COST 1,479,150 792,500 633,900 52,750 45,000 21,000 24,000 181,400 160,400 21,000 67,300 53,300 14,000 56,200 26,000 30,200 10,000 10,000 10,000 139,429 1,998,479

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