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The first speaker of the affirmative stated that:

Good morning ladies and gentlemen I personally don't think that education is, or should be, aimed at a career, except in the very later stages when a career has been decided on. Education is an all round experience to enable you to exist and flourish in society. To be able to read and write and do simple math is a basic human right. These things are necessary for successful living in today's busy society. We, as the negative team believe that the first aim of education is NOT a career. I will be talking about ________________ while my second speaker will be talking about _________________.

There are several purposes of education. The sole purpose of education is to educate all students and give everyone equal opportunity as a means to succeed in life. Through knowledge and skill, all individuals can achieve greatness. In addition, common values such as punctuality, following rules, cooperation, learning to work and get along together as well as a sense of responsibility are allimportant factors of education. The combinations of knowledge and skills as well as the common values will help our young students bloom into adults and become responsible and productive citizens. Equal opportunity to all individuals is very important in Education. It is only fair that everyone, regardless of race and ethnic background, should all have an equal opportunity to succeed in life

There are several purposes of education. The sole purpose of education is to educate all students and give everyone equal opportunity as a means to succeed in life. Through knowledge and skill, all individuals can achieve greatness. In addition, common values such as punctuality, following rules, cooperation, learning to work and get along together as well as a sense of responsibility are allimportant factors of education. The combinations of knowledge and skills as well as the common values will help our young students bloom into adults and become responsible and productive citizens. Equal opportunity to all individuals is very important in Education. It is only fair that everyone, regardless of race and ethnic background, should all have an equal opportunity to succeed in life. A prime example of how things used to be was stated by the author, ?W.E.B. DuBois, who in 1907 cofounded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), argued against what they viewed as a position of accommodation or compromise and protested that it was wrong for Blacks to be given only one educational direction (industrial) and Whites several? (Webb, Metha, and Jordan, 2003, p181). This is an is

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