Frugel Horn Mk3

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Frugel-Horn Mk3

beta document 25-october-2010

A development of the original Frugel-Horn with emphasis on easier build, more driver versatility, and a bit taller. Topologically a tapped hypex horn (approximated with 2 conical sections), a choke point to act as a low pass filter, followed by a eapidly flaring terminus. The curve on the mouth carried over from Ron Clarke's contribution to the original, it helps the narrow mouth allow the wavefront to greater approximate that leaving a circular horn. Testing with Fostex FE126En, Mark Audio CHR-70, Alpair7, and CSS EL70, shows a tolerance for a wide range of drivers. Suitable drivers should fall into, or be near the envelope of parameters defined by this set of drivers. Additional drivers will be added as tested. Adjustment & tuning is accomplished with varying amounts of damping, and proximity to wall/corner. Use of deflectors & supraBaffles yet to be explored.

Drawings/Contents (provisional)
i0/ Intro i1/ Notes FHx/ Plan 15mm FHx/ Plan 12mm FHx/ Plan 18mm FHx/ Plan 5/8" FHx/ Plan 3/4" FHx/ Alternate Choke Point Execution FHx/ Side pattern creation A0/ Damping A1/ SupraBaffle A2/ SupraBaffle Shapes A3/Deflector C1/ 5x5 cut 15mm C2/ 4x8 cut 15mm (1220x2440mm) Cxxx/ more cuts
please email me <> with corrections & suggestions to make this document more useful

Note: any commerical entity intent on manufacturing complete speakers or flat-paks for resale will need to follow the guidelines on the Frugal-Horn site:

sponsors & cheerleaders

Notes: 1/ drawn with 15mm material 2/ optional ~300 mm wide/diameter supra-baffle not shown. Its purpose is to move the baffle-step drop off to where the horn action starts flattening lower midrange FR 3/ intended for Fostex FE126En, CHR-70, Alpair 7, EL70 4/ damping will differ for each driver

Frugel-Horn Mk3 0v8

sheet FH3-0 15mm Plan
designed by S Lindgren | drawn by dld 30-august-2010

6 3/32 [154.7] 2 3/4 [69.8] 2 3/4 [69.8]

6 11/16 [170] 5 1/2 [140]

2 3/4 [69.9]


34 [863.8] 35 3/16 [893.9]

1753 mm radius (69")

45 cut on the end of end piece. Round over top edge join with back partition using sand paper after assembly. This point is subject to high pressures, glue very well.

85.2 1 1/2 [38.1] 5 1/2 [139.7]

17 [431.8] 17 11/16 [449.1]

Notes: 1/ drawn with 15mm material 2/ optional ~300 mm wide/diameter supra-baffle not shown. Its purpose is to move the baffle-step drop off to where the horn action starts flattening lower midrange FR 3/ intended for Fostex FE126En, CHR-70, Alpair 7, EL70 4/ damping will differ for each driver
7 5/8 [193.8] 6 7/32 [157.7] 2 3/4 [69.9] 2 3/4 [69.8]

Frugel-Horn Mk3 0v8

sheet FH3-0 18mm Plan

designed by S Lindgren | drawn by dld 06-sept-2010

6 15/16 [175.9] 5 1/2 [140]

2 3/4 [69.9]


34 [863.8] 35 7/16 [899.8]

1753 mm radius (69")

36mm half round piece defines choke point 85.2 1 1/2 [38.1] 5 1/2 [139.7]

17 9/32 [438.9] 18 1/16 [458.5]

Note: example uses 15mm material

5 3/4 [146.6]

As originally designed A difficult piece to cut

Modified for easier build Adds an additional piece, not all that tolerent of thicker material

Alternateeasier build Overcomes material thickness issues. Requires extra material 1/2 round with radius of build material

Frugel-Horn Mk3 0v8

FH3-x Alternate Choke Point Execution

design by S Lindgren | drawn by dld 01-sept-2010

The Frugel-Horn Mk 3 B

Side Curve Chord & Height

designed by S Lindgren | drawn by dld 02-sept-2010

To fabricating a side panel template by hand, the curve can easily be drawn using a narrow flexible board (1/4" MDF works great) and the 4 points as dimensioned. Mark points A,B (chord ends), C (chord centre line) and D (segment height) on the work-piece. Use a square to draw a perpendicular line (C-D) Clamp or screw a wood block straddling the centreline at D, clamp the flexible board to this block and each end of the chord ( A & B) then draw the curve. Cut to the outside with jig or band saw, and carefully sand to line 2 13/32 [61] 35 3/8 [898.8]

17 11/16 [449.4]

17 11/16 [449.4]

1/2" (12mm) cotton or wool felt poly-fluff (BAF, acoustistuff, pillow stuffing -- different colours represent different "zones" to add stuffing too)
1/ FE126En blue + orange 2/ CHR70 blue + orange + more 3/ EL70 blue + orange + more 4/ A7 blue + orange + more increasing density as you approach the point. Take the equal density fluff on the right and squeeze it into the point (actual amounts to be determined)

Frugel-Horn Mk3 0v82

Ax Damping Plan
designed by S Lindgren | drawn by dld 26-oct-2010

walls lined around driver to minimize reflections

this is the area subject to additional poly-fluff damping, depends on driver see notes page ix for driver-by-driver

32 3/32 [815.1] 29 5/32 [740.9]

5 1/2 [140]


internal internal back

5 1/2 [140]


6 3/4 [171.5]



17 3/32 [434.3]


Frugel-Horn Mk3 0v8

CHR-70/EL70 Sheet 4 5x5 15mm cut sheet

Notes: 1/ 5mm kerf & trim allowance 2/ very tight cut plan

designed by Scott Lindgren drawn by dld / 01-sept-2010



35 3/8 [898.4]



5 1/2 [140]

6 3/4 [171.5]




17 3/32 [434.3]

5 1/2 [140]



32 3/32 [815.1]

29 5/32 [740.9]




35 3/8 [898.4]

Frugel-Horn Mk3 0v8

CHR-70/EL70 Sheet 4 4x8' 15mm cut sheet

designed by Scott Lindgren drawn by dld / 02-sept-2010
Notes: 1/ 5mm kerf & trim allowance 2/ room to increase kerf for CNC 3/ works for 1220x2440mm sheets

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