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Pre-Condition ID

PC_ID_01 PC_ID_02 PC_ID_03 PC_ID_04

Details of the Pre-Condition

Set the HSS in the Server mode. Set the AS/SCS in the Client mode. Set the 'R' bit in the diameter header in the config file base_Sh.xml i.e value of flags field=128. Clear the 'R' bit in the diameter header in the config file base_Sh.xml i.e value of flags field=0 Set the appropriate no. for the CommandCode in the diameter header in the config file base_Sh.xml Set the Auth-Application-ID AVP value to 16777217 in the concerned xml file. Set the appropriate AVP code for the concerned AVP in the config file base_Sh.xml. Set the 'M' bit in the diameter header in the config file base_Sh.xml i.e value of flags field=64 Clear the 'M' bit in the diameter header in the config file base_Sh.xml i.e value of flags field=0

PC_ID_05 PC_ID_06 PC_ID_07 PC_ID_08 PC_ID_09

Test Case ID

SRS-ID/ RFC SRS_R0008_08, SRS_R0016_01, SRS_R0057_01

Test Case
Test Case Name Description

TC_Sh_001 SRS_R0008_08, SRS_R0016_01, SRS_R0057_01

Check: The respective answer (UDA) for a request (UDR). (Positive scenario).

When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR having all the mandatory & some necessary optional AVPs with correct values, it MUST reply with UDA with all the mandatory AVPs having correct values. When the AS/SCS (acting as client) sends UDR with all the mandatory & some necessary optional AVPs having correct values, it should receive UDA message with all the mandatory AVPs having correct values. When the HSS (acting as server) receives PUR having all the mandatory & some necessary optional AVPs with correct values, it MUST reply with PUA with all the mandatory AVPs having correct values. When the AS/SCS (acting as client) sends PUR with all the mandatory & some necessary optional AVPs having correct values, it should receive PUA message with all the mandatory AVPs having correct values. When the HSS (acting as server) receives SNR having all the mandatory & some necessary optional AVPs with correct values, it MUST reply with SNA with all the mandatory AVPs having correct values. When the AS/SCS (acting as client) sends SNR with all the mandatory & some necessary optional AVPs having correct values, it should receive SNA message with all the mandatory AVPs having correct values.

TC_Sh_002 SRS_R0008_08, SRS_R0017_01, SRS_R0057_01

Check: The respective answer (UDA) for a request (UDR). (Positive scenario).

TC_Sh_003 SRS_R0008_08, SRS_R0017_01, SRS_R0057_01

Check: The respective answer (PUA) for a request (PUR). (Positive scenario).

TC_Sh_004 SRS_R0008_08, SRS_R0018_01, SRS_R0057_01

Check: The respective answer (PUA) for a request (PUR). (Positive scenario).

TC_Sh_005 SRS_R0008_08, SRS_R0018_01, SRS_R0057_01

Check: The respective answer (SNA) for a request (SNR). (Positive scenario).


Check: The respective answer (SNA) for a request (SNR). (Positive scenario).

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SRS_R0008_08, SRS_R0019_01, SRS_R0057_01 Check: The respective answer (PNA) for a request (PNR). (Positive scenario). SRS_R0008_08, SRS_R0019_01, SRS_R0057_01 Check: The respective answer (PNA) for a request (PNR). (Positive scenario).

Test Case
When the HSS (acting as server) receives PNR having all the mandatory & some necessary optional AVPs with correct values, it MUST reply with PNA with all the mandatory AVPs having correct values. When the AS/SCS (acting as client) sends PNR with all the mandatory & some necessary optional AVPs having correct values, it should receive PNA message with all the mandatory AVPs having correct values.



SRS_R0003_01, SRS_R0004_01 Check : Value of Auth-SessionState AVP in UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR messages. TC_Sh_009 (Positive scenario). SRS_R0008_08

When the AS/SCS (acting as client) sends UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR, it should have AuthSession-State AVP with value '1' (NO_STATE_MAINTAINED). When the HSS ( Acting as server ) receives a request message with an invalid/ unidentified value in the Supported-Features AVP, it should reply with the corresponding answer message with Experimental-ResultCode AVP set to 5011 (DIAMETER_ERROR_FEATURE_UNSUPP ORTED ).

TC_Sh_010 SRS_R0004_01

Check: Value of SupportedFeatures AVP in the incoming request message (UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR) (Negative scenario).

When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR with an invalid value for Auth-Session-State AVP (e.g 9999, Check : Value of Auth-Session- correct value=1) , it should send State AVP in UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA with Result-Code AVP UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR messages. set to 'DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE' TC_Sh_011 (Negative scenario). (5004) When the HSS (acting as server) receives SRS_R0004_02, SRS_R0003_01 Check : Value of Auth-Session- UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR, it should send State AVP in UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA with Auth-Session-State UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA messages. AVP having the correct value '1' TC_Sh_012 (Positive scenario). (NO_STATE_MAINTAINED)

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SRS_R0004_03 Check : Presence of Authorization-Lifetime AVPs in UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR message.(Negative scenario). Check : Presence of Authorization-Lifetime, GracePeriod-Timer AVPs in UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA message.(Negative scenario).

TC_Sh_013 SRS_R0004_03

TC_Sh_014 SRS_R0006_01

Test Case When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR with the presence of Authorization-Lifetime AVP, it should send UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA with the Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_AVP_NOT_ALLOWED' (5008). When the AS/SCS (acting as client) receives UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA with the presence of Authorization-Lifetime AVP and GracePeriod-Timer AVP, an error must be logged in the client-log.

TC_Sh_015 SRS_R0006_01

When the HSS ( Acting as server ) receives UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR with presence of Check : Presence of Destination- Destination-Host AVP (if the destination is Host AVP and Destinationknown) and Destination-Realm AVP ,it Realm AVP in should reply with UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA having UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR message.( the Result-Code AVP set to Positive scenario) DIAMETER_SUCCESS (2001) .

TC_Sh_016 SRS_R0006_02, SRS_R0006_03

When the HSS ( Acting as server ) receives UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR with invalid value or Check : Value of Destinationunknown destination in the Destination-Host Host AVP in AVP, it should reply with UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR message.( having the Result-Code AVP set to Negative scenario) DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER (3002) When the HSS (Acting as server) receives UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR with absence of Check : Absence of Destination- Destination-Realm AVP,it should reply with Host AVP in UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA having the Result-Code UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR message.( AVP set to DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP. Negative scenario) (5005).

TC_Sh_017 SRS_R0006_02


Check : Value of DestinationRealm AVP in UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR message. ( Negative scenario)

When the HSS (Acting as server) receives UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR with invalid value or unknown realm in the Destination-Realm AVP, it should reply with UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA having the Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_REALM_NOT_SERVED. (3003).

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Test Case
SRS_R0007_01, SRS_R0063_01 When the HSS (Acting as HSS server) receives a request a request message, with CER having an invalid value "-99999999" for Auth-Application-Id AVP(correct value 16777217), it should reply with CEA having the Result-Code AVP set to 5010 (DIAMETER_NO_COMMON_APPLICATION _ID).

TC_Sh_019 SRS_R0008_01, SRS_R0008_04 TC_Sh_020 SRS_R0008_01, SRS_R0008_04 TC_Sh_021 SRS_R0008_01, SRS_R0008_05 TC_Sh_022 SRS_R0008_01, SRS_R0008_05 TC_Sh_023 SRS_R0008_01, SRS_R0008_06 TC_Sh_024 SRS_R0008_01, SRS_R0008_06 TC_Sh_025 SRS_R0008_01, SRS_R0008_07 TC_Sh_026

Check : Value of AuthApplication-Id AVP in the grouped AVP 'Auth-ApplicationId' of the CER/CEA message. (Negative scenario)

Check : Command-code for UDR/UDA. ( Positive scenario).

When the HSS receives UDR with command code = 306 ,it should reply with the UDA ,having the command-code value same as of UDR.

When the HSS receives UDR with an invalid Command-Code 2007 ( currect command Check : Command-code for code=306) ,it should reply with the UDA, with UDR/UDA. ( Negative scenario). the Result-Code 3001. When the HSS receives PUR with command code = 307 ,it should reply with the PUA ,having the command-code value same as of PUR.

Check : Command-code for PUR/PUA. ( Positive scenario).

When the HSS receives PUR with an invalid Command-Code 2007( currect command Check : Command-code for code=307) ,it should reply with the PUA, with PUR/PUA. ( Negative scenario). the Result-Code 3001. When the HSS receives SNR with command code = 308 ,it should reply with the SNA ,having the command-code value same as of SNR.

Check : Command-code for SNR/SNA. ( Positive scenario).

When the HSS receives SNR with an invalid Command-Code 2007 ( currect command Check : Command-code for code=308) ,it should reply with the SNA, with SNR/SNA. ( Negative scenario). the Result-Code 3001. When the HSS receives PNR with command code = 309 ,it should reply with the PNA ,having the command-code value same as of PNR. Page 4

Check : Command-code for PNR/PNA. ( Positive scenario).

SRS_R0008_01, SRS_R0008_07 TC_Sh_027 SRS_R0008_02, SRS_R0009_06 Check : 'R' bit in the command flags of the incoming request message(UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR). ( Negative scenario ) SRS_R0008_02, SRS_R0009_06 Check : 'R' bit in the command flags of the incoming answer message(UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA) ( Negative scenario ) SRS_R0008_02, SRS_R0009_06 Check : Command-code for PNR/PNA. ( Negative scenario).

Test Case
When the HSS receives PNR with an invalid Command-Code 2007 ( currect command code=309) ,it should reply with the PNA, with the Result-Code 3001.


When the HSS (Acting as server) receives a request message (UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR) with 'R' bit (Request bit) not set ,the message should be discarded and an error to be logged in Dialog file.


When the AS/SCS (Acting as client) receives an answer message with 'R' bit(Request bit) set ,it should discard the received answer message and display an error message on the client screen or in the log file. When the AS/SCS (acting as client) sends a request message (UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR) with a randomly generated unique Session-Id and when it receives the respective answer message with a different Session-Id, it discards the packet.

TC_Sh_030 SRS_R0009_01

Check: Session-Id avp in the answer message ( Negative scenario )

TC_Sh_031 SRS_R0009_01

Check : Presence of VendorSpecific-Application-Id AVP in UDR messages. ( Negative scenario).

When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR with the absence of the mandatory avp Vendor-Specific-Application-Id, it will send the UDA with Result-Code set to 5005 ( DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP ).


When the HSS (Acting as server) receives UDR with Vendor-Specific-Application-Id Check : 'M' bit in the avp flags of avp and if it's flag bit 'M is not set (this avp Vendor-Specific-Application-Id is mandatory in UDR ), it should send UDA AVP in UDR message. with Result-Code set to ( Negative scenario ) 'DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS' ( 3009).

Page 5


Test Case
When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR with an invalid value 111 (actual value260) for avp-code of Vendor-SpecificApplication-Id, it should send the corresponding answer message with ResultCode set to 'DIAMETER_AVP_UNSUPPORTED' (5001) when the AS/SCS (Acting as client) sends UDR, it should have the optional AVP IdentitySet, and also a value of 1(REGISTRATION).

TC_Sh_033 SRS_R0013_01

Check : Value of avp- code for Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP in request messages UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR (Negative scenario).

TC_Sh_034 SRS_R0013_01

Check: Presence of Identity-Set AVP in UDR/UDA messages (Positive Scenario).

TC_Sh_035 SRS_R0013_02


When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR with an invalid or unknown value for Check : Value of Identity-Set Identity-Set AVP, it should reply with UDA AVP in the UDR/UDA message.( having the Result-Code set to Negative scenario) 'DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE' (5004). When the Sh Application ( Acting as server ) Check : Presence of Userreceives a request message with the Identity AVP in the request absence of User-Identity AVP, it should reply messages UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR with the corresponding answer message message. with the Result- Code AVP set to 5005 ( ( Negative scenario) DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP ). When the HSS (Acting as server) receives an incoming request message it should display appropriate infomation in log file.

SRS_R0020_02, SRS_R0052_01, TC_Sh_037 SRS_R0052_02 Check : ERROR Log severity SRS_R0020_01, SRS_R0052_01, Check :Presence of Result-Code SRS_R0052_02 AVP in the incoming answer messages (UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA). TC_Sh_038 (Positive scenario) Check : Version field in UDR/ TS 29.329 UDA message. TC_Sh_039 ( Positive scenario) SRS_R0053_01 Check :Absence of Result-Code AVP in the incoming answer messages (UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA). (Positive scenario)

When the HSS (acting as server) sends an answer message, it should contain the Result-Code AVP with appropriate ResultCode value. When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR message with version field set to 1, It should reply with UDA.


When the HSS (acting as server) sends an answer message, and if the Result-Code AVP is missing, it should contain the Experimental-Result AVP(for Sh errors) with appropriate Result-Code value. Page 6

SRS_R0053_01 Check :Presence of Result-Code AVP in the incoming answer messages (UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA). (Negative scenario) SRS_R0054_01

Test Case
When the AS/SCS (acting as client) receives an answer message with both the defined Result-Code AVP and Experimental-Result AVP, it should discard the received answer message.


TC_Sh_042 SRS_R0063_01

Check : Different Log level of Logging and the hierarchial logging

When the HSS receives an incoming request message, it should support logging with different log level of logging. Check by setting the different log levels. Case I : Set Debug Case II: Set Info like wise.. Case III: Set Fatal

TC_Sh_043 SRS_R0063_01

TC_Sh_044 SRS_R0063_01

TC_Sh_045 TS 29.329

When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR with the presence of the mandatory avp Check : Presence of PublicPublic-Identity,it should send the UDA with Identity AVP in UDR messages. Public-Identity avp and also Result-Code set (Positive scenario). to 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS'. When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR with the absence of the mandatory avp Check : Absence of DataData-Reference,it should send the UDA with Reference AVP in UDR Result-Code set to message. (Negative scenario) 'DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP'. Check : Absence of AuthWhen the AS/SCS (acting as client) receives Session-State AVP in UDA UDA with the absence of the mandatory avp message. Auth-Session-State, it should discard the (Negative scenario) UDA message. When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR with the presence of the mandatory avp Check : Presence of UserUser-Identity,it should send the UDA with Identity AVP in UDR messages. User-Identity avp and also Result-Code set (Positive scenario). to 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS'.


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TS 29.329 Check : Absence of User-Identity AVP in UDR message. (Negative scenario) TS 29.329 Check : Absence of User-Identity AVP in PUR message. (Negative scenario) TS 29.329 Check : 'V' & 'M' bits in the avp flags of User-Identity avp in UDR message. (Positive scenario) TS 29.329




Test Case When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR with the absence of the mandatory avp User-Identity,it should send the UDA with Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP'. When the HSS (acting as server) receives PUR with the absence of the mandatory avp User-Identity,it should send the PUA with Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP'. When the HSS (Acting as server) receives UDR with User-Identity avp and if it's flag bit 'V' & 'M' are set, it should send UDA with Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001).

TC_Sh_050 TS 29.329

When the Sh Application (Acting as server) receives UDR with User-Identity avp and if Check : 'V' & 'M' bits in the avp it's flag bit 'V' & 'M' are not set ( but 'V' & 'M' flags of User-Identity avp in UDR bits must be in User-Identity avp in UDR ) ,it message. should send UDA with Result-Code set to (Negative scenario) 'DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS' ( 3009). When the HSS (Acting as server) receives UDR with Identity-Set avp and if it's flag bit 'V' is set as the Identity-Set avp is must, it should send UDA with DIAMETER_SUCCESS. When the HSS (Acting as server) receives UDR with Identity-Set avp and if it's flag bit Check : 'V' bit in the avp flags of 'V is not set ( but 'V' bit must be in IdentityIdentity-Set avp in UDR Set avp in UDR ) ,it should send UDA with message. Result-Code set to (Negative scenario) 'DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS' ( 3009). When the HSS (Acting as server ) receives UDR with Identity-Set avp and if it's flag bit Check : 'M' bit in the avp flags of 'M' is set, it should send UDA with ResultIdentity-Set avp in UDR Code set to message. DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS as this bit (Negative scenario) must not be set for Identity-Set avp . When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR with the presence of the mandatory avp Check : Presence of Identity-Set Identity-Set,it should send the UDA with AVP in UDR messages. Identity-Set avp and also Result-Code set to (Positive scenario). 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS'. Check : 'V' bit in the avp flags of Identity-Set avp in UDR message. ( Positive scenario) TS 29.329


TC_Sh_052 TS 29.329

TC_Sh_053 TS 29.329


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TS 29.329

TC_Sh_055 TS 29.329

Test Case When the HSS (acting as server) receives SNR with the absence of the mandatory avp Check : Absence of User-Identity User-Identity,it should send the SNA with AVP in SNR message. (Negative Result-Code set to scenario) 'DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP'.
When the HSS (Acting as server ) receives SNR with Expiry-Time avp and if it's flag bit 'M' is set, it should send SNA with ResultCode set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS as this bit must not be set for Expiry-Time avp . When the HSS (Acting as server ) receives SNR with Send-Data-Indication avp and if it's flag bit 'M' is set, it should send SNA with Result-Code set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS as this bit must not be set for Send-Data-Indication avp . When the HSS (Acting as server ) receives UDR with Supported-Features avp and if it's flag bit 'V' is not set, it should send UDA with Result-Code set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS as this bit must not be set for Supported-Applications avp . The value field of Data-Reference avp is asigned to incorrect value like "-21" (Correct value 0 & 10-20). The value field of Identity-Set avp is asigned to incorrect value like "-21" (Correct value 0,1, 2 & 3).

TC_Sh_056 TS 29.329

Check : 'M' bit in the avp flags of Expiry-Time avp in SNR message. (Negative scenario)

TC_Sh_057 TS 29.329

Check : 'M' bit in the avp flags of Send-Data-Indication avp in SNR message. (Negative scenario)

TC_Sh_058 TS 29.329 TC_Sh_059 TS 29.329 TC_Sh_060 TS 29.329

Check : 'V' bit in the avp flags of Supported-Features avp in UDR message. (Negative scenario) Check : The value field of DataReference avp in UDR message.(Negative scenario) Check : The value field of Identity-Set avp in UDR message.(Negative scenario)

Check : The value field of Send- The value field of Send-Data-Indication avp Data-Indication avp in SNR is asigned to incorrect value like "-21" TC_Sh_061 message.(Negative scenario) (Correct value 0 & 1). When the HSS (acting as server) receives SRS_R0004_01, UDR/PUR/SNR/PNR, it should send SRS_R0004_02, UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA with Auth-Session-State SRS_R0003_01 Check : Value of Auth-Session- AVP having the correct value '0' State AVP in (STATE_MAINTAINED) and must issue a UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA messages. session termination message when it TC_Sh_062 (Positive scenario). terminated.

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TS 29.329 Check :Version field in UDR/ UDA message. (Negative scenario). TS 29.329 Check : Presence of multiple no.s of Origin-Realm AVPs with same values in UDR message. (Negative scenario) TS 29.329 Check : Presence of multiple no.s of Origin-Realm AVPs (some of them having invalid values) in UDR message. ( Negative scenario)




When the HSS (acting as server) receives Test Case UDR message with version field set to unsupported value ( Ex: 2222 ), It should reply with UDA with Result-Code set to DIAMETER_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION. When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR with multiple no.s of Origin-Realm avps having same values, it will send UDA with Result-Code set to DIAMETER_AVP_OCCURS_TOO_MANY_ TIMES ( 5009) When the HSS (acting as server) receives UDR with multiple no.s of Origin-Realm avps (some having invalid values), it should send UDA with Result-Code set to "DIAMETER_AVP_OCURRS_TOO_MANY_ TIMES" (5009)

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Test Case
Expected Result XML-Name

The HSS should reply with UDA with Result-Code set to 2001 (DIAMETER_SUCCESS).

The AS/SCS should receive UDA with Result-Code set to 2001 (DIAMETER_SUCCESS).

The HSS should reply with PUA with Result-Code set to 2001 (DIAMETER_SUCCESS).

The AS/SCS should receive PUA with Result-Code set to 2001 (DIAMETER_SUCCESS).

The HSS should reply with SNA with Result-Code set to 2001 (DIAMETER_SUCCESS).

The AS/SCS should receive SNA with Result-Code set to 2001 (DIAMETER_SUCCESS).

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Test Case

The HSS should reply with PNA with Result-Code set to 2001 (DIAMETER_SUCCESS).

The AS/SCS should receive PNA with Result-Code set to 2001 (DIAMETER_SUCCESS).

The HSS should send UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA with the ResultCode set to 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS (2001).

The HSS should reply with the respective answer message, having the Experimental-Result-Code AVP set to 5011 ( DIAMETER_ERROR_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED ).

The HSS should send UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA with the ResultCode set to 'DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE' (5004).

The HSS should send UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA with AuthSession-State AVP having the correct value '1'.

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Test Case

UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA should Contain Result-Code avp set to DIAMETER_AVP_NOT_ALLOWED' (5008).

Client-Log must indicate an error related to presence of the AVPs which are not required. The packet should be discarded.

UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA should Contain Result-Code avp set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS (2001).

UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA should Contain Result-Code avp set to DIAMETER_UNABLE_TO_DELIVER. (3002)

UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA should Contain Result-Code avp set to DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP (5005)

UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA should Contain Result-Code avp set to DIAMETER_REALM_NOT_SERVED. (3003).

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Test Case

The HSS should reply with the respective answer message, with CEA having Result-Code AVP set to the value 5010 (DIAMETER_NO_COMMON_APPLICATION_ID).

An answer message UDA is expected with Command-code with the value 306.

An answer message UDA is expected with Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED (3001).

An answer message PUA is expected with Command-code with the value 307.

An answer message PUA is expected with Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED (3001).

An answer message SNA is expected with Command-code with the value 308.

An answer message SNA is expected with Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED (3001).

An answer message PNA is expected with Command-code with the value 308.

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Test Case
An answer message PNA is expected with Result-Code AVP set to DIAMETER_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED (3001).

The diameter should discard the respective reqest message and this error must be logged in the Dialog file.

The AS/SCS acting as client should discard the received answer message and display an error message on the client screen or in the log file.

The AS/SCS should discard the respective answer message and this error must be logged in the log file.

The HSS should reply with the respective answer message, having the Result-Code AVP set to 5005 ( DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP ).

UDA with Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS' ( 3009).

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Test Case

The HSS should send the corresponding answer message with the Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_AVP_UNSUPPORTED' (5001).

The server should send UDA with the Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS (2001).

UDA should Contain Result-Code avp set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE' (5004)

The Sh Application should reply with the respective answer message, having the Result-Code AVP set to 5005 ( DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP ). Stack log file should contain following information : Date Time | Log level | Process Id | Thread Id | File name : line | Actual description

The HSS (acting as server)should send answer messages, with appropriate values in the Result-Code AVP.

Successfully receive UDA.

The HSS (acting as server)should send answer messages, with appropriate values in the Experimental-Result Code AVP.

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Test Case

The AS/SCS (acting as client) should discard the answer messages.

The Sh Application should support the following log levels: 1.Debug 2.Info 3.Warning 4.Error 5.Fatal Case I: All the log levels should be displayed(Debug,Info,Warning,Error,Fatal) Case II: All the log levels other than Debug should be displayed (Info,Warning,Error,Fatal) Case III: Only the log level "Fatal" should be displayed.

UDA with Public-Identity and Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001).

The Result-Code AVP in the corresponding UDA message must contain 'DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP' (5005). The AS/SCS (acting as client) should discard the UDA message, should display the error message on the screen or log the error .

UDA with User-Identity and Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001).

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Test Case
The Result-Code AVP in the corresponding UDA message must contain 'DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP' (5005).

The Result-Code AVP in the corresponding PUA message must contain 'DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP' (5005).

UDA with Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS' ( 2001).

UDA with Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS' ( 3009).

UDA with Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS' ( 2001).

UDA with Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS' ( 3009).

UDA with Result-Code set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS ( 3009).

UDA with Identity-Set and Result-Code set to 'DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001).

Page 18

Test Case
The Result-Code AVP in the corresponding SNA message must contain 'DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP' (5005).

SNA with Result-Code set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS ( 3009).

SNA with Result-Code set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS ( 3009).

UDA with Result-Code set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_BITS ( 3009).

Answer message MUST contain Result-Code avp set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE. ( 5004 ). Answer message MUST contain Result-Code avp set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE. ( 5004 ).

Answer message MUST contain Result-Code avp set to DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE. ( 5004 ).

The HSS should send UDA/PUA/SNA/PNA with AuthSession-State AVP having the correct value '0'.

Page 19

Test Case
UDA message MUST have the Result-Code avp set to DIAMETER_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION ( 5011).

The Result-Code AVP in the corresponding UDA message must contain "DIAMETER_AVP_OCCURS_TOO_MANY_TIMES'' (5009)

The Result-Code AVP in the corresponding UDA message must contain "DIAMETER_AVP_OCCURS_TOO_MANY_TIMES'' (5009)

Page 20

Test Case ID TC_Sh_001 TC_Sh_002 TC_Sh_003 TC_Sh_004 TC_Sh_005 TC_Sh_006 TC_Sh_007 TC_Sh_008 TC_Sh_009 TC_Sh_010 TC_Sh_011 TC_Sh_012 TC_Sh_013 TC_Sh_014 TC_Sh_015 Status Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Need to Discussion 2490 P1 2581 P1 P1 Bug-ID 2466, 2474 P1 Priority Tester Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Planned-Date Actual-Date

2475 P1

TC_Sh_016 TC_Sh_017 TC_Sh_018 TC_Sh_019 TC_Sh_020

No Run Pass Pass Pass Pass

P1 P1 P1 P1

TC_Sh_021 TC_Sh_022

Fail Pass

2557 P2



2557 P2

Page 21

TC_Sh_024 Pass Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas

TC_Sh_025 TC_Sh_026

Fail Pass

2557 P2

TC_Sh_027 TC_Sh_028 TC_Sh_029 TC_Sh_030 TC_Sh_031 TC_Sh_032 TC_Sh_033 TC_Sh_034 TC_Sh_035 TC_Sh_036 TC_Sh_037 TC_Sh_038 TC_Sh_039 TC_Sh_040 TC_Sh_041 TC_Sh_042 TC_Sh_043 TC_Sh_044 TC_Sh_045 TC_Sh_046 TC_Sh_047

Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

2557 P2

Page 22

TC_Sh_048 TC_Sh_049 TC_Sh_050 TC_Sh_051 TC_Sh_052 TC_Sh_053 TC_Sh_054 TC_Sh_055 TC_Sh_056 TC_Sh_057 TC_Sh_058 TC_Sh_059 TC_Sh_060 TC_Sh_061 TC_Sh_062 TC_Sh_063 TC_Sh_064 TC_Sh_065 Pass Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 2565 P2 2565 P2 2565 P2 Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas Deepak/ Sreenivas

Page 23

Remarks Bug Fixed Bug Fixed

Bug Fixed

Bug Fixed

Need Discussion with

Bug Assigned back.

Bug Assigned back.

Page 24


Bug Assigned back.

Bug Assigned back.

Page 25


Known Issue

Known Issue

Known Issue

Page 26

Test Case ID TC_Sh_001 TC_Sh_002 TC_Sh_003 TC_Sh_004 TC_Sh_005 TC_Sh_006 TC_Sh_007 TC_Sh_008 TC_Sh_009 TC_Sh_010 TC_Sh_011 TC_Sh_012 TC_Sh_013 TC_Sh_014 TC_Sh_015 TC_Sh_016 TC_Sh_017 TC_Sh_018 TC_Sh_019 TC_Sh_020 TC_Sh_021 TC_Sh_022 TC_Sh_023 TC_Sh_024 TC_Sh_025 TC_Sh_026

Status Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass



Tester Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi




2557 P2

Shashi Shashi

Bug from Phase -I

2557 P2

Shashi Shashi

2557 P2

Shashi Shashi

TC_Sh_027 TC_Sh_028 TC_Sh_029 TC_Sh_030 TC_Sh_031 TC_Sh_032 TC_Sh_033 TC_Sh_034 TC_Sh_035 TC_Sh_036 TC_Sh_037 TC_Sh_038 TC_Sh_039 TC_Sh_040 TC_Sh_041 TC_Sh_042 TC_Sh_043 TC_Sh_044 TC_Sh_045 TC_Sh_046 TC_Sh_047 TC_Sh_048 TC_Sh_049 TC_Sh_050 TC_Sh_051 TC_Sh_052

Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass Fail

2557 P2

Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi

2565 P2

Shashi Shashi

Bug from Phase -I

2565 P2


TC_Sh_053 TC_Sh_054 TC_Sh_055 TC_Sh_056 TC_Sh_057 TC_Sh_058 TC_Sh_059 TC_Sh_060 TC_Sh_061 TC_Sh_062 TC_Sh_063 TC_Sh_064 TC_Sh_065

Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 2565 P2

Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Shashi Same as 2565 Same as 2565

Date 31/08/2007 Module Sh GrandTotal Percentage Sh Application sh_release_1_0_8 Component NA Passed 56 56 86.1538462 Failed 9 9 13.8461538 Total 65

Page 30

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