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Symptoms associated with PSYCHOACTIVE substances SYMPTOMS OF SYMPTOMS OF DRUGS USE/ INTOXICATION/ ASSESSMENT OVERDOSE FINDINGS CNS Relaxation, loss DEPRESSANTS of inhibitions, Respiratory / lack of depression, coma BARBITURATE concentration, (use combined with Anxiolytics drowsiness, alcohol can be Alcohol slurred speech lethal) Sedatives Irritability, wt Hypnotics loss, changes in mood or motor coordination

SYMPTOMS OF WITHDRAW AL Tremors, N / V, insomnia. Seizures, hallucination s, irritability

NURSING INTERVENTIONS Keep person awake & moving to prevent coma, maintain airway. Evacuate stomach contents or lavage as soon as possible to prevent absorption; repeated dose of activated charcoal may be administered Emergency support of vital functions, reduce CNS stimulation, suicide precautions. Do not leave patient unattended; he or she may lapse back into coma rapidly. Monitor cardiovascular effects; have Lidocaine & defibrillator available. If cocaine was ingested, use charcoal to treat. Hemodialysis may be indicated for severe drug intoxication In withdrawal, administer Narcan as ordered

CANNABINOLS : Marijuana Hashish

Relaxation, talkativeness, lowered inhibitions, euphoria, mood swings, intense perceptions

CNS STIMULANTS: Amphetamine Caffeine Cocaine Nicotine

Hyperactivity, agitation, insomnia, anorexia, increased pulse, headache, chest pain, inflamed nasal packages

Euphoria, garndiosity, fighting, elevate V/S, cardiac arrest

Anxiety, depressed mood, insomnia/ hypersomia, suicidal ideas(for amphetamin es & cocaine)

INHALANTS: Gasoline, lighter fluid, varnish remover, rubber cement, cleaning fluid, spray paint, typewriter correction fluid

Same as CNS depressants

Bad trip, high anxiety to panic, hallucinations (may occur long after the drug has been metabolized), flashbacks (may produce long-lasting psychotic disorders), impaired judgment, loss of recent memory, tremors, muscle rigidity, conjunctival redness Belligerence, assaultiveness, impaired judgment, dizziness, nystagmus, slurred speech, unsteady gait, lethargy, depressed reflexes, tremor, blurred vision, stupor or coma, euphoria, irritation around the eyes, throat and nose

If high dose are used for a prolonged period, symptoms of nervousness , tremors, insomnia &restlessnes s may occur upon cessation of use

In panic, talk client down; in severe depression, institute suicide precautions

OPIODS/ NARCOTICS: Opium Morphine Codeine Heroin Meperidine

HALLUCINOGE NS: Mescaline LSD (Lysergic acid Diethylamide) PCP

Euphoria, lethargy, drowsiness, pinpoint pupils, mental clouding, impaired judgment, evidence of needle tracks, inflamed nasal mucosa Visual hallucinations, disorientation, confusion, paranoia, euphoria, anxiety, panic, increased pulse

Decreased RR & BP

N&V, muscle aches, lacrimation, rhinorrhea, piloerection or sweating, diarrhea, yawning, fever, insomia

Belligerence, impulsiveness, psychomotor agitation, increased HR & BP, ataxia, seizures, panic reaction, delirium

Not established

Monitor VS. Observe for suicidal or assaultive behavior. Provide nonthreatening environment, reality orientation, support, talk the client down.

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