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JUNE 30, 2012 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1

Welcome, The Arc of the Tri-Lakes Region!

Family members and representatives from Head Start, the Department of Social Services, Stone Works, and other agencies came together in June to form The Arc of the Tri-Lakes Region. Hosting the group at Haven United Methodist Church, Reverend Harold Eichelberger welcomed The Arc as part of the churchs community mission as a Haven of Love. The new Arc chapter invites everyone who enjoys having a good time to join in FAMILY DAY Sunday, August 12, for food, games, music and art displays. Local service agencies will be on hand to offer program information and other news you can use. Activities will take place on the grounds of Haven Church, 107 Burroughs Street in Hot Springs. The Arc is undertaking plans for a fall back to school training session offering positive behavioral support techniques to use with all age groups. To join The Arc of the Tri-Lakes Region, visit the membership page, or email If you live in another part of the state you can join The Arc of Arkansas directly at that same page.

The new Arc chapter invites everyone to join in FAMILY DAY, Sunday, August 12, at Haven United Methodist Church in Hot Springs.

The Arkansas Waiver Association Conference

Many of the supports and services for Arkansas children and adults with special needs are funded by Medicaid, a Federal health care program, through what are called WAIVER services. A statewide association of families receiving these services, the Arkansas Waiver Association, is holding a 3-day conference July 18-20 at the Hot Springs Convention Center. John Agosta from Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) in Boston is providing a day-long pre-conference presentation on Wednesday, July 18, to set forth a positive vision of client-centered planning. Mr. Agosta will offer

The AWA Conference is set for July 18-20 at the Hot Springs Convention Center

The Arc of Arkansas

The Arc of Arkansas 2004 Main Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 501-375-7770

The DD Council awards minigrants to consumers and family members to attend state and national conferences.

practical suggestions for determining an individuals personal hopes and dreams, and translating them into individualized plans to meet those goals. For more information on the conference and to register, go to

Arkansas Developmental Disabilities Council

The DD Conference takes place September 12-13 at the Peabody Hotel in Little Rock

The Arkansas Developmental Disabilities Council is a program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The 28 members of the Council are appointed by the Governor in each state to support innovative programs through awarding grant funds. More than half of the Council membership must be individuals with developmental disabilities or family members. The Arkansas DD Council awards mini-grants in support of consumer and family expenses to attend state (up to $500) or national (up to $1000) conferences. For instance, a person with a developmental disability can submit a letter requesting $500 to attend The Arc of Arkansas state conference, or ask for $1000 to attend this falls meeting of The Arc of the United States. Requests may be submitted any time via email to 5800 West 10th Street, Suite 805, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72204.

The Arc of Arkansas 2004 S Main St Little Rock AR 72206 501-375-7770 501-372-4621 Were on the Web!

The next meeting of the DD Council will be held September 11. All meetings are open to the public.

DD Council Fall Conference

The Arkansas Developmental Disabilities Council invites everyone interested in the health and welfare of people with developmental disabilities to attend a lively interactive two-day conference at the Peabody Hotel in Little Rock, September 12 & 13. The Future: Its in the Palm of Your Hand is the theme of this years conference. The early registration deadline is August 1; for more information and to register, go to

Self-Advocates Invited to Mock Legislature

Do you want to speak your mind and have your government listen? Come learn how to: Find your government representatives Contact your elected officials Prepare a speech to present your case Present your point of view to your representatives

The Arkansas Division of Developmental Disabilities Services invites you to learn about government and practice your presentation skills at a meeting in Little Rock, September 11-12. The Mock Legislature will let you practice so you can be comfortable going before the Arkansas State Legislature for real to let them know what you want and need.

The Arc of Arkansas State Convention

The Arc of Arkansas is putting together a statewide conference in October for its membership and for professionals from the medical, justice, and law enforcement fields on the subject of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the largest preventable cause of intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Come join forces in preventing future FASD and learn how to work effectively with those already affected. Additional workshops will be offered on self-advocacy leadership skills, preparing for the upcoming Arkansas legislative session, and expanding membership in the nations premiere advocacy organization for people with developmental disabilities and their families.

National Conference and International Forum

The Arc of the United States invites you to Washington, D.C. to attend the 2012 National Conference and International Forum, October 25-28, 2012, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. For information and registration, go to

Did You Know??

The Arc of the United States was awarded a $2.6 million grant to sponsor an information clearinghouse and resource center on autism. Visit and for valuable information and help.

MEETING CALENDAR Family Day at Haven UMC, Hot Springs, August 12 DDS Mock Legislature, Self-Advocates, September 11-12 DD Council Conference Peabody Hotel September 12-13 The Arc of Arkansas State Convention, October 2012 The Arc National Conference, Washington, October 25-28

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