Canine Hypothyroidism Canine Hypothyroidism

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Canine Hypothyroidism

Advanced Animal Imaging Ryan Harrell BS, BS, CNMT

Canine Thyroid Endocrinology

The hypothalamus produces thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH). Which stimulates the anterior pituitary to synthesize and release TSH. Which then stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) hormones

Organification of Thyroglobulin

Iodine is active in the organification of Thyroglobulin to produce T4 and T3.

Organification of Thyroglobulin
Thyroglobulin is formed within the follicular cells and is secreted in the lumen of the follicle. Iodine is converted to Iodide in the intestinal tract and then is transported to the thyroid, where the follicle cells effectively traps the iodide through an active transport process.

Elevated T4 Levels

As T4 levels increase the thyroid gland becomes iodine deficient. This process occurs in Hyperthyroidism.

Canine Thyroid

Canine Anatomy consists of:

Two thyroid lobes (Right and Left Lobe). Located in the region of the neck.

Canine Endocrinology

Canine endocrinology occurs with the use of iodine, thyroglobulin, thyroglobulin, and the production of T4 and T3.

Canine Thyroid Disorders

Hypothyroidism Thyroid Cancer

Canine Hypothyroidism

Canine Hypothyroidism is found in dogs 4-10 4years old. It is developed more in the middle ages. Affects more mid or large sized dogs. Rare in toy and miniature breeds of dogs. Spayed females are at higher risk. Breeds at higher risk:

Golden Retriever, Doberman Pinscher, Irish Setter, Miniature Schnauzer, Dachshund, Cocker Spaniel, and Airedale Terrier.

Canine Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is caused by the dysfunction of the path way from the hypothalamichypothalamicpituitary-thyroid. pituitary95% of all cases occur as a result of destruction of the thyroid gland.

Canine Hypothyroidism Signs and Symptoms

Lethargy / Mental Dullness Hair Loss Weight Gain / Obesity Dry Hair Coat / Excessive Shedding Hyperpigmentation of the skin Cold Intolerance Slow heart rate High Blood Pressure Anemia

70% 65% 60% 60% 25% 15% 10% 80% 50%

Testing for Canine Hypothyroidism

Diagnosed by testing T3, T4, Free T4 and TSH levels. TgAA testing. Many dogs suffer with low levels of thyroid hormones for years without being treated.

Treating Canine Hypothyrodisim

Treatment is with a synthetic thyroid medication. (Soloxine)

Canine Hypothyroidism Imaging

No Canine Hypothyroidism imaging is performed.

Advanced Animal Imaging Services Include:

1. 2.

Early detection of Canine Hypothyroidism. Evaluation of Canine Thyroid Carcinoma.

Canine Hypothyroidism Work Up

Pre Exam Workup:

A complete Chemistry Panel CBC Diagnostic Lab work for T3, T4, Free T4, TSH, Thyroid Autoantibodies (TgAA) TgAA) X-ray is not required.

Canine Hypothyroidism Work Up

Pre Exam Workup: With hold thyroid supplementation for 3 months prior to testing (OFA standards).

Canine Hypothyroidism Work Up

Pre Exam Workup: Dogs should be on a low iodine diet for at least 7 days prior to examination.

No food or drink, 4 hours before the appointment.

Canine Hypothyroidism

The dog will stay over night in order to complete the hypothyroid examination. No NRC precautions would be needed. The dog would be free to go without any radiation restrictions.

Advanced Animal Imaging

Advanced Animal Imaging is a leader in animal thyroid diagnostics and imaging. Our goal is to provide more advanced technology to resolve equivocal and false positive test results.

AAI and the OFA

Advanced Animal Imaging is working with The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) and OFA approved labs to develop new technology and screening parameters for canine hypothyroidism.

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