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Senritsu hurried over to the entrance of the base to meet with Itachi before he left with Kisame on another

mission. Itachi-senpai! She cheerfully called as she ran over to him. Itachi glanced to her for a moment before he turned to Kisame. Kisame, I know. He stated without missing a beat and walked out first, leaving Senritsu with Itachi for the moment. Itachi-senpai, jyou are leaving now? She asked with curious look on her face. Even her veiled eyes seemed to look directly to him. Itachi closed his eyes for a moment, knowing this was when he would have to go and face his younger brother. That he would never come back to see her innocent, sweet face again. Yes. Its important. He simply stated to her. She noticed his distance. It was unusual for him to be so cold to her unless there was a reason. What about my training, senpai? She asked not because she really felt she needed anymore training, but she wanted him to stay. As Itachi opened his eyes to see her veiled stare, it still didnt help him. Yet, he reached over to her, gently placing his hand on her head. Youve already made a lot of progress since you lost your sight. Theres nothing more I can teach you. You should be fine on your missions now on your own. Those words, on your own, seemed to sting in her heart. Was he not planning to see her again? Or was it something else? A part of her felt he did so because he was getting too close, but she was already so attached to him. Thats what made it so difficult. She was never so attached to anyone else before either. Not in the way she was with him. I-Itachi did I do something wrong? Senritsu asked with a sense of pain in her voice. He couldnt believe how a girl like herself could make him feel such things. She was a gentle girl, a very beautiful, pale blonde haired girl he wanted to protect. But he wanted to protect his brother as well. No, he knew it needed to be done. He couldnt keep both things that mattered to him. His hand glided from her head, through her cream colored curls to her chin, lifting her face up to look up to him. Something he often did even when she did have her sight to get her attention. No you didnt. He answered in a gentle tone. Senritsu desperately wanted to ask what was going on, to see what was truly on his heart. But she knew she couldnt pry. She never did. It would only make things worse. But she smiled. She smiled through her pain and concern even though her eyes still expressed it, she still smiled. Itachi just I know Deidara-senpai died recently. Just promise me jyoull be ok and come back soon jyeah? He paused for a moment, seeing her partial saddened expression, something she usually hid. Why did he have to get so attached to her? I will. He lied with a soft smile to her. Even though she couldnt see his expression, she could hear it in his voice. She knew from the pain she could clearly hear he was lying. Her usual habit was to cheerfully tell him, Dun lie senpai~ I can tell when jyou wont tell me the truth~ This time however, she kept it to herself, smiling gently with a slight giggle, O-ok Ill hold jyou to it then. Itachi nodded as he let her go, but before he turned away, he was caught off guard by Senritsus sudden embrace. Standing on the tip of her toes from her short stature, she had embraced him for a brief moment. Not because she believed he needed it, but more for her own heart. She pulled away from his form, smiling and laughing. Hehe, I wish I couldve seen jyour expression, Itachi-senpai. She casually jested with blushing face, pulling her cloak collar over her nose. Itachi didnt say a word, but noticed her bangs were slightly out of place again. With his usual habit, he lightly brushed her bangs out of her silver, glazed eyes to see her face more clearly before he left. Take care of yourself then, Senritsu. He told her before he turned and walked out. Senritsu still smiled and waved to him when he left. She knew he wasnt coming back. She didnt know why or understand. But she felt her heart break as she watched him leave, but she didnt allow her tears to fall till he and Kisame were far from sight. Even as her tears grazed down her cheeks, she still smiled. Quickly she wiped them away as she turned and went back inside to find something for her to do. Something to take her mind off the worry and concern of Itachis well-being.

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