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September 2011 Dear Parents Home Stay Visit to Rouen, France Saturday 31 March - Wednesday 4 April 2012 The

French Department is very excited to organise a third Home Stay visit to Rouen for 5 days, between 31 March 4 April 2012, during the first week of the Easter holidays. The Home Stay programme is designed for any pupils from Year 8 through to Year 11. Pupils gain significantly in their language studies from staying in pairs with French families. Living with a host family is an ideal way for the pupils to practise their French and also learn about and experience French culture. Whole day excursions are planned to visit places of interest in Rouen and the surrounding area. The cost of the trip will be 530, which will include all meals, travel, accommodation and entrance fees. This trip is organised by Halsbury Travel, who is ABTA/ATOL affiliated and is a recommended company in this field. As with other school trips, the School will act as agent for the parents in dealing with the administration of the trip and passing on of payments, but the parents contract will be with Halsbury Travel, and the School can accept no responsibility for the companys obligations. There are 40 places available. If your son/daughter is interested in taking part in this visit, please complete the attached slip and return it to me in an envelope marked with your childs name, with a non-refundable deposit of 100 made payable to Forest School no later than Monday 3 October 2011. Please ensure that your sons/daughters name and Rouen Home Stay are written on the reverse of the cheque. Yours sincerely Miss C Heath Head of French -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return this slip to Miss Heath by Monday 3 October 2011 I agree to my son/daughter ... in form .. participating in the above visit to Rouen, France on 31 March 4 April 2012 and enclose a deposit of 100 (cheques made payable to Forest School please). Signed .... (parent/guardian)

FOREST SCHOOL, LONDON E17 3PY Telephone: 020 8520 1744 Fax: 020 8520 3656 Email: Web:
Forest School, Essex a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 429150 Registered Office as above Forest School is a registered charity No. 312677


FOREST SCHOOL, LONDON E17 3PY Telephone: 020 8520 1744 Fax: 020 8520 3656 Email: Web:
Forest School, Essex a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 429150 Registered Office as above Forest School is a registered charity No. 312677

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