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TMR4247 Marine technology 3, Hydrodynamics EXERSICE 6 SPRING 2011

Suggested solution
Problem 1


D2 L

a) The figure above shows the pontoon of the platform including the position of the columns. 1 and 2 are the diameters of the columns. Calculating the restoring coefficients 33 and 44 for the platform: Given: D1 = 8 m, D2 = 6 m, d1 = 6.99 m, d2 = 7.01 m, L = 100 m GMd1 = 115 m

The restoring coefficient in heave ( is the water plane area)

C 33d = gAwd

= 1025 9.81 2 100 = 22,1 10 6 [N/m]

C 33d 2 = gAWd 2
2 D12 D2 = 1025 9.81 4 4 + 4 6 = 3,16 10 [ N m]

For draft 1 the transverse metacentre height is given: 1 = 115. Volume displacement:

1 = LBd1 2 = 117 100 2 = 15400 m

C44 4 will be the restoring moment as we know it from studying static stability. Hence we have
C 44d 1 = g1 GM d1 = 1025 9.81 15400 115 = 1,781 1010 [ Nm]
The metacentre height is given as: GM = KB + BM - KG where K is the point of the keel, B is the centre of buoyancy and G is the centre of gravity. As KB and KG are practically unchanged when the draft is altered by 2cm we have that GM = BM

Calculating the second moment of inertia of the water plane area for draft 1 and 2: Draft 1: (d1 = 6.99 m)

a B

1 1 3 2 2 3 Ix d1 = 2 LB + LBa = 2 100 11 + 100 11 30 12 12

4 5 = 20,02 10 [m ]

Metacentre radius:

BMd 1 =

I xd

20,02 105 = 130 [m] 15400

Draft 2: (d2 = 7.01 m)


D1 D2

I xd 2 = 4(


64 4 64 4 4 2 4 2 8 8 6 6 30 2 + 30 2 ) = 4( + + 64 4 64 4 5 4 = 2,84 10 [m ]


a2 +



a2 )

Metacentre radius:

BM d 2 =

I xd 2 1

2,84 10 5 = 18,4 [m] 15400

BM = BM d 2 BM d1 = 18,4 130 = 111,6 [m]

and we obtain:

C 44d = C 44d + g BM
2 1

= 1,781 1010 + 1025 9,81 15400 (111,6) = 5,3 10 8 [ Nm]

b) The eigenperiod in heave is given as

T3 = 2

M + A33 C 33

The volume displacement for the two drafts:

d 1 = 11 6,99 100 2 = 15378 m 3 d 2 = 11 7 100 2 + 4

The mass (and added mass) is:


0,01 +


0,01 = 15403,1 m 3

M = = 15400 1025 = 15,785 10 6 kg

And from this we find the eigenperiods:


2 15, 785 106 = 2= 7,5 s T3d 1 22,1 106 2 15, 785 106 = 2= 19,8 s T3d 2 3,16 106
c) GM > 0 with both drafts, and hence the platform is stable. Given: By formula: GMd1 = 115 m GM = KB KG +BM KB KG const (for two draughts) GMd1 = 115 > 0 115 = (KB - KG) +130 KB KG = -15 GMd2 = -15 + 18.4 GMd2 = 3.4 > 0



Problem 2 All necessary equations are found in the book, pg. 3.8-3.9. Example of Matlab script:
% example for one set of M, B and varying C values clear all; close all; % equation of motion for free, damped oscillation B=1.5; %damping force M=0.5; %inertial force C=10; %restoring force alpha=(B/(2*M)); t=0:0.05:10; omega1=sqrt(C/M-alpha^2); eta0=2; C1=eta0; C2=eta0*alpha/omega1; T=2*pi/omega1;

eta=exp(-alpha*t).*(C1*cos(omega1*t)+C2*sin(omega1*t)); figure(1) plot(t,eta,'b.-') xlabel('\ittime t (s)'); ylabel('\itamplitude \eta (m)'); title('Free, damped oscillations') text(7.25,1.25,['\omega =',num2str(omega1)]) grid on hold on

%Equation of motion for free, undamped oscillations B=1.5; %damping force, DOUBLED M=0.5; %inertial force C=20; %restoring force alpha=(B/(2*M)); t=0:0.05:10; omega1=sqrt(C/M-alpha^2); eta0=2; C1=eta0; C2=eta0*alpha/omega1; eta=exp(-alpha*t).*(C1*cos(omega1*t)+C2*sin(omega1*t)); figure(1) plot(t,eta,'b-') text(7.25,1.10,['\omega =',num2str(omega1)]) hold off legend('C = 10 N/m','C = 20 N/m')

Free, damped oscillations 2 B = 1.5 1/s B = 3.0 1/s 1.5

=4.2131 =3.3166

amplitude (m)




5 time t (s)


B increased from 1.5 to 3.0

Free, damped oscillations 2 M = 0.5 kg M = 1 kg 1.5

=4.2131 =3.0721

amplitude (m)




5 time t (s)


M increased from 0.5kg to 1kg: T increases from 1.5s to 2.05s

Free, damped oscillations 2 C = 10 N/m C = 20 N/m 1.5

=4.2131 =6.1441

amplitude (m)




5 time t (s)


C increased from 10 to 20 N/m: T decreases to 1.02s

Force components:


t=0 t = 1,5s t = 2,5s 2 0.213 0.036

0 0.036 0,2

-40 4.159 0.120

Problem 3 All necessary equations are found in the book pg.3.8-3.11. We use equation 3.25 with 0 as the excitation frequency (= the wave frequency). The oscillating systems eigenfrequency is obtained by using C, M and B:

= 1

Since the term (B/2M)2 is much smaller then term C/M, the simpler frequency equation can be used in the practical problems. The excitation amplitude can be chosen freely.

0 =

The phase difference is calculated using the undamped eigenfrequency:

C B M 2M
C . M

The implementation of equation 3.26 may give some problems. Equation of the form epsilon=0.5*pi+acot()gives realistic results whilst equation epsilon=atan() gives results as shown at figure 3-12 in the textbook. Try both phase shifts using the following script:
% damping parameter % mass in the inertia force % restoring constant

B=1.5; m=0.5; C=10;

omega=0.:0.1:10; %frequency of the excitation force figure(5) %epsilon=0.5*pi+acot(-B.*omega./(C-m.*omega.^2)); % common version epsilon=atan(-B.*omega./(C-m.*omega.^2)); % textbook version plot(omega,epsilon,'.-'); hold on B=0.75; m=0.5; C=10; % damping parameter % mass in the inertia force % restoring constant

omega=0:0.1:10; % frequency of the excitation force figure(5) %epsilon=0.5*pi+acot(-B.*omega./(C-m.*omega.^2)); % common version epsilon=atan(-B.*omega./(C-m.*omega.^2)); % textbook version plot(omega,epsilon,'k.-') B=0.15; m=0.5; C=10; % damping parameter % mass in the inertia force % restoring constant

omega=0:0.1:10; % excitation frequency figure(5) %epsilon=0.5*pi+acot(-B.*omega./(C-m.*omega.^2)); epsilon=atan(-B.*omega./(C-m.*omega.^2)); plot(omega,epsilon,'r.-') legend('B=1.5','B=0.75','B=0.15') hold off



Phase difference as found in most mechanics books.

Phase difference as given in the book, figure 3-12.

Matlab script for ploting the solution in time domain:

% equation of motion for force, damped oscillation B=1.5; %damping parameter m=0.5; %mass in the inertial force C=10; %restoring coefficient Fe=3; %excitation force t=0.:0.01:6; alpha=(B/(2*m)); omega=8; %frequency of the excitation force omega0=sqrt(C/m); % the systems eigen frequency % phase difference as in the textbook: % epsilon=atan(-B*omega/(C-m*omega^2)); % commonly used formula for phase difference: epsilon=0.5*pi+acot(-B.*omega./(C-m.*omega.^2)); % equation 3.25 from the textbook: eta=(Fe*cos(omega.*t+epsilon))/( sqrt((C-m*omega^2)^2 + B^2*omega^2 )); % wave amplitude versus t ye=Fe*cos(omega*t); figure(4) plot(t,eta,'k-') xlabel('\ittid t (s)'); ylabel('\itamplitude \eta (m)'); title('Forced, damped oscillation') hold on plot(t,ye,'r.-') axis([0,6,-4,4]) legend('reaction','excitation') text(1,-2.5,['\omega_0 =',num2str(omega0)],'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9]) text(1,-3,['\color{red}\omega =',num2str(omega)],'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9]) text(1,-3.5,['\epsilon/\pi =',num2str(epsilon/pi)],'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9]) hold off grid on

Forced, damped oscillation 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 reaction excitation

amplitude (m)

0 =4.4721
-3 -4

=2 / =0.1142
0 1 2 3 time t (s) 4 5 6

Wave frequency lower than eigenfrequency: the system follows the wave frequency in almost the same phase.
Forced, damped oscillation 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 reaction excitation

amplitude (m)

0 =4.4721
-3 -4

=8 / =0.84105

Wave frequency larger than eigenfrequency: phase difference close to , lowest amplitude.
0 1 2 3 time t (s) 4 5 6
Forced, damped oscillation 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 reaction excitation

amplitude (m)

0 =4.4721
-3 -4

=4 / =0.39758
0 1 2 3 time t (s) 4 5 6

Wave frequency close to eigenfrequency: resonance with damping, phase difference close to .

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