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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

Table of Contents
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration .................................................... 1
Exercise 1 Configuring Dial Plans ...................................................................................................................................3 Exercise 2 Configuring PSTN Usages ............................................................................................................................10 Exercise 3 Configuring Voice Policies ...........................................................................................................................12 Exercise 4 Configuring Routes .....................................................................................................................................14 Exercise 5 Using the Enterprise Voice Features of Lync Server 2010 ..........................................................................17 Exercise 6 (Optional): Configuring and Experiencing Private Lines .............................................................................20 Exercise 7 Configuring Least Cost Routing ...................................................................................................................22

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

After completing this lab, you will be better able to: Configure dial plans, along with appropriate normalization rules. Configure the global dial plan to enable inbound number normalization. Configure site trunk configuration for outbound number translation. Configure phone usages. Create voice policies and associate them with usages. Configure routes and attach them to usages. Experience Enterprise Voice.


Contoso Ltd. has previously used Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS 2007) Release 2 (R2) for internal Lync 2010 calling only (using 4-digit dialing), and for dialing an operator. With Lync Server 2010 deployed, you are now ready to fully deploy Enterprise Voice for Contoso. This will include editing or creating two dial plans, one for Redmond and one for Rome, which will include a full set of dialing rules (normalization rules), usages, policies, and routes for the Redmond and Rome sites. You will also configure trunk configurations for the Redmond and Rome sites. 90 Minutes

Estimated Time to Complete This Lab Computers used in this Lab






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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration





The password for the Administrator account on all computers in this lab is: Password1

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

Exercise 1 Configuring Dial Plans

In this section, you will familiarize yourself with the Voice Routing category included in the new Lync Server 2010 Control Panel. The Voice Routing category looks like the following.

Notice that with Lync Server 2010, the term location profile is no longer used; instead, dial plan is used. This matches Microsoft Exchange terminology. In this exercise, you will complete the following management tasks to familiarize yourself with the steps required to edit or create dial plans in the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel. You will also experience trunk configuration. Trunk Configuration allows for site- or service-specific configuration for outbound number manipulation that was previously performed on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)/Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) media gateway. Once a dialed number has been set to be routed out to the PSTN, Trunk Configuration will manipulate the outbound number to translate it according to that sites requirements. You will configure Rome and Redmond Trunk Configuration. Tasks Complete the following task on: LS-FE 1. Edit the redmond.contoso.c om dial plan. Detailed Steps Note: You will now create a set of normalization rules for the dial plan, for multiple dialing scenarios.
a. On LS-FE, click Start and then click Lync Server Control Panel. b. Log in as Administrator with a password of Password1 c. In the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel, in the primary navigation area, click Voice

Routing and then click Dial Plan.

d. Click, click the Edit drop-down list, and then click Show

e. On the Edit Dial Plan page, on the Associated Normalization Rules toolbar, click

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks Detailed Steps New.


In the New Normalization Rule page, in the Name field, type Redmond 7 Digit

g. In the Length drop-down list, select Exactly. h. In the Length spinner list, select 7. i.

Leave the Digits to remove spinner list at 0. In the Digits to add field, type +1425. Notice the value in the Pattern to match, which should show ^(\d{7})$. You could have typed this pattern in this field instead. Also notice that the Translation rule field has been populated as well.

j. l.

In the Dialed number to test field, type 1234008 and then click Go. Click OK to close the New Normalization Rule page and save this rule. normalization rules, below the newly created 7-digit rule. The table shows all normalization rules for this plan, including the two created in an earlier lab: Redmond Operator and Redmond 4 Digit, which will NOT need to be recreated and are in grey in the following table.

k. Verify that +14251234008 appears in next to Normalized number: m. Repeat steps f through m to create and test the following additional


Starting digits 0 4


Digits to remove 1

Digits to add


Redmond Operator Redmond 4 Digit Internal Rome 4 Digit Internal Redmond 7 Digit Redmond 10 Digit Redmond 11 Digit Long Distance Redmond Internatio nal

Exactly 1 Exactly 4

+14251234021 +1425123

0 to +14251234021 4008 to +14251234008

Exactly 4


5014 to +390612345014

Exactly 7 Exactly 10

+1425 +1

1234008 to +14251234008 4251234008 to +14251234008

Exactly 11

14251234008 to +14251234008


At Least 3

011390612345555 to +390612345555

n. Order the Normalization Rules to match the table above by using the Up and


arrows. When finished, it should look like the following.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks Detailed Steps

o. On the Edit Dial Plan page and click OK. p. Verify that the dial plan includes 7 normalization rules. It

will display its state as Uncommitted.

q. Click OK to go back to the main Dial Plan page.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks 2. Create the dial plan. Detailed Steps Note: Dialing for the Rome location requires its own set of normalization rules. You will now create the dial plan and configure normalization rules for Rome, Italy.
a. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel, click New and then click User

Dial Plan.
b. On the New Dial Plan page, in the Name field, type c. In the Name field, type d. In the Simple name field, e. In the Description field, type Rome Branch Office f.

Scroll down the inline form and then in the toolbar located above the heading Normalization Rule, click Select. plan and apply them to a new one. This would be especially useful for a branch office within the same country. Select both the Redmond 4 Digit Internal rule and the Rome 4 Digit Internal rule while holding down the CTRL key, and then click OK. These rules will be part of the collection of normalization rules for the Rome location.

g. Notice that if desired, you could select normalization rules from another dial

h. Create two additional rules according to the following table, using the Up and

Name Rome 4 Digit Internal Redmond 4 digit internal Rome Local and National Rome International

arrows to arrange the rules in the order shown:

Starting digits 5 4 0[1-9] Length Exactly 4 Exactly 4 At Least 8 At Least 2 Digits to remove 0 1 0 Digits to add +39061234 +14251234 +39 Test 5014 to +390612345014 4008 to +14251234008 0612345678 to +390612345678 2 + 0014251234567 to +14251234567



Back on the New Dial Plan page, highlight the Prefix All rule and then click Remove. When finished, it should look like the following.

j. l.

On the New Dial Plan page, on the toolbar, click OK. In the Uncommitted Voice Configuration Settings window, click Commit.

k. Click the Commit drop-down menu and then click Commit All. m. At the Lync Server Control Panel prompt, click Close.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks 3. Configure inbound normalization. Detailed Steps Note: In previous labs, we have created some inbound normalization rules. You will now add the rules you just created for the two dial plans to the global dial plan.
a. On LS-FE, on the Voice Routing, Dial Plan page, click Global. b. Click the Edit drop-down list and then click Show details. c. Above the Normalization Rules list, click Select. d. In the Select Normalization Rules window, highlight the following rules and then

click OK. (Use the CTRL key to select multiple rules.) Redmond Operator Redmond 4 Digit Internal Rome 4 Digit Internal Redmond 7 Digit Redmond 10 Digit Redmond 11 Digit Long Distance Redmond International Rome Local and National Rome International

Note: Be sure to exclude duplicate Rome and Redmond rules. The 4-digit rules for each site exist within both dial plans but need only be imported here once each.
e. Switch to the Edit Dial Plan page, highlight the Prefix All rule, and then click

Remove. Leave the Dial In Conferencing, Auto Attendant, and Subscriber Access Number rules in their current order at the top. When finished, there should be 11 rules.

On the Edit Dial Plan page, click OK.

g. Click the Commit drop-down menu and then Commit All. h. In the Uncommitted Voice Configuration Settings window, click Commit. i.

At the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel prompt, click Close.


Create a new Site Trunk Configuration for Redmond.

Note: You will now create a new site Trunk Configuration for Redmond that will perform number translation that is required by the media gateway in that location. This configuration with OCS 2007 R2 had to be performed at the gateway, but can now be handled by CS 14.
a. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel, click the Trunk Configuration

b. Click the New drop-down menu and then click Site Trunk. c. In the Select a site window, select the Redmond site and then click OK. d. In the Encryption support level drop-down menu, select Optional. e. On the Associated Translation Rules toolbar, click New. f.

On the New Translation Rule page, in the Name field, type Redmond PBX

g. In the Starting digits field, type +14251234. h. In the Length drop-down list, set to Exactly and 12. i. j. l.

In the Digits to remove field, set it to 8. Leave the Digits to add field blank. Verify that the Translation rule field reads $1 and click OK. following table. Page 7 of 24

k. Verify that the Pattern to match field reads ^\+1425123(4\d{3})$ m. Repeat steps e through l for the three remaining translation rules using the

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks Detailed Steps
Name Redmond PBX Rome PBX Redmond PSTN Rome PSTN Starting digits +14251234 +39061234 5 +1 +39 Length Exactly 12 Exactly 13 Exactly 12 Exactly 13 Digits to remove 8 9 1 1 Match Pattern ^\+1425123(4\d{3})$ ^\+39061234(5\d{3})$ ^\+(1\d{10})$ ^\+(39\d{10})$

n. When finished, it should like the following.

o. Click OK after all four translation rules have been created.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks 5. Create a new Site Trunk Configuration for Rome. Detailed Steps Note: You will now configure site Trunk Configuration for Rome. Although in this lab the rules are the same as for Redmond, in a real world deployment the configuration can be different depending on the gateways requirements.
a. On LS-FE, on the Lync Server Control Panel, Voice Routing, Trunk Configuration

tab, click the New drop-down menu and then click Site Trunk.
b. In the Select a site window, select the Rome site and then click OK. c. In the Encryption Support Level drop-down menu, select Optional. d. On the toolbar above Translation Rule, click Select. e. In the Select Translation Rules window, select all four translation rules and then

click OK.

Reorder the rules to match the following screenshot, using the Up and Down arrows to reorder the rules. When finished, it should look like the following. Click OK.

g. Click the Commit drop-down menu, and then click Commit All. h. In the Uncommitted Voice Configuration Settings window, click Commit. i. j.

At the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel prompt, click Close. You should see the following screen:

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

Exercise 2 Configuring PSTN Usages

PSTN Usages are labels that help you identify different types of phone calls; for example, you might have usages with names like Local calls only or Local + Long Distance. When you create a voice policy, you add the appropriate phone usages to the policy. In addition, you associate usages with the voice routes that you have defined. By assigning usage records to both policies and routes, you enable the system to determine which users are allowed to make calls on which routes. When a user places a call, Lync Server 2010 matches the call with the appropriate voice route. If the usage record for the route also appears in the voice policy assigned to the caller, the call will be put through. However, if the usage for the route does not appear in the users voice policy, the call will not go through. The same usage must appear in both the voice route and the users voice policy before Lync Server 2010 will actually make the call.

Tasks Complete the following task on: LS-FE 1. Create the Redmond location PSTN Usages.

Detailed Steps
a. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel, in the Voice Routing section,

click the Voice Policy tab.

b. Double click the Global voice policy. c. On the Associated PSTN Usages toolbar, click New. d. On the New PSTN Usage Record page, in the Name field, type Redmond Local

and then click OK.

e. Complete the same steps to create the following usages:

Redmond Long Distance

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks Detailed Steps

2. Create the Rome location PSTN usages.

Redmond International

a. Repeat the same steps as above to create the following usages for Rome:

Rome Local Rome National Rome International

b. On the Edit Voice Policy Global page, click OK. c. Click the Commit drop-down menu and then click Commit All. d. In the Uncommitted Voice Configuration Settings window, click Commit. e. At the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel prompt, click Close.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

Exercise 3 Configuring Voice Policies

A voice policy is a named set of usages. You can define a single voice policy for all users in your organization, or you can define multiple voice policies that assign different call privileges for different individuals and groups. You can define as many voice policies as you like; in fact, you can even define a policy without ever assigning it to anyone.

Tasks Complete the following task on: LS-FE 1. Create the Voice Policies for the Redmond location.

Detailed Steps Note: You will now create voice policies for the Redmond location that allow different levels of calling.
a. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel, in the Voice Routing section,

click the Voice Policy tab.

b. On the toolbar, click the New drop-down menu and then click User Policy. c. On the New Voice Policy page, in the Name field, type Redmond Local Policy d. Scroll down to the Associated PSTN usages table and then click Select on the

e. In the Select PSTN Usage Records window, select Redmond Local and then click


On the New Voice Policy page, click OK. following table.

g. Create two more user policies, using the names and usages shown in the

Name Redmond Long Distance Policy

Usages Redmond Local Redmond Long Distance

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks Detailed Steps

Redmond International Policy

2. Create a similar set of user policies associated with the Rome location.

Redmond Local Redmond Long Distance Redmond International

a. On LS-FE, use the names and usages shown in the following table to create

polices for the Rome site:

Name Rome Local Policy Rome National Policy Rome International Policy

Usages Rome Local Rome Local Rome National Rome Local Rome National Rome International

b. Click the Commit drop-down menu and then click Commit All. c. In the Uncommitted Voice Configuration Settings window, click Commit. d. At the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel prompt, click Close. When finished, it

should look like the following.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

Exercise 4 Configuring Routes

Routes specify how Lync Server 2010 handles calls placed by Enterprise Voice users. When a user places a call, the server, if necessary, normalizes the phone number to the E.164 format and then attempts to match that phone number to a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). If the server is unable to make a match, it applies outgoing call routing logic based on the number. That logic is defined in the form of a separate voice route for each set of target phone numbers listed in the location profile for a locale.

Tasks Complete the following task on: LS-FE 1. Create Routes for the Redmond site.

Detailed Steps
a. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel, in the Voice Routing section,

click the Route tab.

b. On the content area toolbar, click New. c. On the New Voice Route page, in the Name field, type Redmond Local d. In the Starting digits for numbers that you want to allow: field, type +1425 and

then click Add.

e. The Match this Pattern field, should then display ^\+1425 Notice the Suppress

caller ID option. This allows the manipulation of caller ID information for outbound calls, in order to mask employees direct-dial extensions and replace them with the generic corporate or departmental number.

Click the Add button next to the Associated gateways box. then click OK. PstnGateway: should show in the Associated gateways box.

g. In the Select Gateway window, click PstnGateway: Redmond and

h. On the Associated PSTN usages table toolbar, click Select.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks Detailed Steps
i. j.

In the Select PSTN Usage Record window, select Redmond Local and then click OK. On the New Voice Route page, click OK. PstnGateway: Redmond as the gateway.

k. Create the following set of voice routes, in each case, selecting Name Redmond Long Distance Redmond International Starting Digits +1 + Match pattern ^\+1 ^\+ Usages Redmond Long Distance Redmond International

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks 2. Create Routes for the Rome site. Detailed Steps
a. On LS-FE, create a similar set of voice routes for the Rome location, selecting

PstnGateway: Rome as the gateway.

Route name Rome Local Rome National Rome International Starting Digits +3906 +390 + Match Pattern ^\+3906 ^\+390 ^\+ Usage Rome Local Rome National Rome International

b. When finished, click the Commit drop-down menu and then click Commit All. c. In the Uncommitted Voice Configuration Settings window, click Commit. d. At the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel prompt, click Close. When finished, it

should look like the following.


Assign Voice Policies to users.

Note: With Enterprise Voice now configured, you will assign Voice Policies to various users in order to grant calling privileges.
a. On LS-FE, in the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel, in the navigation pane, click

Users and then click Find.

b. Double-click Vivian Atlas. c. On the Edit Lync Server User page, in the Voice policy drop-list menu, select

Redmond International Policy and then click Commit.

d. Repeat these steps for Spencer Low, giving him the Redmond International

Policy, and Holly Holt, giving her the Redmond Long Distance Policy. Leave the Lync Server 2010 Control Panel running. 4. Assign Voice Policies to the Auto Attendant and the Subscriber Access Number contacts.
a. On LS-FE, click Start and then click Lync Server Management Shell. b. In the Lync Server 2010 Management Shell, type the following command and

then press ENTER:

Redmond,Redmond_AA | Grant-CsVoicePolicy PolicyName Redmond International Policy -Verbose c. Leave the Lync Server 2010 Management Shell running.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

Exercise 5 Using the Enterprise Voice Features of Lync Server 2010

With all of the Enterprise Voice settings configured, Contoso is now ready to experience the voice features of Lync Server 2010. In this exercise, you will perform a series of voice calls between users in order to test the various normalization rules, usages, policies, and routes. Tasks Complete the following task on: Client01 1. Install and start the Attendant on Client01. Detailed Steps
a. On Client01, right-click the Lync icon on the system tray and then click Exit. b. Click Start, and then click Windows Explorer. c. In Windows Explorer, browse to C:\LabFiles, and then double click

d. On the Welcome page, click Next. e. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, select I accept the terms and

then click Next.


On the Destination Folder page, click Next.

g. On the Ready to Install page, click Install. h. On the Completion page, click Finish. i. j. l.

Close Windows Explorer. If you get an Attendant error, click OK. Log in to the Attendant as Contoso\Vivian with a password of Password1 click Microsoft Lync 2010. Wait for Lync 2010 to log in as Contoso\Spencer.

k. Click Start > All Programs > Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Attendant. a. On Client02 you should already be logged in to Lync. If not, click Start and then

Complete the following task on: Client02 2. Start and log in to Lync 2010 on Client02.

Complete the following task on: Client03 3. Start and log in to Lync 2010 on Client03.

Note: You will now view number normalization according to the rules you created in the preceding exercises.
a. On Client03, click Start > All Programs > Microsoft Lync and then click Microsoft

Lync 2010.
b. Wait for Lync 2010 to log in. If prompted, log in as Contoso\Holly with a

password of Password1
c. In Lync 2010 on Client03, in the Find a contact or dial a number field, type 4021

Watch as the number is normalized to +1 (425) 123-4021

d. Try each of the following numbers to verify that each rule you created is

normalizing correctly: 1234051 it should normalize to +1 (425) 123-4051 4251234052 it should normalize to +1 (425) 123-4052 Page 17 of 24

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks Detailed Steps 14251234053 it should normalize to +1 (425) 123-4053 011390612345678 it should normalize to +390612345678

e. In the Find a contact or dial a number field, type 0 and then click Call.

Complete the following task on: Client01 4. Answer the incoming call in Attendant.

Note: You will now experience answering a call in the Attendant, and then perform a consultation before transferring.
a. On Client01, in the Attendant, notice the call coming in from Holly.

b. Click and drag the call down to the lower blue area to answer. The call should

now show as connected:

c. Click the Consult before transferring or merging


d. In the Search for people or dial a number field, type 4019 or select Spencer Low

in the Display Name list and then click the Call Complete the following task on: phone icon to answer the call.


a. On Client02 logged in as Spencer, at the incoming call prompt, click the green

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks Client02 5. Answer the call on Client02. Detailed Steps

Complete the following task on: Client01 6. Merge the call between Holly and Spencer

a. On Client01, in the Attendant, click the Merge calls

button. Watch as the call is merged between Holly and Spencer, and Vivian leaves the call.

Note: If necessary, drag and drop the calls on top of each other to make the Merge button visible.
b. Disconnect the call on Client02 and Client03.

Complete the following task on: Client02 7. Make a local call.

Note: You will now perform a series of calls to see the Voice Policies you previously created being applied.
a. On Client02, in Lync 2010, in the Find a contact or dial a number field, type

2061234555 and then click the Call button. Notice that Lync 2010 is trying to route the call but will eventually fail, since there is no media gateway. Spencer has the policy applied that allows this type of call. Holly would be able to make this call also.
a. On Client02, in Lync 2010, in the Search for people or dial a number field, type


Make a longdistance call.

12125551234 and then click the Call button. Notice that Lync 2010 is trying to route the call but will eventually fail, since there is no media gateway. Spencer has the policy applied that allows this type of call. Holly would be able to make this call also.
a. On Client02, in Lync 2010, in the Find a contact or dial a number field, type


Make an international call.

011390612345555 and then click the Call button. Notice that Lync 2010 is trying to route the call but will eventually fail, since there is no media gateway. Spencer has the policy applied that allows this type of call.
a. On Client03, in Lync 2010, in the Find a contact or dial a number field, type

Complete the following task on: Client03 10. Attempt an international call.

011390612345555 and then click the Call button. Notice that the call is rejected immediately because Holly only has the Redmond Long Distance Policy assigned. She is not granted the rights to make international calls. Later, you will configure Least Cost Routing that will allow this call.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

Exercise 6 (Optional): Configuring and Experiencing Private Lines

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 introduces the ability to give users a second, private telephone line in addition to the primary telephone line. Private telephone lines are often assigned to executives and others who want an unlisted telephone number at which they can be reached directly. Private telephone lines can only be configured with the Lync Server 2010 Management Shell. Private telephone lines should be configured only in deployments of Lync Server 2010 and not in mixed deployments. In this exercise, you will assign a private line to Vivian Atlas with the number 14251234050, and to Holly Holt with the number 14251234055, using the Lync Server 2010 Management Shell. You will then call Hollys number and see it go directly to Holly and show as her private number. Tasks Complete the following task on: LS-FE 1. Configure Private Lines for Vivian Atlas. Detailed Steps
a. On LS-FE, in Lync Server 2010 Management Shell, type the following command

and then press ENTER:

Set-CsUser Identity PrivateLine tel:+14251234050 -Verbose b. Type the following command and then press ENTER: Set-CsUser Identity PrivateLine tel:+14251234055 -Verbose c. Leave the Lync Server 2010 Management Shell running. a. On Client02, in Lync 2010, in the Find a contact or dial a number field, type

Complete the following task on: Client02 2. Call the private number.

4251234055 and then click the Call


b. It might take a few minutes for the private line to become active.

Complete the following task on: Client03 3. Answer the inbound call.

a. On Cliento3, in Lync 2010, notice that the incoming call from Spencer Low to

Hollys private number shows as a Private call and has a different ring tone and incoming call prompt.

b. Connect the private call.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks Detailed Steps

c. Disconnect the call.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration

Exercise 7 Configuring Least Cost Routing

As with OCS 2007 R2, Least Cost Routing is possible in Lync Server 2010. This exercise will go through the steps for configuring Least Cost Routing at the Redmond and Rome locations. You will configure it so that when a Redmond user calls an Italy number, the call will be routed to the Rome PSTN gateway. Also, you will configure it so that when a Rome user calls a U.S. number, the call will be routed to the Redmond PSTN gateway. Tasks Complete the following task on: LS-FE 1. Configure a Redmond to Italy least cost route for Italy national calls. Detailed Steps Note: You will now create a least cost route for calls made in Redmond that are Italy national numbers, those that have the 39 country code.
a. On LS-FE, in Lync Server Control Panel, click Voice Routing and then click the

Route tab.
b. Click New. c. On the New Voice Route page, in the Name field, type Redmond to Italy Route

(Least Cost Route)

d. In the Starting digits for numbers that you want to allow field, type +39, then

click Add.
e. Next to Associated Gateway, click Add. f.

In the Select Gateway window, select PstnGateway and then click OK.

g. Under Associated PSTN Usages, click Select. h. In the Select PSTN Usage Record window, click Redmond Long Distance and

then click OK.


Click OK on the New Voice Route page.

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Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks 2. Configure a Redmond to Rome Least Cost Route for Rome local calls. Detailed Steps Note: You will now create a least cost route for calls made in Redmond that are Rome local numbers (those that have the 39 country code and the 06 city code).
a. On LS-FE, on the Route tab, click New. b. On the New Voice Route page, in the Name field, type Redmond to Rome Route

(Least Cost Route)

c. In the Starting digits for numbers that you want to allow field, type +3906, then

click Add.
d. Next to Associated Gateway, click Add. e. In the Select Gateway window, select PstnGateway and then click


Under Associated PSTN Usages, click Select. OK.

g. In the Select PSTN Usage Record window, click Redmond Local and then click h. Click OK on the New Voice Route page.


Configure a Rome to US Least Cost Route for US Long Distance.

Note: You will now create a least cost route for calls made in Italy that are U.S. national numbers (those that have the 1 country code).
a. On LS-FE, on the Route tab, click New. b. On the New Voice Route page, in the Name field, type Rome to US Route (Least

Cost Route)
c. In the Starting digits for numbers that you want to allow field, type +1 and then

click Add.
d. Next to Associated Gateway, click Add. e. In the Select Gateway window, select PstnGateway and then click


Under Associated PSTN Usages, click Select.

g. In the Select PSTN Usage Record window, click Rome National and then click OK. h. Click OK on the New Voice Route page.


Configure a Redmond to Rome Least Cost Route for Rome local calls.

Note: You will now create a least cost route for calls made in Italy that are Redmond local numbers (those that have the 1 country code and the 425 area code).
a. On LS-FE, on the Route tab, click New. b. On the New Voice Route page, in the Name field, type Rome to Redmond Route

(Least Cost Route)

c. In the Starting digits for numbers that you want to allow field, type +1425, then

click Add
d. Next to Associated Gateway, click Add. e. In the Select Gateway window, select PstnGateway and then click


Under Associated PSTN Usages, click Select.

g. In the Select PSTN Usage Record window, click Rome Local and then click OK. h. Click OK on the New Voice Route page. i. j.

Switch to the Route tab, click the Commit drop-down menu, and then click Commit All. In the Uncommitted Voice Configuration Settings window, click Commit.

k. In the Lync Server Control Panel window, click Close.

Complete the following

Note: You will now make a call to an Italy national number with a user that is only Page 23 of 24

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Voice Configuration Tasks task on: Client03 5. Make an International call with a Redmond User. Detailed Steps allowed long-distance calls, not international. You will then configure this user to only have local calling, and then retry Italy and Rome calls.
a. On Client03, in Lync 2010, in the Find a contact or dial a number field, type

011390612345555 and then click Call. Notice that Lync 2010 is trying to route the call but will eventually fail, since there is no media gateway. This call was rejected earlier because Holly only has the Redmond Long Distance Policy voice policy, but now the least cost routing allows this call because it will go out the Rome gateway and only be a national long-distance call. If this call does not go through, sign out of Lync 2010 and then sign back in and retry. This shows a call being routed to an Italy number and being connected as a Long Distance call.
b. On LS-FE, restrict Holly to the Redmond Local Policy voice policy. This is done in

the Users section of the Lync Server Control Panel. Find the Holly Holt, adjust the Voice Policy, and then click Commit.
c. On Client03, in Lync 2010, in the Find a contact or dial a number field, type

011390612345555 and then click Call. Notice that Lync 2010 is trying to route the call but will eventually fail, since there is no media gateway. This call was rejected earlier because Holly only has the Redmond Long Distance Policy voice policy, but now the least cost routing allows this call because it will go out the Rome gateway and only be a Rome local call. Holly may need to be signed out and then back in to get the new policy. This shows a call being routed to a Rome number and being connected as a local call.
d. On Client03, in Lync 2010, in the Find a contact or dial a number field, type

011390098765432 and then click Call. Notice that the call is rejected because Holly now has only the local dialing only voice policy; 39 is the Italy country code, and 06 is the Rome exchange, thus when we dial outside the 3906 area, by dialing 3900, it is no longer a local call and gets rejected.
e. On LS-FE, grant Holly the Redmond International Policy voice policy.

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