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1) Ti tl e Pa g e

Request for Proposals: FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES EverBank Field, Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville, Times-Union Center for Performing Arts, Equestrian Center and Prime Osborn Convention Center, Ritz Theatre and Museum RFP NO. P-08-12

SMG 300 Conshohocken State Road West Conshohocken, PA 19428 610-729-7900

May 16, 2012


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

2 ) Ta bl e of Conte nts

Table of Contents
(3) Cover Letter ............................................................................5 Reference Letters .........................................................................9 (4) Required Forms .....................................................................113 (5) Confirmation of Minimum Requirements ...........................129 (6) Statement of Qualifications ................................................135 (7) Pricing Proposal .....................................................................373


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

(3) Cover Letter

3) Cover Lette r

Ms. Alex Baker Professional Services Specialist City of Jacksonville Procurement Division 214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 800 Jacksonville, FL 32202 May 16, 2012 Dear Ms. Baker: It is with great enthusiasm that SMG offers our response to the request for proposal, number P-08-12, for managing: EverBank Field The Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena The Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville The Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts The Ritz Theatre and LaVilla Museum The Prime Osborn Convention Center The Jacksonville Equestrian Center

Having first been selected through a competitive bid process, SMG has had the honor of partnering with the City of Jacksonville to operate many of these facilities, helping to grow Jacksonvilles sports, entertainment and convention offerings to the robust event calendar that residents and visitors enjoy today. At the same time, SMG has taken great pride in managing Jacksonvilles world-class facilities while protecting the taxpayers investment in these significant city assets.

Downtown Focus
Under the leadership of Mayor Brown, there is a focused effort underway to reinvigorate downtown thus creating a groundswell of advocacy for revitalizing Downtown Jacksonville. As six of the seven facilities in the RFP are in downtown, SMG looks forward to using its experience in communities around the world to help make downtown a serious and sought-after destination for meetings/conventions, sports and entertainment. We create hip, urban gathering spots like Champions Square to enhance downtown development. With the addition of the Ritz Theatre and LaVilla Museum to this RFP we also see great opportunity for the City. This historic and cultural landmark has tremendous potential, and SMG is prepared to take its experience managing historical theaters such as the Landmark Theatre in Richmond, VA and the Saenger Theatre in Pensacola, FL, and use it to assist the Ritz Theatre and LaVilla Museum in growing as a cultural gem for the community.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

3) Cover Lette r

Proven Results...Predicted Success

As a steward of assets and finances on behalf of the City, SMG takes its responsibility to fiscally manage budgets and revenue streams very seriously.

Subsidy Reduction
Case in point, since 2009, there has been an upward trend of increased revenues, resulting in a direct decrease in the facilities subsidy that has been supported by the Citys annual budget. Even in the face of a global recession, SMG has maximized the use of city owned facilities. From 2009 through the current fiscal year, SMG projects that it will have reduced the Citys subsidy by more than $1 million, and those savings are expected to reach $2.4 million in fiscal year 2013. By using its international network SMG has been able to schedule larger shows and sporting events, while at the same time the local management team and staff has identified and implemented effective and efficient operational cost-saving measures.

Revenue Growth
SMG has also focused intently on growing and enhancing revenue opportunities for the City. For example, through its networks and relationships, SMGs corporate booking team has been directly responsible for bringing 18 shows to the arena and 33 events to the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts during the last three years, generating approximately $2.5 million in profits for the City. As a result of these efforts, the arena ranked 18th in the nation in tickets sales for the first quarter of 2012 by Pollstar. Our new ticketing agreement with Ticketmaster created a new revenue stream for the City that is currently generating more than $1.2 million annually. SAVOR, SMGs wholly-owned food and beverage company, has drastically improved the food and beverage landscape at Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, Prime F. Osborn Convention Center and Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts. During the last three years, this new agreement has brought an additional financial return to the City of approximately $635,000 in revenue versus the previous contract and provider. SMG has been able to customize and support sponsorship and suite/club sales at Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena. Long-term sponsors include EverBank, Trugreen, Coca-Cola and Champion Brand Distributors for example. Since opening the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena in 2003, SMG has produced a 91 percent overall suite renewal rate and has demonstrated a 15 percent increase in suite/club renewal revenue from $1.45 million in 2010 to $1.67 in 2011. With a focus on convention center booking, SMG initiated and formed the Jacksonville Convention Center Alliance with Visit Jacksonville and the hotel community to enhance the collective efforts in bringing events to the Convention Center and hotels countywide. The result has been an increase in the Countys bed-tax collections. One example of this collaborative effort brought the American Academy of Professional Coders to Jacksonville, representing 1,000 attendees, 5,200 room nights and an estimated economic impact of more than $2.6 million.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

3) Cover Lette r

Community Involvement
SMG Jacksonville takes seriously the role it plays for the City of Jacksonville, never wavering in its commitment to provide the best services possible in the most effective and efficient manner. In addition to always performing in the best interest of the taxpayer, SMG Jacksonville also is dedicated to the Jacksonville community as a whole. SMG Jacksonville team members call the First Coast home, they volunteer in the community, their children attend schools here and, as a company, SMG wants to play a role in enhancing the quality of life for all in Jacksonville.

Company Global Profile

SMG Worldwide and its vast network of services and resources is headquartered are at 300 Conshohocken State Road, West Conshohocken, PA 19428, Phone number (610) 729-7900, Federal employer ID number 23-2511871. As an international company operating more than 225 venues in the United States and 11 other countries, you wont find the credentials of SMG in any other management firm. SMG facilities host the worlds high profile events from Super Bowls and NCAA playoffs to mega concerts and conventions; they all play in SMG worldwide facilities. Our team of corporate personnel provides the SMG-Jacksonville team with unparalleled knowledge and assistance. SMGs Live Entertainment Department is in daily contact with myriad artist managers, agents, national and local concert promoters, simply put, the decision-makers when it comes to which facilities get shows. This focus on, and direct connection to, the live entertainment industry has allowed for many events to play in our Jacksonville facilities, which, without SMGs direct influence, wouldnt have occurred.

Company Local Profile

Our SMG-Jacksonville team, headquartered at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, is a relied-upon City partner. Headed by Larry Wilson since early 2010, this team has more than 100 combined years of experience and provides the Jacksonville facilities with superior service and performance every day. The Jacksonville team is comprised of 125 full-time employees, with one mission in mind: to share in and fulfill your vision for the Jacksonville facilities. Going forward, these local SMG resources will be supported directly by Doug Thornton, SMGs senior vice president for stadiums and arenas, who is based in New Orleans. Mr. Thornton will assist and direct the local staff to ensure the team goes beyond providing quality facilities management services. In addition, drawing on his many years working with state and local officials in New Orleans and Louisiana, Mr. Thornton will serve as an additional corporate resource for elected and appointed officials in Jacksonville. We have also enlisted the services of Michael Munz and the Dalton Agency to assist SMG in identifying opportunities for additional community engagement and outreach and enhanced local marketing and promotional efforts.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

3) Cover Lette r

SMG Has a Plan for the Future

While the RFP process allows us to highlight past successes, our focus is on the future. SMG is finding innovative ways to develop self-sustaining budgets for Jacksonvilles facilities. A more detailed outline of these, and other, efforts are listed in the body of the response. A few highlights include: Increase live entertainment bookings and sporting event opportunities Use of smartphone, wireless and digital technology to improve revenue opportunities and fan experience Increase convenience of concessions service delivery through use of in-seat wait service Creating VIP premium parking and pre-paid parking sales opportunities Increasing sponsorship and advertising revenues Developing diverse, niche events

We are committed to elevating Jacksonvilles sports and entertainment offerings, attracting new events with worldwide recognition and following, and making Downtown Jacksonville the center for sports and entertainment in the Southeast. In this response you will find a series of initiatives that target reaching these goals and take into account the need to be financially supportive during the Citys difficult economic times. We have offered an aggressive financial proposal that we think the City will find attractive, and are prepared to use our experience and resources to support other City-backed initiatives for downtown development such as the concept of developing a new riverfront convention facility as envisioned by the Jacksonville Civic Council Northbank Redevelopment Task Force.

Authorized Representative
SMG has designated Larry Wilson, general manager for SMG Jacksonville, as our representative contact for all issues or questions regarding our submission. Mr. Wilson can be reached at Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena 300 A. Philip Randolph Boulevard Jacksonville, FL, 32202 (904) 630-0335 He will be the Citys point of contact for all matters relating to SMG and our bid to continue management of the Jacksonville facilities. Other corporate and local resources are available at the Citys request.

This proposal has been developed based on the terms set forth in the RFP issued by the City of Jacksonville and all amendments thereto posted on Citys website as of the date of the response. We are confident that the City will find that our successes of the past, coupled with our plans for the future, will reaffirm our partnership and serve as the best way to move Jacksonvilles sports, entertainment and convention facilities toward even higher heights. SMG is excited and energized by what the future holds for Jacksonville. We sincerely hope that we have earned your trust to be a part of that future. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal and to continue to expand the partnership between the City of Jacksonville, the community and SMG. You can expect the continued support and engagement of myself and other SMG senior corporate leaders as we work together for a great future for the city and your facilities. Sincerely, Wes Westley President & CEO
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


Reference Letters

Referen ce Lette rs


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Referen ce Lette rs



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

(4) Required Forms

4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


ATTACHMENT A RESPONSE FORMAT To maintain comparability and facilitate the evaluation process, Responses shall be organized in the manner set forth below. Tab delineations for each of the seven sections would be helpful. 1) Title Page: Include RFP Title, RFP Number, Managers full name, address, phone number. 2) Table of Contents: Include a clear identification of the material by section and by page number. 3) Cover Letter: Include the following: Date of Letter. RFP Title and Number Managers full corporate name, address and phone number. Managers Federal Employer ID Number. Brief Company Profile. Include statements of (i) whether the firm is local, regional, national, or international, (ii) the location of the headquarters office, (iii) the location of the local office from which most of the Services will be done, (iv) the number of partners, Managers, supervisors, and other professional staff expected to be employed at the local offices, and (iv) the range of activities to be performed by the local office. Names of the persons who will be authorized to make representations for the Manager, their titles, addresses (including email address) and telephone numbers. Acknowledgement that (i) the Response is based on the terms set forth in the RFP and all amendments thereto posted on Citys website as of the date of the Response, and (ii) the Manager will be responsible for monitoring Citys website for subsequent amendments and for either maintaining, amending or withdrawing the Response prior to the Response Due Date based on those subsequent amendments. Signature of Authorized Representative. 4) Required Forms. Attach all forms identified in Section 1, including but not limited to Attachment B and any information set forth in Attachment C, each signed by an authorized representative. Examples of the forms that may be required include: 5) Confirmation of Minimum Requirements. Responses will ONLY be accepted from companies meeting the minimum requirements in Section 1.2 of the RFP. Manager must confirm and describe how they meet the minimum requirements. Managers are required to provide business references in writing indicating the engagement of the Manager at such facility that meets the minimum requirements in Section 1.2 above. 6) Statement of Qualifications. This portion of the Response will be used to provide information the City needs to evaluate how well the Manager meets the criteria listed in Attachment C Evaluation Criteria. Failure to provide adequate information on any criterion will result in lower scores and could result in rejection of the Response as non-responsive. Please divide this portion of the Response into ten subsections (one subsection for each of the listed criteria). 7) Pricing Proposal. Proposers shall submit pricing proposals to City in such format as would be compliant with the requirements of the IRS, including but not limited to, the pricing comply with all requirements for a qualified management contract pursuant to Internal Revenue Service Revenue Procedure 97-13 for a 10 year term management agreement. Proposers pricing proposal may also be subject to review and approval from the Citys bond counsel. [End of Attachment A]
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um -41-

Conflict of Interest Certificate.

RFP No. P-08-12


4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Attachment B CONFLICT OF INTEREST CERTIFICATE RFP No. P-08-12 _____________________ Proposalder must execute either Section I or Section II hereunder relative to Florida Statute 112.313(12). Failure to execute the applicable Section may result in rejection of this proposal proposal. SECTION I I hereby certify that no official or employee of the City or independent agency requiring the goods or services described in these specifications has a material financial interest in this company. SMG _________________________________ _________________________________ Signature Company Name
John F. Burns _________________________________ Name of Official (Type or Print) 300 Conshohocken State Road _________________________________ Business Address West Conshohocken, PA 19428 __________________________________ City, State, Zip Code

SECTION II I hereby certify that the following named City official(s) and employee(s) having material financial interest(s) (in excess of 5%) in this company have filed Conflict of Interest Statements with the Supervisor of Elections, 105 East Monroe Street, Jacksonville, Duval County Florida, prior to proposal opening. Name N/A _____________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________ Signature _________________________________ Name of Official (Type or Print) Title or Position Date of Filing ______________________________ ____________ ______________________________ ____________

_________________________________ Company Name _________________________________ Business Address __________________________________ City, State, Zip Code

PUBLIC OFFICIAL DISCLOSURE Section 126.112 of the Purchasing Code requires that a public official who has a financial interest in a proposal or contract make a disclosure at the time the proposal or contract is submitted or at the time that the official acquires a financial interest in the proposal or contract. Please provide disclosure, if applicable, as follows:
N/A Public Official __________________________________________

Position Held: ____________________________________________

-42RFP No. P-08-12
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

One (1) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Friday, Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 2:00 p.m.

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

The following change has been made to the above referenced Request for Proposal: Attached is information regarding a 25% JSEB Participation goal assessed to the above referenced RFP which was inadvertently omitted. See Section 4.8 of the RFP. Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: March 22, 2012


_______________________________________ Proposers Signature

Executive Vice President and CFO ________________________________________


SMG ________________________________________
Company Name Date

5/9/2012 _______________________________________

214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105

Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Two (2) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 2:00 p.m.

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project.

This addendum will take precedent over the original R F P should there be any discrepancies noted.

The following change has been made to the above referenced Request for Proposal: The Equal Business Opportunity Program Participation Percentage Plan for Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business forms contained in Addendum #1 is NOT required to be submitted with the response to this RFP. position that the selected Facilities Management Services Manager/Consultant shall be required to utilize JSEB participation to meet the 25% goal assessed this RFP as part of the Scope of Work in the procurement of goods and services for the Facilities. Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: March 28, 2012


_______________________________________ Signature

Executive Vice President and CFO ________________________________________ Title SMG ________________________________________ Company Name 5/9/2012 _______________________________________ Date
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105 2012

Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837


4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Three (3) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 2:00 p.m.

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

See attached information regarding Tours of the Facilities for the above referenced Request for Proposal(s).

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: March 29, 2012

ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT BY RETURN OF SIGNED COPY WITH PROPOSAL. _______________________________________ Proposers Signature
Executive Vice President and CFO ________________________________________ Title SMG ________________________________________ Company Name 5/9/2012 _______________________________________ Date

214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105 2012

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837

4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Four (4) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 2:00 p.m.

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

The attached information includes questions and answers received regarding the above referenced Request for Proposal (RFP). The answers to these questions will be issued in multiple addenda as the responses become available.

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: March 29, 2012


_______________________________________ Proposers Signature

Executive Vice President and CFO ________________________________________ Title SMG ________________________________________ Company Name 5/9/2012 _______________________________________ Date


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105

Jacksonville, FL 32202

Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837


4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Five (5) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 2:00 p.m.

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

The attached information includes additional answers to questions received and issued in Addendum #4 regarding the above referenced Request for Proposal (RFP). As forementioned, the answers to those questions will be issued in multiple addenda as the responses become available.

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: April 4, 2012


_______________________________________ Proposers Signature

Executive Vice President and CFO ________________________________________ Title SMG ________________________________________ Company Name 5/9/2012 _______________________________________ Date

214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105

Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Six (6) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 2:00 p.m. EDT

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

The deadline for all questions/inquiries regarding the above referenced Request for Proposal(s) is Thursday, April 12, 2012, no later than 4:00 P.M. EDT.

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: April 10, 2012


_______________________________________ Proposers Signature ________________________________________ Title ________________________________________ Company Name _______________________________________ Date

Executive Vice President and CFO SMG


214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105

Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Seven (7) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 2:00 p.m. EDT (changed, see below)

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

The Due Date for proposals for the above referenced RFP has been changed from Wednesday, April 18, 2012, and extended to Wednesday, May 9, 2012, no later than 2:00 P.M. EDT.

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division Date: April 13, 2012 ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT BY RETURN OF SIGNED COPY WITH PROPOSAL.

_______________________________________ Proposers Signature

Executive Vice President and CFO SMG

________________________________________ Title

________________________________________ Company Name Date

5/9/2012 _______________________________________

214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105 | Jacksonville, FL 32202 | Phone: 904.255.8830 | Fax: 904.255.8837 |


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Eight (8) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 2:00 p.m.

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

The attached information includes all of the questions received regarding the above referenced Request for Proposal (RFP) during the Question and Answer period as amended. Certain answers were previously provided in prior Addenda as noted below, and certain answers are provided in the attached. Please be advised that addenda will be prepared and issued for those remaining questions as additional responses become available.

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: April 19, 2012


_______________________________________ Proposers Signature ________________________________________ Title

Executive Vice President and CFO

SMG ________________________________________ Company Name 5/9/2012 _______________________________________ Date

214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105

Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Nine (9) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 2:00 p.m.

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

The attached information sets forth unanswered questions received regarding the above referenced Request for Proposal (RFP) during the Question and Answer period as amended. Certain answers are provided in the attached. Please be advised that addenda will be prepared and issued for those remaining questions as additional responses become available.

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: April 24, 2012


_______________________________________ Proposers Signature ________________________________________ Title

Executive Vice President and CFO

SMG ________________________________________ Company Name 5/9/2012 _______________________________________ Date

214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105

Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s

1 24

Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Ten (10) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 2:00 p.m.

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

The attached information sets forth unanswered questions received regarding the above referenced Request for Proposal (RFP) during the Question and Answer period as amended. Certain answers are provided in the attached. Please be advised that addenda will be prepared and issued for those remaining questions as additional responses become available.

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division Date: April 27, 2012 ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT BY RETURN OF SIGNED COPY WITH PROPOSAL.

_______________________________________ Proposers Signature

Executive Vice President and CFO

________________________________________ Title Company Name

SMG ________________________________________ 5/9/2012 _______________________________________


214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105 | Jacksonville, FL 32202 | Phone: 904.255.8830 | Fax: 904.255.8837 |

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Eleven (11) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 2:00 p.m.

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

The attached information sets forth unanswered questions received regarding the above referenced Request for Proposal (RFP) during the Question and Answer period as amended. Certain answers are provided in the attached. Please be advised that addenda will be prepared and issued for those remaining questions as additional responses become available.

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: May 2, 2012


_______________________________________ Proposers Signature

Executive Vice President and CFO SMG

________________________________________ Title

________________________________________ Company Name _______________________________________ Date


214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837

4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Twelve (12) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 2:00 p.m. EDT (changed, see below)

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

The Due Date for proposals for the above referenced RFP has been changed from Wednesday, May 9, 2012, and extended to Wednesday, May 16, 2012, no later than 2:00 P.M. EDT.

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: May 3, 2012


_______________________________________ Proposers Signature

Executive Vice President and CFO

________________________________________ Title Company Name Date

SMG ________________________________________ 5/9/2012 _______________________________________

214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105

Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

4 ) Requ i red Fo r m s


Addendum Number: Proposal Number: Title of RFP: Due Date and Time:

Thirteen (13) P-08-12 Facilities Management Services Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 2:00 p.m.

This addendum is issued for the information of proposers on the above titled project. This addendum will take precedent over the original RFP should there be any discrepancies noted.

Please see attached regarding modifications to the RFP.

Alex Baker, Specialist Professional Services Gregory Pease, Chief Procurement Division

Date: May 9, 2012


_______________________________________ Proposers Signature

Executive Vice President and CFO

________________________________________ Title Company Name Date

SMG ________________________________________ 5/9/2012 _______________________________________

214 N. Hogan Street, Suite 105

Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone: 904.255.8830

Fax: 904.255.8837


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

(5) Confirmation of Minimum Requirements

5) Confi rm a ti on of M i n i m u m Requ i rem e nts


QUESTION #5: CONFIRMATION OF MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. Responses will ONLY be accepted from companies meeting the minimum requirements in Section 1.2 of the RFP. Manager must confirm and describe how they meet the minimum requirements. Managers are required to provide business references in writing indicating the engagement of the Manager at such facility that meets the minimum requirements in Section 1.2 above. a) Is a nationally recognized facility management company managing publicly or privately-owned public assembly facilities; AND b) Has successfully managed at least: One (1) professional football stadium facility in the past three (3) years or has managed an equivalent professional sports facility outside the United States seating in excess of 50,000 persons with significant premium areas such as suites and clubs (the International Sports Facility) in the past three (3) years. One (1) professional basketball / all-purpose arena with seating capacity of at least 10,000 persons in the past five (5) years OR one (1) professional baseball stadium facility within the past five (5) years; and, One (1) performing arts OR one (1) convention center (of comparable size to the Times-Union, Ritz Theatre, and Prime Osborn facilities, respectively), within the past five (5) years.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

5) Confi rm a ti on of M i n i m u m Requ i rem e nts


Question...5) Confirmation of Minimum Requirements

a) Is a nationally recognized facility management company managing publicly or privately-owned public assembly facilities.

5) a) SMG is the worlds largest public facility management company, operating 225 facilities (77 arenas, 68 convention centers, 54 theaters, 9 stadiums, 17 specific-use) in 11 countries around the world. SMG facilities account for 1.75M entertainment seats and more than 14M square feet of exhibition space. As the recognized global industry leader, SMG provides construction and design consulting, pre-opening services, venue management, sales, marketing, event booking, and programming. SMG also offers food and beverage operations through an in house catering company, SAVOR, currently servicing more than 100 accounts worldwide. In the past four years alone, SMG-managed buildings, including the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena and the Prime Osborn Convention Center, have won 168 Prime Site Awards. SMG-managed facilities consistently rank among the most successful entertainment venues in the world. As evidenced by rankings in Pollstar magazine, in the first quarter of 2012 alone, 10 of the top 50 arenas in the world are SMG-managed. The Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena ranks #42 in the world and #18 in the US as of the first quarter, 2012.
Prime Site Awards are given to the top convention, exposition, exhibition centers and arenas throughout North America and the Caribbean based on venue quality, features and services.

Every year, SMG venues consistently win more Prime Site Awards than those of any other single facility management company, another piece of evidence indicating the professionalism, experience and effectiveness of this firm.Cover Story, Facilities Media Group


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

5) Confi rm a ti on of M i n i m u m Requ i rem e nts


Question...5) Confirmation of Minimum Requirements

b) Has successfully managed at least: One (1) professional football stadium facility in the past three (3) years; and, One (1) professional basketball / allpurpose arena with seating capacity of at least 10,000 persons in the past five (5) years OR one (1) professional baseball stadium facility within the past five (5) years; AND

5) b) SMG manages not only one but five NFL stadiums, and one MLB stadium.

We manage 45 arenas with a seating capacity of 10,000 seats or more. Of those 45 arenas, 5 host an NBA/NHL team.

A PARTIAL LISTING OF... SMG-managed stadiums hosting professional football/baseball:

EverBank Field (Jacksonville, FL) Coliseum (Oakland, CA) Reliant Stadium (Houston, TX) Soldier Field (Chicago, IL) Mercedes-Benz Superdome (New Orleans, LA)

SMG-managed arenas hosting professional basketball/hockey:

Chesapeake Energy Arena (Oklahoma City, OK) New Orleans Arena (New Orleans, LA) CONSOL Energy Center (Pittsburgh, PA) Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum (Uniondale, NY)


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

5) Confi rm a ti on of M i n i m u m Requ i rem e nts


Question...5) Confirmation of Minimum Requirements

c) One (1) performing arts OR one (1) convention center (of comparable size to the Times-Union, Ritz Theatre, and Prime Osborn facilities, respectively), within the past five (5) years.

5) c) SMG manages 54 theaters/ performing arts centers. This portfolio of theaters ranges in size from 200 seats to 5,000 Theater Network seats. Many of those theaters/ performing arts centers are comparable to the TimesUnion Center. SMGs Theater Network creates a formidable advantage for our venues.




A PARTIAL LISTING OF... SMG-managed theaters/performing arts centers comparable to the Times-Union Center:
Five Flags Theater (Dubuque, IA) 700 seats Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center (Odessa, TX) 1,800 seats Terrace Theater (Long Beach, CA) 3,051 seats

SMG manages 68 convention centers. Of these, 16 centers house 60,000 - 96,000 square feet of exhibition space. Our extensive convention center network offers significant support to our centers. Our impact in the industry is recognized worldwide. SMG has recently been awarded management of McCormick Place in Chicago, IL; the largest convention center in the United States. Our centers span from 30,000 square feet to 2.6M square feet of exhibition space. A PARTIAL LISTING OF...

SMG-managed convention centers comparable to the Prime Osborn Convention Center:

Irving Convention Center (Irving, TX) 70,000 square feet SeaGate Convention Center (Toledo, OH) 75,000 square feet Shreveport Convention Center (Shreveport, LA) 95,000 square feet

McCormick Place


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

5) Confi rm a ti on of M i n i m u m Requ i rem e nts


Question...5) Confirmation of Minimum Requirements

While not specifically asked for, equestrian centers are a specialty facility in which SMG also has experience.

SMG-managed equestrian centers comparable to the Jacksonville Equestrian Center:

Idaho Horse Park (Nampa, ID) Domer Arena at Kansas Expocentre (Topeka, KS) Wichita Pavilions Equestrian Center (Wichita, KS)

In addition to management of the above equestrian facilities, SMG also manages other facilities that host equestrian events:
Cabarrus Arena and Events Center (Concord, NC) Reliant Stadium Houston Livestock and Rodeo (Houston, TX) Silver Spurs Arena at Osceola Heritage Park (Kissimmee, FL)


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

(6) Statement of Qualifications

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



6) Statement of Qualifications. This portion of the Response will be used to provide information the City needs to evaluate how well the Manager meets the criteria listed in Attachment C Evaluation Criteria. Failure to provide adequate information on any criterion will result in lower scores and could result in rejection of the Response as non-responsive. Please divide this portion of the Response into ten subsections (one subsection for each of the listed criteria).

Statement of Qualifications
Criteria as listed in Attachment C
As suggested in Attachment C of the RFP we have arranged our response in a format that will offer ready review and evaluation of each criterion. We have created a series of sub tabs as listed below to follow the order of the criteria specified in Attachment C. Within each of the sub tabs we will provide our response to the specifics raised while incorporating the services set forth in Section 4.

Table of Contents: Attachment C

Tab 1 - Competence Tab 2 Current workload Tab 3 - Financial responsibility Tab 4 - Ability to observe and advise whether plans and specifications are being complied with where applicable Tab 5 - Past and present record of professional accomplishments with city agencies and others Tab 6 - Proximity to the project Tab 7 - Past and present demonstrated commitment to small and minority businesses and contributions toward a diverse marketplace Tab 8 - Ability to design an approach and work plan to meet the project requirements Tab 9 - Quotation of rates fees or charges and other detailed cost proposal cost breakdown information Tab 10 - Volume of current and prior work performed using agencies shall be considered a minus factor
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question #6: Statement of Qualification

Tab 1: Competence


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item 1: Including professional and/or technical education and training; experience in the kind of projects to be undertaken; availability of adequate personnel, equipment and facilities. List previous projects similar to the one in the RFP, which have been satisfactorily completed.


Corporate Support
SMG has a team of professionals with credentials unrivaled in our industry. Their experiences are broad and encompass all the various types of facilities and interfacings with the biggest users in our industry. We profile our senior operating team here.

Bob Cavalieri
Senior Vice President of Sales and Development
Bob Cavalieri is an SMG and industry veteran. Most recently he has performed as a Senior Regional Vice President for SMG as well as the General Manager of the Sovereign Center in Reading, PA. Prior to joining SMG, he was the President and COO of Centennial Management Group, Inc. and has held several other industry positions including Vice President-Operations for Ogden Entertainment Services, Executive Vice President of the Entertainment Group at Madison Square Garden, General Manager of Philadelphias First Union Spectrum, Vice President of Detroits Joe Louis and Cobo Arenas and General Counsel to the NHLs Detroit Red Wings. Additionally, Cavalieri was in the private practice of law in Detroit, Michigan. He has a Juris Doctor (Cum Laude) and a Bachelor of Science (Industrial Engineering), both from the University of Michigan.

Bob McClintock
Senior Vice President SMG Convention Centers
Bob focuses on the operation of 68 convention centers and more than 14 million square feet of exhibition space that SMG manages. Bob is a 28 year industry/21 year SMG veteran. He seeks to build on the mission of providing users of SMG-managed centers with the maximum return on investment of time and money and enhancing the experience of all who utilize these facilities. He leads a team of 15 regional managers all focused on the needs of our municipal partners by providing a business friendly environment, enhancing the growth of staff at the venues, and creating new event product for the Centers. Bob has worked on a number of high profile construction projects including the completion of the Atlantic City Convention Center, the historic restoration of the Boardwalk Hall, and as Regional Vice President, working on such projects as the construction and opening of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, the largest LEED Gold Status facility in our industry at the time. Bob is the former General Manager of the Atlantic City Convention Center and Boardwalk Hall where he is credited with developing the labor/management relations that have seen the Convention Center produce continually high customer satisfaction ratings . In addition to his time in Atlantic City Bob was also the General Manager of the Philadelphia Civic Center where he oversaw the production of the worlds largest indoor flower show.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

14 0

Gregg Caren
Senior Vice President Strategic Business Development
An industry veteran of 28 years, Gregg is responsible for business development, expanding the companys portfolio worldwide. He also leads the convention center divisions sales and booking support for the SMG network. Gregg serves as SMGs liaison with international industry groups including the International Association for Expositions & Events (IAEE) including serving as Trustee to the Exhibition Industry Foundation (EIF) and Asian Exhibition Council (AEC), Meeting Professionals International (MPI) and the Society of Independent Show Organizers (SISO) and UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. Additionally, he maintains senior level relationships with international event planning firms, including the negotiation of preferred contracts with Microsoft Corporation, Experient (formerly Conferon) and Nielson Business Media (formerly VNU Expositions). Gregg represents SMGs portfolio of more than fourteen million square feet (1.3 million square meters) of exhibition space, serving as home for nearly ten thousand events and twenty million visitors each year. A graduate of The Pennsylvania State Universitys Hotel & Restaurant Management program, Gregg started his hospitality career in 1984 with Marriott Hotels & Resorts, subsequently working with Hilton and Sheraton properties. He then developed a number of privately owned exhibition facilities in the New York metropolitan area prior to joining SMG at the Atlantic City Convention Center in 1998.

Jim McCue
Senior Vice President, Sports and Entertainment
As Senior Vice President, Sports and Entertainment, Jim heads up SMGs Live Entertainment Division. He and his team are responsible for filling SMG-managed venues with the best in live entertainment and sporting events. His department oversees more than 1.75M entertainment seats around the world. A facility management veteran, Jim comes to SMG from Arena Network where he was Senior Vice President. He was integral to the North American launch of Walking with Dinosaurs, The Live Experience arena tour, one of the most successful family entertainment tours in recent years, winning the Ticketmaster Platinum ticket award in 2008. Prior to that, he was Senior Vice President for House of Blues/Denver Market, where he supervised all talent buying, marketing, finance, ticketing, sponsorship sales and business development for venues that included: Coors Amphitheatre, Red Rocks Amphitheatre, and Paramount Theatre. Jim has more than 10 years experience programming events at two NBA arenas: the Rose Garden Arena and The Palace of Auburn Hills. He is a 7 time nominee and two time winner of Pollstar Magazines Facility Executive of the Year. While at the Rose Garden Arena under the ownership of Paul Allen, Jim was Vice President and part of the team at First & Goal, which developed Century Link Field and the Stadium Exhibition Center for the NFL Seahawks. Jim has been a Talent Agent for ICM Talent Agency.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Bob Papke
Vice President, Entertainment - Theaters
A 20-year veteran of SMG, Bob oversees entertainment industry relations for all SMGManaged theaters and performing arts centers. Most recently Bob served as Director of the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts in Jacksonville, Florida. Prior to his arrival in Jacksonville, Bob worked in Toronto, Ontario as a booking consultant with O&Y/SMG Canada overseeing operations at the Ricoh Coliseum and Oshawa Civic Auditorium. While serving as Director of Marketing at the Miami Beach Convention Center and Jackie Gleason Theater, Bob was instrumental in the development and implementation of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools ARTEC (Arts Related Technology for Entertainment Careers) program. Bob received the 2002 Arts & Education Impact Award from the Arts & Business Council of Greater Miami and was a 2000 Finalist for the South Florida Hospitality Executive of the Year. An alumnus of the University of South Carolina, Bob was the first student enrolled in USCs Arts Administration program.

Doug Thornton
Senior Vice President, Stadiums and Arenas
As Senior Vice President, Stadiums and Arenas, Doug oversees the SMGs stadiums and arena operations. Based in New Orleans, LA at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome and New Orleans Area, Doug is a proven leader in the sports and hospitality sector, spearheading a number of initiatives such as: the City of New Orleans effort to relocate NBA Hornets to New Orleans in 2002 and leading the State of Louisianas 2009 negotiations with the New Orleans Saints. The Saints deal is a multi-faceted deal that included $85 million in Superdome improvements, development of an adjacent parcel of real estate as an Entertainment Plaza (Champions Square) and a 15-year extension of the Clubs lease that will keep them in New Orleans through 2025. Doug has been involved in numerous major events including, five NFL Super Bowls, three NCAA Mens Final Four Basketball Tournaments, an NBA All-Star game and several BCS national collegiate football championships. Perhaps Dougs greatest accomplishment came in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when he oversaw the remarkable rebuilding of the Superdome a $187 million renovation of the devastated stadium that led to its magical re-opening in September 2006. Thornton has received numerous honors and awards for his work in the industry, including the New Orleans Chamber Vision of Excellence Award and New Orleanian of the Year by Gambit Newspaper in 2002. He was named a Sports Business Journal headliner in 2006 and received the Dave Dixon Sports Leadership Award from the Louisiana Sports Writers Association in 2007. A more detailed bio of Doug can be found later in this response.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Our senior team of operators, listed previously, instructs all of our managed facilities based on the operating guidelines below:

SMG Management Philosophy

Your Goals are Our Goals
SMG is committed to providing the highest quality service available to all users of the Jacksonville facilities, maximizing profitability and finding creative ways to operate the facilities as efficiently as possible. SMGs Management Philosophy is summarized in our Management Credo which was created to establish the guiding principles under which all SMG facilities are operated. Our goal is to manage facilities with the highest concern for the public purpose and community mission of the project while maintaining accountable standards of operational and fiscal responsibility.

SMG Management Credo

Client Satisfaction - Never lose sight of who owns the facility. Client Accountability - Recognize your responsibility to openly and
frequently communicate with our clients.

Community Involvement - Take seriously your responsibility to your local

community; participate in their activities, hire their citizens and take on the personality of the community in which you reside and SMG operates.

Operational Excellence - Run your facility as if it were ours; Maintain it.

Enhance it. Keep it secure.

Customer Service - Treat everyone as you wish to be treated; Emphasize

being cordial; Anticipate and satisfy needs; Make every encounter pleasant and efficient.

Profitability - Always remember SMG is in the business to achieve the

objectives of the facility owners. Set rigorous goals and use the corporate tools and measurement devices available to you to achieve your financial goals.

Employee Satisfaction - Take care of your people so they can take care of
your customers. Emphasize individual accountability with all employees. Set the example.

Business Conduct - Read and understand our policy; always adhere to the
highest standards of business practices; Champion ethics and integrity.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

14 3

Services Provided by SMG

Through our headquarters and key field personnel, SMG supports its facilities with a variety of services, knowledge base and knowledge transfer. The General Manager of a facility utilizes all of the systems, procedures, resources and support described in this RFP response and supervises the on-site staff in its performance of the functions listed below. As each clients needs are distinct, it is the responsibility of the on-site general manager and corporate supervisor to establish for the facility regular means of reporting and establishing an effective liaison with the supervising authority. Our goal is to maintain effective, seamless communications with the Client, the CVB, the tenants and local stakeholders, while enabling the timely and accurate flow of information between SMG and the facility, facilitating effective decision making and smooth operation of the facility. This commitment is illustrated by the following:

SMG Services Include

Advertising Sales Accounting Capital Expenditure Planning Budget Preparation Cash Management Crisis Management Customized Client Reporting Event Booking Customer Service Training Event Management Event Solicitation and Creation Purchasing FF&E Technical Services Internal Audit Labor Relations Maintenance Programs Management Information Services Marketing Services Transition Planning National Sales Support Peripheral Real Estate Assistance Media and Public Relations Food and Beverage Programs Risk Management

SMGs Venue Management

SMG provides documented management and marketing systems SMGs depth of corporate resources provide centralized experience in every discipline from pre-opening services to operations management SMGs industry relationships - both regional and national - far outrank any other firm and help fill our venues event schedules National relationships with ADP SMG Maintenance software

Management Services

Special Events/Openings SMG is unequalled in the field of public-assembly facility Sponsorship Sales management, and we bring our knowledge and expertise into every element of facility management. The first requirement of managing a public assembly facility is building a knowledgeable, dedicated management staff. SMG has specialist department heads responsible for overseeing all operating functions. We make a comprehensive effort to hire and place management personnel based upon their talents and the needs of the facility. We see to it that our staff is given all the training and tools necessary for success.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item 1: Including professional and/or technical education and training; experience in the kind of projects to be undertaken; availability of adequate personnel, equipment and facilities. List previous projects similar to the one in the RFP, which have been satisfactorily completed. We have extensive experience in single venue operations management, but more importantly, we have experience with multi-plex venues like Jacksonville:

Large Scale Multi-Venue Complexes

Several of the stadiums, arenas, convention centers and theaters operated by SMG are part of multivenue complexes owned by a single municipal client. We have found that common management of venues located within a close geographical proximity of one another can lead to cost efficiencies and operational savings for owners. Efficiencies are maximized by operating these multi-venue properties as a single business unit accountable to the owner. Areas such as shared personnel, equipment, scheduling and third-party vendor management combine to create savings and value. We have highlighted some of these facilities on the pages that follow. These case studies provide insight as to the similarity between the facilities, diversity of events, the range and scope of SMG services provided and how efficiencies are achieved. They also demonstrate our process, and our tenure. There is, respectively, 31 years at Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center, 12 years at Reliant Park, 35 years at Mercedes-Benz Superdome and New Orleans Arena, 13 years at Chesapeake Energy Arena and Cox Convention Center, and 5 years at BOK Center and Tulsa Convention Center.

Common Characteristics
Each of the SMG operated multi-venue complexes in the case studies share common traits and characteristics with the Jacksonville facilities, which makes them a relevant comparison. These characteristics create correlative data points for purposes of reference. Major Sports Tenants: Each complex has one or more major sports teams as tenants. These sports tenants have long-term leases that entitle them to certain facility-related revenue streams. Large-Scale Events: Each complex has hosted numerous high-profile events with national or international audiences. SMG has a seasoned team of experienced event personnel at each major venue that can be called upon for event support. Diverse Event Mix: Each facility has a diverse array of annual events creating non-sports team revenue. There are well-managed operations personnel to handle event day activity, complete conversions and manage production. Common Municipal Ownership: Facilities owned by a single municipal owner enables several facilities to be combined as one single business unit within the complex. It also allows for shared services, shared equipment use and a better allocation of resources. Common ownership also contributes to a more streamlined management reporting function and organizational structure. Scope of Services: In multi-venue facility operations SMG typically provides a wide range of management services to accommodate every facet of the Client needs. This approach leads to a consolidated scope of services, which in turn leads to improved performance accountability to the owner.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Management and Operating Efficiencies

In a multi-venue setting, operating efficiency is achieved when there is consolidation of services into one business unit. Facility utilization can be maximized and operating cost can be reduced. The following are specific examples of how these efficiencies can be achieved: Scheduling and Booking: A centralized booking and scheduling system maximizes date utilization and helps avoid date conflicts within the complex. A single point of contact for booking and scheduling events at each venue in the complex is convenient and easy for users. Use of the smg. software system allows the venue to connect within the SMG facility network for information and date availability for touring acts. Personnel: Full-time and part-time personnel can be cross trained and shared among facilities within the complex. There is an elimination of certain overhead and staffing requirements and there is a single management reporting structure within the complex. Information such as event work orders can be easily transmitted and shared by employees throughout the complex. Supplies and Equipment: Shared supplies and equipment eliminates duplication and reduces the initial capital investment, as well as on-going replacement cost. Less equipment inventory also reduces annual maintenance costs Shared Infrastructure (i.e., parking, plant facilities): Consolidated supervision over parking prices, hours of operation and parking personnel, plus the ability to enhance daily contract parking revenues through a coordinated approach to operating hours. There is also improved coordination of scheduling between facilities to avoid date conflicts. Common Operating Systems: Consolidated management systems lead to enhanced accountability and performance. Consistency is created with in-house event work orders, which eliminates errors and mistakes. Capital Asset Management: Capital asset repair and replacement procedures are enhanced as a result of a common supervision. This allows the owner to improve planning for major capital replacement. Vendor and Sub-contractor Relationships: Combined operation of facilities leads to increased buying power and leverage with suppliers due to increased volume. Financial Management and Accounting (Integrated): Multi-venue operations allow for an integrated accounting and financial reporting system. This is important when allocating overhead and labor between facilities, and helps lower indirect costs.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a lFacil it ies Multi-Venue i fi ca t i o n

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Multi-Venue Facilities

Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center

The SMG-managed Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center is a multi-purpose complex located on the Pacific Ocean and one of the few oceanfront facilities of its kind in the world. It was originally built in 1978. It hosts 700 event days with more than 2 million visitors annually. The Center is a major driving force for the citys economy and at the forefront of the renaissance of Long Beachs downtown waterfront. The complex also includes the Long Beach Performing Arts Center, which houses the Terrace Theater, home to the nationally recognized Theater League and the renowned Long Beach Symphony, as well as the Center Theater, home to the award-winning International City Theatre. Home to the East Coast Hockey Leagues (ECHL) Long Beach Ice Dogs, the Long Beach Arena also hosts many popular shows including Disney On Ice. Major concerts held in the Arena include some of todays most popular groups including No Doubt, Green Day, Linkin Park, Beastie Boys, and 311. SMG has been instrumental in the expansion and development of the Citys facilities and enhancement of related events and activities for over twenty years. Many efficiencies have been created including, but not necessarily limited to, consolidation of staff, economics of scale in dealing with service vendors and suppliers and cross-training of personnel as well as other advantages.

Long Beach Convention Center

Long Beach conVention and entertainMent center 300 e. ocean BLVd., Long Beach, ca 90802

Arena Dimensions
Seats: 13,500 Arena floor area: 46,000 sq. feet Lower Concourse: 29,000 sq. feet Ceiling Height: 75 feet Concourse Ceiling Height: 14 feet Arena Lobby: 19,000 sq. feet Lobby Ceiling Height: 40 feet Total Exhibit Space:: 75,000 sq. feet

Long Beach Performing Arts Center

Convention Center
Exhibition Halls with 224,000 square feet The Exhibition Halls break down as follows: Exhibition Hall A = 91,000 sq. ft Exhibition Hall B = 57,000 sq. ft Exhibition Hall C = 76,000 sq. ft.

Terrace Theater
Maximum Seating Capacity: 3,051 Orchestra Seats: 1,767 Loge Seats: 663 Balcony Seats: 508

Center Theater
Maximum Seating Capacity: 825 Orchestra Seats: 205 Loge Seats: 608

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P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n Multi-Venue Facili t i es


Multi-Venue Facilities
The facilities are operated by a centralized management team of five department heads (Finance, Sales, Events, F&B and Operations) led by a single General Manager. All departments provide support services for the entire complex. Sales specialists focus on bookings for the entertainment and convention facilities separately, but cooperated to identify bookings which can use multiple venues within the complex. Event services personnel coordinators, managers and supervisors work throughout the complex on a wide variety of events and all financial and accounting activity funnels through one central department. SMGs expertise in food service operations not only allowed the City to realize increased net operating income in this area, but has also facilitated the creation of new profit centers from catering and concessions support for the Long Beach Grand Prix ($1.3m annually) and the City-owned Aquarium of the Pacific. SMGs experience with planning, design and operation of all types of public assembly facilities has allowed for the expansion of the exhibit space, significant improvement in the arena and complete upgrade of the lobby, meeting rooms and public spaces shared by the theaters without a significant interruption of business. With assistance from SMGs corporate specialists, SMG has provided advertising sales support including the installation of new exterior video board which serves all facilities within the complex.

Long Beach Arena

Significant achievements & highlights Two temporary pools and a 10,000-seat stadium were constructed next to the Long Beach Arena for the 2004 U.S. Olympic Swim Trials and Long Beach Aquatics Festival, hosting more than 100,000 swim fans. SMG used existing staff to assist with coordination of construction logistics and provide food service and event support for all activities. Through a unique long term rental agreement with Jehovahs Witnesses SMG negotiated and coordinated a $4.5 million renovation of the Terrace and Center Theaters, Seaside Meeting Rooms and Seaside Ballroom with minimal funding provided by the City and all construction services provided by companies associated with the Jehovahs Witnesses. The Center is a major focal point of the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach with the racetrack encircling the Center. More than 200,000 race fans attend the race each year. In addition to catering services, V.I.P. hospitality and a race related products showcase are held at the Convention Center during the race. SMGs national IT partner Priority Networks provides state-ofthe-art Internet and Telecommunications services throughout the facilities including a Wireless Internet Hot Spot located in the Promenade Lobby. Other in-house services include Audio Visual, a full-service Business Center, Theatrical Services, Crowd Management, Emergency Medical Technicians, Parking, and Ticketing services. The Long Beach Arena has been named in Pollstars listing of the Top 50 Arena Venues and the Terrace Theater has also been included in Pollstars Top 50 Theatre Venues. The Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center has received additional national recognition including a Planners Choice Award from Meeting News and multiple Prime Site awards from Facility Magazine.`


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Mu lti-Ven u u Facili t i o n 6 ) Sta tem ent of Q e a l i fi caties


Multi-Venue Facilities

Reliant Park
Houston, TX
Reliant Park is home of the 69,500 seat Reliant Stadium, Reliant Center, a 1.4 million square foot Exposition Center, Reliant Astrodome and Reliant Arena all located on one convenient 300 acre site. Along with being the largest, Reliant Park is the most flexible sport and entertainment/convention complex in the country hosting more than 400 events annually. Along with Reliant Stadium, Reliant Center serves as a primary venue for the Houston Livestock Show and RodeoTM. Reliant Center is home to Houstons largest annual convention, the Offshore Technology Conference, as well as the countrys premiere trade and consumer shows, such as the Houston International Auto Show.

Reliant Stadium
one reLiant Park houSton, tX 77054 Phone: (832) 667-1400 FaX: (832) 667-1748

Reliant Arena and Reliant Astrodome

Reliant Arena is a self-sufficient, multifunctional facility. In addition to nearly 350,000 square feet of exhibit space, Reliant Arena features an 8,000-seat arena and 2,000-seat pavilion. The facility serves as the primary horse competition facility for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Reliant Astrodome is known as the Eighth Wonder of the World. Reliant Astrodome hosts a range of events including high school football games, high school baseball playoffs, monster truck events, as well as galas, luncheons, exhibits, banquets and other special events on the dome floor. Significant Milestones and achievements Annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is a 30 day event attracting over 1,000,000 spectators and hosting some of the biggest names in music Successfully hosted NFL Super Bowl XXXVIII in 2004, the first time the event had been held in Reliant Park Successfully completed a challenging facility conversion to prepare for the 2008 NCAA Division I Mens Basketball South Regional. Transitioned the stadium from its massive rodeo set-up to the expanded basketball configuration in just under 80 hours, a task that would typically take a number of weeks. The 2010 NCAA Division I Mens Basketball South Regionals attracted 45,505 fans - the second-highest attendance for any preliminary round in tournament history SMG-Reliant hosted the 2011 NCAA Final Four with a total attendance of 145,797 with a total economic impact of $50-60 million SMG-Reliant Park was recently selected to host a second NCAA Final Four in 2016 prior to hosting its first in 2011. This was the first time in NCAA history that a second event had been awarded prior to hosting a Final Four SMG-Reliant Park was instrumental in working with the NCAA to develop the new in-the-round set up, from the half-house set up previously used for the Final Four greatly increasing the seating capacity for this event SMG developed a blackout curtaining system for the Stadium that fully covers the normally translucent fabric roof. The blackout system enables the facility to events such as, Disney on Ice and Ringling Bros./Barnum & Bailey Circus.

Reliant Stadium
Seating Capacity: 69,560 (expandable to 70,578 for Super Bowl) 1,900,000 sq. ft. Stadium 97,000 square feet of natural grass playing surface 221 suites on 4 levels Home of the NFLs Houston Texans

Reliant Center
Total square footage: 1.4 million square feet Total Exhibit Hall 706,213 square feet. 72 Meeting Rooms (average size 1,200 sq. ft.), have sound systems and 17 ceiling height 2 Catering Kitchens at Mezzanine Level Parking accommodations for up to 25,000 vehicles

Reliant Arena
Total square footage: 349,000 gsf Arena floor: 24,000 gsf Permanent seating for approximately 5,800 Additional 2,000 seats can be placed on the floor Exhibit Hall A: 75,000 gsf, front 30 high ceilings back 14 high ceilings Exhibit Hall B: 50,000 gsf 14 to 16 high ceilings Exhibit Hall C: 50,000 gsf 14 to 16 high ceilings Exhibit Hall D: 100,000 gsf 30 high ceilings

Reliant Astrodome
Field dimensions, North to South 288West to East 456 Seating: 60,000 - 70,000 Dome Floor - 131,000 square feet Freight Door: (East Side) 18 high x 34 wide

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P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

M ulti-Venue Fa ci l i ti 6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o nes


Multi-Venue Facilities
SMg Services

Reliant Astrodome

SMG has been the operator of Reliant Stadium since 2002 (9 years), providing full management services, including: Event Sales and Marketing Sports Marketing and Sponsorship Sales Marketing and Public Relations Operations Maintenance Finance and Accounting Box Office Event Services Parking

Sports tenants NFL Houston Texans Football Meineke Car Care Bowl of Texas Feld Entertainment: Monster Jam and Supercross Battle of the Piney Woods (Sam Houston State University vs Stephen F. Austin University)

notable events Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (attendance 1.7 to 2.2 million) NFL Super Bowl (2004) NCAA Division I Mens Championship South Regional (2008, 2010) NCAA Division I Mens Championship Final Four (2011, 2016) Big 12 Conference Football Championship (2002, 2005) Essence Music Festival U2 The Rolling Stones 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania Grand Prix Houston

Reliant Arena


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Multi-Venue Facilities

M ul ti -Venue Fa c i l i ti es

Mercedes-Benz Superdome, New Orleans Arena,

New Orleans, Louisiana
An icon among sports facilities, the magnificent Mercedes-Benz Superdome is one of the most recognizable sports and entertainment facilities in the world. Its rich sports history and compelling story of rebirth after hurricane Katrina set this facility apart from all others. Developed by the State of Louisiana in the mid-1970s, the facility was years ahead of its time in terms of design. It has played host to a record 10 NFL Super Bowls, four NCAA Final Fours, several BCS College Football Championships and countless other major events, establishing New Orleans as a sports destination and contributing billions into the local economy. Significant Milestones and achievements

Sugar BowL driVe new orLeanS, La 70112 Phone: (504) 587-3663

Mercedes Benz Superdome

Seating capacity - 72,200 Luxury Box Suites - 153 Club Seats - 13,316 Sports tenants New Orleans Saints Football Tulane University Football State Farm Bayou Classic Allstate Sugar Bowl Louisiana High School Football Championships R&L Carriers New Orleans Bowl

notable events NFL Super Bowl: Six (6) NCAA Final Four Basketball Championship: Four (4) BCS College Football Championship: Three (3) Republican National Convention: 1988 Rolling Stones concert: 1981 - largest indoor crowd: 91,000 Muhammad Ali vs. Leon Spinks: 1978 World Heavyweight Championship NFC Championship Game: 2009

New Orleans Arena

Seating capacity - 17,800 Luxury Box Suites - 56 Club Seats - 2,855 Parking - 5,071 (4 separate garage decks), 2,081 (Champions Square garage)

Sports tenants New Orleans Hornets (NBA) New Orleans Voodoo (Arena Football League)

Initiated in-house technical services, including installation of digital VOIP voice and data systems, new DAS system and digital media elements that has produced in substantial cost savings as well as additional income. In 1995, assisted with the development of the Essence Music Festival, a three-day indoor music event attended by more than 120,000 spectators. The event is now in its 17th year. SMG provided oversight for more than $22 million in improvements in the summer of 1996, conducted with a minimum of intrusion to the ongoing business of the building. SMG successfully managed the 2002 NFL Super Bowl and 2003 NCAA Final Four at the Superdome under unprecedented National Security Special Event Designations subsequent to 9/11. Successfully reduced Louisiana Superdome and overall operating costs by 26% since 2001 despite rising market costs post-Katrina. Led the unprecedented $225 million Louisiana Superdome reconstruction project for the State in the wake of Hurricane Katrina the largest stadium rebuilding project in American history, the stadium reopened just one year after the storm. Provided key support in the States successful effort to recover $118 million in FEMA proceeds and $40 million in CDBG funds related to damages caused by Hurricane Katrina. SMG played a lead role with the State in negotiating the return of both the Saints and Hornets to New Orleans post-Katrina. Successfully led the States restructuring and extension of the New Orleans Saints lease in 2009, which eliminated the $20.0 million fixed inducement payments, shifts more economic risk to the team and provides for the re-development of a 1.2 million square foot abandoned shopping mall and office tower adjacent to the Superdome. The new Saints agreement is projected to save the State more than $297 million. Successfully supervised and managed the $85 million Superdome construction upgrades during two NFL off-seasons without interruption in the NFL event calendar. Successfully managed the LSEDs $15 million re-development of the old New Orleans Centre shopping mall and converting the space to Champions Square a special event plaza and mixeduse real estate development adjacent to the Superdome. Successfully negotiated multi-year agreements with the State Farm Bayou Classic, New Orleans Bowl and Essence Music Festival.

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P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

M ulti-Ve nue Fa cilities


Multi-Venue Facilities
Mercedes-Benz Superdome
Significant Milestones and Achievements
Consulted on the design and construction of New Orleans Arena. Responsible for the successful opening of the Arena (1999) and generation of an annual operating surplus of $1.0 million for the LSED with only a minor league hockey team as a tenant. Successfully reduced New Orleans Arena overall operating costs by 26% since 2001 despite rising post-Katrina market costs. SMG played a lead role with the State in negotiating the return of the Hornets to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Led the States effort to relocate the New Orleans Hornets in 2002 by working with team owners and league officials for more than three (3) years. Once relocation was announced, SMG managed the $25 million renovation and upgrade of the New Orleans Arena to accommodate an NBA team. Supervised $30 million in State-funded capital improvements to the New Orleans Arena needed to relocate the New Orleans Hornets to the City. Played a lead role in securing the 2008 NBA All-Star game for the City and State. Saved the State approximately $1.4 million annually through shared staff and joint operation of the Louisiana Superdome and New Orleans Arena.

Developed exceptional fiscal and audit controls for highest levels of accountability. Set the standard for hosting mega-events, including six Super Bowls, three Final Fours, a national political convention, Papal visit and three national collegiate championships. Saved the State approximately $1.4 million annually through shared staff and joint operation of the Louisiana Superdome and New Orleans Arena.

Champions Square

New Orleans Arena

Located adjacent to the Mercedes-Benz Superdome and situated on the 55 acre facility campus of the Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District, the New Orleans Arena has been a catalyst for live entertainment development in the area. As the home of the NBA New Orleans Hornets, the Arena has helped to anchor the sports complex and provide enhanced event programming opportunities for the City and State. In addition to playing host to some of the worlds largest musical acts, the Arena has hosted several collegiate basketball events including both Mens and Womens NCAA Regional tournament, as well as a Womens Final Four.

New Orleans Arena

CHAMPIONS SQUARE presented by Verizon.

Champions Square, a 121,000 square foot outdoor festival venue created by SMG, opened to the public in 2010 and instantly became one of the citys most popular entertainment destinations for corporate events, festivals, and concerts. The Square has played host to thousands of Saints fans prior to each home game as well as hosting pre and post event parties for some of the biggest sporting events in the World.

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P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

Mult i-Venue Facilit ies


Multi-Venue Facilities
Chesapeake Energy Arena & Cox Convention Center
Oklahoma City, OK
chesapeake energy arena Chesapeake Energy Arena is Oklahomas premier arena and destination for the best in sports and entertainment. Home to the Oklahoma City Thunder of the NBA, the Chesapeake Energy Arena was also the temporary home of the NBA New Orleans Hornets for two seasons and the Oklahoma City Blazers hockey team for eight seasons. The Arena has also hosted three NCAA First and Second Round Mens Basketball Tournaments, two NCAA Womens Regional Basketball Tournaments, one NCAA National Wrestling Championships, the McDonalds High School All-American Basketball Game, two Big 12 Mens Basketball Tournaments, and will host the 2014 Big 12 Womens Basketball Tournament, the 2014 Division I NCAA National Wrestling Championships, and the 2014 NCAA National Womens Volleyball Championships as well as playing host to major concerts, family events, ice shows, and the latest in show stopping entertainment. Significant Milestones and achievements SMG began overseeing pre-opening activities for the facility in 1999 and has continuously managed the facility since SMG has generated annual advertising and sponsorship revenues at the in excess of $1.7 million for naming rights, suites, club seats and advertising Since opening, SMG has hosted more than 1,000 events with attendance of more than 8 million, despite being closed for a total of almost one year due to renovations During its first six years, SMG has also received several awards including the 2007 Prime Site Award issued by Facilities Magazine, the Oklahoma Gazettes Best of OKC Award for Best Live Music Venue Seating 250+, and The Oklahoman Readers Choice Award in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2010 for best Concert Venue. SMG played a major role with the City of Oklahoma City in negotiating and creating an agreement with the NBA and New Orleans Hornets for their temporary relocation to Oklahoma City.

Chesapeake Energy Arena

cheSaPeake energy arena 100 weSt reno aVe okLahoMa city, ok 73102-2423 Phone: (405) 602-8700
Seating capacity Concert (End Stage 360) - 16,591 Concert (End Stage 240) - 13,486 Basketball - 19,675 Hockey - 16,500 Notable Events NCAA Mens Basketball Tournaments McDonalds High School All American Game NCAA Womens Regional Basketball Tournaments Big 12 Mens Basketball Tournaments NCAA Division I National Wrestling Championships NCAA Division I Womens National Volleyball Championship Big 12 Womens Basketball Tournament NBA Western Conference Finals Sports Tenants Oklahoma City Thunder All-College Basketball Tournament

coX conVention center 1 Myriad gardenS okLahoMa city, ok 73102-9206 Phone(405)602-8500

15,000 Seat Arena (Arena Floor = 32,000+ sq. ft.) 100,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall (Divides into 8 Halls) 80,000 sq. ft. column-free 4 Street-Level Doors (24 wide x 20 tall) 25,000 Sq. Ft. Ballroom (Divides into 5 halls/meeting rooms from 3,278 11, 216 sq. ft.) 21 Meeting Rooms (672 6,412 sq. ft.) Permanent Board Room for 20-50

20 12


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

M u l t i -Ve n u e Fa c i l i t i es


Multi-Venue Facilities
cox convention center Located only 15 minutes from the Will Rogers World Airport, off Interstate 40 in Downtown Oklahoma City, the Cox Business Services Convention Center is one of the most centrally located venues of its kind in the nation. The SMG-managed facility offers over 100,000 square feet of exhibit space, a 25,000-square-foot ballroom, 21 meeting rooms and a 15,000-seat arena, all just steps away from an ever-increasing number of downtown hotels and a vibrant entertainment district featuring a variety of canal-side restaurants, clubs, music venues and attractions. On October 19, 1999, the Oklahoma City Council unanimously approved a 5-year management agreement with SMG to operate the Cox Business Services Convention Center (formerly the Myriad) and the neighboring Ford Center, which opened on June 9, 2002. The management agreement has since been extended through 2013 with the option for two additional five year terms upon mutual written agreement.

Cox Convention Center

Significant achievements: On February 5, 2002, SMG negotiated a naming rights agreement with Cox Business Services for technology upgrades, advertising and cash totaling $1.7 million over seven years. In preparation for the 2007 Big 12 Basketball Championships, SMG coordinated numerous facility upgrades including: new security bollards; repairs to fences, windows and overhead canopies; renovated dressing rooms and locker room; made seat repairs; replaced arena escalators; and upgraded lighting and sound systems in the arena. SMG has hosted major events such as: Davis Cup; the annual Red Earth Festival, a Native American cultural festival which attracts visitors from around the world; the annual OKC Summer Classics Dog Show, which is broadcasted by ESPN; and the USA Gymnastics 2007 Mens Junior Olympic Nationals. Awards include the Facilities & Destinations Prime Site Award and recognition at the 1st EMSA Annual Awards Ceremony (2008) for providing shelter to residents displaced during the 2007 ice storms.



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

M u l t i -Ve n u e Fa c i l i t i es


Multi-Venue Facilities
BOK Center & Tulsa Convention Center
Tulsa, OK
Bok center The BOK Center is Tulsas state-of-the-art sports and entertainment venue that opened in fall 2008. The 19,199-seat venue is home to the AFL Tulsa Talons, WNBA Tulsa Shock, and the CHL Tulsa Oilers. The BOK Center was designed to host major concerts, family shows, ice shows, and other world class entertainment. Owned by the City Of Tulsa, the BOK Center is part of Vision 2025, a project to grow economic and community infrastructure for future generations. The City hired SMG, a world leader in venue management, marketing and development, to manage the facility. In the first year, BOK Center hosted 184 events with numerous sold out shows. tulsa convention center The Tulsa Convention Center is part of a worldwide group of convention and entertainment venues managed by SMG. And things are only getting better! With an impressive renovation and expansion completed in January 2010, the Tulsa Convention Center will be at the top of your conventions choice facilities for many years to come. award-winning Facility As winners of the 2009, 2010 and 2011 Prime Site Award, our versatile facilities and friendly, dedicated staff are the reason that so many organizations come back year after year.

BOK Center
Bok center 200 S denVer aVe tuLSa, ok 74103-5019 Phone: (918) 596-7177
arena capacity 18,041 seat, 550,000 square-foot Multi-purpose arena

tuLSa conVention center 100 ciVic center tuLSa, ok 74103 Phone: (918)894-4350
arena capacity 8,900 seats Rigging capabilities end-to-end Production room, green room and 4 backstage dressing rooms assembly hall Features 7,700sf 2,310sf extension available 14 adjacent meeting rooms Banquet seating for up to 550 Theatre seating for up to 1,000

Ballroom Features 30,000sf Easily divisible into 2/3 (21,500sf) and 1/3 (8,500sf) 7 adjacent meeting rooms 13,600sf pre-function area with floor-to-ceiling windows and terrazzo floors Banquet seating for up to 2,000

Tulsa Convention Center

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P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


SMG-Managed Stadiums 2012

EverBank Field Reliant Stadium Soldier Field

Mercedes-Benz Superdome

New Orleans, LA 1,500,000 73,000 Seats Clients/Events: SMG Client Since: 1995 Client Contact: Paul Crawford 904.630.7063 Clients/Events: SMG Client Since: 2000 Client Contact: Willie Loston 832.667.1419 70,000 Seats SMG Client Since: 1977 Client Contact: Ron Forman 504.861.5119 Super Bowl XXXVIII NFLs Houston Texans Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo 1,300,000 3,900,000

Market Size:

Jacksonville, FL

Market Size:

Houston, TX

Market Size:

Chicago, IL 62,000 Seats Clients/Events:

Market Size: 10,000,000 SMG Client Since: 1994 Client Contact: Michael Kelly 312.742.4200 NFLs Chicago Bears The Rolling Stones Division I College Football 3 NFC Championship Games FIFA World Cup

76,000 Seats Super Bowl XXXIX NFLs Jacksonville Jaguars Gator Bowl football games Rolling Stones Monster Jam


6 Super Bowls NFLs New Orleans Saints Allstate Sugar Bowl Coliseum

Reliant Astrodome

Wroclaw Stadium

Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville

Oakland, CA 7,000,000 SMG Client Since: 1998 Client Contact: Mark Kaufman 510.383.4801 MLBs Houston Astros 1965-1999 Cricket matches Clients/Events: 67,000 Seats

Market Size:

Houston, TX

Market Size: 3,900,000 SMG Client Since: 2000 Client Contact: Willie Loston 832.667.1419

Wroclaw, Poland

Jacksonville, FL 7,200 Seats Clients/Events: AA Jacksonville Suns `Atlantic Coast Conference baseball championship Highlighted by the innovative design of the external walls which will be covered by glass fibre mesh coated with Teflon.

Market Size: 1,200,000 SMG Client Since: 1995 Client Contact: Paul Crawford 904.630.7063

62,500 Seats


Currently under construction. 42.000 seats

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um
The design of lighting technology will make it possible to change the colour of the external walls.

MLBs Oakland Athletics NFLs Oakland Raiders



Comparable SMG-Managed Facilities 2012

Convention Centers

Venue Name Cox Business Services Convention Center Oklahoma City, OK 100,000 Sq. Ft. Tom Anderson 405.297.1689 Jim McCarvill 401.351.4295 Mark V. Smith 912.355.6400 Dale Sibley 318.673.5084 100,000 Sq. Ft. 100,000 Sq. Ft. 95,000 Sq. Ft. 95,000 Sq. Ft. Steve Bridges 910.341.5870 Providence, RI Savannah, GA Shreveport, LA Wilmington, NC Rhode Island Convention Center Savannah International Trade and Convention Center Shreveport Convention Center

Tulsa Convention Center

Wilmington Convention Center

Ontario Convention Center

El Paso Convention Center

City, State

Tulsa, OK

Ontario, CA 90,000 Sq. Ft. Chris Hughes 909-395-2396

El Paso, TX 80,000 Sq. Ft. Joyce Wilson 915.541.4109

Facility Size

102,000 Sq. Ft.


Dewey F. Bartlett, Jr. 978.596.1898


Venue Name BOK Center Chesapeake Energy Arena

New Orleans Arena

Coliseo de Puerto Rico

Cox Business Services Arena

INTRUST Bank Arena

Dunkin Donuts Center

Long Beach Arena

City, State Tulsa, OK 19,200 Dewey F. Bartlett, Jr. 978.596.1898 Tom Anderson 405.297.1689 19,000 Oklahoma City, OK

New Orleans, LA

San Juan, PR 18,000 Jaime Lopez 787.765.2900 ext 2160

Oklahoma City, OK 15,000 Tom Anderson 405.297.1689

Wichita, KS 15,000 Ron Holt 316.660.9393

Providence, RI 14,000 Jim McCarvill 401.351.4295

Long Beach, CA 13,500 Steve Goodling 562.495.8350

# of Seats


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


Ron Forman 504.861.5119


WAGNER NOL PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Midland-Odessa, TX Performance Hall: 1,819 seats Greathouse Recital Hall: 200 seats Terrace Theater: 3,051 seats Center Theater: 825 seats 711 seats Long Beach, CA Dubuque, IA

LONG BEACH PERFORMING ARTS CENTER FIVE FLAGS THEATER FRESNO CONVENTION & ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Fresno, CA Valdez Hall: 3,000 seats Saroyan Theater: 2,349 seats Bob Papke, SMG Corporate Office 610.729.7907 Joyce White, General Manager 563.589.4254 Dan Spellens, Director 562.499.7606 Amanda Banks, Sales Manager 559.445.8166 GENESEE THEATRE Waukegan, IL 2,427 seats 855 seats Ogden, UT PEERYS EGYPTIAN THEATER ORPHEUM THEATER Sioux Falls, SD 688 seats AKRON CIVIC THEATRE Akron, OH 2,572 seats Gary Zabinski, General Manager 847.406.3146 Terri McGhee, Director 801.689.8631 Terry Torklidson 605.367.7288 Howard Parr, General Manager 330.535.3179










6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um



6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item 1: Including professional and/or technical education and training; experience in the kind of projects to be undertaken; availability of adequate personnel, equipment and facilities. List previous projects similar to the one in the RFP, which have been satisfactorily completed.

Direct Support
In addition to the talented local team SMG has amassed for the City of Jacksonville, we are also providing direct oversight from Doug Thornton whose impressive profile and credentials are found here. Additionally, Michael Munz will provide local community outreach and media liaison service to support SMG in Jacksonville.

Doug Thornton
Senior Vice President, Stadiums and Arenas
Doug Thornton, will serve as SMGs senior executive in charge of the Jacksonville account, directly overseeing the administration of the management agreement with the City. With a 15-year history in managing stadium, arena and convention center operations, Mr. Thornton brings a proven track record in managing major collegiate and professional sporting events, retaining and attracting professional sports teams, as well as leading facility development projects. In addition, he has extensive experience in working with local governments to utilize sports and entertainment as economic drivers for downtown revitalization. Headquartered in New Orleans, Mr. Thorntons achievements include: Leading New Orleanss efforts to attract, host and produce numerous major events including NCAA Final Four Championships, NFL Super Bowls, and the NBA All-Star Game. Managing the successful effort to relocate the NBA Hornets franchise from Charlotte, N.C. to New Orleans in 2002. Leading the states 2009 negotiations with the New Orleans Saints a multifaceted deal that included $85 million in Superdome improvements, and a 15-year extension of the Clubs lease that will keep them in New Orleans though 2025. Leading the development, financing and construction of Champions Square, a mixed-use retail and event space that has revitalized New Orleans sports and entertainment district next to the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. Overseeing the $336 million renovation and upgrade of the Superdome in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which was viewed by the industry as the largest stadium reconstruction project in American sports history. Leading the States effort to renegotiate and extend the New Orleans Hornets lease through 2024, which includes $50 million in upgrades to the New Orleans Arena.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

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Mr. Thorntons efforts have led to the Mercedes-Benz Superdome being selected to host the 2012 BCS College Football Championship, the 2012 Mens Final Four, 2013 NFL Super Bowl and the 2014 NBA All-Star game that will be played in the New Orleans Arena. Understanding the strong desire of Jacksonville leaders to attract sporting events with worldwide recognition, Mr. Thornton will serve as an instrumental member of the Jacksonville team, using his 15-year history in sports and event management and extensive industry relationships to work for Jacksonville.

Michael Munz
Community Outreach and Media Relations Liaison
SMG shares the Citys vision for growing Jacksonville into a destination for sports and entertainment. To make help make that vision a reality, we have secured Michael Munz to serve as our community outreach and media relations liaison. In this role, Mr. Munz will work with the administration to engage the community and generate support for all City-led sports and entertainment initiatives and ensure their success, which is key to increasing revenues and directly impacting the financial return to the City. Mr. Munz is executive vice president and partner for the Dalton Agency, a national marketing and public relations firm headquartered in Jacksonville. He brings more than 20 years of experience representing diverse groups of local, regional and national clients in media relations, community relations and corporate communications. He will put his experience providing community relations support to private corporations, nonprofits and municipalities and bridging gaps between the client and the community to work for SMGJacksonville. In creating effective, high-profile community engagement for SMG, Mr. Munz will: Serve as SMGs representative in Jacksonville, forging partnerships that will support City initiatives such as revitalizing Downtown and building the Citys sports and entertainment offerings, and making them a success Fully immerse SMG into the community to develop relationships with prospective partners and key contacts to capitalize on local revenuegenerating opportunities for the City Initiate a networking process and meet with representatives in the Jacksonville area to identify synergistic opportunities that exist to further drive SMG-Jacksonville sales and support and benefit the entire Jacksonville community

SMG is responsive to the Citys over arching desire to elevate the role of sports and entertainment in Jacksonville. By placing an emphasis on community outreach, SMG can enhance City opportunities to promote initiatives, provide residents and visitors high-demand sporting and entertainment events at nationally recognized facilities, and improve the return on investment the City enjoys through its agreement with SMG.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item 2: Identify the proposed General Manager for each Facility, i.e., the individual who would be the Citys primary point of contact with the Manager. List this individuals credentials and prior experience promoting and managing similar facilities, and provide a detailed resume for this individual.


Larry Wilson
Larry Wilson, a professional with nearly 20 years of experience in the event and facility management industry, will serve as the general manager for the City of Jacksonvilles facilities. Mr. Wilson brings to Jacksonville an impressive resume of attracting and managing major sporting and entertainment events, securing professional sports teams and diligently developing and managing operating budgets spanning from $2 million to $22 million. Some of his accomplishments include: Managing the pre-opening and opening phase of the $130-million John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville, VA. Here, he also managed several high-visibility, sold-out events including the Dave Matthews Band, Elton John, The Eagles, Billy Joel and the University of Virginias mens and womens basketball games. Procuring concerts for both the Rolling Stones and U2, who typically bypass small markets, at the University of Virginias Scott Stadium, each concert a sell out. Securing a new United Hockey League team for the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, VA Successfully increasing operating revenue at the Richmond Coliseum by 30 percent and decreasing operating costs by 20 percent.

In Jacksonville for just two years, approximately, Mr. Wilson has already successfully grown the number and scale of event offerings for Jacksonville residents and visitors, has increased event attendance and has identified additional opportunities for returning revenue to the City. Since Mr. Wilson assumed the role of general manager for SMG Jacksonville: SMG projects that it will bring in 40 more events in 2012 than it did in 2009. As a result of SMGs enhanced event offerings, attendance in 2012 is projected to be up 11 percent, or nearly 250,000 people, over 2009s figures. From 2009 to 2012, SMGs revenues have increased by 17 percent, bringing a more significant financial return to the City. This can be attributed to Mr. Wilsons commitment to more robust event calendars and hosting larger shows and sporting events, and his focus on streamlining operations and identifying staff efficiencies.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

Summary of Experience
More than 18 years of facility management and event management service including: Serving as general manager for diverse public assembly sites including arenas, performing arts centers, athletic facilities, an NFL stadium, convention centers, an equestrian center and a minor league baseball park Developing and managing operating budgets from $2 to $22 million, employing strong fiscal controls to meet facility and client goals Playing key roles in planning, construction and opening of six new public facilities Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with client/ contract administrators, tenants, government departments and agencies, the entertainment/convention industry and community and civic organizations to encourage continual and regular use of public facilities Developing and executing specific facility management plans and programs including: training and development, quality assurance, energy efficiency, safety/emergency procedures, crowd control and crises management procedures Managing and advising human resources on any necessary revisions/ modifications to staffing plans including the number and type of employees, essential functions, salaries and benefits Negotiating contracts and agreements with service providers, tenants and local, regional and national promoters Directing the development and execution of operating, marketing and financial plans and documents including revenue and expense budgets, capital expense plans and budgets Developing and implementing facility goals in accordance with management contracts, the Citys objectives, corporate policy and good business practice Working with convention and visitors bureaus and other local organizations to facilitate event bookings and tourism advancement


LARRY W. WILSON, JR. General Manger, EverBank Field, Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville, the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts, the Prime Osborn Convention Center and the Jacksonville Equestrian Center

Larry Wilson will serve as the general manager and primary point of contact for the City of Jacksonville regarding all elements of the facilities management contract. Mr. Wilson has nearly 20 years experience in the facility and event management industry including managing large and small scale venues with associated operating budgets ranging from $2 to $22 million. Through this vast experience, he has developed the knowledge, skills and relationships necessary to ensure the delivery of quality service and entertainment to venue patrons while containing costs.

The University of Memphis - Bachelor of Professional Studies: Sports Management (1994) Oglebay: The Public Assembly Facility Management School, Wheeling, WV (1998)

Community Engagement and Professional Associations

Event Service Professionals Organization, local chapter board president in 1997, national president in 2006 International Association of Venue Managers International Association of Exposition Managers Professional Convention Management Association Visit Jacksonville Board of Directors

Work History (SMG - March 1994 - Present) EverBank Field, Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville, the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts, the Prime Osborn Convention Center and the Jacksonville Equestrian Center, Jacksonville, FL - March 2010 - Present General Manager
Manage seven directors who supervise 125 full-time and approximately 1,000 event/part-time employees and staff in finance, marketing, operations, food and beverage services and other facility departments Coordinate with the City of Jacksonville to carry out and enforce all contractual obligations with the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Gator Bowl Association, the Jacksonville Suns, the Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair, the Jacksonville Giants, Jacksonville University basketball and the annual Florida-Georgia football game

Significant Accomplishments
Successfully hosted and managed major sports and entertainment events including the Florida-Georgia Football Classic, Jacksonville Jaguars NFL games, the annual Gator Bowl, the Monster Jam, with more than 72,000 in attendance, the 2010 NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament, and Jimmy Buffett and Kenny Chesney concerts Received the following awards and recognition: Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena best of Venue Todays Top Stops for Florida venues of its size


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Prime Site Award of Excellence from Facilities Magazine Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena among the top 100 arenas in the world and the Times-Union Center, Moran Theater, among the top 100 theaters in the world from Pollstars 2011 Year End Worldwide Ticket Sales list

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Significant Accomplishments
Assisted in negotiating a 10-year, $5 million naming rights agreement with CenturyTel Sold out all 16 luxury suites and all facility signage

John Paul Jones Arena, Charlottesville, VA - June 2005 March 2010 Regional General Manager
Developed, initiatied and executed policies and procedures for the daily operation of the John Paul Jones Arena, Paramount Theater and the Meadows Events Center Managed the pre-opening and opening phase of the $130 million John Paul Jones Arena in 2006

Gaylord Entertainment Center, Nashville, TN - March 1997 November 1999 Director of Event Services and Convention Sales
Directly supervised an event management team of more than 25 and oversaw events, from signing of contract through conclusion of event, including dealing with subcontractors and vendors and handling preevent and event logistics Acted as contract administrator for vendor relationships Responsible for formulating departmental budget Responsible for selling 7,500 square feet of meeting space and selling facility to national convention clients

Significant Accomplishments
Managed several high visibility sold-out events and shows including Dave Matthews Band, Elton John, The Eagles, Billy Joel and the University of Virginias mens and womens basketball games At the request of the University of Virginia, successfully procured, marketed, hosted and managed major events at its Scott Stadium, on their behalf, including the Rolling Stones and U2 Received the following awards and recognition: Pollstars Best New Major Concert Venue, John Paul Jones Arena Venues Today Hall of Headline Award for Marketing, John Paul Jones Arena

Special Events and Convention Services Manager

Coordinated five of Nashvilles largest conventions: Sunday School Board, Kiwanis International, NAMM, Rural Electric and State Farm Insurance Responsible for all aspects of the Ohio Valley Basketball Tournament, including marketing, tickets and coordination of the tournament Worked a wide range of events including Nashville Kats Arena Football, Garth Brooks concert, Champions on Ice, Sesame Street Live, GMA Dove Awards, TNN Music City Awards, Longhorn Rodeo and WWF Wrestling Promoted to department head in 1998

Significant Accomplishments Richmond Coliseum, Richmond, VA - August 2001 June 2005 General Manager
Managed the renovation budget of $7.1 million to create Virginias premier entertainment facility Developed an agreement between management and tenants concerning concessions By 2003, successfully increased operating revenue by 30 percent and decreased operating costs by 20 percent, creating a $1 million dollar turn-around Served as event liaison between the Nashville Predators and arena staff, helping coordinate all Nashville Predators events Started public tour program for the arena to increase visibility of the facility for the local population Member, Downtown Nashville Convention Collection; Advisory Board of Directors, Nashville YMCA

Community Involvement

Significant Accomplishments
Successfully hosted and managed major events including sellout concerts for Elton John, Cher, Bruce Springsteen and The Eagles Secured new United Hockey League team

Palm Springs Convention Center, Palm Springs, CA - November 1994 - March 1997 Event Services Manager
Responsible for directing and coordinating with every department in the facility, including subcontractors and vendors, to ensure proper preparation for all events Maintained continuous communication with clients to exchange information pertinent to their individual event needs Responsible for directly supervising four crew supervisors and 15 personnel Assisted operations director in formulating budget

CenturyTel Center, Bossier City, LA - November 1999 August 2001 Assistant General Manager
Directly supervised four department heads who oversaw 38 full-time staff Assisted general manager in facility booking, negotiating agreements and overall correspondence with agents and facility tenants Oversaw creation and implementation of event operational plans, facility safety committee and facility emergency management plan During pre-opening period, assisted general manager in a variety of tasks including selling suites, selling signage, naming and negotiating leases with facility tenants, negotiating sub-contractor agreements, overseeing startup of SMG service and daily construction activity Reviewed and approved purchase requests and invoices and assisted general manager in formulating facility budget

Significant Accomplishments
Recipient of the National ACOM/Successful Meeting Convention Services Manager of the Year Award

Community Involvement
Member, Palm Springs Special Events Planning Team Member, Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item 3: Provide number of other staff to be assigned to each Facility, including names and resumes of key individuals to be assigned to these services. Describe staff members credentials and qualifications. List all previous or current assignments similar to the one in this RFP which have been satisfactorily completed or are currently ongoing by the Manager.


Organizational Chart
SMG has a dedicated and experienced team of individuals assigned to manage each of the City of Jacksonvilles sports and entertainment venues. The leadership team, who have more than 100 years in combined industry experience, is supported by a full-time staff of 125 employees and more than 1,000 part-time and event-support staff. The organizational chart below depicts the various venue leaders along with the number of full-time employees that are assigned to or proposed for each location.
President & CEO Maureen Ginty John Burns

Wes Westley

EVP Marketing Services and Human Resources

Bob McClintock
SVP, Convention Center Div.

SVP, Business Development

Bob Cavalieri

SVP, Stadiums & Arenas

Doug Thornton

SVP, Strategic Business Dev.

Gregg Caren

SVP, Sports & Entertainment -

Jim McCue

Larry Wilson
General Manager

Community & Media Relations

Michael Munz

HR Manager

Kimberly Escolano

HR Assistant

Kim Everett

Asst. Gen. Manager; EverBank Field/ Baseball Grounds

Tracey Evans

Dir. TU Center for Performing Arts

Sarah Bartlo

Jim Pritchard
Director of Prime Osborne III Convention Center

Keith Van Der Leest

Director of Facilities

Dir. Food & Beverage; SAVOR

Michael Kenny

20 FT Positions

6 FT Positions

17 FT Positions

22 FT Positions

10 FT Positions

Asst. Gen Mgr/ Dir. of Marketing; Arena

Robin Timothy

Manager Ritz Theatre & Museum

Terrance Johnson

Dir. Jacksonville Equestrian Center

Lesa Williams

Greg Hatch
Sr. Director of Finance

18 FT Positions


9 FT Positions

11 FT Positions


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Summary of Experience
More than 25 years of facility and event management experience including: EverBank Field and the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville will be led by Tracey Evans. Ms. Evans has more than 25 years of facility and event management experience. This includes overseeing events, grounds, housekeeping, trades, technology, operations and parking at an NFL stadium, minor league baseball park and multi-use performing arts center. Facility management of NFL stadium, minor league baseball park, multi-use performing arts center Managed departments to include: events, grounds, housekeeping, trades, information technology, operations and parking Worked closely with finance, ticketing and marketing Event management of professional athletics, concerts, trade shows, private events and flat shows Managed a $3 million budget, full-time staff of 40 and part-time event team of 3,000 Managed a $500,000 budget, full-time staff of eight and part-time event team of 40 Worked closely with clients organizing events from production to postevent follow through and settlement Recruited, trained, managed and evaluated guest services teams, comprised of 40 to 3,000 people, depending on the event Worked closely with City emergency response division to develop a comprehensive evacuation plan for stadium and baseball park, which is now used in all Jacksonville facilities Helped to manage four Super Bowls, five US Opens, the 1996 Olympics, the Katrina reopening of the Super Dome, three NCAA Tournaments, 17 Florida-Georgia games, 17 Gator Bowl games and 35 major stadium events Directed US Tennis Association/MidAtlantic sections office, volunteers and programs Managed USTA/Mid-Atlantic sections Volvo Tennis League and Championships

TRACEY L. EVANS Assistant General Manager, EverBank Field, the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville

University of West Florida - Master of Science in Sports Science Studies (1982 - 1983) University of South Alabama - Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education (1978 - 1982)

Community Engagement and Professional Associations

2001 - Present - Member, Stadium Managers Association; SubCommittee Member, Membership Committee 2007- Present - Member, Florida Facility Managers Association 2010 - Present - Member, TEAM SMG 2011 - Speaker, National Sports Safety and Security Conference 2011 - Organizer, 5K Stadium Challenge for Duval County High School Athletic Program

Work History SMG Jacksonville, FL - 2001 - Present Assistant General Manager, EverBank Field and the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville
Work closely with City of Jacksonville to carry out and enforce the contractual obligations with the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Gator Bowl Association, the Jacksonville Suns, the Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair, the annual Florida Georgia football game and most recently the implementation at the stadium naming rights contract. Closely manage the relationship with City of Jacksonville clients including the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Gator Bowl Association, the Jacksonville Suns, the Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair and the University of Florida and the University of Georgia, and support their efforts with national affiliates such as the NFL, NCAA and MLB. Develop and manage an annual budget of $3 million for the care and maintenance of the City of Jacksonvilles facilities and all associated assets. Develop and manage a 20-year capital project and replacements plan and budget for the care and maintenance of the City of Jacksonvilles facilities and all assets associated. Supervise, train, support and evaluate, on a day-to-day basis, the full-time professional team including housekeeping, parking, grounds, events, administration, operations and maintenance and work closely with finance, trades, ticketing, marketing and information technology. Work closely with the City of Jacksonvilles emergency preparedness division, JFRD and JSO to assure plans, procedures and training adhere to best practices for the safe use of the City of Jacksonvilles facilities. Develop and manage an effective guest services program that positively impacts the event experience at any City of Jacksonville facility.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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SMG Jacksonville, FL - 2000 - 2001 Director, Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts
Worked closely with City of Jacksonville to carry out and enforce the contractual obligations with the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra and the Cultural Council. Worked closely with primary independent client, the FCCJ Artist Series, in negotiating the contract and supporting their efforts for a successful Artist Series. Developed and managed an annual budget of $500,000 for the care and maintenance of the City of Jacksonvilles facility and all associated assets. Worked closely with facility manager on yearly capital needs for care and maintenance

SMG Jacksonville, FL - 1994 - 2000 Event Coordinator/Event Manager

Coordinated and supervised event set-ups and operational needs of clients and served as the point of contact for any event. Developed event budgets and estimates. Prepared event settlements for both clients and the finance departments, identifying all revenue and expenses of the event. Supervised the booking of the clubs, theaters, fields and parking lots. Scheduled all services for events including JSO and JFRD and HVAC, electricians, housekeeping and stagehands services. Maintained event files including contracts, insurance certificates, event orders, estimates, settlements and post event notes. Worked closely with food service providers to attain the proper level of service for each event.

US Tennis Association/Mid-Atlantic Section - Falls Church, VA - 1988 - 1993 Program Director/Executive Director
Administered the USTAs Volvo Tennis League in WV., VA., Washington D.C. and MD. Administered the USTAs schools program in WV., VA., Washington D.C. and MD. Designed and implemented new USTA/Mid-Atlantic Section Program called Play Tennis America Managed the junior ranking for the section. Supervised Mid-Atlantic staff of nine full-time professionals and oversaw the support of the volunteer base of 600. Interfaced with the national USTA office on all programs, budgets and operational support.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Summary of Experience
More than 25 years of athletic administration, event planning and facility management experience including the following areas: Facility Manager of diverse public assembly facilities including collegiate athletic facilities, NFL stadium, performing arts center, arena and a minor league baseball park. Managed operating budgets from $1M to $4.4M. Served as the SMG operator representative for design and construction of the Times Union Center for the Performing Arts, Jacksonville Municipal Stadium and Veteran Memorial Arena. Consistently scheduled more than 125 events annually such as concerts, NCAA Division I athletic contests, family shows, meetings, conventions, trade shows, seminars, commencements, corporate events, lectures, sporting events, cultural and entertainment events in public assembly facilities. Negotiated contracts and agreements with service providers, tenants, and local, regional and national promoters. Directed sales, marketing and sponsorship activities for multiple sporting, cultural and entertainment events. Recruited, trained, managed and evaluated full and part time staff.

ROBIN M. TIMOTHY Assistant General Manager/Director of Marketing, Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Area will be led by Robin Timothy. Ms. Timothy has more than 25 years of athletic administration, event planning and facility management experience. Of that, 19 years have been in Jacksonville, where she has held various positions overseeing activities at the former Civic Auditorium and Wolfson Park, as well as ALLTEL Stadium and the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts.

Work History SMG Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Assistant General Manager/Director of Marketing - 2001 - Current
Successful developed and implemented policies and procedures for the daily operation of the newly constructed $130 million Veterans Memorial Arena. Manage operating budget in excess of $4 million. Supervise fifteen full-time staff and up to 200 event staff. Responsible for generating more than $1.9 million in sponsorship, suite and premium seating sales and work with City of Jacksonville Officials to secure events. Negotiated tenant contracts with the Jacksonville Sharks, Jacksonville Giants, Jacksonville Bullies and the Jacksonville University Mens Basketball team. Served as SMG operator rep in the design and construction of the Veterans Memorial Arena. Responsible for overseeing the redesign of new sales proposals and presentations for potential corporate partners and sponsors and redesign of website. Daily management of support Team departments (events, operations/ production, housekeeping, marketing and box office). Assist in the preparation of the annual budget and capital project budget for repair and maintenance to the facility.

Springfield College - Springfield, MA - Master of Science-Teaching/ Administration Graduate Assistant-Assistant Coach Womens Basketball and Lacrosse (completed course work) (1982 - 1984) Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH - Bachelor of Science-Physical Education (1980)

Community Engagement and Professional Associations

1992-Present 1996-Present 2010-Present International Association of Venue Management Florida Facility Managers Association TEAM SMG - Volunteer

SMG Jacksonville, FL - ALLTLEL Stadium/Wolfson Park Assistant General Manager - 2000 - 2001
Successfully managed the daily operations of ALLTEL Stadium and Wolfson Park including oversight of $3 million operating budget. On behalf of City of Jacksonville, responsible for building and maintaining good working relationships with the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Gator Bowl Association, the University of Florida, the University of Georgia and the Jacksonville Suns. Negotiated license agreements for local and national meetings, stadium concerts and events. Hired, trained and supported guest services and security event staff TEAM members.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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SMG Jacksonville, FL - Times Union Center for the Performing Arts - 1997 - 2000 Director
Successfully managed the daily operations of the Times Union Center including oversight of $1 million operating budget. Negotiated tenant contracts with the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra and the FCCJ Artist Series. Negotiated contracts and agreements with local, regional and national promoters and service providers. Successful developed and implemented policies and procedures for the daily operation of the newly renovated $25 million Times Union Center for the Performing Arts. Assisted in preparation of the annual budget and capital project budget for future repairs and maintenance to the facility.

SMG Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville Civic Auditorium - 1993 - 1997 Director

Served on the SMG opening team to open Jacksonville Municipal Stadium for the Jacksonville Jaguars inaugural season. Served as SMG operator representative for design and construction of the Times Union Center. Successfully managed a multi-use public assembly facility consisting of an auditorium and an exhibition hall. Successfully negotiated and secured contracts to attract local, regional and national cultural and entertainment events. Assisted in preparation of the annual budget and capital project budget for repair and maintenance to the facility.

SMG Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville Civic Auditorium - 1992 - 1993 Event Services Manager
Worked closely with clients in planning events. Prepared event estimates and settlements for clients. Coordinated event details with event Team members (ushers, ticket takers, security, medical and police). Developed and distributed an event order document for every event. Served as the liaison between front line workers and SMG Executive staff. Supervised union laborers in implementing planned room lay-outs.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Summary of Experience
More than 20 years of experience in municipal facility operations and management including: Working as part of a team to develop strong relationships with clients, ensuring repeat business year-over-year. Overseeing team of 4 to 40 employees, directly responsible for seamless event operations, from beginning to end. Developing creative solutions to event-day challenges, in a deadlinedriven environment, to the satisfaction of the client. Representing the facility on site at events, overseeing smooth operation of ingress/egress, patron safety and customer service. Facilitating services to resident tenants.

TERRANCE D. JOHNSON Operations Supervisor/Manager, The Times Union Center for the Performing Arts

Proposed Manager of The Ritz Theatre and LaVilla Museum Mr. Johnson has a strong track record in operations and management in Jacksonvilles facilities, first starting his career in this industry in 1989 at the Prime Osborn Convention Center. Mr. Johnson will bring to the Ritz a wealth of operations knowledge and deep understanding of what it takes to make each event day a success.

Work History SMG Jacksonville, FL - The Times Union Center for the Performing Arts - 2000 - Present Operations Supervisor/Manager
Assist the facility director in directing, supervising and scheduling all aspects of operations including building, grounds, event set-up and tear down and custodial services. Assure facility readiness for events. Coordinate the repairs and preventative maintenance of operations equipment. Serve as event manager on duty. Responsible for the overall appearance of facility. Serve on the SMG Safety Steering Committee.

Graduate, Jean Ribault Senior High School, 1988

SMG Jacksonville, FL The Prime Osborn Convention Center - 1995 - 2000 Operations Supervisor
Assisted the operations manager in directing and scheduling operations staff to ensure that all services that are required can be completed in a timely and efficient manner. Ensured facility readiness in accordance with the highest standards of excellence for visitors and patrons. Ensured adherence to all company policies and procedures.

SMG Jacksonville, FL - The Prime Osborn Convention Center - 1993 - 1995 Operations Foreman (Staff Lead)
Served as liaison between the operations supervisor and the operations staff. Delegated responsibilities and supervised the completion of directives and assignments from the operations supervisor or other superiors. Ensured that all tasks assigned to the operations staff were completed in a timely and efficient manner.

City of Jacksonville, FL - The Prime Osborn Convention Center 1989 - 1993 Operations Staff Member
Assisted in the preparation of the facility for tradeshows, conventions, meetings, banquets and parties.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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San Diego Repertory Theatre, San Diego, CA - 2006 - 2007 Associate Managing Director
Oversaw all aspects of fundraising for $3.3 million institution including annual giving, major gifts, foundation and government grants, and corporate sponsorship Led budgeting process of $3 million, reducing overhead by $300,000 to accommodate capacity of institution Participated in financial management, strategic and institutional planning Managed human resources for staff of 30+

Yale School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theatre, New Haven, CT 2004 - 2006 Senior Associate Director of Development and Alumni Affairs
Facilitated solicitation of gifts and grants from individuals, foundations, corporations and government to achieve an annual goal of $4.7 million Supervised Alumni Annual Fund campaign, surpassing budgeted goals by 5 percent each year and increasing participation by 25 percent during tenure Managed all activities of Leadership Council, an advisory board of alumni Mentored students of theatre management program

Ensemble Company for the Performing Arts, New Haven, CT - 2002 - 2004 Managing Director
Managed $200,000 organization of 30+ individuals producing four world premieres Created and implemented marketing campaigns for single tickets and subscription, increasing subscription audience by 20 percent and single ticket audience by 11 percent Increased earned income by 13 percent and contributed income by 93 percent. Successfully instituted sponsorship campaign equaling 10 percent of operating budget and received first significant state funded grant in organizations thirty-year history Retired five-figure deficit from previous administration and restored cash reserve


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Summary of Experience
More than 25 years of athletic administration, event planning and facility management experience including the following areas: Facility Manager of diverse public assembly facilities including collegiate athletic facilities, NFL stadium, performing arts center, arena and a minor league baseball park. Managed operating budgets from $1M to $4.4M. Served as the SMG operator representative for design and construction of the Times Union Center for the Performing Arts, Jacksonville Municipal Stadium and Veteran Memorial Arena. Consistently scheduled more than 125 events annually such as concerts, NCAA Division I athletic contests, family shows, meetings, conventions, trade shows, seminars, commencements, corporate events, lectures, sporting events, cultural and entertainment events in public assembly facilities. Negotiated contracts and agreements with service providers, tenants, and local, regional and national promoters. Directed sales, marketing and sponsorship activities for multiple sporting, cultural and entertainment events. Recruited, trained, managed and evaluated full and part time staff.

ROBIN M. TIMOTHY Assistant General Manager/Director of Marketing, Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Area will be led by Robin Timothy. Ms. Timothy has more than 25 years of athletic administration, event planning and facility management experience. Of that, 19 years have been in Jacksonville, where she has held various positions overseeing activities at the former Civic Auditorium and Wolfson Park, as well as ALLTEL Stadium and the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts.

Work History SMG Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Assistant General Manager/Director of Marketing - 2001 - Current
Successful developed and implemented policies and procedures for the daily operation of the newly constructed $130 million Veterans Memorial Arena. Manage operating budget in excess of $4 million. Supervise fifteen full-time staff and up to 200 event staff. Responsible for generating more than $1.9 million in sponsorship, suite and premium seating sales and work with City of Jacksonville Officials to secure events. Negotiated tenant contracts with the Jacksonville Sharks, Jacksonville Giants, Jacksonville Bullies and the Jacksonville University Mens Basketball team. Served as SMG operator rep in the design and construction of the Veterans Memorial Arena. Responsible for overseeing the redesign of new sales proposals and presentations for potential corporate partners and sponsors and redesign of website. Daily management of support Team departments (events, operations/ production, housekeeping, marketing and box office). Assist in the preparation of the annual budget and capital project budget for repair and maintenance to the facility.

Springfield College - Springfield, MA - Master of Science-Teaching/ Administration Graduate Assistant-Assistant Coach Womens Basketball and Lacrosse (completed course work) (1982 - 1984) Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH - Bachelor of Science-Physical Education (1980)

Community Engagement and Professional Associations

1992-Present 1996-Present 2010-Present International Association of Venue Management Florida Facility Managers Association TEAM SMG - Volunteer

SMG Jacksonville, FL - ALLTLEL Stadium/Wolfson Park Assistant General Manager - 2000 - 2001
Successfully managed the daily operations of ALLTEL Stadium and Wolfson Park including oversight of $3 million operating budget. On behalf of City of Jacksonville, responsible for building and maintaining good working relationships with the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Gator Bowl Association, the University of Florida, the University of Georgia and the Jacksonville Suns. Negotiated license agreements for local and national meetings, stadium concerts and events. Hired, trained and supported guest services and security event staff TEAM members.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Summary of Experience
More than 25 years in the event management business working in facility management and event services. Managing long-term relationships with multiple clients. Developing a management team that has direct client contact from the planning stages to event oversight. Working with clients to coordinate events from open to close. Managing event booking and sales. Working on creative solutions for event sales and operations execution. Overseeing Operations Manager and team that are responsible for execution of events including build, maintenance of event and necessary turnovers as they relate to event move in and move out.

JAMES C. PRITCHARD, JR. Director of Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center

The Prime Osborn Convention Center will be led by James Pritchard. Mr. Pritchard has more than 25 years experience in the event management business including facilities management and catering services at small and large-scale venues in locations such as Jacksonville, New Orleans and Biloxi, MS.

Work History SMG Jacksonville, FL - 2002 - Present Director of Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center
Management and oversight of the Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center for the City of Jacksonville. Work closely with event managers and clients to help the clients meet their goals for their events at the POCC. Includes working with Visit Jacksonville to create streamlined process for RFPs with a goal of less than 24-hour turn around, creative use of space and time, and planning strategically for tight turns. Has resulted in faster bid turnaround, better information flow and increased business, increased revenue in the past three years during despite a slow economy. Enable management team to effectively plan and execute events. Work closely with the booking manager to effectively book the POCC allowing for long-term event calendar positioning and a strong event retention rate. Effectively manage the POCC with the goal of meeting financial budgets by providing excellent service to our clients and their guests.

Florida Technological University (now University of Central Florida) Orlando, FL

Community Engagement and Professional Associations

Jacksonville Convention & Visitors Bureau (now Visit Jacksonville) past board member TEAM SMG Community Service Group Member

Aramark Jacksonville, FL - 1992 - 2002 General Manager - Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center
Led food and beverage management team to focus on the client experience while improving service level. Oversaw the sales manager and assisted in the sales process to increase business level. Responsible for detailed budget forecasting and management of the food and beverage account to meet established financial targets. Managed daily and weekly labor costs as a percentage of sales. Worked closely with POCC management to define service needs. Directly responsible for all aspects of a $425,000 capital improvements plan. Maintained a strong management team with very low turnover.

Additional ARAMARK Experience - 1986 - 1992

General Manager - Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center - Biloxi, MS General Manager - New Orleans Convention Center - New Orleans, LA Assistant General Manager - Lakeland Civic Center - Lakeland, FL


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Summary of Experience
Professional with 20 years experience competing within the top levels of equestrian sport coupled with more than 10 years of facility management in both the public and private sector, in both the for-profit and nonprofit structure. Develop and implement support teams for both the opening and ongoing management of municipal and nonprofit facilities Participate in design and improvements for existing and new facilities Work hand in hand with client to identify policies and procedures that meet organizational goals Develop and execute budgets that are based on experience and knowledge within the industry Educate, engage and assist local tourism boards to identify means to support facilities Develop relationships with national promoters, providing them a network of facilities to book Identify key events that are targeted to fit within our network Identify and develop key revenue and cost saving strategies based on key market trends Provide support to the equestrian network as it relates to best practices Participate in early strategy meetings focusing on design, budget and opportunities available as communities evaluate new facilities Respond to and assist in the development of materials to generate leads for new facilities

LESA SLIFER WILLIAMS National Equestrian Director, SMG

The Jacksonville Equestrian Center will be led by two seasoned facilities management and event specialists, Robin Timothy and Lesa Williams. Day-to-day operations will be the responsibility of Robin Timothy, who also oversees the operations of Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena. Ms. Timothy is supported by Lesa Williams, national equestrian director for SMG, who has more than 20 years experience competing within toplevel equestrian events combined with more than 10 years of facilities management service. As a result, Ms. Williams has unparalleled relationships in the equestrian industry and is responsible for translating those connections into scheduled events in Jacksonville.

LaSalle University, Philadelphia, PA - Bachelor of Science Business Administration (1979 - 1983) Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN - Certified Manager of Equine Center, Pending (2004 - Present)

Work History SMG Jacksonville, FL - July 2008 - Present National Equestrian Director
Manage and develop network of equestrian facilities with a focus on creating exceptional venues for our users coupled with management based on efficiencies and best practices Work with the equestrian industry to create awareness of and a desire to seek out our facilities Develop, manage and share industry standards within our network, thus producing service that sets our facilities above the industry norm with respect to client satisfaction Foster strong relationships with corporate partners to enhance marketing opportunities within our facilities. Generate and implement partnerships with key industry providers that support our facilities with value pricing and support based on our network Enhance and develop communication within the equestrian facilities

Community Engagement and Professional Associations

Board of Directors- League of Agricultural Equestrian Centers, Presently serve on Membership Committee (2003 - 2011) Board of Directors Caroline County Chamber of Commerce (2011 Present) Active Member, St. Anns Church, Ashland, VA Member of United States Equestrian Federation, United States Combined Training Association and Virginia Dressage Association

Meadow Event Park*, Doswell, VA - August 2009 - March 2012 General Manager
Responsible for development of year round rental strategy for facility owned by the nonprofit State Fair of Virginia as it related to the opening of the Meadow Event Park Implemented rental rate structure, budget and marketing plan based on goals of client Developed a team of event staff and food and beverage team to support events at the facility Met budget goals in the second year of management resulting in approximately $1.2 million in revenues to SFVA, Inc Defined target audience for both promoters booking and audience attending the events and developed and implemented marketing plan


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Work hand-in-hand with SFVA, Inc. staff to implement SMG efficiencies to enhance SFVA events such as the State Fair of Virginia, Strawberry Hill Races and Meadow Highland Games and Celtic Festival

*SFVA filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 03- 2012 based on inability to restructure debt of $75M related to purchase of property

SMG Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville Equestrian Center - 2003 2004 Assistant General Manager
Hired by SMG to manage and oversee the development and opening of Jacksonville Equestrian Center Managed the maintenance of recreational facilities within the Cecil Recreation Complex Worked with City managers on improvements and additions to the facility, which enabled the hosting of national events Solicited $500,000 naming rights agreement with Regal Downs for the main arena Created a book of business for the facility that took it to a level of national prominence within the equine industry Events Included: Paso Fino Mundial, National Team Roping Finals, USDF Dressage Symposium Hosted Commissioners Ball for Super Bowl in Jacksonville

Red Bridge Farm Stables, West Chester, PA - 1996 - 2003 Owner/Equestrian

Owned/managed successful boarding and training facility for equestrian focused on discipline of combined training Trained approximately 80 students at resident farm while also traveling throughout the US to teach clinics Competed a top level of sport with assistance from sponsors that included: Burroughs Corporation, Dollar Discount Franchise Stores, United States Equestrian Federation and private sponsors Managed staff and provided maintenance along with improvements to facilities Oversaw the addition of a fully enclosed arena to enhance year round operations


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Summary of Experience
More than 20 years of experience in operations and facility management in the sports and entertainment industry specializing in the following areas: Directing facilities back of house operations and technical staff Developing maintenance programs for facilities to reduce costs, ensure compliance, minimize down time and prolong their life. Managing construction projects, small and large, and project planning to ensure operational success upon completion. Directing safety programs to lessen insurance rates and minimize employee injuries and lost time. Developing operational emergency plans to ensure the safety of staff and all users of facilities. Developing short and long-term capital budgets to lessen operational expenses. Managing the capital budgeting and procurement process for more than $4,000,000 annually in compliance with strict controls, tracking and recordkeeping. Negotiating sub-contracted services and goods through competitive processes ensuring best possible value.

KEITH L. VAN DER LEEST Director of Facilities

Keith L. Van Der Leest will serve as the Director of Facilities. The General Manager and each venue Facility Directors are supported by the Director of Facilities. Mr. Van Der Leest has more than 20 years of experience directing back-of-house operations and technical staff including developing maintenance programs, managing construction projects and overseeing capital budgets and procurement processes.

Work History SMG Jacksonville, FL - 2006 Present Director of Facilities

Responsible for day-to-day facilities management at the City of Jacksonvilles six sports and entertainment venues. Duties include: Oversight of general facility operations, technologies (ITD), mechanical, electrical and plumbing department. Responsible for hiring, coaching, counseling and developing staff. Responsible for negotiation of operations staff union contracts. Liaison between City agencies and SMG regarding procurement, technology, public works and other special projects. Budget, procurement and implementation of all Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). Liaison for construction projects throughout SMG-Jacksonville facilities. Oversee the procurement and standardization of sub-contractors and vendors. Work with SMGs marketing professionals to obtain sponsorships with service providers. Interact with public safety entities in the planning, training, coordination and maintenance of facilities emergency plans and serve as companys emergency manager. Assist in grant writing for federal emergency / security project funding. Member of SMG Corporate Operations team that assists and develops Operations staff throughout the SMG network.

University of Wisconsin, Madison, WS - Studied Soil Science with concentration in Turf Management (1991) Madison Area Technical College, Madison, WS - Studied Fire Safety (1992)

Community Engagement and Professional Associations

International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM) International Facility Managers Association (IFMA) Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA) Florida Facility Managers Association (FFMA) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

SMG Jacksonville, FL - 2003 2006 Senior Operations Manager

Direct supervisors and other lead personnel in maintenance, security, housekeeping and facility operations at the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville and Jacksonville Municipal Stadium. Liaison with NFL for 2005 Super Bowl facility Security and Build out of site. Development of Super Bowl IP based surveillance camera system for City and Jacksonville Sports Complex. Implemented SMG Maintenance CMMS software for all SMGJacksonville facilities.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Manage staff and vendors completing tasks related to facility elevators, fire systems, vehicles and other key components and maintain compliance logs as required. Serve as stadium emergency manager, responsible for the planning, training, coordination and maintenance of the Interagency Emergency Response Plan between SMG, the City of Jacksonville, Sheriffs Office and Fire Rescue. Involved in planning, design, construction and opening of Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena and Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville. Part of SMGs corporate opening team for Soldier Field in Chicago. Response team in the post hurricane Katrina operations at Reliant Park in Houston.

SMG Jacksonville, FL - 2000 - 2003 Operations Manager

Oversee daily operations of maintenance, security, housekeeping, set-ups and changeovers at Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena (through 2003), Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville and Jacksonville Municipal Stadium. Work with Technical Support Manager and Physical Plant Manager in daily and long range maintenance issues. Oversee special projects for facilities including 2003 and 2004 stadium construction renovations. Plan, coordinate and direct vendor and sub-contractors ensuring compliance with business needs including negotiating contracts for competitive pricing & services. Maintain facility inventory of City of Jacksonville assets. Implementation and monitoring of equipment preventative maintenance and service schedules. Strategic planning of annual and long-term capital expenditures and facility improvements. Writing bid specifications and follow through of capital purchases. Advanced planning of operating and event budgets ensuring efficient use of supplies and labor. Event planning for events such as concerts, truck shows and sporting events. Scheduling and coordination of staff during set-ups and changeovers between hockey, basketball, concerts and other arena events.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Summary of Experience
More than 25 years of athletic administration, event planning and facility management experience including the following areas: Facility Manager of diverse public assembly facilities including collegiate athletic facilities, NFL stadium, performing arts center, arena and a minor league baseball park. Managed operating budgets from $1M to $4.4M. Served as the SMG operator representative for design and construction of the Times Union Center for the Performing Arts, Jacksonville Municipal Stadium and Veteran Memorial Arena. Consistently scheduled more than 125 events annually such as concerts, NCAA Division I athletic contests, family shows, meetings, conventions, trade shows, seminars, commencements, corporate events, lectures, sporting events, cultural and entertainment events in public assembly facilities. Negotiated contracts and agreements with service providers, tenants, and local, regional and national promoters. Directed sales, marketing and sponsorship activities for multiple sporting, cultural and entertainment events. Recruited, trained, managed and evaluated full and part time staff.

ROBIN M. TIMOTHY Assistant General Manager/Director of Marketing, Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Area will be led by Robin Timothy. Ms. Timothy has more than 25 years of athletic administration, event planning and facility management experience. Of that, 19 years have been in Jacksonville, where she has held various positions overseeing activities at the former Civic Auditorium and Wolfson Park, as well as ALLTEL Stadium and the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts.

Work History SMG Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Assistant General Manager/Director of Marketing - 2001 - Current
Successful developed and implemented policies and procedures for the daily operation of the newly constructed $130 million Veterans Memorial Arena. Manage operating budget in excess of $4 million. Supervise fifteen full-time staff and up to 200 event staff. Responsible for generating more than $1.9 million in sponsorship, suite and premium seating sales and work with City of Jacksonville Officials to secure events. Negotiated tenant contracts with the Jacksonville Sharks, Jacksonville Giants, Jacksonville Bullies and the Jacksonville University Mens Basketball team. Served as SMG operator rep in the design and construction of the Veterans Memorial Arena. Responsible for overseeing the redesign of new sales proposals and presentations for potential corporate partners and sponsors and redesign of website. Daily management of support Team departments (events, operations/ production, housekeeping, marketing and box office). Assist in the preparation of the annual budget and capital project budget for repair and maintenance to the facility.

Springfield College - Springfield, MA - Master of Science-Teaching/ Administration Graduate Assistant-Assistant Coach Womens Basketball and Lacrosse (completed course work) (1982 - 1984) Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH - Bachelor of Science-Physical Education (1980)

Community Engagement and Professional Associations

1992-Present 1996-Present 2010-Present International Association of Venue Management Florida Facility Managers Association TEAM SMG - Volunteer

SMG Jacksonville, FL - ALLTLEL Stadium/Wolfson Park Assistant General Manager - 2000 - 2001
Successfully managed the daily operations of ALLTEL Stadium and Wolfson Park including oversight of $3 million operating budget. On behalf of City of Jacksonville, responsible for building and maintaining good working relationships with the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Gator Bowl Association, the University of Florida, the University of Georgia and the Jacksonville Suns. Negotiated license agreements for local and national meetings, stadium concerts and events. Hired, trained and supported guest services and security event staff TEAM members.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Summary of Experience
Director of food and beverage with more than 10 years experience in concessions and catering operations, including: Managing catering operations including menu development, presentation design, portion control and compliance with all food handling regulations. Leading food and beverage management teams to focus on the client experience and high-quality service delivery. Creating and analyzing new and existing menu items to meet client preferences and demands. Developing detailed budgets, forecasts and managing any and all food and beverage costs to meet established financial targets. Overseeing food and beverage inventory control to ensure adequate food supply for events and minimization of waste. Overseeing sales managers, developing sales action plans and assisting in the sales process to increase level of business.

MICHAEL A. KENNY Director of Food & Beverage

Catering and concession operations will be led by Michael Kenny. Mr. Kenny is a food and beverage professional with more than 10 years industry experience. His service includes directing and executing catering and concession activities such as menu development, presentation design, budgeting and inventory control at a variety of venues in the Southeastern United States.

Work History SAVOR...Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL - 2006 - Present Director of Food & Beverage
Directly responsible for the day-to-day food and beverage operations and events catering for more than 400 events per year at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, Prime F. Osborn Convention Center and Times Union Center for the Performing Arts. This includes: Creating and maintaining fiscal-year budgets for all three properties. Producing monthly financial forecasts including revenue, direct and indirect expenses. Directing catering and concession management of more than 65 permanent concessions/bar points of sale and an average of 60 temporary point of sale locations and 37 suite locations in the arena. Creating customized menus and logistics for clients to achieve individual group and event goals as they relate to budget, space and timing requirements. Managing marketing, lead generation, closing involvement as well as overseeing contract development, approval and oversight. Overseeing all processes of event planning, execution and follow up. Ensuring compliance with all local, state and federal health and safety codes. Managing food and beverage personnel including policy and procedure implementation, performance appraisals for all managers, hiring, firing and disciplinary actions. Overseeing food purchasing and inventory control. Assisting in the development of food and beverage-related capital improvement planning and execution.

SAVOR...Savannah - Savannah, GA - 2006 - 2010 Director of Food & Beverage

Directly responsible for the day-to-day operations of three venues, including: Creating and maintaining the fiscal-year budgets. Producing monthly financial forecasts including revenue, direct and indirect expenses. Ensuring compliance with all local, state and federal health and safety codes. Managing the planning and execution of all banquets, conventions and public shows for the convention center, which included a 100,000 square foot exhibit hall, 12 meeting rooms and a 25,000 square foot ballroom.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item 4: Discuss the availability of adequate personnel to perform these services, and describe the Managers equipment and facilities.

With a local full-time staff of 125 and a part-time staff that varies seasonally between 10 and 3,000, SMG has local, trained personnel in place to serve the facilities needs at Jacksonvilles seven sports and entertainment venues. Additionally, SMG has all necessary equipment in place to perform all tasks necessary to execute the facilities management contract for the City of Jacksonville. SMGs management team is committed and experienced. Not just within the industry, but loyal to SMG. For example: SMG Jacksonvilles senior management team boasts a combined 143 years of facility management experience. This management team also has a combined 89 years of experience in Jacksonville. Of SMG Jacksonvilles 125 team members, 66 percent have been with SMG for five or more years; 38 percent have been with SMG 10 or more years and 25 percent have been with SMG 15 years or more.

This year, new Jaguars ownership and a reenergized fan base combined to set the stage for a stellar 2012 season. I can think of no management company better qualified to ensure success during this pivotal time than SMG.Rob Clements, Chairman and CEO, EverBank


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item 5: Discuss the procedures to replace personnel, including key personnel (whether by attrition, retirement, or otherwise), and set forth the criteria for finding a suitable replacement (e.g., minimum qualifications and experience); it being understood that once established, such criteria will be the standard by which the City will hold Manager accountable for proper staffing for each Facility and the General Manager of all Facilities.


Our Employees
In an effort to promote employee retention and maximize the utilization of the talents and abilities of our employees, SMG, whenever possible, provides opportunities for advancement to currently qualified employees when a vacancy occurs. Cross-training within the organization is also a top priority, ensuring temporary vacancies can be covered and allowing for continued professional growth and upward mobility within SMG. If a suitable candidate is not already employed with SMG, qualified applicants will be recruited externally. SMG utilizes a wide variety of recruitment methods including but not limited to: Placing job advertisements in the local daily, weekly and minority newspapers Soliciting referrals from colleagues and employees and conducting job fairs Additional recruiting campaigns involve posting on the SMG corporate website,,, as well as Monster, Indeed and Careerbuilder.

SMG is closely tied to the Jacksonville community, allowing it to recruit and hire local talent whenever possible. This is particularly useful when a large number of event/part-time staff is needed. Recognizing the skilled workforce existing in Jacksonville, SMG focuses its outreach to: Military bases Veterans websites Local trade schools and colleges

Additionally, as needed, SMG will hold job fairs at each facility and advertise widely in local publications, including community and minority newspapers, to fill event and part-time positions. SMG and SAVOR also partner with local nonprofits to provide staffing for event concessions. In return for providing concession services such as set up, serving and cashier, the nonprofits are paid a percentage of sales for the evening. Some of the nonprofits that have benefitted from this program include: The Big Orange Chorus, a mens chorus of the Barber Shop Harmony Association of Jacksonville The Orange Park Athletic Association HSL-42 from Naval Air Station Jacksonville Booster 9.0, a youth gymnastics group The Mandarin Athletic Association
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


This program supports local nonprofits and, because it is incentive-based, ensures a positive experience for concession patrons. SMG is committed to attracting, retaining, and promoting candidates who are dedicated to providing our clients with superior customer service in all aspects as well as enhancing their skills even further by training, developing and observing our employees to ensure that our customers and their patrons will enjoy the best experience possible. On an ongoing basis, SMG performs in-depth evaluations on position descriptions to ensure the position requirements are best suited to provide exceptional customer service to our clients. When a vacancy occurs either by attrition, retirement or otherwise, the position is re-evaluated and any changes are added to the position description. All vacancies posted by SMG specify the minimum experience, skills and/or qualifications required to be considered for the position and a detailed description of the core duties of the position. SMG is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on any level. SMG has an Affirmative Action Plan in place to ensure the applicant process is done in a fair and consistent manner for all applicants. It is the policy of SMG to hire individuals on the basis of their qualifications and ability to do the job to be filled. With our extensive recruitment methods we are assured to receive a diverse crosssection of applicants from which we can select the best candidate to fill the vacancy. SMG Jacksonville also has two programs designed to provide opportunities for students to get first-hand experience in the facility management industry: SMG Intern Program SMG Turf Crew Mentoring Program.

As detailed below, both programs are designed to reach out to and connect with young people in Jacksonville and give them education and experiences that will serve them well throughout their careers. Many times, these students excel to become SMG employees.

SMG Intern Program

Each year, SMG employs up to two college students as event services assistants. In this role, they learn about all aspects of event and facility management through on-the-job training and their assigned responsibilities, with the goal of preparing them for a continuing career in event or facility management. This Jacksonville Intern Program has produced five full-time professionals who are now employed with SMG.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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SMG Turf Crew Mentoring Program

SMG is committed to providing mentoring opportunities for the youth of Jacksonville and its surrounding areas. The SMG Turf Crew Mentoring programs mission is to introduce high school students ages 16 through 18 to the opportunities of a career in event and sports field management. Used as a reward for doing well in school or other programs, this program gives area youth the chance to be part of the Grounds Crew and help prepare the field before all of the Jaguars home games. They gain valuable experience, taking part in a wide array of activities such as working the goal post net on game day and are involved in soil testing, selecting sod and re-sodding the field. Encouraging and instructional, this program introduces Jacksonvilles young people to the a career in sports field management and provides them unique, hands-on experiences that will serve them well as they continue their education and grow into professionals.

It was wonderful! I cant thank you enough for allowing our kids this opportunity. They all had a great time. I dont think they comprehended how much a part of the process and the actual game day experience they would be. I appreciate everyones time, the kindness they showed and the knowledge they shared.Marcy Knight, First Coast YMCA


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item 6: Describe and document the extent of repeat business the Manager has achieved.


Repeat Business
SMG views every renewal by a client, sponsor or club/suite holder as a testament to our service. Whether the company or organization has utilized an SMG-managed facility for one year or twenty, they can always expect the highest level of service, professionalism and dedication. In the last 10 years, SMG has renewed 221 contracts, which is a renewal rate of 94%. During the last three years, we are proud to have renewed our business relationships with 79 clients, a 90% renewal rate. This renewal rate results in many long-term relationships spanning many years. We are proud to have formed these positive, productive relationships with our many clients, and we are equally proud of the trust they have shown for SMG. Some of our long-term partners include:

SMGs excellent level of service, professionalism, cost efficiency and responsiveness to the needs of our wholly volunteer organization could not have been better.
Susan. E. G. Smathers, Immediate past president, 2010-2012, The Womens Board of Wolfson Childrens Hospital


Years with SMG

Mercedes-Benz Superdome and 35 New Orleans Arena Moscone Convention Center Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center Richmond Coliseum Iowa State University Times Union Center (Albany) Pontchartrain Convention and Civic Center Broward County Convention Center 32 31 27 24 24 24 23

We always have peace of mind when we work in SMG managed facilities. We have come to rely on them and expect the best service, the most attentive staff, clean facilities (inside and out) and accessibility to staff and facility. Liz Benkovich, Regional V.P.Marketplace Events

The above is just a sampling of clients who have entrusted SMG with the long-term stewardship of their facilities. In fact, SMG has 71 clients who have been our partners for 10 years or more.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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In Jacksonville, our track record of quality service is demonstrated by our long-standing relationships with clients at each of the Citys sports and entertainment venues. Letters of support from many of these clients are included at the end of this document. A sampling of our long-term client relationships include:

Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts

CSX, 10 years Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Extravaganza, 5 years The Artist Series of FSCJ, 20 years Womens Board of Wolfsons Childrens Hospital, 17 years Fantasma/AEG-SE, concert promoter, 20 years

Prime Osborn Convention Center

Spring and Fall Home and Patio Shows (Marketplace Events), 19 years each Spring Boat Show, 19 years Jacksonville National College Fair, 12 years Martin Luther King Breakfast, 17 years

It was SMGs team of professionals at this state-of-theart facility that convinced us that the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena was the right choice for our team. From the signing of the contract in 2009 to our arena bowl championship win last season, SMG has supported us every step of the way. Jeff Bouchy, Managing PartnerJacksonville Sharks
I believe I am qualified to say Jacksonville has the best event management company and staff. I have interacted with them as an NFL player, a special event coordinator, and as a fan for numerous shows/events at the Stadiums, Arena, and Theatre. I have always been impressed with everyone at SMG. Brian Barker, former player, Jacksonville Jaguars and Director at Let Us Play

Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena

WWE Wrestling, 19 years JU Athletic Department, Mens/Womens Basketball, 7 years Fantasma/AEG-SE, Concert Promoter, 19 years Duval County School Board, Graduations, 19 years

Jacksonville Equestrian Center

National Barrel Horse Association, 8 years National Team Roping League, 8 years North Florida Dressage Association, 8 years Pro Rodeo Cowboy Association, 8 years

The Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville

Jacksonville Suns, 19 years Florida vs. Florida State Baseball Game, 6 years


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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EverBank Field
In 2006, the rights to Private Catering Events and Club Events were contractually given to the Jacksonville Jaguars. Prior to that change, SMG booked on average 100 - 150 events per year. Those client bookings included: Let Us Play, Haskell Company, Duval County and St. Johns County School systems, and Second Harvest Food Fight. We also support annual events such as: Florida vs. Georgia Football, Gator Bowl, Monster Jam

Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena

In addition to the extensive number of clients with whom we enjoy long-term booking relationships, SMG Jacksonville is also proud of its long-term business relationships with sponsors and suite/club owners at Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena. Long-term sponsors include: EverBank Trugreen Coca Cola Champion Brand Distributors

Since the opening of Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena in 2003, SMG has produced a 91% overall suite renewal rate. In addition, despite the difficult economic environment of recent years, SMG has demonstrated a 15 percent increase in suite/club seat renewals revenue from 2010 to 2011:

$1,451,101 (2010) $1,672,155 (2011)


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Account 2006 AtlanticCityConventionCenterandBoardwalkHall BankAtlanticCenter BatonRougeRiverCenter ColoradoConventionComplex DaytonExpoCenter DiddleArena DirectEnergyCenter FlorenceCivicCenter FresnoConventionCenterComplex GreaterColumbusConventionCenter HersheyCenter IowaStateCenter KokaBoothAmphitheatre MeadowlandsExpoCenter MiamiBeachConventionCenter NationwideArena PaulTsongasArena SoldierField TheCentre VanAndelArenaandDevosPlace WolsteinCenter 2007 AlbuquerqueConventionCenter AtlanticCityConventionCenterandBoardwalkHall ColiseodePuertoRico DCUCenterArena DCUConventionCenter FordPark GeneseeTheatre KansasExpocentre KnoxvilleConventionCenter MidAmericaCenter MobileConventionCenter OsceolaHeritagePark PensacolaCivicCenter PeoriaCivicCenter PetersenEventCenter RichmondColiseum RyeAirfield SoldierField WildwoodsConventionCenter WolsteinCenter 2008 1stMarinerArena BlueCrossArena Boeke/AndersonRinks CabarrusCountyExpoCenter ColoradoConventionComplex DiddleArena DirectEnergyCenter EasternKentuckyExpoCenter EganConventionCenter FiveFlagsCenter FordCenterandCoxBusinessServicesConventionCenter FresnoConventionCenterComplex JacksonvilleEntertainmentFacilities JacksonvilleEquestrianCenter KokaBoothAmphitheatre LynnwoodConventionCenter MobileConventionCenter MosconeCenter NationwideArena OrpheumTheatre PalmSpringsConventionCenter PaulTsongasArena RabobankConventionCenter,ArenaandTheater RhodeIslandConventionCenter SaltPalaceConventionCenter SiouxFallsArena SoldierField SullivanArena TDConventionCenter WolsteinCenter Location Atlantic,City,NJ Sunrise,FL BatonRouge,LA Denver,CO Dayton,OH BowlingGreen,KY Toronto,Ontario Florence,SC Fresno,CA Columbus,OH Mississauga,Ontario Ames,IA Cary,NC Secaucus,NJ MiamiBeach,FL Columbus,OH Lowell,MA Chicago,IL Evansville,IN GrandRapids,MI Cleveland,OH Albuquerque,NM Atlantic,City,NJ SanJuan,PR Worcester,MA Worcester,MA Beaumont,TX Waukegan,IL Topeka,KS Knoxville,TN CouncilBluffs,IA Mobile,AL Kissimmee,FL Pensacola,FL Peoria,IL Pittsburgh,PA Richmond,VA Rye,NH Chicago,IL Wildwood,NJ Cleveland,OH Baltimore,MD Rochester,NY Anchorage,AK Concord,NC Denver,CO BowlingGreen,KY Toronto,CA Pikeville,KY Anchorage,AK Dubuque,IA OklahomaCity,OK Fresno,CA Jacksonville,FL Jacksonville,FL Cary,NC Lynnwood,WA Mobile,AL SanFrancisco,CA Columbus,OH SiouxFalls,SD PalmSprings,CA Lowell,MA Bakersfield,CA Providence,RI SaltLakeCity,UT SiouxFalls,SD Chicago,IL Anchorage,AK Greenville,SC Cleveland,OH Services FullManagement EventBooking FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement EventBooking Consulting FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement 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ConventionCenter Arena,ConventionCenter ConventionCenter,Theater Arena,ConventionCenter,EquestrianCenter Arena Arena,ConventionCenter,Theater Arena Arena RecreationalFacility Stadium ConventionCenter Arena Arena Arena RecreationalFacilitiesIceRink Arena,ConventionCenter,EquestrianCenter ConventionCenter,Theater Arena ConventionCenter Arena ConventionCenter Arena,Theater Arena,ConventionCenter Arena,ConventionCenter,Theater Arena,Stadium,ConventionCenter,Theater EquestrianCenter Amphitheater ConventionCenter ConventionCenter ConventionCenter Arena Theater ConventionCenter,Theater Arena Arena,ConventionCenter,Theater ConventionCenter ConventionCenter Arena Stadium Arena ConventionCenter Arena FirstName Jeff Michael John Kent Mike Jeff Arlene Peggy Bruce William John Arlo Lyman Larry Jorge TJ John Steve Marsha Steve Clare John Jeff Santiago Michael Michael Jeff Noelle Richard Eddie Dick Bobby Gary Amy Dan Eli Larry John Steve John Clare Michael Carlos Julie Mike Kent Jeff Arlene Donovan Julie Marie Tom Bruce Paul Paul Lyman Grant Bobby John TJ Mike David John Alan James Erin Mike Steve Julie Ron Clare LastName Vasser Yormark Carpenter Rice Emoff Younglove Campbell McLean Rudd Jennison Rydzewski Meyer Collins Garb Gonzalez LaMendola Costello,Jr Hughes Abell Heacock Rahm Garcia Vasser Rivera O'Brien O'Brien Branick KischerLepper Eckert Mannis Wade Bostwick Pearce Lovoy Silverthorn Shorak Miller Rickert Hughes Siciliano Rahm Broache Carballada Saupe Downs Rice Younglove Campbell Blackburn Saupe Ware Anderson Rudd Crawford Crawford Collins Dull Bostwick Noguchi LaMendola Cooper Ready Costello,Jr Tandy McCarvill Litvack Cooper Hughes Saupe Satcher Rahm


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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2009 Account 1stMarinerArena AmericanBankCenter BankAtlanticCenter BigSandySuperstoreArena Boeke/AndersonIceRinks BridgewaterHall BrowardCountyConventionCenter ColiseodePuertoRico DowEventsCenter EasternKentuckyExpoCenter EganConventionCenter FlorenceCivicCenter GreaterColumbusConventionCenter HamptonRoadsConventionCenter LandmarkTheatre MillenniumYouthEntertainmentCenter MoheganSunArena N.CharlestonCivicCenterComplex PershingAuditorium RhodeIslandConventionCenter SaengerTheater SaltPalaceConventionCenter SiouxFallsArena/OrpheumTheater SoutheastKentuckyExpoCenter SullivanArena TimesUnionCenter TulsaConventionCenter/BOKCenter VanAndelArenaandDevosPlace WolsteinCenter 2010 1stMarinerArena AlbuquerqueConventionCenter AtlanticCityConventionCenterandBoardwalkHall BOKCenter CenturyLinkCenter DavidL.LawrenceConventionCenter DCUCenter Egan&Dena'inaConventionCenters ElPasoConventionCenter EvansvilleAuditorium&ConventionCenter GeorgiaInternationalTradeCenter IdahoCenter KnoxvilleConventionCenter KokaBoothAmphitheatre LynnwoodConventionCenter MahaffeyTheatre MemphisCookConventionCenter OdysseyArena OgdenEcclesConventionCenter OntarioConventionCenter PuertoRicoConventionCenter ReliantPark RhodeIslandConventionCenter RobertsStadium ShreveportConventionCenter SovereignCenter SullivanArena/BenBoecke/DempseyIceRinks VerizonWirelessArena Location Baltimore,MD CorpusChristi,TX Sunrise,FL Huntington,WV Anchorage,AK Manchester,UK Ft.Lauderdale,FL SanJuan,PR Saginaw,MI Pikeville,KY Anchorage,AK Florence,SC Columbus,OH Hampton,VA Richmond,VA Austin,TX WilkesBarre,PA N.Charleston,SC Lincoln,NE Providence,RI Pensacola,FL SaltLakeCity,UT SiouxFalls,SD Corbin,KY Anchorage,AK Albany,NY Tulsa,OK GrandRapids,MI Cleveland,OH Baltimore,MD Albuquerque,NM AtlanticCity,NJ Tulsa,OK BossierCity,LA Pittsburgh,PA Worcester,MA Anchorage,AK ElPaso,TX Evansville,IN Savannah,GA Nampa,ID Knoxville,TN Cary,NC Lynnwood,WA St.Petersburg,FL Memphis,TN Belfast,N.Ireland Ogden,UT Ontario,CA SanJuan,PR Houston,TX Providence,RI Evansville,IN Shreveport,LA Reading,PA Anchorage,AK Manchester,NH Services FullManagement FullManagement EventBooking FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement Facilities ConventionCenter ConventionCenter,Theater Arena Arena RecreationalFacility Theater ConventionCenter Arena Arena,ConventionCenter,Theater Arena ConventionCenter Arena,ConventionCenter ConventionCenter Arena Theater RecreationalFacility Arena Arena,ConventionCenter,Theater Arena ConventionCenter Theater ConventionCenter Arena,Theater Arena Arena Arena ConventionCenter,Arena Arena,ConventionCenter,Theater Arena Arena ConventionCenter,Theater Arena,ConventionCenter Arena Arena ConventionCenter Arena,ConventionCenter ConventionCenter ConventionCenter,Theater Arena,ConventionCenter ConventionCenter Arena ConventionCenter Amphitheater ConventionCenter Theater ConventionCenter,Theater Arena ConventionCenter,Theater ConventionCenter ConventionCenter Arena,Stadium(2),ConventionCenter ConventionCenter Arena ConventionCenter Arena,Theater Arena,RecreationalFacility Arena Michael George Michael Brandi Julie Dominique Nicki Santiago Marc Donovan Julie Peggy William Broache Noe Yormark JacobsJones Saupe Whittington Grossman Rivera McGill Blackburn Saupe McLean Jennison

James"Pete" Peterson Joseph Farrell Sara Hensley Donna Ray Steve James Ashton Erin Mike Willard Julie Daniel Dewey Steve Clare Michael John Jeff Dewey Joe Mary Michael Julie Debra Marsha Mark Cliff Eddie Lyman Grant David Lee Tony Craig Al Santiago Willie James Marsha Dale P.Michael Julie Bill Cupinski Anderson Hubka McCarvill Hayward Litvack Cooper McBurney Saupe McCoy Bartlett Heacock Rahm Broache Garcia Vasser Bartlett Buffington Conturo O'Brien Saupe Hamlyn Abell Smith Long Mannis Collins Dull Metz Jackson Payne Dearden Boling Rivera Loston McCarvill Abell Sibley Ehlerman Saupe Sanders


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

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2011 Account 1stMarinerArena AtlanticCityConventionCenterandBoardwalkHall BatonRougeRiverCenter BOKCenter CarlsonCenter ColoradoConventionComplex ConstellationBrandsAmphitheater DiddleArena DirectEnergyCenter FlorenceCivicCenter FordPark GeneseeTheatre GreaterColumbusConventionCenter HawaiiConventionCenter IowaStateCenter JohnPaulJonesArena LaredoEnergyCenter LouisianaSuperdomeandNewOrleansArena MeadowlandsExpoCenter MobileCivicandConventionCenters OsceolaHeritagePark ParamountTheater PeoriaCivicCenter RhodeIslandConventionCenterandDunkinDonutsArena ShowareCenter SoldierField VanAndelArenaandDevosPlace WildwoodsConventionCenter Location Baltimore,MD AtlanticCity,NK BatonRouge,LA Tulsa,OK Fairbanks,AK Denver,CO Canandaigua,NY BowlingGreen,KY Toronto,ON Florence,SC Beaumont,TX Waukegan,IL Columbus,OH Honolulu,HI Ames,IA Charlottesville,VA Laredo,TX NewOrleans,LA Secaucus,NJ Mobile,AL Kissimmee,FL Charlottesville,VA Peoria,IL Providence,RI Kent,WA Chicago,IL GrandRapids,MI Wildwood,NJ Services FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement EventBooking Consulting FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement Facilities Arena Arena,ConventionCenter Arena,ConventionCenter,Theater Arena Arena ConventionCenter,Theater Amphitheater Arena ConventionCenter Arena Arena,ConventionCenter,Amphitheater Theater ConventionCenter ConventionCenter ConventionCenter Arena Arena Arena,ConventionCenter ConventionCenter Arena,ConventionCenter,Theater Arena,ConventionCenter,EquestrianCenter Arena,ConventionCenter,Theater Arena,ConventionCenter Arena Stadium Arena,ConventionCenter,Theater ConventionCenter Michael Jeff John Dewey Mike Kent Ginny Jeff Arlene Peggy Jeff Noelle William Michael Arlo Richard Martin Larry Larry Bobby Gary Christine Dan James Ben Steve Steve John Broache Vasser Carpenter Bartlett Bork Rice Clark Younglove Campbell McLean Branick KischerLepper Jennison McCartney Meyer Kovatch Aleman Roedel Garb Bostwick Pearce Eure Silverthorn McCarvill Wolters Hughes Heacock Siciliano


HawaiiConventionCenter KansasExpocenter OntarioConventionCenter SoldierField

Honolulu,HI Topeka,KA Ontario,CA Chicago,IL

FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement

ConventionCenter Arena,ConventionCenter,EquestrianCenter ConventionCenter Stadium

Michael Richard Al Steve

McCartney Eckert Boling Hughes


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


ContactInformation Address2 08401 33322 70802 80202 45402 42101 9548357000 2253895103 7208654202 9372217820 2707452497 Zip Phone# Title President President&COO ChiefAdminOfficer DirectorArtsandVenuesDenver President Director,SpecialEvents 1PantherParkway 222St.LouisStreet 1245ChampaStreet 811E.FourthStreet Campus&CommunityEvents1906 CollegeHeightsBlvd#51086 100Princes'Boulevard 3300WestRadioDrive 2600FresnoStreet,Room2064 400NorthHighStreet,4thFloor 1340CottinghamDrive,Florence,SC29505 Mississauga Ames Cary Secaucus MiamiBeach Columbis Lowell Chicago Evansville N.E.Ste.501 GrandRapids Cleveland Albuquerque AtlanticCity SanJuan 455MainStreet 455MainStreet Worcester Worcester Beaumont Waukegn Topeka MA MA TX IL KS PR NJ NM MI OH 49503 44115 87102 08401 00907 01608 01608 77701 60085 66603 IL IN 60611 47708 MA 01852 OH 43215 NJ FL 07094 33139 NC 27512 Onatario IA L5B3C1 50011 Toronto Florence Fresno Columbus Ontario SC CA OH M6K3C3 29501 93721 43215 4162633030 8432500764 5596217784 6148272807 Sunrise BatonRouge Denver Dayton BowlingGreen FL LA CO OH KY Company/Organization AtlanticCityConvention&Visitors Authority SunriseSports&Entertainment CityofBatonRouge CityandCountyofDenver Shumsky WesternKentuckyUniversity Address1 1ConventionBlvd City AtlanticCity ST NJ emailaddress 6094492031




BankAtlanticCenter BatonRougeRiverCenter ColoradoConventionComplex DaytonExpoCenter DiddleArena GeneralManager,Sales&Events Chairman CityofFresno,CA ExecutiveDirector DirectorNERegion/SportsZone DirectorofBusinessAffairs CulturalArtsManager ExecutiveVicePresident CityManager CFO Chairman DirectorofFinance CountyCommissionerPresident CAAChair AssistantVPofCampusSupport Services DirectorofEconomicDevelopment President ExecutiveDeputyDirector CityManager CityManager CountyJudge DirectorofPolicyandProjects ShawneeCountyCounselor COOandDeputytotheMayor FinanceDirector ExecutiveDirector DirectorofOperations,CVB P.O.Box1827 Kissimmee DirectorofManagement&Budget EscambiaCounty,Florida Chairman retired AssociateViceChancellorforBusiness UniversityofPittsburgh DirectorofParsandRec BoardMember DirectorofFinance ExecutiveDirector AssistantVPofCampusSupport Services 401EFayetteStreet 30ChurchStreet 524W.4thAvenue 65ChurchStreet,SE 1245ChampaStreet Campus&CommunityEvents1906 CollegeHeightsBlvd#51086 5thFloor ClevelandStateUniversity 2121EuclidAvenue,RT1204 CityofRichmond NewEnglandSportsComplex ChicagoParkDistrict GreaterWildwoodsTourism Improvement&DevelopmentAuth 900E.BroadSt.,Room407 POBox667 541N.FairbanksCourt 4501Boardwalk CityofKnoxville CityofCouncilBluffs Mayor'sOffice OsceolaCounty Knoxville CouncilBluffs Mobile Kissimmee Pensacola Peoria Pittsburgh Richmond RyeBeach Chicago Wildwood Cleveland Baltimore Rochester Anchorage Concord Denver BowlingGreen Toronto Pikeville Anchorage Dubuque Oklahoma Fresno Jacksonville Jacksonville Cary 3815196thStreetSWSuite136 CityofMobile 747HowardStreet5thFloor 200WestNationwideBoulevard 224West9thStreet 3200ETahquitzCanyonWay 107ClarkRoad CityHall,1501TruxtonAve 1LaSalleSquare 2001S.StateStreetN4300 224West9thStreet 541N.FairbanksCourt 524W.4thAvenue 206SMainStreet 2121EuclidAvenue,RT1204 P.O.Box1827 Lynnwood Mobile SanFrancisco Columbis SiouxFalls PalmSprings Lowell Bakersfield Providence SaltLakeCity SiouxFalls Chicago Anchorage Greenville Cleveland ShawneeCountyKansasExpocenter 200E7thStreet,Room100 CityofWorcester CityofWorcester JeffersonCounty,Texas CityofWaukegan CityHall CityHall 1149PearlStreet 100N.MartinLutherKingJr.Ave. 100ConventionBoulevard 1ConventionBlvd CityofAlbuquerque 1CivicPlazaNW P.O.Box1293 SpectrumHealth ClevelandStateUniversity 221MichiganStreet 2121EuclidAvenue,RT1204 541N.FairbanksCourt 1MLKDrive 107ClarkRoad ColumbusBlueJackets

DirectEnergyCenter CivicCenterCommission CityofFresno,CA FranklinCountyConventionFacilities Authority CityofMississauga IowaStateUniversity 300CityCentreDr. 3616AdministrativeServices Building,Room1230 316NorthAcademyStreet (905)6154373 5152944862 9194623861 Parks,RecreationandResources Department HartzMountainIndustries,Inc. CityofMiamiBeach 400PlazaDrive 1700ConventionCenterDrive4th Floor 200WestNationwideBoulevard 6142462000 9789704807 LowellArena&CivicStadium Commission ChicagoParkDistrict VanderburghCountyCommissioners 6163912590 2166875541 5057683270 6094492031 7872330995 5087991175 5087991175 4098358466 8477822356 7852338200 TN IA AL FL FL IL PS VA NH IL NJ OH MD NY AK NC CO KY Ontario KY AK IA OK CA FL FL NC WA AL CA OH SD CA MA CA RI UT SD IL AK SC OH 37902 51503 36633 34744 32502 61602 15260 23219 03871 60611 08260 44115 21202 14614 99501 28026 80202 42101 M6K3C3 41501 99501 52001 73102 93721 32202 32202 27512 98036 36633 94103 43215 57104 92262 01852 93301 02903 84190 57104 60611 99501 29602 44115 8652153384 7123284620 2512085891 4077428205 8505954956 3092648941 4126245474 (804)6465733 603.964.2800 (312)7424761 6098462650 AtlanticCityConvention&Visitors Authority ConventionCenterDistrictAuthority 400MainStreet 209PearlStreet CityofMobile 1925eIrloBronsonMemorial Highway 221PalafoxPlace 201S.W.JeffersonSt. 124CathedralofLearning 2166875541 4103963767 5854288801 (907)2764118 7049202139 7208654202 2707452497 4162633030 6064445280 (907)2764118 5635894263 4052971689 5596217784 9043607063 9043607063 9194623861 4256407631 2512085891 4159744027 6142462000 6053678232 7603228362 9789704807 6613263751 4013514295 3854687051 6053678232 (312)7424761 (907)2764118 8644675702 CityofBaltimoreDepartmentof Finance CityofRochester MunicipalityofAnchorage CabarrusCounty CityandCountyofDenver WesternKentuckyUniversity DirectEnergyCenter CityofPikeville MunicipalityofAnchorage CityofDubuque CityofOklahomaCity BureauChief,Accounting&Payroll Services Commissioner,Business Developmnent CivicVentures DeputyCountyManager DirectorArtsandVenuesDenver Director,SpecialEvents GeneralManager,Sales&Events CityManager CivicVentures LeisureServicesManager ExecutiveManager CityofFresno,CA ActingDirector,JEDC ActingDirector,JEDC CulturalArtsManager ExecutiveDirector 100Princes'Boulevard 126MainStreet 524W.4thAvenue 2200BunkerHill OfficeoftheCityManager200N Walker,Suite302 2600FresnoStreet,Room2064 117WestDuvallStreet Suite275 117WestDuvallStreet Suite275 316NorthAcademyStreet CityofFresno,CA CityofJacksonville CityofJacksonville Parks,RecreationandResources Department LynnwoodPublicFacilitiesDistrict Mayor'sOffice CityandCountyofSanFrancisco ColumbusBlueJackets ExecutiveDirector Director,ConventionFacilities Department CFO CityPlanner/CityofSiouxFalls CityManager Chairman CityManager ExecutiveDirector DirectorCommunityServices CityPlanner/CityofSiouxFalls DirectorofFinance CivicVentures PurchasingAdministrator AssistantVPofCampusSupport Services CityofSiouxFalls CityofPalmSprings LowellArena&CivicStadium Commission CityofBakersfield RhodeIslandConventionCenter Authority SaltLakeCountyMayor's Department CityofSiouxFalls ChicagoParkDistrict MunicipalityofAnchorage CityofGreenvilleOfficeof ManagementandBudget ClevelandStateUniversity 2166875541

DirectEnergyCenter FlorenceCivicCenter FresnoConventionCenterComplex GreaterColumbusConventionCenter

HersheyCenter IowaStateCenter


MeadowlandsExpoCenter MiamiBeachConventionCenter

2012725800 3056737010



SoldierField TheCentre

(312)7424761 8124355241

VanAndelArenaandDevosPlace WolsteinCenter





DCUCenterArena DCUConventionCenter FordPark GeneseeTheatre


KnoxvilleConventionCenter MidAmericaCenter MobileConventionCenter OsceolaHeritagePark

PensacolaCivicCenter PeoriaCivicCenter PetersenEventCenter

RichmondColiseum RyeAirfield SoldierField WildwoodsConventionCenter





Boeke/AndersonRinks CabarrusCountyExpoCenter ColoradoConventionComplex DiddleArena

DirectEnergyCenter EasternKentuckyExpoCenter EganConventionCenter FiveFlagsCenter FordCenterandCoxBusinessServicesConventionCenter

FresnoConventionCenterComplex JacksonvilleEntertainmentFacilities JacksonvilleEquestrianCenter KokaBoothAmphitheatre


MobileConventionCenter MosconeCenter


OrpheumTheatre PalmSpringsConventionCenter PaulTsongasArena

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

RabobankConventionCenter,ArenaandTheater RhodeIslandConventionCenter

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


SiouxFallsArena SoldierField SullivanArena TDConventionCenter




ContactInformation 401EFayetteStreet 1201LeopardStreet 1PantherParkway 8005thAvenue 524W.4thAvenue POBox532TownHall 100EastBrowardBoulevard 100ConventionBoulevard SanJuan PR 00907 Suite200 FortLauderdale FL 33301 9547654466 7872330995 Anchorage ManchesterM602LA AK UK 99501 (907)2764118 00441612344257 CorpusChristi Sunrise Huntington TX FL WV 78401 33322 25701 3618803220 9548357000 3046965540 5thFloor Baltimore MD 21202 4103963767

2009 CityofBaltimoreDepartmentof Finance CityofCorpusChristi SunriseSports&Entertainment CityofHuntington MunicipalityofAnchorage NeighbourhoodServices

Account 1stMarinerArena

AmericanBankCenter BankAtlanticCenter BigSandySuperstoreArena

President ExecutiveDeputyDirector GreaterFortLauderdaleConvention andVisitorsBureau ConventionCenterDistrictAuthority CountyController/CAO CityManager CivicVentures Chairman ExecutiveDirector 1340CottinghamDrive,Florence,SC29505 8thFloor 600EastGraceStreet WilkesBarre NorthCharleston Lincoln Providence Pensacola SaltLakeCity FL UT RI 02903 32502 84190 SC NE 29419 68508 PA 18702 AssistantCityManager BoardChairperson Chairwoman AssistanttotheMayor FinanceDirector ExecutiveDirector Mayor DirectorCommunityServices 222WestMainStreet 2001S.StateStreetN4300 POBox190016 CountyCityBuildingSuite103555 South10thStreet 1LaSalleSquare 255HighlandParkBlvd 22LincolnStreet c/oRichmondCenterStage 200S.Lamar Hampton Richmond Austin VA VA TX 23669 23219 78701 111SouthMichiganAvenue 126MainStreet 524W.4thAvenue 3300WestRadioDrive 400NorthHighStreet,4thFloor Saginaw Pikeville Anchorage Florence Columbus MI KY AK SC OH 48602 41501 99501 29501 43215 9897905578 6064445280 (907)2764118 8432500764 6148272807 7577276319 (804)7406823 5129742307 5709707600 8437402512 4024417412 4013514295 8504351626 3854687051 CountyofSaginaw CityofPikeville MunicipalityofAnchorage CivicCenterCommission FranklinCountyConventionFacilities Authority CityofHampton RPAC,Inc. AustinRosewoodDevelopment Corporation LuzerneCountyConventionCenter Authority CityNorthCharleston TheCityofLincoln CityPlanner/CityofSiouxFalls Mayor CivicVentures CountyExecutive Mayor CAAChair AssistantVPofCampusSupport Services N.E.Ste.501 BureauChief,Accounting&Payroll Services DirectorofEconomicDevelopment 1CivicPlazaNW 1ConventionBlvd P.O.Box1293 President AtlanticCity CityofBaltimoreDepartmentof Finance CityofAlbuquerque 401EFayetteStreet 5thFloor Baltimore Albuquerque MD NM NJ RhodeIslandConventionCenter Authority CityofPensacola SaltLakeCountyMayor's Department CityofSiouxFalls CityofCorbin MunicipalityofAnchorage AlbanyCounty CityofTulsa SpectrumHealth ClevelandStateUniversity 224West9thStreet 805SouthMainStreet 524W.4thAvenue 112StateStreet 175E2ndStreet 221MichiganStreet 2121EuclidAvenue,RT1204 SiouxFalls Corbin Anchorage Albany Tulsa GrandRapids Cleveland SD KY AK NY OK MI OH 57104 40701 99501 12207 74119 49503 44115 21202 87102 08401 6053678232 6065236520 (907)2764118 5184477040 9185967411 6163912590 2166875541 4103963767 5057683270 6094492031 Mayor DirectorofFinance ExecutiveDirector CityManager CivicVentures DeputyCityManager CountyCommissionerPresident Suite#2750 455MainStreet Chairman 1InternationalDrive 4113rdSt.S. 400MainStreet 316NorthAcademyStreet 3815196thStreetSWSuite136 POBox2842 8900GermantownRoad,Suite300 OdysseyComplex 2380WashingtonBlvd. 315E."B"Street 100ConventionBoulevard OneReliantPark 1LaSalleSquare 1MLKDrive 505TravisStreet 2901MontroseAvenue 524W.4thAvenue OneCityHallPlaza Suite360 2000E.ConventionCenterWay DirectorofCityDevelopement COOandDeputytotheMayor CulturalArtsManager ExecutiveDirector Director,DowntownEnterprise FacilitiesDept. Chairman JacksonFinancialPlanning TheOdysseyTrustCompany WeberCounty CityofOntario ConventionCenterDistrictAuthority Director CountyCommissioner/Chair DeputyCityManager ExecutiveDeputyDirector ExecutiveDirector ExecutiveDirector CountyCommissionerPresident ChiefAdministrativeOfficer Chairman CivicVentures FinanceOfficer CityofShreveport BerksCountyConventionCenter Authority MunicipalityofAnchorage CityofManchester,NH CityofSt.Petersburg AtlanticCityConvention&Visitors Authority CityofTulsa CityofBossierCity SportsandExhibitionAuthority CityofWorcester MunicipalityofAnchorage CityofElPaso VanderburghCountyCommissioners 175E2ndStreet 620BentonRoad 425sixthAve CityHall 524W.4thAvenue 2CivicCenterPlaza 1MLKDrive Tulsa BossierCity Pittsburgh Worcester Anchorage ElPaso Evansville Savannah Nampa Knoxville Cary Lynnwood St.Petersburg OliveBranch Belfast Ogden Ontario SanJuan Houston Providence Evansville Shreveport Laureldale Anchorage Manchester OK LA PA MA AK TX IN GA ID TN NC WA FL MS CountyAntrim Utah CA PR TX RI IN LA PA AK NH 74119 71171 15249 01608 99501 79901 47708 31402 83651 37902 27512 98036 33731 38654 BT39QQ 84401 91764 00907 77054 02903 47708 71101 19605 99501 03101 9185967411 3187418526 412.393.7117 5087991175 (907)2764118 (915)5414242 8124355241 2084685407 8652153384 9194623861 4256407631 7278925350 9014907917 02890451055 801.399.8406 9093952354 7872330995 8326671419 4013514295 8124355241 3186735084 6102081800 (907)2764118 6036246460 GeorgiaInternational&Maritime TradeCenterAuthority CityofNampa CityofKnoxville Parks,RecreationandResources Department LynnwoodPublicFacilitiesDistrict HarrisCountySports&Convention Corporation RhodeIslandConventionCenter Authority VanderburghCountyCommissioners

Boeke/AndersonIceRinks BridgewaterHall

BureauChief,Accounting&Payroll Services DeputyCityManager President&COO DirectorofAdministrationand Finance CivicVentures SeniorProjectManagerCultureTeam



DowEventsCenter EasternKentuckyExpoCenter EganConventionCenter FlorenceCivicCenter GreaterColumbusConventionCenter

HamptonRoadsConventionCenter LandmarkTheatre MillenniumYouthEntertainmentCenter


N.CharlestonCivicCenterComplex PershingAuditorium


SaengerTheater SaltPalaceConventionCenter

SiouxFallsArena/OrpheumTheater SoutheastKentuckyExpoCenter SullivanArena TimesUnionCenter TulsaConventionCenter/BOKCenter VanAndelArenaandDevosPlace WolsteinCenter





BOKCenter CenturyLinkCenter DavidL.LawrenceConventionCenter DCUCenter Egan&Dena'inaConventionCenters ElPasoConventionCenter EvansvilleAuditorium&ConventionCenter



IdahoCenter KnoxvilleConventionCenter KokaBoothAmphitheatre




OdysseyArena OgdenEcclesConventionCenter OntarioConventionCenter PuertoRicoConventionCenter




ShreveportConventionCenter SovereignCenter

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

SullivanArena/BenBoecke/DempseyIceRinks VerizonWirelessArena

19 0


ContactInformation 401EFayetteStreet 1ConventionBlvd 222St.LouisStreet 175E2ndStreet 809PioneerRoad 1245ChampaStreet 1LincolnHillRoad Campus&CommunityEvents1906 CollegeHeightsBlvd#51086 100Princes'Boulevard 3300WestRadioDrive 1149PearlStreet 100N.MartinLutherKingJr.Ave. 1340CottinghamDrive,Florence,SC29505 Columbus Honolulu Ames P.O.Box400313 Charlottesville Laredo BatonRouge Secaucus Mobile Kissimmee Charlottesville Peoria Providence VA IL RI NJ AL FL 07094 36633 34744 22902 61602 02903 VA TX LA 22904 78040 70809 IA 50011 HI 96815 OH 43215 Toronto Florence Beaumont Waukegn Ontario SC TX IL M6K3C3 29501 77701 60085 4162633030 8432500764 4098358466 8477822356 BatonRouge Tulsa Fairbanks Denver Canandaigua BowlingGreen LA OK AK CO NY KY 70802 74119 99701 80202 14424 42101 2253895103 9185967411 9074591069 7208654202 585.218.3638 2707452497 AtlanticCity NJ 08401 6094492031 5thFloor Baltimore MD 21202 4103963767

2011 BureauChief,Accounting&Payroll Services President ChiefAdminOfficer Mayor DirectorofParksandRecreation DirectorArtsandVenuesDenver President/ExecutiveDirector Director,SpecialEvents GeneralManager,Sales&Events Chairman CountyJudge DirectorofPolicyandProjects ExecutiveDirector President&ChiefExecutiveOfficer DirectorofBusinessAffairs AVP,BusinessOperations CityBudgetManager LegalCounsel,LSED ExecutiveVicePresident ExecutiveDirector DirectorofOperations,CVB P.O.Box1827 Kissimmee ExecutiveDirector Chairman ExecutiveDirector HartzMountainIndustries,Inc. Mayor'sOffice OsceolaCounty UniversityofVirginia CityofLaredo CityofNewOrleans IowaStateUniversity DirectEnergyCenter CivicCenterCommission JeffersonCounty,Texas CityofWaukegan

Account 1stMarinerArena


6148272807 FranklinCountyConventionFacilities 400NorthHighStreet,4thFloor Authority HawaiiConventionCenterAuthority 1801KalakauaAvenue 5152944862 4349825166 9562064122 2259297033 3616AdministrativeServices Building,Room1230 ObservatoryHillDiningHall 1110HoustonStreet 8440JeffersonHighwaySuite301 400PlazaDrive CityofMobile 1925eIrloBronsonMemorial Highway 215E.MainStreet 201S.W.JeffersonSt. 1LaSalleSquare 434.979.1922 3092648941 4013514295 DirectororPlanningServices DirectorofFinance CAAChair ExecutiveDirector N.E.Ste.501 TheParamountTheater retired RhodeIslandConventionCenter Authority CityofKent ChicagoParkDistrict SpectrumHealth GreaterWildwoodsTourism Improvement&DevelopmentAuth 2204thAvenueSouth 541N.FairbanksCourt 221MichiganStreet 4501Boardwalk Kent Chicago GrandRapids Wildwood WA IL MI NJ HawaiiConventionCenterAuthority ShawneeCountyKansasExpocenter CityofOntario ChicagoParkDistrict 315E."B"Street 541N.FairbanksCourt 2000E.ConventionCenterWay 200E7thStreet,Room100 Topeka Ontario Chicago 1801KalakauaAvenue Honolulu HI KS CA IL 98031 60611 49503 08260 (206)2335703 (312)7424761 6163912590 6098462650 ` ShawneeCountyCounselor DeputyCityManager DirectorofFinance 96815 66603 91764 60611 7852338200

BatonRougeRiverCenter BOKCenter CarlsonCenter ColoradoConventionComplex ConstellationBrandsAmphitheater DiddleArena

CityofBaltimoreDepartmentof Finance AtlanticCityConvention&Visitors Authority CityofBatonRouge CityofTulsa FairbanksNorthStarBorough CityandCountyofDenver FriendsofCMAC WesternKentuckyUniversity

DirectEnergyCenter FlorenceCivicCenter FordPark GeneseeTheatre





JohnPaulJonesArena LaredoEnergyCenter LouisianaSuperdomeandNewOrleansArena

MeadowlandsExpoCenter MobileCivicandConventionCenters OsceolaHeritagePark

2012725800 2512085891 4077428205

ParamountTheater PeoriaCivicCenter RhodeIslandConventionCenterandDunkinDonutsArena

ShowareCenter SoldierField VanAndelArenaandDevosPlace WildwoodsConventionCenter





OntarioConventionCenter SoldierField

9093952354 (312)7424761

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

19 1

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n









ThePyramid MiamiBeachConventionCenter Memphis,TN MiamiBeach,FL FullManagement FullManagement Arena CoventionCenter, Theater Venueclosed LostcompetitiveRFP

LamarDixonExpoCenter HeritageParkAmphitheatre DaytonExpoCenter LoreleyAmphitheatre Gonzales,LA Simpsonville,SC Dayton,OH St.Goarshausen,Germany FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement ConventionCenter, Parishtookoperationin Equestrian house Amphitheater Citytookoperationin house ConventionCenter Privateownersoldvenue Amphitheater Citytookoperationin house

NationwideArena Columbus,OH FullManagement Arena Ownercombinedoperation withlocalUniversitytogain synergies Lostcompetitivebid Lostcompetitivebid Citytookoperationin house Venuecloseddueto bankruptcyofprivate owner

PaulTsongasArena WolsteinCenter SoutheastKentuckyExpoCenter LosAngelesForum

Lowell,MA Cleveland,OK Corbin,KY LosAngeles,CA

FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement

Arena Arena Arena Arena

NovaSoutheasternUniversityArena Davie,FL FullManagement Arena Universitytookoperation inhouse Privateownersoldfacility Lostcompetitivebidto localbusinessman

PhilLongExpoCenter MahaffeyTheatre LibertyBowlMemorialStadium MemphisCookConventionCenter

ColoradoSprings,CO St.Petersburg,FL Memphis,TN Memphis,TN

FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement

ConventionCenter Theater

Stadium Lostcompetitivebid ConventionCenter, CVBtookoperationin Theater house

RyeAirfield MidAmericaCenter StateFairofVirginia Rye,NH CouncilBluffs,IA Doswell,VA FullManagement FullManagement FullManagement RecreationalFacility Venuesold Arena,Convention Center ConventionCenter Lostcompetitivebidto localcasino Facilityownerfiled bankruptcy


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

First Last Title Company/Organization Address1 Address2 City St Zip Phone#
n/a Jorge MiamiBeach FL Gonzalez 1700Convention CenterDrive4th Floor n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 33139 3056737010 n/a ChiefAdministrativeOfficer CityofMemphis/Countyof Shelby,TN CityManager CityofMiamiBeach Jack Russell Mike Emoff President Shumsky Dayton Hawes CityAdministrator CityofSimpsonville 118NorthEastMain Street 811E.FourthStreet Simpsonville Rome,Jr. LamarDixonFoundation POBox87010 BatonRouge LA SC OH 70879 2252937760 29681 8649679526 45402 9372217820 TJ LaMendola CFO ColumbusBlueJackets 200WestNationwide Boulevard 375MerrimackStreet Columbis OH 43215 6142462000 Bernie Clare Willard Marc Little ChiefOperatingOfficer& ChiefLegalCounsel FEI&FaithfulCentralBible Church McBurney CityofCorbin Rahm ClevelandStateUniversity Lynch CityManager CityHall Lowell Cleveland Corbin Inglewood MA OH KY CA 01852 9789704000 44115 2166875541 40701 6065236520 90301 3108463266 AssistantVPofCampus SupportServices Mayor 2121EuclidAvenue, RT1204 805SouthMain Street 333WestFlorence Avenue Mr. Marc AssociateVicePresidentof NovaSoutheasternUniversity BusinessServices ChiefAdministrativeOfficer PhilLongDealerships,Inc. CityofSt.Petersburg CityofMemphis JacksonFinancialPlanning FtLauderdale FL 33314 9542628842 Scott David Janet Lee Hooks Jackson Metz Arnold MainCampus,Center 7401SW36thStreet ServicesBlvd,2nd Floor 4050SintonRoad POBox2842 125NorthMain 8900Germantown Road,Suite300 Room200 ColoradoSprings St.Petersburg Memphis OliveBranch CO FL TN MS 80907 7196672983 33731 7278925350 38103 9016366564 38654 9014907917 DirectorofDowntown EnterpriseFacilities Department Director,ParkServices ChairmanMemphis/ ShelbyCountyConvention CenterCommission BoardMember FinanceDirector President n/a John Dick Curry Roberts Wade Rickert NewEnglandSportsComplex CityofCouncilBluffs StateFairofVirginia POBox667 209PearlStreet 13111DawnBlvd. RyeBeach CouncilBluffs Doswell NH IA VA 03871 603.964.2800 51503 7123284620 23047 n/a n/a














DaytonExpoCenter LoreleyAmphitheatre











LibertyBowlMemorialStadium MemphisCookConventionCenter




6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um



6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item 7: Provide any other information which the Manager believes demonstrates its competency to provide the requested facilities management services.

On the pages that follow we will further demonstrate our competency to provide the requested facilities management services the City of Jacksonville has come to expect from SMG. In doing so, we will highlight the systems, programs, proprietary features and depth and breadth of services that SMG, from a corporate entity, provides to the local SMG Jacksonville staff. The City will not find the services afforded to Jacksonville by SMG in any other facility management company. Some highlights of the following section include: SMG Clients SMG knekt - Our Customer Service and Sales Training Family of Programs SMG Financial Management and Fiduciary Oversight Convention and Exhibition Marketing Division SMG Sports and Entertainment Division Proprietary SMG Operations/SMG Maintenance/SMGs Ask OSCAR Feature SAVOR Food and Beverage Services Ticketmaster


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Stadiums + Arenas
Stadium Clients
# of Seats
Mercedes-Benz Superdome EverBank Field Reliant Stadium Reliant Astrodome Coliseum Soldier Field Chase Field Wroclaw Stadium Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville Stockton (Banner Island) Ballpark New Orleans Jacksonville Houston Houston Oakland Chicago Phoenix Wroclaw Jacksonville Stockton LA FL TX TX CA IL AZ Poland FL CA 76,000 73,000 71,500 70,000 62,500 62,000 60,000 42,000 7,200 5,000 Idaho Center Van Andel Arena Baton Rouge RiverCenter Arena Movistar Arena Peoria Civic Center Stockton Arena Verizon Wireless Arena Selland Arena Metroradio Arena American Bank Center Silver Spurs Arena Mobile Civic Center Florence City County Civic Center Landon Arena Laredo Energy Center BMO Harris Bank Center Odyssey Arena Pensacola Civic Center Rabobank Arena Oslo Spektrum Bank of Kentucky Center George M. Sullivan Sports Arena Sovereign Center Ford Park Arena Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza Big Sandy Superstore Arena Huntington Center Reliant Arena The Arena at The Dow Event Center Pershing Auditorium Covelli Centre Eastern Kentucky Expo Center K-Rock Centre Sioux Falls Arena Ora Arena John A. Carlson Center Cambria County War Memorial Arena ShoWare Center Canton Memorial Civic Center Hershey Centre Cabarrus Arena and Events Center Five Flags Center Arena Nampa ID Grand Rapids MI Baton Rouge LA Santiago Chile Peoria IL Stockton CA Manchester NH Fresno CA Newcastle upon Tyne UK Corpus Christi TX Kissimmee FL Mobile AL Florence SC Topeka KS Laredo TX Rockford IL Belfast N Ireland Pensacola FL Bakersfield CA Oslo Norway Highland Heights KY Anchorage AK Reading PA Beaumont TX Wilkes-Barre PA Huntington WV Toledo OH Houston TX Saginaw MI Lincoln NE Youngstown OH Pikeville KY Kingston ON Sioux Falls SD Istanbul Turkey Fairbanks AK Johnstown PA Kent WA Canton OH Mississauga ON Concord NC Dubuque IA 12,279 12,100 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 11,770 11,300 11,000 10,500 10,500 10,112 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,700 9,400 9,046 9,000 8,500 8,500 8,101 8,000 7,800 7,600 7,500 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,300 6,100 6,000 6,000 5,500 5,500 5,200 4,800

Arena Clients
Manchester Evening News Arena New Orleans Arena CONSOL Energy Center BOK Center Oracle Arena Chesapeake Energy Arena Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum Coliseo de Puerto Rico Times Union Center Save Mart Center John Paul Jones Arena Cox Business Services Arena INTRUST Bank Arena DCU Center Arena Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall 1st Mariner Arena Blue Cross Arena CenturyLink Center Dunkin Donuts Center Richmond Coliseum Long Beach Arena North Charleston Coliseum Konig-Pilsener Arena Leeds Arena Petersen Events Center Manchester New Orleans Pittsburgh Tulsa Oakland Oklahoma City Uniondale San Juan Albany Fresno Charlottesville Oklahoma City Wichita Worcester Jacksonville Atlantic City Baltimore Rochester Bossier City Providence Richmond Long Beach North Charleston Oberhausen Leeds Pittsburgh UK LA PA OK CA OK NY PR NY CA VA OK KS MA FL NJ MD NY LA RI VA CA SC Germany UK PA 21,000 19,711 19,500 19,200 19,200 19,000 18,100 18,000 17,500 16,182 16,000 15,000 15,000 14,800 14,500 14,500 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 13,553 13,500 13,295 13,000 12,500 12,500



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Convention Centers
Convention Center Clients
Sq. Ft. Exhibition Space
McCormick Place Reliant Center Direct Energy Centre Moscone Center Cobo Center Colorado Convention Center Salt Palace Convention Center Atlantic City Convention Center Greater Columbus Convention Center TD Convention Center David L. Lawrence Convention Center South Towne Exhibition Center Long Beach Convention Center Denaina Civic and Convention Center DeVos Place American Bank Center Convention Ctr. Broward County Convention Center Hawaii Convention Center Albuquerque Convention Center Mercedes-Benz Superdome Conv. Ctr. Puerto Rico Convention Center Cabarrus Events Center Charleston Area Convention Center Palm Springs Convention Center Jackson Convention Complex Knoxville Convention Center Peoria Civic Center Hampton Roads Convention Center Tulsa Convention Center Baton Rouge RiverCenter Cox Business Services Convention Ctr. DCU Center Mobile Convention Center Chicago Houston Toronto San Francisco Detroit Denver Salt Lake City Atlantic City Columbus Greenville Pittsburgh Salt Lake City Long Beach Anchorage Grand Rapids Corpus Christi Fort Lauderdale Honolulu Albuquerque New Orleans San Juan Concord Charleston Palm Springs Jackson Knoxville Peoria Hampton Tulsa Baton Rouge Oklahoma City Worcester Mobile IL TX ON CA MI CO UT NJ OH SC PA UT CA AK MI TX FL HI NM LA PR NC SC CA MS TN IL VA OK LA OK MA AL 2,600,000 1,484,000 1,000,000 738,000 700,000 584,000 515,000 500,000 426,000 368,000 313,400 243,000 224,000 215,000 202,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 167,000 166,000 152,700 150,000 135,000 130,560 128,000 120,000 110,000 102,000 102,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Rhode Island Convention Center Savannah Intl Trade and Convention Ctr. Fresno Convention Center Shreveport Convention Center Ontario Convention Center El Paso Convention Center Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center Rabobank Convention Center Wildwoods Convention Center SeaGate Convention Centre Montego Bay Convention Centre Irving Convention Center Kansas Expocentre Meadowlands Exposition Center Nassau County Expo Center Ford Park Ogden Eccles Conference Center Osceola Heritage Park Pontchartrain Center Pershing Center William A. Egan Civic and Convention Ctr. Francis Marion Exhibition Hall Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Ctr. The Hall at the Dow Event Center The Centre, Evansville Ora Convention Centre Lynnwood Convention Center Valdez Hall Iowa State Center Wilmington Convention Center Providence Savannah Fresno Shreveport Ontario El Paso Jacksonville Bakersfield Wildwood Toledo Montego Bay Irving Topeka Secaucus Uniondale Beaumont Ogden Kissimmee Kenner Lincoln Anchorage Florence Punta Gorda Saginaw Evansville Istanbul Lynnwood Fresno Ames Wilmington RI 100,000 GA 100,000 CA 96,000 LA 95,000 CA 90,000 TX 80,000 FL 78,500 CA 78,000 NJ 75,000 OH 75,000 Jamaica 73,000 TX 70,000 KS 68,000 NJ 61,000 NY 60,000 TX 50,000 UT 50,000 FL 47,850 LA 47,000 NE 45,000 AK 45,000 SC 44,500 FL 43,500 42,500 MI IN 38,000 Turkey 35,500 WA 34,000 CA 32,000 IA 30,000 NC 30,000



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Performing Arts Centers

Theater and Performing Arts Center Clients
# of Seats
Wells Fargo Theater Denver CO Arie Crown Theater Chicago IL Landmark Theater Richmond VA Terrace Theater Long Beach CA Shreveport Municipal Auditorium Shreveport LA Rabobank Theater Bakersfield CA Moran Theater Jacksonville FL Stephens Auditorium Ames IA Abraham Chavez Theater El Paso TX American Bank Ctr. - Selena Auditorium Corpus Christi TX Larry Aiken Theater Evansville IN William A. Egan Center Theater Anchorage AK Plaza Theater El Paso TX Akron Civic Theatre Akron OH DeVos Performance Hall Grand Rapids MI Genesee Theater Waukegan IL Saroyan Theater Fresno CA Bridgewater Concert Hall Manchester UK Coronado Performing Arts Center Rockford IL Kiva Auditorium Albuquerque NM Hanover Theater for the Performing Arts Worcester MA The Theater at the Dow Event Center Saginaw MI North Charleston Performing Arts Center North Charleston SC Peoria Civic Center Theater Peoria IL Bob Hope Theatre Stockton CA Mobile Civic Center Theater Mobile AL Victory Theater Evansville IN Saenger Theater Pensacola FL RiverCenter for the Performing Arts Baton Rouge LA Baths Hall Scunthorpe UK Jacoby Symphony Hall Jacksonville FL Richmond CenterStage Carpenter Theater Richmond VA Sovereign Performing Arts Center Reading PA Wagner Nol Performing Arts Center Odessa TX York Barbican York UK Journal Tyne Theater Newcastle upon Tyne UK Paramount Theater Charlottesville VA 5,000 4,249 3,667 3,051 3,007 3,000 2,979 2,747 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,410 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,353 2,341 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,275 2,260 2,200 2,042 1,950 1,950 1,921 1,900 1,900 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,500 1,050 1,040 Peerys Egyptian Theater Ogden Center Theater Long Beach Plaza Theater Palm Springs Five Flags Theater Dubuque Orpheum Theater Sioux Falls PLAYHOUSE Whitley Bay North Tyneside Terry Theater Jacksonville Fisher Theater Ames Plowright Theatre Scunthorpe Palm Canyon Theater Palm Springs Richmond CenterStage Gottwald Playhouse Richmond UT CA CA IA SD UK FL IA UK CA VA 855 825 800 700 680 630 600 450 354 230 200

Outdoor Amphitheater Clients

CMAC Ford Pavilion Idaho Center Mesker Amphitheater Koka Booth Amphitheater Davis Park Bright House Networks Amphitheater McKelligon Amphitheatre Canandaigua Beaumont Nampa Evansville Cary Rockford Bakersfield El Paso NY TX ID IN NC IL CA TX 15,000 14,000 11,000 8,500 7,000 5,000 4,000 1,503



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Equestrian + Specific Use

Equestrian Center Clients
Cabarrus Arena and Events Center Idaho Horse Park Jacksonville Equestrian Center Kansas Expocentre Agricultural Hall Osceola Heritage Park Concord Nampa Jacksonville Topeka Osceola NC ID FL KS FL

Specific-use Clients
Bakersfield Ice Sports Center Ben Boeke Ice Rink Dempsey Anderson Ice Rink Idaho Sports Center Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex North Central Recreation Center Oak Park Ice Arena Odysseum Cologne Science Center Rye Airfield Skate Park & BMX Track Scheman Continuing Education Building Bakersfield Anchorage Anchorage Nampa Austin Johnstown Stockton Cologne Rye Ames CA AK AK ID TX PA CA Germany NH IA



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knekt Training Programs

SMG believes in developing our employees. We want to provide tools that will help our employees to be better in all aspects of their lives: their work life and their personal life. We understand that in order for training to be valuable it must be relevant. Our programs focus on life skills. By doing so we have given people a reason to engage. We believe that by understanding the purpose in our work and focusing on the how of how we deliver service, the outcome is improved for all. This philosophy underscores the format and materials in all our programs. Creating a great guest, customer, and employee experience takes creativity and must be multidimensional. We all win when we feel good about the job we are doing and how we are doing it.

Making training engaging and relevant to the adult learner is critical in order for it to be effective. By showing value beyond the workplace, employees embrace and take ownership of the training. Each program includes the following: Professionally delivered training utilizing industry experts and/or nationally recognized speakers A blend of media that is current and engaging Messages and skills that are directly applicable to work and often personal lives Versatile skills that allow the learner to internalize and personalize for a more genuine application and delivery Current topics that address the electronic world we operate in Customized programs that significantly improve results at minimal cost

Customer Service Orientation:
The SMG story begins by recognizing that there is a purpose to our work, not simply tasks to be performed. The first training program in the knekt portfolio is meant for all new-hires and temporary employees. It is a cutting edge training video explaining the companys philosophy. Each of SMGs core beliefs are explored in a way that the individual employee understands how he or she is part of the success of the company. By the end of the 17 minute video, employees understand that at SMG: We Engage, We Celebrate, We Entertain, We Amaze, We knekt.

Formal Customer Service Training

Once employees have been trained in their specific job, they are encouraged to attend the half-day, interactive program further exploring the skills of customer service. A blend of live and virtual facilitator training is tailored specifically for each individual facility. Our employees engage because they see relevancy. We show them how the skills they learn have application in their personal lives as well as their business lives.
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SMG is the only facility management company to have developed a full series of training programs devoted to sales. Sales Training I The Consummate Sales Professional The main focus of this intensive three-day session is to arm the SMG sales person with the right tools to convert potential business into booked business This program encompasses all aspects of the sales job teaching interactive selling points, etiquette & protocol, networking, online communication, letters and proposal writing. The course is led by two experienced hospitality executives and calls on some of the fields top experts to share their experience and knowledge with the trainees. Sales Training II Advanced Selling Techniques Sales II takes it to the next level. Participants work on extensive evaluation of business opportunities and the different buyers within that opportunity. It is a complex approach to assessing customers buying styles and presenting offerings that best influence and persuade those styles. Participants will apply the theory presented to current business opportunities. They will also develop action plans that support this theory in order to persuade future customers. Additionally, participants explore the proactive portion of sales prospecting. Sources for new business, effective strategies and necessary action plans are all developed in order to ensure a constant flow of business. Sales III Accountability and Leadership Training SMG understands that companies that embrace a sales culture are the most successful in any industry or marketplace. Infusing a sales culture throughout the organization begins with leadership, measurements and accountability. This training has many components utilizing cutting edge, web-based programs, as well as traditional facilitator-lead classroom training. The series includes: Developing a comprehensive Marketing Plan that incorporates specific nuances of the facility, the marketplace, the competition and stakeholder expectations Establishing team and individual measurements per market segment, per year that directly link to the facilitys initiatives, budget and market expectations Developing and executing sales strategies that support the team and individual sales (revenue) goals Developing an efficient sales team by coaching sales people on sales skills, strategies and account management

Sales Administrative Assistant Training When customers contact a sales office, it is not unusual to initially speak to an Administrative Assistant. That first point of contact can make or break a sale, so providing training to this audience is necessary to accomplish the following: Understand the importance and value of business opportunities that are handled in the sales office Understand their role in the success of the sales process Manage the call (or walk-in customer) in a way that efficiently gets the customer to the right person Effectively explain necessary information to customers when directing then to the next step of the sales process
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SMG Jacksonville Financial Systems and Support

At the request of the City, in 2007 SMG converted its financial reporting system to a governmental fund accounting platform. This conversion synchronized SMGs accounting and budgeting structure with the Citys. To accomplish this, SMG consulted with the Citys general accounting division, budget department, council auditors, and information technology to implement a specialized general ledger software package called Serenic Navigator. This is a system recommended by SMG to the City based on its capabilities and features. This system supports fund accounting and allows each managed facility to have its own trial balance. Separating each venue financially provides greater transparency into the economic viability of each individual property. Once Serenic Navigator was installed, SMG designed financial reports to facilitate the monthly input of SMGs financial information into the Citys general ledger. We worked very closely with City accounting personnel to ensure all account balances were properly reflected in the Citys general ledger. This monthly interface of data allows City personnel to readily see SMGs financial performance on their general ledger without having to locate auxiliary reports. This financial conversion also allowed the City to implement more stringent budgetary controls over SMGs operation. Today, budgetary limits are now at the individual general ledger account level versus being at the overall SMG operating subsidy amount. Annually, SMG undergoes a year-end financial audit by an outside firm selected by the City. As a result of this audit, SMG issues financial statements that are structured to comply with current governmental accounting pronouncements and provides entity-wide statements, combining statements, and identifies major and non-major funds. SMG classifies major funds consistent with those shown in the Citys Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Furthermore, we assist the City annually in its consolidation of our financial information into the CAFR so that intrafund receivables, payables, revenues and expenses are properly eliminated. SMG fully understands the governmental accounting and budgeting needs of the City and readily supports this effort by providing an accounting and finance team experienced in governmental accounting. This is an ideal, strong partnership between SMG and the City.

SMG Corporate and Regional Financial Support

Our Corporate Center Accounting Team provides support and guidance in all areas of financial administration and works closely with the SMG Jacksonville Finance Department in the development of: Yearly Budgets Purchasing Strategy Capital Improvement Planning Financial Systems/Internal Controls Comparisons to Budget and Prior Results Contracts (tenants, subcontractors, etc.)


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Financial Statements
In addition to our participation in the annual audit, we also maintain audit support in the form of dedicated staff whose responsibility is to review the financial operations of our facilities to find opportunities for improvement. Our knowledge, resources and flexibility are available to the client to meet your unique financial management and reporting needs. Our center-based and corporate finance staffs are dedicated to working with you on an ongoing basis to remain at the forefront of industry financial management practices and systems.

Finance and Administrative Systems and Procedures

We accept the highest level of fiduciary responsibility and accountability to the clients we serve. Our ability to meet that standard is unique in the industry. Our Corporate Finance Department provides supervision and support in all fiscal areas including internal controls, risk management, data processing, and audit. A comprehensive accounting manual created by our financial professionals offers the staff at our facilities a complete set of procedures and policies to be followed. When a facility joins our network, its monthly financial statement is formatted to comply with both the clients requirements and our standards. This ensures that the revenues are collected for each event and enables us to identify weak areas and evaluate changes to improve performance. A standard payroll system is also implemented to make sure that all labor related expenses for a particular event or project are recorded appropriately. Yearly budgets, including capital improvement requests, are submitted to our partners for review and approval. They contain a condensed income statement, an event analysis, and a management fee calculation, along with key facts, assumptions, on which the budget was based. Our Finance Department has established a standardized box office sales report to track sales for ticketed events in the months and weeks before the events.

Information regarding cash management and banking procedures is contained in the Finance Department Procedures Manual. It is available upon request.

Facility Accounting Systems - Monthly Financial Statement Reports

Financial Highlights: A monthly and YTD executive summary of the income statement for the facility highlighting events and activities significantly impacting the income statement. Compares current year numbers to budget and provides explanations of major variances. Balance Sheet: Statement of financial position as of the current month end. Aged Accounts Receivable Listing: Summary of the accounts receivable broken down into aged categories with explanations of items in the 90 day categories. Facility Statement of Income: Summary income statement reflecting major event income categories and a breakdown of departmental expense totals. Event Income Statement: Accumulation of expenses and revenues for all events during the year. Identifies individual expense and revenue categories that have significantly changed from budget or from the prior year. Provides information on profitability of all revenue centers within events. Departmental Income Statement: Detailed listing of expenses by department. Allows the operator to determine if individual department heads are staying within their budget constraints.
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Indirect Expense Summary: This allows the operator to determine if overall goals for expenses are being met. Annual Reports: Includes the budget, financial statement, capital improvement/repairs and maintenance plans. The Budget serves as the primary document for setting financial management goals and objectives for the fiscal year. It also provides the facilities with a forecast of cash requirements for the facility. This document is put together with input from all departments with the objective of identifying all sources of revenues and expenses.

Budget Overview
We view the budgeting process as an important tool for overall facility management. We will work closely with the City to develop a specific budget plan for the facilities. Furthermore, we will adhere very closely to the Citys policies and procedures with regard to the budget for the Facilities as well as seek the most competitive bids for goods and services. In developing the budget for the facilities, we strive to always include: The Citys goals for the venue The impact of SMGs experience and programs SMGs knowledge of the industry and its impact The dynamics of the local market

The end result of our process is a specific, targeted budget plan that incorporates all of the above.

The Budget Package is Flexible

Our facilities have budget packages ranging in size from 1 to 200 pages, demonstrating the flexibility and customization implemented at the request of our clients worldwide. This flexibility will ensure the City receives the information at the level desired.

The Budget Process

Developing a budget requires fact gathering, analysis and judgment. Some information is obtained from actual experience, some by inquiry and some by intelligent assumption. The Director of Finance is responsible for the information collection and works with the General Manager, all department heads and SMG Corporate staff. The following outlines the basic information compiled for the budget: Event Programming - event types and attendance Event Related Income: Rental and Services Income, Food and Beverage Income, Novelty Income, Other Income (Interest, Sponsorships, Ticket Incentives & Other) Expenses: Salaries Administrative, Wages - maintenance, custodial, security, event coordinators, etc., Part-time Wages, Payroll Taxes, Employee Benefits, Repair and Maintenance, Utility Expenses, Venue Marketing and Advertising, Liability Insurance


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Convention and Exhibition Marketing Division

Through our Convention and Exhibition Marketing Division, SMG provides a unique SMG Trade Show Co-ops produce opportunities for package of corporate sales, marketing and SMG-managed Convention Centers promotional support to all SMG-managed facilities to enhance the image of facilities within the marketplace and generate event activity for the venue and the community.

SMGs Exclusive Integrated Sales and Marketing Programs

Marketing and promoting a facility doesnt just happen on a local level, but also requires a national effort. SMGs corporate and regional offices provide added value to the Facilities and the region in a variety of ways. The following details corporate driven strategies and new booking techniques designed to supplement and enhance the on-site sales and marketing approach. Features of SMGs corporate programs include specifically how the corporate office generates or initiates: New, qualified convention and association business leads to pursue. Outreach to corporate contacts and sister facilities to uncover and target touring show opportunities. Media placements as part of the SMG National Advertising Program.

Destination Marketing and Sales Support

SMG supports and enhances the efforts of our clients and the local CVBs to attract and market meetings, conferences, trade shows, sport tournaments, and special events/festivals for the venue and the community. SMG has a track record of success in attracting world-class events, partnering with other clients in similar markets and venues. We provide the CVB with access to resources and opportunities unmatched by any other firm. This includes lead generation, telemarketing and sales programs, promotional exposure opportunities and existing client relationships.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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National Sales Focus

A Direct Approach Focus on national sales support and developing brand messages through industry activities, collateral and public relations. Ongoing emphasis on direct client relationships, presentations and dealbrokering aimed at soliciting events for the Facilities. SMG solicits and negotiates any agreements (standard agreements, preferred provider agreements, etc.) to facilitate booking SMG venues first. Create cooperative opportunities for reinforcing the corporate sales support to our client cities. Assist regionally and locally with targeted direct sales efforts based on database marketing prospect lists.

National Sales Plan Programs

An outline of our National Sales and Marketing Programs is as follows: Trade Show Participation and Sponsorships Toll Free Sales Hotline: 1-866-BOOKSMG Corporate Initiated Telemarketing Events Preferred Client Relationships National Trade Advertising SISO Member Affinity Program On-line Services and Cross-Selling Links SITEPAS Lead Referral Program

Our People National Sales Office: Regional Sales Directors six team leaders around the US knekt Sales Training ongoing advanced training, focusing on current trends and technology, and open to CVB partners National Sales Meetings annual face to face event, inclusive of key national clients Recognition our management teams consistently are recognized for achieving the best in convention center sales, service and industry participation Corporate Initiated Telemarketing Events: Using our proprietary database, our corporate sales coordinator will work with a specific region of SMG venues to contact prospects who fit the profile to book more readily, and more often. National agreements with large meetings and trade show management companies have created contract templates. Preferred client relationships: put all SMG venues on a higher priority status with firms such as: Experient (formerly Conferon) Conference Direct Microsoft Nielsen Media (formerly VNU Expositions) Toll Free Sales Hotline: Show managers appreciate the ability to shop date availability and proposals through a centralized national sales hotline. Our advertising theme is 68 Event Venues1 Number to call: 1-866-BOOK-SMG.


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Our Partnerships CVBs/ DMOs SMG is a proud partner (and sometimes sub-contractor) to almost 50 destination marketing organizations across the United States. We are members of Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI), and have supported the DMAI/IAAM White Paper. Hotel brands We work with all hotel brands in all size markets. Local Partners Industry Association Presence no brand or individual sales executives are more prominent in the industry than SMG.

Marketing Programs
National Trade Advertising Industry Media Campaigns SISO Member Affinity Program

Maximum Value, Minimum Cost

In a recent 18 month period, we estimate that SMGs corporate office generated more than $300,000 of value-added exposure and direct savings opportunities to each of its convention centers as detailed below:
2010 Co-Op & Ad Options Experient EnVision IAEE MPI NACS CESSE SISO SISO TEAMS MDI EXPO Magazine Tradeshow Executive Database Access Tele-marketing Co-op All Publications Internet Promotion SMG National Sales & Marketing Co-operative Program Opportunities, Value and Cost to Participate (if any) Sponsorship and booth at private trade show for Experient's 300 planners "SMGworld @ EXPO! EXPO! Tradeshow SMG National Sales Meeting with National Clients 20% Discount on membership dues (avergage savings) World Education Congress Diamond Sponsorship and national sales booth Annual "NACS Nite Out with SMG" Sponsorship and booth for 100 top consumer show producers SMG is Internet Caf Sponsor; Ineraction feature for sales execs SISO: Affinity program gives incentives and benefits for members to book each SMG center; Members are the top 200 for profit trade show firms in the country. Includes links directly from SISO: Co-opportunity at bi-annual forums National Sponsorship, tradeshow and client appointments for competitive event planners Database Sort for Highly Qualified Top 200 Prospects for Venue Corporate Discount for Advertising in Expo Magazine (est. based on 3 insertions) SMG Guide to Consumer Shows Year-long "Family Tree" package including (2) ads, web site flash box, Gold Gala 100 "World's Top Convention Centers" Issue (full page, 4-color ad) Access to proprietary database of all SMG national accounts Participation in ongoing national telemarketing service by SMG's provider National Branding Ads/Inserts NO COST to venues. Listings and links to inidividual facility web sites from Total Value vs. Total Cost Total Savings Opportunity Afforded/"Value Added" $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Value 26,000 54,000 440 100,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 3,000 12,000 4,890 10,700 5,276 25,000 36,000 30,000 5,000 361,306 $ $ $ $ $ Cost 2,900 1,100 352 2,500 1,700 2500 11,000 2,500 9,750 3,400 1,750 3,223 1,000 11,400 52,125

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ 309,181


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SMG Beats the Competition to Competitive Events

We have seen great success in our early partnership with the TEAMS Conference, produced by Sports Travel Magazine. This annual conference and trade show brings together the rights holders of competitive events.

Corporate Meetings:
The Corporate meetings market encompasses the following categories: Sales Meetings Shareholders Meetings All-Employee Meetings Training Testing Seminars Product Launches Press Conferences

SMERF Opportunities:
These market segments are collectively called SMERF groups by the hospitality industry and defined below: Social: Weddings, Parties Through local advertising, social organizations Military: Reunions, Conferences The Reunion Network, military associations, etc. Education: State, Regional Government agencies, education associations, training firms Religious: Conferences, Revivals - Religious conference managers association, church leaders Fraternal: Elks, Masons, etc. National lodges and fraternal orders

To pursue this market segment as well as the Corporate business highlighted above, SMG works with its CVBs to create a branded Complete Meeting Package. Borrowing from the conference center model, this Meetings Xpress approach answers the meeting planners need to simplify the planning and budgeting process.


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Recent SMG facilities promotional pull-outs featured in Trade Industry Publications and magazines provide easy reference for show planners

National Sales Hotline offers a one-stop shopping opportunity for show organizers, meeting planners and event planners.


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SMG Live Entertainment Division

A key difference from other firms in the industry, SMG is the only management company with dedicated Corporate and Regional booking personnel supporting the efforts of our local General Manager. Our department serves as an advocate for SMG facilities worldwide, with a 1.75 million seat footprint. SMG was the first in the industry to be nationally recognized for its innovative approach to event booking. The large number of venues under SMGs management ensures involvement in the booking process long before these opportunities are available to non-affiliated buildings. Our booking team has daily contact with agents, managers and national touring promoters to assist them in routing their events and advocate for dates in SMG venues. We have both a national team as well as regional booking managers. Our team leads regularly scheduled conference calls on both a regional and national basis to share information on upcoming tours and events, exchange booking leads and deals, and compare event experiences and best practices. These calls often include guests such as agents and regional promoters who introduce new and upcoming touring projects. Additionally, our team convenes private, SMG only meetings at national conferences such as Billboard Music conference, Pollstar Live Conference and International Entertainment Buyers Association, featuring guest speakers from leading talent agencies and national promoters.


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SMG Live Entertainment and Tour Rehearsals

SMG national booking staff works to have national touring artists rehearse their shows in SMG venues. Beyond generating revenue, these rehearsals will often lead to a performance and the associated increase in revenue that might not take place if the venue did not land the initial rehearsals. Some recent examples of artists that SMG has landed rehearsals/tour openings for SMG clients include Madonna at Nassau Veterans Memorial Arena for her 2012 North American Tour and Rush at Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, NH.

I cant say enough good things about the SMG staff in Reading, PA and how well the Avenged Sevenfold tour and I were treated during our rehearsals and opening night performance. The SMG staff were great to work with and truly went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure our week went off without a hitch. We cant wait to book another tour with SMG in Reading. Charlie Goldstone, Frank Productions Talent Buyer/Promoter

Emery Entertainment is always thrilled at the opportunity to work with the professional staff at SMGs Sovereign Center in Reading, PA. We have launched two North American tours for Blue Man Group in Reading, due to the excellent staff and amenities that the arena provides including, top notch in-house fabrication facilities, excellent marketing, and catering services. Choosing a venue for our technical rehearsals and tour kick-offs is an extremely important decision for Emery Entertainment and our clients. We have always been pleased with our decision to go with the Sovereign Center! Paul Emery, President Emery Entertainment


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SMGs Live Entertainment Event Promoters Relationships

SMGs Live Entertainment Division maintains a daily dialogue with the entertainment industry that fosters relationships with the widest variety of product and content providers. SMGs comprehensive booking process and entertainment industry influence will be brought to bear for your facility operation. Our ability to secure new and distinctive events through our combination of resources and partnerships will be a key element for the success of any venue. SMG acts as a neutral operator of the Jacksonville facilities, providing access to all of the large content providers such as AEG and Live Nation on a non-exclusive basis. This is beneficial when competing for shows since no single content provider has the exclusive booking rights at the Jacksonville facilities. No other company maintains the same depth and breadth of industry entertainment relationships with event promoters, artists and managers as SMG. SMG has special relationships with major promoters including: AEG AMP Live Events (Monster Trucks) Beaver Productions BMG BRE Presents C3 Concerts Cirque du Soleil Concerts West Creation Concerts Creative Artists Agency Elite Entertainment Feld Enterprises (Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus/Disney on Ice/Disney Live) Harlem Globetrotters Icon Concerts Jam Productions and Jam Theatricals Knitting Factory Lippizaner Stallions Live Nation

Metropolitan Entertainment Mike/Kidd Entertainment Group Monster Nationals National Artists Corp National Shows 2 (NS2) Nite Lite Promotions Outback Concerts Playhouse Disney Live Police Productions Premiere Concerts Professional Bull Riders Red Mountain Entertainment Rose Presents Rush Concerts The Wiggles USA Varnell Enterprises VEE Enterprises (Sesame Street Live) William Morris Endeavor WWE


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212 Our Competitive Advantage

SMGs proprietary booking system,, and preferred financial systems provide our clients with a unique competitive advantage versus other providers.

Preferred booking management software systems - is a proprietary web-based system that gives entertainment promoters an unprecedented level of access to real-time booking availability for all arenas managed by SMG. We talked to our major clients such as CAA, William Morris Endeavor, tour managers and family show producers and designed this proprietary booking system with them in mind. This system positions SMG in the forefront of the industry by allowing us to respond and provide booking information, which is a valuable commodity in our business, to the entertainment community even faster than before. is a great opportunity to leverage our position as a market leader and use the latest technology to provide added benefits and services to our clients. The information provided through this new system will be in the hands of decision-makers faster to ensure even more concerts and events at our venues.

There are two main components of that are extremely beneficial to agents/promoters/managers and venues:
The first, the booking calendar, allows SMG Sports & Entertainment to work directly with tours as they are being routed. With access to all of our venues dates, we can decrease the amount of time and effort it takes to compile all of that data on an individual basis. This give SMG venues first look opportunities when tours first begin routing. The second valuable component to is the information it provides. Timing and information is everything. is updated constantly with booking insight and an event bulletin to give venues as much of a head start as possible.


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Measuring Operational Performance

In Jacksonville, our Operations Staff are responsible for overseeing the complex day-to-day operations of the Jacksonville Facilities. Our teams extensive knowledge of these systems ensures they are running properly and efficiently. To maximize the Citys assets, our staff works closely with City departments in utilizing City equipment and resources.

Operations/Event Services
The Operations Department is responsible for establishing standards in the areas of facility and plant maintenance. Specific services include site maintenance, utility services, housekeeping, FF&E coordination, equipment maintenance, telecommunication services, parking, HVAC, exterior landscaping coordination with the client, OSHA compliance and review, labor relations, and emergency plan administration. The Operations Department also oversees all third-party contracts and will also be involved in any ongoing capital expenditure projects for the facilities and/or its tenants. Our on-site Event Services Department is involved in all aspects of the facilitys events including planning, coordination and technical requirements. With the General Manager, the staff develops service rate schedules, energy management, oversees event set-up and tear down, staffing, security, crowd management and event settlement. Our event staff is also responsible for coordinating activities with outside contractors. Our Event Services Managers offer experience and a high level of professionalism and utilize an event services system based on attention to detail, a thorough knowledge of the customers needs and the ability to anticipate and satisfy the needs of the customer in an accurate and timely manner. SMG professionals understand the various needs of all manner of tenants and utilize SMG tools and the experience of their peers in other cities to successfully meet these needs. Above all, our team carries out their responsibilities with honesty and integrity.

SMG Operations Development Department

Our Operations Development Department reviews every aspect of facility operations. We review the facilities and make recommendations on policies and procedures, operating standards and guidelines. Our Operations Development Department also assists in the preparation of five-year capital programs at each facility. We work with the local staff and owner to ensure proper planning for all capital purchases. Keeping proper planning in mind, SMGs Operations Development Department has instituted a national pricing program in which we purchase items based on our capital budget projections. This allows us to plan effectively and purchase items with leverage through an increased buying power. The program includes the following: Software that provides documented scheduled maintenance procedures, detailed reports that update equipment and maintenance status, uniformed reporting and tracking, and operational support by SMG corporate and our partner Standardized level of maintenance and engineering training programs Single source responsibility for all facilities Complete inventory and asset list Assurance that all third-party vendors meet SMGs stringent requirements for service


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SMG Operations
SMG is the only private management firm of public assembly facilities to provide a professional asset management approach to day-to-day venue operations. SMG has achieved this by establishing policies and procedures specific, yet flexible, for each facility through a dedicated corporate department. SMG accounts are provided support through resources and technology to meet their clearly defined expectations. A system of measuring compliance is then used to gauge results. The entire system is then reviewed to ensure continual improvement.

The SMG Operations discipline is based on the following core elements:

Identifying best methods, techniques and processes to ensure: Compliance Efficiency Safety Optimal performance Longevity of equipment Communication and Resources focusing on achieving established, quantifiable goals Measuring/Accountability going forward to ensure continued performance and improvement Professional development of staff

Best Practices
SMGs Best Practices Program is the culmination of the hard work and efforts of many SMG operators combined with industry knowledge and information from easy-to-access industry information resources. SMGs vast experience is used to author these Best Practices which form the cornerstones of the operational excellence found throughout the SMG network. Best Practices are the first of four (4) core operations elements described here.

Summary of Areas of Focus for Policies and Procedures:

Capital Plan Emergency Procedures Electrical Systems Environmental Initiatives Fire / Life Safety Hazardous Materials HVAC Janitorial Maintenance Administration Material Handling / Storage Plumbing Rigging / Fall Arrest Security Sports Surfaces Technical Services Vertical Transportation


Establish procedures to assure the highest level of performance and safety while maintaining equipment consistent with SMG Best Practices. 1. Best Practices narrative 2. Third Party Maintenance Contractor 3. Manufacturer Representative 4. SMG Maintenance

SMG venues must maintain assets, building systems, physical plant, equipment, etc. in a manner consistent with professional asset management. All SMG venues will adhere to the following as minimum standards.

1. All Vertical Transport equipment (such as: elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, etc.) must be maintained through a third party contractor certified by original manufacturer to perform service and maintenance on said equipment. 2. At no time will SMG personnel perform adjustments or maintenance on Vertical Transport equipment or attempt to resolve entrapments. 3. Vertical Transport equipment must be maintained as per manufacturers recommendations. 4. All maintenance procedures must be included and tracked in SMG Maintenance program. 5. Annual inspections and safety test must be administered in accordance to local AHJ. 6. ADA, local, State codes must be followed with regards to signage, access, etc. 7. NFPA, local, State codes must be observed during events and/or periods of Independent Use. 8. Equipment Rooms must be kept clean and free of debris and stored items and be well-marked. 9. Vertical Transport equipment operation and appearance must be inspected by SMG facility staff and documented with any irregularities communicated to maintenance contractor. Sample Checklists are available on the SMG Operations website. 10. Refer to Appendix A (below) for Sample Scope of Work Maintenance Contractor

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ANSI/ASME A17.1-.4 Safety Code for Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators and Moving Walks ANSI 117.1 Barrier free elevator access ADA Americans with Disabilities Act NFPA 101 Life Safety Code NFPA 70 National Electric Code

In an effort to provide a certain degree of consistency and coverage with regards to SMGs operational activities at all of its venues, these Best Practices have been developed for your use. These should not be considered to provide in every instance complete coverage nor shall these supersede City, County, State, Federal or Manufacture requirements as applicable.


1.11 Vertical Transportation 081709 1 of 1 SMG All Rights Reserved Confidential


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OSCAR Operations Support through Communications and Resources

The platform we have developed to facilitate dissemination of our knowledge-base is our internal, proprietary OSCAR program (Operations Support through Communications and Resources). This website is designed to be constantly revised, modified and adapted to meet the ever-changing needs of our venues. Using the wealth of knowledge and resources available only to SMG, OSCAR offers the industrys deepest base of resources for venue operators. OSCAR disseminates clear guidelines for operations, delivers preferred goods and services to SMG venues and responds to the needs of those venues. Communicating through OSCAR is the second core component of SMGs operations program. Here all SMG produced Best Practices reside along with cut sheets, vendor provided product information, sample templates and contracts that all provide direction to the individual venues on how to enact these vital processes.


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SMGs Interactive Educational Component
Questions to Ask OSCAR are routed to a group of SMG veterans in numerous locations and venue types, who post a response in line with SMG Best Practices. Responses are then posted and stored in an archive for future research. Archives are searchable by subject and keywords.


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Measurement and Accountability

Facility Maintenance Through SMG Maintenance
Measurement and accountability are intrinsic to SMG operating standards. Whether using technological tools such as SMGs proprietary computerized maintenance management program or physical venue audits by regional Operations personnel, compliance is trusted but verified. SMG worked for several years with a leading software firm to develop SMG Maintenance, the only program of its kind in our industry. SMG Maintenance offers the best real time preventative maintenance and work order tracking program available. It is 100% customizable not only to the specialized equipment in sports, entertainment and public assembly facilities but also around the unpredictable schedules by which these venues operate. Through the implementation of SMG Maintenance, SMGs preventive maintenance software, the operation of the facility equipment and plant systems will continue to be maintained at the highest standards. The guidelines address: Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Life Safety Systems Building Features and Structural Systems Waste Disposal HVAC/Refrigeration Systems General Maintenance Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Fire Protection Systems

Other areas to be included: Roof Inspections Elevators and Escalators Exterior Cleaning Exit/Entrance Doors Fire Sprinkler Expansion Joints Exterior Irrigation
The Operations Intranet Website has been designed to integrate seamlessly with SMGs proprietary, computerized SMG Maintenance Management System.

Each department (electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc.) is responsible for providing a summary of all preventative maintenance tasks completed within a monthly cycle. These summaries include both completed and non-completed tasks or work orders which are then compiled into a Monthly Maintenance Report. Copies of the report is distributed to the General Manager, Director of Operations, and the appropriate representatives of the City.


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FACILITY JANITORIAL SERVICES All SMG facilities are maintained in a sanitary and attractive condition. To this end, all staffing levels of service contractors will be continuously reviewed and all necessary supplies and equipment will be provided on-site. The custodial staff receives direction and supervision in the performance of its tasks at all times. There is an active in-service training program to increase effectiveness and to introduce new products and methods. In addition to routine cleaning procedures, more extensive and thorough cleaning of buildings and equipment is scheduled for vacation periods, particularly during the summer. Maintaining a clean and orderly building is not the sole responsibility of the custodian. All staff members need to be thoughtful and cooperative, not only in their own actions, but also in the assistance of developing standards and job habits with the patron in mind. Proper custodial practices are designed to insure the best use of time, materials, equipment, and personnel. The procedures contained in our operations manuals are based upon past experiences with other carefully planned successful custodial programs. When put into practice, these procedures insure maximum benefits in terms of appearance, economy, efficiency, cleanliness, safety and good health. HOUSEKEEPING AND CUSTODIAL SERVICES SMGs staff pays close attention to the details in developing and providing a comprehensive housekeeping and custodial services program. Year-round maintenance includes, but is not limited to: Lobbies, Concourses and Restrooms Meeting and Conference Rooms Exhibit Halls and Pre-function Areas Entrances Stairwells, Service Corridors, and Storage Rooms Exterior Spaces and Landscaping

HOUSEKEEPING GUIDELINES Our patrons opinion of our housekeeping standards is critical to our success. SMG supports maintaining the highest standards. Listed on this page are the topics that are included in our SMG Cleaning Procedures Manual. Departmental Guidelines Department Operating Statement Areas of Cleaning and Procedures Main Entrances (event day, pre and post event), Restrooms, Exterior of Building, Concession Areas, Floor Area, Back-of-House, Mechanical Rooms/Operations, Administrative Offices Special Types of Surfaces Hard Surfaces, Soft Surfaces, Glass, Metals, Concrete, Gypsum Walls, Floors Types of Cleaning Techniques Periodic Cleaning MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Description of Program, Use, Storage and Disposal of Custodial Chemicals, Sample Data Sheet for Cleaning Agent, Recommendation
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Fire and Life Safety Management

SMG has also developed and implemented a Fire and Life Safety Management Plan for its facilities that includes the following: Floor plan approval procedures List of prohibited materials, processes and equipment Guide for materials requiring flame-retardant treatment Policy regarding use of combustible materials Policy regarding obstruction of exits, emergency equipment, etc. Storage of crates and cartons OSHA programs List of prohibited equipment and operations during set-up or tear-down List of materials, processes or equipment requiring special permits Process by which promoter or exhibitor may receive special approval for equipment or process

SMG has also developed a Crisis Communication Procedure Manual. Designed with executive level management staff in mind, the manual provides guidelines for effective communication with the media and public in crisis situations. The manual is tailored to the needs and processes of the facility.

Security and Crowd Control

Our security operations operate under the following guidelines and specific responsibilities as follows: Keep daily journal documenting any and all occurrences. Examples are arrival times of employees, deliveries, visitors, any problems or issues. Provide supervision and direction to part-time security staff working a non event shift. Be aware of all building activities. Screen all visitors and verify appointments with employees. Issue visitor credentials and maintain visitor log(s). Monitor CCTV network and take action of any suspicious or illegal activities. Issue two-way radios to supervisors. Ensure return and maintenance of radios. Issue of building keys to specific areas. Verify authorization, sign keys out and back in. Keep key inventory. Verify authorization on any property removals. A property removal system will be in place. Monitor all show truck arrivals or other event related activities. Ensure service yard is clear and able to accept vehicles. Receive and log incoming packages. Track package until picked up by personnel. Checking all perimeter doors, interior areas, concourses and perimeter of building including parking lots, garages. Have good knowledge of the facilitys Crisis Management Plan. Security Command will become the command post during crisis. Complete a building incident report for any incident occurring on facility property. Maintain an inventory of appropriate forms. Maintain the cleanliness of the security command area. Maintain a full telephone list of all employees and emergency City departments such as police, fire, bomb squad and EMS.


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Employee/Worker/Visitor Safety:
SMG Loss Prevention Procedures
The goal of SMGs Loss Prevention Procedures is to minimize accidental injury and property damage, and generally promote safe practices in the workplace. All SMG facilities maintain Safety Committees to administer this program and identify, evaluate and respond to conditions and issues that could represent a threat to safety or a potential loss to our clients. These Safety Committees are made up of local staff from executive management, operations, human resources and finance departments. The overall program is reviewed and updated each year and is administered by our Corporate Risk Management Department. Our Operations Development Department conducts facility maintenance audits to ensure the optimal utilization and efficiency of our maintenance programs. We review all equipment use and provide proper training. We institute and monitor all OSHA programs, (HazComm, Lock & Tag, etc.) in accordance with SMGs Loss Prevention Program. Below is a sampling of SMG Safety Training Programs which are available: Forklift/motorized vehicle safety Mechanics of lifting Generator switch-over safety Respirator use Blood born pathogens (OSHA) Building evacuation Special needs patrons Confined space (OSHA) Ladder and scaffold safety (OSHA) General workplace safety Hazardous communication (OSHA)


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SMG Advertising & Sponsorship Sales

SMG recognizes the importance of having a customized sales strategy for advertising, sponsorship and naming rights to maximize revenue production. To produce results in this area, SMG has developed a team of the best and brightest sales representatives who have the experience and knowledge to create opportunities, share ideas, identify sponsor candidates, develop marketing strategies and materials. We call this SMG team impressions. The impressions team works hand-in-hand with the local facility sales representatives, as well as the client, to identify the needs, stakeholders and objectives.

The impressions Team

The individuals who make up our impressions sales network bring a single purpose to this area of facility management to maximize revenues while recognizing the needs and sensitivities of our clients and tenants of the facilities. Our national network brings a level of experience and skill not often available on a single building basis. An impressions team member is assigned to our managed facilities on a regional basis and will work with the local facility staff.

Enhanced Sales Strategy for Jacksonville

In an effort to enhance our ability to sell commercial sponsorship rights in Jacksonville, we have teamed-up with one the nations top sports marketing and sales firms - Premier Partnerships to focus specifically on business-to-business partnerships that will create value for the Jacksonville facilities. SMGs resources and leverage with national brands, coupled with the extensive national relationships and sales force of Premier, establish a powerful combination for Jacksonville.

About Premier Partnerships

Premier Partnerships is a sports sales and advisory firm specializing in the development and execution of customized commercial sales strategies for top tier facilities, sports and entertainment destinations, league and team properties, as well as municipal projects. Premier was founded in 2003 to provide experienced, focused, passionate, and results driven commercial sales solutions.

Corporate Overview

Corporate Overview
April 2012

Premier executives have created thousands of mutually beneficial business partnerships during the last 20 years. Our clients rely on Premiers worldwide relationships, industry expertise and ability to identify, market, secure, and maximize a propertys commercial value. Premier is headquartered in Los Angeles with representation in Washington, DC and New York. In 2010, Premiers excellence was recognized by Sports Business Journal as Agency of the Year in Property Consulting, Sales and Client Services. Premiers track record of major achievements include: Developing and selling well over a billion dollars in corporate partnerships Negotiating the first million dollar naming rights agreement (Great Western Forum) Negotiating local, national and international broadcast contracts Creating the largest sports event media website in history


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Consulting to Fortune 500 companies, across a range of industries Managing the largest and most prestigious sporting events in the world Founding a major professional sports league Owning and managing professional teams Negotiating professional team and facility sales and purchases

Strategy for Increasing Commercial Rights Revenues

The first step in the process is to establish a plan that will best utilize the existing inventory and assets, and identify valuable new opportunities. SMG and Premier will work together to accomplish the following: Review, analyze and identify valuable existing inventory Identify new inventory that will be crucial to an effective commercial sponsorship program Propose a sponsorship hierarchy and category structure that will highlight the arenas strengths and effectively manage its assets Create a strategic sales plan to secure appropriate potential partners for existing as well as new sponsorship assets Identify key categories and companies to target for sales efforts Develop a naming rights platform, if appropriate Review, analyze and recommend the appropriate business-to-business sponsorship categories based on the arenas current and expected expenditures Develop a business-to-business sponsorship platform and process, if appropriate Contact appropriate partners in pre-approved industry and product categories to create a competitive marketplace for the Citys business-to-business partnerships

SMG will have access to Premiers patented Revenue Maximizer software program to ensure that the SMG Jacksonville management team is provided with the tools to maximize Contractually Obligated Income (COI) in light of todays competitive marketplace. The following is an outline of the phased approach as to how the Revenue Maximizer and Sales Strategy process is implemented.

Phase I Inventory
Activate Geographic Management System The Geographic Management System is the first of two tools in the Inventory Phase of the Revenue Maximizer. This tool analyzes naming rights and sponsorship inventory within a geographic framework, which allows clients to extend their revenue opportunity to three other regions beyond the facility. For example, we might define the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena regions as: Facility: The arena itself including the floor, concourses, fan seating, EverBank Arena Club, concessions, etc. Premises: Areas surrounding the arena (or the licensed premises), which could include: gates, parking lots, walkways, marquees, way finding signage, the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville, EverBank Field, Jacksonville Equestrian Center, Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center, Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts, etc. District: Sites outside the arena premises which would include the sponsorship opportunities, golf tournaments, community events and promotional opportunities Region: The acquired content that may include the surrounding municipalities (benches and bus shelters), public transportation, youth or amateur sports programs
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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Conduct Inventory Analysis The Inventory Filter is the second of the two tools in the Inventory Phase of the Revenue Maximizer. The Inventory Filter catalogs and classifies inventory into 12 Premier Asset classes within each of the four geographic areas. The assets will be broken out into our Premier Asset categories: Acquired Content Business Development Database Marketing Hospitality Intellectual Property (IP) Landmarks Media & Technology Licensed Product & Merchandise Presenting Sponsorships Product & Service Integration Promotions Signage

Phase II Value
Overview of the Premier Valuator Premier has created a proprietary market-based valuation system, the Premier Valuator, which is a valuation methodology designed to provide properties with the true market value of their naming rights. The Premier Valuator uses an analytical framework for valuing sponsorship and naming rights assets and takes into consideration a broad range of factors that are relevant for making sound business decisions. Multi-dimensional evaluation criteria Assessment of the economic environment Detailed property characteristics Premier assets and business drivers Realistic contrast to a strictly impression/media-based methodology Incorporation of traditional investment valuation modeling concepts

Premier Value Drivers In addition to using the inventory from the Premier Asset categories (from the Inventory Phase), the Premier Valuator incorporates our Premier Value Drivers. The Value Drivers measure factors critical to determining specific values of sponsorships and naming rights including: Activation and Implementation Commercial Appeal Concentration of Commercial Assets Consumer Experience Networking and Business Development Quality and Quantity of Events Seasonality Size of Market Stature of Venue
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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Phase III Strategy

Overview of the Strategy Phase After determining a meaningful valuation of the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arenas assets, Premiers Strategy Phase will include a review of inventory considered for commercialization and development of a naming rights package. In addition, Premier will model and test the most relevant industry categories for naming rights and founding partner levels to optimize COI in a systematic framework. Further work will also include evaluation and prioritization of the potential inventory and the creation of customized founding partner packages.

Phase IV Sales Strategy

Premier prides itself on providing customized solutions for our clients to best meet their needs. Through our Strategy and Sales tools, we will ensure that the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena will begin with a strong foundation for their sales program. Sponsor Success Matrix Our first sales tool is the Sponsor Success Matrix, which is based on 20 years of research and experience in working with companies on why they buy naming rights and significant sponsorships and what criteria is being evaluated and measured. This insight allows us to turn inventory into a more valuable marketing tool that can be integrated into the sponsors overall business strategy. As Premier initiates contact with sponsor candidates, utilization of the Sponsor Success Matrix will allow the sales team to identify prospective sponsors top goals and match those goals with inventory that provides the highest return on objectives. This tool considers a wide range of metrics that incorporate goals related to brand, sales, strategy and relationship development. Sales Representation Premiers Sales Representation clients receive all of the services outlined above, as well as the services of a team of senior sales executives. All the while, the Premier team will be able to keep the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arenas management informed with weekly or bi-weekly planning meetings via conference call. Premier will set up C-level meetings, work seamlessly with the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena to incorporate our analytics team on customized packages and ROI reports. Pipeline Integration and Management For our sales representation clients Premier will create a customized global, national and local pipeline management system, integrated with Premiers proprietary naming rights and sponsorship CRM system that has more than 5,000 accounts with major buyer decision makers. Keeping accurate and timely records of a propertys pipeline is critical to successfully managing the sales process.


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Food and Beverage Approach

As will be seen from the following, SMGs experience, expertise and operational excellence in the areas of concessions and catering is vast. Our food and beverage division, SAVOR, operates in excess of 100 accounts with gross sales approaching $200 million annually. While we operate the food and beverage operations in approximately 50% of our accounts, in the other 50%, we oversee and interface with third-party food and beverage contractors insuring that they provide the best possible service, quality and value to our clients and our patrons. We supervise the operations of the biggest food and beverage operators in the nation including Boston Culinary/Centerplate, Aramark, Sportservice and more. Our unique perspective, derived from being a full service food and beverage provider in our own right committed to top notch operation, quality control and customer service, gives us the insight and experience to demand the best for our clients from any third party contractor. With respect to liquor license compliance, by virtue of our SAVOR operations, SMG holds licenses in most states in the United States. Consequently, we are experienced in this regard, and familiar with the requirements of liquor license compliance.

SAVOR...SMGs wholly-owned Food and Beverage Providers

credentials follow.


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SAVOR The Catering and Concessions Expert

SAVOR began its first food and beverage operation in 1982 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, and since has grown to provide services to a wide range of arena, stadium and convention center clients worldwide. With focus on a quality food experience combined with impeccable service, SAVOR manages the business successfully through to delivering industry best financial returns to our clients. This complete food and beverage experience is enhanced by its integration into the total facility experience unlike no other company in the industry. Today SAVOR has more than 100 locations. Versatility and flexibility are requirements to meet the needs of todays facility users. Whether we are working with a suite holder, a concert fanatic or an event planner SAVOR understands what it takes to ensure satisfied customers and repeat business. During the recent years SAVOR has accomplished: The management of multiple conventions within one facility on the same day at McCormick Place. Concessions and Alcohol Service at more sell-out concerts throughout the United States and Europe including the Manchester Evening News Arena, Nassau Coliseum, BOK Center, Chesapeake Energy Arena, Van Andel Arena and Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena than any other food service company. Multi-day Events with retail food and concessions for more than 15,000 guests per day at Moscone Center. Significant per cap growth over previous food & beverage providers through many transactions Special Events providing retail food services for more than 100,000 attendees including the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach.

In every one of our locations we have success stories to share which exemplify our ability to push our limits and ensure the guest leaves saying WOW.


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SAVOR...Jacksonville - A Powerful Resource
SAVOR...Jacksonville ensures that only premium quality food and service is provided within its managed facilities. As a premier food service operator in arena and stadiums, SAVOR...Jacksonville: Combines quality with bottom line results that are necessary for the success of each venue. Is innovative in its approach, incorporating the regional flavors of each unique facility. Works with local vendors to present authentic food selections or nationally known brands. Establishes policies that enhance the food service operation, and ultimately the customers experience at a facility. Provides fresh and affordable dining options to the suite holders, sports fans and concert attendees with professional, warm, hospitable service. Constantly reviews, analyzes and updates menus, presentations, and competitor prices. Becomes a part of the fan experience and promotes the facility as a fantastic destination. Establishes and maintains control over all aspects of the food service operation.

SAVOR is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SMG, the worlds largest operator of sports, entertainment and convention facilities. Our ownership and team of dedicated corporate support personnel make us unrivaled in the field of private facility management.

Account Synergies
With SMG and SAVOR, the relationship between facility management and food and beverage is seamless, producing quality events with outstanding financial return. The facility deserves the best food and beverage partner, capable of providing expert account management, entrepreneurial in its thinking and offering a strong synergy. SAVOR...Jacksonville is this partner! SAVOR...Jacksonville is aware of the financial expectations and we know that one of the main elements that sets SAVOR...Jacksonville apart from its competitors is that we are a truly integrated department within the facility team. No other company can provide you that synergy. Our ability to provide a meaningful difference at the Facility is built on our strong knowledge of your community, our understanding of your core business and our commitment to you as a client. SAVOR... Jacksonville and SMG creates the team the City requires for financial and commercial success. You need competent, empowered, dependable management of food and beverage. SAVOR...Jacksonville is responsive, reliable and entrepreneurial.


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The success of any food and beverage operation is the people that execute on a daily basis and achieve the vision of the facility. All SAVOR...Jacksonville locations operate with the support of our corporate training programs in customer service and quality assurance. The more than 100 food and beverage locations managed by SAVOR create a support structure to allow concerts and events of any size to be flawlessly executed.

SAVOR delivers
An experienced provider that delivers high quality food and great service A provider focused on achieving the greatest possible financial profitability One Team committed to being accessible, responsive and proactive for the City, the building and its tenants

The Keys to Food-Service Excellence

SAVOR...Jacksonville ensures that only the finest quality food and service is provided within its managed facilities. This is accomplished by placing an emphasis on freshness, quality, and customer service. In addition, we pay particular attention to detail in the presentation of its service, making sure that its menu selections and decor reflect the surrounding region. Our Food and Beverage operational plan incorporates the following key support services:

Standards and Merchandising

Research menu items Adaptable menus to local products/cuisine Creative merchandising

Training Programs
Serve SAFE Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) implementation TIPS alcohol program ID and wrist banding OSHA safety training
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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Fiscal Control and Accountability

Inventory systems Event summary Vault log Product cost analysis Monthly financial reports Real time credit card processing Capital equipment inventory Cash reconciliation

System Development
State-of-the-art food service methods Automated food service systems Analysis of operations Network of internal information

Purchasing and Distribution

Qualify local suppliers Purchasing specifications Market data and projections Volume incentive purchasing

Local food bank donations Disaster relief assistance Community Involvement Intern sponsorship Certified Executive Chefs Fine Dining approach to catering

Food safety training and audit function Beverage compliance and audit function


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SAVORs fresh approach to food and beverage management is simple:

Maximizing Points of Sale Fresh, Fast and Simple Dining Options Focus on Key Menu Selections Maximize Financial Return Technology and Credit Card Capability Capitalize on Revenue Generation Branded Product Recognition and Local Concepts Benchmarking and Historical Data Food Trend Research Maximize Net Operating Profit

Arena and Stadium Practices

We are Concession Specialists:

Our approach to concession sales is straightforward: Feature your core menu selections; offer great quality and great service, all the time. Merchandise your Selections Emphasizing Fresh and Fast Variety and Perceived Value Local and Regional Food Products Uniforms and Name tags for Employees Strategic Points of Sales Maximize Crowd Flow Mobile Cart and Kiosk Programs to Compliment Permanent Locations Customized Menu Product Marketing to Drive Sales

Cart /Kiosk Specialists:

We thoroughly investigate all opportunities for maximizing revenue and providing patrons with quick but high quality food items. Whether the carts and kiosks comprise a complete retail food program or act as a complement to permanent locations, SAVOR develops a plan just right for each facility.

Suite & Special Event Catering

Suite services during a game or concert, a custom reception for clients or a gala sit down dinner, SAVORs approach to catering combines impeccable service with the finest quality food and beverage to create unparalleled experiences. Our attention to detail and creative menu design is a proven recipe for catered events from 10 to 10,000. Our success in catering is in our ingredients: Creative and Versatile Standard Selections Customer Service Training Flexible Menus to Fit the Occasion or Service Knowledgeable Sales Managers Certified Executive Chefs Fine Dining approach to catering


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Building an In-House Food and Beverage Operation

An in-house operation provides the flexibility to provide food and beverage and maximize the level of profit. SAVOR realizes that a food and beverage operation is an important source of income. We maximize our profitability while remaining cognizant of the customer perception and overall event experience. Services offered by SAVOR span the full spectrum of public catering needs. In practice and policy, we are team-focused, committed to working as a discreet partner with our clients in creating a world-class food and beverage experience for their users and elevating the facilitys reputation as a premier business and entertainment destination.

Jacksonville Food Return

SAVOR return to the City after fees Former contractor return to the City Improvement

2008 - 2009
$1,072,715 $1,195,808 ($123,093)

2009 - 2010
$1,971,550 $1,691,047 $280,503

2010 - 2011
$1,711,294 $1,501,649 $209,645

2011 - 2012FC
$1,774,824 $1,508,210 $266,614

2011 - 2012FC based on financials submitted as of 2/29/12

Since SAVOR has been providing food service at the Convention Center, Theater and Arena, the Citys share of food service income has increased approximately $635,000 as compared to the previous service and customer satisfaction has increased significantly.
Primary Catering Segments
During the years, SAVOR...Jacksonville has delivered premium food and beverage service at the Convention Center, Arena and Theater. From catering exquisite affairs to delivering the very best suite experience, SAVOR...Jacksonville has satisfied the tastes of our guests. This ability to deliver true hospitality at such diverse venues continues to be recognized by patron letters and organizations feedback. General Facility Catering Exhibitor Catering Food and beverage service for an exhibitor on the trade show floor during the actual event. Corporate Catering Corporation-sponsored conferences, seminars, workshops, product roll-outs, and corporate meetings. Local Market Catering Parties and events hosted by community organizations or associations known in the industry as SMERF (social, military, educational, religious and fraternal) groups. Suite Catering VIP luxury suites and premium seat service in stadiums and arenas.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Sales Support
SAVOR is a proactive partner in developing events business for our clients facilities. We work closely with Convention and Visitors Bureaus, Chambers of Commerce and the local community to vie for bookings from the moment a prospective events planner expresses interest in our facility often five or more years in advance of the actual event. In addition, our sales force collaborates with facility managers to create a marketing strategy to fill short-term business needs. Our ongoing relationships with meeting planners and destination managers throughout the country enable us to develop leads that frequently result in bookings. SAVOR is the caterer of choice for all types of occasions, from corporate gatherings and conventions to wedding banquets and cocktail parties in private homes. The SAVOR program offers incredible flexibility. Clients can customize their menu with local favorites like shrimp and grits with fried green tomatoes and rest assured that everything will be graciously served with style and sophistication.

At SAVOR, we strive for what we call the wow! factor having patrons exclaim that the food was better than they ever expected. To earn this reputation for our facility, we focus on presentation, exceptional quality, fresh authentic flavors, flexibility and creative concepts. We treat each facility individually and carefully consider demographics, trends, pricing, integrity, food safety, ethnic and regional choices, marketability, and client service. When these factors are kept in balance, the result is a product offering that clients and patrons alike consider a valuable amenity that drives business and greater revenues to the facility.

Concession and Food Management

SAVOR provides concession service in more than 100 locations throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. Our approach to each operation is focused around quality and impeccable service with a customized plan for each unique operation.

SAVOR conducts pricing surveys in the community in which they operate. Numerous factors are considered in our pricing strategy. Surrounding venues, local and regional products and quality of product are some of the areas considered as we design our menu and pricing.

Operating Procedures
Each SAVOR food and beverage operation is supported by customer service training, food safety training and alcohol awareness procedures. Our attention to detail and dedication of the on-site Food and Beverage Director results in a successful operation.

Delivery Methods
SAVOR provides all of our locations with technology and Point of Sale tools that result in expedient customer service. Our concession training procedures create fresh product delivered to the customer. This approach has generated consistent increase in patron spending and an enhanced event experience.


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Quality and Variety

From the simple yet perennial hot dog, popcorn and beer to charcuteries and Chardonnay, SAVOR operations provide something for every patron. Each location involves tastes from the community and around the world. We understand the food experience and each location is dedicated to deliver that experience.

Quality Control
SAVOR ensures that only the finest quality food and service is provided within its managed facilities. This is accomplished by placing an emphasis on freshness, quality, and customer service. In addition, SAVOR pays particular attention to detail in the presentation of its service, making sure that its menu selections and decor reflect the surrounding region. SAVORs operational plan incorporates the following key support services:

Attention to Detail
SAVOR provides clients and staff thorough event execution orders that can be easily understood and which outline all services to be rendered. These Banquet Execution Orders or BEOs are used by the food and beverage staff, as well as the facility staff, to identify services, costs, timelines and expectations. SAVOR has refined our procedures so that in all versions of our menu program, including our simplest, we are able to track and manage the sales process including, menu development, costing and invoicing.


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SAVOR Safe is the program weve developed to ensure weve reached above and beyond what each state and local health department provided in their mandated inspections and a higher level of HACCP and Alcohol Beverage Compliance was received in each and every SAVOR business in the U.S., Caribbean, and Europe.

SAVOR Safe Food

SAVORs Safe Food program was written and implemented by Senior SAVOR Executive Management, Culinary Teams, and CNS/RQA, Inc. CNS/RQA has been retained by SAVOR for their expert current knowledge of HACCP, Sanitation, and overall food safety. For each of our client facilities, this third-party safety expert performs random audits throughout the year to ensure that policies are being followed. The audit results and on-site training are then reported to the Senior Vice President of SAVOR, Regional Management, and Local Management each time a SAVOR Safe Food Audit is conducted. Actionable items are immediately address and less immediate items are scheduled for additional training. Each SAVOR onsite manager is expected to be Serv Safe Certified in addition to any local or state requirements. Through the SAVOR Safe program, we continue to increase our awareness with continual reinforcement of our culture of SAVOR Safe for our guests.

SAVOR Safe Beverage

Program was written and implemented by Senior Executive Management and BARS, Inc. BARS has been retained by SAVOR for their expert knowledge of alcohol compliance in all 50 states. SAVOR accounts participate with secret shopper and compliance officers accounting for service standards, alcohol training, compliance and overall guest safety. The results and on-site training are reported to the Senior Vice President of SAVOR, Regional Management, and local management after each visit to our secure website. Actionable items are immediately addressed and less immediate items scheduled for additional training or coaching. Each SAVOR on-site manager is expected to be TIPS trained in addition to any local or state training. Through the SAVOR Safe Program we continue to increase our awareness with continual reinforcement and our culture of SAVOR Safe for our guests.

Sanitation and Safety

Inspect what you expect is an age old mantra of a disciplined regimented philosophy which cannot be improved upon when it comes to complete facility sanitation and safety. The Event Facilities in Jacksonville is the largest convention campus in the country and a simple boxed technique will not hold up for the safety and sanitation requirements of the guests. SAVOR Safe is a company-wide incentive which we created with venues like the Event Facilities in Jacksonville in mind. Built on a platform of consistency, mandated non negotiable sanitation principles routinely check internal and externally, SAVOR has developed a program which the guest and the facility owner may rely on to keep a safe and clean environment. SAVOR is also an industry leader by dedicating a Director of Sanitation & Safety within its on-site management. Managing the sanitation processes within a facility with such a complex operating schedule as the Event Facilities in Jacksonville requires a company with the insight and knowledge to place, train, and audit the systems and procedures on a daily basis.


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SAVOR Safe Documentation

SAVOR SAFE Concession Audit
Evaluator: PIC: Certified: Yes No Date/Time: Total Points Possible: Points Passed: Score:


Performance Standards Are Being Met

Section 1 - FOOD SUPPLY RECEIVING AND STORAGE A. Dry storage area clean and neat. 3-305 B. Product off floor / protected / dated / labeled. Section 2 - COLD FOOD STORAGE in appropriate containers. 3-302, 4-501 (4 Points)

Yes No Performance Standards Are Being Met

Section 6 - HYGIENE OF STAFF (2 Points)
1 1

Yes No
(8 Points)
1 1 1 2 2 1

QAFFA Food Safety and Training Programs



A. Handwashing facility / setup / available. B. Soap, towel available / in dispenser. C. Sink not blocked / accessible. D. Staff observed washing hands and using disposable gloves correctly. E. No eating or open beverages in workstation. F. Hair restraints / garments clean / good hygiene practiced.


Total Points Possible: Points Passed: Score: PIC: Date/Time

A. Protected from contamination. Covered, labeled, dated B. Thermometer visible: Freezer at 0F or below

B. Food handlers observed washing hands during work hours. Plastic gloves used correctly. 2-301, 3-304 3 Refrigerator 32-41F 4-204 1 Section 7 - SANITATION AND SAFETY (10 Points) 2 C. No eating/drinking in work station. 2-401 2 1 A. Premises neat / clean - all floors, walls, etc. 6-201, 6-501 1 C. Temperature logs complete. 1 D. Locker/restroom clean. Personal items properly stored. 1 1 E. Attire: hair restrained/garments reasonably clean. B. Cleaning schedules posted and followed. 1 3 Good personal hygiene practiced. 2-302-304, 2-402 2 2 Section 3 - FOOD PREPARATION (3 Points) C. Water / bulk ice protected / drains clean. 2 Section 6 - BEVERAGE/WAIT STATIONS (3 Points) A. Preparation procedures are appropriate. 3-305, 501 1 D. Back flow prevention / RPZ valve / air gaps. 5-202, 203 1 1 A. Organized, clean. 6-501 / Side work done. 1 B. Thermometer - calibrated / used. 3-401, 501, 4-302 1 E. No evidence of vermin. 1 B. Clean and sanitize service utensils. 4-602, 701, 702 1 C. "In-use" utensils stored properly. 1 F. MSDS available / training provided. 1 C. Beverage/Ice dispenser; BIB clean, CO2 secure. 4-204 1 3 Section 7 - WAREWASHING (10 Points) G. Chemicals properly labeled and stored. 1 A. Dishmachine warewashing temperatures. 4-501 Section 4 - FOOD TEMPERATURES (10 Points) H. Fire Extinguisher / Service Date: 1 2 1. Wash F 2. Rinse F 3. Sanitize F/____ppm 3 Food (10 Points) Process Temp Yes No I. Health license posted, if applicable. 8-304 1 B. Wiping cloths clean and sanitized. 3-304, 4-801 2 Sanitizer ppm. Temp. H2O 4-501 2 Section 8 - CLEANING / SANITIZING 2 C. Therm, gauges, test kits for sanitizer. 4-302, 502 1 PROCEDURES (9 Points) D. Pre-flushed/scraped/soaked. Dishmachine clean. 4-501 1 Section 3 - FOOD PREPARATION (16 Points) E. Pot wash, rinse water clean, proper temps. 4-501 1 A. Sanitizer buckets available. A. Preparation procedures are appropriate. 3-305, 501 3 1. Wash F 2. Rinse F 3. Sanitize F/____ppm 3 B. Sanitizer: ppm 1 B. PHF's are properly thawed, and cooled. 3-501 3 Section 8 - FOOD SAFETY (10 Points) Section 5 - FOOD & BEVERAGE DISPLAY / SERVICE (4 Points) C. Test strips available. 1 C. Therm calibrated/used. 3-401, 501, 4-302 2 A. Health license posted 8-304 Acceptable/scores 1 A. Food display is protected / properly enclosed. 1 D. Wipe cloths kept in sanitizer solution between uses. 1 D. Foods cooked to required temperatures. 3-401 2 B. Person In Charge Certified. 2-102 1 11 (A-C), 3-304.12, (1pt.) B. Utensils used to handle food when necessary. 1 E. Manual Warewashing: 2 C. Premises neat/clean-all floors, walls, etc. 6-201, 6-501 1 Item stored on the floor, not E. Fruitthe floor. 6 off and vegetables cleaned thoroughly. 3-302 F. All food contact surfaces clean/sanitized/protected 2 D. Cleaning schedules are available and followed. 1 1 Wash F Rinse F Sanitizer 3 C. Beverage / ice dispenser or compartment clean. Food F ___ ppmor on milk crate. Empty milk crate used to store food off stored in G. MAP: Production/use-by dates available. 2 E. Water, ice supply/machine protected. 3-302, 4-204 1 D. BIBs rotated and line clean / CO2 tank(s) secure. 1 F. Food service equipment clean / sanitized. 1 the floor. Section 4 - FOOD DISPLAY/ SERVICE TRANSPORT/ F. Drains clean. 3-302, 4-204 1 G. Food contact surfaces clean / Improper utensils (bowls, cups, etc.) used in bulk food bin, or handled, sanitized. 1 KEY: * = CRITICAL VIOLATION AND HOLDING G. Back raw PHF and RTE food, gaps 5-202, 2 o (6 Points) same cutting board forflow prevention/RPZ valve/air including 203 Using the utensils not properly stored in bulk food bin that allows cross A. Foodservice equipment clean/sanitized/protected 4-601, 602 2 H. Fire extinguisher / Service date: 1 produce. Section 1 Critical Issues FOOD SUPPLY RECEIVING AND STORAGE (16 Points) Other Issues contamination of (hand) product. display protected against contamination. Not washing 2and sanitizing Health Cards: B. Food 3-306, 4-302 I. o the cutting boards after preparing raw 2 J. Menu Advisory 3-602, 603 1 C. Utensil bins soiled. Rims and inside surfaces of bulk foodused to handle food when necessary. 3-304 PHF. Level of Business: Busy Average Slow (Announced/Unannounced) Food stored in prohibited areas; locker rooms, toilet room, under stairwell, boards stacked together, which will not allow proper air-drying Cutting Section etc. A. Approved Source: Ch. 3-201.11 (2pts.) * in electrical or boiler rooms/closets, 9 - Food Temperatures boards Yes Food (10 points) Process CuttingTemp not properly cleaned after use. No Food (10 points) Process Temp Yes Food not obtained from sources that comply with Law.
1 1


Section 1 - FOOD SUPPLY RECEIVING AND STORAGE (16 Points) A. Approved Source. 3-201.11 B. Inspected/PHF temp/tags available. 3-202, 203 C. Dry storage area clean and neat. 3-305 D. Dock/receiving to waste management clean. E. All items covered, labeled, dated, rotated. 3-302, 305 F. Stored above the floor, protected from contamination. G. Ambient temp below 70F: F 3-305 H. No evidence of vermin. Traps dated. 6-501 I. Toxic items properly identified/stored separately. 7-201 J. MSDS available/used. Training provided. 7-204 Section 2 - COLD FOOD STORAGE (9 Points) A. Protected from contamination. Covered, labeled, dated in appropriate containers, off the floor. 3-302, 4-501 B. Refrigeration - Reach-in/Walk-in/Remote Thermometer visible: Freezer at 0F or below Refrigerator 32-41F 4-204 C. Temperature log completed. D. Foods rotated, utilized or discarded. 3-501

Performance Standards Are Being Met


Yes No Performance Standards Are Being Met

2 2

Section 5 - HYGIENE OF STAFF (10 Points) A. Appropriate handwashing facilities available, with appropriate signs posted. 2-301, 5-203, 6-301

Food prepared in a private home used or offered for human consumption in a Food Establishment.

Bags/containers of product opened and not transferred to containerCutting boards in poor condition (deeply grooved and stained), moldy, etc. with tight fitting lid or tightly resealed. If using color-coded boards they must be used properly. Light shield missing or damaged in storage room.

G. MAP (Modified Atmosphere Packaging): Production/use-by dates available. Ch. 3B. Inspected/PHF temp/tags available: Ch. 3-202.11(A), 3-202.15, 3-202.18, 3-203.12 G. Ambient temp. below 70F. (1pts.) 501.17, (2pts.) (2pts.) Recommendations / Issues Requiring Additional Follow-up: Priority / Critical Issues MAP product not dated as to expiration date, use-by date, or receiving Product received not inspected for temperature, package condition, Ambient air temperature above 70F. date. checked against invoice for specifications. Temperature not recorded on No thermometer to monitor room temperature. Frozen/thawed MAP products not re-dated to indicate extended shelf life. invoice.
202.13 (A-B), 7-206.12, 7-206.13 (A-B), (3pts.) * Phone: (800)584-1260 or (818)874-9626 Sept 2010 CNS/RQA,Inc. Unacceptable product not tagged and/or segregated from acceptable Ref: E-MAIL: Splash from thawing process contaminating surrounding RTE food *evidence Food Code including rodent, Foundor 2005 of vermin,

Product not cold running water method, water of PHF with No evidence of vermin. Traps dated. Ch. 6-501.111 (A-D), 6-202.15 (A-E), 6 In stored properly upon delivery. H. higher cooking SECTION 4 FOOD DISPLAY/ SERVICE TRANSPORT/ AND HOLDING (6 Shellfish tags nottemperature retained forcontaminate PHF of lower cooking temperature. inspected / allowed to 90 days. Points) roach, flies (gnats, fruit product (i.e. Dented cans, damaged cases). food contact surfaces. flies), birds, etc. Evidence includes droppings (rodent, roach), dead equipment clean/sanitized/protected. Ch. 4-601.11 (A-C), 4-602.11 (AA. Foodservice Food thawed in a ware wash sink. Sink not sanitized prior to vermin (rodent, roach), tracks (rodent), destroyed products 4-903.11 (A3), 3-304.12 (C,D,F), 584-1206 and after E), or walls Phone: (800) 4-904.11(B), 4-501.11 (A-B), 6-201.17, (2pts.) C. Dry storage area neat and clean. Ch. 3-305.11 (A-C), (1pt.) (rodent), or presence of such pests. CNS/RQA, Inc. Sept 2010 each use. *Ref: 2005 such or (818) 874-9626 Any foodservice equipment that indicates lack of regular cleaning, Food Code Dry storage area Food prepared in advance, cooled in a manner that will not meet thewith remains of dead vermin, or outdated traps. littered with food particles/debris. Traps time as build up of old food debris, grease, or dust. Foodservice equipment Storage area not neatlysuch as cooling a large quantity, in a deep pan. limit, organized. Traps not dated. includes can opener, slicer, or mixer housings, chafing dish, warming unit, Storage too close to ceiling (within 18 inches of sprinkler heads). Openings on walls (and/or coverings) or doors that allow vermin entrance. hoods, etc. reach-in Daily properly screened/protected or maintained up-to-date. Daily C. Thermometer calibrated/used. Ch. 4-302.12 (A-B), 4-502.11 (B), (2pts.) * Doors/windows nottemperature log not available (fly fan), air gaps. Any foodservice equipment left on the floor. D. Dock/receiving to waste Thermometer notCh. 5-501.113, & shift. management clean. available during 5-501.115, (1pt.) temperature log and location inside food preparation areas. Insect control devices, designindicates dry-lab (completed in advance). of glasses and/or pitchers inverted onto soiled surfaces. Rims Dock area not clean. Freezing requirements secured in will establishment. Thermometer not calibrated. Rodent bait stations not covered andfor fish that food be sold raw, raw-marinated, equipment not regularly cleaned, including carts, mobile Food transport Trash storagearea not clean. Trashcan/dumpster in evidence of insufficient training as to partially cooked, or marinated partially cooked. Must maintain records for poor condition, Thermometer not used correctly Tracking powder used. hot boxes, etc. leaking, or not covered. use of thermometer i.e. technique of monitoring or handling. 90 days (except for tuna, see Ch. 3-402 B). Fish product not frozen at proper Refrigerator gaskets in poor condition (impacting hot/cold holding E. Items covered, labeled, dated, rotated, (not used without sanitizing. (2pts.) I. Toxic items properly identified/stored days or -31F for 15 hours. 4F for seven separately. Ch. 7-201.11, 7-202.11, 7-202.12 Thermometer expired). Ch. 3-501.17, temperatures), moldy, soiled. Opened items not stored in container with tight fitting lid, labeled as to 7-203.11, (2pts.) * (A-C), content, and cooked to proper temperatures. Reheating of cooked foods. Ch. 3-401.11 rotated, utilized or discarded. Ch. 3-101.11, 3-501.16 (B),Refrigerator fans, fan guards, and ceiling dusty. Foods (A3-501.17, (2pts.) D. Foods dated. D.Chemicals not labeled as to content, or labeled incorrectly. Curtains for the walk-in unit are soiled, moldy, or in poor condition. Items D), 3-403.11verify F.I.F.O. * not dated to (A-E), (2pts.) rotation. stored on or near food or food supplies; chemicals include Product with expired dates. Chemicals Lexan containers are cracked. Product dated but not stored according to F.I.F.O. rotation. with cleaning supplies, with or without identification; sterno; PHF not cooked or reheated to required internal temperature beforebottles Product that has spoiled. spray J. MSDS available/used. Training Food or foodservice equipment stored on or in milk crates.documentation provided. Ch. 7-204, (1pt.) Observed outdated/spoiled from heat source. canister, chemicals stored 2-3 days @ 41-45F food removing products. oven cleaner Product held for more thanon upper shelves over(per local health code) MSDS not available or accessible. and not properly labeled. PHF is reheated on steamtable or in the hot box. preparation or storage areas, etc. B. Food display protected against MSDS manual does not contain information for chemicals in use, or F. Stored above the floor, protected from contamination. Ch 3-305.11, 3-305.12, 3-301. Chemicals transferred (soup, sauce) with accurate cooling temperature records held contamination. Ch. 3-305.11 (A-C), 3-305.12 (A-C), Products to improper container (food-use container) or to 3-305.14, 3-306.11, (2pts.) contain information for chemicals no longer in use. E. Fruit and vegetables cleaned thoroughly. Ch. 3-302.15 (A-B),Version 5 * container for more than 7 days at or less than 41F. RTE product held longer than 7 1 (2pts.) other chemical. Food displayed in a manner that allows cross contamination, such as raw purpose. Staff unaware of such manual or its CNS/RQA, Inc. Revised 1/07 Phone: (800) 584-1206 Fruit and vegetables not washed before preparation. ProduceChemicals not necessary to than 41F.of the facility such as the presence displayed next to cooked and RTE foods. in original days at or less operation or (818) 874-9626 foods boxes may appear clean, but they are not clean. Product dry storage area. of gasoline inside the not used according to F.I.F.O. (newest product opened with older not protected by a sneeze guard, or covered in some Food in serving line Not removing produce items from baskets/shipping containers prior to not approved for use in facility such as residential insect spray. Chemicals product available). Section 2 COLD FOOD STORAGE (9 Points) other manner. washing. 2 Section 3 FOOD PREPARATION (16 Points) C. Utensil usedVersion 5 food whenA. Protected from contamination. Covered, labeled, dated, in appropriate containers, off Placing clean produce in a soiled case. to handle necessary. Ch. 3-304.15, (2pts.)
CNS/RQA, Inc. Revised 1/07 Phone: (800) 584-1206

or Staff handling RTE food with bare hands. 3-302.11 (A-B), 3-305.11, 3-305.17 (A-F), 4-201.11, 4-202.11 (A(818) 874-9626 of the floor. Ch. A. Preparation F. All food contact surfaces clean and sanitized, cutting boards used and stored correctly, procedures are appropriate. Ch. 3-202.12, 3-302.11 (A-B), 3-305.11 (AB), (3pts.) * C), 3-501.15 (A-B), 4-501.16 (A-B), 3-301.11, 5-205.11 (A-C), (3pts.) * scrubbed, and sanitized. Ch. 4-701.10, 4-702.11, 4-101.11, Ch. 4-602.11 (A-E), 7 Food stored on the floor. Preparation procedures that allow possible cross contamination or extended 204.11, (2pts.) 6 Food not covered, labeled as to content, or dated. Version 5 exposure Food contact surfaces include cutting boards, knives, counter tops, and equipment to temperature danger zone, including the following Revised 1/07 CNS/RQA, Inc. Phone: (800) 584-1206 Food stored in a manneror (818) 874-9626 that allows possible cross contamination, such as: surfaces that come in contact with food such as slicer or can opener blades. Raw PHF prepared in same area or too close to RTE or other PHF. Food contact surfaces not approved for use (material soft or absorbent, Using same utensils, equipment or containers to prepare RTE food after o Raw PHF stored above RTE food, which includes uncooked commercial containers re-used, non-food or non-NSF approved container PHF, or different PHF, without proper cleaning and sanitizing. produce. used for storage). Excessive amount of PHF taken out to prep at room temperature with o Cooked PHF stored above non-PHF items. These surfaces not washed and sanitized prior to use or after temperature exceeding 50F. o Cooked PHF stored above RTE food that will not require further contamination, including after preparation of PHF. PHF left at room temperature unattended. heating before serving. These surfaces not washed prior to applying the sanitizer. Produce washed near thawing PHF that allows contamination. o Raw PHF with higher cooking temperature stored above raw Boxes stored or placed on top of food contact surfaces (work counters Washing or preparing food in a hand sink or food left in a hand sink. and PHF with lower cooking temperature (i.e. Chicken above beef). cutting boards). Allowing food to come in contact with the floor during preparation, or o Food other than milk or dairy products stored in or on milk Continued use of a utensil that has fallen to the floor. leaving food container on the floor. crates. Cutting boards used in a manner that allows cross contamination, such Placing food container on trashcan. as: o Foods stored in containers (secondary use) that were used for another item (i.e. Using containers originally holding bulk liquid Using food that has fallen onto the floor. eggs for other products). Improper use of an ingredient or additive, such as using ice in a drink that 5 Version 5 Bare light bulbs inside refrigeration unit. was cooling other food items or their container. CNS/RQA, Inc. Revised 1/07 Phone: (800) 584-1206 Cracked overhead light shields or moisture/mold inside light shield inside or (818) 874-9626 B. PHFs are properly thawed, and cooled. Ch. 3-501.13 (A-D), (3pts.) * refrigeration unit. PHF thawed at room temperature. Exposed copper pipes over food storage. PHF thawed in standing water. B. Refrigeration Reach-in/Walk-in/Remote. Thermometer visible: Freezer at 0F or PHF thawed in cold (<70F) running water exceeding 2 hours. below, refrigerator at 32-41F (32-45F per local code). Ch. 3-501.16 (A-B), 4 PHF thawed in microwave not cooked immediately after thawing. 204.112 (A-E), (2pts.) * Any refrigeration unit, including reach-in units, roll-in units, 4 Version 5 counter reach-in or drawer units, walk-in units, or any units utilized by CNS/RQA, Inc. Revised 1/07 Phone: (800) 584-1206 outlet, unable to maintain the required temperature. or (818) 874-9626 Thermometer not available. Thermometer not accurate. Freezer or refrigerator unable to maintain adequate temperature.

C. Temperature log completed. Ch. 3-402.12 (A-B), (2pts.) CNS/RQA, Inc. Revised 1/07 3 Version 5 Phone: (800) 584-1206 or (818) 874-9626


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


SAVORJacksonville has and will continue to be a valuable assets in SMGs efforts ensuring and expanding the overall guest experience. Below are a few examples were SAVORs customer centric focus delivered extraordinary customer experiences: In March 2010, SAVORJacksonville hosted the second round of the NCAA Basketball Tournament known as March Madness at the Veterans Memorial Arena. SAVOR embraced visiting teams, alumni, and guests sharing Jacksonville hospitality and flavors throughout the suites, clubs, and concessions during this four day tournament with rave results. In addition to food and beverage service inside the Arena, SAVOR expanded the service area to outside the Arena including many of its local partners. One of those partners, Monroes BBQ, had one of their best revenue days in their history sharing their famous brisket and fried corn to all of the visitors and locals throughout the tournament. In January 2012, SAVORJacksonville hosted the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra Joshua Bell Dinner with grand style and applause at the TimesUnion Center for the Performing Arts. Historically the Symphony selected an outside caterer prior to SAVOR, however, through our thoughtful and insightful approach from the initial tasting through to the Gala Dinnerthe Symphony found what it was looking for, a caterer able to deliver local, fresh, modern approach to food. The high note to the evening was the unexpected SAVOR Difference we shared when no one was expectingwaiter passed locally crafted truffles and chocolate dipped strawberries. A fantastic end to a wonderful evening.

What our customers say...

We count on SAVOR... Jacksonville to help our audience taste the experience. SAVORs performance show after show deserves a round of applause! I would recommend their organization without reservation. Karen Longacre, Director of Marketing and Sales, The Artist Series of Florida State College at Jacksonville

What our customers say...

Traditionally, we have used private caters for these types of affairs so we were initially concerned about using a more commercial provider, SAVOR... Jacksonville, for Bill Clintons reception on October 19th, 2010. Our worry was totally unnecessary as SAVOR... Jacksonville helped create an extraordinary event. I cannot begin to compliment them enough. Jane Vance, Past ChairFlorida Forum Wolfsons Womens Board

In October 2011 SAVORJacksonville hosted First Lady, Michelle Obama, at the Prime Osborn Convention Center. Events hosting dignitaries at this level require the utmost in preparedness, planning, and most of all flexibility. This event was no exception as the First Lady was expected to join the event of more than 500 for tea and brunchwhen there was a change in plans as the First Lady had not eaten all day and wanted to have a private bite to eat before addressing the event. With time of the essence and discretion required, the SAVOR culinary team created a dish of filet of fresh Halibut with a touch of lobster brandy cream and through secret service check points, delivered the meal in her green room, in style and even went the extra step to include a fresh cut flower as a centerpiece. SAVOR evokes true hospitality in all of our convention centers and to our staff, this was just another day.

These examples share our passion for Jacksonville hospitality and each of the guest we serve in each of the three facilities SAVOR provides food and beverage services. We take the same care in our concession fare as we do in our highest end catering events. This is what has given SAVOR the competitive advantage amongst our other competitors.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Concession Sales Event Catering

Concession Sales Suite Catering

Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center

Overall Objective
To increase special event and concession food and beverage revenues through creative and imaginative marketing, promotions and technologies.

Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena

Overall Objective
To create a premium suite and concession operation which would rival the best customer experience in the country while producing the greatest return to the City of Jacksonville.

Strategy for Increase Sales

Partnered with PRI to create a fully outfitted Wow wedding reception exhibit during the Wedding Expo. Special detail given to all of the emotional and active selling points of brides with special attention given to the exhibit such as a monogrammed dance floor and even a customized champagne tree. Bride registration during this Wedding Expo expanded by 100% over prior years.

Suite Packaging
We created customizable packages for each suite holder to enjoy breaking away from the routine single orders established by the previous food service company. This new practice increased order size, revenues and most importantly positive customer feedback. This service ranks SAVOR suite catering as the Best total experience in Jacksonville.

Implementation of digital menu boards in concession locations adding additional opportunity to market and highlight food and beverage products to visitors of the center. This increased merchandising and product flexibility allowing SAVOR to offer expanded choices to the guests which increased overall revenues.

Creating Demand in Concessions

SAVOR creates excitement through its innovative approach ensuring each customer has a truly positive food and beverage experience. From our simplest programs, credit card acceptance at every portable, to mobile merchandising, bringing food and beverage products to the guest making availability easy, quick, and enjoyable. Other signature programs such as our souvenir soda and Sharks Blood (grenadine of course) continues to create additional excitement at Sharks games.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Concession Sales

Concession Sales

Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts

Overall Objective
To develop an inviting and welcoming environment to complement the vision of the facility tenants through progressive food, beverage, and service. Continue to expand with our impact of Community Programs through additional outreach efforts.

Ritz Theatre and LaVilla Museum

Overall Objective
Embrace the cultural diversity and historical relevance of this iconic theater by complementing a food and beverage programs which will be received by patrons as in steps to the current shows and entertainment provided.

Local, Fresh, Modern Food

Selected as the caterer for the Symphony Orchestra Joshua Bell Dinner. Through our thoughtful and insightful approach the Symphony embraced our efforts and awarded SAVOR the Gala when previously the Gala had always been catered by outside catering groups.

Embracing the Future

SAVOR has the passion to transform operations into comfortable and enjoyable food and beverage destinations. We see a host of creative opportunities at the Ritz from in-seat cocktail service to tapas with an edgy urban flare in our concessions locations. As programing for the theater develops, SAVOR will complement the experience by its hands on involvement by establishing the future of the Ritz Theatre food and beverage.

Community Outreach
Expanded our involvement in Hands on Jacksonville, hosting a tasting event where several local restaurants come together to produce a reception for Hands on Jacksonville volunteers for their efforts in support this organization.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


SMGs Partnership with Ticketmaster

SMG has established a strategic partnership with Ticketmaster to provide its clients with the industrys best-in-class solutions to grow event revenue. As SMGs ticketing partner, Ticketmaster is dedicated to providing SMG, its clients and fans with exceptional service and cutting-edge technology. In fact, Ticketmaster is investing more resources than ever into developing their newest generation of products and programs up to 10 times that of Ticketmasters nearest competitor. Ticketmasters investments, along with their organizational convictions, ensure they remain the strongest, most inventive and agile company in the business.

Ticketmaster Facilities Versus Non-Ticketmaster Facilities Ticketmaster creates 18% lift in Ticket Sales

As SMGs partner, Ticketmaster strives to achieve its vision of serving their clients with passion and leveraging information that only they possess to the clients benefit. This includes analyzing the worlds largest and most in-depth set of data on consumers of live entertainment. As the most recognized name in ticket sales, Ticketmaster has built a brand thats recognized by 99 percent of consumers, and that drives more than 70 percent of their clients ticket sales, on average. With 36 years of experience and operations spanning 19 countries, Ticketmaster is the world leader in event ticketing and ranks among the top five eCommerce sites globally, with almost 27 million monthly unique visitors. In Jacksonville, the combination of Ticketmasters online marketing and distribution services directly accounted for more than 60 percent of ticket sales for SMG-operated venues. Some specifics of the benefits of Ticketmasters commitment to finding new and innovative ways to reach ticket buyers in Jacksonville include: Ticketmasters customer e-mail notifications sold a combined total of 9,173 tickets in 2011, which resulted in approximately $471,870 in face-value revenue for Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts Moran Theater and EverBank Field.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

24 0

Event merchandising on generated a combined total of 55,927 tickets sold / approximately $2,313,270 in face-value revenue for Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, Times Union Performing Arts Center, and EverBank Field in 2011.

Ticketmaster also offers SMG Jacksonville a unique tool fan-profiling functionalities that enable them to reach fans with more personalized event content that suits their entertainment interests better. As part of SMGs agreement, Ticketmaster provides information on items such as:

The Ticketmaster team is among a new generation of entrepreneurs and executives using science and technology to try and transform an industry. Wired Magazine, March 2011

Fan demographics: Ticketmaster provides information on the age, educational level and income of buyers in the Jacksonville market. Event lifecycles: this examines the different types of ticket buyers in Jacksonville, for family events, concerts or sporting events, and when each group is most likely to purchase event tickets, either during the presale period, the first sale day or the week of the event. For example, Ticketmaster found that buyers for family events in Jacksonville are 1.5 times more likely to purchase during the presale period. Fan loyalty: this explores the loyalty of Jacksonville fans and compares spending habits between new and repeat buyers. For example, 45 percent of Jacksonvilles buyers are returning buyers. Fan behavior: this looks at different types of fans, such as those that attend concerts or those that attend arts events, the amount of money they spend at the event, the number of tickets for each event they purchase and so on. In Jacksonville, for example, arts patrons spend more per event.

Ticketmaster Clients in Florida

Ticketmaster is used at a host of entertainment venues in North Florida and across the state. North Florida
Jacksonville Jaguars Gator Bowl Association SMG Jacksonville Florida Theatre Tallahasse Leon County Civic Center Pensacola Civic Center Saenger Theatre University of Florida Ponte Vedra Concert Hall St. Augustine Amphitheatre Spirit of Suwannee Music Park Florida A&M University TPC Sawgrass

South Florida
American Airlines Arena - Miami Heat Bank Atlantic Center - Florida Panthers Bank United Center Caleb Auditorium Colony Theater Cruzan Amphitheater Culture Room Florida Atlantic University Seminole Hard Rock Hard Rock Coconut Creek James L. Knight Center Miami-Dade County Auditorium Orange Bowl

Central Florida
City of Orlando - Citrus Bowl City of Orlando - Bob Carr PAC Amway Center Orlando Magic Disney Sports Florida Citrus Bowl Hard Rock Live House of Blues Mary McLeod Performing Arts Center Daytona Beach Ocean Center Silver Spurs Arena Peabody Auditorium Daytona Beach UCF Arena


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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North Florida

South Florida
Revolution Live Roger Dean Stadium Miami Dolphins Sun Life Stadium The Fillmore City of Ft. Lauderdale The Playground Theatre NOVA Southeastern University Miami Beach Convention Center

Central Florida
University of Central Florida Athletics St. Pete Times Forum Tampa Bay Lightning Tampa Bay Rays - Tropicana Field Tampa Bay Buccaneers Florida State Fair Jannus Live State Theatre George Steinbrenner Field Germain Arena - Florida Everblades The Mahaffey Theatre Port Charlotte Sports Park USF Sun Dome USF Athletics 1-800-Ask Gary Amphitheater Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando Cirque Du Soleil - Downtown Disney Daytona International Speedway Outback Bowl Bethune Cookman University Hudson Family Foundation Orange County Convention Center Florida High School Athletic Association USF Performing Arts Center

Ticketmaster Social Media and Technology Tools

Word-of-mouth is the most powerful way to promote events and no other medium is as effective as social media. Ticketmasters industry-leading social media tools help clients maximize the power of viral promotions while giving fans appealing content to discuss and share with their friends. Ticketmasters dynamic, deep integration with Facebook and Twitter encourages sharing among countless social communities, inspires event discovery and nurtures loyalty by engaging fans throughout the live event experience. Ticketmaster has found 25% of fans want to see where their friends are sitting before purchasing tickets. Ticketmasters social media features allow fans to see that information by logging-in to with their Facebook account. In addition, Ticketmaster social tools generate $6 to $9 in additional revenue when fans share event information, RSVP, or share seat locations in the interactive seat map. Ticketmasters Facebook app also allows fans to purchase tickets directly on Facebook. The app will RSVP fans and publish the ticket purchase for friends to see.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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Ticketmasters Impact in Jacksonville

SMG utilizes the services of Ticketmaster to offer state-of-the-art ticketing to all of its patrons. Ticketmaster is one of the biggest ticketing service providers in the world and provides the most advanced ticketing platform available. Because SMG is one of Ticketmasters largest clients, SMG was able to utilize its national strength to enter into a new ticketing agreement with Ticketmaster, that is designed to yield improved financial results for Jacksonville. The use of smart phone devices will facilitate this conversion and make it that much more convenient for the patron to make their purchase.

Ticketmaster Fees Provided to Jacksonville

*Projections based on 275,000 tickets sold annually via Ticketmaster distribution channels, Ticket Center, Phone, Mobile and Internet.

In addition to this revenue sharing arrangement, Ticketmaster has outfitted the box offices of the various venues with the latest ticketing equipment and network infrastructure that includes numerous point of sale systems, servers, and various software packages. Ticketmaster also provides round-the-clock technical support to keep technology interruptions at a minimum. Ultimately, this support allows SMG to consistently fill patrons ticket orders accurately and timely. Furthermore, event promoters also benefit from a reporting stand point.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item a): A list of other NFL stadiums that the Proposer serves or has served. Please provide detailed information e.g. facility name, reference contact information for the facility, length of time served, dates served, nature of services provided and estimated number of events served annually.

Facility Name and Address: EverBank Field One Stadium Place Jacksonville, FL 32202 Facility Owner: City of Jacksonville Facility contact: Paul Crawford Deputy Executive Director of the Jacksonville Economic Development Commission 1 West Adams Street, 2nd Floor Jacksonville, FL 32202 (P) 904-630-7063 (e-mail) Length of time served: 19 years (August 1992 - Present) Stadium Tenant Team: Jacksonville Jaguars (NFL) SMG Responsibilities: Full Management and Food and Beverage Average Yearly Events: 185

Facility Name and Address: Mercedes-Benz Superdome Sugar Bowl Drive New Orleans, LA 70112 Facility Owner: Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District Facility contact: Ron Forman Chairman, Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District 1500 Sugar Bowl Drive, New Orleans, LA 70112 (P) 504-861-5119 (e-mail) Length of time served: 35 years (July 1977 - Present)

Stadium Tenant Team: New Orleans Saints (NFL) SMG Responsibilities: Full Management Average Yearly Events: 46


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Facility Name and Address: Soldier Field 1410 S. Museum Campus Drive Chicago, IL 60605 Facility Owner: Chicago Park District Facility contact: Michael Kelly General Superintendent, Chicago Park District 541 N. Fairbanks Court Chicago, IL 60611 (P) 312-742-4200 Length of time served: 17 years (July 1994 - Present)

Stadium Tenant Team: Chicago Bears (NFL) SMG Responsibilities: Full Management Average Yearly Events: 220

Facility Name and Address: Reliant Stadium One Reliant Park Houston, TX 77054 Facility Owner: Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation Facility contact: Willie Loston Executive Director, Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation One Reliant Park Houston, TX 77054 (P) 832-667-1419 (e-mail) Length of time served: 12 years (January 2000 - Present)

Stadium Tenant Team: Houston Texans (NFL) SMG Responsibilities: Full Management Average Yearly Events: 129


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Facility Name and Address: Coliseum 7000 Coliseum Way Oakland, CA 94621 Facility Owner: Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority Facility contact: Ignacio De La Fuente Vice Mayor, City of Oakland President City Council Coliseum Authority 7000 Coliseum Way Oakland, CA 94621 (P) (510) 238-7005 (e-mail)

Length of time served: 14 years (July 1998 - Present) Stadium Tenant Team: Oakland Raiders (NFL) Oakland As (MLB) SMG Responsibilities: Full Management Average Yearly Events: 124 (includes Oakland As games)

Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item b): Identify all accounts for NFL stadiums lost or not renewed within the last five (5) years for any reason. Please provide detailed information e.g. facility name, contact information, and nature of services provided.

At the time of this writing, SMG continues to provide full management services to the Coliseum complex. These services however are expected to terminate on or about June 30, 2012.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item c): A copy of the NFL Best Practices Security Review for the years for each NFL stadium served by the Proposer. Item d): A copy of the NFL Fan Conduct Initiative Report for the years for each NFL stadium served by the Proposer. Item e): A copy of the NFL Ticketholder Benchmark Study for the years for each NFL stadium served by the Proposer. Item f): A copy of the 2011 Fan Engagement Audit Report for the years for each NFL stadium served by the Proposer. Item g): Copies of any Secret Shopper Reports for the years for each NFL Stadium served by the Proposer. Item i): Please provide last 5 years of NFLPA reports grading of the quality of the natural grass fields at all Stadia managed during same time period, including any fields managed by Proposers selected Head Groundskeeper.

With respect to the NFL Best Practices Security Review and Fan Code of Conduct Initiative report, please note that the National Football League has advised us that these documents are confidential in nature and consequently have not authorized their release. However, in an effort to assist SMG in satisfying the RFP request, the NFL has summarized the data as it relates to both the Best Practices Security Review and the Fan Code of Conduct Initiative Report to indicate the rankings of the various SMG managed facilities. These summaries are included in the binder containing other NFL related information and reports. If you desire more detail or additional information relating to these two reports, we suggest that you contact Mr. Jeffrey Miller, NFL Vice President and Chief Security Officer, who has agreed to answer questions regarding these reports. Mr. Millers contact information is: Jeffrey Miller Vice President and Chief Security Officer National Football League (212) 450-2000 With respect to the Ticket holder Benchmark and Study, Fan Engagement Audit Report, please note that these documents are produced by the National Football League for the various member teams and are treated as confidential. Release of the documents is subject to authorization by individual teams based upon their internal policies. Therefore, we able to provide only limited information pertaining to these specific reports. All team or NFL specific information that we have been able to obtain such as, mystery shopping reports, unique customer initiatives, stadium surface reports etc. is being provided in a separate binder marked confidential. If you would like to discuss any of these reports or other matters relating to SMGs performance at the various SMG managed facilities, we would be pleased to put you in touch with the appropriate team representative who can answer any questions you may have.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n Addendum 13-specific information


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Item h): Please provide a description of any unique training or other programs you have implemented at other NFL stadiums to enhance the Guest Service Experience for the attendees of an NFL game

All SMG managed NFL facilities avail themselves of SMGs proprietary knekt customer service training program in some form. Some use it specifically as in the case of Oakland and Chicago, and it has been very well received. Oakland Raiders senior executive, Tom Blanda, had the following to say about the program (knekt):

Katie came and did customer service training for staff who work Raiders games. She did an excellent job teaching the curriculum in a manner which was easily understood by people from all walks of life. They quickly became comfortable with her and bought in to her style of teaching by participating and getting involved with the training. Katies training had a positive impact on the attitude of those who provide services the Oakland Raiders home games.
Some use it as the basis for, or in concert with their own training such as in New Orleans. And some use it as a jumping off point to develop an extensive program such as in Jacksonville. In this section we provide background information on the knekt program. We also provide detail for the Jacksonville customer service program, which in itself is a very comprehensive program.

Maintaining Quality Guest Services

In todays competitive marketplace, successful organizations are often those which have realized the guest experience advantage. By focusing on the guest and their needs, these organizations increased business because they have produced satisfied customers. SMG is a customer-driven organization. That means SMG has made a conscious business decision to focus on creating the overall best experience for our customers/guests. Each SMG facility is expected to provide an environment that is welcoming and friendly, to deliver a positive experience to the thousands of people daily who visit our facilities through a common delivery process where we provide training, incentive plans, coaching, positive reinforcement, and track progress.

Quality Guest Services Requires a holistic approach

SMG has and will continue to introduce/improve those physical amenities/services that contribute to a great guest experience. But we understand that in addition to the physical/technical elements the personal elements contribute just as much if not more to a quality experience. It is critical that our employees provide the best in customer service. To do this they need to be properly trained and managed. To do this all the time they need to be engaged and feel they are respected and part of a bigger picture. They need to understand that they personally can benefit not just in their professional lines of work but in their personal lives. Our philosophy of training is different and the employees are buying in. Even the name we chose (knekt) was to reflect what we want the program to do. A synopsis of our philosophy follows.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n Addendum 13-specific information


knekt Training Programs

SMG believes in developing our employees. We want to provide tools that will help our employees to be better in all aspects of their lives: their work life and their personal life. We designed a program exclusively for our unique requirements. We understand the importance of hospitality and quality of service, of increasing sales and driving revenues, of always looking to exceed guest, client, and customer expectations. The following details the various elements of our training programs.

Customer Service:
The SMG story begins by recognizing that there is a purpose guide to running this program to our work, not simply tasks toWelcome participants Step 1 be performed. The first training program in the knekt portfolio is meant for all Step 2 Introduce new-hires and temporary employees.the program cutting edge It is a training video explaining the companys philosophy. Each of SMGs core beliefs are explored in a way that the individual employee understands how he or video is part of the success Step 3 Play she Step 4 Debrief video of the company. By the end of the 17 minute video, employees understand that at SMG: Step 5 Additional Information
Greet all participants upon arrival and offer refreshments (if applicable) Ensure all are seated before starting SMG philosophy work world and personal world its all about you! We Engage making personal connections We Celebrate presenting ourselves as part of a team We Entertain act as the host of an event at work and home We knekt making a difference in other peoples lives We Amaze going above and beyond starting with the littlest gestures

We Engage

We Entertain

An IntroDuctIon to

We Celebrate We Amaze

Customer serviCe training


Open discussion - Ask: How do you see this happening in your world? Offer ideas of your specific facility and how the SMG philosophy works

We knekt

We Engage our customers by making a great first Step 6 Adjourn impression through our body language and facial expressions.
Explain that employees are now part of the SMG story Thank participants for attending
A Production

Add any further information that participants will need (i.e., event specific or facility specific expectations)

2010 SMG

We Celebrate our affiliation with the SMG team by presenting ourselves and wearing our uniform with pride. We Entertain our guests by acting as a host of events and ensuring that each and every guest has a positive experience. We Amaze our patrons by going above and beyond to really WOW them. Satisfied guests arent good enough. . . we want to amaze them. We knekt when we focus on our purpose and our core beliefs. We knekt with our customers to build loyalty and ultimately success for all.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

philosophy tells our employees a lot about us as a company.

Thank you for assisting us in running this program. This exposure to our

that helps make it happen.

difference. At SMG, we believe it is important to knekt, and you are the link

we amaze the people in our lives with the little things we do to make a

we dress, how we entertain our guests at work and in our homes, and how

with people on a daily basis, how we celebrate our appearance by the way

ones personal life. You help us knekt our employees to how we engage

between the philosophy and its practical application in ones work life and

between ones work world and ones personal world. You are our link

of the program. Our program is different because it is about the knektion

abbreviated version of our training, it still carries the beliefs and sentiments

experience of knekt customer service training. While this is a significantly

As the video program facilitator, you are the link between the idea and the

Maureen Ginty Executive Vice President, SMG Sincerely,

You help us knekt

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Formal Customer Service Training

Once employees have been trained in their specific job, they are encouraged to attend the half-day, interactive program further exploring the skills of customer service. A blend of live and virtual facilitator training is tailored specifically for each individual facility. Our employees engage The SMG STory Core BeliefS life SkillS because they see relevancy. We show them We believe its not We engage Represent yourself only what you do We entertain well in every aspect how the skills they learn have application but how you do it. We celebrate of your life. We amaze in their personal lives as well as their We focus on Knekt in your work We knekt our purpose in world, your personal business lives. The skills taught include the doing things. We are in the world your whole people business. world. Welcome to We knekt Understanding following: the SmG Story with our guests and Now you are part people is what
each other. makes us successful. of our story.

What you give out you get back, so appropriately presenting yourself is critical to the success of any We enGaGe We CeleBraTe We enTerTain We aMaze interaction at work or in our personal lives. Initiate eye contact Wear your uniform Act as the host of an Go above and within 10 feet with pride clean, event beyond pressed, and well Managing unusual or unpleasant Smile Make things right if Little things make a fitted they go wrong big difference situations can lead to positive Stand straight and Present yourself tall Stay calm and listen Make people feel professionally outcomes when it is done properly to the guest special theyll conservatively Avoid negative body remember you did groomed language Focus on the and with the right frame of mind. situation, without Be amazing! Take time and care Show that you placing blame when getting ready Working in a safe and productive are confident and for work capable environment is an SMG expectation. All employees are expected to comply. Each facility has unique attributes and those are highlighted and shared with all of the employees. Everyday there is an opportunity for employees to be sensational, even with the little things. Little things make a big difference and contribute to our success.
2010 SMG


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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SMG Jacksonville Guest Services

What makes SMG in Jacksonville unique is its comprehensive Guest Service Program. Built on the foundation of SMGs corporate knekt training program, our Guest Service Program focuses on both anticipatory service and service recovery. SMG believes in developing our team members with a solid foundation of Guest Service Training. We feel it is critically important to support them in customizing their Guest Service Programs to meet the needs of their unique clients and guests. As a result, all 125 SMG Jacksonville TEAM members are provided with industry-leading training. SMG is proud to be a member and leader of the award-winning EverBank Field Guest Service TEAM. This TEAM is made up of both the client (the Jacksonville Jaguars, Gator Bowl Association or City of Jacksonville, for example) and the service providers operating within the stadium and throughout our City venues. It is the mission of the Guest Service TEAM to deliver the best game or event experience while providing a safe, clean environment.

Guest Service Training. The Power to Make Someones Day.

At EverBank Field, Guest Services Training has been taken to the next level. The basic knekt course leads to a comprehensive 360o approach. In addition to training, measurement devices are in place to gauge progress. Fan feedback cards and QR Code feedback mechanisms are all in place so we know how we are doing. Shopper reports, NFL town hall meetings are all utilized to assure we are exceeding expectations. Recognition and redirection programs are in place to reward good behavior and redirect other behavior. EverBank Field utilizes our guest services on the largest scale and is the most challenging. In fact, the best practices we learn from training at EverBank Field we apply to other facilities. Below is a description of the guest services program: The Guest Service Committee is led by SMG and includes representatives of all major clients and service providers. The emphasis is placed on unifying the service providers to deliver the game day or event experience desired by the client, while placing a priority on maintaining a safe, fun, clean environment. There are more than 3,000 Guest Service TEAM members. All are required to complete a comprehensive training program that includes background checks, interviews, tours and tests to ensure the frontline team member is totally invested in delivering the game or event experience that best represents the clients goals. Elements of this training include: annual pre-season supervisor training, frontline preseason training, alcohol training for supervisors/food service, and training quizzes on our website. We believe every member of the Guest Service TEAM is empowered to Make Someones Day. To deliver on this promise, we have distilled down our guest services action list into Seven Points of Touchdown Service, which are as follows: Greet Every Guest Take Pride in your Appearance Be Knowledgeable Use Anticipatory Service Provide Immediate Guest Service Recovery Be Alert for Safety Issues Have Fun
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Excellent Service Requires Immediate Communication and Feedback

Industry leading programs recognized for their effectiveness in communicating with the clients and guests have been developed and implemented by the Guest Service team. These programs include: Fan Service 360 Degrees: Working with our clients, SMG uses an Event Management computer program (ISS) to track all the issues, questions and concerns of both the guest and client. This program allows for the proper action to be taken prior to the guest returning to the facility, resulting in successful service anticipation or recovery. This program is unique to Jacksonville and not something that is seen in many other markets. TEAM Member Survey: Communication can improve overall service. The TEAM Member Survey Tool allows team members to give their honest assessment of how management is performing and what further actions are needed to allow for an exceptional event day experience. This website is exclusively for TEAM members and is rich with event information, forums, the TEAM member survey, photos, quizzes, TEAM member profiles and Jaguars newsfeeds. Fan Feedback Card: This tool is used to help the frontline TEAM members positively engage the guest and ask them for candid feedback as to their experience. This has been a highly effective approach and has been responsible for positive changes. Mystery Shoppers: This is a useful tactic we employ to get a fair assessment of our fan experience. Four shoppers visit the stadium annually. This is designed to provide feedback for areas of improvement and also to identify what is being done effectively for best practices.

SMG Community
SMG takes pride in ensuring the corporation and its staff are part of the Jacksonville community. To assist our employees in identifying opportunities to serve, the company created TEAM SMG. The mission of TEAM SMG is to support community growth and development through a commitment to volunteering for programs and causes that are meaningful to us. Some of the many worthy projects that TEAM SMG has participated in and supported are: Volunteering and hosting the Mackenzies Run at EverBank Field Volunteering for and hosting the Childrens Christmas Party of Jacksonville at the Prime F. Osborn Convention Center Volunteering with HabiJax to prepare a house for new homeowners. Hosting the inaugural Go First Coast Annual Blood Drive that collected 266 units of blood at the Convention Center Participating in Making Strides against Breast Cancer walk Hosting the Florida Blue 5K Stadium Challenge, which raised more than $50,000 to help fund local school sports teams and clubs that had been cut due to budget constraints


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Samples of Jaguars Guest Services Materials


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Addendum 13-specific information

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

Memorial Arena 2012


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Proposers Operations Staff Item a): Complete organization chart detailing all proposed management, identifying full time positions, seasonal full time positions, and hourly positions.

Answer... Proposers Operations Staff

EverBank Field 2012

General Manager
Assistant General Manager Admin/Events Coordinator Receptionist Parking Manager Sr. Director of Finance

5 Part Time Supervisors Maintenance Coordinator

65 PT Seasonal Staff Sports Turf Manager

Assistant Sports Turf Manager

Director of Facilities Admin Assistant IT Manager Engineering Manager Engineer Lead 2 Full Time Operators 2 Part Time Operators Lead Plumber Electrical Manager Lead Electrician

Maintenance Supervisor Lead Maintenance 2 Full Time Maintenance

Housekeeping Manager

Facility Services Manager 2 Part Time Interns

Administrative Assistant

Housekeeping Lead

Operations Supervisor

Grounds Crew Lead Grounds Worker

Assistant IT Manager IT Support Specialist III IT Support Specialist II IT Support Specialist II 1 Regular Part Time IT 2 Seasonal Part Time IT

2 Part Time Maintenance

2 Housekeeping Workers



Up to 195 PT Seasonal Staff

6-8 Part Time Grounds Crew

Part Time Electrician

Blue Shading indicates Support Personnel for all Facilities


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Proposers Operations Staff Item b) Specify and provide the resumes for the General Facilities Manager, General Manager for EverBank Field, and Head Groundskeeper. Such individual will be available for interviews during the RFP process

Answer... Resumes
We have provided the resume for Larry Wilson EverBank Fields current General Manager and Tracey Evans, EverBank Fields current Assistant General Manager, as well as the resumes for our entire SMG Jacksonville senior team, earlier in this response. The resume for our Head Groundskeeper follows.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n Addendum 13-specific information


Summary of Experience
More than 25 years of athletic administration, event planning and facility management experience including the following areas: Facility Manager of diverse public assembly facilities including collegiate athletic facilities, NFL stadium, performing arts center, arena and a minor league baseball park. Managed operating budgets from $1M to $4.4M. Served as the SMG operator representative for design and construction of the Times Union Center for the Performing Arts, Jacksonville Municipal Stadium and Veteran Memorial Arena. Consistently scheduled more than 125 events annually such as concerts, NCAA Division I athletic contests, family shows, meetings, conventions, trade shows, seminars, commencements, corporate events, lectures, sporting events, cultural and entertainment events in public assembly facilities. Negotiated contracts and agreements with service providers, tenants, and local, regional and national promoters. Directed sales, marketing and sponsorship activities for multiple sporting, cultural and entertainment events. Recruited, trained, managed and evaluated full and part time staff.

ROBIN M. TIMOTHY Assistant General Manager/Director of Marketing, Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Coliseum

Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Area will be led by Robin Timothy. Ms. Timothy has more than 25 years of athletic administration, event planning and facility management experience. Of that, 19 years have been in Jacksonville, where she has held various positions overseeing activities at the former Civic Auditorium and Wolfson Park, as well as ALLTEL Stadium and the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts.

Work History SMG Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Assistant General Manager/Director of Marketing - 2001 - Current
Successful developed and implemented policies and procedures for the daily operation of the newly constructed $130 million Veterans Memorial Arena. Manage operating budget in excess of $4 million. Supervise fifteen full-time staff and up to 200 event staff. Responsible for generating more than $1.9 million in sponsorship, suite and premium seating sales and work with City of Jacksonville Officials to secure events. Negotiated tenant contracts with the Jacksonville Sharks, Jacksonville Giants, Jacksonville Bullies and the Jacksonville University Mens Basketball team. Served as SMG operator rep in the design and construction of the Veterans Memorial Arena. Responsible for overseeing the redesign of new sales proposals and presentations for potential corporate partners and sponsors and redesign of website. Daily management of support Team departments (events, operations/ production, housekeeping, marketing and box office). Assist in the preparation of the annual budget and capital project budget for repair and maintenance to the facility.

Springfield College - Springfield, MA - Master of Science-Teaching/ Administration Graduate Assistant-Assistant Coach Womens Basketball and Lacrosse (completed course work) (1982 - 1984) Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH - Bachelor of Science-Physical Education (1980)

Community Engagement and Professional Associations

1992-Present 1996-Present 2010-Present International Association of Venue Management Florida Facility Managers Association TEAM SMG - Volunteer

SMG Jacksonville, FL - ALLTLEL Stadium/Wolfson Park Assistant General Manager - 2000 - 2001
Successfully managed the daily operations of ALLTEL Stadium and Wolfson Park including oversight of $3 million operating budget. On behalf of City of Jacksonville, responsible for building and maintaining good working relationships with the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Gator Bowl Association, the University of Florida, the University of Georgia and the Jacksonville Suns. Negotiated license Eve r Ba nk Flocaldand national meetings,Vete ra ns P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : agreements for i e l , Ja c kso nvi l l e stadium concerts es-U ni o Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Timand events. n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt ioHired, trained and supported guest t re a nd Msecurity event staff n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea services and use um TEAM members.


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n Addendum 13-specific information


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Proposers Operations Staff Item c) An organization chart of your firm indicating lines of authority for Personnel involved in performance of the Agreement if awarded to you. This chart is to identify the next senior level of management responsible for the administration of the Agreement. Please provide the resume of that individual, and have such individual available for interviews during the RFP process.

City of Jacksonville

Doug Thornton
SMG, Senior Vice President, Stadiums and Arenas

GREGG CAREN SVP Strategic , Business Development

BOB MCCLINTOCK SVP Convention Center Division

JIM MCCUE SVP Sports and Entertainment

BOB CAVALIERI SVP Business Development

BOB PAPKE VP Live Entertainment Theaters


Larry Wilson
Jacksonville Facilities GM

A detailed biography of Doug Thornton is found earlier within this response.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n Addendum 13-specific information


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Proposers Operations Staff Item d) Specify how your onsite management team will fill the required staffing levels at EverBank Field. The Proposer should address how service employees will be recruited, hired, trained, supervised, and motivated to meet the needs of EverBank Field. e) Provide minimum day of game requirements for an NFL Football game at EverBank Field including but not limited to security guards and supervisors, ushers and supervisors, ticket takers and supervisors, housekeeping including managers and supervisors, parking attendants and supervisors, communication center personnel, etc. The proposer should address how the day of game staff will be recruited, hired, trained, supervised, and motivated to meet the expectations of Jacksonville Jaguars, LLC, on game day.

Traditional means of recruiting game day staff are used in the off-season by advertising position openings, hosting job fairs, recruiting at the Naval Bases, at local colleges and non-profit organizations. We are also starting to see major benefits coming from our TEAM Members bringing family and friends into the fold and even generational ties where young people are starting to work with their mother or father or grandparents. We have also had recruits that have come from the Guest side and reached out to us saying we look like we are having so much fun they wanted to look into it. We strongly support and encourage our partners to have Intern Programs that provide an opportunity for exposure to the industry that would not be there typically. One reason we believe we have such a strong Guest Service TEAM is everyone cannot be a part of the TEAM. We hold a special event at the start of the season called; I Made the TEAM only for those TEAM Members who have successfully completed guest service training, passed their Guest Service Tour and Quiz and have committed to delivering the Guest Service Philosophy with each and every encounter with a guest and TEAM member. Throughout the season these TEAM Members are tested at every event with a survey containing questions they must correctly answer or the Supervisor will follow up with private meeting. We believe in privately addressing challenges and publicly praising positive results. Some of the individual Incentives include: 15 Year Recognition Ceremony for all TEAM Members reaching their 15th year of service. Touchdown Pin This is the highest honor. Recognition from the Guest for outstanding service. There are only 200 of these for the entire season. Any TEAM Member receiving one is included in the drawing for an Away Trip with the Team the following Season. Leader of the Pack Each Company selects their TEAM member that had an outstanding event. XXtra Mile Award Any TEAM Member can select another TEAM member from any Company for doing outstanding work.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n Addendum 13-specific information


EverBank Field Staffing Guidelines

National Football League - Game Staffing Game Day Services (SAFE): Ushers (Includes Escalator Attns.) Ticket Scanners Supervisors Area Managers Information Specialist Ticket Specialist Wheelchair Escorts Elevator Operators Management (Director/Assistant Directors) Total Game Day Services Event Security (CSC): Security Security - Screening / Wanding JSO Event Police JSO Traffic/Parking JFRD Medical Staff Total Security Housekeeping: SMG Event Janitors SMG Prep/Post Janitors Total Housekeeping Operations: SMG Production Crew (PRI, Florida Sound) SMG Sports Turf Crew SMG Engineers (Electricans, Plumber,HVAC,Maintenance,OTIS Elev Tech SMG Command Post Operators SMG IT and Telecommunications Support Total Operations Parking: SMG Parking Attendants SMG Parking Supervisors SMG Parking Manager Total Parking Total Gameday Staffing

EverBank Field Staffing Guidelines

Staffing Level 213 116 41 7 4 2 16 11 3 413

265 331 60 82 37 775

91 104 195

23 13 12 2 7 57

65 5 1 71 1,511


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n Addendum 13-specific information


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

EverBank Field Item a): Please provide a pro-forma of the anticipated annual expenditures for the maintenance and repairs at EverBank Field as contemplated under Section 12A of the Lease dated September 7, 1993 between the City of Jacksonville and the Jaguars.

The following is a list of the FY2013 estimated expenditures for Maintenance & Repairs at EverBank Field for items (excluding labor & overhead costs) consistent with the responsibilities contemplated under Section 12A of the lease dated September 7, 1993 between the City and the Jaguars: Machinery & Equipment Repairs & Maintenance $373,670 These items include the non-capital repairs of all building systems relative to parts and/or labor. Examples are repair of HVAC systems, plumbing systems, electrical systems, fire or sprinkler systems, utility cart, forklift or grounds equipment, etc. Maintenance Agreements $335,970

Items include negotiated agreements for services such as elevator maintenance, Pest Control, parts for scoreboard, code required compliance such as backflow devices, life safety systems such as fire alarm and sprinkler inspections, Mechanical or electrical inspections, etc Food Service Equipment $58,253

Items include the regular maintenance and repairs to all food service equipment within the facility. General Building Supplies $46,093

Items include general supplies such as carpentry materials, ceiling tiles, locks, tools, devices, etc., utilized in the repair and maintenance of the facility. Electrical Supplies $68,494

Items include replacement lamps, wire, etc utilized in the repair and maintenance of the facility. Chemical / Sod $70,362

Items include non-event related repairs to playing and practice fields, seed used in winter, etc HVAC Supplies $20,184

Items include Air Filters, Belts, etc utilized in the repair and maintenance of the facility. Janitorial Supplies $74,832

Items include trash can liners, hand towels, toilet paper, cleaners and non-capital equipment utilized in the maintenance of the facility. First Aid Supplies $1,830

Items include the safety related items utilized in connection with the repair and maintenance of the facility.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

26 0

Paint Supplies


Items include the non-event related paints used in conjunction with the playing and practice fields and the interior and exterior paints and their related supplies utilized in the non-capital repair and maintenance of the facility. Signage $4,872

Items include the fabrication, replacement or repair of any non-capital signage in the facility. Uniforms $16,454

Items include providing employees with proper apparel used in connection with the repair and maintenance of the facility. Glass $8,132

Item includes the non-capital replacement, repair or inspection of any glass at the facility. Plumbing Supplies $12,691

Items include the non-capital replacement of any flush valves, fixtures, toilet seats, piping, fittings, etc utilized in the repair and maintenance of the facility. Trash Removal Items include the non-event related hauling of trash and refuse from the facility. Landscaping $140,493 $31,414

Items include the maintenance and repair of exterior landscape and associated parking lots including irrigation.

Total Estimated Expenditures for Repair & Maintenance



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n Addendum 13-specific information


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

EverBank Field Item b): In conjunction with a review of the HOK Facility Assessment dated February 16, 2007, please provide an annual budget for EverBank Field for the capital expenditures contemplated under Amendment 10 of the Lease dated September 7, 1993 between the City and the Jaguars for each year of the anticipated term of the contract; including renewal periods.

The attached SMG - EverBank Field Proposed 10-year Facility Needs plan represents the anticipated needs of the facility based upon the criteria listed above and represents an estimated $70.5 million in total capital expenditures over the 10-year period. SMGs desire to constantly improve the City of Jacksonvilles facilities is a primary focus. The availability of capital funding is essential in completing planned projects, upgrades and repairs while reducing the burden on operating dollars. Through these funds, we are able to reduce maintenance costs, enhance the guest experience, which brings people back, and maintain the Citys investment. To prepare our CIP budgets, SMG utilizes short-term and long-term planners. These planners are broken out by disciplines and are prioritized based on the following: Life Safety / Code Compliance / ADA Maintenance Equipment Replacements Contractual Cost Savings Revenue Enhancements General

The projects outlined on these planners are established through many sources such as: SMGs history of operating the stadium Industry knowledge of average life cycles SMGs best practices for operating and maintaining facilities Historical data collected from our maintenance systems Input from City of Jacksonville or designees Ongoing collaboration with Jaguars and other tenants to determine needs and wants Independent review by industry professionals and suppliers

The current arrangement between the City of Jacksonville and the Jaguars contemplated under Amendment 10 of the lease dated September 7, 1993 represents a formula-based dollar amount that is utilized for capital repair and replacement expenditures. The primary source of funds is a percentage of revenue collected from the Convention Development Tax, which is dedicated to the Sports Complex Capital Maintenance Enterprise Fund. Given the recent history, this number is estimated at $2.8 million annually for the stadium. Since this is a relatively new source of capital funding, the proposed capital plan is front loaded in the first four (4) years due to anticipated needs based upon the age and condition of the existing facility. Some examples are: Sound System seating bowl distributed system, estimated at $2 million
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


HVAC upgrades to replace existing systems that have reached their useful life and can save energy based on current technologies, estimated at $5 million Seating bowl overall seat replacement, repainting of standards and replacement cushions, estimated at $6 million High-definition video boards replacement, estimated at $10 million Suite/club interior finishes and replacements, estimated at $5 million Parking lot resurfacing, estimated at $2 million

Relative to the 2007 HOK study, many of the recommendations were made in collaboration with SMG. This allowed us to be a part of expressing concerns and being a part of the proposed solutions. This enabled SMG to prioritize many of the recommendations once the study was published. For example: A complete fall protection system assessment was conducted for the light towers. Funds have now been allocated and plans call for this issue to be resolved by July 2012 90% of the waterproofing in the seating bowl has been replaced to minimize the water intrusion into the finished spaces of the stadium Handrails within the seating bowl have been improved for safety The Fire pump was overhauled as recommended Sound system upgrades in the seating bowl were initiated, with planning for other areas for subsequent years Fiber optic network (distribution backbone) has been installed throughout the facility for previous and future technology upgrades Production equipment components are being replaced annually to prepare for the most recent technologies to enhance the guest experience Telecommunications system was upgraded to an Internet protocol system Annual replacements of food service equipment within the concession stands Improvements to the air flow in the concession stands to reduce heat exposure to employees Concessions point of sale system replaced

The procedure below describes the plan for the implementation of these capital expenditures: Pursuant to City of Jacksonville Ordinance 2010-493-E providing for the approval and the execution of Amendment Number 10 to the Lease between the City of Jacksonville and Jacksonville Jaguars, LTD. (JJL), the following is a brief summary of the procedure for the approval and use of the Sports Complex Capital Maintenance Enterprise Fund (the Capital Maintenance Fund) that is currently being funded through the two-cent Convention Development Tax. No later than January 31 each year, SMG shall prepare and submit a Five Year Sports Complex Capital Maintenance Improvement Plan (the Sports Complex Plan) for the ensuing five (5) budget years that commence on October 1 of the following fiscal year. SMG recommends the priority of the projects based on the Amendment 10 guidelines, with Life Safety and Code Compliance being rated the highest. The JEDC delivers the Sports Complex Plan to the Council President for publication and to the District Council Member. The JEDC Executive Director shall not approve The Sports Complex Plan or any advance fund project by JJL prior to the expiration of 30 days from the publication to the Council.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

26 3

After the Sports Complex Plan is approved, the Jaguars may elect to advance the funds for a specific approved stadium project or projects from the Plan. Such JJL election shall be made in writing delivered to SMG and the Executive Director of the JEDC and shall constitute a written commitment by JJL to advance the funds to pay the approved costs of the specified approved project(s). JJL advanced funding shall be limited to 70% of the Convention development tax budgeted revenue. After confirming that JJLs election applies to approved project(s) within the Plan, the Executive Director of the JEDC shall authorize SMG to proceed with the specified project(s) in accordance with the Ordinance and the Lease. The Executive Director of the JEDC shall provide written notice to all council members of each project for which advance funding has been approved for JJL within three (3) business days. JJL is then reimbursed for any approved advance funded projects by the City from the next fiscal year no more than twice per year (on or about April 30 and on or about September 30)


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

SMG - EverBank Field - Proposed 10 year "Facility Needs" Plan

1 18 2012/13 2 19 2013/14 3 20 2014/15 4 21 2015/16 5 22 2016/17 6 23 2017/18 7 24 2018/19 8 25 2019/20 9 26 2020/21 10 27 2021/22

Plan Year Year of Facility Budget Year

Total Cost

50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 1,550,000 500,000 50,000 250,000 1,000,000 500,000 50,000 550,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 500,000 1,000,000 25,000 500,000 150,000 600,000 1,200,000 100,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 100,000 60,000 100,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 2,500,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 45,000 25,000 260,000 3,000,000 1,500,000 200,000 4,700,000 1,000,000 500,000 1,500,000 25,000 220,000 2,765,000 260,000 260,000 25,000 25,000 285,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 10,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 150,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 20,000 10,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 200,000 45,000 75,000 25,000 5,150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 100,000 500,000 225,000 1,125,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 1,750,000 2,120,000 20,000 10,000 15,000 50,000 25,000 100,000 25,000 375,000 20,000 10,000 15,000 -


Audio/Visual A/V Support System - East & West Clubs A/V Support System - General Bldg Digital Conversion Digital Signage Infrastructure - A/V Related Televisions

Total Audio/Visual

1,500,000 800,000 200,000 500,000 3,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 250,000 450,000 500,000 150,000 150,000 600,000 1,200,000 100,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 230,000 240,000 2,500,000 285,000 200,000 90,000 75,000 50,000 60,000 300,000 250,000 215,000 320,000 200,000 90,000 500,000 1,750,000 175,000 275,000 12,820,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 200,000 200,000 6,400,000

Building Systems Airhandling Equipment Replacement (FCU's) Airhandling Equipment Replacement (SWUD's) Airhandling Equipment Repairs Building Automation System (BAS) Upgrades Building Automation System (BAS) Replacements Bird Detterant System Boilers Chillers Cooling Towers Cooling Towers - Filtration Domestic Water - Pumps Domestic Water - Pressure Controls Door Hardware (Locks, Passage Sets, Closers, etc..) Door Replacements Electrical Component Repairs & Replacements Electrical Switch Gear & Transformers - Replace Electrical Equipment - General Emergency Generator Exhaust Fans and Roof Fans Fire Alarm System Fire Pump Replacement Fire Valve Replacement Grease Traps Lighting - Exterior Lighting - Interior Mechanical Equipment - General Overhead Doors Plumbing Equipment - General Plumbing - Flush Valves Pumps & Valves (PRVS) Sport Lights Sport Lights Fixtures VFD Water Heaters Total Building Systems

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Bowl Seating Fixed Seating Refurbishment - General Fixed Seating Refurbishment - Paint Standards Fixed Seating Refurbishment - Cushion Replacement Handrail Refurbishment Total Bowl Seating

26 4

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SMG - EverBank Field - Proposed 10 year "Facility Needs" Plan

1 18 2012/13 2 19 2013/14 3 20 2014/15 4 21 2015/16 5 22 2016/17 6 23 2017/18 7 24 2018/19 8 25 2019/20 9 26 2020/21 10 27 2021/22

Plan Year Year of Facility Budget Year

Total Cost

25,000 25,000 50,000 70,000 250,000 300,000 20,000 20,000 70,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 250,000 25,000 250,000 100,000 20,000 400,000 1,045,000 100,000 250,000 1,250,000 100,000 1,700,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 20,000 195,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 100,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 20,000 120,000 25,000 10,000 75,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 200,000 25,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 250,000 10,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 75,000 25,000 25,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 175,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 200,000 25,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 125,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 20,000 20,000 50,000 25,000 150,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 690,000 500,000 10,000 50,000 75,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 700,000 25,000 25,000 10,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 250,000 25,000 10,000 75,000 10,000 10,000 25,000 15,000 30,000 200,000 25,000 25,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 200,000 50,000 10,000 150,000 25,000 10,000 150,000 25,000 10,000 150,000 25,000 10,000 150,000 25,000 10,000 150,000 25,000 225,000 200,000 20,000 115,000 50,000 610,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 100,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 10,000 100,000 250,000 50,000 560,000 10,000 150,000 25,000 185,000 15,000 10,000 150,000 25,000 500,000 700,000 10,000 150,000 25,000 185,000 10,000 10,000 235,000 10,000 10,000 185,000 10,000 10,000 185,000 10,000 10,000 185,000 200,000 200,000 185,000 10,000 10,000


Exterior Finishes Concrete Exposed Structural Steel - All Parking Lots Repaint Concrete Stain - Ramps, Voms, etc Repaint / Replace Tin standing Roofs Replace Insulated metal wall panels Repaint Wrought Iron Fence Total Exterior Finishes

375,000 650,000 1,475,000 250,000 200,000 100,000 650,000 3,700,000 125,000 750,000 150,000 100,000 110,000 20,000 150,000 450,000 200,000 150,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 25,000 150,000 50,000 310,000 2,990,000 225,000 50,000 15,000 350,000 110,000 100,000 1,565,000 300,000 500,000 3,215,000 550,000 150,000 700,000

FF&E Audio Visual Equipment Building Signage & Graphics - Way Finding Compactors & Balers Custom Trash Receptacles Event Equipment First Aid Equipment Forklifts Housekeeping Equipment Landscape & Turf Equipment Lifts Office Equipment Operations Equipment Parking Equipment Storage Equipment Trades Equipment Trucks Utility Vehicles Total FF&E

Food Service Beer Line Replacements Concession Hoods - Ansul System (original) Concession Hoods - Ansul System (2004) Concession shutter Replacements Condiments Counters Conduits for beer & Soda Replaced Major Equipment Replacements Minor Equipment Replacements Point of Sale System Refrigeration & Freezers Steamers - Repiping Total Food Service

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Handheld Radios & Communication Handheld Radios & Accessories Trunking Systems - Replacement Total Handheld Radios & Communication


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SMG - EverBank Field - Proposed 10 year "Facility Needs" Plan

1 18 2012/13 2 19 2013/14 3 20 2014/15 4 21 2015/16 5 22 2016/17 6 23 2017/18 7 24 2018/19 8 25 2019/20 9 26 2020/21 10 27 2021/22

Plan Year Year of Facility Budget Year

Total Cost

100,000 30,000 25,000 110,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 665,000 100,000 25,000 250,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 25,000 475,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 10,000 5,000 25,000 50,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 170,000 50,000 75,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 25,000 5,000 25,000 50,000 15,000 25,000 40,000 25,000 25,000 210,000 50,000 75,000 10,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 195,000 50,000 75,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 25,000 10,000 200,000 500,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 500,000 1,425,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 500,000 725,000 1,000,000 100,000 250,000 100,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 500,000 5,450,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 225,000 135,000 15,000 25,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 25,000 50,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 170,000 50,000 75,000 10,000 5,000 25,000 50,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 170,000 50,000 75,000 10,000 250,000 50,000 500,000 800,000 5,000 25,000 250,000 25,000 50,000 15,000 25,000 40,000 25,000 25,000 485,000 5,000 25,000 50,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 170,000 5,000 25,000 50,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 170,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 195,000 10,000 25,000 170,000 10,000 25,000 170,000 10,000 25,000 170,000 10,000 25,000 170,000 10,000 25,000 170,000 175,000 250,000 20,000 10,000 25,000 480,000 50,000 500,000 10,000 10,000 25,000 595,000 50,000 75,000 10,000 300,000 10,000 10,000 750,000 25,000 6,000,000 7,230,000 50,000 75,000 10,000 750,000 2,000,000 10,000 25,000 2,920,000 50,000 75,000 10,000 10,000 25,000 170,000


Interior Finishes Acoustical Ceiling Tile - Replace (Suites Only) Club Finsihes Fan Enhancements Glass - Replacement Merchandise Locations Other Finishes Press Box / Ops booths Finishes Suite Finishes Locker Room - Other Locker Room - Team Restroom Partitions Team Meeting Rooms - Renovation Team Rubber Hallway - Replace Total Interior Finishes

200,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 480,000 275,000 920,000 200,000 2,500,000 100,000 2,000,000 500,000 100,000 9,775,000 50,000 30,000 25,000 105,000 45,000 225,000 500,000 75,000 500,000 135,000 225,000 80,000 225,000 725,000 2,735,000 625,000 1,350,000 110,000 300,000 10,000 750,000 2,000,000 100,000 750,000 250,000 6,000,000 12,245,000

Landscape & Turf Related Drainage - Fields (Dewatering Systems) Irrigation - Pump Station - Exterior Landscape Irrigation - Pump station - SEZ Landscape - Irrigation Net Cables for Field Goals Pond Fountains Pond Fountains Total Landscape & Turf Related

Network and Computer Systems Antivirus Software Computers Data Infrastructure Replaced Network Software Licensing Network Equipment Printers & Peripherials Servers Storage Switches Wireless & Wired Equipment Total Network and Computer Systems

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Scoreboards / Broadcast Computers, Servers & Components Control Room Upgrades / Replacements Display & Components - Repairs Display & Components - Replacement Locker Room Clocks Ribbon Boards Rotational Boards Software Video Cameras Video Display - Repairs Video Display - Replacement Total Scoreboards

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SMG - EverBank Field - Proposed 10 year "Facility Needs" Plan

1 18 2012/13 2 19 2013/14 3 20 2014/15 4 21 2015/16 5 22 2016/17 6 23 2017/18 7 24 2018/19 8 25 2019/20 9 26 2020/21 10 27 2021/22

Plan Year Year of Facility Budget Year

Total Cost

25,000 20,000 25,000 45,000 45,000 50,000 20,000 25,000 10,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 10,000 80,000 250,000 20,000 25,000 10,000 25,000 330,000 20,000 25,000 45,000 45,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 30,000 250,000 100,000 500,000 150,000 200,000 1,000,000 2,230,000 250,000 100,000 20,000 75,000 445,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 10,000 80,000 20,000 25,000 45,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 10,000 110,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 10,000 15,000 40,000 150,000 50,000 300,000 865,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 150,000 300,000 150,000 400,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 750,000 1,150,000 500,000 300,000 200,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 250,000 850,000 150,000 150,000 150,000


Security System & Access Control Access Control System - Install Badging System Barriers (bollards / planters) Cameras - Security Computers, Server & Components Monitors & Controls Software Upgrades Stadium Re-key Total Security System & Access Control

600,000 150,000 200,000 100,000 40,000 125,000 75,000 1,290,000 30,000 250,000 100,000 500,000 150,000 200,000 3,000,000 4,230,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 10,000 15,000 40,000 150,000 50,000 400,000 100,000 1,165,000 200,000 600,000 1,600,000 400,000 100,000 750,000 3,650,000

Sound System Assistive Listening Devices Cable & Terminations Computers & Components Concourses - Sound System Distribution System Gates Sound System Seating Bowl Sound System Replacement Total Sound System

Telecommunications ACD Software Fiber Infrastructure Handsets Phone System Replacement Total Telecommunications

Vertical Transportation Escalators Code Compliance Upgrades Refurbishment - Original Refurbishment - 2003 Freight Elevators Cab Interior Finish Refinishing Code Compliance Upgrades Refurbishment Passenger Elevators Cab Interior Finish Refinishing Code Compliance Upgrades Refurbishment - Original Refurbishment - 2003 Total Vertical Transportation

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

Waterproofing Bowl Concrete Replacement Concourse - Deck Coating Recoat Bowl Drains Bowl Waterproofing Repairs Bowl Waterproofing - Urethane Recoat Rubber Roof Replacement Terrace Suite Patio Recoat Warning Track Drainage Total Waterproofing


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SMG - EverBank Field - Proposed 10 year "Facility Needs" Plan

1 18 2012/13 2 19 2013/14 3 20 2014/15 4 21 2015/16 5 22 2016/17 6 23 2017/18 7 24 2018/19 8 25 2019/20 9 26 2020/21 10 27 2021/22

Plan Year Year of Facility Budget Year

Total Cost

200,000 50,000 100,000 200,000 125,000 675,000 2,085,000 2,470,000 4,530,000 14,015,000 14,130,000 14,245,000 13,600,000 1,630,000 1,000,000 350,000 1,550,000 1,845,000 200,000 1,895,000


Other (All estimated costs) Concession Stand Exhaust Upgrades Escalator Rails Gate 2&3 / SEZ Ingress / Egress Fall Protection System Hand Dryer Installation HVAC Club Restroom Addition Security Office Expansion Trash Chutes - SEZ / ramps Wall Pad Replacement Total Other (All estimated costs)

200,000 50,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 125,000 1,000,000 350,000 2,225,000 70,445,000


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n Addendum 13-specific information


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 1 - Competence

Transition Plan: Please provide a Transition Plan to demonstrate smooth and timely transition for staff and transparent change over for the daily operations and game day experience at EverBank Field. The details of this plan should be presented in both narrative form and detailed on a timeline. At a minimum the Transition Plan must cover the following topics: hiring personnel, hiring subcontractors, training of personnel and game day staffing, and execution of major service contracts. Facility Manager must agree contractually to follow the proposed transition plan.


Transition Plan
SMG understands the City of Jacksonvilles commitment to ensuring a smooth and timely transition for staff and a transparent changeover for the daily operations and event-day experience at EverBank Field, should the RFP process require such a change. A turnover in the facility leadership and company, even to an experienced one, will present a severe learning curve that could pose challenges in the initial months, and potentially years, of the contract. If the new facility management company is facing first-time NFL stadium operations, or lacks the breadth of experience that SMG possesses, serious disruptions to game-day service and day-to-day operations could result. A point of concern not often recognized is the value of experience managing the many schedules and event responsibilities within the Sports Complex. At EverBank field specifically, SMG manages and coordinates the annual Florida versus Georgia game, the Jacksonville Suns, the annual Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair, the arena and the annual Gator Bowl schedules. All of these events and organizations impact the day-to-day operations of the NFL team and require an experienced facility operator to work with all entities to ensure the success of each without negatively impacting anyone, particularly the NFL team. This year is a pivotal one for the Jacksonville Jaguars. A new owner and coach and a reinvigorated fan base means all eyes will be on EverBank Field come game day. Any disruption, delay or inconsistency in stadium operations would significantly threaten and potentially damage the fans experience at EverBank Field and the stadiums reputation in Jacksonville and throughout the industry. Hiring personnel, hiring subcontractors, training personnel and game-day staffing and executing major service contracts all play into a successful game day. Customer service, security, team satisfaction and fan happiness, to just name a few, are all at stake. As the incumbent, SMG has the staff, subcontractors, training programs and relationships already in place to ensure the 2012 football season and beyond is a success. As part of the EverBank Field Guest Service TEAM for the past 18 years, SMG has been ALL-IN with the Jacksonville Jaguars and is committed to continuing to meet and exceed their goals. Equally important, we have the inherent expertise that only 18 years of operating EverBank Field, combined with experience operating four other NFL stadiums across the country, could provide. As such, if SMG is selected to continue managing EverBank Field, no transition plan will be necessary, however, we stand ready to explore and implement any changes at the stadium that the team or the city wishes to execute to further improve operations and customer service at the facility.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification:

Tab 2: Current Workload


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


6) Statement of Qualification - Tab 2 - Current Workload

Provide the number and size of the projects/assignments currently being performed. Discuss past ability to deliver projects on a timely basis under similar current workload conditions. Provide any other documentation or commentary which the Manager believes demonstrates its ability to successfully provide the requested facilities promotion and management services given its current workload.

A leader in the worldwide entertainment and convention venue management industry, SMG has the pleasure of managing 225 facilities across the United States. With responsibility for more than 1.7 million seats, the people behind the performance have never missed a deadline. In fact, SMG prides itself on meeting every deadline, every time.

SMG facilities host major events:

NCAA events Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (31 days at Reliant Park) Super Bowls Apple product launches in Moscone

This holds true in Jacksonville as well. SMG Jacksonville successfully oversees more than 800 events each year at EverBank Field, the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville, the Times- Union Center for the Performing Arts, the Prime Osborn Convention Center and the Jacksonville Equestrian Center. At each event, SMG meets or exceeds all operations requirements. Below is just a sampling of the complex and diverse events that SMG has successfully managed during its time in Jacksonville: One Super Bowl Seventeen NFL seasons, including four back-to-back games Three NFL post season playoffs Three ACC Championships Three Orange Blossom Classics Two Willie Gary Classics FSU vs. Duke FSU vs. BYU FSU vs. Alabama Four US Soccer Matches Three Supercross events US President George W. Bush Campaign stop Billy Graham Crusade Promise Keepers Shania Twain George Strait Music Festival N Sync Tim McGraw WJCT Spring Fair Hoop It Up Paintball
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


RV Shows Goodguys Car Show CSX Training Toyota Ride & Drive Bus Rodeo Veterans Memorial Wall Event Support Parade Support Charitable Walks and Runs Support JSO and JFRD Exercise Support 17 Suns seasons at Wolfson Baseball Park and Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville UNF vs. FSU UF vs. FSU ACC Baseball Tournament High School baseball games Battle of the Bands Semi-Pro Soccer League Thousands of club and smaller private events

SMG excels at conversions

Additionally, SMG excels at quickly converting its facilities for use by diverse clients, ensuring the highest utilization of each facility. Each time, the conversion is completed on time and to the satisfaction of the client. In Jacksonville, SMG does an average of 350 conversions a year, nearly one each day. Because of SMGs experienced talent pool and history with these facilities, each conversion is handled safely, seamlessly and without additional cost. Here is a sampling of some of the complex conversions

Sampling of event complexity

Veterans Memorial Arena

Super Bowl 2005 Concert Series: the arena floor was converted into a massive, elevated lounge with concert stage Five overnight changeovers from full basketball set to full hockey set interspersed with five major concerts NCAA 2006 & 2010 1st and 2nd rounds: the arena bowl and all support areas were converted to press, interview, and hospitality spaces, this included transport and storage of all non-essential equipment as well as transforming these back of house spaces with carpet and drapes Moto-Cross and Professional Bull Riding 2003, 2006, 2008, & 2011: converting the arena floor with more than 2.5M lbs. of dirt, often over hockey ice. Removal and clean-up for these events was typically accomplished within 12 hours of the event conclusion

In its time in Jacksonville, SMG has successfully completed approximately 7,000 facility conversions, restoring from one event and preparing for the next event


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


EverBank Field
Sixteen Florida vs. Georgia Classic: each one calling for sixteen bleacher conversions Seventeen Gator Bowl Games with extensive bleacher conversions, two of which happened immediately after NFL football games, requiring over-night conversions Nine Gateway Classics Facilitated eight day load-in and event for U2 in between two home NFL games

Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center

Multiple less-than-24-hour conversions, many involving the entire center: Jacksonville Boat Show to International Auto and Truck Show International Auto and Truck Show to Women of Christ luncheon to 26.2 with Donna exhibit show and race registration Job Fair to Jacksonville Senior Expo Jax Jam, a citywide volleyball tournament, to the Home and Patio Show City of Jacksonville Firefighters Exam to the Mayors Inauguration City of Jacksonvilles Martin Luther King breakfast to LTD Spring Home and Patio Show to All Star Cheerleading, this conversion entailed building multiple bleachers and rigging light and sound systems American Academy of Professional Coders utilized the entire center in June of 2010. During the conference, Hall A had to be converted from 900 theater-style seats to luncheon for 1,200 in under two hours.

Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts

Multiple less-than-24-hour and overnight conversions in the Moran Theater including: Widespread Panic to The Wedding Singer La Traviata to Spamalot Evita to Liza Minnelli to Coldstream Guards Tyler Perrys 3 Ways to Get a Husband to the Beach Boys with the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra Radio City Christmas Spectacular to The Nutcracker EDDY Awards to TNA Wrestling, including on-stage ring and on-stage seating for 200 Diana Ross to John Mellencamp Ben Folds with the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra to Daughtry Major coordination of structural enhancements to the facility to accommodate such large Broadway touring shows as Phantom of the Opera and Lion King.

Jacksonville Equestrian Center

Super Bowl Commissioners Ball: month-long move-in entailed transforming the main arena into a southern plantation, installation of two massive tents, hanging chandeliers, painting landscaping green to simulate spring in January, rigging for stage and lighting systems Equestrian Discipline Needs: Equestrian Center staff are masters of quick changeovers to accommodate the varying footing (the arena depth and surface performance) needs relating to each equestrian discipline


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Additionally, because the Sports Complex is home to ten different users including the City of Jacksonville Office of Special Events, the Office of Veterans Affairs, Metropolitan Park, the Jacksonville Jaguars, and the Jacksonville Suns, among others, SMG serves as the sole entity responsible for organizing and coordinating the use of parking lots within the Complex to accommodate the needs of a wide variety of individuals from Jaguar employees to wedding parties at the church to Metropolitan Park attendees and many more.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification:

Tab 3: Financial Responsibility


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


6) Statement of Qualification - Tab 3 - Financial Responsibility

Describe form of business, i.e., proprietorship, partnership, corporation; years in business; changes in ownership; bank reference(s); past, present, pending and/ or threatened legal proceedings within any forum; and any other information the Manager may wish to supply to demonstrate financial responsibility. Provide a general description of your companys financial condition and identify any conditions (e.g., bankruptcy, pending litigation, planned office closures, impending merger) that may impede your ability to complete upcoming projects. Identify and describe anticipated problems (if any), the Managers approach to resolving these problems and any special assistance that will be requested from the City. A Dunn and Bradstreet Credit Report and/or audited financial statement including a balance sheet for the most recently completed Fiscal Year must be submitted in order to score maximum points in this criterion.

Answer... Well Capitalized

Though owned by American Capital, all of SMGs qualifications financial and otherwise are its own, and not that of any parent, predecessor or subsidiary firm. As such, SMG is a standalone firm, with a strong financial history and sound current position. SMG is a Pennsylvania General Partnership organized May 11, 1988.

A History of Successful Growth

In business since 1977 (35 years), SMG has had a consistent history of continued growth in new accounts. In 2011 SMG enjoyed its 20th consecutive year of earnings growth.

No Anticipated Problems
SMG anticipates no problems in fulfilling our contractual obligations or any need for special assistance to be requested from the City of Jacksonville.

Pending Litigation
The company is involved in certain litigation arising in the ordinary course of its business. While the ultimate outcome of these matters cannot be predicted with certainty, we do not anticipate that resolution of these matters will have a material adverse effect on the companys financial position or results of operations.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Audited Financial Statements

We are providing one copy of SMGs most recent financial statement under separate cover. This statements was audited by Ernst & Young LLP, a major independent CPA firm and provide proof of SMGs strong financial standing. The audited and certified financial statements are for the years 2010 - 2011. These documents are strictly confidential and we appreciate your discretion in their distribution. Financial information like this is not normally made available. If there are questions concerning financial issues, please contact John Burns, Executive Vice President and CFO of SMG at 610-729-7903.

Bank References
Amara M. Briggs Senior Vice President, Middle Market Banking RBS Citizens One Comcast Center Philadelphia, PA 19103 267.671.1204 Michael Pascali, SVP Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 5 Tower Bridge, Suite 850 300 Barr Harbor Drive MAC Y1392-080 Conshohocken, PA 19428 484.530.1745 James E. Nash, Jr. Managing Director, Sports Finance and Securities, LLC Bank of America Securities, LLC 100 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28255 704.386.5560


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Credit Report


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n



P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 4: Ability to observe and advise whether plans and specifications are being complied with, where applicable


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification - Tab 4 - Ability to observe and advise whether plans and specifications are being complied with, where applicable
These services will require the use of subcontractors by the Manager(s) to maintain and repair facilities, provide support services, and accomplish alterations as necessary. Describe the experience and ability of the Manager to observe subcontractors work and determine whether said subcontractors have complied with the plans, specifications and intentions of the owner. Discuss the Managers ability to administer contracts and manage subcontractors and their performance. Evaluation of this criterion will also consider the Managers ability to interpret specifications as evidenced by the preparation of its Response to this RFP.


Outsourced Services
It is SMGs philosophy to provide complete management services to all its clients and perform as many services as possible with in-house, trained resources to contain costs. This includes drawing on the companys national network of 225 venues and approximately 5,000 employees. There are instances during the course of business operation, however, where it is more efficient and cost effective to utilize a subcontractor to perform a specific task. It is SMG Jacksonvilles practice to procure those services in compliance with Chapter 126 of the City of Jacksonvilles ordinance code to ensure a fair and open process. For those services that SMG Jacksonville does outsource, it utilizes local businesses but also leverages relationships cultivated on the national level to bring the best services at the lowest cost to Jacksonville. All subcontractors are held to the same impeccable SMG business standards that clients have come to expect. Each year, SMG Jacksonville utilizes an average of 10 subcontractors among the six venues it currently manages for services ranging from pest control to exterior grounds maintenance, elevator maintenance and security. The primary subcontractors and the services they provide are as follows: CSC - event security S.A.F.E. - event guest services River City Security- 24 hour security Turner Pest - pest control LandCare / J&D Maintenance exterior landscape services Trugreen - certified applicator for sport fields PRI audio/visual services and game day production SAVOR food and beverage Otis - transportation V&I / Jan Pro - post event housekeeping support


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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In addition, SMG has utilized numerous other subcontractors that have provided services varying from one-time special projects to regular service providers. SMG understands that how its subcontractors are managed is critical to the event-day experience and to how the public perceives the Citys facilities as well as our responsibility to be good stewards of taxpayers dollars. The process for managing subcontractors starts with an explicit definition of the scope of services and requirement in a request for proposals. Once the winning provider is selected, the scope of work and specific benchmarks are further defined in a contract. This includes defining qualitative and quality benchmarks, including financial targets and performance measures, where applicable, that must be met to achieve contract compliance. At each venue, the facility director has responsibility for ensuring that all subcontractors are achieving contract compliance. The directors are supported by subject matter experts that are tasked with day-today contract monitoring. All individuals tasked with contract compliance are provided with the training and resources necessary to ensure that he or she clearly understands the terms of a contract and has the expertise to properly administer the terms of it. His or her process for ensuring compliance will vary by contract, but often includes regular meetings, examination/inspection of work and audits staff. Each subcontractor is held to the same high standard as SMGs full-time personnel for accountability, cash controls, uniform and appearance and quality personnel. The performance of all personnel, both SMGemployed and those employed as subcontractors, is measured via client satisfaction surveys, customer surveys, event planner surveys, mystery shopper reports, incident reports and preventive maintenance and repair reports.

SMG has established best in class procedures that, on the surface, seem rather mundane but in fact are the very essence of readiness for emergencies It is this attention to detail and quality that is distinctive of SMG.
Robert Chip Patterson, Former Director of Emergency Preparedness for the City of Jacksonville and current Director of Disaster Recovery Services for J.B. Coxwell Contracting, Inc.

As a security rep. for the NFL, here in Jacksonville it really makes me have great appreciation for the SMG team in place at EverBank Stadium (sic) and our working relationship. I have heard numerous horror stories from my counterparts throughout the league and their working relationships with the security teams they have to deal with. Kim D. Varner, Sr., Security Representative, National Football League/ Jacksonville


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification: Tab 5: Past and present record of professional accomplishments with City agencies and others


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification - Tab 5 - Past and present record of professional accomplishments with city agencies and others
Provide a list of completed projects/assignments that are similar in nature and scope to those described in this RFP and include the facility owners contact person and telephone number. Describe any outstanding accomplishments that relate to specific services being sought. Responding to this evaluation criterion necessitates that Managers include statements of their past and present record of professional accomplishments or performance with any unit of the City, JEA, Duval County School Board, Jacksonville Aviation Authority, Jacksonville Port Authority, and Jacksonville Transportation Authority, if any. Responses should also describe the past and present record of professional accomplishment on projects that are similar in nature to the size and scope of professional services and/or work required under this RFP. Please describe in particular the Managers past efficiency and effectiveness of cost control in providing such services.

Provide a list of completed projects/assignments that are similar in nature and scope to those described in this RFP and include the facility owners contact person and telephone number. Throughout the country, SMG has the pleasure of managing 225 sports, entertainment and convention center venues. As previously outlined in this document, our experience includes management of: Five NFL stadiums Three NBA arenas Two NHL arenas One MLB stadium 77 all purpose arenas with seating capacities from 4,000 to 21,000 54 theaters/performing arts centers with seating capacities from 200 to 5,000 68 convention centers with exhibit space from 30,000 to 2.6 million square feet

Full management services are provided at SMG facilities. In an earlier section we detail the facilities most similar in nature and scope to this RFP. Contact names are also provided with the facility listing. Describe any outstanding accomplishments that relate to specific services being sought. Under its current contract with the City of Jacksonville, SMG has enjoyed focusing its efforts on industry best practices, constantly striving to provide world-class service to Jacksonvilles residents in the most cost-effective way. In this section you will see SMGs highlights and accomplishments in Jacksonville including its successful steps toward increasing the financial return to the City and significantly reducing the subsidy and an impressive list of awards that SMG has earned for its services in Jacksonville. Also included is information on how SMG partners with the City and its agencies, its success in bringing in new and expanded events and its dedication to controlling costs.

Highlights & Accomplishments

Here are some of the significant highlights and accomplishments resulting from SMG management of the Jacksonville sports, entertainment and convention facilities: Financial Benefits to the City Because SMG manages many other similar facilities, we are able to refine our operational and financial processes to determine where adjustments need to be made. Furthermore, we are able to evaluate these properties to identify where revenue opportunities exist and streamline expenditures to prevent needless spending. First and foremost, SMG is committed to being good stewards of the Citys financial resources.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


The engagement of SMG has resulted in significant savings for the City. Even in the face of a global recession, SMG has still managed to grow the financial return to the City over the last four years, while reducing the subsidy:

$11.5 $11.0
$11.2 $10.7


$10.5 $10.0 $9.5 $9.0 $8.5







Since 2009, there has been an upward SMGIMPROVESEVENTREVENUES17%SINCE2009 trend of increasing revenues, resulting $15 in a direct decrease in the subsidy. $14 14.0 From 2009 to 2012, SMG projects $14 13.7 that it will reduce the City subsidy by 13.2 $13 more than $1 million and that number $13 is expected to reach $2.4 million in $12 12.0 savings in 2013. This can be attributed $12 to more robust event calendars and $11 larger shows and sporting events; a $11 2009 2010 2011 2012P focus on streamlining operations and identifying staff efficiencies; and a new ticketing agreement with Ticketmaster, just to name a few.

Event Bookings
The local SMG-Jacksonville team, supported by SMG Corporates booking department, is comprised of three industry veterans with a combined 70 years of booking experience who dedicate their time working with artists, agents, managers and promoters to drive content into SMG-managed venues. SMG projects that in 2012, it will bring in 40 more events than it did in 2009. The SMG corporate booking team supports the SMG staff in Jacksonville by constantly interacting with agents and national and regional promoters to position Jacksonville as a must-play market, using the SMG footprint as leverage. During the last three years, SMGs corporate booking team has been directly responsible for bringing 18 shows to the arena and 33 events to Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts, generating approximately $2.5 million in profits for the City. As a result of these combined efforts, the arena was ranked 18th in the nation in ticket sales for the first quarter of 2012 by Pollstar.

During the last three years, SMGs corporate booking team has been directly responsible for bringing 18 shows to the arena and 33 events to Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts, generating approximately $2.5 million in profits for the City.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Convention Center Booking

SMG initiated and formed the Jacksonville Convention Center Alliance with Visit Jacksonville and the hotel community to enhance the collective efforts in bringing events to the Convention Center. This allows them to work together to book groups by maximizing Jacksonvilles historic convention center affordability and ability to sell other downtown SMG-managed facilities. As a result of the Alliance, Jacksonville hosted the American Academy of Professional Coders, bringing in 1,000 attendees, 5,200 hotel room nights and an estimated economic impact of more than $2.6 million.

Food & Beverage Increased Revenues to the City

SMGs food service division, SAVOR, started as the concession and catering provider to the arena, convention center and performing arts center in October 2008 under a management fee arrangement similar to SMGs role with many of our other clients. This type of arrangement gives venue managers more flexibility in making deals to attract events to the Jacksonville facilities and provides greater earnings for the City when compared to the previous contract with Levy. During the last three years, this agreement has brought an additional financial return to the City more than $635,000 versus the previous provider and contract. Part of this savings comes from SAVORs ability to share overhead resources already employed by SMG Jacksonville. Furthermore, since SAVOR is an affiliate company, it has a greater leverage and flexibility to meet the operational needs demanded by the event patrons. Ultimately, utilizing SAVOR as the food and beverage concessionaire provides an enhanced experience for patrons and provides greater profits to the City of Jacksonville. Food and Beverage Quality Enhancement Since SMG/ SAVOR took over the food and beverage operation, we have received numerous compliments on the improvement in the quality of the food, presentation, and customer service.

SAVOR Jacksonville helped create an extraordinary event. Every aspect of the reception from food to service was exceptional. Many of our long-time supporters commented that it was our best reception ever! Jane Vance, Chairperson of the 2010/2011 Florida Forum

Accurate Financial Reporting and Contract Compliance

As required under the management agreement, an independent financial audit has been conducted each year by a public accounting firm selected by the City. This independent CPA audit has resulted in an unqualified opinion, including contract compliance, on each annual report since SMG started in Jacksonville. This report is presented to the City on an annual basis.

Savings on Healthcare Benefits

Pursuant to a 2009 City request to reduce expenses, SMG restructured its healthcare plan by placing more of the cost burden on its employees, increasing co-pays and deductibles and reducing maximum payouts, which save the City $230,000 annually.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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Savings on Arena Soffit Repairs

SMG initiated and supported a review of the Citys plans to repair wind-damaged soffits on the arena. The City had issued a purchase order for the project, but through our work with the inspector general and public works department, the work was completed by the original contractor under warranty, saving the City $133,000.

Savings on Retirement Benefits

In addition to changes to the healthcare plan noted above, SMG suspended its employer 401(k) contributions for the past three years, saving the City approximately $225,000 over three years. Below is a list of awards, limited to the last five years, that SMG has received for its services in Jacksonville.

Awards and Recognition

Level 1 NFL Best Practices for Fan Code of Conduct Compliance EverBank Field Level 1 NFL Best Practices for Security Compliance EverBank Field National Center for Spectator Sports Safety & Security Award of Merit - EverBank Field

Level 1 NFL Best Practices for Fan Code of Conduct Compliance- EverBank Field Level 1 NFL Best Practices for Security Compliance- EverBank Field NFL Fan Survey Rankings: #1 in the NFL for Fans feeling valued by their organization- EverBank Field #1 in the NFL in Club Seat Owner Overall Satisfaction- EverBank Field Prime Site Award by Facilities Magazine- Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Top 5 Venue (10,001-15,000 capacity) by Venues Today- Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Ranked 18th worldwide and 5th nationally by Pollstar for total ticket sales- Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Ranked #55 on Pollstars Top 100 Theatre Venues list- Times Union Center for the Performing Arts, Moran Theater

Level 1 NFL Best Practices for Fan Code of Conduct Compliance- EverBank Field Level 2 NFL Best Practices for Security Compliance- EverBank Field NFL Fan Survey Rankings: #1 in the NFL for Fans feeling valued by their organization - EverBank Field NFL Fan Survey Rankings #1 in the NFL in Club Seat Owner Overall Satisfaction - EverBank Field NFL Fan Survey Rankings: #1 Parking/Transportation Satisfaction - EverBank Field North Florida Hotel and Lodging Association ROSE Award Recipient in Guest Services Front Desk Category - EverBank Field Jacksonville Business Journals Women of Influence Award presented to Tracey L. Evans for her work as a Facility Manager of an NFL Stadium Turnstile Award from the Harlem Globetrotters- Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Top 5 Venue (10,001-15,000 capacity) by Venues Today- Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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Level 1 NFL Best Practices for Fan Code of Conduct Compliance - EverBank Field Level 2 NFL Best Practices for Security Compliance - EverBank Field NFL Fan Survey Rankings: #1 in the NFL in Club Seat Owner Overall Satisfaction EverBank Field NFL Fan Survey Rankings: #2 Parking/Transportation Satisfaction- EverBank Field Top 5 Venue (10,001-15,000 capacity) by Venues Today - Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Ranked #2 in Western Shooting Horses Americas 7 Best Arenas for Cowboy Mounted Shooting Jacksonville Equestrian Center

Level 1 Ranking for NFL Best Practices in Security Compliance - EverBank Field Sports Illustrated NFL Fan Survey: Ranked #1 in NFL for Stadium Parking and Accessibility - EverBank Field NFL Players Association Playing Surfaces Opinion Survey: Ranked #5 overall - EverBank Field Top 5 Venue (10,001 - 15,000 capacity) by Venues Today - Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena

Responding to this evaluation criterion necessitates that Managers include statements of their past and present record of professional accomplishments or performance with any unit of the City, JEA, Duval County School Board, Jacksonville Aviation Authority, Jacksonville Port Authority, and Jacksonville Transportation Authority, if any.

A Partner to the City

SMGs employees have worked closely with the City of Jacksonville and other Jacksonville area agencies. As part of that relationship, SMG serves on many City agency committees and boards and works closely with them to ensure the publics facilities operate at the highest level. This includes: Serving on the Citys Sustainability Committee Serving as a member on the Citys Professional Services Evaluation Committee for SMG-managed City facilities that go through the Citys procurement to help ensure efficient operations at all facilities Coordinating with public works to resolve parking lot issues and capital purchasing and procurement Teaming with the Citys Office of the Inspector General and Public Works Department to save money on Arena Soffit repairs in 2008

SMG subject matter experts have also served in an advisory capacity to the City of Jacksonville in the following areas: Assisted in preparing budgets for Super Bowl XXXIX and oversaw many of the financial event settlements that followed Consulted with senior management on the financial viability of various sports and entertainment venues prior to the introduction of the Better Jacksonville Plan Advised on the development of team and tenant contracts Assisted in grant writing for federal emergency/security project funding


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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SMG Jacksonville works closely with the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office and the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department regarding day-to-day operations at the Citys facilities and in developing plans for events and shows of all sizes. This includes working with public safety entities to ensure the safest environment possible by preparing for and executing: Traffic plans Crowd management and safety logistics Life-safety plans for all facilities Fire marshals monitoring of attendance at shows/festivals Fire plans review

Based on SMGs experience at other large-scale facilities across the country, we also worked closely with the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office and the Citys Information Technology Department to develop and install the security surveillance system for Jacksonville and the football stadium prior to Super Bowl XXXIX. The system, called Lenel, is now the backbone for all City facilities. SMG Jacksonville also works closely with other independent authorities. In particular, we work with representatives from the Jacksonville International Airport to coordinate security and logistics for sports teams arrivals and departures from the airport. Each year, SMG also works with Duval County Public Schools to host dozens of graduations, proms, and awards banquets for the countys students and faculty. We do this with a goal of achieving high-quality events at the lowest possible cost. In addition, as the local school system was facing budget deficits that could have reduced sports activities for students, SMG Jacksonville helped to create a 5K run to raise money for the Save Our Sports Foundation. With more than 50 SMG employees volunteering their time, the event raised more than $50,000 for the foundation. Responses should also describe the past and present record of professional accomplishment on projects that are similar in nature to the size and scope of professional services and/or work required under this RFP.

New & Expanded Events

In the last three years, SMG has successfully grown the number of entertainment and sporting events it is bringing to Jacksonville. Compared to 2009, SMG expects to offer an additional 40 events in Jacksonvilles sports, entertainment and convention facilities in 2012. Additionally, as a result of SMGs enhanced event offerings, attendance in 2012 is projected to be up 11 percent, or nearly 250,000 people more than in 2009s event figures. Not only is SMG bringing in more events and more people to those events, it is also capitalizing on existing events such as the Florida vs. Georgia Annual Classic, building a family-friendly event in Downtown Jacksonville that everyone, no matter their team loyalty, can enjoy. The City of Jacksonvilles Florida vs. Georgia Annual Football Classic has historically been an exciting weekend in the community and has tremendous economic impact, yearly. SMG is proud to have participated in the planning and execution of this game and its associated events for 18 years. In 2010, SMG expanded its role by developing the BBQ Block Party, held at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Area. This Friday night festival included: Zac Brown Band concert BBQ cook-off competition Live music Corn hole toss competition Food and beverage vendors
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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The event, which drew nearly 10,000 to downtown Jacksonville, added to the entertainment offerings for the exciting weekend. SMG believes that there is a tremendous opportunity to grow this event and generate additional family- friendly entertainment options during the weekend, lightening the demand on the City to generate and fund programming. The company is already developing plans to expand the BBQ Block Party into the premier entertainment event for visitors and residents alike on Florida/Georgia weekend. In addition to the items above, SMG is working to include the following in upcoming festivals: Expanded participation in the BBQ cook-off competition with celebrity judges Battle of the bands Family fun zone Punt, pass and kick competition at the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville Participation from schools marching bands and cheerleaders Alumni flag football game or skills competition

Additionally, to increase the positive economic impact of the weekend to downtown merchants, SMG is developing a plan to host a scavenger hunt. This would include requiring participants to patronize downtown vendors to earn points in the days prior to the weekend events. SMG is also in discussion with Jacksonville University about hosting a mini-Florida vs. Georgia game. This collegiate game would be played on Thursday night at the Baseball grounds of Jacksonville on a football field that is created in the outfield between JU and a comparable Georgia team. Please describe in particular the Managers past efficiency and effectiveness of cost control in providing such services.

Controlling Costs
SMG maintains as a primary goal containing and/or reducing expenses while maintaining high levels of service to facility users and stakeholders. In Jacksonville, our efforts to ensure we are good stewards of the taxpayers dollars have included the following: Personnel Extensive scrutiny and review of business processes to gain efficiencies in staffing levels of full time and event staff and contracted services. Cross training and utilization of staff within departments and facilities. Aggressive negotiations with labor unions. Utilization of part-time staff to minimize overtime of full-time staff.

Insurance Routine audits and site inspections from General Liability and Workers Compensation carriers keep rates lower for SMG and the City Risk Management based on superior evaluation and scores. Proactive response to insurance carriers suggestions regarding potential issues to keep rates down. Moving to co-insurance platform for employee benefits. Aggressive management of general liability claims to close out quickly at reduced rates allows for reduction of premiums. Maintenance and internal safety committee to keep our facilities safe.

Contracting/Procurement Use of in-house resources prior to sub-contracting services. Negotiation of contracts to save dollars from previously competitively bid RFPs.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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Use of SMG National Master Services Agreement to keep costs down. Entered into trade sponsorship agreements to receive goods and services with minimal back-end cost to the City of Jacksonville. Utilization of trade for some services (equipment rentals for tickets). Utilization of SMG procurement saves dollars for City in capital projects due to efficiencies. Utilization of Florida State Contract or General Services Agreement pricing, when available. Preferred vendors that provide financial incentive back.

Technology Use of Building Automation Systems (BAS) to control facilities. Changes to HVAC can be made remotely via Internet to reduce need for staff to be in building to make changes. Selling Internet and phone service to permanent tenants of facilities. Addition of digital signage and replacement of fixed signage to LED to provide additional opportunities for marketing revenues. Installation of video monitoring and access control to lessen costs in existing security contract. Electronic technicians on staff for scoreboard and audio/visual systems provide regular repairs and maintenance preventing the need for sub-contracting. Telecom technicians on staff to prevent need for service agreement with provider. Computer technicians on staff to handle computer related issues for more than 200 devices. Installation of a Distributed Antennae system (DAS) provides rental income from cell carriers.

Other items Use of Computer Maintenance Software (SMG Maintenance) that allows staff to efficiently perform maintenance and repairs. Use of Computer Maintenance Software (SMG Maintenance) that allows for life cycle analysis to avoid spending more for repairs than replacement cost. Proper preventative maintenance lessens down time on equipment and lessens cost due to impacts on events and poorly running equipment resulting in higher utility costs to run. Proper Capital planning to replace aging equipment to reduce impact on operational dollars. Standardization of products throughout all facilities keeps costs lower due to bulk buying. Regular competitive shopping of commodities (janitorial, lamps, belts, filters, etc.) Turning off mechanical, food service equipment and other equipment during periods of non-use. Copier consolidation reducing ink, paper and repair usage. Centralized copier / printers allow for scanning of documents, reducing paper copies. All copiers set for two sided printing and copying. Addition of remote monitoring to trash compactors to lessen compactors from being pulled before they are completely full.

A key element of our cost containment strategy also includes identifying opportunities for and implementing cost-saving, energy-reducing items and practices. Our efforts in this area include: Recycling. Monitoring and moderating of space temperatures when not in use to save utility costs. Aggressively pursuing the changing of lamps to CFL and LED. Switching fleet of utility carts (approximately 35) to electric carts instead of gasoline, which reduces fuel and maintenance costs. Installing low-voltage controls for turning lights on and off in facilities saves utility costs. Installation of occupancy sensors for lighting. Installation of low-flow plumbing devices Installation of automatic sensors to lessen use of water. Upgrade building controls to better optimize utility use. Installation of power factor correction. Installation of deduct meters to reduce sewer costs. Reuse of cooling tower bleed water.
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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Question 6) Statement of Qualification

Tab 6: Proximity to the project


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification - Tab 6 - Proximity of the project

Document the location of Managers corporate headquarters, which, if located in Jacksonville, Florida, no further information is required under this criterion and maximum points will be awarded. If Managers corporate headquarters are not located in Jacksonville, Florida, please document the location and the nature of business of Managers branch office(s), if any, that are located in and/or that are closest to Jacksonville, Florida, the number of employee assigned thereto and the period of continuous existence thereof. Additionally, Managers are requested to demonstrate, define and provide examples of their ability to provide the services contemplated herein in a manner comparable to having a local office in Jacksonville, Florida or to show that a local office is not necessary to satisfactorily perform the services required for this project, in which event maximum points may be awarded.

SMG is headquartered in West Conshohocken, PA, and the company has a regional headquarters located in New Orleans, LA and an existing office in Jacksonville, FL. As the center of the companys Southeastern operations, the New Orleans office provides support to SMG Jacksonville and the other SMG locations in the Southeast. The benefits that this close relationship affords Jacksonville includes: Drawing on the expertise of the personnel in this major market to bring identified best practices to Jacksonville A talented pool of support staff nearby on which to rely for large-scale events such as Super XXXIX Utilizing the established routing structure of major acts across SMG Southeast facilities to ensure Jacksonville is included as a stop Guidance and input from this large market on how to further enhance quality and quantity of events for Jacksonville residents Availability of SMG professionals who were closely involved in large-scale projects such as the $85 million Superdome renovation in 2011 and $225 million post-Katrina reconstruction of the Superdome in 2005

SMG has a strong presence in Florida that is anchored by its operations in Jacksonville. Currently SMG Jacksonville employs 125 full-time employees and approximately 1,000 part-time employees that provide facilities management services for the City of Jacksonvilles six sports and entertainment venues. Seasonally, part-time event staff can grow to as many as 3,000, peaking during the fall football season. Leading the companys operations in Jacksonville is a senior manager within the SMG organization who is empowered to make decisions based on local needs and is supported by eight directors, who are each invested and involved in the Jacksonville community. These local leaders are supported by more than 5,000 employees nationwide who are available to serve as additional, pre-trained resources for large- scale events and provide best practices and contacts from other communities.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification

Tab 7: Past and present demonstrated commitment to small and minority business and contributions toward a diverse market place


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification - Tab 7 - Past and present demonstrated commitment to small and minority business and contributions toward a diverse market place
Responding to this evaluation criterion necessitates that Managers indicate their past and present commitment to minority, women-owned, small and emerging businesses. More specifically, responses to this evaluation criterion should include, without limitation, statements that document the Managers: (i) commitment to diversity among the directors, officers, members and/or employees that make up its firm; (ii) commitment to diversity within its community and beyond; (iii) commitment to and/or utilization of minority, women-owned, small and emerging businesses on past projects; and (iv) commitment to and/or utilization of minority, women-owned, small and emerging businesses, certified JSEBs in particular, for the project solicitation in question.

SMG is committed to, and has a successful track record of, controlling expenses by keeping many services in-house; however, SMG is also dedicated to maximizing the use of local, small vendors for the procurement of the various services and goods required to operate the venues in a firstclass manner. SMG wholly supports the Citys vision of maintaining a communal effort to ensure its JSEB program builds capacity, removes barriers, and remains a comprehensive small and minority business program that incorporates the collective wishes of the diverse community of Jacksonville. SMG strives to include minority-owned and small and emerging businesses whenever possible for work at its Jacksonville facilities. As such, it employs procurement procedures designed to foster the competitive bidding process while ensuring the quality and pricing of goods and services purchased. SMG maintains an approved vendor list and highly encourages the use of local vendors, especially JSEB and other minority vendors.

SMG was one of my first major accounts that helped grow my small sign manufacturing company from my garage to a full service operation.
Susan Barrett, Previous Owner, Signs-N-Motion

Annually, SMG incurs approximately $25 million in operating expenses. Within that amount, the majority of expenditures do not lend themselves to JSEB and local vendor participation. Examples of this include: $5.9 million in utilities $5.6 million in overhead, salaries and taxes $3.6 million in specialized event labor (i.e. stagehands, police, medical, box office) $1.3 million in insurances $1.4 million in other indirect event expenses (promoter rebates, promoter advertising, credit card discount, amortization of trade sponsorship contracts) $1.2 million in other various operational expenditures requiring the use of sole or limited source vendors where minority and JSEB vendors are not available at this time.

The remaining operational expenditures available for JSEB participation is approximately $6 million. Based on current expenditures, SMG is spending close to $1 million with JSEB vendors, which equates to JSEB participation of just more than 16 percent. As part of this RFP bid, SMG Jacksonville is committed to
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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meeting the citys goal of allocating 25 percent of qualified budgeted expenditures to certified JSEBs, as detailed in SMGs JSEB strategy outlined later in this section. SMG also is committed to diversity among its leadership and general employee base. Three of SMGs director-level positions are held by women: Tracey Evans, Assistant General Manger and Director of EverBank Field and the Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville; Robin Timothy, Assistant General Manager and Director of the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena and the Jacksonville Equestrian Center; and Sarah Bartlo, director of the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts. The overall diversity of SMG and SAVORJacksonvilles approximately 1,125 full and part-time staff is as follows: 388 African American 36 Hispanic 3 Hawaiian 4 Asian 9 American Indian 4 are two or more races 428 are female

Of the 428 females: 147 are African American 2 are American Indian 14 are Hispanic 2 are two or more races 2 are Asian

Additionally, under this RFP, the new manager of the Ritz Theatre and LaVilla Museum, Terrance Johnson, is African American. Moving forward, SMG will continue its commitment to growing both JSEB vendor participation and employee diversity. We will accomplish this by: 1. SMGs Commitment to Diversity through Inclusion SMG Jacksonville is a customer-centered, service-oriented organization. Diversity and inclusion are at the center of its efforts. SMG commits to include a diverse pool of vendors in its supply base and incorporate a philosophy of inclusion throughout its offices. Our protocols will be developed with input from economic empowerment and community-based organizations working directly with local businesses. 2. Detailed JSEB Procurement Plan/Strategy SMG supports the JSEB program objectives as stated: Ensure compliance on City projects Promote economic development by offering technical and educational experience Encourage cooperative communication among various local agencies Assist with financial needs by providing short-term lending programs

SMG wants to be a part of building the capacity of local, small and minority owned businesses so that they are able to become independent and successful local businesses. To do so, SMG proposes a new strategy that calls for participants to be certified through the Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business program. Proof of certification must be submitted as part of a verification process for JSEB status recognition. This enhanced procurement strategy offers:
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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A methodology for including small and emerging business subcontractors in potential bid opportunities The ability to identify key benchmark practices and additional ideas on how to enhance contracting diversity efforts Procurement commitments that are not limited to basic supplies or services, but also include professional services A framework for ensuring that SMG is adhering to and exceeding its stated goals in equal opportunity and diversity procurement.

Goals for JSEB Initiative

SMG will establish procurement goals and work toward meeting those goals via the following: Increasing collaboration with community-based organizations and economic empowerment organizations to identify vendors. Increasing inclusion in the mainstream pool of SMG vendors and suppliers. Improving the opportunity for retention and growth within the SMG network. Giving priority to JSEB-qualified subcontractors. Offering incentives to subcontractors for utilizing JSEBs. Educating existing vendors who may qualify as JSEBs, working closely with the Citys EBO office.

Only certified JSEB firms will count toward the stated commitments, based on the total value of the contract awarded to the JSEB firm. Certification refers to the process used to document the status of a business as JSEB-certified.

Strategy for Inclusion

SMG will host several initiatives to directly interface with potential vendors, suppliers and team members, such as: Business-to-business opportunity forums Job fairs Annual small and minority business owners workshop

SMG will also directly interface with community-based organizations focused on economic empowerment and business development, such as: The Small Business Administration The JaxChamber The Small Business Development Center at the University of North Florida The Jacksonville Womens Business Center The First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce The First Coast African-American Chamber of Commerce JAXUSA Partnership The Asian-American Chamber of Commerce of Jacksonville

Outreach Framework
SMG will approach the minority procurement outreach initiative from a collaborative perspective, designing a proactive program that identifies and anticipates materials and service needs and matches them with small and emerging companies with skillsets commensurate with the requirements. Working in concert with key community and business organizations, this enhanced plan will enable SMG to
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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sufficiently plan for alternative courses of action, mitigate negative developments, monitor relevant stakeholders and constituents, while spotting trends early to aggressively communicate with both external and internal audiences. Additionally, this strategy will: Present employment opportunities for Jacksonville residents who qualify to participate. Identify benchmark practices that would offer ideas on how to enhance workforce diversity efforts. Ensure SMG is adhering to or exceeding equal opportunity and diversity standards in employment.

Community Outreach
SMG will reach out to a broad range of mainstream and minority media outlets for procurement and labor resources announcements. This may include: The Florida Times-Union The Peoples Advocate The Jacksonville Free Press The Florida Star Eco Latino Holas Noticias WJBT

Upon renewal, SMG will develop, finalize and implement a full-scale JSEB participation plan.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Equal Opportunity Employment

Equal Employment Opportunity has been, and will continue to be, a fundamental principle. Employment is based upon personal capabilities and qualifications regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, marital status or any other protected characteristic as established by federal law. In addition, we comply with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in which the company has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leave of absence, compensation and training.

Employment opportunities are and shall be open to all qualified applicants solely on the basis of their experience, aptitudes, abilities and training; Advancement is and shall be based entirely on the individuals achievement, performance, ability, attitude and potential for promotion.

SMG is committed to a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to work in a professional atmosphere that promotes equal employment opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices, including harassment. Therefore, SMG expects that all relationships among persons in the workplace will be business-like and free of bias, prejudice and harassment. The Human Resources Department, in compliance with all federal, state and local laws, has overall responsibility for this policy and maintains the reporting and monitoring of procedures. Employees questions or concerns should be referred to the Human Resources Department. Appropriate disciplinary action may be taken against any employee willfully violating this policy.

SMGs Equal Opportunity Programs

Affirmative Action Recruitment and Training Plan
SMG is firmly committed to promoting and advancing the meaningful participation of minority-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises in all of its venues. SMG, has demonstrated a history of embracing minorities and women in its business activities as joint venture partners, managers, employees, subcontractors and vendors in pre-opening, construction and management operations. SMG, through its strong local and corporate commitment, will work diligently to meet or exceed the clients MBE/WBE goals. SMG recognizes that government entities, including counties, universities and private companies, like SMG, bear a special and continuing responsibility to make serious efforts to help MBE/WBEs enter the economic mainstream. SMG also recognizes that the meaningful inclusion of minority and women-owned and disabled individuals firms is not simply about extending economic opportunity to a few, but about building a foundation to achieve social equity and economic self sufficiency for all.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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To give meaning to its policy of promoting the full participation of MBE/WBEs, SMG commits itself to a wide array of post-contract award efforts from extensive and aggressive outreach efforts to the elimination of gratuitous economic barriers (like bonding requirements where appropriate) that hinder opportunities for minority, women businesses and disabled individuals. SMG is keenly aware that MBE/ WBEs not only have to confront problems related to race and gender, but need to address economic obstacles that stand in the way of all small businesses. SMG is confident that its substantial efforts will help minority and women businesses and individuals attain their full measure of entrepreneurial self sufficiency and economic self reliance.

Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Practices

A written statement is the starting point for emphasizing to all employees that SMGs top management is committed to making and advising all employees that equal employment opportunity is a basic company policy. Employees are provided a copy of this policy both through the HR Policy and Procedure Manual and SMGs Business Conduct Policy. In addition to this, we issue a statement that each employee is individually responsible for pursuing a policy of equal employment opportunity and nondiscrimination. This statement is consistently posted in conspicuous places, available to all employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth State and Federal law provisions prohibiting discrimination in employment and SMGs own policies regarding nondiscrimination, equal employment opportunity and affirmative action.

SMGs Equal Employment Officer

SMG has appointed Shauna Elvin, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, as its equal opportunity employment officer. This top-ranking SMG executive is responsible for overseeing and implementing SMGs Affirmative Action program. She is empowered to act as a direct liaison with all subcontractors, vendors and employees of SMG, to answer any questions or problems regarding SMGs equal employment opportunity and Affirmative Action efforts, and nondiscrimination obligations.

Monitoring & Reporting

SMG will monitor and audit all affirmative action activities (nondiscrimination: affirmative action policies; MBE/WBE participation) to identify problems which will enable the speedy undertaking of corrective action measures, to identify cases of under utilization and to devise internal and external remedies to address problems issues (e.g., better and more aggressive recruiting; internal employment goals; review of subcontracting standards and processes; compensation practices; interview and testing process).

Recruitment & Training

During this contract, SMG maintains contacts with appropriate governmental and non-governmental entities to find qualified minority and women subcontractors, vendors and employees. SMG is committed to ensuring that women and minorities hired by SMG have the opportunity to gain the skills necessary to perform their jobs in a satisfactory manner. We offer an educational assistance programming addition to other in-house designed training programs.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Future Employment Practices

SMG follows these principles: To consistently maintain a work force for the operation in a nondiscriminatory fashion, resulting in a work force that is reflective of the population in the area Issue a written equal employment policy statement and affirmative action commitment Publicize, internally and externally, our affirmative action program Maintain an on-site official with responsibility and authority to implement the program Identify potential sources of discrimination in: The recruitment process - Selection standards and procedures Promotion and transfer systems - Wage and salary structure Termination and disciplinary policies Develop and implement specific programs to eliminate discriminatory barriers Establish internal audit and reporting systems to monitor and evaluate progress in each aspect of the program Develop support of community programs, including cooperation with job-related programs.

Professional Development
SMG recognizes that skill and knowledge of its employees are critical to the success of the organization. The Professional Development Program encourages personal development through formal education, so employees can maintain and improve job related skills or enhance their ability to compete for jobs within SMG. The policy covers certain college study courses, certification programs, exam preparatory courses, and certification exams, which are conducted or sponsored by colleges, universities, professional training organizations, or professional associations. The Professional Development Program is available to all fulltime salaried employees who have completed six months of continuous employment with the company.

SMGs Commitment
SMG has captured its commitment and approach in a specific document entitled Our Commitment to Diversity.

Our Commitment to Diversity

SMGs Commitment to Equal Opportunity Employment Affirmative Action Recruitment and Training Plan Opportunities in Professional Development
2012 i


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification

Tab 8: Ability to design an approach and work plan to meet the project requirements


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification - Tab 8 - Ability to design an approach and work plan to meet the project requirements
Describe the Managers understanding of the requirements of this solicitation, and its ability, approach and/or plan to satisfy the same in complete compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations. Managers response should address the extensive list of the scope of services set forth in section II of the RFP. The selected Manager(s) will be required to prepare and submit a detailed, comprehensive work plan and budget proposal very soon after being selected and awarded the contract for these services. Please discuss the Managers ability to submit such a comprehensive, detailed plan in a timely manner after award. Please state Managers approach to meeting changing needs and developing requirements in a flexible and effective fashion. Please state Managers ability to fully deliver a wide spectrum of services from facilities operations and maintenance, facilities marketing, and event day operations; to daily support services. Please describe the Managers marketing plan for the Facilities, including all means of advertising and promotion, and the marketing plan for regional, national, and international markets. Please describe the Managers strategy for higher utilization of each Facility and the means to achieve a self-sustaining budget for the Citys Facilities (individually and in the aggregate).

Describe the Managers understanding of the requirements of this solicitation, and its ability, approach and/or plan to satisfy the same in complete compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations. Managers response should address the extensive list of the scope of services set forth in section II of the RFP. SMG understands that the City of Jacksonville intends to hire a facility management provider to promote, operate ,manage, and maintain its sports and entertainment facilities. SMG, with its international stature as the worlds largest facility management company combined with its years of direct experience with the Jacksonville facilities, is eminently qualified to perform these duties on behalf of the City. SMG functions as a company with the highest level of fiduciary responsibility. We take our stewardship obligations very seriously and strive to always provide our municipal clients with the highest and best levels of service. SMG conducts its business in complete compliance with all applicable federal ,state, and local laws and statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations. Details of SMGs ability to satisfy the scope of services set forth in this RFP can be found in many sections throughout this response. The selected Manager(s) will be required to prepare and submit a detailed, comprehensive work plan and budget proposal very soon after being selected and awarded the contract for these services. Please discuss the Managers ability to submit such a comprehensive, detailed plan in a timely manner after award. As the current manager of the Jacksonville facilities, SMG has already provided the City with a comprehensive operating budget proposal for 2013, and if given the privilege of continuing to manage these facilities, will continue to provide a budget in the same comprehensive and timely manner plus a comprehensive work plan. Please state Managers approach to meeting changing needs and developing requirements in a flexible and effective fashion. Flexibility and ability to respond to change are hallmarks of SMG management. We understand that we serve at the behest of our municipal clients and are responsive to, and supportive of, their directives. SMG, having been in business for 35 years, and doing business in 11 countries and in 34 states has had exposure to every conceivable operating event. We have performed year-after-year in city-after-city with changing administrations. We have satisfactorily performed for our clients through times of natural
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


disaster, national emergency, and global financial crises. With the breadth and diversity of the SMG portfolio of facilities we have encountered every type of event. We have hosted superstars, national and international political figures, professional athletics, every manner of the arts, corporate meetings, product launches. There is virtually nothing we havent hosted. And we have handled all these various situations with care and excellence. A fact supported by our 94% renewal rate. Please state Managers ability to fully deliver a wide spectrum of services from facilities operations and maintenance, facilities marketing, and event day operations; to daily support services. As referenced earlier, the depth and excellence of the SMG spectrum of services for facilities is detailed throughout this submittal. Within this section we detail our operating procedures, our industry benchmarks, our best practices, and the systems and controls SMG institutes to ensure excellent operations on a day-to-day basis as well as during any event. Additionally with this submittal SMG is providing a comprehensive draft marketing plan for your review Please describe the Managers marketing plan for the Facilities, including all means of advertising and promotion, and the marketing plan for regional, national, and international markets. Our comprehensive and customized marketing plan follows.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


SMG Jacksonville presently manages six premier sports, entertainment, and convention venues on behalf of the City of Jacksonville. EverBank Field is home of the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Florida/Georgia football game and the Gator Bowl. It is adjacent to the St. Johns River in the heart of downtown Jacksonville and:

Boasts seating for up to 82,000 Is the third-largest NFL stadium in the country Was the site of Super Bowl XXXIX Is home of the largest Monster Jam in the United States

The Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena hosts an array of events such as sports, family shows and concerts attracting some of the biggest names in country, pop, and rock n roll music. This venue:

Features14,500 seats in multipurpose arena Hosted events such as the 2006 and 2010 NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament Is home of the Florida/Georgia Hall of Fame Is home of the AFL Jacksonville Sharks, the ABA Jacksonville Giants, and the Jacksonville University NCAA Mens Basketball Team


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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The Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville is one of the most beautiful minor league ballparks in North America and is home of the Double-A Jacksonville Suns. This facility:

Is a traditional baseball park Boasts vivid sightlines Offers12 luxury skyboxes and 4 skydecks Features berm and bleacher seating Hosts the annual University of Florida vs. Florida State University baseball game Hosts the Annual High School Baseball Competition

The Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts offers three of the finest performance venues in Jacksonville including:

The majestic Moran Theater o o 2,900 seats Home to Artist Series Broadway in Jacksonville

The acoustically exquisite Jacoby Symphony Hall o o 1,800 seats Home to the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra 600 seats Home to a variety of events each year

The intimate Terry Theater o o

The Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center is located on the site of the historic Jacksonville Union Railroad Terminal and it:

Features a great combination of historic architecture and state-of-the-art technology Is conveniently located in downtown Jacksonville Offers 275,000 square feet of flexible meeting space and wireless capabilities Is home of the Fall & Spring Home & Patio Show Hosts the Wolfson Arts & Antiques Show

The Ritz Theatre and Museum is located in Jacksonvilles historic African American community of La Villa. The mission of the museum is to research, record, and preserve the material and artistic heritage of African American life in Northeast Florida. The facility is:

rich with culture


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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The site of the 1929 Ritz Theater movie house An African American culturally-themed museum and art gallery A Unique setting for concerts, lectures and showcasing films

The Jacksonville Equestrian Center has quickly become one of the countrys most premier equestrian facilities. This center:

Is a multi-purpose venue with inside arena seating of 6,800 Can showcase a variety of events including rodeos, monster-truck shows and athletic events Offers onsite camping and RV hook-ups Features public trails with access to 1,700 acres Hosts regional and national horse competition events Is home of the National Team Roping League, the largest team roping East of the Mississippi Hosts the Florida RV Trade Association Super Show


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Committed to the Jacksonville community, our guests, and our clients, SMG Jacksonville provides superior service and the ultimate event experience in Northeast Florida. SMGs goal is to be a noble corporate citizen, develop goodwill and support community programs and the City of Jacksonville. SMG has an excellent marketing plan that provides an overview of the media landscape and the support available to be customized for any event. Included in this plan are media strategies and promotional support focused on providing the greatest return on your investment.

SMG Marketing Objectives

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To create and maximize venue and event marketing opportunities To maximize revenue from branding, advertising and sponsorship sales To maximize sales of premium seating and entertainment options that enhance the entertainment value of Jacksonville events and venues to individuals and groups To create and maintain a positive image within the community To generate awareness and interest in the Jacksonville venues within the industry To create and grow SMG special events To incorporate new and emerging marketing platforms as an industry leader


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Objective 1: To create and maximize venue and event marketing opportunities

A. Website Action Plan: Maintain a current and user-friendly website for ease of navigation and access to information. The website includes email signups, social media links, sponsorship opportunities, and an updated event calendar for all venues. Strategy

Generate 150,000 average page views per month Include QR Code on signage and advertisements to drive traffic to Include videos/trailers of event Provide direct link to purchase tickets Provide direct links to event and client websites Increase venue and event awareness Create real-time reports to monitor campaign success Maintain current event news and information Provide direct link to group sales order forms Generate advertising and sponsorship sales Advertise and promote hospitality packages, premium seating and luxury suite opportunities Inclusion on SMG partner websites to increase event exposure Utilize the resources of all media partners to incorporate their websites and database information into the marketing campaigns of the Jacksonville venues and events


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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B. Social Media Action Plan: Engagement in social media platforms is used to disseminate information about upcoming events and foster and encourage open communication with and among our guests. We recognize the growth of social media and have committed dedicated resources as a means to further awareness, interest and ultimately ticket sales.

Strategy Facebook & Twitter SMG promotes shows through our online social networking sites with links to buy tickets. We reach thousands on Twitter daily and more than 120,000 people see our Facebook content each week. and venue-specific Facebook pages allow guests the opportunities to communicate and share information Post frequent daily updates and conversations regarding upcoming event information, artist and venue news are posted Maintain a social networking log with all tweets and posts Create promotional contests Increase fan base


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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YouTube SMG utilizes and encourages our promoters and guests to discover, watch and share videos to generate dialog and provide a forum for social media discussions.

Share event and venue related videos on, Facebook and Twitter pages.

Foursquare SMG uses this form of social media to allow users to discover surroundings, keep in touch with friends, and stay informed on events being held at our venues. SMG will promote fans to become the mayor of an event to encourage more media conversations.

Build Foursquare location for SMG events Encourage users to check in at all locations Reward mayor with prizes throughout the month

C. In-House Marketing Action Plan: In-house advertising and signage capabilities are used to gain exposure for future shows. These include concourse banners, back-lit signs, concourse and in-suite TV


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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monitors, LEDs & scoreboard digital signage, fliers displayed at each of the venues, concession stand signage and menu boards digital signage. Using many different forms of signage allows us to gain exposure for sponsors while enlightening our guests to future shows. It also allows us to target our interactions with guests based on the show demographics. Strategy

Inclusion on the arena LED event calendar rotation during all events Commercial spot played on arena in-house TV system throughout the venue during all events Scoreboard digital signage display Posters/flyers Floor stands Marketing displays

D. Electronic Marketing Action Plan: SMG utilizes electronic marketing tools to reach out to subscribers on a daily basis. Strategy Newsletters

Deploy a minimum of 50 e-blasts per year for a minimum of 6.5 million e-mails to promote the venues and upcoming events Newsletters are sent out weekly to 130,000 subscribers with the following information o o o o o o pre-sale events on-sale events reminders event information press release venue news

Target Campaigns SMG develops efficient and attractive marketing/promotional campaigns and builds lists of guests, based on interest and demographics, to target campaign outcome.

Increase the utilization of the e-blast database to promote the following: o o o o o o o Upcoming events & event details Group sales Suite and premium seat information Ticketing information with links to purchase tickets Seating charts Parking and directions Special offers


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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o o o o

Facebook and Twitter account links Tenant information Press releases Venue news

Provide reports to monitor campaign success and daily purchases

Ticketmaster SMG Jacksonville partners with Ticketmaster for all ticket sales. All ticketed events will be listed on and qualify to use a full range of Ticketmaster marketing tools including emails to subscribers, TicketAlerts, and customizable artist pages for the event. Utilizing Ticketmaster also gives us the ability to send emails to a targeted list of people who purchased tickets in the past to similar shows at Jacksonville venues. SMG helps boost ticket sales by activating the following TM promotional programs:

Outlets distribution of posters and fliers at the TM outlets in the Jacksonville market Fliers insert your flier into ticketing envelopes Ticketmaster Discount Channels Network national database of companies that receive TM offers Spotlight can request prime placement in Ticketmaster Spotlight, located on the main page of Ticketmaster Auction set up VIP auctions on TM for special promotions or packages Splash Pages customized event pages for special partners and/or offers Ticket Deals such as under $40 promotions WalMart in-store ease of ticket purchase and pickup Social media alerts Provide client a list of ticket purchasers to increase customer database

o o

o o o o o

Venue and Event Photographs

Take pictures at all venue events, when approved. Maintain online photo storage galleries on SmugMug for all events, venues, SAVOR marketing and signage. Upload pictures in multiple galleries to ensure proper authorization and usage. Tag pictures with key words and dates.

E. Media Placement and Communications


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Action Plan: SMG is positioned as a core provider of significant marketing assets and mediabuying leverage. SMG assists clients by creating a media campaign tailored to their specific event and the local market which will maximize the clients return on investment. Strategy SMG serves as the in-house advertising agency

Provide a media market profile and branding campaign. Negotiate best pricing. Advise on ad placement for: o o o Print in daily newspapers, entertainment/lifestyle magazines Local TV networks and cable providers Local radio stations

Added Value Media

Clients/promoters receive additional TV/print media coverage as a result of SMG media and community relationships Clients benefits from access to media contracts and trade agreements that provide additional media coverage Discount coupon print magazines advertisements to showcase and trade event coverage Local print advertising companies allowed to place pamphlets and magazines in Jacksonville venues if our event is showcased on the cover

Media Communications

Maintain relationships with local news personnel to encourage on-air discussions and promotions Maintain updated media contact lists to ensure press releases and venue news is reaching local, regional and national media Create and distribute press releases for events and venue activities Prepare and distribute media press kits including photos, slides and bios to media contacts Coordinate press-related duties for events including pre-show print/TV/radio interviews and live TV/radio broadcasts from the venue

F. Grassroots Marketing Action Plan: The marketing department continues to build and maintain relationships with local and regional businesses in order to


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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create promotional events for shows. This allows us to communicate with potential ticket purchasers via trusted businesses and generate awareness and interest in events. We recognize that word of mouth is one of the most effective tools in promotions, therefore, we utilize marketing tools such as street teams, giveaways, fliers targeted to specific audiences, local radio remotes, localized press releases and social media to keep the conversation going. Strategy

Regional Military Population SMGs strong relationship with our regional military partners allow for ongoing promotions reaching more than 400,000 military families and friends. Area Schools and Colleges SMG has direct access to thousands of students and faculty for targeted event promotion. Area Businesses SMG has identified and works with more than 500 local businesses to gain access to employees and customers. Public Gatherings - SMG often has a presence at local events, such as Art Walk, and distributes information through register-to-win contests, collateral materials and deployment of our in-house media street team. VIP Packages - SMG creates and markets packages that will include unique and exciting destination experiences with local media, business and hospitality partners. Events such as Jaguars Football, the Florida vs. Georgia annual matchup and the THE PLAYERS are excellent opportunities for SMG to combine resources and enhance marketing sales and client satisfaction.

Objective 2: To maximize revenue from branding, advertising and sponsorship sales.

Action Plan: Maintain revenues derived from advertising signage and sponsorship packages and develop new opportunities to increase revenue.

Strategy Current Inventory


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Sell available inventory including concourse backlit panels, LED signage, in-house TV commercials and scoreboard advertising space Create up-to-date sales and marketing material to showcase the opportunities available for advertising and sponsorships at SMG Jacksonville venues Promote the positive image of the SMG Jacksonville venues as a desirable advertising opportunity to local, regional and national agencies Educate potential clients on the value of marketing their brand or product to venue guests Create value-based incentives for venue advertisers Create discount advertising packages for clients willing to sign a multi-year agreement Incorporate the use of the luxury suites and other hospitality areas as an added-value incentive to increase the total investment Use venue space for off-site meetings for local corporations who sign sponsorship agreements Utilize the weekly e-newsletter to feature a sponsor of the month as an added value to the package Provide premium sponsors with a renewal proposal and presentation of all related assets to increase sponsorship amounts

Create New Options

Create and design unique sponsorship opportunities, combining existing events with new events such as the Zac Brown Band BBQ Cook Off at Florida/Georgia football game Develop new revenue options utilizing the website and other forms of media or digital signage Develop sales packages incorporating website exposure and inclusion in e-blasts

Build Relationships Maximize direct calls to new businesses to secure appointments with various marketing contacts and advertising agencies locally, regionally and nationally


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Identify and target a list of potential clients to secure new business from local advertisements Continue networking and staying current with company news and advertising placements to gain prospective sponsors through staff connections, Chamber of Commerce events, sales leads and cold calls Research companies and connect specific sponsorship opportunities to correlate with companys objectives

Client Communication

Consistently provide sponsors excellent service to foster positive, mutually beneficial relationships Supply each sponsor with end-of-term recaps to provide evaluation and ROI, and touch base prior to renewal date to ask for feedback Compile documentation and photos reflecting fulfillment of sponsor agreements

Objective 3: To maximize sales of premium seating and entertainment options that enhances the entertainment value of Jacksonville events and venues to individuals and groups.
Action Plan: Identify and develop a premium program with entertainment/hospitality opportunities that work well with premium seating options to enhance events within or near the Jacksonville venues Strategy Identify physical space available for entertainment opportunities

Private Suites Club Seats Concourse and Alcove areas Meeting Spaces Parking Lots - Cabanas River Front Patio and Lawn Sky Patio Private dinners Meet and greets Group receptions Company picnics High end tailgates

Identify entertainment options

Identify events with which to partner


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Concerts Broadway shows Sporting events City special events Large-scale events

Identify potential users, individual clients and groups

Target Northeast Florida and surrounding area businesses and organizations Maintain a section on the website featuring the premium program Utilize venue signage, sales table at events and email blasts to promote premium programs Create on-air promotions with local media outlets to feature the premium programs Develop premium rental packages and determine a fair market value based on each event Work with SAVOR on developing and promoting catering menus and group packages Maintain a database of past purchasers by organization and event Create awareness of the availability of group tickets through social media notifications Maintain and enhance group sales page on with additional functionality such as online ordering Send e-blasts with event information and ticket prices to more than 700 groups throughout the market including corporations, schools, churches, social/community groups, local retailers, hospitals, banks, day programs, nonprofit organizations and youth associations Mail event postcards to schools, scouts, and individual groups Target clubs, organizations, schools, businesses, churches and social media groups by creating a ticket buying experience tailored to the needs of that group Secure partnerships with local organizations like Aetna, Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Gate Way Community to cross market group offers Collaborate with promoters and clients to create enticing ticket offers in an effort to increase overall ticket sales


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Pitch buyouts or partial buyouts to companies for a deeply discounted ticket price. This was successful with the U.S. soccer game, where one business partner purchased more than 1,000 tickets. Create promotional material that can be sent to prospective clients Utilize Ticketmaster Super Group pages as an easy tool for clients to distribute group sales information Cross market with sponsors and luxury suite holders to extend discount offers to their employees and customers Collaborate with Sharks, Giants, FSCJ and other clients to increase their group sales and, in return, promote our group events Maintain the nonprofit program with local charitable organizations which allows them to receive a portion of group sales revenue as a donation back to the organization

Objective 4: To create and maintain a positive image within the community.

Action Plan: Maximize ongoing collaborations with the community to position SMG as a company that creates goodwill and also benefits the community. Strategy Community Service

Team SMG is a group of SMG Jacksonville employees dedicated to improving the community in which we live and work. The mission of Team SMG is to support growth and development, while increasing public knowledge of the venues and events.

The SMG Intern Program is committed to assisting students to gain the skills and work experience needed to pursue a career in the venue management industry. SMG actively seeks local college students to fulfill the many internship opportunities available including social media marketing, graphic design, turf and grounds maintenance crew, food and beverage and stadium operations The SMG Mentoring Program was created to give high school students an opportunity to learn and work side-by-side with an experienced grounds crew


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Provide locations and partnerships with various events to promote food drives, blood drives and other efforts to support the needs of the community Develop and work with local news media on producing stories highlighting SMG Jacksonville employees, venues and events Foster community involvement by partnering with local museums, nonprofit organizations, libraries and colleges to hold media events Participate on committees in a leadership capacity such as the Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Vision, Downtown Corporate Marketing and the Florida Ticketing Association.

Communicating with the Community

Monitor community feedback through surveys and media to target areas for improvement Use social media as a way to listen and respond to our guests questions, comments and concerns Engage in conversations with guests and follow up to show their voice is being heard and addressed Encourage and listen to guest satisfaction feedback Establish multiple methods to ensure fans can communicate directly with staff Notify ticket purchasers via social media prior to shows with door time, show time, camera policy, parking details, concessions information, nearby restaurants and hotels including discount offers, and any other event specific information Send survey to all online ticket purchasers after the show. Senior management team will review all surveys and comments and personally reply to guests who may have questions or concerns Provide general information online for frequently asked questions Reiterate to all staff the policy that all emails and phone calls are returned within 24 hours or one business day

Objective 5: To generate awareness and interest for the Jacksonville venues within the industry to reach regional, national and international markets.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Action Plan:

Raise the profile of the SMG Jacksonville venues within the entertainment

industry and position the SMG Jacksonville venues as full-service sports, arts, entertainment and convention sites to promoters, industry leaders, convention planners, business leaders and the local market. Promote the SMG Jacksonville venues and the positive economic impact they have in Northeast Florida. Strategy Venue and Brand Awareness Provide available dates to SMGs corporate and regional booking personnel to assist them with securing events for the Jacksonville venues Participate in regularly scheduled conference calls on both a regional and national level to share information on upcoming tours and events, exchange booking leads and deals and compare event experiences and best practices. These calls often include guests such as agents and regional promoters who introduce new and upcoming touring projects Coordinate with SMG national booking staff to schedule national touring artists rehearsals at the SMG Jacksonville venues. In the past 7 years, SMG Jacksonville venues have hosted more than 10 rehearsals Create and send press releases and photos of the SMG Jacksonville venues and successes, nominations, recognitions and opportunities to all local, regional and national media outlets and publications Provide the local media with press releases and data regarding events at SMG Jacksonville venues Create a branding campaign with collateral materials, brochures, and electronic marketing material featuring the SMG Jacksonville venues Design a print advertisement campaign targeting promoters and clients in the national trade publications: Venues Today, Billboard, Pollstar, Facilities Magazine, Chronicle of the Horse, Trade Show Executive Magazine Target potential facility lessees, including national agents, regional promoters and clients, national family events, national sporting events and convention meeting planners to make them aware of the Jacksonville venues and events. Work with Visit Jacksonville to increase the regional and national visibility of Jacksonville as a destination


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Coordinate monthly breakfast meetings with SMG sales staff, SMG general manager, SMG facility managers and Visit Jacksonville to exchange ideas, review the event calendar, booking procedures, processes, current business model challenges, status of outstanding proposals, existing proposals and booking challenges and discuss marketing and sales initiatives

Offer interlinking websites and content sharing between Visit Jacksonville and SMG websites to ensure a common message is extended Partner with Visit Jacksonville by hosting a social media and telemarketing sales blitz Attend industry trade shows with Visit Jacksonville that are proven lead generators Collaborate with Visit Jacksonville on familiarization tours utilizing all city SMG Jacksonville venues to enhance the experience Build event attendance by developing regular contact with clients attending key conventions the year prior to their gathering in Jacksonville, assisting the meeting planner with direct mail, and developing online content for the venues and Visit Jacksonville websites

Initiate a program to develop more off-season small and medium size meetings and conventions Offer a most valued partner campaign to encourage local leaders to work with us on opening doors to their associations. This program will reward local businesses and residents for their help in bringing more meetings, conferences and convention guests to the City of Jacksonville. Through MVP, a partner can win airline tickets, hotel accommodations, concert tickets, attraction passes and an MVP medal

Develop and work with local broadcast news teams on producing stories on SMG Jacksonville and the impact the events have on the local economy Develop and enhance personal contact with state and local news, business, entertainment, and sports reporters to ensure repeated coverage of the SMG Jacksonville venues and events

Invite account executives, local sales managers, general managers and promotional managers from the local media outlets to various SMG Jacksonville events to increase awareness

Observe and initiate newest marketing trends, media, and strategies in the industry Attend industry conferences to connect with promoters and discuss the SMG Jacksonville venues Continue to advertise in national publications such as: o Facilities Superbook - publication distributed to more than 10,000 event bookers.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Sports Travel Magazine - publication written and designed to serve the people who organize and manage sporting events and read by more than 16,000 industry decision makers Sports Events Magazine publication helping planners of amateur sporting events and competitions that distributes more than16,000 copies per issue to people involved in the sports events marketplace Trade Show Executive - SMG is prominently listed among Trade Show Executives Gold Standard advertisers Facilities & Destinations Planner Guide - mailed and distributed to more than 51,000

o o

Sponsorships Work with SMG national partners to include the SMG Jacksonville venues in regional or national packages To keep the SMG brand in the forefront, SMG corporate will continue to sponsor large industry events such as: o o o o o o o Pollstar Conference International Entertainment Buyers Association Conference League of Agricultural and Equestrian Centers Annual Symposium International Association of Venue Managers annual meeting Billboard Conference Event & Arena Marketing Conference Venues Today Women of Influence Award

Industry Involvement: Actively participate in industry organizations such as: o o o o o o o o o International Entertainment Buyers Association League of Agricultural and Equestrian Centers Association United States Equestrian Federation International Association of Venue Managers Association of Luxury Suite Directors Event & Arena Marketing IAVM (International Association of Venue Managers) Business Network International (BNI) American Legion Auxiliary

Swag Gifts


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Create a unique gift to present to performers and promoters the day of the show to thank them for choosing SMG Jacksonville and to encourage them to return

Publicity Take trade shots and live shots of SMG staff interacting with performers/participants within the industry and submit them to trade publications

Objective 6: To create and grow SMG special events.

Action Plan: Create event opportunities to interact with the community, build an awareness of the Jacksonville venues and generate additional revenue streams. The first Annual BBQ Block Party, during the Florida/Georgia weekend, and Pinktoberfest supporting breast cancer


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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awareness, during the month of October, are events we will build upon to generate exposure in the community. Strategy Event Planning

Create events that will generate revenue and advance the venues brand Execute events with excellent operations and guest service to foster a positive image in the community Provide adjunct event spaces for holiday parties, weddings, receptions, business meetings, fundraising events and recitals Assist programs from small, local community arts groups and educational institutions by offering incentives to hold events in venues Encourage shows to incorporate family activities into their events to build attendance Employ all SMG marketing avenues such as social media contests, eblasts, grass roots to promote special events Target audiences specific to the special event and encourage participation. Utilize available space and resources at venues to maximize ticket sales, sponsorships and increase attendance



Media Partnerships

Establish a media partnership with a radio and/or television station to enhance exposure for the event

Public Relations

Create and send press releases announcing the event, updates, improvements and recaps to let local media and the community know how well the event performed, as well as how it benefited the community

Charitable Tie-ins

Strive to add a charity beneficiary for each SMG special event to increase publicity opportunities and foster goodwill within the community. Charitable tie-ins also allow for more sponsorship opportunities. One current example is the Gator Country Concert Series salute to the military, with a special VIP seating area and giveaways


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Objective 7: To incorporate new and emerging marketing platforms as an industry leader.

Action Plan: Stay current and engaged in technologies, website trends, apps and new social media platforms. Use each avenue as a way to enhance guests experiences, maximize awareness, foster conversations, disseminate information and increase interest in the Jacksonville venues and their events. Be at the forefront of each new platform within the industry. Strategy

Participate in the SMG Technologies Task Force to stay current on new initiatives being implemented by SMG Develop a sales and marketing plan to be used with the new wireless automated parking system Produce a guest information video to inform the guests regarding traffic, parking, directions and various routes that can be used to access the venues Increase parking and concession sales by offering pre-paid parking packages that include food and beverage specials Continue to develop and implement search engine optimization, improving the visibility of the website and increasing venues page visitors Provide TVEyes Media Monitoring capabilities to clients allowing real-time, web-based TV and radio monitoring on events or issues Develop and implement a text message program to communicate directly with guests Develop and implement a mobile application used to obtain key event or venue information or purchase tickets to upcoming events. This will enhance the guest experience, increase ticket sales and notify fans about upcoming events Create additional webpage functionality that will increase the guests ability to communicate with SMG Include interactive photo gallery of guests, events and on stage performances Include short articles blogs about the industry, business, venues and events to share regularly with our social media followers Use of in-house video system to produce and create video podcasts to promote the Jacksonville venues and events. Include live streaming video on social media sites Adapt to changes and maintain relationships with media outlets and key individuals in order to stay current on changes within traditional media


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Share knowledge by participating in regional and national marketing calls to exchange ideas. Use these collaborative efforts as a means to maintain our position as the industry leader


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Please describe the Managers strategy for higher utilization of each Facility and the means to achieve a self-sustaining budget for the Citys Facilities (individually and in the aggregate).

Strategy for Increasing Revenues

SMG has consistently increased revenues over the term of its management agreement with the City. We plan to continue that trend by capitalizing on new and emerging technology, exploring new approaches to existing revenue streams such as parking and food service, while leveraging our existing resources and partnerships. With a goal of developing a self-sustaining budget, SMG has identified a number of opportunities for increasing revenues. A general summary of each category is set forth below, with additional information contained in each of the individual case studies provided in the section entitled Plan for Higher Utilization.

Increased Live Entertainment Bookings

Like the live entertainment industry itself, our strategy and approach for increasing the number of live events continues to evolve. As managers of several multi-facility campuses, we are experienced in managing around a complex schedule in order to maximize event programming. We are committed to growing the number of live entertainment programming opportunities for Jacksonville and below is our strategy for developing more content: Utilize our SMG Entertainment division to increase to inform agents, managers, artist and promoters of the opportunities in the Jacksonville market. Build and expand on our live entertainment promoter partnerships and use SMG leverage to increase number of shows for Jacksonville. Aggressively target the family show market to increase the number of performances Develop deeper partnerships with local radio stations to enhance visibility of the Jacksonville Memorial Arena in the local marketplace. Radio airplay and promotions are important to the success of live music performances. Should the opportunity present itself, SMG is prepared to take promoter risk and buy shows to expand the event schedule and generate new revenues. Utilize our partnership with Ticketmaster to access key data, information and technology that lead to increased ticket sales. Through our national promoter partnerships, and local relationships with Renda Broadcasting and Clear Channel, we work to create live music events and explore the feasibility of outdoor music festival concepts.

Increase number of Sporting Events

SMG has also been very active in pursuing sporting events for the Jacksonville venues, including NCAA basketball, collegiate football, championship wrestling, motorsports, amateur sports, professional bull riding and more. While we have had great success with these events, we believe that there is room for growth. We have well established relationships with major sports governing bodies, national sports leagues, sports properties and other organizations on a national level, and we plan to use these relationships to leverage increased sports opportunities for Jacksonville. Here are the strategies and goals that we have established for increasing the number of sporting events:


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Negotiate an agreement with two Division I universities to play a neutral site college football game. We envision this to be an early season football event and would not conflict with the existing Gator Bowl or Georgia vs. Florida game. In partnering with local organizations such as Visit Jacksonville and the Mayors Office of Sports, we would like to increase the number of professional soccer events held in the stadium. We will utilize our resources to gain access to the opportunities to host these events that will draw visitors on a regional and national basis. Partner with the Mayors Office of Sports and Visit Jacksonville to aggressively pursue the 2016 U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials. SMG hosted the 2004 U.S. Swimming Trials in Long Beach, California and has an established track record with the organization. Partner with the City, Visit Jacksonville and Jacksonville University to bid for NCAA Mens and Womens Basketball 1st and 2nd round, or regional championships. Use our relationships with Feld Motorsports to add at least one annual motorsports event to the calendar such SMG hosted the 2004 Olympic Swimming Trials in Long Beach, CA as, AMA Supercross, for Arena Freestyle Motorcross.

Advertising and Sponsorship

SMG will build on its success in marketing sponsorship and advertising at the Jacksonville facilities, particularly at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena. While many of the commercial rights in EverBank Field are granted to the Jaguars, we do see opportunities to partner with the Jaguars to increase sponsorship and advertising revenues, especially in certain service rights categories where SMG may be able to create additional value through its vendor relationships. In an effort to enhance our ability to sell commercial sponsorship and advertising including naming rights we have teamed-up with Premier Partnerships, one of the nations top sports marketing and sales firms (see more details in the SMG Advertising and Sponsorship section of this document). We will use this relationship to focus on business-to-business partnerships that will create value for the Jacksonville facilities: Aggressively pursue naming rights opportunities associated with the non-stadium facilities subject to the management agreement, particularly the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena. Utilizing SMGs broad national vendor data-base and relationships, develop a business-to-business sponsorship platform that provides increased sponsorship fees to the City of Jacksonville. Create an aggressive sales plan for fixed panel and digital advertising at the Veterans Memorial Arena and increase revenues by 20%. Using SMG local and national vendor relationships, explore partnership opportunities with the Jaguars to grow sponsorship revenues in certain service rights categories. There is an opportunity to enhance the value of these service and serving rights categories through creative and innovative vendor partnerships.

As new technology continues to emerge and play an increasingly important role in venue management, SMG is placing a high level of emphasis on how the use of technology can be applied to enhance the guest experience and generate more revenue for the facilities and their tenants. Supported by its national
P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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Operations Division, SMG has been successful in developing a number of initiatives that have proven to add value to the customer, as well as enhancing revenue opportunities. The following are concepts and initiatives that SMG would like to role-out in Jacksonville as part of an effort to increase revenues through the use improved technology: Development of smartphone application that can be used to obtain key facility information, services, access real time information and enhance the customer experience. Note: the development of any smartphone application for the stadium will be done in collaboration with the Jaguars so there are no conflicts with respect to content or promotional advertising. Increase digital media elements in the Stadium and Arena to enhance advertising opportunities, improve wayfinding and instant messaging. Elements such as digital concourse signage and LED ribbon boards will be explored. Develop in-seat ordering capabilities through use of smartphone applications or handheld wireless devices to increase per-cap concessions spending. Enhance the Distributed Antenna System (DAS) service to provide for greater wireless coverage to support the use of smartphone technology, creating potential for increased licensing revenue opportunities with carriers. Utilize wireless handheld devices to create an automated parking system capable of allowing credit card payment options in parking lots. This system streamlines the monetary transactions, reduces cash handling and provides for an enhance customer convenience. Utilize customized e-commerce technology available through our ticketing partner, Ticketmaster, to increase internet sales for concerts and other live performances, which produces additional revenue for promoters and the facility.

Enhanced Parking Revenues

Parking revenue is an important revenue stream for any pubic assembly facility. SMG has great experience in managing various types of paid parking options such as, surface lots, parking garages, parkand-ride shuttles. While our goal is to provide a convenient, safe and enjoyable arrival experience for the guests, we do believe there are ways to generate additional revenue in the parking area. Concepts such as pre-paid parking, VIP or premium parking options, or valet services can not only offer an improved guest experience, but generate incremental revenue as well. Below are some of the concepts that SMG will consider: Expand VIP and premium parking options for all SMG managed parking lots to increase parking revenues and improve the overall fan experience. New technology such as the wireless handled devices used by our parking attendants will allow us to offer a pre-paid parking option that can be purchased for any event. Normal customer convenience charges will apply to pre-paid parking options, which will create additional revenue potential for the facilities. Increase pre-paid parking sales by incorporating added value coupons on parking passes (For instance, a free small drink or $5 off coupon to be used as a merchandise discount).

Note: SMG does not intend to implement any changes to Jaguars game-day parking plan without prior consultation and approval from the team.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Convention and Corporate Sales

SMG will draw upon its national Convention Sales Division led by Gregg Caren, to generate sales leads for conventions, trade shows and association meetings. We will also use our outstanding relationship with Visit Jacksonville and the greater Jacksonville hospitality industry to focus on new business for the City. SMG has also had great success in booking national or regional corporate meetings. With the improved national economy and spectacular climate and hospitality offerings of the Greater Jacksonville area, there are opportunities to increase the amount of corporate meetings, private events or customer incentive events in the market. Here are a few of the strategies that we will use to achieve our goals: Use SMGs National Sales data-base to access corporate clients, associations and large groups. Actively participate with the Jacksonville hospitality partners to sponsor FAM tours, targeting meeting planners and large association directors. Utilize SMGs regional network of Convention Centers (several located in the Southeastern region) to offer block booking opportunities. SMG facilities share leads and event information to increase the opportunity to route conventions or trade shows to other SMG facilities. Offer creative incentive packages to large groups, associations or meeting planners in an effort to compete against other cities vying for business.

Niche Events
In an effort to increase programming options, SMG will pursue certain niche events to create more diversity and exposure. There are several niche events such as, the Zombie Chase, 5K Stadium Challenge, BBQ Cook Off, Gator Country Music Fan Fest that are part of the current event calendar. These events will be expanded or grown to create greater exposure and revenue opportunities.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Higher Utilization
Maximizing the revenues and controlling the expenses of the Jacksonville Facilities is SMGs continual focus. Increased utilization is a key component to keeping the revenues flowing. In addition to increased utilization, other revenue areas to be addressed and maximized are advertising and sponsorship sales, naming rights sales, pouring and product rights sales, supplier agreements, premium seating, ticketing agreements, proper pricing, and food and beverage and catering income opportunities. Additionally, all of SMGs systems will be used to minimize operating expenses and create operational efficiencies, including our buying power and preferred pricing, and our best practices methodologies. We offer the following case studies as evidence to our approach and abilities.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts

Jacksonville, Florida

The Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts is a vibrant and active facility in the heart of the downtown area. Collaboration with both tenants and major promoters and enhancement of patron event experience will maximize the use of this beautiful venue and make it a cornerstone of the redevelopment of the riverfront area.

TIMES-UNION CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 300 Water Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-633-6110
Profile Seating: Moran Theater 2,934 Jacoby Symphony Hall 1,874 Terry Theater 609 The Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts is beautifully situated in the heart of Downtown Jacksonville. Built in 1961, the facility underwent a major transformation in 1997, including upgrades to all major infrastructure as well as creating three distinct theaters. Now the premier riverfront facility for the arts in Northeast Florida, the TimesUnion Center for the Performing Arts hosts more than 300 events each year, from Broadway touring shows to symphony orchestras, from corporate general sessions to community recitals, from unique receptions to intimate dinners. Resident/major tenants include the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra, the Artist Series of Florida State College at Jacksonville, and the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville.

Strategy for Higher U/liza/on

Promotion Develop online promotional piece highlighting the features of facility. Specifically customize the presentations to corporate meetings, receptions and social events and include a presentation focused on the performance attributes of the hall. Utilize Visit Jacksonville to distribute the corporate presentation to both local and national firms. Partnership - Continue SMG partnerships with national promoters to facilitate major event booking for the Moran and Terry Theaters. Develop further relationships with new promoters through the SMG Live Entertainment Division. Patron Experience - Augment the Uible Marquee and immediate outdoor space for creation of caf area to highlight enhanced concessions options and provide greater pre-function experience. Also explore the addition of premium services like valet parking and VIP club area to ticketing.

Means to Achieve a Self-Sustaining Budget

Energy efficiency Increased advertising/sponsorship Premium ticketing additions Targeted capital purchases for equipment rental revenue generation i.e., line array system

Tenant Rela)onships
SMG is a proud partner of the resident tenants of the Times-Union Center, providing services and experiences for regular patrons to the Symphony and Artist Series events. We will continue efforts to enhance and support the goals of these valuable institutions.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Ritz Theatre and LaVilla Museum

Jacksonville, Florida

SMG recognizes that the Ritz Theatre is at the heart of the LaVilla community and any proposal must first ensure support of the goals as stated in the theaters mission. Through our strong industry relationships and theater-specific expertise, SMG can reinforce the programming to achieve and exceed the goals of this vibrant institution.

RITZ THEATRE AND LAVILLA MUSEUM 829 NORTH DAVIS STREET Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-632-5555 Mission
To research, record, and preserve the material and artistic culture of African American life in Northeast Florida and the African Diaspora, and present in an educational or entertaining format, the many facets that make up the historical and cultural legacy of the community.

Strategy for Higher Utilization

The Place for Jazz The Ritz has a strong history of presenting some of the greats of jazz in Jazz Jamm. SMG would proudly utilize its national booking relationships to leverage even greater exposure for the series with such artists as Ron Carter, M. Quest, James Cotton, and Ahmad Jamal. In addition, SMGs marketing expertise can be instrumental in branding this essential program into the preeminent jazz series in Northeast Florida. Event g Experience Theater is an event a social experience. By utilizing our food & beverage expertise, SMG will enhance the patron experience with fine dining options available inside the Ritz. The introduction of tapas dining and wine pairings enjoyed in the beautiful pre-function space will make an event at the theater into an experience. An Artistic Home To celebrate and incubate the communitys tradition of storytelling and encourage the voices of established and emerging artists, we will develop RitzWrights, a playwriting competition for the Ritz Theatre, seeking new plays that are ambitious, engaging, and speak the common experiences of an increasingly diverse community. A juried selection process will lead to staged readings and a community selection process for 3 plays to receive full production in the following season.

Theater Profile
Seating: 426 Features: The Ritz Theatre was designed in the Art Deco style by local architect Jefferson Powell and constructed in 1929 Renovation: The Ritz underwent a $4.2 million renovation in 1999, restoring the theatre to its former glory History: A vibrant mix of events ranging from celebrations to reception to festival has found a place within the Ritz Theatre. The Ritz has a rich and vibrant history of presenting great names in jazz, gospel, and R&B: Esperanza Spalding, Ruben Studdard, Roy Ayers, and Ladysmith Black Mambazo, to name a few, have graced the same artistic space that once welcomed Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, and Ray Charles.

Means to Achieve a Self-Sustaining Budget

Energy Efficiency Naming Rights Increased Advertising: brand development, improved online presence Enhanced concessions options Develop partnerships in the university community to increase utilization of the museum. SMG Corporate will commit to producing 5 7 events per year that meet the artistic vision and mission of the Ritz Theatre.

Museum Profile
Built in 1999 on the site of the original theater 1,000 square foot exhibit space Houses a permanent collection which assists in the interpretation and understanding of local history and puts into perspective the role of African Americans in the development of the region and the nation. Features a broad range of related public programs and special events. Fosters and promotes scholarly research and receives donations of objects, documents, photographs, and other significant materials from the community.

Community Collaboration
In addition to the resources of marketing, event management, and promoting, SMG will be a resource to the Ritz staff and the Ritz Theatre and LaVilla Museum Foundation in their efforts to enhance the capacity and profile of the theater and museum.

Historical Heritage
We understand the unique needs of theaters with long traditions and historical contexts in communities. We recognize the special place these theaters hold in the character of a community and the great effort and commitment it often takes to preserve such rich cultural heritage.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena

Jacksonville, Florida
Overall Objective:
The Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena intends to implement a variety of strategies to remain a frontrunner among entertainment facilities. Improving and enhancing technology systems, increasing event programming variety and enriching the overall guest experience are just a few of our goals for the future.

Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena 300 A. Philip Randolph Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-630-3900 Profile
Seating Capacity: 14,500 Opened in November of 2003 Luxury Suites: 36 executive suites, each with a 16-seat capacity, and one party suite with a seating capacity of 100 and standing capacity of 300. Building Tenants: The Jacksonville Sharks of the Arena Football League, the Jacksonville Giants of the A merican Basketball Association and the Jacksonville University Dolphins of the NCAA The Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena has hosted an array of m ajor events including the NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament, First & Second Rounds, in 2006 and 2010, and the United States Gymnastics A merican Cup 2007 and 2011 The arena has been ranked within the top 50 international venues for tickets sales on multiple occasions.

Eciency of Opera/on:
The SMG management team combines strong operational experience in order to creatively and effectively deliver top-notch events to our clients and customers.

Strategy for Higher Utilization:

Leverage SMGs Live Entertainment Division, booking relationships to increase awareness of the Jacksonville Arena with National Touring Shows and Promoters and secure quality live entertainment Utilize social media, customer databases, a contemporary and user-friendly website and grass roots m arketing campaigns to increase sales and attendance Identify and develop a premium package with entertainment options to enhance the entertainment value of Jacksonville Arena events Work closely with the new city sports board to help bring more NCAA and other m ajor events to the arena Increase sponsorship sales by 20% Scru%nize event expenses and aggressively manage all non-reimbursable costs Introduce food and beverage packages with premium seat purchases to increase club membership Increase parking and concessions sales by oering pre- paid parking packages that include food and beverage specials

Means to Achieving a Self-Sustaining Budget:

New Initiatives:
Explore premium and pre-paid parking options to increase parking revenues Develop interactive video to facilitate traffic flow and parking in and around the sports complex

P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um


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EverBank Field
Jacksonville, Florida
Overall Objective
While continuing to produce superior ratings for guest services and event day operations, SMG Jacksonville is excited to embrace the challenge of reducing expenses while enhancing the facilitys end-users experience. By placing an emphasis on increased programming, new technologies, focused efforts on safety and security and continued vigilant care of the citys asset, SMG will accomplish the goals outlined below.

EverBank Field One EverBank Field Drive Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-633-6100 Profile
Seating Capacity: 76,867; NFL football, 67,164; college football/special events, 84,000 Opened in 1995 on the site of the former Gator Bowl, it is the home stadium of the Jacksonville Jaguars of the National Football League. Annual events include the Florida vs. Georgia Football Classic, the Gator Bowl and the nations largest, standing room only Monster Jam. Notable events include Super Bowl XXXIX, FSU vs. Alabama, College Football Legend Bobby Bowden's last game, historic black college events, the Willie Gary Classic, the Gateway Classic, the Orange Blossom Classic, Promise Keepers, Billy Graham Crusade, and concerts including U2, the George Strait Music Festival, NSync, Tim M cGraw and Shania Twain. Awards & Recognition for EverBank Fields Guest Service TEAM, led by SMG: NFLs Level 1 for safety and security and meeting the NFLs Best Practices for Fan Code of Conduct Compliance. The parking and transportation program has been ranked #1 of the 32 teams programs. In league wide fan surveys, the Jaguars fans have ranked #1 for Club Seat Owner Satisfaction and #1 for Fans Feeling Valued by the Team. The Grounds Crew and Housekeeping departments have been recognized by Visit Jacksonville for their game day and t urnover expertise. Guest Service TEAM members have received ROSE Awards from the North Florida Hotel and Lodging Association. The Facility Director has been recognized as one of twenty of the Business Journals Women of Influence for her work in facility management. Awarded the National Sport Safety and Security Facility of Merit Award by the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety & Security.

Strategy for Increased Programming

SMG Jacksonville will increase programming by u8lizing its Na#onal Entertainment Division and Private Promoter Partners. SMG Corporate will make available funding to secure shows and events that will prove to be successful entertainment op4ons as well as successful revenue generators. Using these resources, we will a&ract: Additional NCAA football options Additional motor sports s hows National music tours and festivals Classic car and RV shows Fantasy camps and corporate events As new technology con.nues to emerge, SMG has adopted a number of ini+a+ves to add value to the client, increase revenue and operate the facility at op0mal eciency. The following ini#a#ves are in place or being developed: Multi-facility voice over internet protocol Internet protocol TV Replace static displays with digital signage Bowl wireless system, one of five in NFL stadiums Distributed antenna system, which generates rental income from cellular services and enhances guest satisfaction Wireless hand held devices that allow prepaid parking, cashless payment and value added opportunities for marketing and food and beverage enhancements

Integration of New Technologies

Focused Effort on Safety and Security

SMG is committed to maintaining the highest level of safety and security for all users of EverBank Field. Activation of ISS (Incident Command Computer Program) for improved fan behavior response, enforcement and tracking, reducing game-day staffing cost. While supporting the increased security measure of wanding at the point of entry, SMG will accomplish the required level of security and efficiency necessary by implementing cross training and position sharing to reduce expected additional expenses.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center

Jacksonville, Florida

Mission To attract, develop, and produce events of significant economic benefit to the City of Jacksonville such as: trade shows, public shows, expositions, m eetings, banquets, and conferences. To facilitate local events, promote civic and community pride and enhance quality of life within a sound financial context. Strategy for Higher Utilization Maximize the relationship with Visit Jacksonville: work with Visit Jacksonville to focus on bringing larger conventions and trade shows, more than 18 months out, to the city to maximize room nights and economic impact. SMG will continue to partner with Visit Jacksonville to aggressively pursue all bookings by: Participating in quarterly Co-Op with hospitality partners on sales missions Participating in FAM tours, targeting citywide association planners Maintaining a strong presence in key industry publications Initiatives for local businesses: develop partnerships with the community that offer a return on investment where there is a call to action for community leaders/CEOs who are connected with an association or group to seek meetings that would lead to new business for the Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center. Means to Achieving a Self-Sustaining Budget Effective booking of the center, maximizing high- yield events with greater potential for improved margin Enhance internal and external marketing to assist shows in attendance growth Increase energy efficiency practices through judicious use of resources to reduce cost

Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center 1000 Water Street Jacksonville, FL 32204 904-630-4000 Profile
Opened in 1986 on the site of the former Jacksonville Terminal. The Terminal was opened in 1 919 and operated till 1974. The City of Jacksonville transformed this National Register Landmark into one of the most unusual convention facilities in the nation. The center features 7 8,500 square feet of exhibit space divisible into two separate halls with 33-foot ceilings. Designed for multiple room set options, there are 22 m eeting rooms to accommodate various m eeting requirements. The Grand Lobby, the m ost prized jewel, boasting 75-foot ceilings and walls of marble, is an event space where you can entertain the most discerning clients. The center is surrounded by 22 acres of land that includes 840 parking spaces with addi$onal private and public lots, within walking distance, available to our guests. Directly across from the center is the Skyway Express that connects to partner hotels and entertainment. In 2005, the POCC hosted the Media Center for the NFL Super Bowl. Although historical, the building is technologically advanced and is st capable of suppor-ng the 21 century demands serving thousands each year.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Jacksonville Equestrian Center

Jacksonville, Florida
To renew the impact that the Jacksonville Equestrian Center can have as a premier equestrian venue by: showcasing how the facility can benefit both Jacksonville and the equestrian community; and broadening exposure of the facility as a source of recreation and entertainment for all of Jacksonville. Strategy for Higher Utilization

Jacksonville Equestrian Center 13611 Normandy Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32221 904-573-3150

Championship multi-purpose indoor arena with a 150-foot x 300-foot arena floor, 3,770 permanent seats for equestrian events and additional seating for 6,000 on the floor for concerts or public events 80,000-square-foot concourse for vendors and social use Two outdoor show rings with multipurpose footing Facility expansions have increased the capability to house more than 400 horses in permanent stalls, allowing the center to court larger events beyond the local market and set the stage for a national presence. Full service RV spaces are available and the facility also serves as a evacuation site.

To increase visibility in the equestrian community, SMG will develop a long-term vision and re-brand the facility to attract regional and national events and n etwork with equestrian partners seeking a premier venue. To become a flexible asset for Jacksonville, SMG will use its partnerships within the industry to broaden use of the Equestrian Center by adding music, festivals and other community events. SMG is committed to co-promoting three concerts at the Equestrian Center that will help to introduce the facility as a concert location.

SMG will actively work to increase offerings such as c amps, summer programs and other educational activities at the Equestrian Center, which will broaden the reach of the venue within the community. Means to Achieving Self-Sustaining Budget Increase use and bookings. Develop incentives for promoters booking within network. Increase naming rights and sponsorships leveraging the strength of SMGs multiple venues.

Develop n ew revenue streams by hosting entertainment events. Community Collaboration Develop and initiate community involvement thru a Friends Program to assist in marketing, fundraising and creating a positive presence. Partner with parks and recreation staff to develop programs that can encompass all Cecil Recreation Complex components

Approximately 20 acres of open space sits to the north of the complex, offering exceptional space for outdoor festivals, sporting events and community festivals.

Continue to seek out opportunities to partner with 4-H. members, who often serve as ambassadors during events. Historical Heritage SMG has proudly managed this facility since its opening in 2 004. In cooperation with the city, improvements have been made to the Equestrian Center securing it as a premier facility among equestrian venues.

Partnered with Ford Motor Company to add a rebound turf arena to the complex, which has hosted numerous Grand Prix events, dog agility trials and pony club games and events

Since opening in 2004, the center has created

successful relationships key promoters within the industry, including the National Team Roping League Finals and the National Barrel Horse Association, which host annual e vents at the facility.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

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Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville

Jacksonville, Florida
Overall Objective

To skillfully meet and exceed SMGs scope of services as spelled out in the citys separate contract with the Jacksonville Suns. This calls for SMG to primarily provide daily maintenance and housekeeping and initiate, secure and ensure completion of capital projects, and for the Suns to oversee programming. Excellent Care and Maintenance of City Asset Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville 301 A. Philip Randolph Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-633-6100

Profile The Baseball Grounds replaced Wolfson Park in 2003. It has nearly 6,000 stadium-style chairs and can accommodate more than 11,000 fans, the highest capacity in all of Double-A baseball. Features an old-fashioned design, brick facade and a grass seating berm and bleacher seating. Offers 12 luxury skyboxes, four skydecks, a large scoreboard and videoboard, a playground and a unique 9-foot-high mound for seating at the left field corner.

Capital improvements accomplished under SMG include: new deck coating, new fencing, restoration of scoreboard and batters eye paint, updated TV system, replacement of wall pads, security upgrades, improvements to production equipment and replacement of suite fans. SMG developed a daily integration process with the tenant to ensure maintenance needs are addressed and the facility is kept in top condition. This includes taking a hands-on approach to all aspects of maintenance, from p erforming routine walk-thrus to computerizing maintenance history and setting reminders for routine care. SMG also provides housekeeping support, beyond contract requirements, which helped maintain the facility as an A1- rated Ballpark. Means to Achieve Self-Sustaining Budget Continue commitment to energy efficiency products and practices throughout facility. Increase revenues gained through parking. Explore viability of a removable pitchers m ound, easing cost of ancillary events that require use of the infield. Install new scoreboard and LED signage for the fence line to enhance to increase advertising and sponsorship opportunities, resulting in increased revenue. Continue to efficiently managing all labor-related and event costs to find opportunities for further savings. Strategy for Higher Utilization SMG welcomes the opportunity to play a more active role in programming at the Baseball Grounds. In addition to continuing its work ensure the FL vs. FSU game remains at the grounds, SMG also envisions: o Retrofitting fence line to allow high school football, soccer, lacrosse and other sports to be played on regulation fields. With this capability, the Baseball Grounds will a viable facility for sporting events 365 days a year. o Integrating the use of the grounds with festivals, runs and other downtown activities, making use of the natural bowl-like setting for a concert stage. o Continue to seek ACC, SEC and other lucrative baseball tournaments.

Highlights Home of the C lass Double-A Southern League Jacksonville Suns Hosted Atlantic Coast Conference baseball championship, 2005-2008 Since 2 007, hosted annual University of Florida vs. Florida State University Baseball Game Hosted Super Bowl XXXIX Concert Series, 2005 Home to National Multiple Sclerosis Society Golf Event, 2008. Site of American Heart Association Heart Walk, 2007 Site of Muscular Dystrophy Association Walk, 2012 Host annual Duval C ounty high s chool baseball games Provide educational tours to college sports management programs


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification

Tab 9: Quotation or rates, fees or charges and other detailed cost proposal or cost breakdown information


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification - Tab 9 - Quotation of rates, fees or changes and other detailed cost breakdown information
Describe the Managers overall willingness to meet both time and budget requirements for the project, proposed total compensation or unit price quotations, including, without limitation, hourly rates, fees, or other charges that will ultimately be used during, contract negotiations to calculate or determine total compensation. Please propose a recommended compensation structure for this work scope, maximizing the Managers ability to compete and fix-price the various aspects of the work (e.g., grounds maintenance, security guard services, pest control, etc.). Also, indicate your anticipated maximum Fixed Fee and Incentive Fees (as described in the contract in Attachment D), to be in compliance with Internal Revenue Procedure 97-13. The Facilities are anticipated to generate revenues from various national and local events the Manager is able to market and attract. Please discuss how the Manager envisions these revenues being allocated to event expenses, to the Manager, to the City, and/or to a maintenance/repair escrow account.

Please see our enclosed letter and fee structure found under sealed, separate cover.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n


Question 6) Statement of Qualification

Tab 10: The volume of current and prior work performed for using agencies shall be considered a minus factor


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

(7) Pricing Proposal

6 ) Sta tem ent of Q u a l i fi ca t i o n

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Question 6) Statement of Qualification - Tab 10 - The volume of current and prior work performed for using agencies shall be considered a minus factor
Provide a list of all local government projects on which Manager has been awarded fees during the past five (5) years. Include only those projects on which Manager was the Prime Manager (do not delete fees paid to subcontractors or others). Such list shall include all work for the City of Jacksonville and the agencies listed in Criteria #5 above. If the Manager has not performed work for any of these entities during the past five (5) years, the Response should so clearly state. Failure to provide complete and accurate information will result in lower score on evaluation. Failure to list amounts of all fees may result in rejection of proposal as non-responsive.

Answer...5 years, SMG has been the Prime Contractor under a management agreement with the City For the last

For theJlast 5 years, SMG has been the Prime Contractor under a Arena, Baseball agreement with the City of of acksonville for EverBank Field, Jacksonville Veterans Memorial management Grounds of For the ast T years, SMG has Jacksonville Veterans questrian management agreement w of Jacksonville, Jacksonville lfor 5 imes-Union Center for he Prime Contractor under aCenter, And Prime Grounds ith the City Jacksonville, EverBank Field, been t Performing Arts, EMemorial Arena, Baseball Osborn Convention of Jacksonville f for Performing Arts, Equestrian Center, And Prime Osborn Convention Times-Union Centeror EverBank epresents the fees Veterans MG by the Arena, Backsonville over tof Center, Center (Facilities). Below r Field, Jacksonville paid to S Memorial City of J aseball Grounds he last 5 Jacksonville, Times-Union C the fees erforming Arts, questrian C Jacksonville over the last 5 years: years: (Facilities). Below representsenter for Ppaid to SMG byEthe City ofenter, And Prime Osborn Convention Center (Facilities). Below represents the fees paid to SMG by the City of Jacksonville over the last 5 years: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Base Fee $612,301 $636,793 $659,718 $658,399 $667,617 Incentive Fee $217,013 $225,692 $233,817 $233,349 $236,616 Base Fee $612,301 $636,793 $659,718 $658,399 $667,617 Cecil Field Agreement $211,587 $220,050 $227,516 $227,516 $230,701 Incentive Fee $217,013 $225,692 $233,817 $233,349 $236,616 Total Fees $1,040,901 $1,082,535 $1,121,051 $1,119,264 $1,134,934 Cecil Field Agreement $211,587 $220,050 $227,516 $227,516 $230,701
Total Fees $1,040,901 $1,082,535 $1,121,051 $1,119,264 $1,134,934 In addition, SAVOR, a wholly owned division of SMG, has been operating the food service at all Facilities In addition, SAVOR, a wholly owned division of SMG, has been operating the food service at all Facilities with the exception of EverBank Field, for the last 3 years under an agreement directly with SMG that with theaexception of EverBank Field, for the lastS3 years underoan agreement directly withll Facilities In ddition, SAVOR, City. Under this agreement, the has does perating the food service at a SMG that was approved by the a wholly owned division of MG, City been not pay fees directly to SAVOR. SAVORs was approvedeby the City.EUnder this agreement, the ears under notapay fees directly with SMG that City does to SAVOR. SAVORs with the calls for of verBank Field, for t depending agreement xception variable compensation he last 3 y upon the lan greement nd profits of the food evel of sales a directly agreementpproved by tThis ity. Under this iagreement, the upon oes not pay fees directly to SAVOR. SAVORs was a operation. he Ccompensation s fully at-risk depending o level of sales and rofitability. Below, service calls for variable compensation depending City d the n SAVORs level of pprofits of the food service operation. This compensation SAVOR fat-risk depending on SAVORs levelpof profitability. Below, agreement calls for variable compensation or these services: please find the earnings retained by is fully depending upon the level of sales and rofits of the food please find the earningshis compensation is fully athesedservices: on SAVORs level of profitability. Below, service operation. T retained by SAVOR for t-risk epending please find the earnings retained by SAVOR for these services: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Food & Beverage $0 $0 $42,590 $294,451 $255,576 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 $0 $0 $42,590 $294,451 $255,576 Food & Beverage


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

7 ) Pri c i n g Prop osa l



To come from Leibo/Finance


Proposers shall submit pricing proposals to City in such format as would be compliant with the requirements of the IRS, including but not limited to, the pricing comply with all requirements for a qualified management contract pursuant to Internal Revenue Service Revenue Procedure 97-13 for a 10 year term management agreement. Proposers pricing proposal may also be subject to review and approval from the Citys bond counsel.

Please see our enclosed letter and fee structure found under sealed, separate cover.


P ro posal to prov i de fac i l it i es m a na g e m e nt se r v ices to : Eve r Ba nk F i e l d , Ja c kso nvi l l e Vete ra ns Me m o ri al A re n a, Base bal l G ro und s of Ja c kso nv il le, Tim es-U ni o n Ce nte r fo r Pe r fo rmi ng Ar ts, Equ est ri an Ce nte r, P ri m e O s b o r n Co nve nt io n Ce nte r a nd R i tz Thea t re a nd M use um

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