E-Learning Solution Generation Operation Database (GOD) - Redefining Power Generation 1.human Engineering

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e-learning solution Generation Operation Database (GOD) Redefining Power Gene 1.HUMAN ENGINEERING
Management , ISO , Safety , Environment , Management Thoughts

Reliability & Recognition

Real leader are ordinary people with extraordinary determination

It is true that you can fool all people some of the time or some of people all the time But you cannot fool all people all the time. ABRAHAM LINCON


FIND OUT MORE --------------------------------------------------------------1.HUMAN ENGINEERING 01 2.POWER GENERATION 19 3.BOILER 37 4.WATER CHEMISTRY 58 5.TURBINE 65 6.ELECTRICAL 79 7.PROTECTION & TESTING 94 8.OPERATION & CONTROL 105 9. PERFORMANCE 122 10. MONITORING & DIGNOSTICS 136 11.UNIT START STOP 142 12.UNIT START(detail procedure) 150 13. 500 MW OPERATION 186


Generation Operation Database (GOD)

Generation Operation Database (GOD) is an interactive & dialogue oriented knowledge based info system, specially designed for operation engineers working in power generation to understand basic & prima of power generation by most easiest & digestible way and to immunize them to fight routine & unforese emergencies in plant operation.The ultimate aim of this e-learning process of GOD is to develope a sense of confiden

July 2, 2012

every power generation engineer rather than making few experts. Since GOD is in continual development process, there may be every chances of ambiguity. In thes information from generation engineers is welcomed to enrich this GOD. 9923757244



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101/ Prime mission of operation engineers in power station ? 210 MW / 500 MW thermal power plants are highly capital-intensive plant. @ 800 crores (for 210 MW) / @ 2000 crores (for 500 MW) of capital is get engaged in erection of Hence, responsibility of operation engineer is to run these plants at a full rated capacity using resources. Even loss of 1 MW in rated capacity of plant results a loss of @ Rs 60,000 in a day. (Using cost o electricity=Rs2.50) 102/ Output of knowledge gain ? . Knowledge is the power. Knowledge generates confidence, initiative, mastery & satisfaction in an individual. 103/ New dimensions of engineer in present era. ? An engineer in present era should have multi-dimensional qualities like confidence, courage (presence of mind) & maturity. 104/ Role of operation engineer in power generation. ? Any safety or control system in power plant like FSSS, Turbovisory, DAS, DDC, Microprocessor, Circuit Breakers are designed for protection of system in most common emergency. However the safety or control system cant replace the intelligent, logical & reasonable judgment of hum all situation. 105/ Accountability & goals for power engineer ? high capacity utilization, reduction of waste ( auxiliary consumption, dm & oil ) & Compliance with environmental limits 106/ Challenges to power engineers? Expectations must be fulfilled of those the owner of asset for profitability & survival in competitive market The society as whole for cost effective output product 107/ Need of operator engineer s competency ? to efficient and safe operation of machine & to reduce the risk of failure. 108/ Qualities of operation in charge of a thermal power generation unit ? he should be quick decision maker, tough, versatile and a proud leader for fellow workers. 109/ Role of job stresson human body ? Stress induced biological changes in human body play a direct roll in heart disease Reasercher identified that stressed workers eat unhealthy food, smoke, drink, & skip exercise li disease In the study, stressed workers also had lowered heart rate variability a sign of a poorly functio heart 110/ Customer requirements from power generation company ? Lowest cost of generation with high Reliability of plant (no failure of plant ), 111/ Work culture ? to come together Beginning; to keep together - Progress; to work together - Success 112/ Qualities of Manager ? decision maker, problem solver, motivator, work done through other 113/ Qualities of Leader ? good communicator, adequate job knowledge & intelligent, man of integrity, available & take charge of situation during crises, interfere for normalizing situation 114/ Implication of negligence ?

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If neglegience, gravity of matter goes from prediction to routine, routine to important, impor urgent, urgent to emergency so it is necessary to monitor works on 1st phase of prediction itself , otherwise works face to em negligence. 115/ Effective of communication ? correct, clear, complete, concise, concrete, candid, courteous 116/ Quality of in-charge people love, trust & rely 117/ Human relation ? the ability to get along with people is more important than intelligence, knowledge, job skill 118/ Duty of operation in charge ? Optimum utilization of resources for achieving maxiimum production 119/ Role of educational qualification in high tech industry ? hazard, risk & danger are the product of new technological changes, modernization & sophistica to keep track of modern sophistication protective equipment, instrumentation & knowledge of c technical standards a educational qualification plays major role .

120/ Success in industry ? Good organization structure chief should versatile in business & technology , having experience of handling series of strategic emergency 121/ Professional approach of business ? # Non-Professional Approach Emphasis on procedure Standard may change different time Old system continued Commitment to job Push is required Premises & people are unimpressive A high degree of subjectivity in decision-making Outcomes are unpredictable

# Professional Approach

Emphasis on system requirement Professional standard are not diluted System are reviewed time to time Commitment to work Emphasis on planning & reviewing Premises & people attract System are standardized for decision Most thing are predictable


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201/ ISO ? International organisation for standardisation 202/ ISO certification ? International Organization for Standardization (ISO) gives certificate for QMS (quality management system.) , OHSAS ( occupational health & safety management syste EMS ( enviormmental management system ) etc This management system certification is not only for industry but also applicable for service se Hotel, Hospital, Educational institutes etc, 203/ Difference between ISO certification & ISI certification ? ISO certification is for improvement in management of process to achieve customer satisfactio while ISI is for product certification. Product certification authorities are ISI, BIS (India), CE (I etc 204/ Landmarks of ISO certification ? stresses on consumer satisfaction, process definition, continual development, improvement in internal communication system & lower down production cost. 205/ Various certifications of ISO ? management system ISO 9001, environment management system ISO 14001 occupational health & safety management system ISO 18001 206/ Requisition of ISO Specific & achievable objective , direction toward achieve objective , Definition & limit of objective , 207/ Quality policy ? economic production & reliable (uninteruptted ) supply of electricity generation 208/ ISO audit ? Checking of Effective Implementation of objectives 209/ Works pertaining for ISO certification ? Define objective Keeping record of measures taken to achieve objective 210 / Difference in ISO 9001-2000, ISO 14000 & ISO 18000 ISO 9001-2000 - organizational commitment for customer satisfaction for product quality & com ISO 18001 - organizational commitment for reduction of accident , comply laws & awareness ISO 14000 - organizational commitment for reduction of pollution & water loss, comply laws & a


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221/ ISO 9001-2000 ? ISO 9001-2000 is Quality management system ( QMS ) which include organizational commitment satisfaction product quality & comply laws relating to customer as QMS is management system, it include management function like policy, planning, implementa review 222/ Quality objective ? Maximize Plant Load Factor , reduce auxiliary consumption , reduce waste ie furnance oil & water consumption 223/ Maximize Plant Load Factor (operation ) ? Frontline plant operation by professionally skilled engineer operate plant with design parameters to avoid failure Use condition based monitoring technique ie temp mapping & vibration etc to avoid future mac breakdown Monitor airheater & condenser efficiency ,FW heater performance to avoid losses Decrease steam leakages & attending high energy drain passing 224/ Reduce auxiliary consumption ? Take condition based maintenance of TDBFP which plays major role in auxiliary consumption Stop CCWP, CT fans during winter as per requirement Attend compressor air leakage to avoid additional compressor in service check passing of recirculation valve of BFP, CEP to avoid additional loading Check passing of superheater & reheater spray valves Attend slurry line leakage timely to avoid extra line in service for purging & maintenance Maintaining HT voltage of auxilary by transformer tap changer 225/ Reduction of oil consumption ? All efforts to avoid boiler tube leakage , reducing unit synchronising time 226/ Reduction of DM Water ? Attending high energy drain valve leakage & passing by online method Replacement programme of passing of high energy drain valve & traps during overhaul, 227/ Reduction of Soft Water ? Lub oil Cooler cleaning during overhaul Cleaning Cooling tower Nozzle & Baffle ,adjusting CT fan blade angle 228/ Maximize Plant Load Factor ( mechanical maintenance) ?

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Use condition based maintenance to avoid forced outage of auxilary take programme of Replacement of passing isolating valve & trap ; replacement of weared out boiler tubes during overhaul to avoid majour breakdown resulted du leakage replace airheater seals during overhaul to reduce flue gas losses take on line condenser cleaning programme to to get good vacuum & cooler cleaning to control system parameters keep enough inventory of coal mill to avoid mill nonavailibility during running plant reduce overhaul time by day night work minimise overhaul work by taking condition based maintenance during running plant 229/ Maximize Plant Load Factor ( electrical ) ? take all controls & protection trials during overhaul regoursly and avoid spurious failure in runn Identify malfunction areas in instrumentation & control cards to attend it during overhaul period 230/ Maximize Plant Load Factor (CHP) ? Condition based maintenance of conveyer belts & idlers Keeping week days coal stock during rainy days 231/ Documentation ? Objectives Objective fulfilled monthwise review Measures taken for fulfillment of objectives ie preventive maintenance , auxilaries trial etc Customer satisfaction report Fulfillment of NCR ( noncompliance report raised during previous internal audit )


241/ ISO 14001 ? ISO 14001 is Enviroinmental management system ( EMS ) which include organizational commitm to prevent pollution & comply enviroinmental laws as EMS is management system,it include enviormental policy , planning , implementation , che 242/ Environmental policy ? Identify enviorimental pollution, water loss & take measures ; comply law 243/ Objective ? To control level of dust, NOX , SOX , CO, noise , water loss within mandatory limit 244/ Reducing SPM ? Check proper evacuation of duct & ESP hopper Check excess air Check efficient working of ESP controller Ammonia dozing Attending ESP field in running plant by isolating ESP in pass 245/ Reducing SPM (from maintenance during overhaul ) ? Take repair program of ESP field , rapper ,hammer , hopper heating elements, shast 7 support he elements Reduce flue gas velocity 246/ Raw water recovery / saving ? Use of ash in cement Use of recycled water from ash bund / Effluent Treatment Plant / sewage treatment plant for Use minimum ash slurry disposal line in service 247/ Reduce of NOx ? Opening of overfire damper

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248/ Measures of ISO implementation of EMS ? SPM- ESP fields in service , Ammonoa dozing Water recovery of water from ash bund, effluent treatment , ash to cement factory NOx opening of overfire damper Awareness classroom & informal traning , education by poster , seminar, safety awareness progr 249/ Limits for pollution elements ? SPM 150 mg/m3 Nox- - 70 ppm Sox- 300 T/day for 30,000 T /day coal consumption Specific water consumption 3.5 litre per unit generation 250/ Documentation ? Objectives Records of objective fullment, monthwise review Measure taken to fulfill objective Fulfillment of NCR ( noncompliance report raised during internal audit )


261/ ISO 18001 ISO 18001 is occupational health & safety management system ( OHSAS) which include organiza commitment to prevent accident & comply law as OHSAS is management system,it include enviormental policy , planning , implementation , che 262/ Safety policy ? Identify of accident risk & take measures ; comply law 263/ Objective ? Zero accident & Zero manday loss Measures for zero accident like use of PPE, identify accident place & there rectification, awarene importance of safety Maintain accident reporting system , first aid & Disister action flow chart 264/ Use of PPE ? Awareness Punishment if necessary 265/ Reducing accident ? Use of PPE Use of work instruction Awareness / training


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266/ Measures of ISO implementation of OHSAS ? Accident- use of PPE, use of works instruction Awareness classroom & informal traning , education by poster , seminar, safety awareness pro 267/ Laws governing on establishment of workman in factory ? factory act 1948, Maharashtra factory rule 1963 268/ Laws governing on establishment of explosives ? explosion act 1884, petroleum act 1934, gas cylinder rule 2004, petroleum rule 2002 269/ Laws governing on protection of environment ? environment protection act 1986, The water act 1974, The air act 1981, noise prevention rule, manufacture store & import hazardous chemical rule1989, hazard waste rule 1989, battery disposal rule etc, 270/ Acts operate during workers accident ? factory act 1948, Maharashtra factory rule 1963, Workman compensation act 1923 271/ Documentation ? Objective Records of objective fullment monthwise review Measure taken if fail to fulfill objective ie safety awareness, training etc Fulfillment of NCR ( noncompliance report raised during previous internal audit )


301/ Safety care while big fire in control room / cable gallery ? big fire to cables in control room/cable gallery can cause formation of toxic gases. It may discourage operation engineer to stay in PCR control room for long time. If situation out of control, trip set along with H2 venting from hydrogen filling room. 302/ Safety precautions for cable gallery room & H2 filling station ? as such cable gallery / H2 filling station /oil handling plant are included high alert zone. these pl should easily accessible for operation engineer all the time for inspection. 303/ Safety care in case big fire to furnace oil tank ? isolate fired tank by keeping cool other unfired furnace oil tank by continuous water spray. consume oil in fired tank by taking all oil support in all boiler if possible . 304/ Safety measure for Electrical fire ? use only CO2 fire extinguisher, 305/ Principal of issuing works permit ? no casual approach to human life. care to be taken there should be clear identification marks on auxiliary on which works is going More attention to be given while canceling of permit. 306/ Cleanliness & housekeeping ? remove foreign material, keep area neat & clean, tools to be keep in section in good appearanc

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location. 307/ Care to be taken while running machine after overhaul ? during plant shutdown many maintenance sections works on similar auxiliary at a time. Hence care to be taken that machine should not run unless physical & visual verification of auxi angle. 308/ Major pre checks while cancellation of permit ? ensure safety guard to rotating parts.; ensure electrical, control, instrumentation connection ensure all workman, material of permit holder is out of work place; ensure cooling, lubrication auxiliaries 309/ Notification of fatal accident under factory act ? within 24 hours to factory inspector, police station, district magistrate, administrative medical officer, nearest family person 310/ Ratio of accident as quoted by Henrich (father of industrial safety) ? fatal 1 : minor 30 : small injury (non reportable) 300 311/ Terms defined in factory act ? act- central act passed by parliament.; rule state wise provision made by state to implemen occupier- person responsible for controlling company (not owner) as decided in Supreme Court o in the case of Shriram chemical verses Govt of India . 312/ Jockey pump in fire fighting pump house ? when there is drop in fire fighting water line pressure, jockey pump get picked up to make up li 313/ Factors responsible for accident & their ratio ? unsafe act (personal factors) 80% : unsafe condition (job related conditions) 20% 314/ Type of fire ? A type- solid fire, B type- liquid fire, C type- gas fire, D type- metal fire 315/ Type of Fire extinguisher ? A type- water, B type- mechanical foam, C type- dry chemical powder (DCP), D type- Ternary Eu (TEC) 316/ Principal of Accident / Failure ? accident do not just happening. they are the product of either unsafe condition or unsafe act. Unsafe acts are- lethargy & haste , spirit of adventure, spirit of compliance, half knowledge, pay& purchase, rule of fool, encash ignorance, life relative value, take it easy attitude etc. 317/ Fire ? chemical chain reaction which need fuel, oxygen & temperature 318/ Principal of fire extinguishing ? cut fuel, cut oxygen, cooling; in case of electrical fire, cut off electrical supply 319/ Percentage of oxygen need for fire ? not less than 16% (air contain 21% oxygen) 320/ Importance of smoke detection in cable gallery ? small fire on LT cable may not operate protection of HT 321/ Care to be taken while taking round of site ? always take round of site along with site person because of unsafe condition at site like ongoin of auxiliaries, rusted guard or ladle, leakage current, opened drainage, feeling of uneasy at extrem of boiler, fumes of poisons gases in duct etc. 322/ Importance of safe working condition to operator working in power generation plant ? all auxiliaries in TPS are to be checked daily for vibration, leakages, hot running or damages as a matter. So it is responsibility of employer to provide safe working condition like lift, ladle, grill, ventilati earthling & personal protection equipment to his workforce to safely reach in the area of auxiliaries in order potential accident of workman & machine .

323/ Human factors causing for accidents in Thermal Power Station ? overconfidence, overrule of designer s instructions, carelessness, absence of mind, lack of train communication, lack of knowledge. 324/ Care to be taken during fatal accident at site ? Immediate shifting of accidental person to nearby civil hospital to avoid mob violence 325/ Care during stopping fire fighting system in plant ? inform to Coal Handling Plant in charge to arrange alternate arrangement for spray on wagon tippler & coal yard. inform to reject belt in charge to make alternate for reject belt spray Keep fire fighting tender ready inside plant.


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326/ Preventing spreading of fire to other furnace oil tank when fire caught to any one furnace oil tan keep cool other furnace oil tanks by spraying water in order to restrict spread of fire 327/ Outdoor plant in charge must knows in absence of operator ? starting up compressor, manual withdrawing of soot blower, vent out H2 in case of emergency

301/ Allowable CO ppm in flue gas ? @ 50 ppm. 302/ Allowable NOX ppm in flue gas ?


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@150 ppm. 303/ Ammonia dozing in ESP inlet ? increase conductivity ( ionization ) of ash particle which helps in increasing collection of ash in E this helps in reducing emission from chimney. 304/ CO2 Emission 0.8 to 1.2 KG per KWHr (unit) generation 305/ Role of CO2 in global warming CO2 responsible for 60% global warming 306/ Quantity of CO2 generation by 1000MW plant @ 8 million tones per year CO2 generation in 1000 MW plant 307/ CO2 generation in thermal power plant in all INDIA @395 million tones per year CO2generation by TPS in INDIA 308/ Control on CO% in flue gas is necessary ? presence of CO in flue gases indicates incomplete combustion. it forms a compound with the hemoglobin in the human blood (dead red cell ) & thereby reduces carrying capacity of the blood in human body. 309/ Effect of low temp boiler flue gas ? (SO)x & (NO)x combines with moisture in flue gas forms sulphuric acid & nitric acid at low tem it can corrodes the air heaters & ESPs elements 310/ Effect of (SO)x & (NO)x on environment ? (SO)x & (NO)x dissolves in rain water forms acid rain 311/ Effect of dust particles on environment ? dust particles settle on the leaves of plants and hamper the process of photosynthesis. Dust particles present in air carry pollen grains, spores of fungi etc Some of these spores and pollen cause asthma and other allergies. 312/ Envirnmental protection Ozone depleting gas ie chlorofurocarban ( CFC), hydrochloroflurocarban ( HCFC), carbantetrachlo hexafluride ( HF6) can easily break ozone layer in statasphere layer which is filter for solor UV-B if thease ray enter in earth enviroinment can cause for potential risk like human eye diseases, s & infection deaseases . can also severe damage to species & bio-geo chemical cycle in earth. 313/ Greenhouse effect/Global warming ? carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane, sulphur di oxide, nitrous oxide & chlorofluorocarbons are heat absorbent gases. It increases temperature of environment by absorbing heat from sunl As earth moves around self & around sun, increases temp in one area affect entire globally. ie it increases temp of sea water & glaciers which may causing increase in sea level & tides. 314/ Role of carbondioxide in green house effect ? it is surprising that nitrogen (78%),oxygen(21%) do not play role in greenhouse effect as they are not heat absorbent gases. However increase in absorption of solar energy due to built of carbon di oxide in the atmosphere plays major role in global warming , one 500 MW emits 8350 Tons of CO2 per day in atmosphere. 315/ Percentage of CO2 in environment ? 0.03 % 316/ Envioronmental aspect of Trees 39 diameter X 4 height tree release Oxigen 0.31 Kg /day 9 to 12 diameter X 4 height tree release Oxigen 0. 06 Kg /day one peeple tree release Oxigen which may cater need of 50 persons 317/ green house gases CO2, Methane, Nitrous oxide, CFC, Halogen & water vapour ( other than cloud) Are considered as green house gases 318/ contribution in green house effect Water vapour 36 70 % CO2-9 26 % Metane 4- 9 % O3 37% 319/ average contribution of CO2 in air 380 ppm ( year 2006) 257 ppm ( year 1850) 320/ effect of other green house gases Methane 32 time compared to CO2 Nitrous Oxide 296 time compared to CO2 321/ Effect of ammonia on green house effect ? as per scientific study ammonia is 23 time heat absorbent gas than carbon di oxide 322/ Permissible noise level for human ear ?


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60 to 80 db 323/ Permissible level of radiation for human body ? 5 rems/year 324/ Dust size dangerous to human lungs ? 0.5 to 3 micron 325/ Ignition temp ? self sustain temp which need no external support to start burning 326/ Pollution controls limits ? SOx - 900 mg / m3 Nox - 150mg / m3 CO - 5 mg / m3 NOISE - 80 db Dust level - 150 mg / m3 327/ Quantity of SO2 & NOX formed during combustion ? one 210 MW plant emits @ 25 tones of SO2 & @4.5 tones of NOX in atmosphere per day. 328/ Amount of Carbon di oxide generate by 210 MW plant in 1 day ? @1.25 x 3550 tones 329/ Air density ? 1.23 kg/cubic meter 329/ Principle of ammonia dozing at Air heater outlet ? Ammonia cause for joining number of ash particles & become bigger size & heavy by coagulatio which effect for increase in ash collection.

MANAGEMENT THOUGHTS RISK There are no great win in life without great risks.


July 2, 2012

The greatest reason for the lack of success is that most people play too safe. They think of security, instead of opportunity. Risks and rewards are inversely related; life cannot have guarantees, they are always challenges and difficult times, dont try to avoid them; because those who avoid risks also avoid success. Risks are a part of the process of success. Life is a business of taking constant calculated risks. Nothing ever will be attempted, If all possible objections are first be removed. A little bit of uncertainty is good for everyone. Because, risk motivates to cope with unexpected problems creatively. So, dont wait; the time will never be just right start and work with what ever tools you may have at your command; and better tools will be found as you go along. Remember, removing risk is removing potential for a big win; answer lies not in removing risk but in managing risk. Because, the greatest risk is not taking any risk.

Life Is Really Good I asked for Strength & God gave me Difficulties to make me strong. I asked for Wisdom & God gave me Problem to solve. I asked for Courage & God gave me Brain & Bran (strength) to work. I asked for Love & God gave me Troubled people to help. I asked for Favors & God gave me Opportunities. I received Nothing I wanted, But I Received Everything I Needed to achieve What I Wanted. Believe in yourself If you think you are beaten ; you are : If you think you dare not ; you dont : If youd like to win, but think ; you cant : Its almost a cinch you wont. If you think youll loose, youre lost, For out in the world we find Success Begin with a fellow will. Its all in a state of mind. Lifes battle dont always go to the stronger or faster man : But sooner or latter the man who wins is the one who thinks he can !



July 2, 2012

What is life ? from BHAGAWATGEETA ~Life is a challenge Meet it ~Life is gift Accept it ~Life is adventure Dare it ~Life is sorrow Overcome it ~Life is tragedy Face it ~Life is duty - Perform it ~Life is game Play it ~Life is mystery Unfold it ~Life is song Sing it ~Life is opportunity Take it ~Life is journey Complete it ~Life is promise Fulfill it ~Life is love - Enjoy it ~Life is beauty Praise it ~Life is spirit Release it ~Life is struggle Fight it ~Life is puzzle - Solve it ~Life is goal Achieve it

This is on Corporate Pointers from Jurom Management System

-When people are encouraged to please the seniors rather than organization, indicates the company moves toward destruction. -When the boss assesses his subordinates based on their inputs only like punctuality, sincer behavior, hard working etc indicates the boss has reached his level of incompetence. - Character of employee is judged through his TA Bill. - A company housekeeping is seen by its lavatories. - How methodical an executive is, see his table drawers. - Scrap yard is sign of organizational incompetence. - More the storing capacity, higher the wastage. - Bigger the room : lesser the mental strain. - 95% of the stored things are never used again. - When someone loses temper, he is frustrated. -So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work.

DESTINY Watch Watch Watch Watch Watch your your your your your thoughts; they become your words. words; they become your actions. actions; they become your habits. habits; they become your characters. characters; it will become your destiny. FRANK OUTLAW



July 2, 2012

Advertising helps to produce consistency in quality


Your attitude determine your altitude

If U wait to be happy , U will wait forever But if U start to be happy, U will be happy forever

Money Money Money Money Money Money can can can can can can give give give give give give you you you you you you bed, but not sleep house, but not home book, but not brain food , but not appetite luxury, but not happiness medicine, but not health

Good thing comes to those who wait Better thing comes to those who try Best thing comes to those who believe in their efforts

Geniuses Intellectual solve problems. Geniuses prevent them . Knowledge Real knowledge is to know the extend of ones ignorance Problem solution
There is solution to every problem Early treatment delever better results



July 2, 2012

Balance Sheet of Your Life. What comes is your credit. What goes is your debit. The birth is your opening stock. Your ideas are your assets. Your news is your liabilities. The happiness is your profit. The sorrow is your loss. Your soul is your good will. Your heart is your fixed asset. Your duties are outstanding expenses. Your friendship is hidden adjustment. Your character is your capital. Your knowledge is your investment. Your patience is your bank balance. Your thinking is your current account. Your behavior is your journal entry. Bad things you should always depreciate.


Trust your people it overcomes misunderstanding. Organize your people it establishes a strong chain. Understand your people it bridges gap between you & your people. Respect your people it commands obligation from your people. Inspire your people it activates inner potential of your people. Support your people it makes people listen to you & wait for your command. Teach your people it bridges the communication gap. Care for your people it provides motivation. Appreciate your people it activates people for self motivation. Recharge your people it is a driving force which empowers people to try for best.


What is difference between man & machine emotion & impulse in man. What is difference between motivation & inspiration inspiration comes from outside, chang Motivation comes from within, change External motivation money, incentive, fame, fear Internal motivation pride, sense of achievement, responsibility

Motivation is a process of activating the psychological impulses to channelising human beha accomplishing the desired organizational obj

Limitation of money in motivation Money can only buy what money can buy. But cannot buy most precious things like happines wisdom, love, affection, respect, character, inte


July 2, 2012

Engineering Approach
| V

(you think / dream / foresee for work )

Set goal / aim ( decide what to achieve )

| V

Objective of goal ( why to achieve )

| V

Strategic plan ( how to achieve )

V | V |

Implementation (action plan ) Achievement ( result of action )

| V

Evaluation ( asses the value of outcome )

V |

Development ( experience gathered is input to next work )

You can win

Play to win & not to loose Learn from other peoples mistake Associate with people with high moral character Give more than you get Dont loose something for nothing Always think long term Evaluate your strength & build on them Always keep longer picture in mind while making decision Never compromise integrity

WHAT WE LEARN ( RECEPTION ) 10 % 20 % 30 % 50 % 70 % of what we read of what we hear of what we see of what we both hear & see of what we discussed 18
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80 % 95 %

of what we experienced personally of what we teach to someone else

Winner verses looser

Winner is always part of the answer ------ looser is always part of the problem Winner always has a program ----- looser always has an excuse Winner say let me do it for you -----looser says that it is not my job

Winner sees an answer for every problem ----- looser sees problem for every answer

Winner says it may be difficult but it is possible ---- looser says it may be possible but it is too difficu Winner makes a mistake & says I was wrong ------looser makes a mistake & says it was not my fault Winner have dreams -------looser have schemes

Winner makes commitment ------- looser makes peomises Winner say I must do something ----- looser says something must be done Winner is the part of the team -----looser are apart from the team

Winner see the game ------- looser see the pain Winner sees the possibilities ------ looser sees the problem Winner used hard argument but soft words ------ looser use soft argument but hard words Winner stand firm on valuesbut compromise of petty things----- looser stand firm on petty things but on values Winner believe on win win ------- looser believe for them to win if someone has to loose Winner sees potential -------- looser sees past

You know its time to quit when You You You You You are stuck in a job that is neither challenging nor enjoyable sene bad vibes from your boss have people taking you for granted and not caring about hurting you are in a situation that hurts your dignity as an individual and as a human being clearly see a better opportunity

Artificial Intelligence in User's Network. A Software Solution to Power Generation GOD /HUMAN ENGINEERING


July 2, 2012



July 2, 2012

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