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#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

6/27/12 11:32 AM

#hpm transcript
Healthcare Social Media Transcript
From: To: Wed Mar 23 18:00:00 PDT 2011 Wed Mar 23 19:15:00 PDT 2011 change time period

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And now a switch to our regular Wednesday programming: #HPM chat for an hour.
Wed Mar 23 18:00:32 PDT 2011


See Comment Section for my thoughts: RT @doclake Happy Hospitalist talks abt palliative care #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:02:42 PDT 2011


Right on! RT @MeredithGould: And now a switch to our regular Wednesday programming: #HPM chat for an hour. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:02:47 PDT 2011


@MeredithGould Hey Meredith are you hosting or @PracticalWisdom ? #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:03:17 PDT 2011


In the mean time... Hello everyone let's all start with introductions! Say hello & tell us your passion or interest in --> #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:04:06 PDT 2011


time for a little wednesday night #hpm chat. all the cool kids are doing it.
Wed Mar 23 18:04:11 PDT 2011

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RT @MeredithGould: And now a switch to our regular Wednesday programming: #HPM chat for an hour.
Wed Mar 23 18:04:35 PDT 2011


Hey cats! Good to see you! #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:05:15 PDT 2011


Hi @renee_berry stopping in for as long as I can- patient, caregiver, founder of @ALifeGuide coming out in beta this week for ebm hcsm #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:05:26 PDT 2011


Hi all! Emily Barry with Transcend Hospice Maarketing Group, aka @hospice_mktg! Advocate for starting #hospice early, convos about eolc #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:06:00 PDT 2011


If we're making T1 our passion in #hpm mine is definitely educating doctors and patients on the greater help pal docs provide to all pts.
Wed Mar 23 18:06:47 PDT 2011


--> passion for early palliative care, advance care directives, love live tweeting for public health, work w/ @KLXmedia #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:07:02 PDT 2011


@renee_berry HA, it was because of #HPM that I got a proxy and #hadthetalk so thanks for that
Wed Mar 23 18:07:48 PDT 2011


@renee_berry hi all! I'm a media junkie...#hpm and #healthpolicy comm is my thing...mgr, public engagement @klxmedia #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:07:51 PDT 2011


Well I'm going to do an impromptu lead on topics tonight... :) #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:07:57 PDT 2011


T1 W/ @NHDD less than a month away, what are your plans as an individual to advocate for advance directive education in the community? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:08:40 PDT 2011


@MatthewsMichele Are you knew at @klxmedia ? I thought it was the infamous pair from here at #hpm and some silent $ dude who never shows :))
Wed Mar 23 18:09:11 PDT 2011


@renee_berry T1 I thought April was for all #HPM Is it just for advance directive education?
Wed Mar 23 18:09:55 PDT 2011


My passion in #hpm is sharing and connecting REAL PEOPLE with OUR stories as MEANING in our every day lives -Research/pub/evidence/listening
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Wed Mar 23 18:09:56 PDT 2011


T1 - Ask family and friends if they have advanced directives, tweet about importance of eol convos #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:10:29 PDT 2011


@GailZahtz @MatthewsMichele @klxmedia Yep, I'm the newbie...making it the dymanic trio v. to be a part of the team! #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:10:39 PDT 2011


woo hooo! great! RT @emilybarryPR: T1 - Ask family and friends if they have advanced directives, tweet about importance of eol convos #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:10:58 PDT 2011


@DrSnit awesome, that's why you fit in with this group for sure! #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:11:28 PDT 2011


<--sociologist committed to communicating health & building online communities. Also on Twitter as @HealthFaith #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:11:38 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: time for a little wednesday night #hpm chat. all the cool kids are doing it.
Wed Mar 23 18:11:49 PDT 2011


@MatthewsMichele Well welcome to #HPM you couldn't have better company than @klxmedia with @renee_berry and @ctsinclair
Wed Mar 23 18:11:52 PDT 2011


Hi all. T1 Have scheduled AD presentations at hospitals, ALF's, SNF's, and churches. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:12:02 PDT 2011


Sorry to be late! T1- talking to staff, family, & friends. #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:12:12 PDT 2011


@GailZahtz Hey Gail, @NHDD is in April check for more details, but here we're always advocating for edu on --> #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:12:26 PDT 2011


RT @GailZahtz: @MatthewsMichele Well welcome to #HPM you couldnt have better company than @klxmedia with @renee_berry and @ctsinclair #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:12:28 PDT 2011


I've sent it out to my fellow alumni and current students at my alma mater to engage them on advance care planning #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:12:39 PDT 2011

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Great welcome everyone! We are chatting about our plans for @NHDD (anything from doing our own AD, chatting w/fam or community edu) #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:13:11 PDT 2011


@NHDD is an opportunity for #HPM clinicians to partner w/ community orgs/hospitals to host events re: importance of advance care planning
Wed Mar 23 18:13:30 PDT 2011


T1 from my end we're running a grief and preparation chat @ALifeGuide with @JoshGriffin and others- helping plan ahead and cope after #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:13:54 PDT 2011


If next month is like this month, I might have to ask someone to deploy MY AD. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:13:57 PDT 2011


T1; Plan to leave notices at MD offices offering presentations at local hospitals for individuals and groups #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:14:13 PDT 2011


we can all do this right? Thanks Pippa that's great! RT @drpippa: Sorry to be late! T1talking to staff, family, & friends. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:14:14 PDT 2011


April 16th as in 'death & taxes' :) RT @MeredithGould: If next month is like this month, I might have to ask someone to deploy MY AD #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:14:52 PDT 2011


@NHDD is a chance to encourage communication about health care wishes before a medical crisis strikes. #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:15:06 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: @NHDD is a chance to encourage communication about health care wishes before a medical crisis strikes. #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:15:30 PDT 2011


@renee_berry Wha??? I was on the sched to host??? #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:15:38 PDT 2011


Not just clinicians! @aliciabloom: @NHDD an opportunity for #HPM clinicians partner w/ comm orgs/hosp to host events re: importance of acp
Wed Mar 23 18:15:42 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom I agree completely that education for proxies should be when we're well for all areas, not just after medical crisis #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:15:55 PDT 2011


Agreed-->aliciabloom: @NHDD is an opp for #HPM docs to join orgs/hospitals to host

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events re: importance of advance care planning #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:16:17 PDT 2011


T1- Can any one recommend an appropriate "letter to the editor" type article? Submitting my own but interested n other resources #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:16:33 PDT 2011


RT @drpippa: Not just clinicians! @aliciabloom: @NHDD an opportunity for #HPM clinicians partner w/ comm orgs/hosp to host events re: im ...
Wed Mar 23 18:16:43 PDT 2011


Also - we are teaming up with local orgs for outreach that can cover a wider area than we can cover alone. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:17:03 PDT 2011


Sory late.I love coming to this school of #hpm .Will be reviewing fantastic book @DNRstories
Wed Mar 23 18:17:05 PDT 2011


Hi folks. Thanks for hosting Renee. Lurking. #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:17:23 PDT 2011


@hvto talk to @matthewsmichele she's been helping a lot of people with specific @NHDD outreach to local media #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:17:32 PDT 2011


hi Earl!! RT @equijada: Hi folks. Thanks for hosting Renee. Lurking. #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:17:59 PDT 2011


@hvto Check out @nhdd website too #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:18:04 PDT 2011


Hey everyone, sorry I am late. I was home sick today and overslept for Tweetchat, thanks @Renee_Berry for picking up mantle #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:18:38 PDT 2011


@emilybarryPR Check out @nhdd website too - thought that as soon as I hit "enter". #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:19:10 PDT 2011


Will be mostly lurking and RT good tweets, not up for talking too much #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:19:19 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair You okay? #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:19:38 PDT 2011

@ctsinclair no prob, we're chatting about plans as individuals for @NHDD #hpm Page 5 of 21

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Wed Mar 23 18:19:44 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Need hospice? #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:19:51 PDT 2011


@equijada Hey lurky! :) Glad you're here! #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:19:56 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Sorry you're sick. :( booo! #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:20:08 PDT 2011


We're about to move to T2 so wrap up any thoughts on your (personal) plans for 4/16 @NHDD #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:20:36 PDT 2011


LOL RT @hvto: @ctsinclair Need hospice? #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:20:37 PDT 2011


RT @hvto: @ctsinclair Need hospice? #hpm "No not too bad, body achy stuff,. carry on, ignore the infirm man hacking in the back of class"
Wed Mar 23 18:20:38 PDT 2011


RT @KathyKastner: Sory late.I love coming to this school of #hpm .Will be reviewing fantastic book @DNRstories
Wed Mar 23 18:21:08 PDT 2011


@hvto @emilybarryPR @nhdd is great resource! I'm also happy to help you and identify press for a pitch. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:21:08 PDT 2011


@equijada Sent a dm cause I know you hardly check. BTW if anyone asks in DC metro, National Rehab Hospital has amazing pal med team #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:21:19 PDT 2011


@MatthewsMichele why don't you post a link to one at the fb page y'all started? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:22:17 PDT 2011


Hello all! Sorry I am late.....bad weather here in Knoxville #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:22:22 PDT 2011


@MatthewsMichele @hvto @emilybarryPR @nhdd Thank you - will be in touch. #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:22:35 PDT 2011


T2 What are some innovative & out of the box ways that we (as an online community) can
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help advocate for early advance care planning? #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:23:01 PDT 2011


Missouri EOL coalition doing button campaign. "Who Knows?" When asked what, a conversation starts #nhdd #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:23:14 PDT 2011


@renee_berry Hire a geriatric care manager! :) #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:23:35 PDT 2011


The hospital that I work at will be hosting information booths about @NHDD, but I also wonder if that is the best way to engage? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:23:53 PDT 2011


That's great! RT @doctatum: Missouri EOL coalition doing button campaign. "Who Knows?" When asked what, a conversation starts #nhdd #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:24:11 PDT 2011


RT @doctatum: Missouri EOL coalition doing button campaign. "Who Knows?" When asked what, a conversation starts #nhdd 'clever' #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:24:22 PDT 2011


#hpm T2 add #seniors #eldercarechat to tweets.

Wed Mar 23 18:24:31 PDT 2011


@renee_berry T2 If AD is taken out of just EOL into all a proxy can do, it would be much more approachable for people #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:24:36 PDT 2011


Seriously, its all about education #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:25:23 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: T2 What are some innovative ways that we (as an online community) can help advocate for early advance care planning? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:25:34 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair @NHDD It's a way to engage with ppl who not yet bitten by the social media bug and good way to direct to online resources #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:26:00 PDT 2011


@EldrcareConsult Yes, but the education has to be more than just asking if you have an AD when you go into the ER..too intimidating #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:26:11 PDT 2011


I use the 5 Wishes forms. Local church posted "5 Wishes with Robin" but sounded a little kinky - ironically we had a great turnout. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:26:33 PDT 2011

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agree! RT @GailZahtz @renee_berry T2 If AD is taken out of just EOL into all a proxy can do, would be much more approachable for people #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:26:51 PDT 2011


T2: get young adults involved to at least consider advanced care planning with engaging stories about sudden change in health status #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:27:07 PDT 2011


I'm constantly fascinated by the multiple cultural differences in "early planning" & "having the talk." There is no standard way to die #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:27:15 PDT 2011


haha as long as they go over advance directives! RT @EldrcareConsult: @renee_berry Hire a geriatric care manager! :) #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:27:18 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: T2: get young adults involved to at least consider advanced care planning with engaging stories about sudden change in health status #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:27:27 PDT 2011


we need to take the AD conversation out of the hospital and into the community-- churches & community organizations. #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:27:41 PDT 2011


#hpm T2 I can
Wed Mar 23 18:27:45 PDT 2011


@GailZahtz @EldrcareConsult Agreed Gail. It starts with the primary care docs long before they would need an AD #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:27:46 PDT 2011


RT @DrSnit: I'm constantly fascinated by the multiple cultural differences in "early planning" & "having the talk." There is no standard way to die #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:28:03 PDT 2011


Many religions will teach people that there should be no fear of death. But they never teach what to do when they really start to die #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:28:12 PDT 2011


I think online polling and services like Hunch might be good to explore re: prevailing attitudes #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:28:13 PDT 2011


@DrSnit just as there is no standard way to live. #HPM

Wed Mar 23 18:28:16 PDT 2011

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T2 Many people, especially teens don't want to confront any sudden medical change, but will approach proxy for emergencies #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:28:20 PDT 2011


T2 I think advance care planning is a public health issue, should be part of annual visit w/primary care MD starting @ age 17 #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:28:34 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom word. Yet we are constantly dictated to as though there IS a "better" way to live and die both. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:29:11 PDT 2011


@renee_berry T2 your idea on annual visit made me think of all the work that's done on self-exams and momogram-maybe a model? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:29:22 PDT 2011


RT @DrSnit: I'm constantly fascinated by the multiple cultural differences in "early planning" & "having the talk." There is no standard way to die #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:29:22 PDT 2011


@renee_berry YES!! Just what I was saying renee #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:29:42 PDT 2011


T2 (expanded) Have you seen innovative ways to educate the community on advance care planning? Can we use this chat to brainstorm some? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:29:44 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair The study of attitudes (both qualitative and quantitative) is what I both specialize in and do. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:29:47 PDT 2011


office asks "any change in insurance?" - how about "any change in AD's?" "Don't have 1"= impetus for conversation during visit. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:30:00 PDT 2011


RT @DrSnit Many religions teach people there should be no fear of death. But they never teach what to do when they really start to die #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:30:05 PDT 2011


#hpm T2 (oops) I have to give a sneak preview of @DNRstories: Fantstic examples of IRL decisions that helps give perspective to AD
Wed Mar 23 18:30:23 PDT 2011


@EldrcareConsult IMO a strong physician to physician campaign of pal med docs to primary care and hospitals would go a long way #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:30:30 PDT 2011

@renee_berry why age 17? (and I agree with this idea and sentiment). #hpm Page 9 of 21

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Wed Mar 23 18:30:33 PDT 2011


@DrSnit I think we need to take the research at make it more accessible/personalized to the general public , need brainstorming power #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:30:46 PDT 2011


@renee_berry I always ask during my inital assessments if they have an AD or HPOA and if they dont I have information to give them #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:30:50 PDT 2011


RT @DrSnit: Many religions will teach people that there should be no fear of death. But they never teach what to do when they really start to die #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:31:01 PDT 2011


@GailZahtz interesting, I think that advance care planning shouldn't be a thing 'we get around to' but a core part of care #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:31:08 PDT 2011


reframe the advance directive discussion-- it's about how you want to live, not how you want to die #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:31:25 PDT 2011


RT @DrSnit Many religions teach people there should be no fear of death. But they never teach what to do when they really start to die #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:31:44 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair YES! And this is why I'm here. I want to STOP being an "outside" no touch researcher and BRING it to the people. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:31:51 PDT 2011


@renee_berry Yes, I'm thinking in every restroom now there are signs for self exam, domestic violence, condoms- why not AD? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:32:03 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @GailZahtz There just needs to be an overhaul of the whole process but how to you get buy in from the industtry? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:32:14 PDT 2011


RT @EldrcareConsult: @renee_berry I always ask during my inital assessments if they have an AD or HPOA and if they dont I have information to give them #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:32:34 PDT 2011


RT @DrSnit: @ctsinclair YES! And this is why Im here. I want to STOP being an "outside" no touch researcher and BRING it to the people. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:32:58 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: reframe the advance directive discussion-- it's about how you want to
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live, not how you want to die #HPM #eldercarechat

Wed Mar 23 18:33:04 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: reframe the advance directive discussion-- its about how you want to live, not how you want to die #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:33:07 PDT 2011


@KathyKastner am very interested in this. #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:33:22 PDT 2011


Speaking of bold thinking for adv care planning check out @rlbates blog post about her 5 wishes #nhdd #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:33:24 PDT 2011


@EldrcareConsult within hospital and trainings, such as grand rounds, all docs need more info on what pal med docs really offer #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:33:29 PDT 2011


(sorry for so many RT's everyone, I just agree many times over) #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:33:32 PDT 2011


Every wednesday I seem to want to learn more and more about the enigimatic and interesting @DrSnit #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:34:10 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom I love this! And at some point -how you live and how you die are basically intertwined because we're on a terminal track #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:34:16 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: (sorry for so many RTs everyone, I just agree many times over) "S'alright" #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:34:22 PDT 2011


We are doing a trial of waiting room posters & having MA ask all physicals & provide a basic FAQ if needed while waiting for doc. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:34:37 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair She's quite amazing & wonderful -->@DrSnit #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:34:43 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair @rlbates this is why I use 5 wishes- 5 wish describes a great plan for living; forgiveness, honor, etc. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:34:44 PDT 2011


Oh Good. Cause I couldn't put it down. RT @DrSnit: @KathyKastner am very interested in this. #hpm cc@DNRstories
Wed Mar 23 18:34:55 PDT 2011

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@DrSnit @aliciabloom technically we're all dying right now... just as much as we're living (right?) #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:35:15 PDT 2011


@drpippa MA? #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:35:23 PDT 2011


RT @DrSnit: @aliciabloom And at some point -how you live and how you die are basically intertwined because were on a terminal track #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:35:24 PDT 2011


I think with the knowledge we have in this group we could make a huge difference #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:35:40 PDT 2011


RT @DrSnit: @aliciabloom And at some point -how you live and how you die are basically intertwined because were on a terminal track #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:36:04 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @DrSnit absolutely right! #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:36:05 PDT 2011


+1RT @EldrcareConsult: I think with the knowledge we have in this group we could make a huge difference #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:36:06 PDT 2011


T2 Should (that naughty word) be part of health ed in schools & part of athletic team participation sign-up. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:36:14 PDT 2011


Tks for reality check! RT @renee_berry: @DrSnit @aliciabloom technically were all dying right now... just as much as were living right? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:36:25 PDT 2011


MA=medical assistant. Training them to ask just like they take vitals, ask re allergies, etc @ctsinclair: @drpippa MA? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:36:45 PDT 2011


Thx RT @ctsinclair Speaking of bold thinking for adv care planning chk out @rlbates post about her 5 wishes #nhdd #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:37:08 PDT 2011


@MeredithGould That is a good point! I think health ed but not neccesarily school sports #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:37:10 PDT 2011


RT @drpippa: MA=medical assistant. Training them to ask just like they take vitals, ask re
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allergies, etc @ctsinclair: @drpippa MA? #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:37:11 PDT 2011


@DrSnit @aliciabloom blog post today described a PA's response to dying pt, made AD discussion easier for family #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:37:14 PDT 2011


T2 What about setting goals w/a list of medical conferences--> not #hpm & submit abstracts about advance care planning #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:37:15 PDT 2011


@drpippa Cna the MA follow up with significant answers or are they instructed to defer? Trying to avoid checklist and move on phenom #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:37:36 PDT 2011


Gotta run, but whether we are chronic, diagnosed, terminal or healthy, we all choose if we're living or dying today. #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:37:42 PDT 2011


@EldrcareConsult I immediately think school sports because, well, kids can DIE playing them. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:37:46 PDT 2011


yes! have you seen @BradHStuart 's AIM program? RT @drpippa MA=medical assistant. Training them to ask just like they take vitals #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:38:05 PDT 2011


I hate to leave this great group - think I'm forgiven; have to make posters for the AD presentation coming up in the a.m. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:38:29 PDT 2011


@MeredithGould @EldrcareConsult or how about durring driver's ed, instead of just an organ donation sheet, start your advance directive #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:38:48 PDT 2011


@hvto Yes you are forgiven #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:39:08 PDT 2011


obvi :) RT @hvto I hate to leave this great group - think Im forgiven; have to make posters for the AD presentation coming up in am #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:39:13 PDT 2011


@GailZahtz Gail, sorry to interrupt the #HPM chat but have you ever heard of "Youth Juice"? I know u educate yourself lots, so just wonderin
Wed Mar 23 18:39:15 PDT 2011


@renee_berry Brilliant! Driver's Ed...along with a visit to an ER on Saturday night. @EldrcareConsult #hpm
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Wed Mar 23 18:39:16 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @bradhstuart no haven't seen it! Would love to tho #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:39:22 PDT 2011


@renee_berry that might get controversial in some school districts a la "government intrusion fears" #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:39:42 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair varying success, really depends on how comfortable we can make them. Def working on it! #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:40:01 PDT 2011


T2 PSAs encouraging ppl to plan health care decisions like schooling/financial futures ex. #NHDD post by Schuster #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:40:04 PDT 2011


Anyone interested in taking on @Quora on the Advance care planning topic? Popular place to be right now #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:40:32 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair @renee_berry how is it anymore intrusive than telling them what they can and cant eat in schools? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:40:40 PDT 2011


Amazing innovations from @BradHStuart @drpippa you will LOVE this :) #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:41:09 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @MeredithGould @EldrcareConsult Oh now that is a good idea! #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:41:21 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @MeredithGould kids are hard - gen have no sense of their mortality & we don't want to do harm. Not sure I agree with age #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:42:37 PDT 2011


@MatthewsMichele Just saying it could be blown out of proportion without the right implementation #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:42:38 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair May I be forgiven in advance for something I may or not do? Just askin' #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:42:53 PDT 2011


As a parent I would be like, yes child see the ED I don't want you there & I want you to know why #driversEd #havethetalk early #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:43:00 PDT 2011

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so can anything :) RT @ctsinclair: @MatthewsMichele Just saying it could be blown out of proportion without the right implementation #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:43:11 PDT 2011


RT @hvto: @DrSnit @aliciabloom blog post today described a PA's response to dying pt, made AD discussion easier for family #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:43:20 PDT 2011


@drpippa By "harm" do you mean scare the snot out of them? If so, why not?? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:43:22 PDT 2011


@MeredithGould I try to avoid promises without seeing the goods, but in your case I will oblige ;-) #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:43:49 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair <blush> Missed you at #mccsm #mayoragan #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:44:13 PDT 2011


RT @hvto blog post today described a PAs response to dying pt -, made AD discussion easier for family @NHDD #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:44:19 PDT 2011


@MeredithGould @drpippa agree we don't want to harm, just think it's important for them to understand their mortality as a new driver #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:45:34 PDT 2011


let's make "have you had the talk?" buttons. #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:45:34 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: let's make "have you had the talk?" buttons. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:45:53 PDT 2011


@MeredithGould not quite what i meant but evidence shows that scared straight programs (whether for drugs, etoh, etc) don't work. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:45:58 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom I would so buy one of those! #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:46:06 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @drpippa Clearly *I* am not a mom! #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:46:12 PDT 2011


@drpippa Yeah, I're right. #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:46:36 PDT 2011

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RT @aliciabloom lets make "have you had the talk?" buttons. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:46:48 PDT 2011


RT @drpippa: @MeredithGould not quite what i meant but evidence shows that scared straight programs dont work. 'agree work w/ empower' #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:47:19 PDT 2011


I have a five wishes @NHDD button, I wear it everywhere (even when I get drinks w/friends at bars #yesImInMyTwenties ) #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:47:29 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @MeredithGould great idea to help them plan their futures; they're at that age--why not advance care planning too? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:47:39 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: I have a five wishes @NHDD button, I wear it everywhere (even when I get drinks w/friends at bars #yesImInMyTwenties ) #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:48:13 PDT 2011


Me too! @renee_berry: I have a five wishes @NHDD button, I wear it everywhere (even when I get drinks w/friends at bars #notinmy20s) #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:48:40 PDT 2011


ok wrap up w/ T2 final thoughts, moving to T3 #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:49:28 PDT 2011


@drpippa @renee_berry @NHDD Someone needs to send me a "5 wishes" button! :( #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:50:02 PDT 2011


If anyone knows someone on Conana/Kimmel/Fallon/Colbert/Daily Show would love to get @NHDD as a topic. Hits key demographic #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:50:05 PDT 2011


While waiting T3, Modern Family "dying" neighbor scene hillarious. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:50:54 PDT 2011


Haven't spent time there...should go @ctsinclair: Anyone interested in taking on @Quora on the ACP topic? Popular place to be right now #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:51:25 PDT 2011


RT @doctatum: While waiting T3, Modern Family "dying" neighbor scene hillarious. "Missed that one, will search" #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:51:36 PDT 2011


Great idea! RT @ctsinclair: If anyone knows someone on Conana/Kimmel/Fallon/Colbert/Daily Hits key demographic #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:51:40 PDT 2011

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@ctsinclair @NHDD I'll work on that! Few contacts I can tap. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:51:46 PDT 2011


@drpippa Only if you have no other projects to work on. Reportedly @Quora can suck you in. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:51:57 PDT 2011


RT @DrSnit: Many religions will teach people that there should be no fear of death. But they never teach what to do when they really start to die #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:51:58 PDT 2011


@doctatum LOVE Modern Family. Totally hilarious and great physical comedy. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:52:13 PDT 2011


T3 What are your favorite advance care planning resources 1 that you send to other professionals &2 that you send to fam/friends #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:52:32 PDT 2011


I 2nd that! The dying scene was hilarious. @MeredithGould: @doctatum LOVE Modern Family. Totally hilarious and great physical comedy. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:53:01 PDT 2011


why I don't let myself on much RT @ctsinclair @drpippa Only if you have no other projects to work on. Reportedly @Quora can suck you in #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:53:01 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Agree. Bringing EOL issues into mainstream media is first step to awareness #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:53:15 PDT 2011


Five Wishes is an excellent tool for advance care planning discussions #HPM
Wed Mar 23 18:53:55 PDT 2011


(rapid fire T3 peeps only 6min left in our lovely chat... fav resources?) #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:54:15 PDT 2011


T3 - Five Wishes, Engage With Grace are both great resources that are simple and get convos going #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:54:15 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: Five Wishes is an excellent tool for advance care planning discussions #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:54:22 PDT 2011


RT @emilybarryPR: T3 - Five Wishes, Engage With Grace are both great resources that
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are simple and get convos going #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:54:28 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom I like 5 wishes too #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:54:34 PDT 2011


My fave social media buds hypothesize that @Quora is yet another Flavor of the Month #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:54:55 PDT 2011


I sent people to often but I like that @NHDD has up to date content so I send people there now more often #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:55:24 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: If anyone knows someone on Conana/Kimmel/Fallon/Colbert/Daily Show would love to get @NHDD as a topic. Hits key demographic #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:55:48 PDT 2011


RT @MeredithGould: My fave socmed buds hypothesize @Quora is yet another Flavor of the Month "concur - shiny new object syndrome" #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:55:49 PDT 2011


#hpm A teenager is distracting me. I think I'll have to have the talk to shut her up. Thank goodness for transcripts.
Wed Mar 23 18:55:50 PDT 2011


yep @renee_berry: I sent people to often but I like that @NHDD has up to date content so I send ppl there now more often #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:56:27 PDT 2011


POLST forms are the future #HPM

Wed Mar 23 18:56:35 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Ok, just wanted another take on @Quora. I learning to be an late early adopter for my own sanity & time mgmt #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:56:47 PDT 2011


me too @renee_berry: sent ppl to often but like that @NHDD has up to date content so I send people there now more often #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:56:54 PDT 2011


MT @DrSnit: There is no standard way to die. There are multiple cultural "early planning" & "having the talk differences" #hpm #publichealth
Wed Mar 23 18:57:02 PDT 2011


Madison Park @CNN has written some great articles on different advance care planning topics & angles #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:57:24 PDT 2011

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RT @healthpolicygrp: MT @DrSnit: There is no standard way to die. There are multiple cultural "early planning" & "having the talk differences" #hpm #publichealth
Wed Mar 23 18:57:45 PDT 2011


Agree! More detailed than AD and part of med rec. I'm an advocate for them RT @aliciabloom: POLST forms are the future #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:57:48 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: Anyone interested in taking on @Quora on the Advance care planning topic? Popular place to be right now #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:58:20 PDT 2011


Going to sleep all! Wise words: drink lots of water, wash your hands, dont get sick. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:58:35 PDT 2011


more clinical edu needed & I do like POLST but don't think they replace AD's RT @aliciabloom POLST forms are the future #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:59:00 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair nite nite feel better!!! #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:59:24 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: POLST forms are the future #hpm

Wed Mar 23 18:59:32 PDT 2011


Feel better @ctsinclair! Some of my @hospice_mktg colleagues are visiting KC Hospice tomorrow! #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:59:43 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @healthpolicygrp @DrSnit Too bad those differences sometimes = not "having the talk" at do we combat?! #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:59:55 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Pink gloves! Purple if pink doesn't work! Feel better. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 18:59:55 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @healthpolicygrp @DrSnit ...or work within them to address advance care planning? #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:01:23 PDT 2011


OK everyone we're wrapping up! Thanks so much for joining the #hospice & #palliative care tweetchat! stats here #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:01:30 PDT 2011


I think next step here is for our EMR to adequately capture Adv Dir. Prominently Displayed
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ACP not done, might start the talk #hpm

Wed Mar 23 19:01:52 PDT 2011


@MatthewsMichele I LISTEN to others once I ask them what their cultural beliefs are -even if they don't want to talk about THEMSELVES #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:02:18 PDT 2011


@MatthewsMichele @healthpolicygrp @DrSnit ---> w/Public Education #havethetalk @NHDD #hpm

Wed Mar 23 19:02:26 PDT 2011


Thanks for a fab tweet chat @renee_berry! Loved the conversation. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:02:36 PDT 2011


Thanks for rocking the #hpm so much everyone. You cats get more fab every time I see you! Thanks for great mod @renee_berry !! *cartwheel*
Wed Mar 23 19:03:23 PDT 2011


RT @drpippa: Thanks for a fab tweet chat @renee_berry! Loved the conversation. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:03:23 PDT 2011


great chat everyone! Thanks. #hpm

Wed Mar 23 19:03:33 PDT 2011


thanks for coming! (I knew you'd love tonight Pippa!!) RT @drpippa Thanks for a fab tweet chat @renee_berry! Loved the conversation. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:03:51 PDT 2011


Your point about being alert for and sensitive to cultural differences is very impt.@DrSnit #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:03:55 PDT 2011


Thanks for leading @renee_berry! Always great chats everyone! #hpm

Wed Mar 23 19:04:03 PDT 2011


@MeredithGould :) xoxo #hpm

Wed Mar 23 19:05:11 PDT 2011


RT @DrSnit: Thanks for rocking the #hpm so much everyone. You cats get more fab every time I see you! Thanks for great mod @renee_berry ...
Wed Mar 23 19:05:56 PDT 2011


If it's not too burdensome, @simonslee & I would love it if folks here would take this very short survey: #HPM
Wed Mar 23 19:05:59 PDT 2011

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We vote this group Most Likely to Notice. Please RT the link, if you don't mind. We thank you in advance for your support. #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:07:21 PDT 2011


Reminder: @NHDD is around the corner 4/16 ... Are you & your org participants? Easy steps here #HaveTheTalk #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:07:27 PDT 2011


RT @meredithgould @simonslee & I would love it if folks here would take this very short survey: #HPM
Wed Mar 23 19:08:19 PDT 2011


RT @MeredithGould: If it's not too burdensome, @simonslee & I would love it if folks here would take this very short survey: #HPM
Wed Mar 23 19:08:49 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: T2 I think advance care planning is a public health issue, should be part of annual visit w/primary care MD starting @ age 17 #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:08:53 PDT 2011


RT: @MeredithGould: If it's not too burdensome ... I would love it if folks here would take this very short survey: #HPM
Wed Mar 23 19:10:09 PDT 2011


@MeredithGould @DrSnit Done #HPM

Wed Mar 23 19:12:35 PDT 2011


RT @palmd: @MeredithGould @DrSnit Done #HPM

Wed Mar 23 19:13:31 PDT 2011


@palmd Thank you! #HPM

Wed Mar 23 19:13:57 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: RT @aliciabloom: reframe the advance directive discussion-- its about how you want to live, not how you want to die #hpm
Wed Mar 23 19:14:23 PDT 2011

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