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#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

6/27/12 1:06 PM

#hpm transcript
Healthcare Social Media Transcript
From: To: Wed Apr 04 18:00:00 PDT 2012 Wed Apr 04 19:15:00 PDT 2012 change time period

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it's just about that time. . .#hpm tweetchat! for the next hour, you'll see a lot on #hospice & #palliative care from me. join us!
Wed Apr 4 18:00:03 PDT 2012


Hello all, welcome to #hpm tweetchat! Im Lizzy (MSW/Thanatologist/volunteer) & I'll be hosting tonight. Please introduce yourselves. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:00:25 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: Hello all, welcome to #hpm tweetchat! Im Lizzy (MSW/Thanatologist/volunteer) & I'll be hosting tonight. Please introduce yourselves. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:02:16 PDT 2012


1 of my Favorite #HCSM Tweet Chat hosts @_lizzy_ will be our Moderator. Join us for a #hpm TweetChat at: #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:02:19 PDT 2012


MSW, LSW practicing in #hospice & #palliative care. clinical educator. passionate about having good goals of care discussions. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:02:22 PDT 2012


Jim Cleary, UW palliative care and @painpolicy joining Hospice and Palliative Medicine tweetchat for the next hour #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:02:27 PDT 2012

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Good evening to all. Health blogger/advocate and so forth. #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:03:01 PDT 2012


"@medethicsandme: When to begin the end-of-life conversation? "In high school." #eolchat #hpm #hospice"YESBB
Wed Apr 4 18:03:09 PDT 2012


Welcome, Lisa, Renee Alicia and Jim! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:03:24 PDT 2012


Hi I'm Lisa Adult Educ taking #HCSM topics and adding Snap, Crackle and Pop #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:03:29 PDT 2012


@AfternoonNapper Welcome ! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:04:00 PDT 2012


Renee Berry here in Silicon Valley @goBeMoRe, hello group, great to see you all tonight! Passion for early #palliative care #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:04:15 PDT 2012


Thanks Kinda sounds like we are being introduced on a Talk Show! RT @_lizzy_: Welcome, Lisa, Renee Alicia and Jim! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:04:22 PDT 2012


I dnt care bout nun but makin it ... #hpm =Highplanesmusic dis da death of me
Wed Apr 4 18:04:39 PDT 2012


@jfclearywisc Jim, Congrats on the Beginning of your #HPMglobal That's exciting~ #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:05:06 PDT 2012


It's never too early "@VirtualHospice: RT @medethicsandme: When to begin the end-of-life conversation? #eolchat #hpm"
Wed Apr 4 18:05:26 PDT 2012


RT @VirtualHospice: RT @_lizzy_: Startling statistics about lack of advanced care planning in Canada #hpm | @Canadi ...
Wed Apr 4 18:05:40 PDT 2012


@PracticalWisdom Thanks #HPMglobal tweetchat on again next Monday 8 am EST! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:05:59 PDT 2012


K RT @Bholddageneral: @msSgreen #hpm mean Highplanesmusic

Wed Apr 4 18:06:28 PDT 2012

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@Bholddageneral (just an fyi) we actually use the #hpm hashtag for the hospice & palliative medicine community
Wed Apr 4 18:06:31 PDT 2012


Very exciting indeed! RT @jfclearywisc: @PracticalWisdom Thanks #HPMglobal tweetchat on again next Monday 8 am EST! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:06:36 PDT 2012


My Pleasure Will you be moderating again? RT @jfclearywisc: @PracticalWisdom Thanks #HPMglobal tweetchat on again next Monday 8 am EST! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:06:50 PDT 2012


Ankur B. - Hi All, Joining Hospice & Palliative Care Tweetchat for the next hour. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:07:07 PDT 2012


tonight's questions are inspired by meaning-making and logotherapy sessions from #ADEC12 #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:07:29 PDT 2012


T1: An ethical will is a legacy of values you hold dear. What values do you hold related to #hpm? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:07:42 PDT 2012


@AnkurB_MD Ankur Great to see you! Welcome. #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:07:57 PDT 2012


For ideas of value words, click here: #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:08:06 PDT 2012


hi. . .@msSgreen @Bholddageneral @msSgreen we use #hpm for hospice & palliative medicine related topics. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:08:08 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: T1: An ethical will is a legacy of values you hold dear. What values do you hold related to #hpm? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:08:28 PDT 2012


@PracticalWisdom Likewise :) Thanks. #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:09:06 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: For ideas of value words, click here: #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:09:14 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: T1: An ethical will is a legacy of values you hold dear. What values do you hold related to #hpm? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:09:34 PDT 2012

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@_lizzy_ I very much like this List of Valuesgreat words to contemplate. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:09:52 PDT 2012


My #1 value with patients is that I am fully PRESENT with them and I forget about the cell phone, watch or anything else. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:10:35 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ Who determines if a will is ethical? Those the attorney or patient? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:10:41 PDT 2012


T1 A patient's goals of care should be central to all healthcare, pain (in all forms) aggressively treated #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:11:01 PDT 2012


@PracticalWisdom Ethical will is a personal statement of values - not a legal document. It is about what you stand for #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:11:38 PDT 2012


RT @DianeEMeier: Short summary on impact of #palliative care on quality and cost- policy implications #hpm #hcr
Wed Apr 4 18:11:46 PDT 2012


So I guess I am asking to the group... what do YOU stand for? #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:11:56 PDT 2012


And do we mean ethical will as in a piece of paper or as in a personal will power? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:12:04 PDT 2012


ethical will & values as a #hospice & #palliative care clinician: ACCESSIBILITY to services for patients that provide DIGNITY & PEACE. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:12:33 PDT 2012


RT @AfternoonNapper: And do we mean ethical will as in a piece of paper or as in a personal will power? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:12:46 PDT 2012


If u smoke ..revv up yo #hpm's ryt now ... And get HIGH #HIGHPLANESMUSIC
Wed Apr 4 18:12:46 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: @PracticalWisdom Ethical will is a personal statement of values - not a legal document. It is about what you stand for #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:12:47 PDT 2012


@AfternoonNapper It is a legacy exercise ... yes, many write down their values and leave it to their children #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:13:13 PDT 2012

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T1 Communication skill sets for early palliative care & hpm family meetings should be mandatory & integrated into #meded #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:13:16 PDT 2012


#HPM Values, beliefs and goals for care guide the #MOLSTNY discussion. See #POLST
Wed Apr 4 18:13:50 PDT 2012


@moyecome Feel Free to Join Us for the #HPM tweetchat going on NOW! via
Wed Apr 4 18:14:24 PDT 2012


value importance of advance care planning & feel it should be integrated into primary care for all patients so treatments & goals match #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:15:06 PDT 2012


RT @rfberry: T1 Communication skill sets for early palliative care & hpm family meetings should be mandatory & integrated into #meded #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:15:50 PDT 2012


Any other value words from this list resonate with you? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:16:47 PDT 2012


@rberry Agree. Effective communication skills should be core skill set for all residents. More important than phlebotomy #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:17:17 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: Any other value words from this list resonate with you? <-interesting that hope isn't on the list #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:18:00 PDT 2012


Words that resonate: acknowledgement, ambition, capability, compassion, discretion, grace, humility, integrity, passion, respect... #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:18:10 PDT 2012


RT @rfberry: Communication skill sets for early #Palliative care & hpm family meetings should be mandatory & integrated into #meded #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:18:29 PDT 2012


RE: communication skills - A quote I heard from conference "What people need is a good listening to." #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:18:41 PDT 2012


@aliciabloom Would you say that you value giving a patient hope then? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:19:10 PDT 2012

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Words that resonate: self-reliance, simplicity, thoughtfulness, trust, usefulness, warmth... #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:20:15 PDT 2012


i value hope-- feel it has a place in #hospice & #palliative care. we have to support people in reframing & maintaining it. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:20:32 PDT 2012


We'll be moving on to topic 2... please say any final thoughts for T1. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:20:39 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ Professionalism and being present is key value for all MD PT encounters, not only #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:20:50 PDT 2012


T2: Meaning doesnt have to be big to be meaningful. What do you hope to leave as your legacy in #hpm? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:21:07 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ i do. i value helping people maintain hope by reframing it. there is always something to hope for... #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:21:13 PDT 2012


@Bholddageneral If u smoke ..revv up yo #hpm's ryt now ... And get HIGH #HIGHPLANESMUSIC
Wed Apr 4 18:22:12 PDT 2012


T1 Accessibility, Accountability, Comfort, Clarity, Compassion, Competence, Continuity, Gratitude, Humility, Peace, Warmth #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:22:25 PDT 2012


My hopes for #hpm legacy is closely tied to #eol - I want to help ppl learn abt what is available and be less afraid. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:22:49 PDT 2012


T1: At EOL Giving Patients a sense of 'Abundance' & 'Accomplishment' --reflecting on their own lives is imp! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:23:00 PDT 2012


Note, you can block irrelevent posters by the icon to the left of the star... #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:23:11 PDT 2012


@rfberry Respect! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:23:25 PDT 2012


T1: Turning Toward Dissonance: Lessons From Art, Music, and Literature @Suzanakm Many patients want the option of integrated Med. #hpm
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Wed Apr 4 18:23:29 PDT 2012


T2 What legacy would you like to leave with your co-workers/patients/families. What do you want to be remembered for? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:24:47 PDT 2012


great reminder! RT @_lizzy_: Note, you can block irrelevent posters by the icon to the left of the star... #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:25:07 PDT 2012


#prismsa RT @RossJeanette Via @nprnews: Who Has The Right To Our Facebook Accounts Once We Die? #HPM #geriatrics
Wed Apr 4 18:25:22 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: T2 What legacy would you like to leave with your co-workers/patients/families. What do you want to be remembered for? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:25:44 PDT 2012


#hpm T2: My children are my legacy. Also #MOLSTNY #NHDDNY

Wed Apr 4 18:26:07 PDT 2012


@AnkurB_MD I like the abundance value... What we've experienced is as valuable as what we've done. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:26:21 PDT 2012


Want to make headway connecting #raredisease patients & palliative medicinemost rare diseases have no treatment/cure. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:26:22 PDT 2012


T1: Dr. Berwick speaks so powerfully Pt Centered Care. All Pt's want Dignity/choice/respect #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:26:25 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: The point is not what we expect from life, but rather what life expects from us. Viktor E. Frankl #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:27:05 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ Appreciate "ethical wills" muchly. JUst trying to see where u r taking us. Does doing this tune us into doing so w patients? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:27:06 PDT 2012


RT @NHPCO_news: Op-ed in New York Times that raises important questions families must discuss. #hospice #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:27:36 PDT 2012


U Are MT @AfternoonNapper: Want 2 make headway connecting #raredisease pts & palliative medicinemost rare diseases no treatment/cure. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:27:39 PDT 2012

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hope my work corrects misconceptions re: #hospice, improves #hpm access & encourages clinicians to have good goals of care discussions! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:28:38 PDT 2012


@jfclearywisc I learned about ethical wills from a palliative nurse at the conference...conversation starter with patients 2 help #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:28:49 PDT 2012


@PracticalWisdom Not enough. In my disease community so many are frustrated, scared, and in paindocs unable to provide answers. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:29:02 PDT 2012


"Demonstrate thorough humility, be passionate, curious, gracious, confident & always genuine" --> My single tweet legacy I'd leave 2fam #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:29:08 PDT 2012


@rfberry LOVE the inclusion of curiosity! This is an element we are sorely lacking in society. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:30:10 PDT 2012


T2: Was reading some thanku letters today. Sense of humor, concern, listening, advocate, treat as I would want to be treated! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:30:15 PDT 2012


@AfternoonNapper I think so many of us are trying to do our part. Connecting Pts to those we think can help. 1 Starfish at a time. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:30:23 PDT 2012


@jfclearywisc helps to sort out thoughts & resolve unfinished business.. what's most important 2 them now? Helps us to know ourselves. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:30:44 PDT 2012


MT @jfclearywisc: T2:reading thanku letters today. Sense of humor, concern, listening, advocate, treat as I would want 2 b treated! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:31:08 PDT 2012


@jfclearywisc Have you heard Dr. Berwick - What Patient Centred Care Really Means talk #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:32:10 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ T2 Another icebreaker "is there anything they want to share with family and friends about their lives" create written legacy #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:32:37 PDT 2012


@PracticalWisdom Yes Love Berwick's work. very powerful. #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:33:25 PDT 2012

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@_lizzy_ I think starting w/ourselves w/many of these questions helps professionals leave personal things at the door & bring presence #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:33:27 PDT 2012


T2: Think having time in the day for #HPM to hear Thank you from the leaders in their organization is very healing~trickles down to Pts #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:33:43 PDT 2012


MT @rfberry "Demonstrate thorough humility, be passionate, curious, gracious, confident & always genuine" <-- i love this message! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:33:47 PDT 2012


Does anyone else see a potential disconnect b/w what WE think we are and what others think we are re: dictating EOL/legacy? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:34:02 PDT 2012


@jfclearywisc great question! @VCB has created an amazing resource for patients & families "What Matters Now" #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:34:19 PDT 2012


T2 I have a soft spot for the hospice patients who feel that no one cares about them. I want them to feel that at least I care. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:34:22 PDT 2012


@rfberry agreed, sometimes staff have a hard time understanding when patient chooses family over self - but it may be a cultural diff #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:35:38 PDT 2012


Joining late, my first tweetchat. I'm HPM fellow in Kansas City. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:35:39 PDT 2012


T2 Film is opening people's eyes to pall/care, legacy issues & importance of saying goodbye e.g. "The Descendants" #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:36:10 PDT 2012


@April918 Welcome to the group! So glad you could join. #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:36:16 PDT 2012


RT @April918: Joining late, my first tweetchat. Im HPM fellow in Kansas City. "Yay April is here!" #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:36:18 PDT 2012


T2: spoke 2 @Suzanakm this week. She spoke powerfully re: Physicians need to really be Present when it's a hard time 4 Pts' Dissonance #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:36:18 PDT 2012

#HPM late to the party. topic of legacy: my mom very clear: left book 4 daughters to finish: Page 9 of 23

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"how to get a husband in 30 days" told staff.

Wed Apr 4 18:36:27 PDT 2012


@AfternoonNapper possibly, crucially important to ask for feedback, can you expand a bit on who you mean by we/they? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:36:28 PDT 2012


RT @rfberry: @VCB has created an amazing resource for patients & families "What Matters Now" #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:36:29 PDT 2012


@April918 Welcome to the Hpm tweetchat! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:36:39 PDT 2012


@April918 welcome! Jump right in! We're going to be switching topics momentarily #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:36:42 PDT 2012


Can some one repeat Topic 2 for us late joiners? #HPM

Wed Apr 4 18:36:44 PDT 2012


welcome!! RT @April918: Joining late, my first tweetchat. Im HPM fellow in Kansas City. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:36:49 PDT 2012


@April918 welcome! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:37:00 PDT 2012


@PracticalWisdom @suzanakm is a very smart talented physician. #HPM

Wed Apr 4 18:37:03 PDT 2012


T2: What do you hope to leave as your legacy in #hpm? #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:37:32 PDT 2012


RT @rfberry: @VCB has created an amazing resource for patients & families "What Matters Now" "Big fan of @VCB's work" #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:37:45 PDT 2012


@rfberry Let's say I think I'm compassionate and thoughtful but my family thinks I'm a flaming a-hole. Is my dictated legacy false? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:37:55 PDT 2012


Take a couple of moments to wrap up final thoughts on T2 #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:38:09 PDT 2012


Agree RT @ctsinclair: @PracticalWisdom @suzanakm is a very smart talented physician.

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Wed Apr 4 18:38:26 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: Startling statistics about lack of advanced care planning in Canada #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:38:41 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair What would you like to be known for among colleagues/patients/family? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:39:13 PDT 2012


@AfternoonNapper I think people deserve to dictate their legacy w/their own perception (regardless of how others even perceive them) #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:39:54 PDT 2012


#HPM newbie jumping in! What's the current topic? #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:40:11 PDT 2012


T2: Hope 2 connect providers & patients we need each other. Information both provide is critical & one without the other is not Valuabl #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:40:23 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: T2: What do you hope to leave as your legacy in #hpm? "good question, I need to think about this one." #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:40:28 PDT 2012


T2 Hoped for legacy - encourage people that w the right supports a 'good death' is possible. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:40:47 PDT 2012


T2: My career goal is to give pts a voice, and foster communication and mutual support in healthcare. Thats my legacy. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:40:58 PDT 2012


T3: When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:41:11 PDT 2012


Welcome I"m so glad to see you! RT @TiffanyAndLupus: #HPM newbie jumping in! Whats the current topic? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:41:36 PDT 2012


T3: Until we can improve advanced directives and referrals, what can we do in the meantime? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:41:37 PDT 2012


@rfberry What if it's flipped? I think I'm just an average Joe, family/friends think I'm best thing since sliced bread. Who's right? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:41:43 PDT 2012

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RT @April918: T2: My career goal is to give pts a voice, and foster communication and mutual support in healthcare. Thats my legacy. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:41:52 PDT 2012


awesome RT @April918 T2 My career goal is to give pts a voice, & foster communication & mutual support in healthcare. Thats my legacy. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:41:58 PDT 2012


@TiffanyAndLupus Hey! Glad to have you on board. This is a great group. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:42:20 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: T3: When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:42:21 PDT 2012


Do to achieve what? RT @_lizzy_ T3: Until we can improve advanced directives & referrals, what can we do in the meantime? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:42:28 PDT 2012


RT @April918: T2: My career goal is to give pts a voice, and foster communication and mutual support in healthcare. Thats my legacy. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:42:41 PDT 2012


challenge myself every day to take a new, different approach to educating physicians & other clinicians re: #hospice & #palliative care #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:43:13 PDT 2012


T3: #HCSM Tweet Chats can be one of the most amazing educational tools both providers and Patients can have. Like nuggets of gold #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:43:19 PDT 2012


T3: If you try to change the unchangeable, you will alienate yourself. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:43:21 PDT 2012


Just blogged about THIS!!~> RT @_lizzy_: T3: When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:43:31 PDT 2012


@AfternoonNapper Maybe we need to think of our perceived legacy first and then think about our real one and then find the compromise #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:43:36 PDT 2012


@rfberry What can we do to provide the best care possible for the late referrals? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:43:45 PDT 2012

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Sorry for the confusion on topic three, I will now admit that I've been on Nyquil for 3 days straight...but #hpm motivated me to get up #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:44:39 PDT 2012


T3: Challenge myself to get back to constant advocacy and be the change. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:44:45 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair @AfternoonNapper for self reflection for sure. #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:44:58 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair @AfternoonNapper though I think its important in a professional capacity to give #hpm patients flexibility w/personal perception
Wed Apr 4 18:45:20 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: What can we do to provide the best care possible for the late referrals? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:45:28 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair @rfberry Overall, it seems very difficult to write/share honestly abt ourselves. Nothing seems "true." #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:45:46 PDT 2012


T3: We can direct late referrals if interested to Tweet Chats/Literature/Transcripts. Give a Needs assessment. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:45:48 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: T3 What can we do to provide the best care possible for the late referrals? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:45:58 PDT 2012


RT @PracticalWisdom: T3: #HCSM Tweet of the most amazing educ tools providers/Patients can have. Like nuggets of gold #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:46:02 PDT 2012


#hpm T3 #NHDD We have worked to improve ACP for all 18 and older in Upstate NY: #NHDDNY
Wed Apr 4 18:46:05 PDT 2012


every referral for #hpm, no matter how late, is an opportunity to interact with a clinician and educate them....teachable moments! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:46:14 PDT 2012


@rfberry @AfternoonNapper yes I was referring more to what I would do myself, not really challenge patients to do that #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:46:38 PDT 2012


Focus on being in the moment & educate @ every opportunity RT @_lizzy_ What can we do2 provide best care possible for late referrals? #hpm

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Wed Apr 4 18:46:43 PDT 2012


MT @aliciabloom: every referral for #hpm, no matter how late, is an opportunity to interact with a clinician and educate them #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:46:54 PDT 2012


T3 for the "late referrals" & the "unchangeable", giving the gift of accompaniment for the time left. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:47:00 PDT 2012


@aliciabloom. Agreed! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:47:04 PDT 2012


MT @aliciabloom: every referral 4 #hpm, no matter how late,=opportunity 2 interact w/ a clinician & educate them....teachable moments! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:47:15 PDT 2012


Pardon my ignorance, but can someone interpret the HPM acronym for me please :) #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:47:16 PDT 2012


RT @aliciabloom: every referral for #hpm, no matter how late, is an opportunity to interact with a clinician and educate them....teachab ...
Wed Apr 4 18:47:24 PDT 2012


@TiffanyAndLupus hospice and palliative medicine #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:47:49 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: RT @_lizzy_: T3 What can we do to provide the best care possible for the late referrals? "Don't delay the admission!" #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:47:58 PDT 2012


RT @TiffanyAndLupus: Pardon my ignorance, but can someone interpret the acronym for me please :) <-- #hospice & #palliative medicine #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:48:03 PDT 2012


@TiffanyAndLupus It's hospice and palliative medicine. #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:48:07 PDT 2012


T3: For both Providers & Pts. Accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can wisdom to know the difference. Yup. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:48:18 PDT 2012


T3 I think it's hard 4hospices though when reviewing survey data where quality of is looked at the same for 1day pts & 6month pts #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:48:19 PDT 2012

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@TiffanyAndLupus Hopsice and Palliative Medicine. #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:48:32 PDT 2012


RT @aliciabloom: every referral for #hpm, no matter how late, is an opportunity to interact with a clinician and educate them....teachab ...
Wed Apr 4 18:48:41 PDT 2012


RT @aliciabloom: every referral for #hpm, no matter how late, is an opportunity to interact & educate the clinician -teachable moments #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:48:45 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ T3. Encourage and educate clinicians about talking "with" patients! Give them icebreakers! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:49:11 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair lol, well, yes, we want earlier admissions, but until we get there, how do we maximize the situation that we're in? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:49:23 PDT 2012


@AfternoonNapper You bet me in the helpful area w/@TiffanyAndLupus Thanks #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:49:52 PDT 2012


great tip RT @jfclearywisc T3 Encourage & educate clinicians about talking "with" patients! Give them icebreakers! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:50:12 PDT 2012


T3: It is always good to check to see if the patient or family think the referral was late. They may feel it was very timely. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:50:37 PDT 2012


T3: If Patients are part of a Faith community call in Clergy from organization or their faith community. They know their folks. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:50:46 PDT 2012


we can always make a difference in the lives of patients & families, no matter how late we get involved and we have to believe that #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:50:51 PDT 2012


T3 I often wonder if the grieving is more difficult in the late admission situations because the family had less time to process #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:51:07 PDT 2012


RT @rfberry: Focus on being in the moment & educate @ every opportunity RT @_lizzy_ What can we do2 provide best care possible ...? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:51:20 PDT 2012


RT @rfberry: Focus on being in the moment & educate @ every opportunity RT @_lizzy_
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What can we do2 provide best care possible ...? #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:51:20 PDT 2012


RT @ctsinclair: It is always good to check to see if the patient/family think the referral was late. They may feel it was very timely. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:51:23 PDT 2012


T3: late referrals=higher intensity=just gotta dig in to the case and make sure pt/families/providers have good experience #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:51:34 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair That's a really good point. Many think of hospice as 'final hours' anyways #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:51:42 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ that's a hard & good question. I'm sure admissions managers & hospice CEO's have some great answers to that. My A -> presence #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:51:43 PDT 2012


MT @aliciabloom: we can always make a difference lives of pt & families, no matter how late we get involved and we have to believe that #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:51:47 PDT 2012


Late referral? It's always better late than never! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:51:56 PDT 2012


#hpm T3 late referrals - Help families/caregivers to understand reality & avoid guilt
Wed Apr 4 18:51:58 PDT 2012


RT @EWidera: Name 5 Tests or Treatments We Overuse in #Geriatrics or Palliative Care #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:52:12 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair great point! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:52:12 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair unfortunately, i often hear "i wish we had done this sooner" or "i didn't know this was an option for me/us" #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:52:19 PDT 2012


@aliciabloom But we also dont need to be too focused on recognizing the difference we make. Seen clinicians beat themselves up #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:52:31 PDT 2012


Thank you for being so helpful! Mostly lurking tonight, loving the informative banter in here. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:52:45 PDT 2012

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Hey @april918 did we scare you off? ;-) Maybe we'll do a tweetchat in person together. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:53:01 PDT 2012


MT @ctsinclair: T3: It is always good to check if the patient or family think the referral was late. They may feel it was timely. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:53:07 PDT 2012


Yes, Should have is common RT @PatBombaMD: #hpm T3 late referrals - Help families/caregivers to understand reality & avoid guilt #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:53:08 PDT 2012


@aliciabloom That is probably the majority of what I hear also, but good to check in to see what their expectations are too. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:53:50 PDT 2012


T3 We frequently talk about wanting to get earlier referrals, but I think it's good to also focus on what we can do in the time we have #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:53:58 PDT 2012


Love this ~> RT @jfclearywisc T3 Encourage & educate clinicians about talking "with" patients! Give them icebreakers! #hpm #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:54:03 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair because they didn't make enough of a difference? #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:54:03 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair do they beat themselves up for feeling like they don't make a difference? can you expand on that? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:54:24 PDT 2012


@TiffanyAndLupus We have a positive group of people and we really like to see new faces/avatars/names! #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:54:51 PDT 2012


T3: Could a variety of reasons late referrals~perhaps not always bad. Culture/Community, Etc. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:55:24 PDT 2012


We have about 5 minutes left (my how time flies). Please add your final thoughts on any of the topics #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:55:25 PDT 2012


Most definitely! RT @PracticalWisdom: Wed love to have you back. You are a seasoned Tweeter and Pt Advocate. @TiffanyAndLupus #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:55:39 PDT 2012

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@rfberry Seen clinicians (docs, SW, aides, nurses) feel bad because they were not sure they made a difference for a patient. #Burnout #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:55:49 PDT 2012


@PracticalWisdom @PatBombaMD I'm not sure I agree that late referrals help families/caregivers understand reality & avoid guilt #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:55:57 PDT 2012


Remember, April 16th is National Health Care Decisions Day #hpm

Wed Apr 4 18:57:04 PDT 2012


Final Thought. "The greatest Craving all people have is that of being appreciated." William James Let's show Pt & those who serve them #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:57:35 PDT 2012


@rfberry: @PracticalWisdom @PatBombaMD NB! People can get good #palliative care outside of #hospice! Late referrals not alwayss bad. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:57:44 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ Are there links to the #ADEC12? I thought you might be discussing some of the conference material. Thanks for list of values #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:57:54 PDT 2012


RT @aliciabloom: b/c they didnt make enough of a difference? "Or they 'thought' they didnt make enough difference, but they may have" #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:58:20 PDT 2012


@rfberry MIght be confusion. I don't think I tweeted late referrals help family/caregivers.... 140 Can be hard. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:58:27 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ I just prepared a blast email for my medical group regarding NHDD2012! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:58:56 PDT 2012


Great #Hpm tweetchat tonight. Feel free to join #Hpmglobal at 8 am EST MOnday am!! Spreading #Hpm around the world!
Wed Apr 4 18:59:24 PDT 2012


Great #Hpm tweetchat tonight. Feel free to join #Hpmglobal at 8 am EST MOnday am!! Spreading #Hpm around the world!
Wed Apr 4 18:59:24 PDT 2012


@rhgerard questions were inspired by sessions on logotherapy and other hospice sessions I attended, but no links, sadly. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:59:28 PDT 2012


@jfclearywisc true especially if early pc, not thinking they're always bad, just think it should be based on needs of patient #hpm
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Wed Apr 4 18:59:36 PDT 2012


RT @rhgerard: @_lizzy_ I just prepared a blast email for my medical group regarding NHDD2012! #NHDD "Fantastic!" #HPM
Wed Apr 4 18:59:55 PDT 2012


@rhgerard If you have a link to share with the group, I'm sure we'd love to see it. Would love to see what orgs are doing #hpm
Wed Apr 4 18:59:58 PDT 2012


RT @_lizzy_: Remember, April 16th is National Health Care Decisions Day #NHDD #HPM
Wed Apr 4 19:00:14 PDT 2012


Agree! MT @rfberry: @jfclearywisc true especially if early pc, not thinking always bad, just think should be based on needs of patient #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:00:14 PDT 2012


Late referrals still allow patients /families to have discussion and plan somewhat. I'm sorry for those who don't get the opportunity. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:00:25 PDT 2012


YesMT @rfberry: @jfclearywisc true especially if early pc, not thinking theyre always bad, just think it should be based on needs of pt #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:00:30 PDT 2012


Thanks for making me feel welcome at my first tweetchat.....still learning twitter. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 19:00:31 PDT 2012


Thanks Lizzy! RT @_lizzy_ Remember, April 16th is National Health Care Decisions Day #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:00:51 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ Helpful when folks give formal titles and then we can better understand the hashtag too! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:01:29 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair @rfberry Thank you for creating this wonderful #hospice and #palliative care forum. Great conversation all! Goodnight #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:01:43 PDT 2012


@jfclearywisc Agree but comments focused on cases where No prior effective #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:01:48 PDT 2012


@April918 Talking to @KPW22 (Yes Karin is on Twitter, but never checks it) about a Descendents movie night with fellows #HPM
Wed Apr 4 19:02:02 PDT 2012

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@_lizzy_ Thank you for Moderating. Hope you feel better. Thanks for pitching in even when you don't feel 100% #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:02:08 PDT 2012


@April918 Glad you came. :) you'll be leading a tweetchat in no time! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 19:02:15 PDT 2012


Tonight was an awesome chat! Thanks so much for hosting @_Lizzy_!! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:02:17 PDT 2012


+1!! MT @_lizzy_: @ctsinclair @rfberry Thank you for creating this wonderful forum. Great conversation all! Goodnight #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:02:47 PDT 2012


Sometimes it just takes a "Moment" - w/ the Patient & Families - of your 100% presence & Active Listening! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:02:57 PDT 2012


@ctsinclair Loved the Descendants Movie. Might be a good topic. #hpm

Wed Apr 4 19:03:03 PDT 2012


@PracticalWisdom Thank you. I'm going to crawl back in bed now. Too bad I couldn't get virtual healthcare from all these docs! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:03:05 PDT 2012


Closing thoughts: Traveling around the country I have been privileged to see great work done by #hospice people. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 19:03:27 PDT 2012


Hope you come back next week. @TiffanyAndLupus #hpm

Wed Apr 4 19:03:28 PDT 2012


awesome! RT @rhgerard @_lizzy_ I just prepared a blast email for my medical group regarding NHDD2012! #hpm #NHDD
Wed Apr 4 19:03:41 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ Great job with the chat, even while on the injured reserve. #HPM
Wed Apr 4 19:04:03 PDT 2012


Wonderful! yesRT @AnkurB_MD Sometimes it just takes a "Moment" - w/ the Patient & Families - of your 100% presence & Active Listening! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:04:12 PDT 2012


@AnkurB_MD I think I'm going to RT RT that as my closing thought tonight #hpm

Wed Apr 4 19:04:15 PDT 2012

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@rfberry you are too kind. Thank you for letting me put some social-worky questions out there #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:04:17 PDT 2012


RT @AnkurB_MD: Sometimes it just takes a "Moment" - w/ the Patient & Families - of your 100% presence & Active Listening! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:04:18 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ There's a new list out yesterday that probably suggests that you don't need a medical intervention! :-) #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:04:29 PDT 2012


thanks, @_lizzy_! great job! see you all next week. #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:04:33 PDT 2012


@_lizzy_ Good Night! #hpm

Wed Apr 4 19:04:36 PDT 2012


Thanks @_lizzy_ ! I will be hosting the Tweetchat next week Re: @AAHPM 's potential contribution to the #ChoosingWisely initiative! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:05:00 PDT 2012


RT @AnkurB_MD: Sometimes it just takes a "Moment" - w/ the Patient & Families - of your 100% presence & Active Listening! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:05:04 PDT 2012


thank you! Will need to use inventiveness and learn how to hyperlink it. Will pass it along #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:05:13 PDT 2012


Yep @ANkurB_MD is hosting next week! #excited RT @aliciabloom: thanks, @_lizzy_! great job! see you all next week #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:05:23 PDT 2012


RT @AnkurB_MD: Sometimes it just takes a "Moment" - w/ the Patient & Families - of your 100% presence & Active Listening! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:05:34 PDT 2012


@PracticalWisdom Maybe we could have a homework assignment to have everyone watch the descendents! #HPM
Wed Apr 4 19:05:56 PDT 2012


@rfberry Too often patient/family/caregiver needs not net. We hear "Wish we knew about #hpm sooner."
Wed Apr 4 19:06:47 PDT 2012


@AnkurB_MD Look forward to next week then #hpm

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Wed Apr 4 19:07:01 PDT 2012


Oh! wait! 2nd closing thought. Everyone should go read The Fault in Our Stars by @realjohngreen Fantastic for anyone interested in -> #HPM
Wed Apr 4 19:07:04 PDT 2012


@PatBombaMD (sorry don't know what you mean by 'needs not net') I often hear 'wish we know about #hpm sooner' too
Wed Apr 4 19:08:50 PDT 2012


THE FAULT IN OUR STARS by @realJohnGreen book trailer - YouTube #HPM
Wed Apr 4 19:09:31 PDT 2012


Fill you in... O.k. Once upon a Time... #HPM was my First Tweet Chat. Let's Again, G8 2 see you 2nite @TiffanyAndLupus
Wed Apr 4 19:09:48 PDT 2012


RT @AnkurB_MD: Sometimes it just takes a "Moment" - w/ the Patient & Families - of your 100% presence & Active Listening! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:10:03 PDT 2012


oo I'll have to check it out! RT @ctsinclair THE FAULT IN OUR STARS by @realJohnGreen book trailer #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:10:28 PDT 2012


Another homework for HPM Tweetchat next Wed -Think of Tests/ Procedures in #Hospice & #Palliative Care that may Not b Always necessary! #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:11:32 PDT 2012


@rfberry Patient/family/caregiver needs are not met. Pain not controlled; family stressed, etc Everyone does not have access to #hpm.
Wed Apr 4 19:11:43 PDT 2012


Prepping for a #ted style talk. What is the remarkable idea behind balanced opioid rx in chronic pain? #hpm
Wed Apr 4 19:12:34 PDT 2012


Great #hpm tweetchat tonight. Feel free to join #hpmglobal at 8 am EST MOnday am!! Spreading #hpm around the world!
Wed Apr 4 19:13:29 PDT 2012


Do you know who provided the #HPM technical/medical consult for the Movie the Descendants! Valuable Movie. @ctsinclair
Wed Apr 4 19:13:42 PDT 2012


Great #hpm tweetchat tonight. Feel free to join #hpmglobal at 8 am EST MOnday am!! Spreading #hpm around the world!
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Wed Apr 4 19:14:10 PDT 2012

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