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#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

6/27/12 12:24 PM

#hpm transcript
Healthcare Social Media Transcript
From: To: Wed Aug 31 18:00:00 PDT 2011 Wed Aug 31 19:15:00 PDT 2011 change time period

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Tweeting for the next hour on hospice & palliative care topics. Join us! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:01:18 PDT 2011


Glad to be here :) 9pm Eastern Standard Time that is :) #rnchat #hospice #bcsm #nursefriendly #nursingstudents #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:01:50 PDT 2011


hey there @jfclearywisc #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:02:05 PDT 2011


Hi #hpm will be a bit late to chat, looming forward to joining in soon

Wed Aug 31 18:02:15 PDT 2011


Hi #hpm will be a bit late to chat, looming forward to joining in soon

Wed Aug 31 18:02:17 PDT 2011


Sorry to miss tweetchat tonight. Working on a time sensitive project. Hugs to all. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:02:19 PDT 2011


Hi @nursefriendly #hpm
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Wed Aug 31 18:02:48 PDT 2011


Is everyone using Tweetedeck or Tweetchat to follow the conversation?It is a lot easier. #rnchat #nursing #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:02:54 PDT 2011


I'm David, author of palliative care memoir "August Farewell" #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:03:04 PDT 2011


Hi David. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:03:34 PDT 2011


RT @jfclearywisc: tweeting on Hospice & palliative medicine tweetchat for the next hour: Every Wed 8 pm Wisconsin time. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:03:42 PDT 2011


Who is moderating? #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:03:53 PDT 2011


Mark here looking to get back into the flow of #hpm chats.
Wed Aug 31 18:04:04 PDT 2011


Hi Mark #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:04:26 PDT 2011


Hi all. Joel here. #HPM

Wed Aug 31 18:04:32 PDT 2011


Hello Everyone, Andrew Lopez, Registered Nurse, from New Jersey, Been discussing #DNRs with #families over a decade #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:04:54 PDT 2011


Hi Joel #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:04:58 PDT 2011


RT @EOLnavigator: Who is moderating? "@renee_berry is on the schedule but she said she will be late" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:05:00 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly I use Tweetchat because I don't have to remember to put in the #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:05:07 PDT 2011


Intro for #HPM chat: Christian Sinclair, MD palliative doctor @KChospice, editor @Pallimed father of kindergarten twins #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:05:55 PDT 2011

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RT @jfclearywisc: @nursefriendly I use Tweetchat because I dont have to remember to put in the #HPM "same here" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:06:07 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair: I caught last of #BCSM the other night. Seemed to be question of listening. Comment? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:06:34 PDT 2011


Hey Mark Joel Jim and @EOlnavigator #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:06:37 PDT 2011


May lose power here, so keeping my fingers crossed. There's rolling blackouts in effect! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:06:46 PDT 2011


Jumping on a tweetchat, friends. I'll try to hold back:) #hpm #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:06:51 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator Yikes, don't want that to happen. #HPM

Wed Aug 31 18:07:23 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Hi, all glad to be back and hope to add some insights from my experience in HPM #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:07:27 PDT 2011


Hi, I'm Jody Schoger, writer, blogger, survivor. Good to see you @ctsinclair! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:07:36 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc I thought #BCSM was a great community (Mon 9p ET) Looking forward to participating again #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:07:40 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair hey back #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:07:50 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc I think many clinicians would be wise to listen in on #BCSM chat #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:08:03 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone Gladto see you Mark, Niamh, Jody, etc :) #rnchat #hospice #bcsm #nursingstudents #health #nursing #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:08:07 PDT 2011


Niamh van Meines, NP, hospice Hospice scales, terms, tools & measurements. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:08:21 PDT 2011

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RT @ctsinclair: @jfclearywisc I thought #BCSM was a great community (Mon 9p ET) Looking forward to ...wonderful to have you Monday! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:08:23 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone Welcome back! Look forward to your insights. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:08:25 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair What is BCSM? #HPM

Wed Aug 31 18:08:39 PDT 2011


Looks like a small crowd tonight, I didn't see many announcement/reminder tweets for tongiths chat. But we'll get it going here soon #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:08:46 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: @jfclearywisc I think many clinicians would be wise to listen in on #BCSM chat (thank you!) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:09:04 PDT 2011


@hollyby Sorry to miss you Holly #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:09:13 PDT 2011


Breast Cancer Social media hosted this week by @jodyMS #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:09:29 PDT 2011


Will get going on first topic here soon... #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:09:43 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc @nursefriendly Yes, the hashtag is a nusiance, been using Tweetdeck lately for easier retweets, replies. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:09:43 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: @ctsinclair What is BCSM? BreastCancerSocialMedia; we have a tweetchat on Monday 9 ET. Last of shameless promotion. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:09:52 PDT 2011


Hi all joining late Jeanette Ross HPM doc associate fellowship director #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:09:53 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair You never do know how many are "lurking" :) see plenty of faces, and more will join in #rnchat #mdchat #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:10:33 PDT 2011


TOPIC #1: What non-health care/non-social media communities do you participate in online? What can we learn from them? Best practices? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:10:42 PDT 2011

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checking in from Co MO while also managing inpatient call #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:11:08 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: You never do know how many are "lurking" :) see plenty of faces, and more will join in "SO TRUE!" #rnchat #mdchat #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:11:10 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair I'll be #hashtagging all night, #nursingstudents #nurses and #hospice are just a few places we'll pick up fro #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:11:20 PDT 2011


RT @DeathwDignity: RT @JoelHigh: Beautiful. RT @ShahinaLakhani: I Have A Dream..An Ambitious Dream Of A Hospice Nurse #hpm #hospice
Wed Aug 31 18:11:31 PDT 2011


I'm a volunteer EMT #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:11:51 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: TOPIC #1: What non-health care/non-social media communities do you participate in online? What can we learn from them? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:11:57 PDT 2011


@jodyms @ctsinclair @jfclearywisc I agree, it gives a perspective on #bcsm that #doctors would miss otherwise. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:12:00 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly You sure are friendly with the hashtags! #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:12:30 PDT 2011


Hello, this is Jorun a clinical pharmacist who assists @talkabouthealth #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:12:38 PDT 2011


Stay up to date with emergency management stuff online....tho I find it annoying! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:12:51 PDT 2011


The other topics later will focus more specifically on #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:13:09 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone #bcsm is a breast cancer support group on Mondays 9pm EST hosted by Jody and @Mstales #HPM I attend when I'm not working
Wed Aug 31 18:13:09 PDT 2011


T1 I don't really participate in any online community that is not social media. I follow several blog pages. #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:13:22 PDT 2011

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Good to see you here @jorunkjones: Hello, this is Jorun a clinical pharmacist who assists @talkabouthealth #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:13:35 PDT 2011


I have been participating in more sports communities lately online, particularly @SprotingKC our local #MLS team (FB, Tw, Blogs) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:13:56 PDT 2011


#cancer #patients and #clinicians in #oncology don't miss! RT @ctsinclair: Breast Cancer Social media hosted this week by @jodyMS #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:14:24 PDT 2011


Also board game forms like @geekdo, thought not as much lately. Some parenting blogs. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:14:31 PDT 2011


Also track health / fitness information and organic nutrition online. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:14:31 PDT 2011


@jodyms @jorunkjones @talkabouthealth Great to see you too. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:14:47 PDT 2011


Arent online commnities social media by definition? #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:14:59 PDT 2011


Funny thing is I have not found the tight community like I have seen around #HPM and early #hcsm. I'm curious why. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:15:02 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator How do you track organic nutrition online? #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:15:16 PDT 2011


recently started running 5k's so that's the latest craze....staying hydrated, running shoes, music to run to....etc #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:15:29 PDT 2011


RT @SheyontheBay: Arent online commnities social media by definition? "Yes, and I am surprised at the diversity in cohesiveness" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:15:35 PDT 2011


TOPIC #1: Non-health care/non-social media communities? What are they?? :-) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:15:43 PDT 2011


Hello Jeanette, reminds me of "Kubler-Ross RT @RossJeanette: Hi all joining late Jeanette Ross HPM doc associate fellowship director #Hpm
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Wed Aug 31 18:15:48 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: TOPIC #1: What non-health care/non-social media communities do you participate in online? What can we learn from them? Best practices? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:15:51 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: TOPIC #1: What non-health care/non-social media communities do you participate in online? What can we learn from them? Best practices? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:16:06 PDT 2011


Takes time to grow RT @ctsinclair:..I have not found the tight community like I have seen around #HPM and early #hcsm. Im curious why. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:16:07 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair I think part of the asnwer comes from community of practice theory, like minded people seeing solutions to problems #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:16:08 PDT 2011


@RossJeanette Do you follow any other topics even peripherally? I'm curious what other people have found that works/doesnt elsewhere #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:16:17 PDT 2011


haha good q :) RT @jfclearywisc: T1: Non-health care/non-social media communities? What are they? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:16:18 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair T1 Participate in #bcsm #hpm #sp4m #rnchat to talk to #patients, #doctors, #nurses learn other perspectives #1 #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:17:06 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: haha good q :) RT @jfclearywisc: T1: Non-health care/non-social media communities? What are they? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:17:12 PDT 2011


RT @WorldHospiceDay: Read the latest newsletter for World #Hospice and #Palliative Care Day. Spread the word and register your events! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:17:13 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone Have not found as many people in social media comm willing to work together, help each other out like in early #HCSM & #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:17:17 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: Some parenting blogs. "You might like the "Whole Child Center" friend Larry Rosen is the best! @ldrdoc #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:17:22 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair We only have so much time at the #bedside or office visit to #teach #discharge planning, etc. #1 #hpm
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Wed Aug 31 18:18:02 PDT 2011


I think it is smart to hybridize your ideas/followers by expanding beyond just the thing you are immensely passionate about #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:18:06 PDT 2011


T1 I read the NyTimes on my iPad. Use the fast direct system to communicate with teachers and other people in daughters school #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:18:21 PDT 2011


Pull in other people to new topics. maybe it is just me. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:18:23 PDT 2011


Topic 1: I have personal twitter account and follow wine, cycling and Mac stuff #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:18:27 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly Yes time is a limiting factor. Always... #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:18:40 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair T1 Can supplement what #patients need to know via chats, #discussions and fill in gaps left by system. #1 #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:18:47 PDT 2011


I think the problems we are seeking solutions to are very important to us. We are not looking at self but edu and learning #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:19:02 PDT 2011


Cancer survivors are very supportive of each other, tho @ctsinclair @MarksPhone Have not found as many people in social media .... #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:19:14 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: I think the problems we are seeking solutions to are very important to us. We are not looking at self but edu and learning #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:19:17 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc T1: more a lurker there than really saying that I feel part of a collaborative effort #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:19:19 PDT 2011


Mothers in. Medicine blog is mix of parenting and female work related posts I read sometimes. #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:19:30 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Re: parenting twins- check out @guavalicious twitter and blog is the guavaliscious life I think #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:19:37 PDT 2011

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@ctsinclair T1 #patient #readmissions to #hospitals are needless and #preventable if proper #teaching, follow-up was avail. #1 #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:19:44 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc Do you pick up things about how those groups interact that help in your #HPM social media efforts? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:19:56 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone Great point. I think passion is a key as well. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:19:57 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair T1 #patient #feedback online tells us what we need to work on, what was helpful to them, or not #1 #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:20:29 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: I think the problems we are seeking solutions to are very important to us. We are not looking at self but edu and learning #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:20:35 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: Newsletters from nutritionists (Dina Khader) provide info on studies in nutrition. Realage for mindless nutrition info. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:21:04 PDT 2011


For me I follow group chats that I can add too & learn from. I follow people who are smart & fit w/my professional personal goals #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:21:09 PDT 2011


Murray here from TalkAboutHealth, cancer question and answer community. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:21:15 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair T1 By participating in chats like this one, we can educate our #patients quickly and help them formulate questions #1 #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:21:15 PDT 2011


#HPM T1: The Twitter community I am most involved in outside of #healthcare is #mindfulness.
Wed Aug 31 18:21:29 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair T1 Once we know a #patients needs, concerns, we can direct them to #healthcare resources on/offline #hcsm #rnchat #1 #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:21:51 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: I follow group chats I can add too & learn from. I follow people who are smart & fit w/my professional personal goals #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:21:54 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @MarksPhone And the passion and commitment of #hpm community is its

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own wonderful characteristic. Heart of advocacy. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:22:06 PDT 2011


I used to participate in a couple of activity oriented communities based around running and music. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:22:07 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair T1 Without giving #medical #advice, or taking on #patients, we can direct them to #help they need #1 #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:22:31 PDT 2011


@JoelHigh @MarksPhone MT RT I think the problems we are seekg solns to are important to all. We should edu & learn frm ea. other #hpm #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:22:33 PDT 2011


I follow "Not running a Hospital" blog & "Road to Hellth" blog #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:22:51 PDT 2011


T1 entrepreneurship/Silicon Valley start up community & swimming community, coaching, teaching lessons #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:23:21 PDT 2011


one final point those who may know I had a persoanl loss and the community here was amazing & supportive #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:23:27 PDT 2011


@doctatum Welcome to #hpm lotsa #friendly faces here :) from New Jersey myself. #rnchat #nursingschool #nursingstudents #mdchat
Wed Aug 31 18:23:36 PDT 2011


I have seen a lot of judgement/sarcasm in other forums and communities about news and sports. More anonymity? Less professional resp? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:23:48 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator Always wanted to give that a try :) #ems and #prehospital, #paramedics are so overworked, underpaid #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:24:31 PDT 2011


RT @jodyms: @renee_berry @MarksPhone And the passion and commitment of #hpm community is its own wonderful characteristic. Heart of adv ...
Wed Aug 31 18:24:34 PDT 2011


Yes, startup community vibrant. RT @renee_berry T1 entrepreneurship start up community & swimming community, coaching, teaching lessons #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:24:39 PDT 2011


@talkabouthealth Hey Murray. Are there things you learned from those communities that help you in health care related social media? #hpm
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Wed Aug 31 18:24:41 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone And we will REMAIN cognizant of that. Here for you. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:24:45 PDT 2011


In these communities there tend to be more HCP & professionals who understand collaboration and learning #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:24:45 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: one final point those who may know I had a persoanl loss and the community here was amazing & supportive #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:24:51 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair I think the professional aspect is very important. It keeps things civil for sure. #HPM
Wed Aug 31 18:25:09 PDT 2011


So glad RT @MarksPhone one final point those who may know I had a persoanl loss and the community here was amazing & supportive #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:25:18 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: In these communities there tend to be more HCP & professionals who understand collaboration and learning #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:25:31 PDT 2011


When I feel a discussion is important and helpful, I share RT @ctsinclair: @nursefriendly You sure are friendly with the hashtags! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:25:34 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone It amazes me the lack of collaboration in other online forums. Even for people who seem to care for the same thing. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:25:53 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Other groups help #hpm? I don't participate enough to know. As I said lurker. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:25:55 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone I think collaboration & learning is what it's all about, I really hope this community stays open & welcoming #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:26:08 PDT 2011


Hello Jorun, nice to see you again :) RT @jorunkjones: Hello, this is Jorun a clinical pharmacist who assists @talkabouthealth #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:26:10 PDT 2011


RT @JoelHigh: @ctsinclair I think the professional aspect is very important. It keeps things civil for sure. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:26:17 PDT 2011

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I think the soft pink under belly of this is that we tend to take what we learn. We seem to miss group application and action #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:26:23 PDT 2011


RT @jfclearywisc: @ctsinclair Other groups help #hpm? "i.e. if you gain more followers for your cycling interest, they may learn abt -> #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:26:49 PDT 2011


Lurk :) RT @RossJeanette: T1 I don't really participate in any online community that is not social media. I follow several blog pages. #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:27:04 PDT 2011


The one place I've seen a difference is in #hcsmvac and there work on changing vaccination rates in St. Louis MO amazing application #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:27:13 PDT 2011


Being helpful is our aim RT @nursefriendly: @ctsinclair T1 Knowg #pts needs.Direct to #healthcare resources on/offline #hcsm #rnchat #1 #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:27:24 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Learned a lot from those communities abt communication, supporting each other, teamwork. Will think further abt specifics. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:27:32 PDT 2011


: RT @MarksPhone: I follow group chats I can add too & learn from. I follow people who are smart & fit w/my professional personal goals #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:27:37 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone Application/action is important. Without that all we have is chat (which admittedly good for support/building community) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:28:01 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: The one place Ive seen a difference is in #hcsmvac "been meaning to talk to youa bout that" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:28:27 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair less civil forums with sports -- more beer involved? But for use Soc Med and teaching- need to teach professionalism #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:28:27 PDT 2011


You learned well:) @talkabouthealth @ctsinclair Learned .. from those com. abt communication, support, teamwork. Will think further .. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:28:30 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator I'm boring, all the #hashtags I follow are #healthcare related, though as a #nurse #entrepreneur guess that is natural #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:28:35 PDT 2011

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@ctsinclair @jfclearywisc Cycling: but do I risk losing the #hpm if too much cycling. I try to separate the professional from personal. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:28:36 PDT 2011


Agree....not looking for it, but get it anyway! MT @ctsinclair: RT @jfclearywisc #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:28:43 PDT 2011


@renee_berry are you ready to take over hosting duties? #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:28:48 PDT 2011


#HPM The truth is online communities are so new we are always learning how to make them work. We learn from the good and the bad.
Wed Aug 31 18:28:49 PDT 2011


T1 I really appreciate interdisciplinary perspectives & really enjoy this group because there is such diversity #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:28:56 PDT 2011


The secret to HCSMVAC great work is that it followed a structure w/loose hirearchy #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:29:01 PDT 2011


Love ya man RT @MarksPhone: one final point those who may know I had a persoanl loss and the community here was amazing & supportive #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:29:13 PDT 2011


#Blogs have been around for decades, not #SM by definition. RT @SheyontheBay: Arent online commnities social media by definition? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:29:14 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc I think a little mix of professional/personal keeps you human, helps you connect to others on a different level #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:29:22 PDT 2011


RT @JoelHigh: #HPM The truth is online communities are so new we are always learning how to make them work. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:29:42 PDT 2011


@SheyontheBay The distinction is interaction, with a #blog you may have comments, but is mostly a one way conversation #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:29:51 PDT 2011


Good point RT communities are so new we are always learning how to make them work. We learn from the good & bad. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:29:56 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: Funny thing is I have not found the tight community like I have seen around
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#HPM and early #hcsm. I'm curious why. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:30:03 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly keyword being online #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:30:15 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair "keeps you human" Agree but I have two accounts on tweetdeck and push different buttons (literally). #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:30:25 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair This is such a great point. Balance. #HPM

Wed Aug 31 18:30:36 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair You need to visit #bcsm or #dmsa lots of very tight communities in plain sight #HPM #hcsm #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:30:40 PDT 2011


T2 Have you ever encountered any type of cyber bullying/anything that makes you feel uncomfortable from participating in online chats #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:30:53 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc I need to find the personal Jim Cleary then! #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:30:54 PDT 2011


online communities as small as these can only go so far. It is boots on the group & measuring of outcomes to know how we do #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:30:59 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: @jfclearywisc I think a little mix of professional/personal - AND gets #HPM out to public/but now not to bore HPM crowd #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:31:00 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc @ctsinclair I'm @fitnavigator too. Who else has another twitID? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:31:21 PDT 2011


TY! Certainly learning a lot from #HPM #BCSM #HCSM RT @jodyms You learned well:) @ctsinclair Learned communication, support, teamwork. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:31:26 PDT 2011


Much more popular than #healthcare . . . RT @jfclearywisc: TOPIC #1: Non-health care/non-social media communities? What are they?? :-) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:31:38 PDT 2011


Agree RT @jodyms: Good point RT @JoelHigh online communities so new, learning how to make them work. We learn from good & bad. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:31:56 PDT 2011

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oops. How not to bore HPM crowd with tackling other areas (and generating following) to get HPM into public #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:31:58 PDT 2011


MT @renee_berry: T2 Have you ever encountered any type of cyber bullying/anything makes you feel uncomfortable particip online? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:32:09 PDT 2011


T2 Can't bully me! Not possible. ;-) #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:32:10 PDT 2011


T1; Gets back to "WHat is SocMed?" Recent Pall Med ed. Collaborative purpose. I feel that about #hpm (globally) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:32:18 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: @MarksPhone Have not found as many people in social media comm willing to work together, help each other out like in early #HCSM & #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:32:21 PDT 2011


T2 (part 2) aka: if you have people that disagree or conflict, how do you balance staying comfortable with yourself #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:32:28 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator I do @VANTeamJoel but I never use it. It was a failed attempt at creating another work identity. #HPM
Wed Aug 31 18:32:53 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Can't agree with that one, #crowdsourcing in #healthcare has been happening for a very long time #HCSM #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:32:53 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: I think it is smart to hybridize your ideas/followers by expanding beyond just the thing you are immensely passionate about #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:33:12 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair @renee_berry T2 Outright bullying? No? Groupthink? Occasionally. Where the lemming effect takes over & all agree. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:33:17 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly #hcsmvac is an amazing work group using drop box and plans to execute action #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:33:34 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair You're reminding me of #arrosmith in #medical school where his #mentors encourage #music the #arts #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:33:44 PDT 2011

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T2: Yes, I left a soccer forum, b/c every post I made met with silence or criticism. Wouldn't call it cyber-bullying, but not welcoming #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:33:48 PDT 2011


Being open to new possibilities & avenues @talkabouthealth @jodyms @JoelHigh RT@jodyms I agree always new ways. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:34:19 PDT 2011


@renee_berry T2 (part 2) Honestly stating what you believe. Simple words: honesty, integrity, compassion for difficult topics. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:34:25 PDT 2011


RT @jodyms: @ctsinclair @renee_berry T2 Outright bullying? No? Groupthink? Occasionally. Where the lemming effect takes over & all agree. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:34:30 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Rather than develop #tunnel vision towards #medicine he should broaden his #horizons #nursing #nursingstudents #mdchat #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:34:33 PDT 2011


RT @WorldHospiceDay: Read the latest newsletter for World #Hospice and #Palliative Care Day. Spread the word and register your events! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:34:36 PDT 2011


Agree!! Ha Ha! RT @jodyms + 2 T2 Outright bullying? No? Groupthink? Occasionally. Where the lemming effect takes over & all agree. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:34:48 PDT 2011


@jodyms @renee_berry Yes seen Groupthink more often but rarely makes me uncomfortable. Sometimes I'm orchestrating it ;-) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:34:52 PDT 2011


MT @doctatum: oops. "not bore HPM crowd and bring it to others" Blogging allows personality & other interests to show! Impt to be human #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:35:02 PDT 2011


Sorry to be late, but I am joining in now. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:35:06 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly Thanks for the connection! #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:35:06 PDT 2011


RT @jodyms: Cancer survivors are very supportive of each other, tho @ctsinclair @MarksPhone Have not found as many people in social media .... #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:35:32 PDT 2011


You know in small group theory it is the ability to reflect on experiences of others as a key to

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learning. Insight comes from response #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:35:34 PDT 2011


@JoelHigh Multiple accounts are difficult to maintain #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:35:40 PDT 2011


T2 I have seen online commentary that doesn't seem in the interest of learning or encouraging participation, sometimes exclusive #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:35:46 PDT 2011


LOL! @ctsinclair @jodyms @renee_berry Yes see Groupthink more often but rarely makes me uncomfortable. Sometimes orchestrating it ;-) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:36:02 PDT 2011


WHat do think supporting KC! :-) RT @ctsinclair: T2: Yes, I left a soccer forum, b/c every post I made met with silence or criticism. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:36:06 PDT 2011


@jodyms I've been very impressed by the discussions, participation and wealth of sharing on #bcsm Breast Cancer Support #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:36:18 PDT 2011


T2 I tend to feel more connected to openness, professionalism & absolutely differing opinions (respectfully) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:36:24 PDT 2011


Have seen bullying of others on Facebook fan pages. Actually FB messaged one person the other day to support them. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:36:40 PDT 2011


T2 I just wonder if that is ever intimidating to people with different personality types, those that tend to be very forward w/opinions #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:36:55 PDT 2011


No shame in lurking RT @jfclearywisc: T1: more a lurker there than really saying that I feel part of a collaborative effort #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:37:02 PDT 2011


@renee_berry explain more? #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:37:07 PDT 2011


RT @RossJeanette: Mothers in. Medicine blog is mix of parenting and female work related posts I read sometimes. #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:37:18 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc @doctatum so important to be human :) #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:37:34 PDT 2011

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Tweetdeck helps greatly!! RT @ctsinclair: @JoelHigh Multiple accounts are difficult to maintain #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:37:36 PDT 2011


@renee_berry explain more re: commentary that doesn't seem in the interest of learning or encouraging participation #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:37:36 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly agree cancer surviors R interesting because they R seeking solutions to common problems they have a collective knowledge #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:37:38 PDT 2011


All communities should aspire to! MT @renee_berry Feel more connected to openness, professionalism & absolutely differing opinions #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:37:44 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: @jfclearywisc Do you pick up things about how those groups interact that help in your #HPM social media efforts? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:37:50 PDT 2011


RT @jfclearywisc: Tweetdeck helps greatly!! RT @ctsinclair: @JoelHigh Multiple accounts are difficult to maintain "concur" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:38:00 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc I love TweetDeck! #HPM

Wed Aug 31 18:38:14 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Every day, learn things that #help me in #bedside #patient care and online efforts to #educate #mdchat #rnchat #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:38:43 PDT 2011


we're going to move to T3 (but feel free to comment on T2 if examples come to you) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:38:48 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone @nursefriendly And sharing that common knowledge helps eliminate feelings of isolation; can be very healing. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:39:01 PDT 2011


Created @fitnavigator after EMT death to help EMT crew receive healthy lifestyle info. EOLnavigator wasn't appropriate. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:39:05 PDT 2011


Found that one thing I really enjoy :) Running with it. RT @JoelHigh: @MarksPhone Great point. I think passion is a key as well. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:39:20 PDT 2011

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RT @jodyms: @MarksPhone @nursefriendly And sharing that common knowledge helps eliminate feelings of isolation; can be very healing. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:39:25 PDT 2011


RT @EOLnavigator: Created @fitnavigator after EMT death to help EMT crew receive healthy lifestyle info. EOLnavigator not appropriate. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:40:07 PDT 2011


@JoelHigh Being passionate shows in your work, others can't help but notice. #rnchat #jobs #employment #health #healthcare #hcsm #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:40:18 PDT 2011


T3 Importance of #hospice organizations caring for children experiencing serious illness? Many challenges for providers, Thoughts? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:40:22 PDT 2011


As a focused user, I worry about impact of Tweetchats on followers who see 10 tweets on stuff out of context!! Any advice? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:40:51 PDT 2011


@talkabouthealth @jodyms @MarksPhone @nursefriendly Lots of great minds out there sharing their expertise liberally :) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:41:35 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair stalking my alter ego now, eh? #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:41:37 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: For me I follow group chats that I can add too & learn from. I follow people who are smart & fit w/my professional pers #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:42:06 PDT 2011


Good moderation is important and calling on ideas to be expanded helps drive learning and sharing #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:42:10 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc That's happened to me with folks I follow. It usually intrigues about the Tweetchat they are involved in #HPM
Wed Aug 31 18:42:17 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc I think tweetchats are becoming common enough that if people see a hashtag consistently, they check the convo #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:42:20 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: T3 Importance of #hospice orgs caring for children experiencing serious illness? #pedpc cc @haslingerppc @KUkidsHP #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:42:21 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator Who me? #hpm

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Wed Aug 31 18:42:29 PDT 2011


RT @JoelHigh: #HPM T1: The Twitter community I am most involved in outside of #healthcare is #mindfulness.
Wed Aug 31 18:42:31 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: Good moderation is important and calling on ideas to be expanded helps drive learning and sharing #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:42:35 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: Good moderation is important and calling on ideas to be expanded helps drive learning and sharing #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:42:55 PDT 2011


@JoelHigh Will have to check that out :) have seen it a few times before #HPM #healthcare #mindfulness #rnchat #health #nursefriendly
Wed Aug 31 18:43:12 PDT 2011


RT @jodyms: @renee_berry @MarksPhone And the passion and commitment of #hpm community is its own wonderful characteristic. Heart of adv ...
Wed Aug 31 18:43:30 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc I think people are learning to not judge by one tweet alone. I always look for context. Just a click away usually. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:43:30 PDT 2011


T3 there are many children living longer lives with complex chronic diseases needing #palliative care. #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:43:37 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: RT @ctsinclair: I agree: hybridize ideas/followers by expandg beyond just the thing you are immensely passionate abt #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:43:43 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly Lots of great wisdom on #mindfulness #HPM

Wed Aug 31 18:43:54 PDT 2011


Moderation difficult, but important! MT @MarksPhone Good moderation important calling on ideas to be expanded drives learning & sharing #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:44:00 PDT 2011


T3 Does anyone have experience with seriously ill children receiving care outside of the hospital setting? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:44:02 PDT 2011


Here is some theory It is a bit abstract but it has application here #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:44:10 PDT 2011

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RT @renee_berry: Tweetchats are becoming common enough that if people see a hashtag consistently, they check the convo #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:44:11 PDT 2011


RT @RossJeanette: T3 there are many children living longer lives with complex chronic diseases needing #palliative care #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:44:13 PDT 2011


Will look them up :) #blogs #healthcare RT @EOLnavigator: I follow "Not running a Hospital" blog & "Road to Hellth" blog #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:44:19 PDT 2011


Lots of context in this one! :-) (which I though was very funny in context) RT @ctsinclair: @EOLnavigator Who me? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:44:31 PDT 2011


T3: #PedPC is a growing specialty underappreciated because many dont think about kids with serious illness as common #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:44:47 PDT 2011


Thx! RT @MarksPhone Here is some theory It is a bit abstract but it has application here #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:44:58 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: one final point those who may know I had a persoanl loss and the community here was amazing & supportive #hpm #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:45:04 PDT 2011


@renee_berry In my past hospice work I cared for few children at home. It was a blessing for them and their families #HPM
Wed Aug 31 18:45:06 PDT 2011


#1 fear of dying children #2 lack of true expertise in Pediatric EOL care among general clinician population. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:45:07 PDT 2011


@RossJeanette Do you know of local orgs providing palliative care for children? I feel like they are out there, but not common enough #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:45:07 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: T3: #PedPC is a growing specialty underappreciated because many dont think about kids with serious illness as common #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:45:27 PDT 2011


T3 hospice/kids-we need to get concurrent care right, and if so would be great to see model expanded to adults #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:45:33 PDT 2011

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agree RT @ctsinclair T3 #PedPC is a growing specialty underappreciated because many dont think about kids w/serious illness as common #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:45:34 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone It is great that you had that kind of support available online #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:45:49 PDT 2011


Pediatric #hospice staff I have worked with always go the extra mile. And are not depressed people! Helping others is a great reward #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:46:01 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: I have seen a lot of judgement/sarcasm in other forums and communities about news and sports. More anonymity? Less professional resp? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:46:05 PDT 2011


RT @doctatum: T3 hospice/kids-we need to get concurrent care right, and if so would be great to see model expanded to adults "yes!" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:46:15 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: Pediatric #hospice staff I have worked with always go the extra mile. And are not depressed people! Helping others is a great reward #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:46:16 PDT 2011


T3 there is one hospice/home health agency/ healthcare organization in San Antonio providing #palliative care #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:46:19 PDT 2011


Consructivism "humans generate knowledge and meaning from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:46:42 PDT 2011


Many pediatricians don't go into gen peds to see 'chronically ill/seriously ill' so can be caught off guard with the prevalence of it #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:46:56 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Have just as much sarcasm, poor manners here, though since it is #healthcare, we tend to be more agreeable #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:47:05 PDT 2011


T3 there're also kids that are too old for the pediatrician but the adult medicine docs are not used for caring for. #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:47:25 PDT 2011


@RossJeanette peds palliative or adult palliative? #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:47:26 PDT 2011

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RT @ctsinclair: @talkabouthealth Hey Murray. Are there things you learned from those communities that help you in health care related social media? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:47:26 PDT 2011


We can expand that by gaining from others experiences and sharing ours. It adds to our own knowledge #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:47:34 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: In these communities there tend to be more HCP & professionals who understand collaboration and learning #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:48:08 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly Sarcasm among trusted peers = increased bonding; sarcasm among strangers = fights/hard feelings #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:48:15 PDT 2011


I was the hospice MSW that provided support to pediatric individuals & their families in PCU. Families GREATFUL! Yes, i'm screaming. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:48:17 PDT 2011


T3 I think there is a need for medicine/peds trained people to train in HPM #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:48:22 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair agree, I think that statement can work in another sense as well.. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:48:35 PDT 2011


Great thought. RT @MarksPhone: We can expand that by gaining from others experiences and sharing ours. It adds to our own knowledge #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:48:36 PDT 2011


RT @RossJeanette: T3 also kids too old for the pediatrician but the adult medicine docs are not used for caring for "seen that" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:48:43 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: Many pediatricians don't go into gen peds to see 'chronically ill/seriously ill' so can be caught off guard with the prevalence of it #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:48:49 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair many doctors don't go into medicine to see (or provide care for) people dying & can be caught off guard w/the prevalence #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:48:58 PDT 2011


#HPM I have to jet early tonight. It was great being with you all.
Wed Aug 31 18:49:07 PDT 2011


@renee_berry good point on adult/peds diff/similarity #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:49:29 PDT 2011

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@MarksPhone Think #nurses, #doctors can appreciate the value and importance of our interactions, influence online #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:49:33 PDT 2011


HPM must be managed by those trained in it, NOT by pcp or peds etc. HPM is a sub sub speciality I've fellows make idiots of themselves #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:49:40 PDT 2011


when compared to a trained experience HPM physician but that is learning... #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:50:09 PDT 2011


RT @JoelHigh: #HPM I have to jet early tonight. "Do you watch mad men? I'm gonna use that with my kids. Jet. Love it!" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:50:13 PDT 2011


That would be a blessing. I ran a complex case mgt hospice program & it was great to offer concurrent care.RT @ctsinclair RT @doctatum #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:50:20 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair @RossJeanette pediatric and adult palliative care #Hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:50:21 PDT 2011


Our pediatric unit was at that time integrated into all ages unit. Families loved the continuity of life. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:50:25 PDT 2011


so lets expand T3: What are good/& not good examples of language to use to help young adults understand when they need --> #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:50:48 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone With all the #snakeoil #scams #fraud out there, we realize the importance of #patients having reliable resources #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:50:57 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone But sadly right now there is a HPM doctor workforce shortage and even worse shortage going forward. PCP must be involved #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:51:12 PDT 2011


RT @talkabouthealth: Great thought. RT @MarksPhone: We can expand by others experiences & sharing ours & adding to knowledge & empathy. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:51:58 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone Like #socialmedia because it is an #opportunity to extend my experience, bring it to #patients #consumers in need #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:52:08 PDT 2011

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EOLnavigator ctsinclair

Bye @Joelhigh #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:52:17 PDT 2011

RT @MarksPhone: We can expand by others experiences & sharing ours & adding to knowledge & empathy. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:52:27 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair my exp. w/ @talkabouthealth? Responsive, thorough, professional. Murray answers your concerns, questions ASAP. Very cool #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:52:40 PDT 2011


Most of the time anyhow RT @JoelHigh: @ctsinclair I think the professional aspect is very important. It keeps things civil for sure. #HPM
Wed Aug 31 18:52:47 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair I understand but there needs to a continuity of care a lead taken experience Physicians are life long learners teach #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:52:48 PDT 2011


Great chat! sorry I have to leave early must get child to bed #Hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:52:54 PDT 2011


@talkabouthealth What's #hpm?

Wed Aug 31 18:52:56 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: We can expand that by gaining from others experiences and sharing ours. It adds to our own knowledge #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:53:11 PDT 2011


@renee_berry Not sure the language issue changes for me too much with age. More important to read the room, read the patient #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:53:15 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair @MarksPhone all PCPs should be trained in #hpm to be primary palliative providers. and society needs to make more PCPs #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:53:32 PDT 2011


RT @PinkKitchen: @talkabouthealth Whats #hpm? "Our first catch of the night! #Hospice and Palliative medicine" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:53:34 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: @MarksPhone I think collaboration & learning is what it's all about, I really hope this community stays open & welcoming #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:53:35 PDT 2011


Thanks for participating Jeanette! RT @RossJeanette: Great chat! sorry I have to leave early must get child to bed #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:53:40 PDT 2011

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Great documentary on dying children, "a lion in the house" bring tissues #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:53:42 PDT 2011


@RossJeanette Good to meet you - good night. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:53:46 PDT 2011


RT @RossJeanette: Great chat! sorry I have to leave early must get child to bed. "g'night!" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:54:04 PDT 2011


RT @talkabouthealth: @ctsinclair Learned a lot from those communities abt communication, supporting each other, teamwork. Will think further abt specifics. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:54:31 PDT 2011


RT @EOLnavigator: Great documentary on dying children, "a lion in the house" bring tissues "must watch. Loved it" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:54:33 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair @renee_berry Read the room.... parents become a much bigger issue in reading body language etc than when with adults. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:54:45 PDT 2011


Wow, TY! RT @jodyms @ctsinclair my exp. w/ @talkabouthealth Responsive, thorough, professional. Murray answers concerns questions ASAP #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:54:50 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: @MarksPhone Application/action is important. Without that all we have is chat (which admittedly good for support/building community) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:54:51 PDT 2011


Hospice and Palliative Medicine RT @PinkKitchen: @talkabouthealth Whats #hpm? #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:55:06 PDT 2011


Great to chat with everyone. Sweet dreams. Good night. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:55:08 PDT 2011


RT @jfclearywisc: @ctsinclair @renee_berry Read the room.... parents become a much bigger issue in reading body language etc than when with adults. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:55:15 PDT 2011


@PinkKitchen I believe #HPM is Health Policy Management. Please correct me if I am incorrect everyone. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:55:32 PDT 2011

@ctsinclair Have had plenty of #opportunities to take #lessons, feedback learned here and Page 26 of 33

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apply in #patient care at #bedside #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:55:56 PDT 2011


ROTFL RT @ctsinclair: RT @PinkKitchen: @talkabouthealth Whats #hpm? "Our first catch of the night! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:56:03 PDT 2011


TY for correcting me:) RT @EOLnavigator: Hospice and Palliative Medicine RT @PinkKitchen: @talkabouthealth Whats #hpm? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:56:05 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly I agree that is the next phase of SM theory how can put reflection in action. Arab spring was a need sm helped drive it #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:56:12 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc @ctsinclair How do we make early palliative care something people request rather than something avoided #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:56:23 PDT 2011


@talkabouthealth #Hospice and Palliative Medicine which should be part of any good Health Policy Management #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:56:31 PDT 2011


it was not the other way around which we fail to accept SM did not create Arab spring #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:56:48 PDT 2011


agree RT @ctsinclair: @talkabouthealth Hospice and Palliative Medicine which should be part of any good Health Policy Management #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:56:59 PDT 2011


Thanks for hosting! Have a great night everyone, seems like I'm always playing catch-up. Will be working through #tweets for a while. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:57:10 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: @talkabouthealth #Hospice and Palliative Medicine which should be part of any good Health Policy Management #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:57:14 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: How do we make early palliative care something people request rather than something avoided? "seeing it happen lately" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:57:15 PDT 2011


@talkabouthealth @PinkKitchen Good try.... #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:57:37 PDT 2011


We have a need in HPM SM can drive it but we need a critical mass 'boots on the ground', plan of action, time dollars etc. #hpm

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Wed Aug 31 18:57:42 PDT 2011


well everyone, we've got just a few minutes left, thanks so much for participating, please share any closing thoughts for tonight re: #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:57:48 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair By letting people know it exists, and making it as common as CT Scans and Home Health #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:57:49 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: Next phase of SM theory how can put reflection in action. Arab spring -> sm helped drive it #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:57:54 PDT 2011


Another interesting chat. Thanks. Goodnight all. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:58:17 PDT 2011


MT @renee_berry: How do we make early palliative care something requested rather than avoided? <- make it part of the continuum of care #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:58:24 PDT 2011


Keep up edu @ctsinclair @renee_berry: How do we make early palliative care requested rather than avoided? "seeing it happen lately" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:58:42 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly nice! & @aliciabloom... absolutely! #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:58:51 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: By letting people know it exists, and making it as common as CT Scans and Home Health "and less stigmatizing" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:58:52 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: @renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair By letting people know it exists, and making it as common as CT Scans and Home Health #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:58:58 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: We have a need in HPM SM can drive but we need a critical mass boots on the ground, plan of action, time dollars etc. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:59:17 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair Discussion of end of life care is critical, when Advance Directives, Living Wills, etc. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:59:25 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: RT @renee_berry: How do we mke early palliative care something people request rather than something avoided? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:59:26 PDT 2011

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In fact...all health policy mgt should begin with hpm input! RT @ctsinclair: @talkabouthealth #hpm which should be part of any good HPM #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:59:29 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair @renee_berry...I happen to know a few bloggers...:) #hpm

Wed Aug 31 18:59:34 PDT 2011


Gladwell's beating up SM was valid and will come to be unless we can translate this into small discreet actions #hpm
Wed Aug 31 18:59:34 PDT 2011


Hey #hpm friends, I was writing on deadline so missed tonight's chat BUT I participate in the church social media #chsocm chat.
Wed Aug 31 19:00:06 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: Gladwells beating up SM was valid and will come to be unless we can translate this into small discreet actions "yes" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:00:14 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair We cannot wait ill a patient is terminal with no hope to talk about #hospice #palliative care #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:00:18 PDT 2011


@jodyms @ctsinclair @renee_berry Show the patient QOL need to suffer. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:00:19 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom re: How do we make early palliative care requested rather than avoided? <- make it part of the continuum of care #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:00:20 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone Elaborate? #hpm

Wed Aug 31 19:00:21 PDT 2011


@MeredithGould I was wondering what #chsocm was, thanks for explaining #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:00:45 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone interesting point! (though that's what I believe this group is :) #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:00:50 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom @renee_berry How do we make early palliative care something requested not avoided? <- make it part of continuum of care #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:01:04 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair I think it's important for chat community members to monitor/regulate bad behavior during chats #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:01:11 PDT 2011

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@renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair #hospice need to be mentioned starting with #nursinghome placement, #longtermcare #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:01:20 PDT 2011


Good night all thanks for the chat. have a talk to give at 8am tomorrow, going to do some reading. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:01:43 PDT 2011


@jodyms We have a crap load of ideas generated do we sandbox them and do it on our own? or focus to do more broadly as in study? #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:01:47 PDT 2011


RT @EOLnavigator: @jodyms @ctsinclair @renee_berry Show the patient QOL benefit-no need to suffer. No pain or discomfort. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:01:52 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair the #stigma of #death and #hospice needs to be lifted, so people will discuss it. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:02:02 PDT 2011


RT @EOLnavigator: @jodyms @ctsinclair @renee_berry Show the patient QOL need to suffer. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:02:10 PDT 2011


@ctsinclair Growing level of collaboration among #chsocm folks, but probably because of shared passion & faith #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:02:13 PDT 2011


@renee_berry clinicians need to understand #palliative care is not just a code word for #hospice, then we will see earlier integration. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:02:39 PDT 2011


Wonderful chat tonight everyone, thank you so much! Great job @renee_berry @ctsinclair #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:02:46 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: @renee_berry clinicians need to understand #palliative care is not just a code word for #hospice, then we will see earlier integration. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:03:00 PDT 2011


Thanks everyone for participating tonight! See you next week Wed 6p PST goodnight! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:03:08 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair Too often #hospice and #palliative care are associated with "Failure" "Loss of Hope" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:03:10 PDT 2011

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RT @MarksPhone: The secret to HCSMVAC great work is that it followed a structure w/loose hierarchy #hpm<--and a strategic plan
Wed Aug 31 19:03:23 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: @renee_berry clinicians need to understand #palliative care is not just a code word for #hospice, then we will see earlier integration. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:03:24 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair The #stigma of "Giving Up" has long been associated with end of life care. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:04:02 PDT 2011


@renee_berry T2...yes and I've gone back channel to shut that stuff down! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:04:02 PDT 2011


@jodyms please check out HCSMVAC... amazing group with a model to take action and we're looking at improvements next time #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:04:06 PDT 2011


sorry to be so tardy to the #hpm party, but i wanted to drop in for the last few minutes...had an evening home visit to make. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:04:20 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @ctsinclair Thanks Christian / Renee! Great Q's #hpm

Wed Aug 31 19:04:27 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair Many #patients associate "Do Not Rescuscitate" orders with "Does Not Receive Care". #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:05:10 PDT 2011


@marksphone, I did a blog post on social media & small gestures that you just reminded me of, it's at the bottom of the article... #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:05:30 PDT 2011


"even the smallest gesture has a direction to it, leading you closer to your path, or farther away from it" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:05:41 PDT 2011


Remember we are all learners as adults we want to solve problems we are having &we look to others to help... that is core to build on #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:05:51 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair They feel if they choose #hospice, the result will be poor care and neglect #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:06:04 PDT 2011

RT @MarksPhone: Good moderation is important and calling on ideas to be expanded Page 31 of 33

#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

6/27/12 12:24 PM

MeredithGould aliciabloom

helps drive learning and sharing #hpm

Wed Aug 31 19:06:09 PDT 2011

RT @nursefriendly: Many #patients associate "Do Not Rescuscitate" orders with "Does Not Receive Care". <- b/c of the language we use. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:06:10 PDT 2011


:) agree! RT @MeredithGould: @renee_berry T2...yes and Ive gone back channel to shut that stuff down! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:06:31 PDT 2011


Nina my Westie is glarring at me. Time to take her out she has me trained. Thank you #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:06:33 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: Remember we are all learners as adults we want to solve problems we are having &we look to others to help... that is core to build on #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:06:42 PDT 2011


@renee_berry @jfclearywisc @ctsinclair Ok, off the soapbox. #hpm

Wed Aug 31 19:06:47 PDT 2011


RT @doctatum: @ctsinclair less civil forums with sports -- more beer involved? But for use Soc Med and teaching- need to teach professionalism #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:07:10 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom @nursefriendly DNR; One of the reasons we now have "no CPR" order at UW. THat is what it means! #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:07:23 PDT 2011


Will do, thank you @Mark Dimor @jodyms please check out HCSMVAC... amazing group w/ a model to take action.. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:07:27 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom A nurse discovered a poorly worded DNR for my wife that would have been hell. She got the fellow to rewrite in english #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:08:14 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: "even the smallest gesture has a direction to it, leading you closer to your path, or farther away from it" #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:08:22 PDT 2011


@doctatum A gander at unruly #parents in the stands at a #football or little league game is all you need to see that #hpm #parenting
Wed Aug 31 19:08:30 PDT 2011


MT @jfclearywisc: One of the reasons we now have "no CPR" order at UW. That is what it means! <- that's perfect. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:09:04 PDT 2011

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#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

6/27/12 12:24 PM


@jfclearywisc There should be standard for DNR language #hpm

Wed Aug 31 19:09:18 PDT 2011


#palliativecare in aged care should focus on more than residential sector. Community #agedcare increasingly important. #hpm #Diversity2011
Wed Aug 31 19:09:32 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: @renee_berry clinicians need to understand #palliative care is not just a code word for #hospice, then we will see earlier integration. #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:10:02 PDT 2011


RT @JoelHigh: #HPM The truth is online communities are so new we are always learning how to make them work. We learn from the good and t ...
Wed Aug 31 19:10:17 PDT 2011


@JoelHigh Yes, it is a whole new world out there, #socialmedia does not have traditional boundaries of communication #HPM
Wed Aug 31 19:11:06 PDT 2011


one of the issues in application of new knowledge ie barriers is systems R different and to apply one to another could be problematic #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:11:10 PDT 2011


@JoelHigh Many of us are making things up as we go along, just as #hospitals #businesses are formulating policies #HPM
Wed Aug 31 19:11:47 PDT 2011


RT @renee_berry: T1 I really appreciate interdisciplinary perspectives & really enjoy this group because there is such diversity #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:12:02 PDT 2011


Incidentally, I'll be continuing #eolchat till 10-11pm EST for End of Life issues for anyone interested :) #hospice #palliative #hcsm #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:13:35 PDT 2011


@renee_berry It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling to see so many sharing their wisdom and knowledge liberally #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:14:28 PDT 2011


RT @ctsinclair: @jfclearywisc I think a little mix of professional/personal keeps you human, helps you connect to others on a different level #hpm
Wed Aug 31 19:14:50 PDT 2011

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