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#hpm - Healthcare Social Media Transcript

6/27/12 12:35 PM

#hpm transcript
Healthcare Social Media Transcript
From: To: Wed Oct 26 18:00:00 PDT 2011 Wed Oct 26 19:15:00 PDT 2011 change time period

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The Love Dare: When You Love Someone # #wellbeing #Hpm #palliativecare #caregivers #Rnchat #Nurse
Wed Oct 26 18:00:17 PDT 2011


ooking forward to some good #hpm energy -(wsp since I got an awful comment on my blog post about hpm. Perhaps topic for another nite :)
Wed Oct 26 18:00:24 PDT 2011


Hi & welcome to #hpm chat about #hospice & #palliative medicine, please take a moment to introduce yourself & say hello #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:01:04 PDT 2011


I can't keep up - only on phone but enjoy your info #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:01:49 PDT 2011


#hpm Patient educator, health blogger, pall med admirer. Greetings all.
Wed Oct 26 18:02:00 PDT 2011


Hello..good to be here. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:02:05 PDT 2011

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Hi all made in time. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:02:25 PDT 2011


MSW, LSW practicing in #hospice & #palliative care. clinical educator. happy to be here for #hpm chat. hi everyone! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:02:38 PDT 2011


Good read but she was empathic, it appears RT @doclake: Taking care of the dying Jehovah's Witness #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:02:41 PDT 2011


Good evening hpm tweetchat friends. David here, author of palliative care memoir "August Farewell". #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:02:54 PDT 2011


Hello Everyone, Andrew Lopez, RN from #newjersey Take care of many hospice patients. Registered Nurse, Entrepreneur Webmaster #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:03:00 PDT 2011


RT @authordhallman: Good evening hpm tweetchat friends. David here, author of palliative care memoir "August Farewell". #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:03:20 PDT 2011


hi! jen here.. msw, author & founder of Living Life Dying Death: Healthy Conversations about Death and Dying to inspire Life and Living #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:03:36 PDT 2011


@KathyKastner I want to hear about it. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:03:37 PDT 2011


Thx for joining everyone! I'm hosting tonight, director @gobemore & just got started with hospice advocacy early this year #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:03:45 PDT 2011


Hi everyone! Educator and therapist working in a hospice in California. Happy to be here tonight! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:04:01 PDT 2011


Hello. Deb here... RN from Indiana, checking in to #hpm for first time... #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:04:02 PDT 2011


Hi all Jeanette Ross MD HPM doc @uthscsa passionate about teaching HPM. tweets are my opinions. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:04:19 PDT 2011


As do I. RT @MeredithGould: @KathyKastner I want to hear about it. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:04:29 PDT 2011

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1st experience w/hospice was my w/ my father appreciative of time I was able to spend with him at home when he was @ the end of life #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:04:41 PDT 2011


RT @jessicajohanna: Hi & welcome to #hpm chat about #hospice & #palliative medicine, please take a moment to introduce yourself & say he ...
Wed Oct 26 18:04:51 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna Lots of familiar faces here tonight, and some new ones :) #hpm #hospice #palliative #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:05:13 PDT 2011


RT @jessicajohanna: Thx for joining everyone! I'm hosting tonight, director @gobemore & just got started with hospice advocacy early this year #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:06:01 PDT 2011


MT "@jessicajohanna: 1st experience w/hospice was my w/ my father appreciative of time to spend w/him at home @ EOL" <- what it's about #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:06:17 PDT 2011


Oh it's #hpm time already. Hi all. I'm a community manager and plain language health writer.
Wed Oct 26 18:06:25 PDT 2011


But not the last time I hope :) RT @swan5675: Hello. Deb here... RN from Indiana, checking in to #hpm for first time... #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:06:35 PDT 2011


HI I'm Lisa=Adult Educator, Speaker, G8 2 Be here tonight. #HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:06:43 PDT 2011


Thnx see Last comment @JenMarsh2: As do I. RT @MeredithGould: I want to hear about it. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:06:48 PDT 2011


RT @lfettig: JAMA- Hospitalization-Associated Disability: "She Was Probably Able to Ambulate..." @Geri_doc author. #geriatrics #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:07:01 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly familiar and new faces for me. tonight is my first time hosting this chat! let's take a few more minutes for intros #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:07:05 PDT 2011


Join me for a #HPM TweetChat at: #HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:07:50 PDT 2011

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RT @jessicajohanna: @nursefriendly familiar and new faces for me. tonight is my first time hosting this chat! let's take a few more minutes for intros #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:07:54 PDT 2011


I saw you here, and knew it must be an excellent source of learning @nursefriendly #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:08:07 PDT 2011


Good evening all. ePatient/advocate checking in. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:08:17 PDT 2011


Participating in the #hpm and #eolchat tonight. Come join us! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:08:45 PDT 2011


<--sociologist, keen on using social media to build community. Energized by last week at #mayoragan #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:08:53 PDT 2011


@KathyKastner Kathy I could not get your Link to work. Will you post it again. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:09:03 PDT 2011


FYI Everyone for the next hour or so I'll be particpating #hpm a #hospice #palliative care #tweetchat. Do join or lurk : )
Wed Oct 26 18:09:34 PDT 2011


@AfternoonNapper Hello to everyone#hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:09:38 PDT 2011


Great intros! Gearing up for T1... #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:10:10 PDT 2011

KathyKastner Take '2'@PracticalWisdom: Kathy I could not get your Link to work. Will you post it again. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:10:18 PDT 2011


Think you give me too much credit, but thanks :) RT @swan5675: I saw you here, and knew it must be an excellent source of learning #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:10:37 PDT 2011


@KathyKastner Link still not working. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:11:00 PDT 2011


Hi all I am Pam Ressler from MA...nurse entrepreneur, educator and researcher on social media in healthcare #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:11:02 PDT 2011

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T1 What are ways hospice organizations can/do make sure family members of patients understand the depth of social support provided #hpm #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:11:11 PDT 2011


RT @jessicajohanna: T1 What are ways hospice organizations can/do make sure family members of patients understand the depth of social support provided #hpm #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:11:19 PDT 2011


jim cleary joining hospice and palliative medicine tweetchat #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:11:20 PDT 2011


opps on the double hashtag! #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:11:42 PDT 2011


Take 3 :) @colleen_young: @KathyKastner Link still not working. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:11:58 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc Hi Jim, welcome! Just getting started with T1 #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:12:03 PDT 2011


RT T1 What are ways hospice organizations can/do make sure family members of patients understand the depth of social support provided #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:12:16 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna Most #hospices give at the start, phone numbers for #nurses #chaplains #supervisors, several support options #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:12:32 PDT 2011


T1 media #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:12:39 PDT 2011


RT @PalliativeMedJ: Incentivised indicators in #palliative care. Issues with complexity. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:12:48 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna think it starts w/ sincere communication about options available. Often goes unsaid in favor of more invasive options #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:12:56 PDT 2011


T1 Bill & I treated as a couple/family by all the pallmed professionals during the 2 wks he was dying. Very grateful. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:12:57 PDT 2011


Anyone else having trouble w/tweetchat for #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:12:58 PDT 2011

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T1 do a needs assessment, determine their need in relation to their own & patient determine where they are at dont toss info at people #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:12:59 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna Jessica Tweetchat makes it easier if you are already not using it. Anyway we are not picky re: 2x Hashtags #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:13:01 PDT 2011


T1 Having said that, it is important that messages, questions, concerns from the #family #patient get addressed #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:13:42 PDT 2011


T1 By providing the info at multiple times during #hospice svcs. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:13:55 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: T1 Having said that, it is important that messages, questions, concerns from the #family #patient get addressed #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:14:10 PDT 2011


T1 Dropping the ball, and having #questions #concerns go unanswered is a very bad thing. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:14:23 PDT 2011


I don't think a lot of many families realize that hospice offers bereavement services for a year after a death. My family didn't #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:14:32 PDT 2011


RT @PalliativeMedJ: Incentivised indicators in #palliative care. Issues with complexity. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:14:37 PDT 2011


T1: Hospice does a great deal during United Way campaigns so public speaking/written information can help understanding a great deal. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:14:44 PDT 2011


RT @JenMarsh2: T1 By providing the info at multiple times during #hospice svcs. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:14:49 PDT 2011


from the moment of admission, patients/families should understand that as a whole, they are unit of care by an interdisciplinary team #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:14:50 PDT 2011


T1 Sometimes we find the hospices provide the sheet of info only at the beginning, when people are too overwhelmed. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:14:52 PDT 2011

T1 emphasizing that HPM care includes the units of the patient and their loved ones #hpm Page 6 of 40

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Wed Oct 26 18:15:09 PDT 2011


It is not difficult to give the patient a note book and pen with key words so they can jot questions down to ask both clinical & social #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:15:10 PDT 2011


RT @nickdawson: @jessicajohanna think it starts w/ sincere communication about options available. Often goes unsaid in favor of more invasive options #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:15:10 PDT 2011


@KathyKastner That link didn't work but then maybe it's me and my connection? I'm having difficulty getting on here tonight #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:15:11 PDT 2011


My Tweets are my own since it's just me. #HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:15:12 PDT 2011


I am participating in a tweetchat at #hpm for the next hour .

Wed Oct 26 18:15:17 PDT 2011


T1 Sometimes we find the hospices provide the info only at the beginning, when people are too overwhelmed. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:15:17 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: from the moment of admission, patients/families should understand that as a whole, they are unit of care by an interdisciplinary team #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:15:30 PDT 2011


T1 Frequent follow-up phone calls, every week to month are just smart, even when there are no issues #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:15:35 PDT 2011


Agree MT @JenMarsh2: T1 Sometimes we find hospices provide the sheet of info only at the beginning, when people are too overwhelmed. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:15:43 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna I didn't know that either - is that universally true? #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:15:45 PDT 2011


RT @JenMarsh2: T1 Sometimes we find the hospices provide the info only at the beginning, when people are too overwhelmed. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:15:54 PDT 2011


RT @DianeEMeier: RT @PalliativeMedJ: Incentivised indicators in #palliative care. Issues with complexity. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:15:54 PDT 2011

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Oops, sorry for the multiples. #Tweetchat is not cooperating with me. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:16:10 PDT 2011


@JenMarsh2 #hpm at the beginning is when it is most important to listen and learn from patients and family easy to do if you want #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:16:12 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone Paper and Pen great idea since when folks are in shock or are having such a stressful time it's easy to forget ?'s. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:16:13 PDT 2011


T1 Yes... repetition/offering info worked well for me when involved with Dad's Hospice this year... brain was in a fog from grief #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:16:15 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: T1 Frequent follow-up phone calls, every week to month are just smart, even when there are no issues #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:16:16 PDT 2011


Yes - required by Medicare. RT @nickdawson: @jessicajohanna I didnt know that either is that universally true? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:16:28 PDT 2011


But would you trust #socialmedia as a support for grieving #patients #family members? Not me RT @jordangrumet: T1 media #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:16:38 PDT 2011


@nickdawson @jessicajohanna yes! bereavement care should be provided for 13 months to families of all people enrolled on hospice. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:16:42 PDT 2011


T1 nonclinical staff like social workers often are key#hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:16:50 PDT 2011


RT @nickdawson: @jessicajohanna think it starts w/ sincere communication about options available. Often goes unsaid in favor of more invasive options #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:16:54 PDT 2011


@nickdawson I'm not sure if it's universally true but @renee_berry informed me of this #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:17:08 PDT 2011


RT @authordhallman: T1 Bill & I treated as a couple/family by all the pallmed professionals during the 2 wks he was dying. Very grateful. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:17:18 PDT 2011

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@MarksPhone Absolutely - stop talking, start listening! Pts and families will tell us what they need. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:17:20 PDT 2011


RT @JenMarsh2: Yes - required by Medicare. RT @nickdawson: @jessicajohanna I didnt know that either - is that universally true? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:17:21 PDT 2011


@MarksPhone It may not be difficult for you, but for some patients being in the hospital setting can be overwhelming #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:17:27 PDT 2011


T1 Coordination key. Daily in-home visit by nurse who took time to answer ?s & then relayed updates to other care team members. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:17:35 PDT 2011


T1: Don't think many people know that Hospice at least in my area also provides excellent support for family/friends at PT Dies. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:17:46 PDT 2011


T1 That is a great point. Know many a partner that has been turned away at the #hospital, awful @authordhallman #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:18:05 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly remember social media could mean a blog put out by the hospice #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:18:08 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna @nickdawson: Although there is no universal for how that follow-up is done. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:18:24 PDT 2011


extra ears always helpful. amazed at what my dad doesn't hear #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:18:31 PDT 2011


Then say blog please, or website. RT @jordangrumet: @nursefriendly remember social media could mean a blog put out by the hospice #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:18:36 PDT 2011


Hello there...sorry I'm late. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:18:44 PDT 2011


RT @jordangrumet: @nursefriendly remember social media could mean a blog put out by the hospice #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:18:46 PDT 2011


I learned much more about what Hospice involves as a client... more than I ever knew as a nurse #hpm
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Wed Oct 26 18:18:56 PDT 2011


#socialmedia basically means putting it out there @jordangrumet: remember social media could mean a blog put out by the hospice #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:19:16 PDT 2011


@annwax #hpm it is overwheleming & what we do to under whelm it is critical at intake hospice is one domain in 5 offer opportunity #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:19:22 PDT 2011


Chats like this can help too RT @jordangrumet: @nursefriendly remember social media could mean a blog put out by the hospice #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:19:29 PDT 2011


putting the patient & family at the center of the #hospice team ensures needs (physical, emotional, spiritual) are being met. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:19:37 PDT 2011


Why do you think?RT @swan5675: I learned much more about what Hospice involves as a client... more than I ever knew as a nurse #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:19:46 PDT 2011


@JenMarsh2 @MarksPhone Sometimes if U just stay near the pt. or their family without talking they will be comfortable to speak #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:19:46 PDT 2011


RT @swan5675: I learned much more about what Hospice involves as a client... more than I ever knew as a nurse #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:20:05 PDT 2011


@swan5675 #hpm i agree watching my wife in hospice for four weeks was powerful and learning
Wed Oct 26 18:20:14 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: putting the patient & family at the center of the team ensures needs (physical, emotional, spiritual) are being met. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:20:21 PDT 2011


Constant, consistent support till the end. RT @JenMarsh2: T1 By providing the info at multiple times during #hospice svcs. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:20:29 PDT 2011


#socialmedia provides a great forum for connection & education #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:20:33 PDT 2011


Close Friends 2 MT @aliciabloom:putting PT & family=center #hospice team ensures needs (physical, emotional, spiritual) are being met. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:20:54 PDT 2011

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RT @jessicajohanna: I don't think a lot of many families realize that hospice offers bereavement services for a year after a death. My family didn't #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:21:02 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator Welcome! No worries, we are on T1 now but will start T2 shortly #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:21:03 PDT 2011


Can't assume pts family know what's available. Must reiterate at every contact #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:21:10 PDT 2011


RT @annwax: @JenMarsh2 @MarksPhone Sometimes if U just stay near the pt. or family without talking they will be comfortable to speak #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:21:23 PDT 2011


ppl say they chose hospice too late--wish they'd entered sooner. hard to convince ppl it is a good choice. feels like giving up to some #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:21:26 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna T1 Yes, it is important for #families #caregivers to know all the services available, resources to look into #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:21:43 PDT 2011


Also a Sensitivity to those who are entering due 2 EOL RT @aliciabloom: #socialmedia provides a great forum for connection & education #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:21:43 PDT 2011


RT @schwartzbrown: Cant assume pts family know whats available. Must reiterate at every contact #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:21:47 PDT 2011


@swan5675 We don't train our nursing students in hospice care #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:21:49 PDT 2011


Yes, yes!! RT @schwartzbrown: Cant assume pts family know whats available. Must reiterate at every contact #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:21:50 PDT 2011


the predominance of a curative model of medical care does not naturally lend itself to clinician education about end of life care #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:21:55 PDT 2011


RT @schwartzbrown: Can't assume pts family know what's available. Must reiterate at every contact #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:22:06 PDT 2011

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@swan5675 I always say, if every healthcare professional experienced what their pt.'s r going through what knowledge we would have #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:22:22 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: from the moment of admission, patients/families should understand that as a whole, they are unit of care by an interdisciplinary team #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:22:35 PDT 2011


We didn't get the training as therapists either. RT @pamressler: @swan5675 We dont train our nursing students in hospice care #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:22:36 PDT 2011


Nor our doctors@pamressler: @swan5675 We don't train our nursing students in hospice care #hpm"
Wed Oct 26 18:22:50 PDT 2011


@pamressler That's about 2 change where I work! #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:22:51 PDT 2011


Corp. H.R. can helpRT @jordangrumet: RT @schwartzbrown: Cant assume pts family know whats available. Must reiterate at every contact #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:22:59 PDT 2011


T1 @nursefriendly #SOCMED serves as an outlet 2vent/ask questions/online #CommunityHug/BUTnothing like sincerity /real Hugs so to speak #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:23:01 PDT 2011


many pts dont know whats avialable, and some have a gross misunderstanding of what hospice it. educate, educate, educate #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:23:03 PDT 2011


Precisely MT @aliciabloom: curative model of medical care does not naturally lend itself to clinician education about end of life care #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:23:03 PDT 2011


RT @pamressler: @swan5675 We dont train our nursing students in hospice care #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:23:10 PDT 2011


Two paths here, one is active learning the other is passive learning about patient and family #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:23:11 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom T1 Yes, there are many people involved in the care of their loved one, seen and unseen #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:23:12 PDT 2011


important to help patients/families & clinicians see #hospice & #palliative care as part of
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the continuum of care, not an either/or #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:23:24 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom All to often healthcare professionals themselves find the subject difficult for them. #hpm #eol
Wed Oct 26 18:23:25 PDT 2011


RT @JenMarsh2: T1 Sometimes we find the hospices provide the sheet of info only at the beginning, when people are too overwhelmed. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:23:31 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: Two paths here, one is active learning the other is passive learning about patient and family #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:23:33 PDT 2011


RT @jfclearywisc: RT @schwartzbrown: Cant assume pts family know whats available. Must reiterate at every contact #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:23:35 PDT 2011


RT @PracticalWisdom: Also a Sensitivity to those who are entering due 2 EOL RT @aliciabloom: #socialmedia provides a great forum for connection & education #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:23:50 PDT 2011


Friend w 2 MD siblings told me last night they refused to let their mother access palcare. Too entrenched in curative model. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:23:53 PDT 2011


Last thoughts on T1 everyone. T2 in a few minutes. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:23:53 PDT 2011


RT @BerylSchewe: ppl say they chose hospice too late--wish they'd entered sooner. hard to convince ppl it is a good choice. feels like giving up to some #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:24:15 PDT 2011


RT @annwax: @aliciabloom All to often healthcare professionals themselves find the subject difficult for them. #hpm #eol #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:24:16 PDT 2011


T1 Would make huge difference if Hospice was taught in school,& annual inservices in hospitals and ECFs for veteran nurses @pamressler #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:24:19 PDT 2011


RT @BerylSchewe: many pts dont know whats avialable, and some have a gross misunderstanding of what hospice it. educate, educate, educate #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:24:22 PDT 2011


active learning engages greater reflection and action on the family part. it can be done
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make them part of the process if they can be #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:24:25 PDT 2011


@JenMarsh2 T1 Yes. We as #providers of care need to give gentle reminders as situations come up, that they can call support lines #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:24:29 PDT 2011


try to find the teachable moments in everyday practice with patients & healthcare providers to discuss #hospice and #palliative care #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:24:30 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: #socialmedia provides a great forum for connection & education #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:24:34 PDT 2011


Yep@aliciabloom: important to help patients/families & clinicians see #hospice & #palliative care continuum of care, not an either/or #hpm"
Wed Oct 26 18:24:42 PDT 2011


T1: Would we include Caring Bridge as another Educational/Support System? #HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:24:49 PDT 2011


Offering generously throughout service, person to person, hc professional 2 patients & families: listening intently as many have said #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:24:57 PDT 2011


Great to hear! RT @EOLnavigator: @pamressler Thats about 2 change where I work! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:24:57 PDT 2011


@PracticalWisdom @MarksPhone The key here is the word learning, through learning we gain knowledge on this subject and understanding #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:25:22 PDT 2011


RT @PracticalWisdom: T1: Would we include Caring Bridge as another Educational/Support System? #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:25:29 PDT 2011


RT @PracticalWisdom: @MarksPhone Paper and Pen great idea since when folks are in shock or are having such a stressful time it's easy to forget ?'s. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:25:30 PDT 2011


:-( RT @authordhallman: Friend w 2 MD siblings told me they refused to let mother access palcare. Too entrenched in curative model. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:25:34 PDT 2011


RT @PracticalWisdom: T1: Would we include Caring Bridge as another Educational/Support System? <- patients/families find it so helpful #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:25:34 PDT 2011

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RT @swan5675: T1 Yes... repetition/offering info worked well for me when involved with Dad's Hospice this year... brain was in a fog from grief #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:25:41 PDT 2011


Natural MT @aliciabloom: try 2 find teachable moments everyday w/PT & healthcare providers 2 discuss #hospice & #palliative care #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:25:53 PDT 2011


come into the community forums to offer education. our seniors love this stuff, so much easier to consider when its all ahead of you #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:26:06 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: try to find the teachable moments in everyday practice with patients & healthcare providers to discuss #hospice and #palliative care #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:26:17 PDT 2011


@swan5675 T1 We have all had the experience of #patients #families #caregivers asking same questions over, over, they do forget #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:26:45 PDT 2011


Keep these insightful discussions coming for T2! Take a moment to wrap up T1 #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:26:45 PDT 2011


IIs there difference with non profits? RT @jessicajohanna: T1 What are ways hospice organizations can/do make sure family members.. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:27:03 PDT 2011


RT @drseisenberg: Hey guys. Plz support my idea 4 GE's Healthymagination Breast Cancer Challenge #bcsm #hcsm #hpm #leadfromwithin #mdchat
Wed Oct 26 18:27:04 PDT 2011


BTW #HPM I am Josh Morris... #LVAD Patient/Recipient Part-Time Lurker :-)

Wed Oct 26 18:27:09 PDT 2011


We all know about the "moment" we hear something that's been said 1000 x. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:27:11 PDT 2011


@BerylSchewe I speak to the communities regarding this subject #eol #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:27:12 PDT 2011


RT @annwax: @swan5675 ...if every healthcare pro experienced what their pts r going through what healthcare we would have #hpm #palliative
Wed Oct 26 18:27:14 PDT 2011


@swan5675 T1 Or they never get the information in the first place because they're too

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overwhelmed by the situation. It's ok #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:27:28 PDT 2011


Can only hear certain pieces of info MT @nursefriendly: @swan5675 T1 We have #patients #families #caregivers asking same q's over #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:27:52 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: @nickdawson @jessicajohanna yes! bereavement care should be provided for 13 months to families of all people enrolled on hospice. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:28:03 PDT 2011


@LVADone Welcome to the chat #eolchat #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:28:10 PDT 2011


in community, i use family members who had a sucessful hospice experience to talk to new family. possible in church setting #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:28:14 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom A+Teachable Moments=Natural & Comforting. Adult Edu.=No Lectures. See where people R at. Listen=Then we know where 2 go. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:28:22 PDT 2011


@LVADone Hi Josh....glad to have you here #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:28:29 PDT 2011


T2 What are ways healthcare professionals can be sensitive to language in preparing patients & families? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:28:53 PDT 2011


Yes, a large number of indivduals working behind the scenes too.RT @jordangrumet: T1 nonclinical staff like social workers often are key#hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:29:02 PDT 2011


if we take the time early on to learn about patient and family needs we can gear messages to needs and not random hopes they hear #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:29:05 PDT 2011


RT @jessicajohanna: T2 What are ways healthcare professionals can be sensitive to language in preparing patients & families? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:29:14 PDT 2011


@PracticalWisdom excellent point & so true! #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:29:23 PDT 2011


I like this@BerylSchewe: in community, i use family members who had a sucessful hospice experience#hpm"
Wed Oct 26 18:29:23 PDT 2011

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RT @PalliativeActiv: RT @annwax: @swan5675 ...if every healthcare pro experienced what their pts r going through what healthcare we would have #hpm #palliative
Wed Oct 26 18:29:24 PDT 2011


@LVADone impressed - the LVAD is an amazing device, and takes an equally amazing person to go through the process #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:29:35 PDT 2011


Welcome @LVADone...Just moving on to T2 #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:29:40 PDT 2011


T2...use the same words the pt/ family uses & clarify their meaning #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:29:45 PDT 2011


MT @MarksPhone: if we take time early on 2learn re:PT & family needs we can gear messages to needs and not random hopes they hear #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:29:52 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: if we take the time early on to learn about patient and family needs we can gear messages to needs and not random hopes they hear #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:29:53 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator @swan5675 Most of the time as healthcare professionals we already know most of the questions the pt. may ask #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:29:54 PDT 2011


Listen. RT @jessicajohanna: T2 What are ways healthcare professionals can be sensitive to language in preparing patients & families? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:29:56 PDT 2011


RT @leighanne41: Journal of #Palliative Care discusses pain med myths: addiction & hastening death. #pain #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:30:03 PDT 2011


wow.language is a huge issue. for some hospice=pallative care, others see it differently. clarify terms for families. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:30:06 PDT 2011


Problem-centric messaging is important because that is what people want at this solutions to problems #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:30:07 PDT 2011


RT @jessicajohanna: T2 What are ways healthcare professionals can be sensitive to language in preparing patients & families? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:30:15 PDT 2011

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schwartzbrown aliciabloom

T2 Language is everything! Listening to determine what language is being spoken #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:30:16 PDT 2011

clinicians should never, ever underestimate the power of language #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:30:18 PDT 2011


T2 Are we talking about "language" in terms of "medical jargon" or a "foreign language" or #healthliteracy? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:30:23 PDT 2011


I'm thinking particularly of "no treatment vs treatment" and "giving up" #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:30:27 PDT 2011


Excellent! RT @EOLnavigator: T2...use the same words the pt/ family uses & clarify their meaning #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:30:38 PDT 2011


Not so much the words but the manner of delivery is most inportant #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:30:44 PDT 2011


@PalliativeActiv @annwax @swan5675 Look into the Michael Graves talk from #tedmed today re: health experiences going into health design #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:30:45 PDT 2011


T2 Am torn on that one: Has been my experience that tiptoeing around the harsh realities seldom sinks in, unfortunately... #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:31:00 PDT 2011


Definitely agree! RT @schwartzbrown: T2 Language is everything! Listening to determine what language is being spoken #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:31:03 PDT 2011


Must pretend 1st you've heard it. MT @annwax: @EOLnavigator @swan5675 Most time we already know most of the questions the pt. may ask #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:31:15 PDT 2011


@jordangrumet T2 There is no easy way to approach the #death #dying conversation. Simply need to know when they are ready #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:31:17 PDT 2011


RT @MarksPhone: Problem-centric messaging is important because that is what people want at this solutions to problems #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:31:20 PDT 2011


T2 listen...listen....listen before we sleek #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:31:29 PDT 2011

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RT @JenMarsh2: Listen. RT @jessicajohanna: T2 What are ways healthcare professionals can be sensitive to language in preparing patients & families? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:31:29 PDT 2011


the words we use shape the way patients & families understand their clinical situation and impacts their decision making #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:31:39 PDT 2011


RT @JenMarsh2: Excellent! RT @EOLnavigator: T2...use the same words the pt/ family uses & clarify their meaning #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:31:46 PDT 2011


@JenMarsh2 great point, listening is always a good place to start #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:31:49 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator agree. Empathy goes a long way. #HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:32:05 PDT 2011


T2 Think one of the first #assessments needed for the #patient and #family is #healthlit we we're not talking over them. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:32:11 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: words we use shape the way patients & families understand their clinical situation and impacts their decision making #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:32:12 PDT 2011


As HCP we're taught not to dance around it but sometimes just being sensitive to ppl's fears and language is a positive tool. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:32:18 PDT 2011


T2 Yes... I like the mirroring idea #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:32:29 PDT 2011


Words R imptMT @aliciabloom: words we use shape way pt & families understand their clinical situation and impacts their decision making #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:32:39 PDT 2011


Hi all. Sorry I'm late. @practicalwisdom invited me. #HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:32:39 PDT 2011


What we want is to help create a narrative that everyone understands, no? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:32:44 PDT 2011


notice when family does not understand. when family members clearly don't get it, try again. more time, but better care #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:32:44 PDT 2011

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: T2 listen...listen....listen before we speak #hpm"

Wed Oct 26 18:32:47 PDT 2011


T2 Patients are famous for nodding their heads when we explain things, then ask each other "what was the doctor talking about?" #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:33:06 PDT 2011


@schwartzbrown That is true, however, I feel that if you speak with compassion, the pt. will feel more comfortable #hpm It is not routine
Wed Oct 26 18:33:17 PDT 2011


@JenMarsh2 Surprised taught to "dance around it." #HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:33:19 PDT 2011


RT @swan5675: T2 Yes... I like the mirroring idea #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:33:22 PDT 2011


Empathy is HUGE. A fantastic quality to show RT @nickdawson: @EOLnavigator agree. Empathy goes a long way. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:33:28 PDT 2011


From a patient pt of view, HCP words go by very fast and often without context. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:33:30 PDT 2011


Care with words...I say I am "comfortable to do.. rather than happy to do...RT @jessicajohanna: T2 How ....sensitive to language? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:33:31 PDT 2011


@nmillaz Glad you are here! #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:33:32 PDT 2011


T2 When the professionals were in our home, they seemed less stressed than in hospital setting. Could listen better. Everyone wins. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:33:43 PDT 2011


find ask - tell - ask to be most effective. allows for assessment of patient & family before presenting new info & discussing options. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:33:56 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: T2 Patients are famous for nodding their heads when we explain things, then ask each other "what ?" #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:33:58 PDT 2011


T2 ask- tell- ask get to know what they already know, tell them new information ask if they
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understood or have more ?s #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:34:03 PDT 2011


Sorry, I missed the word "not" - not dance around it RT @PracticalWisdom: @JenMarsh2 Surprised taught to "dance around it." #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:34:11 PDT 2011


T2 #HPM practitioner I know says its also about informing families what they _can_ do, how to engage w/ caregivers, each other, the PT, etc
Wed Oct 26 18:34:16 PDT 2011


we say hospice, pallative care, comfort care, they hear blah, blah, blah. pts sometimes too overwhelmed to hear. watch, intuit #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:34:18 PDT 2011


T2 Important to first find out families feelings, traditions, values concerning #death. How did #parents, #aunts #uncles go? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:34:18 PDT 2011


And then listen some more! RT @jordangrumet: : T2 listen...listen....listen before we speak #hpm" #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:34:19 PDT 2011


True. @nursefriendly: T2 Think one of the first #assessments needed is #healthlit we we're not talking over them. #hpm"
Wed Oct 26 18:34:24 PDT 2011


@nmillaz Hi Norma I"m so glad you came tonight. You will add a great deal of value~ Thank You! #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:34:37 PDT 2011


Great point RT @jfclearywisc: Care with words...I say I am "comfortable to do... rather than happy to do #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:34:37 PDT 2011


Welcome, join right in :) RT @nmillaz: Hi all. Sorry I'm late. @practicalwisdom invited me. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:34:46 PDT 2011


T2: Teach back is very important part of health literacy. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:35:03 PDT 2011


We need people skills b4 language skills really...have to assess what & how people can hear the information #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:35:06 PDT 2011


RT @nmillaz: From a patient pt of view, HCP words go by very fast and often without context. #HPM
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Wed Oct 26 18:35:08 PDT 2011


RT @nickdawson: T2 #HPM practitioner I know says its also about informing families what they _can_ do, how to engage w/ caregivers, each ...
Wed Oct 26 18:35:08 PDT 2011


RT @pamressler: And then listen some more! RT @jordangrumet: : T2 listen...listen....listen before we speak #hpm" #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:35:15 PDT 2011


RT @pamressler: And then listen some more! RT @jordangrumet: : T2 listen...listen....listen before we speak #hpm" #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:35:17 PDT 2011


RT @EOLnavigator: We need people skills b4 language skills really...have to assess what & how people can hear the information #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:35:47 PDT 2011


T2 It is very important to establish "What the patient wants" and be sure the #family can accept, abide by their wishes #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:35:49 PDT 2011


This sort of relates to when to talk about hmpThe Benevolent Deception: When Should a Doctor Lie to Patients? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:36:02 PDT 2011


Very important not to assume pt/family cultural values surrounding EOL. Must listen and learn to be able to offer appropriate support #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:36:07 PDT 2011


Is it #healthlit that we're looking for in hospice care, tho? Or "EOL lit"? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:36:14 PDT 2011


avoid creating the impossible choice of "full treatment - everything" vs. "comfort care nothing" #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:36:19 PDT 2011


T2 we have to remember to translate into nonmedical jargon.#hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:36:25 PDT 2011


T2: Listen=I feel you. Mentally, Physically, Spiritually. Hearing=Just using your ears. Hearing not valuable nor professional. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:36:31 PDT 2011


RT @EOLnavigator: We need people skills b4 language skills really...have to assess what & how people can hear the information #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:36:32 PDT 2011

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yes RT @nursefriendly: T2 It is very important to establish "What the patient wants" and be sure the #family can accept, their wishes #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:36:36 PDT 2011


T2 Enough laypersons have watched #house or #ER and seen people on #ventilators, #tubes #artificiallifesupport #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:36:37 PDT 2011


RT @schwartzbrown: Is it #healthlit that were looking for in hospice care, tho? Or "EOL lit"? <-- think we need both #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:36:41 PDT 2011


YES please! RT @jordangrumet: T2 we have to remember to translate into nonmedical jargon.#hpm #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:36:50 PDT 2011


@schwartzbrown You are correct. Also, show that when U are speaking it is not just a routine scenario. What U are saying is important #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:37:09 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator #HPM re people skills - have often heard great leaders say its more effective to hire for it than try and teach it.
Wed Oct 26 18:37:09 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: RT @schwartzbrown: Is it #healthlit that were looking for in hospice care, tho? Or "EOL lit"? <-- think we need both #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:37:11 PDT 2011


Precisely RT @aliciabloom: avoid creating the impossible choice of "full treatment everything" vs. "comfort care - nothing" #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:37:14 PDT 2011


T2 In the discussion, ask how #patient and #family feel about #lifesupport #ventilators, is it something they want at the end? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:37:25 PDT 2011


listen for pts fear. what do they hope for? Cure? Death w/o pain, tiem with family. listen so we are in conversation w/real issue #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:37:37 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly #HPM think those shows help or hurt the public perception and experience?
Wed Oct 26 18:37:40 PDT 2011


#healthlit needed to ensure patients & families can make informed decisions, including when it comes to EoL care #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:38:07 PDT 2011

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RT @EOLnavigator: We need people skills b4 language skills really...have to assess what & how people can hear the information #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:38:07 PDT 2011


I'm not saying they're accurate RT @nickdawson: @nursefriendly #HPM think those shows help or hurt the public perception and experience?
Wed Oct 26 18:38:20 PDT 2011


@AfternoonNapper Pt.'s know when you are not telling the truth. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:38:30 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: #healthlit needed to ensure patients & families can make informed decisions, including when it comes to EoL care #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:38:41 PDT 2011


They are a point of reference @nickdawson: @nursefriendly #HPM think those shows help or hurt the public perception and experience?
Wed Oct 26 18:38:52 PDT 2011


RT @BerylSchewe: listen for pts fear. what do they hope for? Cure? Death w/o pain, tiem with family. listen so we are in conversation w/real issue #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:38:57 PDT 2011


we can't ask patients/families if they "want" interventions until we're sure they understand the implications, benefits vs burdens. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:39:08 PDT 2011


May I suggest that "tone" has an effect too? Some hospice nurses were just TOO nice and cheery, when husband didn't feel so great. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:39:22 PDT 2011


I agree - we all know our bodies better than HCPs RT @annwax: @AfternoonNapper Pt.s know when you are not telling the truth. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:39:24 PDT 2011


help pt name their hope. many would choose to die at home w/o pain but we don't always ask or help them name their hope for the end #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:39:30 PDT 2011


Skills really put to the test when Family & patient don't agree about EOL desire. Family conferences R helpful. Multi-Disciplinary. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:39:36 PDT 2011


They give hints. RT @JenMarsh2: @MarksPhone Absolutely - stop talking, start listening! Pts and families will tell us what they need. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:39:41 PDT 2011

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@annwax I agreewhat the doc is addressing is when to without info to a later time to hopefully increase retention. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:39:48 PDT 2011


Often set up unrealistic expectations RT @nickdawson: @nursefriendly think those shows help or hurt the public perception, experience? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:39:49 PDT 2011


@annwax @afternoonnapper awesome point - people can tell when you are earnest and honest (or not) #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:40:02 PDT 2011


#HPM T2 Our words need to reflect the dignity we want to help restore.
Wed Oct 26 18:40:04 PDT 2011


T2 Based on their needs, feelings, concerns, you can help them decide what they want in the end @JenMarsh2: @MarksPhone #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:40:27 PDT 2011


Yes, @AfternoonNapper I bet you are very "straight up." ;<) RT @annwax: @AfternoonNapper Pt.s know when you are not telling the truth. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:40:31 PDT 2011


Yes! RT @BerylSchewe: help pt name their hope. many would choose to die at home w/o pain but we dont always ask #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:40:36 PDT 2011


Share your final thoughts on T2. Moving to our last topic in a couple minutes #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:40:46 PDT 2011


MT @nmillaz: May I suggest that "tone" has an effect? Some hospice nurses were just TOO nice and cheery, when husband didnt feel great. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:40:48 PDT 2011


RT @BerylSchewe: help pt name their hope. many would choose to die at home w/o pain but we dont always ask or help them name their hope #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:40:48 PDT 2011


As a new RN, I obs. a pt. die on a monitor with family & never thought 2 turn it off, so they wouldn't c it that way. Big mistake. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:40:52 PDT 2011


Yes! RT @annwax: @MarksPhone It may not be difficult for you, but for some patients being in the hospital setting can be overwhelming #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:41:00 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly That's what true listening is all about. Hearing both what is said and unsaid. #hpm
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Wed Oct 26 18:41:09 PDT 2011


@jordangrumet T2 True... Clinical Speaking tends to be stark and non-sensitive to Family/pts ears #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:41:11 PDT 2011


Dignity=Critical word. Thanks 4 using. RT @jordangrumet: #HPM T2 Our words need to reflect the dignity we want to help restore. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:41:31 PDT 2011


@nmillaz I think that the issue of tone is huge. It's a big way of communicating respect & dignity. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:41:37 PDT 2011


RT @PracticalWisdom: T2: Listen=I feel you. Mentally, Physically, Spiritually. Hearing=Just using your ears. Hearing not valuable nor professional. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:41:48 PDT 2011


eol conversations brings out the best and worst in families. i try to keep families focused on the desires of the pt. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:41:56 PDT 2011


@nmillaz Attitude/tone accounts for so much! I admit to glowering at my last in-hospital physical therapists bc they were too cheery. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:41:56 PDT 2011


RT @nmillaz: Yes! RT @BerylSchewe: help pt name their hope. many would choose to die at home w/o pain but we dont always ask #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:42:00 PDT 2011


There's a mission statement to live by. RT @jordangrumet: #HPM T2 Our words need to reflect the dignity we want to help restore. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:42:02 PDT 2011


@annwax If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you said!! My father's "untruthful" paraphrase of Mark Twain. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:42:11 PDT 2011


An #emergency #hospital #admission, getting thrown out of your world, loss of control overwhelming @annwax: @MarksPhone #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:42:13 PDT 2011


Important 2 try 2 understand the gravity of emotion in the situation #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:42:22 PDT 2011


RT @jordangrumet: #HPM T2 Our words need to reflect the dignity we want to help restore.
Wed Oct 26 18:42:27 PDT 2011

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RT @authordhallman: T1 Coordination key. Daily in-home visit by nurse who took time to answer ?s & then relayed updates to other care team members. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:42:37 PDT 2011


True but not easy. RT @JenMarsh2: @nursefriendly Thats what true listening is all about. Hearing both what is said and unsaid. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:42:39 PDT 2011


@nursefriendly My role is not to help them decide, it is to help them see what that they have already decided. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:42:47 PDT 2011


Hi all, I'm Ann, a psychologist from the Kansas City area. Enjoying the last quarter of this fantastic community. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:42:56 PDT 2011


RT @DrBeckerSchutte: @nmillaz I think that the issue of tone is huge. Its a big way of communicating respect & dignity. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:43:05 PDT 2011


RT @PracticalWisdom: Dignity=Critical word. Thanks 4 using. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:43:06 PDT 2011


Let's proceed to T3. Thx for your reflective comments on T2! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:43:16 PDT 2011


Love it! RT @AfternoonNapper: @nmillaz Attitude/tone counts! I glowered at my last inhospital PT bc they were too cheery. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:43:41 PDT 2011


Complex for profs when pt can no longer communicate wishes. Family becomes conduit. Sometimes ok. Sometimes not. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:43:43 PDT 2011


Another person to bounce ideas off of, moral support :) RT @BerylSchewe: extra ears always helpful. amazed at what my dad doesn't hear #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:43:43 PDT 2011


MT @PracticalWisdom: Listen=I feel you. Mentally, Physically, Spiritually. Hearing=Just using your ears. Hearing not valuable or prof. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:43:44 PDT 2011


RT @jordangrumet: #HPM T2 Our words need to reflect the dignity we want to help restore. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:44:01 PDT 2011

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@AfternoonNapper @nmillaz Specific feedback= critical for HCP learning. If you want to be the best you can be they need specific info #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:44:02 PDT 2011


when pt unable to communicate wishes, ask family to speak w/the pts voice. everyone brings own fear to the table, focus should be on pt #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:44:08 PDT 2011


:-)RT @jfclearywisc: If you tell the truth, you dont have to remember what you said!! My fathers "untruthful" paraphrase of Mark Twain. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:44:16 PDT 2011


RT @LVADone: RT @jordangrumet: #HPM T2 Our words need to reflect the dignity we want to help restore. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:44:27 PDT 2011


#HPM T2 good HCP keep hope as part of the hpm conversation

Wed Oct 26 18:44:32 PDT 2011


RT @JenMarsh2: @nursefriendly My role is not to help them decide, it is to help them see what that they have already decided. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:44:32 PDT 2011


RT @AfternoonNapper: @nmillaz I admit to glowering at my last in-hospital physical therapists bc they were too cheery. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:44:35 PDT 2011


W/All the pts passing through the Med professionals career pts R people n creatures of habits and common denominators shd be identified #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:44:53 PDT 2011


Please say blog then. RT @pamressler: RT @jordangrumet: @nursefriendly remember social media could mean a blog put out by the hospice #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:44:58 PDT 2011


I like this. RT @JenMarsh2: @nursefriendly My role is not to help them decide but to help them see what that they have already decided. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:45:04 PDT 2011


RT @JenMarsh2: RT @PracticalWisdom: Dignity=Critical word. Thanks 4 using. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:45:07 PDT 2011


T3 Pop Culture is such a large shapers of perception, have you read articles or viewed TV/films recently that made you think of #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:45:29 PDT 2011


YesRT @authordhallman: Complex for profs when pt can no longer communicate wishes.
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Family becomes conduit. Sometimes ok. Sometimes not. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:45:42 PDT 2011


Always different as pt. RT @swan5675: I learned much more about what Hospice involves as a client... more than I ever knew as a nurse #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:45:43 PDT 2011


RT @jessicajohanna: T3 Pop Culture is such a large shapers of perception, have you read articles or viewed TV/films recently that made you think of #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:45:49 PDT 2011


@AfternoonNapper @nmillaz The physical therapist thought they were doing a good job, but they were not sincere #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:45:55 PDT 2011


Talking about the Dignity of Pt would help many times to focus on PT's wishes. Who would not want to have dignity. @jordangrumet Thx #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:45:57 PDT 2011


@BerylSchewe I love the reminder that the patient and their wishes, dignity, voice should be front & center even if physical voice gone #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:46:30 PDT 2011


T3 No, just like on TV #doctors do everything, #patients and #families want #eveything done, and never give up. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:46:42 PDT 2011


But hope can be complex. RT @jordangrumet: #HPM T2 good HCP keep hope as part of the hpm conversation #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:46:49 PDT 2011


@AfternoonNapper I be you might have even growled at the Pollyanna Folks. G8 Feedback again. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:46:56 PDT 2011


@DrBeckerSchutte @nmillaz As I say, people know when you are not sincere #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:47:04 PDT 2011


@DrBeckerSchutte Can you talk a bit about the psychologists method of asking questions to direct an individual's thought process? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:47:13 PDT 2011


RT @PracticalWisdom: re: feedback. HCP can help by soliciting feedback--do you understand, did I get you right, is this X okay? etc. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:47:23 PDT 2011


T3 Have seen very few television shows or sitcoms that give a balanced or realistic views of #hospice or #palliative #hpm

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Wed Oct 26 18:47:30 PDT 2011


everyone wants the *notebook* ending. movie makes me crazy...doesn't happen ppl #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:48:25 PDT 2011


@AfternoonNapper When I am meeting with someone, the goal is to help them identify core values and then act in accordance w/them. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:48:28 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: Please say blog then. RT @pamressler: RT @jordangrumet: @nursefriendly remember social media could mean a blog put out by the hospice #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:48:33 PDT 2011


T.3 When #SteveJobs died, I wondered how it was & whether he / his family had the right care & treatment #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:48:37 PDT 2011


T3: Classic Flick Steel Magnolia=Always remember being struck by the true expression of ANGER. It's real don't often see in the arts. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:48:47 PDT 2011


unfortunately, many popular tv shows suggest CPR always work & miracle cures happen all the time, which impacts patients & families. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:48:48 PDT 2011


Too young to empathize I think RT @annwax: @AfternoonNapper The PT thought they were doing a good job, but they were not sincere #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:48:54 PDT 2011


T3 It is a shame, so many suffer needless #codeblues #ventilators, that inevitable last six months of intense care #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:49:18 PDT 2011


RT @pamressler: RT @BerylSchewe: help pt name their hope. many would choose to die at home w/o pain but we dont always ask or help them name their hope #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:49:18 PDT 2011


I Looooove "Life Before Death" videos....I recommend posting them everywhere #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:49:30 PDT 2011


Not ALL families! RT @nursefriendly: T3 No, just like on TV #doctors do everything, #families want #eveything done, and never give up. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:49:39 PDT 2011


T3 does anyone know of a good depiction of hpm in the movies. On tv?#HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:49:43 PDT 2011

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Has anyone seen 50/50? I kept waiting for it to mention hospice or palliative care but it didn't happen. Still liked the movie though #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:49:46 PDT 2011


T3 Pop culture very rarely depicts anything accurately. :) #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:49:52 PDT 2011


T3: Steel Magnolias=When someone U Love is in Pain and you don't think they are being helped enough=Frustration=Powerless=Hurting. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:50:00 PDT 2011


@nmillaz @JenMarsh2 @nursefriendly I feel that we help the pt's 2 navigate thr own choices and to b more intuitive with their choices. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:50:13 PDT 2011


RT @PracticalWisdom: Talking about the Dignity of Pt would help many times to focus on PT's wishes. Who would not want to have dignity. @jordangrumet Thx #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:50:13 PDT 2011


T3 Now that I am asked... cannot say I've seen hpm reflected in pop culture at all.. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:50:24 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna T3: I use montage of movie clips with learners; Lion King, Bambi, Steel Magnolia, The Doctor, Saving ned Devine.... #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:50:29 PDT 2011


You know, I think The Bucket List gave people a new language for talking about EOL issues #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:50:32 PDT 2011


So is dying @DrBeckerSchutte: But hope can be complex. RT @jordangrumet: #HPM T2 good HCP keep hope as part of the hpm conversation #hpm"
Wed Oct 26 18:50:46 PDT 2011


T3 On popular television, few stories show families asking to take #patient home to die. @nmillaz: Not ALL families! #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:51:01 PDT 2011


RT @DrBeckerSchutte: @AfternoonNapper When meeting w/ someone, the goal is 2 help identify core values & then act in accordance w/them. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:51:08 PDT 2011


@DrBeckerSchutte Exactly. Do you have recommendations on how others can phrase questions to help people do the same? #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:51:16 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: T3 Have seen very few television shows or sitcoms that give a balanced or realistic views of #hospice or #palliative #hpm
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Wed Oct 26 18:51:36 PDT 2011


During #EOLchat, Sesame Street has come up as a pop culture tool that does a great job of dealing with end of life. CC @JenMarsh2 #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:51:39 PDT 2011


T3; 18 film clips in 22 minutes: like playing 30+hour of movies in that time. Very emotional for some #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:51:40 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: unfortunately, many popular tv shows suggest CPR always work & miracle cures happen all the time, which impacts patients & families. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:51:40 PDT 2011


RT @annwax: @DrBeckerSchutte @nmillaz As I say, people know when you are not sincere #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:51:46 PDT 2011


@aliciabloom Sign, wonder how many times CPR left folks with severe brain damage, no QOL, No dignity. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:52:02 PDT 2011


I second that suggestion RT @EOLnavigator: I Looooove "Life Before Death" videos....I recommend posting them everywhere #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:52:02 PDT 2011


RT @EOLnavigator: I Looooove "Life Before Death" videos....I recommend posting them everywhere #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:52:08 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: T3 It is a shame, so many suffer needless #codeblues #ventilators, that inevitable last six months of intense care #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:52:12 PDT 2011


How 2 die in Oregon RT @jordangrumet: T3 does anyone know of a good depiction of hpm in the movies. On tv?#HPM #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:52:17 PDT 2011


@swan5675 It is always a very different situation when you are on the other side, as a patient or #family, all bets are off #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:52:20 PDT 2011


T3 It's not quite popcult but a lot of ppl are reading August Farewell & they tell me it opens up options they had not considered. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:52:23 PDT 2011


Great videos RT @EOLnavigator: I Looooove "Life Before Death" videos....I recommend posting them everywhere #hpm
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Wed Oct 26 18:52:40 PDT 2011


@nmillaz One PT actually tried to "make friends" by showing me his one scar. I was like "PSHHHH, I have tattoos bigger than that scar." #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:52:43 PDT 2011


Life before Death RT @jordangrumet: T3 does anyone know of a good depiction of hpm in the movies. On tv?#HPM #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:53:00 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc @jessicajohanna I"m I the only one now playing in my Head the circle of LIfe. Best LIne=Remember who you are. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:53:16 PDT 2011


Agree; even in Jamaica! RT @schwartzbrown: You know, I think The Bucket List gave people a new language for talking about EOL issues #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:53:19 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna I saw 50/50 and loved it for it's representation of relationships and disease. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:53:33 PDT 2011


T3 Over, over again, we hear of the last six months, of #specialists #hospitalizations, that do little to extend or give quality #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:53:40 PDT 2011


Gotcha Sorry misread RT @nursefriendly: T3 On TV, few stories show families asking to take #patient home to die. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:53:41 PDT 2011


A lion in the house RT @jordangrumet: T3 does anyone know of a good depiction of hpm in the movies. On tv?#HPM #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:53:45 PDT 2011


50/50 was targeted toward a younger demographic, which I think can help w/ important discussions about EOL in that age group #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:54:26 PDT 2011


@AfternoonNapper Here's a blog post I wrote about compassionate listening-good start for important convos: #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:54:36 PDT 2011


RT @schwartzbrown: You know, I think The Bucket List gave people a new language for talking about EOL issues #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:54:39 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc Is the name LIving before dying? Now that's realistic because it's a documentary. SOOO Moved by the clips. #HPM
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Wed Oct 26 18:54:41 PDT 2011


@jordangrumet True story. Complexity abounds. #HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:54:46 PDT 2011


RT @EOLnavigator: How 2 die in Oregon RT @jordangrumet: T3 does anyone know of a good depiction of hpm in the movies. On tv?#HPM #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:54:47 PDT 2011


Yes! RT @EOLnavigator: How 2 die in Oregon RT @jordangrumet: T3 does anyone know of a good depiction of hpm in the movies. On tv?#HPM #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:54:52 PDT 2011


@kathykastner Finally saw the link. Posts like that are unfortunate for hpm. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:54:58 PDT 2011


T3 It is a situation that could be avoided in a lot of cases, by stating your wishes, doing an advanced directive . . #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:55:06 PDT 2011


@lifebeforedeath RT @JenMarsh2: Great videos RT @EOLnavigator: I Looooove "Life Before Death" videos..recommend posting them everywhere #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:55:37 PDT 2011


RT @pamressler: I second that suggestion RT @EOLnavigator: I Looooove "Life Before Death" videos....I recommend posting them everywhere #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:55:43 PDT 2011


@AfternoonNapper I know I'm giving you bits and pieces. Hard to communicate therapy in 140! ;-) #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:55:52 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna Thank your for hosting by the way :) Definitely important and provacative topics #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:56:14 PDT 2011


Thanks for hosting #hpm tonight @jessicajohanna can't wait to read the transcript from tonight, hello group
Wed Oct 26 18:56:25 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc @schwartzbrown Loved the Bucket List but perhaps gives folks unrealistic view of no Pain/No barriers while dying #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:56:36 PDT 2011


I hated the clinical care in 50/50 #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:56:47 PDT 2011

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Vaguely remember Antonias Line and the depiction of dying with dignity. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:57:08 PDT 2011


Tweetchat is really slow tonight at least for me. #HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:57:16 PDT 2011


See you there :) Join or #lurk :) RT @JenMarsh2: Participating in the #hpm and #eolchat tonight. Come join us! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:57:19 PDT 2011


V. imp.MT @jessicajohanna: 50/50 was targeted toward a younger demo, which can help w/important discussions about EOL in that age group #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:57:28 PDT 2011


How To Die in Oregon was well done, but didn't address #hpm as much as the Death with Dignity Act, which can be inflammatory for some. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:57:49 PDT 2011


@PracticalWisdom ?COnsider the conversation? #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:57:50 PDT 2011


My sister had esophageal cancer, and her kids didn't know to expect pulmonary embolism, called 911..... #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:58:05 PDT 2011


@DrBeckerSchutte Thank you for the link! Teaching people how to listen w/o having an opinion is difficult but awesome. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:58:23 PDT 2011


My Twitter is delayed by a few minutes tonight. Must be this powerful tweet chat :) Final thoughts everyone! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:58:27 PDT 2011


@BerylSchewe Ppl suffer b/c their family members are afraid to pull the plug, even though the pt. spoke to them about this. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:58:33 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna Thanks so much for hosting tonight. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 18:58:39 PDT 2011


Definitely@nursefriendly: @jessicajohanna Thank your for hosting by the way :) Definitely important and provacative topics #hpm"
Wed Oct 26 18:58:39 PDT 2011


@jordangrumet How to die in Oregan @DeathwDignity does amazing work. #HPM

Wed Oct 26 18:58:49 PDT 2011

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@nursefriendly ad will help, but situations change and we need to engage ppl in eol chat repeately as situation evolves #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:59:00 PDT 2011


A new therapy model!!! RT @DrBeckerSchutte: @AfternoonNapper I know Im giving you bits & pieces. Hard to communicate therapy in 140! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:59:03 PDT 2011


T3 The key is early discussion of #death #dying, how you would like to be cared for at the end. Discuss it at dinner table #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:59:10 PDT 2011


& thx for coming! RT @nursefriendly: @jessicajohanna Thank your for hosting by the way :) Definitely important and provacative topics #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:59:10 PDT 2011


Me too, I'm 2 mins behind everyone. RT @PracticalWisdom: Tweetchat is really slow tonight at least for me. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:59:19 PDT 2011


Okay all--so glad that I got to hang out with you. If you want to bring the party to a new spot, #EOLchat starts next. Talking fear! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:59:20 PDT 2011


Me too. RT @PracticalWisdom: Tweetchat is really slow tonight at least for me. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:59:36 PDT 2011


hi @renee_berry! @jessicajohanna did a great job hosting #hpm tweetchat tonight

Wed Oct 26 18:59:40 PDT 2011


Not to mention $$ RT @PracticalWisdom: @jfclearywisc @schwartzbrown Loved the Bucket List but perhaps gives folks unrealistic view #HPM
Wed Oct 26 18:59:51 PDT 2011


@PracticalWisdom @jfclearywisc @schwartzbrown It did give ppl, and unrealistic look. What happens if U don't complete it? remorse?#hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:59:52 PDT 2011


@PracticalWisdom @schwartzbrown re Bucket list: agree it did touch symptoms as much. But really opened up choices at EOL #hpm
Wed Oct 26 18:59:54 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator That would put a whole new spin on brief therapy! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:00:00 PDT 2011

@AfternoonNapper So welcome. #hpm Page 36 of 40

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DrBeckerSchutte JenMarsh2

Wed Oct 26 19:00:08 PDT 2011

Agreed - great topics! RT @DrBeckerSchutte: @jessicajohanna Thanks so much for hosting tonight. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:00:21 PDT 2011


I'll 2nd that! RT @PracticalWisdom: @jordangrumet How to die in Oregan @DeathwDignity does amazing work. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 19:00:26 PDT 2011


Enjoyed this. Great topics#hpm

Wed Oct 26 19:00:30 PDT 2011


@nmillaz Thank you for joining us tonight. No more lurking for you. I think you are one of us now. U R Adopted. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 19:00:31 PDT 2011


@jordangrumet @jessicajohanna Goodnight to everyone #hpm

Wed Oct 26 19:00:59 PDT 2011


Final Thoughts: Make your wishes known, discuss them early with kids, siblings, parents, the more detail the better. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:01:03 PDT 2011


I appreciate the participation from all you tweeters. Thx for making my first tweetchat moderator experience a good one. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:01:19 PDT 2011


Kinda made me look Umm, Blond! RT @DrBeckerSchutte: Me too. RT @PracticalWisdom: Tweetchat is really slow tonight at least for me. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 19:01:20 PDT 2011


Whew, is #hpm chat always so fast and furious? Great chat! Thanks for letting me sit in! #HPM
Wed Oct 26 19:01:30 PDT 2011


RT @drseisenberg: Hey guys. Plz support my idea 4 GE's Healthymagination Breast Cancer Challenge #bcsm #hcsm #hpm #mdchat
Wed Oct 26 19:01:32 PDT 2011


Great host and participants... thank you, everyone, for enlightening me this evening. :) #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:01:38 PDT 2011


Thanks for a great chat tonight #hpm

Wed Oct 26 19:01:42 PDT 2011

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Would definitely treat the long-winded! RT @DrBeckerSchutte: @EOLnavigator That would put a whole new spin on brief therapy! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:01:49 PDT 2011


On other hand I had pts who would never have talked abt EOL without "bucket list" as an idea #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:02:04 PDT 2011


Aw shucks! Thx! RT @PracticalWisdom: @nmillaz Thank U for joining. No more lurking for U. I think you are one of us now. U R Adopted. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 19:02:09 PDT 2011


RT @nmillaz: Whew, is #hpm chat always so fast and furious? Great chat! Thanks for letting me sit in! #HPM
Wed Oct 26 19:02:11 PDT 2011


Final Thoughts: Bring #death back into the home as a #natural everyday topics, remove the #taboo and #stigma, #fear #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:02:15 PDT 2011


Thanks. It was great discussion #hpm

Wed Oct 26 19:02:24 PDT 2011


@jessicajohanna Wonderful Job. Congrats. It's not as easy as it looks. Thank you! #HPM
Wed Oct 26 19:02:31 PDT 2011


Well done @jessicajohanna: ..... Thx for making my first tweetchat moderator experience a good one. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:02:34 PDT 2011


Just appointed Dean of a Nursing Schools, so I'd love 2 hear ur rec. about incl. eol care in RN ed. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:02:48 PDT 2011


Thanks Jessica! Great Q's #hpm

Wed Oct 26 19:03:03 PDT 2011


Totally agree!! RT @schwartzbrown: On other hand I had pts who would never have talked abt EOL without "bucket list" as an idea #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:03:06 PDT 2011


Congrats! RT @EOLnavigator: Just appointed Dean of a Nursing Schools, so Id love 2 hear ur rec. about incl. eol care in RN ed. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 19:03:21 PDT 2011


RT @nursefriendly: Final Thoughts: Bring #death back into the home as a #natural
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everyday topics, remove the #taboo and #stigma, #fear #hpm

Wed Oct 26 19:03:27 PDT 2011


RT @DrBeckerSchutte: @AfternoonNapper Here's a blog post I wrote about compassionate listening-good start for important convos: #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:03:31 PDT 2011


RT @EOLnavigator: Just appointed Dean of a Nursing Schools, so Id love 2 hear ur rec. about incl. eol care in RN ed.// Congrats! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:03:43 PDT 2011


RT @DrBeckerSchutte: During #EOLchat, Sesame Street has come up as a pop culture tool that does a great job of dealing with end of life. CC @JenMarsh2 #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:04:09 PDT 2011


RT @DrBeckerSchutte: Okay all--so glad that I got to hang out with you. If you want to bring the party to a new spot, #EOLchat starts next. Talking fear! #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:04:20 PDT 2011


Congrats. "happy" to talk MT @EOLnavigator: Just appointed Dean of Nursing School, love 2 hear ur rec. about incl. eol care in RN ed. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:04:28 PDT 2011


@crgonzalez #hpm listening is key to learning and set out to learn first #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:04:32 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator congratulations! integrating #hospice & #palliative care into RN education is critically important. i #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:04:41 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: @EOLnavigator congratulations! integrating #hospice & #palliative care into RN education is critically important. i #HPM
Wed Oct 26 19:05:01 PDT 2011


RT @aliciabloom: @EOLnavigator congratulations! integrating #hospice & #palliative care into RN education is critically important. i #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:05:09 PDT 2011


Good Night All. It was a wonderful Chat. #HPM

Wed Oct 26 19:05:27 PDT 2011


Hi all. Didn't get chance to say hello in #hpm #EOLchat

Wed Oct 26 19:05:33 PDT 2011


@EOLnavigator We partner w/ fam practice resident program, they spend 2 wks w/us. Wld love to do that with all disciplines. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:05:37 PDT 2011

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Welcome. Glad you're here. RT @schwartzbrown: Hi all. Didnt get chance to say hello in #hpm #EOLchat
Wed Oct 26 19:06:14 PDT 2011


I'm comfortable with that!! RT @jfclearywisc: Congrats. "happy" to talk #hpm

Wed Oct 26 19:06:18 PDT 2011


Congratulations! RT @EOLnavigator: Just appointed Dean of a Nursing Schools, so I'd love 2 hear ur rec. about incl. eol care in RN ed. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:06:31 PDT 2011


LOL!! RT @EOLnavigator: Im comfortable with that!! RT @jfclearywisc: Congrats. "happy" to talk #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:06:59 PDT 2011


Adding my Congrats too @EOLnavigator! You will be a wonderful addition to their program. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:07:54 PDT 2011


Thank you @jessicajohanna. Great job hosting. #hpm

Wed Oct 26 19:09:15 PDT 2011


RT @nmillaz: RT @PracticalWisdom: re: feedback. HCP can help by soliciting feedback-do you understand, did I get you right, is this X okay? etc. #HPM
Wed Oct 26 19:09:30 PDT 2011


@jfclearywisc Cure_MTM Will catch up with u offline in the coming wks. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:09:49 PDT 2011


Thank you for the well wishes. I'm delighted to get the opportunity. #hpm
Wed Oct 26 19:10:40 PDT 2011


Nice meeting/tweeting w/u all. Thank you ALL for doing what you do and applying sincerity to do it even better! #HPM Good night :-)
Wed Oct 26 19:10:59 PDT 2011


In honor of #HPM Tweet Chat tonight. @jfclearywisc @jessicajohanna

Wed Oct 26 19:11:53 PDT 2011


Thank you for the RT's, Support and your wisdom. You add so much value to #HPM @aliciabloom
Wed Oct 26 19:13:06 PDT 2011

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