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Rationale of the Study Simply having children does not make mothers. John A. Shedd ( True enough, motherhood is not based on bearing a child, it is tested by how a mother cares for her child by providing the physiologic needs and wants and giving the required emotional and psychosocial support that her child needs. Becoming a mother is a life-changing event. At this time, a woman does not only think about herself but she also has to consider the general welfare of her child. Motherhood requires a lot of changes; it includes the physiologic, sociologic and economic changes, among others. Because of these changes, a woman must be well-prepared and informed of the changes that she will have to encounter when she gets pregnant and consequently becomes a mother. The best age to get pregnant is anywhere between 18 and 25 years. This is because women are in their fertility process during these years thereby reducing chances of complications during pregnancy Still, others


would say that the best time to get pregnant is when the woman is physically,

2 emotionally, spiritually and financially ready, and clearly, teenage mothers are not. Just when the teen is at her peak of enjoying her adolescent life, a major responsibility is laid onto her shoulders-to mother her child. And because the teen is still unprepared for this major role that she will have to take, she is then forced to mature for the sake of her baby. According to Dr. Elizabeth Mapella, Coordinator of Adolescent

Reproductive Health Services in Tanzanias Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, a young girl who has been coerced to sex might end up with pregnancy, HIV Infections, psychological trauma because this has a long-term impact. Some of them are also not accepted: they are even discriminated. Looking at those who succeed to go through that pregnancy, we are also seeing girls dumping their children because of the social impacts. And looking at their school enrolment and dropouts, it is also a social problem for ensuring education

( A concrete example is 16 years old Lisa from Georgetown in Guyana. The life-changing situation she experienced is her teenage pregnancy. In December 2008, she gave birth to a boy. As a result, she dropped out of school to stay at home to look after her infant son. They now face many challenges. Lisas life is made easier, thanks to family and community support. Her mother has helped her through her pregnancy and delivery and plans to return to school soon. Many teenage girls are faced with serious problems, with about 16 million of them becoming mothers every year

3 ( While there is a prevalence of pregnancy among teens, it is still intensely unaccepted by the society-especially the parents. Because of this reason, as well as their youth, adolescent mothers-to-be are more prone to stress. They suffer both physical and emotional pains ( The adolescent mothers

consistently experience great difficulty in realizing their life plans when compared with their classmates who do not become pregnant premaritally in their early teens. Marital instability, school disruption, economic problems and difficulty in family size regulation and child-rearing were some of the complications brought on by their premature, unscheduled child bearing, and possibly marriage or leaving home leave the teen mother open to significant life stress that can impinge on her parenting ability. And at any age, depression and stress can predispose a parent to neglect or abuse a child. (What Government Can Do, 1984) Save the Children foundation found that annually, 13 million children are born to women under age 20 worldwide, more than 90% in developing countries. The highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the world is sub- Saharan Africa, where women tend to marry at an early age. In Niger, for example, 87% of women surveyed were married and 53% had given birth to a child before the age of 18. In developed countries, teenage pregnancies are associated with many social issues, including lower educational levels, higher rates of poverty and other

4 poorer life outcomes in children of teenage mothers. Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage and carries a social stigma in many communities and cultures. In other countries and cultures, particularly in the developing world, teenage pregnancy is usually within marriage and does not involve a social stigma. Among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United States of America and United Kingdom have the highest level of teenage pregnancy, while Japan and South Korea have the lowest ( Some 16.5 million Filipinos belong to the 15-24 years old age group. We are forced with a glaring truth that at a very young age, a lot of young people today have children of their own- 30% of all births belong to this age group; and by the age of 20, 25% of the youths are already mothers

( Teenage parenthood is widespread in the Philippines, especially among the poor. 2/3 of the countrys poorest girls give birth before age of twenty. This helps to perpetuate poverty in the slums of Manila

( Specifically, giving birth as a teenager is believed to be bad for the young mother because the statistics suggest that she is more likely to dropout of school, to have no or low qualifications, to be unemployed or low paid, to live in poor housing conditions, to suffer from depression and to live in poor welfare. Similarly, the child of a teenage mother is likely to live in poverty, to grow up without a father, to become a victim of neglect or abuse, to do less well at school,

5 to become involved in crime, to abuse drugs and alcohol, and eventually to become a teenage parent and begin the cycle all over again

( This sad reality is observed in the teenagers of Tubigon, Bohol wherein there seems to be an increasing number of teenagers being mothers at an early age. The problem is if these teenage mothers are well-equipped of the knowledge on how to care for their newborn. Mothering a newborn is a very tough job because the baby has lots of needs that must be met in order for him/her to grow normally. Needs such as frequent feedings, diaper changes, immunization, newborn screening and responding to the babys cry are some of the things that the mother must address in order for the baby to grow healthy. This study will help the mother to assess themselves if they have rendered appropriate newborn care and if they were able to address the physiologic, psychologic, sociologic and emotional needs of their baby. As student nurses, this research will also improve and enhance our knowledge on newborn care, thus this study was conducted.

Theoretical Background This study is anchored in the theory of Ramona T. Mercer, the Maternal Role Attainment. Mercer theorizes that there is an identifiable process which most of the mothers go through in mastering the maternal role. She studied and

Ramona T. Mercers Theory of Maternal Role Attainment

Presidential Decree no. 603 The Child and Youth Welfare Code Article 3- Right of the Child Article 9- Levels of Growth Article 11- Promotion of Health

Respondents Profile:
Age Civil Status Educational Attainment Employment Status

Techniques of Newborn Care

Sleep Pattern Feeding (Breastfeed or Bottlefeed) Bathing Crying Occurrence of Illness Applying/ Changing Diapers

Proposed Program

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

7 documented the process new mothers go through in taking on the role of motherhood. She came out in a four-stage model

( The times for progressing through these stages vary from woman to woman, and the stages may overlap. There is a preparation stage during pregnancy when the mother-to-be makes a commitment to the unborn child begins to attach, and prepares a place psychologically and physically for the baby. Once the baby is born, the second stage of maternal role acquisition begins. This is a period of shock and awe for the new mother. Here the new mothers tasks are recovery, learning the skills and attitudes of care giving, and making the acquaintance of her infant. The sounds are clear enough, but living through it is bewildering

( The new mothers learn to read her infants communications and learns through trial and error how to comfort and care for her baby. This can be a time of great self doubt as new mothers struggle with intense demands for learning and adjusting on very little sleep

( As Mercer calls, the third stage of maternal role acquisition, moving toward a new normal. It is during this time the mother and baby settle into their routine. The new mother has gained confidence in providing for core needs of the baby and she begins to find her own way of doing things. She knows better than what works for her baby and for herself. She begins to feel that she might survive

8 motherhood. She might even be pretty good at it

( Lastly, the culminating stage is the achievement of maternal identity. As Mercer writes, the woman experiences a transformation of self in becoming a mother, as herself expands to incorporate a new identity and assume responsibility for her infant and her infants future world. The new mother feels competent to care for her baby; she has established a relationship with the baby and loves him/her. The new mother is realizing that motherhood is forever. Thus, this role will now always be a part of her life

( The process of maternal role acquisition happens at the same time as the process of bonding with ones child. According to Mercer, a mother bonding with infants acquire competence in caretaking tasks, enjoy and express joy and pleasure in the role. Positive parent-infant attachment or bonding is necessary for fostering the optimal growth and development of an infant and for encouraging the burgeoning parent-infant love relationship. Attachment begins with the desire to get to know the new other perform, the desire to seek information, and the desire to develop positive feelings toward the other (Mercer, 1995). According to Goulet et al, (1995) attachment is an interactional process that seems to flow in one direction, beginning with acquaintance and moving over time toward attachment. Attachment attributes or behaviors are characterized by proximity or seeking and keeping the infant close; by the reciprocity of verbal and

9 non-verbal communication; and by the development of positive love or feeling or commitment (Goulet et al, 1998, Klans and Kenell, 1983). Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the activity of raising a child rather than the biological relationship. Newborn parenting, up to one month of age, is where the responsibilities of parenthood begin. A newborns basic needs are food, sleep, comfort and cleaning which the parent provides. An infants only form of communication is crying, and attentive parents will begin to recognize different types of crying which represent different needs such as hunger, discomfort, boredom or loneliness. Newborn and young infants require feedings every few hours which is disruptive to adult sleep cycles. They respond enthusiastically to soft stroking, cuddling and caressing. Gentle rocking back and forth often calms a crying infant, as do massages and warm baths. Newborn may comfort themselves by sucking their thumb or a pacifier. The need to suck is instinctive and allows newborns to feed. Breastfeeding is the recommended method of feeding by all major infant health organizations

( Dr. Floriza May Bulagsag-Sampayan, pediatrician at Jose Delgado Memorial Hospital in Kamuning, Quezon City, shares this thought regarding infant care, The attachment process of providing care for an infant is very essential. Normal infant development depends partly on a series of affectionate responses shared by a mother and her child, binding them together

10 psychologically and physiologically (Dulce Amor O. Villanueva. Health and Home. Tender Loving Care. Volume 19. Phillipine Publishing House. 2006). According to Presidential Decree Number 603, known as the Child and Youth Welfare Code, the child is one of the most important assets of the nation. Every effort should be exerted to promote his welfare and enhance his opportunities for a useful and happy life. On the Article 3 of the said Presidential Decree which states about the rights of the child, every child has the right to a balanced diet, adequate clothing, sufficient shelter, proper medical attention, and all the basic physical requirements of a healthy and vigorous life. Article 9 discusses about the levels of growth saying that the child should be given adequate care, assistance and guidance through his various levels of growth from infancy to early and later childhood, to puberty and adolescence, and when necessary even after he shall have attained age 21. Furthermore, on Article 11, the promotion of child health shall be given with adequate prenatal and postnatal care both for the child and the mother (Bautista, Felipe S. and Ricardo M. Guevara. Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Prevention. Wisemans Books Trading Incorporation 2008).


Statement of the Problem The purpose of this research study was to evaluate the level of awareness of teenage mothers in different techniques of newborn care. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the teenage mothers of Tubigon, Bohol in terms of: 1.1 Age; 1.2 Civil Status; 1.3 Educational Attainment and; 1.4 Employment Status? 2. What are their techniques of newborn care with regards to: 2.1 Sleeping Pattern; 2.2 Feeding (Breastfeed or Bottlefeed); 2.3 Bathing; 2.4 When their Baby Cries; 2.5 Occurrence of Illness (fever, skin rashes, colic, diarrhea) and; 2.6 Applying/Changing Diapers? 3. How do the teenage mothers rate themselves with regards to their caring for their newborn? 4. What Health Programs can enhance the awareness of teenage mothers in rendering newborn care?

12 Significance of the Study This study is significant to teenage mothers in order for them to assess their knowledge and awareness in rendering newborn care. They can gain better understanding of the different needs of their newborn and on how to address these needs. This study will teach them how to become better mothers. To all the teenagers, especially the ladies, because this will enhance their knowledge about effective and proper newborn care. This research will make them realize the consequences of being a mother at an early age. To the Nursing students of Mater Dei College to review their knowledge about proper caring for a newborn. With adequate information, they can provide health teachings in the community to empower young mothers and make them feel confident to provide care for their newborn. Lastly, to the Local Government Unit of Tubigon for them to be aware of the current situation of the teenage mothers, their need for lectures and demonstrations on how to care for their newborn, so that appropriate health programs may be implemented to suit the needs of the young mothers.

Scope and Limitation The respondents of this study were the teenage mothers aged 13-19 years old in the town of Tubigon, Bohol. This study focused on the level of awareness of the teenage mothers in rendering care to their newborn in terms of sleep pattern, feeding (whether breastfeed or bottlefeed), when their baby is

13 crying, during occurrence of illness such as fever and skin rashes, and in changing or applying diapers.


Research Design This study utilized the descriptive research for the attainment of the objectives. A self- made questionnaire which served as a guiding tool during assessment to the teenage mothers level of awareness toward rendering effective newborn care: the questionnaire was distributed, collected, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted.

Research Environment The researchers selected the town of Tubigon, Bohol as a research setting. It is located at the Northeastern part of the province of Bohol. Tubigon is a first class coastal municipality established in 1819. It is 54 kilometers from the capital city of Bohol, Tagbilaran City. The municipality has a total land area of 81.87 km2 (31.6 sq mi). It has 34 barangays: 6 of which are coastal areas, 12 are highland barangays and the other 6 are island barangays with beaches and white sand. The major economic activities in the municipality, are farming and fishing. Trading and commercial activities are very active in the Poblacion.

14 Research Subject This study covered the teenage mothers of Tubigon, Bohol aged 13 to 19 years old who became mothers in their youthful age. Thirty (30) teenage mothers were the target number of respondents.

Research Instrument The researchers used a self-made questionnaire to gather information. The research instrument was divided into two parts. Part one contained the profile of the respondents while part two contained the questionnaires on the different techniques of newborn care. The research respondents checked the space provided that corresponded to their answers.

Research Procedure In gathering a reliable data, the researchers did the following: A. Questionnaires were made by the researchers and were approved by the research adviser. B. Questionnaires were tested by the researchers through pre-testing. C. Letter to the Municipal Health Officer was given to ask permission to collect the names of the teenage mothers. D. Letters to the Barangay Captains were given to ask permission to conduct a study about the level of awareness of the teenage mothers in rendering newborn care to their respective barangays.

15 E. Questionnaires were distributed to the selected respondents who were known to be teenage mothers. F. Tabulation, analysis and interpretation of the data were done

Data Gathering In gathering data, the researchers looked for respondents who were fit to the study. Interview and distribution of questionnaires were the best tools to gather data. The questionnaires were collected after the respondents answered the questions.

Treatment of Data The profile, the responses of the mothers regarding effective newborn care was shown through frequency and percentile table with its corresponding weighted mean and interpretation using the following formula. 1. Percentage In order to get the percentage, the frequency was divided by the number of cases multiplied by 100 which is constant. Formula: Where: P = f/n x 100 P = percentage f = frequency of the respondents n = number of respondents

16 2. Weighted Mean In order to get the weighted mean, the sum of all the products of the frequency and the weight of the responses was obtained and divided by the sum of the frequency. Formula: Where: x = fx / f x fx = weighted mean = sum of all the products of the frequency and the weight of the responses. f = sum of the frequency

3. Rating and Description to obtain this, categorize the result from the weighted mean was categorized and each interpretation was converted to its corresponding rate. 4.20- 5.00 3.40- 4.19 2.60- 3.39 1.80- 2.59 1.00- 1.79 Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

17 Definition of Terms To have a clearer overview and to gain better understanding of the words used in this study, the following terms below were defined operationally. Awareness -refers to the mothers ability of being acquainted in terms of newborn care. Care refers on how the mothers provide the needs of their newborn. Newborn it is the subject who received the proper care given by his/her mother. - a baby in his/her 0-28 days of life Newborn Care -it is a care rendered by the mother to her newborn

Proposed Program -it is the program to be recommended to the respondents which can help them to enhance their knowledge and skills in rendering newborn care Teenage Mother is a female parent who renders maternal affection to her newborn. - is an adolescent mother aged 13-19 years old who is the respondent of this research and is tested in her knowledge in rendering care to her newborn, if it is effective or ineffective. Newborn Technique these are ways where the respondents can rate themselves in specific areas of rendering care to their newborn.



This chapter contains the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered regarding the level of awareness among teenage mothers in rendering newborn care. To achieve the purpose of this study, a survey was conducted by the researchers through the distribution of questionnaires to the teenage mothers. The findings of the data were presented in table form with corresponding analysis.

Profile of the Respondents The first portion of the study refers to the profile of the research respondents that would basically include their age, marital status, educational attainment and their employment status.

Figure 1.1 AGES OF THE RESPONDENTS (in years)

100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 16 YO 17 YO 18 YO 19 YO 16 YO 17 YO 18 YO 19 YO

19 Figure 1.1 showed that respondents with the age of 18 had the highest number of frequency (10) with the percentage of 33.23 %. Age 16 has the least number of frequency which was (4) or a percentage of 13.33. Age 17 and 19 had the second highest number of frequency which was (8) or a percentage of 26.67. This revealed that the highest number of respondents were at the age of 18. Age 18 has the highest number of teenage mothers because at this age, adolescents are easily aroused sexually and they are undated with sexual stimuli. According to Sigmund Freuds Psychosexual (psychoanalytical)

Development, age 18 is in the genital age. In this stage, the libido reawakened as genital organs mature and it focus on the relationship with members of the opposite sex. The sexual behaviors evolve from self- gratification to behaviors deemed acceptable by societal norms and the capacity for true intimacy is developed. Thats why most of the women got pregnant at the age of 18


100% 80% 60% MARRIED 40% 20% 0% MARRIED SINGLE SINGLE

20 Figure 1.2 showed that the civil status which had the highest percentage are the teens who are single which accounted to 80% of the data, while the least percentage were the married teenage mothers which was only 20% among the respondents. Most of the respondents are single. The perceived reasons why most of our respondents are still single are: First, the teenage mothers are still very young; some of them are still minors. Second, the young couples are faced with financial problems as to how to provide the needs of their baby and themselves. Third and probably the most important of all is that the young parents are still unprepared to face the major responsibility of marriage. According to Erik Eriksons Psychosocial Development, adolescents are in the identity versus role confusion stage (Erik Erikson, 1956, 1997). During this time, the teen is yet to establish his/her own identity, his/her own self and so thoughts about marriage and settling down are far from the teens mind. Through the interview, we learned that the reason why teenage mothers married their partners is because they are already pregnant. They do not want the child to be born out of wedlock and so they married as soon as they can.


100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00%


21 Figure 1.3 showed that High School Level respondents had the highest frequency which was (10) or 33.3 %, while the respondents who were Elementary Graduate had the least frequency which was (0) or 0 %. Meanwhile, the High School Graduate and College Level had the second highest frequency which was (8) or 26.67 %. High School students prefer to be with their peers rather than their parents. In drawing out the environment that would best reach to the girls, it was concluded that schools, major shopping malls, dance club, community clubs and even neighborhood basketball courts are places that the girls would frequently hangout. These are also locations where girls have greater exposure to members of the opposite sex (



FIgure 1.4 showed that unemployed mothers had the highest frequency which was (24) or has 80 %, while the employed respondents had the least frequency which was (6) or has 20 %. The loss of job makes marriage loss attribute today- an effect that can be seen on teens of all races. It is showed that economics was responsible for the highest percent of unmarried respondents (Facts in Brief, Teen Sex and Pregnancy by The Allan Gutimacher Ins. 1996).

22 Educational failure, poverty and low self- esteem are understood to be negative outcome of early childbearing. These circumstances also contribute to likelihood of teen pregnancy (

Table 2.1 Management of Teenage Mothers to their newborn in Sleep Pattern Effective Techniques Control the crying of the baby (e.g. tapping) Introduce baby foods/milk if baby wakes up at midnight Provide a warm bath for the baby before putting him to sleep Rock and snuggle, sing or read to the baby Stand at the crib and rub or pat his/her back to put infant to sleep Feed the baby before putting him/her to sleep Cradle the baby Weighted Mean 4.3 4.67 4.13 4.07 4.20 4.77 3.73 Interpretation Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree

Table 2.1 showed that Feeding the baby before putting him/her to sleep has the highest weighted mean of 4.77 and was interpreted as strongly agree while Cradling the baby has the lowest weighted mean of 3.73 and was interpreted as agree. Breastfeeding is natures own way of providing nourishment for the newborn. It is important to build a bond between the mother and the baby. Nothing makes the baby feel more secure than to suckle at his mothers breast

23 (Amore, Jose Pepito M. et al. Your Health Guide. Philippines Medi-Marketing, Inc.).

Table 2.2.A Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Feeding (Breastfeeding) Effective Techniques Hold baby like a cradle ( allows you to hold the baby with one hand and use the other to support or move your breast) Lie down and use a couch or bed pillows to help you hold the baby up Use one hand to cup the breast and offer it to baby Football hold Weighted Mean Interpretation

3.61 4.36 4.11 3.29

Agree Strongly Agree Agree Undecided

Table 2.2 A displayed that Lying and using a couch or bed pillows to help the mother hold the baby up has the highest weighted mean of 4.36 and was interpreted as strongly agree, while the technique Football hold in feeding the baby has the lowest weighted mean of 3.29 which was interpreted as undecided. Furthermore, in many aspects, breastfeeding is ideal for both mother and child. It is the way to build a bonding relationship between the mother and the newborn. Any breastfeeding position is fine as long as the mother is comfortable while feeding the newborn (Amore, Jose Pepito M. et al. Your Health Guide. Philippines Medi-Marketing, Inc.)

24 Table 2.2.B Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Feeding (Bottlefeeding) Effective Techniques Weighted Mean Interpretation

Sterilize the bottle before using Hold the baby with the left arm and use the other hand to introduce the milk to the baby Use boiled water to mix with the formula Burp baby after feeding If baby has not drank all the formula in their bottle, throw the remaining milk away

4.78 4.11 4.28 4.72 4.17

Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree

Table 2.2 B revealed that Sterilizing the bottle before using has the highest weighted mean of 4.78 which was interpreted as strongly agree while Holding the baby with the mothers left arm and using the other hand to introduce the milk to the baby has the lowest weighted mean of 4.11 and was interpreted as agree. Bacteria can grow easily in warm or room-temperature milk and milkbased formula. To protect babies from bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract, it is essential to make sure that formula stays perfectly fresh and all feeding equipment is kept clean and free from contamination. Some doctors still recommend sterilizing bottle and other equipment in boiling water and using only sterilized (boiled) water for making-up formula. (Palfrey, Judith; The Disney Encyclopedia of Baby and Child Care. Infant and Child Development-Birth to Age Six. Volume 1.DSH Communications, Inc.)

25 Table 2.3 Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Bathing Effective techniques Use a bath tub or basin Use bath sponge Apply baby soap and baby shampoo 4.40 agree Check the temperature of the water Check the temperature of the baby before 4.33 bathing Wipe the baby fully dry with a soft towel and 4.63 dress him up immediate Apply baby powder after bathing 4.30 Agree Table 2.3 showed that Wiping the baby fully dry with a soft towel and dressing him/her immediately has the highest weighted mean of 4.63 and was interpreted as strongly agree while Using bath sponge has the lowest weighted mean of 3.67 and was interpreted as agree. Babys bath is the major event in the daily program, both for the mothers and the child. It should be a pleasant occasion with a minimum of fuss and bustle. The baby should be dried immediately after bathing to prevent hypothermia (Shryock, Harold. Modern Medical Guide. Revised Edition. Philippine Publishing House.) Agree Strongly Agree Strongly 4.13 Agree Strongly Weighted Mean 3.77 3.67 Interpretation Agree Agree Strongly

26 Table 2.4 Management of Teenage Mothers when their Newborn Cries Effective Techniques Sing to the baby Hold the baby while bouncing Change the surroundings Let the baby meet new people Introduce foods/milk to the baby Weighted Mean 4.17 4.10 3.80 3.77 4.67 Interpretation Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree

Table 2.4 showed that Introducing foods/milk to the baby has the highest weighted mean of 4.67 and was interpreted as strongly agree, while Letting the baby meet new people has the highest weighted mean of 3.77 and was interpreted as agree. Babys cry is the only way they can express their needs for food, warmth, company, rest, or relief of physical discomfort. Most of the mothers give the baby something to suck to stop them from crying just like feeding them with food or milk (Palfrey, Judith; The Disney Encyclopedia of Baby and Child Care. Infant and Child Development-Birth to Age Six. Volume 1.DSH Communications, Inc.).

27 Table 2.5 Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn during Occurrence of Illness Effective Techniques Bring the baby immediately to the hospital/doctors clinic (Fever) Monitor temperature, tepid sponge bath (Diarrhea) Increase fluid intake of the baby (Diarrhea) Change type of milk Give herbal medicines (maniana, guava leaf, hagunoy, coco banog) Provide medications without doctors prescription Bring the baby immediately to quack doctors (albolaryo, manghihilot) Weighted Mean 4.63 4.27 4.03 3.80 3.70 2.43 2.47 Interpretation Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree

Table 2.5 presented that Bringing the baby immediately to the hospital/ doctors clinic has the highest weighted mean of 4.63 and was interpreted as strongly agree while Providing medications without doctors prescription has the lowest weighted mean of 2.43 which indicated that the respondents disagree to these practices. Every parent wants a healthy baby but occasional infection and fever are inevitable. Even parents who have plenty of experience with sick babies can have tough time distinguishing normal fussiness and mild illnesses for more serious problem when a mother notice an unusual signs and symptoms to their baby like fever and diarrhea, they would immediately bring their baby to the hospital. (

28 Table 2.6 Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Applying/Changing Diapers Effective Techniques Have a clean diaper or two diapers Prepare something to wipe baby with (e.g. wet wipes, cotton and wet or dry layette) Wash your hands and place your baby on the changing table or a flat surface Keep one hand on the baby so he doesn't roll off If he wiggles a lot, distract him with a mobile or a brightly colored toy Apply powders or lotion before applying the diapers Weighted Mean 4.77 4.47 4.37 4.23 4.00 3.80 Interpretation Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree

Table 2.6 displayed that Having a clean diaper has the highest weighted mean of 4.77 and was interpreted as strongly agree while Applying powders or lotion before applying the diapers has the lowest weighted mean of 3.80 and was interpreted as agree. Diaper changing is probably the most dreaded of all baby care activities. The truth of the matter is that diapering has gotten much easier as the years have gone by. Changing diaper should be done to prevent diaper rash. (

29 Table 3.0 Rating of the Teenage Mothers to Themselves in Rendering Care to their Newborn Effective Techniques Management of teenage mothers to their newborn in Sleep Pattern Management of teenage mothers to their newborn in Feeding Management of teenage mothers to their newborn in Bathing Management of teenage mothers when their newborn Cries Management of teenage mothers to their newborn during Occurrence of Illness Management of teenage mothers to their newborn in Applying/ Changing Diapers Weighted Mean 4.07 4.40 4.13 3.67 3.67 4.43 Interpretation Very Good Excellent Very Good Very Good Very Good Excellent

Table 3 revealed how the respondents rated themselves in caring for their newborn with the different aspects of care. Of the six techniques, the technique on applying or changing diapers has the highest weighted mean of 4.43 and was interpreted as excellent while the Techniques of the Teenage Mothers to their Newborn during Occurrence of Illness and when their Newborn Cries both got the lowest weighted mean of 3.67 and was interpreted as good.



This chapter shows the summary, findings, conclusions and the relevant recommendations of this study.

Summary The purpose of this study was to determine the level of awareness among teenage mothers of Tubigon, Bohol in rendering newborn care. This research study sought to answer the following questions (1) what is the respondents profile in terms of: age, civil status, educational attainment, employment status; (2) what are their techniques in performing newborn care in terms of sleeping pattern, feeding techniques, whether they breastfeed or bottlefeed their baby, bathing, their management when their baby has an illness and their techniques in applying or changing diapers; (3) how do teenage mothers rate themselves with regards to their caring ability for their newborn; (4) what are the health programs that need to be conducted to enhance the level of awareness of the teenage mothers in rendering effective newborn care. This study was conducted in the town of Tubigon, Bohol which composes of 34 barangays. 16 of which are coastal barangays, 12 are highland barangays and the other 6 are island barangays. The self-made questionnaire was made and was distributed to the 30 teenage mothers who served as the respondents of this study. The researchers used the convenience sampling in gathering the

31 number of respondents. This study used the simple percentage and weighted mean in the treatment of data.

Findings With this research study, the findings were the following: the profiles of the respondents were distributed in frequency and percentage as follows: the age of the respondents were 16 (13.33%), 17 (26.67%), 18 (33.23%), 19 (26.67%). The civil statuses of the respondents were 24 (80%) single and 6 (20%) married. The educational attainment of the respondents were 3 (10.00%) Elementary Level, 0 (0.00%) Elementary Graduate, 10 (33.33%) High School Level, 8 (26.67%) High School Graduate, 8 (26.67%) College Level and 1 (3.33%) College Graduate. On the statuses of their employment, 24 (80%) were unemployed and 6 (20%) were employed. The respondents awareness on different newborn techniques on different areas of care such as in sleeping pattern, feeding, bathing, crying, during occurrence of illness and in applying or changing of diapers had different interpretations and different levels. In this study, the sleeping pattern techniques for the newborn of the 30 respondents showed that they were familiar on the common techniques that were given. In this area of care, it showed that 23 (76.67 percent) of the respondents strongly agreed on feeding the baby before putting him to sleep and got the highest rate among the 7 techniques. It revealed that it is the best way or management to the baby when it comes to Sleep Pattern. Meanwhile, 7 (23.33 percent) respondents believed that cradling the baby is the least way to get the baby to sleep.

32 In feeding their newborn, there were 28 (93.33 %) teenage mothers who fed their baby with breastmilk, while 18 (60 %) of them also bottlefed their baby. In addition, there were 15 (50 %) respondents who fed their baby with breastmilk and powdered milk, or the so called mixed solution. In breastfeeding, the result showed that lying down using a couch or bed pillows technique has the highest rate, there were 12 respondents (42.86 %) and was interpreted as the safest way on handling a baby when feeding. Furthermore, this technique also has an advantage to mothers because the position does not need to exert much effort. Meanwhile, holding the baby like a football hold got the least rate of 10 (35.71 %) respondents and the disagreed on it because the technique has risk for falls. The study also revealed that in bathing a baby, the techniques greatly helped the teenage mothers on how to bath a baby. The result showed that 22 (73.33 %) respondents were greatly aware that wiping the baby with dry towel after bathing, prevents hypothermia. In crying pattern, there were only 9 (30 %) teenage mothers who rated themselves as excellent because they were very aware on how to manage their newborn when he/she cries. Furthermore, there was 1 (3.33 %) teenage mother who graded herself poorly in managing a baby when crying. For the occurrence of illness, there were 8 (26.67 %) respondents who disagreed on bringing their newborn immediately to quack doctors. They believed that it can aggravate the babys condition. There were 20 (66.67 %) respondents who strongly agreed that bringing the baby into the doctors clinic is the best way

33 to manage their newborns illness. Furthermore, 7 (23.33 %) respondents knew about herbal medicines that can help treat simple illnesses. In changing diapers, there were 18 (60 %) teenage mothers who rated themselves as excellent and knew well on how to change diapers with the common techniques.

Conclusions Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Teenage mothers who have low educational attainment are most likely to become teenage mothers 2. Almost all teenage mothers were not able to finish their studies and as a result, most of them were unemployed. 3. Most of the teenage mothers were single. They remained unwed to their partners because of their youth Recommendations In order to arrive at the specific goals of this research study, the following recommendations are proposed as suggestions on how to increase the knowledge and awareness of the teenage mothers on how to take good care of their newborn: 1. Childbirth classes or mothers class must be strengthened and enhanced to every health station in the barangay. Through this program, the expectant mothers will learn about pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding and how to become a parent. Childbirth classes teach mothers to take care of their baby. This program should include how to feed, change

34 diapers and how to bathe the baby. Practices on how to keep the baby healthy and how to deal with his/her crying should also be taught so that mothers, especially the young ones, would feel confident to take care of their newborn once they deliver their baby. 2. After conducting the mothers class, a follow-up assessment must be done to determine if there is increased knowledge and awareness of the respondents. This could be done through tests and demonstration on how to care for their baby. This would enable the researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of the health teachings they have proposed. 3. Through the conduction of this study, the researchers found that not all mothers breastfeed their babies. Alarmed by this knowledge, the researchers propose that the breastfeeding campaign be strengthened. Leaflets could be given to mothers to enlighten them of the benefits of breastfeeding. Illustrations, charts and other print materials stating the advantages of breastfeeding could be posted on the municipalitys strategic places such as the market place and municipal hall so that it will be very visible to all and information dissemination would be widespread. 4. Parents are the childs first teachers. They must share to their children facts about sex, sexuality and sexual values. It is better that children be educated about sex by parents rather than children know of sex by other sources like their friends who may mislead them of the reality about sex. Sex education should start early, before a childs sexuality becomes an issue.

35 5. Parenting seminars participated by both the teenage mothers and their partners is also needed so as to help the young couples become good parents to their children. Parenting is a very difficult job and it is very important that the young parents be prepared for this major task. Good preparation and adequate knowledge is the key to acceptance of the very difficult yet fulfilling duty of parenting.

Program on Increasing the Level of Awareness of the Teenage Mothers in Rendering Care to their Newborn

General Objectives: To give appropriate information and increase the level of awareness among the teenage mothers of Tubigon, Bohol about the basic techniques in rendering newborn care Specific Objectives: To give input about breastfeeding that is essential to their newborn because of its proper nutritional requirements To educate the expectant teenage mothers on what to expect when they give birth and what are the proper techniques on caring for their newborn To enlighten and make the young couples as good parents to their newborn child

ACTIVITY PARTICIPANTS RESOURCE PERSON Community Health Nurse, Barangay Health Workers, Nursing Students Community Health Nurse, Barangay Health Worker, Nursing Students Community Health Nurse, Barangay Health Worker, Nursing Students Community Health Nurse, Barangay Health Worker, Nursing Students

Child Birth Classes

Expectant Teenage Mothers


MATERIALS NEEDED Visual Aid, Illustration, Leaflets,

Breast Feeding Campaign

Expectant Teenage Mothers

All Identified Teenage Mothers

1 hour

Visual Aid, Illustration, Leaflets

Parenting Seminars

Teenage Mothers with their Partners

All participants

2 hours

Visual Aid, Illustration, Leaflets

Follow- up Assessment

Teenage Mothers

All Participants

2 hours

Evaluation Checklist

37 BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Books Amore, Jose Pepito M. et al. Your Health Guide. Philippines MediMarketing, Inc. 2003 Bautista, Felipe S. and Ricardo M. Guevara. Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Prevention. Wisemans Books Trading Incorporation 2008 Kozier. Fundamentals of Nursing, 5th Edition. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. 1998 Palfrey, Judith; The Disney Encyclopedia of Baby and Child Care. Infant and Child Development-Birth to Age Six. Volume 1.DSH Communications, Inc. 1995 Pillitteri, Adele. Maternal and Child Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family. Fifth Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 2007 Potter, Patricia A. and Perry, Anne Griffin. Fundamentals of Nursing 5th Edition, Mosby Publishing Company, Inc. 2002 Shryock, Harold. Modern Medical Guide. Revised Edition. Philippine Publishing House. 2002 White, Lois. Foundations of Maternal and Pediatric Nursing. Second Edition. Thomson Asian Edition. 2001

38 B. Journal Dulce Amor O. Villanueva. Health and Home. Tender Loving Care. Volume 19. Phillipine Publishing House. 2006

C. Internet agepregnancy200913/en/-27k




APPENDICES A- TRANSMITTAL LETTER Mater Dei College College of Nursing

Cabulijan, Tubigon, Bohol

May 20, 2011 Dr. Bob Bernabe Batausa, MD Head, Rural Health Unit Dear Doctor Batausa, Warm greetings! We are currently conducting a research entitled The Level of Awareness among the Teenage Mothers of Tubigon, Bohol in Rendering Newborn Care as a partial fulfillment of the subject Nursing Research for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Mater Dei College, Cabulijan, Tubigon, Bohol. In this connection, the undersigned respectfully request that we will be given permission to gather data of teenage mothers ages 13-19 who gave birth from the year 2010 up to present. The data that we will be gathering would be of great help in the completion of our research paper. Rest assured that the information we will be able to collect will be held confidential. Your favorable response of this request is highly appreciated. More power and God bless!

Very truly yours, (sgd) Arango, Joey (sgd) Javate, Erica (sgd) Logrosa, Daisy Jean (sgd) Memes, Christpher Lourence (sgd) Petallar, Babielyn

Noted by: (sgd) Mrs. Gina P. Requina, MAN Clinical Instructor Research Adviser

41 APPENDICES B- TRANSMITTAL LETTER Mater Dei College College of Nursing Cabulijan, Tubigon, Bohol May 20, 2011 _____________________ _____________________ Dear Honorable ___________, Greetings to you! We are currently conducting a research entitled The Level of Awareness among the Teenage Mothers of Tubigon, Bohol in Rendering Newborn Care as a partial fulfillment of the subject Nursing Research for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Mater Dei College, Cabulijan, Tubigon, Bohol. In this connection, the undersigned respectfully request that we will be given permission to conduct our research to your respective barangay by giving out questionnaires to the teenage mothers who will become our respondents. The data that we will be gathering would be of great help in the completion of our research paper. Rest assured that the information that we will be able to collect will be held confidential. Thank you very much!

Respectfully Yours, (sgd) Javate, Erica C. (sgd) Arango, Joey J. (sgd) Logrosa, Daisy Jean M. (sgd) Memes, Christpher Lourence C. (sgd) Petallar, Babielyn E.

Noted by: (sgd) Mrs. Gina P. Requina, MAN Clinical Instructor Research Adviser

42 APPENDICES C- TRANSMITTAL LETTER Mater Dei College College of Nursing

Cabulijan, Tubigon, Bohol

May 20, 2011 _________________ _________________ Dear _____________, Warm greetings! We are currently conducting a research entitled The Level of Awareness among the Teenage Mothers of Tubigon, Bohol in Rendering Newborn Care as a partial fulfillment of the subject Nursing Research for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Mater Dei College, Cabulijan, Tubigon, Bohol. In this connection, the undersigned respectfully request you to be one of our respondents. Please answer our questionnaire as correct and honest as you can.The data that we will be gathering would be of great help in the completion of our research paper. Rest assured that the information we will be able to collect will be held confidential. Thank you and God Bless!

Very truly yours, (sgd) Arango, Joey (sgd) Javate, Erica (sgd) Logrosa, Daisy Jean (sgd) Memes, Christpher Lourence (sgd) Petallar, Babielyn

Noted by: (sgd) Mrs. Gina P. Requina, MAN Clinical Instructor Research Adviser

43 APPENDICES C- TRANSMITTAL LETTER Mater Dei College College of Nursing Cabulijan, Tubigon, Bohol

_____________________ _____________________

Sa among tinahod nga respondente, Maayong adlaw kanimo! Kami ang mga 4th Year Nursing Students nga nagpatigayon ug usa ka pakigsusi nga nagkanayon. Ang Kasayuran sa mga Batan-ong Inahan sa Tubigon, Bohol sa pag-amuma sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak para sa katumanan sa subjek nga Nursing Research para sa degri nga Bachelor of Science in Nursing sa Mater Dei College, Cabulijan, Tubigon, Bohol. Kabahin niini, kami naghangyo nga imong pagatubagon ang mga pangutana nga among giandam para kanimo, nga matinud-anon ug insakto. Ang among ikapasalig nga ang tanan nga inpormasyon nga among makuha, kini magpabilin nga sekrito. Daghang salamat sa imong pakiglambigit.

Kaninyo Matinahuron, (sgd) Arango, Joey (sgd) Javate, Erica (sgd) Logrosa, Daisy Jean (sgd) Memes, Christpher Lourence (sgd) Petallar, Babielyn

Noted by: (sgd) Mrs. Gina P. Requina, MAN Clinical Instructor Research Adviser

44 Questionnaire


Profile 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Name (optional): ______________________________ Age: ________________________________________ Civil Status: __________________________________ Educational Attainment :________________________ Employment Status: ___________________________

Instruction: Read carefully the following questions and kindly put a check mark () on the space that corresponds to your answer.


Effective Techniques of Newborn Care Legend: SA A U D SD Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

45 2.1. Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Sleeping Pattern

Effective Techniques Control the crying of the baby (e.g. tapping) Introduce baby foods/milk if baby wakes up in the midnight Provide a warm bath for the baby before sleep Rock and snuggle, sing or read to the baby Stand at the crib and rub or pat her/his back to put infant to sleep Feed the baby before putting him to sleep Cradle the baby SA A U D SD

2.2. Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Feeding BREAST FEED

Effective Techniques Hold baby like a cradle ( allows you to hold the baby with one hand and use the other to support or move your breast) Lie down, use a couch or bed pillows to help you hold the baby up Use one hand to cup the breast and offer it to baby Football hold SA A U D SD

Effective Techniques Sterilize the bottle before using Hold the baby with the left arm and use the other hand to introduce the milk to the baby Use boiled water to mix with the formula Burp baby after feeding If baby has not drank all the formula in their bottle , throw the unused portion away SA A U D SD

2.3. Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Bathing

Effective Techniques Use bath tub or basin Use bath sponge Apply baby soap and baby shampoo Check the temperature of the water Check the temperature of the baby before bathing Wipe your baby fully dry with a soft towel and dress him up immediate Apply baby powder after bathing SA A U D SD

47 2.4. Management of Teenage Mothers when their Newborn is Crying

Effective Techniques Sing to the baby Hold the baby while bouncing Change of surroundings Let baby meet new people Introduce foods/milk SA A U D SD

2.5 Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn during Occurrence of Illness (fever, skin rashes, colic, diarrhea)
Effective Techniques Bring the baby immediately to the hospital/doctors clinic (Fever) Monitor temperature, tepid sponge bath (Diarrhea) Increasing fluids of the baby (Diarrhea) Changing type of milk Give herbal medicines (maniana, guava leaf, hagunoy, coco banog) Provide medications without doctors prescription Bring immediately to quack doctors (albolaryo, manghihilot) SA A U D SD

48 2.6. Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Applying/Changing Diapers

Effective Techniques Have a clean diaper or two diapers Prepare something to wipe baby with (e.g. wet wipes, cotton and wet or dry layette) Wash your hands and place your baby on the changing table or a flat surface Keep one hand on the baby so he doesn't roll off If he wiggles a lot, distract him with a mobile or a brightly colored toy Apply powders or lotion before applying the diapers SA A U D SD


How do Teenage Mothers Rate themselves with regards to their caring for their Newborn? Legend: E VG G F P - Excellent - Very Good - Good - Fair - Poor

49 Rating of Teenage Mothers to Themselves in Rendering Newborn Care

Effective Techniques Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Sleeping Pattern Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Feeding (Breast Feed/ Bottle Feed) Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Bathing Management of Teenage Mothers when their Newborn is Crying Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn during Occurrence of Illness Management of Teenage Mothers to their Newborn in Applying/ Changing Diapers E VG G F P

50 Kwestiyoner


Profile 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. Pangalan (opsyonal): _________________________ Edad: ______________________________________ Sibil Status: _________________________________ Edukasyong Naabtan: _________________________ Panginabuhi: ________________________________

Instruction: Basahag maayo ang mga pangutana ug palihog ug butang ug tsek () sa blanko na gi butang sa angay sa inyong tubag.


Epektibong pamaagi sa pag-atiman sa bag-ong inanak Legend: HU Hugot nga mi uyon U Uyon WD Wala ka Desidar W Wala mi Uyon HW Hugot nga Wala mi Uyon

51 3.1. Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak sa Pagpatulog Epektibong Pamaagi Kontrolon ang pag hilak sa bata sa pamaagi sa pag kugos Pa totoyon ang bata ug gatas kung mo mata sa kadlawn Ligoon ang bata usa patulogon Kugoson ang bata ug kantahan hantod maka tulog Mag-atong sa kilid sa bata ug himason ang likod hantod maka tulog Pa totoyon una ang bata usa patulogon Duyanon ang bata HU U WD W HW


Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak sa Pagpatotoy Pagpatotoy sa Inahan Epektibong Pamaagi HU U WD W HW

Kugoson ang bata samtang nagpatotoy Samtang naghigda ang inahan, ipahimutang ang bata gamit ang unlan para maduol ang totoy sa inahan adto sa bata Gamiton ang usa ka kamot sa paghawid sa totoy ug ipatotoy sa bata samtang nag higda Kugoson ang bata gamit ang usa ka kamot ug ipiton ang lawas sa bata samtang nagpatotoy

52 Bottle Feed Epektibong Pamaagi Hugasan ug init nga tubig ang botelya usa gamiton Kugoson ang bata gamit sa wala nga kamot ug gamiton ang pikas kamot sa paghawid sa botelya aron ipatotoy sa bata Paggamit sa binukalang tubig sa paghalo sa gatas Patug-abon ang bata pagka human sa pagtotoy Kung wala nahurot sa bata ang gatas sa botelya, ilabay ang salin HU U WD W HW


Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak sa Pagligo Epektibong Pamaagi HU U WD W HW

Isulod ang bata sa planggana Paggamit ug labakara Paggamit ug sabon ug shampoo nga pangbata Suwayan una ang temperatura sa tubig sa pamaagi sa paggamit sa siko Kuhaon una ang temperatura sa bata una ligoon Trapuhan ang bata ug paugahon ug maayo gamit ang tuwalya ug saninaan dayon Butangan ug pulbos ug mansinilya ang bata humag ligo

53 3.4. Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan ug Maghilak ang ilang Bag-ong Inanak Epektibong Pamaagi Kantahan ang bata Kugoson ug i sayaw-sayaw ang bata Isuroy-suroy sa laing lugar ang bata (plaza) Ipahadla sa ubang tao ang bata Patotoyon ang bata HU U WD W HU


Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan sa Panahong Magsakit ang ilang Bag-ong Inanak (Hilanat, Skin Rashes, Kalibanga) Epektibong Pamaagi HU U WD W HW

Dad-on ang bata dayon sa Hospital/ Klinika sa Doktor (Hilanat) Monitoron ang temperatura sa bata ug trapohan ug labakarang gi basa sa bugnaw nga tubig (Kalibanga) Paimnon ug daghang tubig (Kalibanga) Ilisdan ang klase sa gatas Tambalan ug herbal nga medisina (mayana, udlot sa bayabas, coco banog, hagonoy) Tagaan ug tambal bisan walay preskripsyon sa Doktor Dad-on dayon sa albolaryo

54 3.6. Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak sa Pagilis sa Diaper Epektibong Pamaagi Mag-andam ug hinlo nga diaper Mag-andam ug wet wipes, cotton, basa ug uga nga labakara Hugasan una ang kamot ug i butang ang bata sa hinlo nga lamisa Gunitan ang bata gamit ang wala nga kamot para dili ma ligid Kung magkiat ang bata , tagaan ang bata ug duwaan Butangan ug pulbos ug losyon usa butangan ug diaper HU U WD W HW


Giunsa paggrado sa mga batan-ong inahan ang ilang kaugalingon sa pagatiman sa ilang bag-ong inanak? Legend: P Pinakamaayo MM Mas Maayo M Maayo S Sakto mlang DM Dili Maayo

55 Ang Paggrado sa Batan-ong Inahan sa ilang Kaugalingon sa ilang Pagatiman sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak Epektibong Pamaagi Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak sa Pagpatulog Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak sa Pagpatotoy Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak sa Pagligo Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan ug Maghilak ang ilang Bag-og Inanak Padumala sa Batan-ong Inahan sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak sa Panahong Magsakit Pagdumala sa Batan-ong Inahan sa ilang Bag-ong Inanak sa Pag-ilis ug Diaper P MM M S DM

56 Different Breastfeeding Positions

Cradle Hold

Cross Cradle Hold


Football Hold

Lying in Bed with Pillow Support

58 Curriculum Vitae

Name: Gender: Address Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Civil Status: Citizenship: Religion:

Arango, Joey J. Male North Poblacion, Medina, Misamis Oriental May 23, 1991 Cagayan de Oro City Single Filipino Roman Catholic

Educational Background Elementary: Secondary: Tertiary: Medina Central School Medina National Comprehensive High School Mater Dei College

59 Curriculum Vitae

Name: Gender: Address: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Civil Status: Citizenship: Religion:

Javate, Erica C. Female Tinangnan, Tubigon, Bohol September 22, 1991 Tagum City, Davao del Norte Single Filipino Roman Catholic

Educational Background Elementary: Secondary: Tertiary: Mandaue City School for the Arts Holy Family of Nazareth School Mater Dei College

60 Curriculum Vitae

Name: Gender: Address Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Civil Status: Citizenship: Religion:

Memes, Christpher Lourence C. Male Candajec, Clarin, Bohol May 4, 1992 Novaliches Quezon City Single Filipino Roman Catholic

Educational Background Elementary: Secondary: Tertiary: Clarin Central Elementary School Holy Cross Academy Mater Dei College

61 Curriculum Vitae

Name: Gender: Address: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Civil Status: Citizenship: Religion:

Logrosa, Daisy Jean M. Female Lilo-an Sur, Inabanga, Bohol December 17, 1989 Tagum City Single Filipino Roman Catholic

Educational Background Elementary: Secondary: Tertiary: Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School Tagum National High School Mater Dei College

62 Curriculum Vitae

Name: Gender: Address Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Civil Status: Citizenship: Religion:

Petallar, Babielyn E. Female Ondol, Inabanga, Bohol February 28, 1991 Inabanga, Bohol Single Filipino Roman Catholic

Educational Background Elementary: Secondary: Tertiary: Ondol Elementary School St. Pauls Academy Mater Dei College

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