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QUESTION 1: Explain Data, Information, and Knowledge with suitable examples?

DATA: Data is/are the raw facts of the world. Sequences of

raw facts representing events such as business transactions. For e.g. suppose you are 5 ft tall, have brown hair, And blue eyes. All of this is data.

INFORMATION: Clusters of facts those are meaningful and

useful to have human beings in the processes such as decision making. For e.g.: If I take a picture of you, the photograph is information. But what you look like is data.

KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge is the internalization of information,

data and experience. It is the result of learning. For e.g.: When crude oil prices go up by $10 per barrel, its likely that petrol prices will rise by 2p per litre is knowledge.

QUESTION 2: What is information system? Describe in brief the different types of information systems available for business. A set of inter-related components that collects, process, store and distribute information to supports decision making and control in an organization. Types of Information Systems: 1.Transaction Processing System: These are operational level system at the bottom of the pyramid. These are usually operated directly by front line staff, which provide key data required to support management of operations. Functions of TPS are ultimately little more than simple data processing system. For e.g.: reservation system, payroll system. 2. Management Information System: These are management-level systems that are used by middle managers to help ensure the smooth running of the organization in short to medium term. Functions of MIS are built on the data provided by the TPS. For e.g.: budgeting system. 3.Decision Support System: It can be seen as knowledge based system, used by senior managers, which facilitates the creation of knowledge and allow its integration to the organization. Functions of DSS are to manipulate and build upon the information from MIS and /or TPS to generate new information. For e.g.: Contract cost analysis.

4. Executive Information System: These are strategic-level information systems that are found at the top of the pyramid. Functions of EIS organize and present data and information from both external data sources and internal MIS/TPS in order to support the inherent capabilities of senior executives. For e.g.: 5 year operating plan. 5.Office Information System:OIS is an information system that uses hardware, software and networks to enhance workflow and facilitates communications among employees. For e.g.: voicemail, fax, videoconferencing.

QUESTION 3.What is a computer? What are different types of computers? Explain important characteristics of each? A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has ability to store, retrieve and process data. Types of computers and its characteristics are: 1. Super computer: Super computer is one of the fastest computers currently available. These are very expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require immense amounts of mathematical calculations. For e.g.: weather forecasting.

2. Main Frame computer: It is very large and expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds, or even thousands, of users simultaneously. These are the computers which having great processing speeds and data storage. It is used by insurance companies to store large data. 3. Mini Computer: A mini computer is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting up to 200 users simultaneously. 4. Micro Computer: A microcomputer is a computer with a microprocessor as its CPU.Memory in the form of read only memory (ROM), and random access memory (RAM).

QUESTION 4: What is Number System? Explain the different types of number systems along with the process of addition and subtraction in binary number system? A number system is a set of numbers. Types of number systems: =>Positional Number System. =>Non-Positional Number System. Non-Positional Number System: This method of counting uses an additive approach or non-positional number system. In this system, we have symbols such as I for 1,II for 2,III for 3,IIII for 4,etc.Each symbol represents the same value regardless of its position in a

number, and to find the value of a number, one has to count the number of symbols present in the number. For e.g.: I+I+I+I+I+I =5 I-I=0 Positional Number System: This system uses only a few symbols called digits. The maximum value of a single digit is equal to one and less than the value of base. Process of addition and subtraction in binary number system: Addition: 0+0=0 0+1=1 1+0=1 1+1=10 As an example of binary addition we have, 101 + 101 1010 Subtraction: 0-0=0 1-0=0 1-1=0 0-1=borrow 1 left side, then it becomes (10)-1=1 10 in binary form =2 Hence 2-1=1 As an example of binary subtraction we have, 111 - 10 101

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