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Ahmed Shigri M.

A English 3rd Semester 0333-3431604 Ancient Mariner Tale of crime and Punishment The idea of people making wrong mistake or actions and having to pay for them afterwards is not now. The Christian religion centers itself around the confession of sins done by men or women. Luckily they have the power to repent and do penance to receive God forgiveness; God sends people this power and people around the world manic this cycle of crime, punishment, repentance, and reconciliation in court systems and other penal codes. Gone through the Rime of Ancient Mariner provides us with such material as to have us justify the above statement that the Ancient Mariner is much more than a story of crime and punishment. It is not wrong or erroneous to endorse that the ballads, is basically, the handling of the theme of crime and punishment; it is the plot-structure of the ballad. There are other matters which move arm in arm with it; mention must necessarily be made of those themes to apprehend the justification. Rime of Ancient Mariner helps implement all this cycle with the murder of the Albatross and how he must pay for these actions. The whole cycle begins with the mariner's crime against nature, the shooting of the Albatross. In the story the mariner betrays with nature by shooting the Albatross. The mariner kills the Albatross That made the breeze to blow, The action against nature is rather extreme, for he takes this thought of death lightly. The Albatross as a repetitive nature means nothing to the Ahmed Shigri M.A English 3rd Semester 0333-3431604 mariner. This thought are quickly changed, though, as nature beings to start the punishment for his crime commence (aghaz) when there is water Water everywhere nor any drop to drink. He is punished harshly for killing the symbol of nature that everything reverse He is beaten down by the sun with its rays and is taunted by the endless sight of water that he cannot drink. Nature is the force in this poem that this power to decide what is right or wrongs and how to deal with the action. The mariner reconciles his sins when he realizes what nature really is and what means to him is. All around his ship he witnesses, Slimy things did cruel with legs upon the slimy sea And he questions the curse in the Dead man's eyes This shows him contempt for the creature that nature provides for all people. The mariner to find his salvation when he begins to look on the slimy things as creature of strange beauty, he understands the Albatross is a symbol of nature and he realizes what he had done wrong. The mariner is forgiven after sufficient penance. The mariner's experience represents a renewal of the impulse of love towards Other living things once he reconciles his punishment id lifted. The bird which is hung around his necks, the change from punishment to penance. Ahmed Shigri M.A English 3rd Semester 0333-3431604 For the mariner to repent for his action , he must endure his penance. The mariners penance includes having his soul in agony soon afterwards. After attempt at prayer and realization of what he has done he looked to heaven and tried t pray his penance t forgiveness begins. He must endure all of his friends being dead, and solitude on a boat that goes no whence. Fore his long-term penance he is doomed for the rest of his life to seek out contain people to tell his tale because often his soul tortures him until does so, his penance is to be messenger for the rest of his life that tell people, who need to know his story to teach them the cycle he personally bears. Penance is a natural things whether it is self inflicted or given and must be one so, once heart can be free of guilt.

Crime and punishment, repentance, and reconciliation is evident in many things around the world. They are active part in society, and they decide the fate of many people. Some do not accept their penance and are condemned. Other recognize what they have done wrong and do as much as they can to fix it. The mariner accepts his punishment and lives on with only the slight burden of telling a story rather then facing death. If people will realize this wrong and try to correct them like the mariner, life will be more peaceful and many will have a higher quality of life. The Mariner cannot pray until he blesses the vile creatures unaware. The Rim of the Ancient Mariner tells us the story of an old mariner who is tortured by nature after he pointlessly kills an Albatross. Ahmed Shigri M.A English 3rd Semester 0333-3431604 The natural of this poem seems to that of sin, killing of the Albatross, punishment, nature continuously torture, repentance, the mariner finally realizes that what he did was wrong and after that his redemption, blessing the water and finding beauty of life and happiness, In the Romantic age, moral and nature were close knit, and many authors wrote about nature with reverence what we studied in the Rim of Ancient Mariner All this done the narrative, eventually, provokes the thought of the reader as to regard the narrative more than a story of mere crime and punishment. Prepared by Ahmed Shigri 0333-3431604

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