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STATEMENT OF EXCHEQUER SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) in the period ended June 2012

Page 1
Exchequer Surplus / (Deficit)
Receipts and Expenditure - Current
(9,443,463) (10,828,463)
000 000
1 January 2012
30 June 2012
1 January 2011
30 June 2011
18,740,544 16,744,624
1,726,131 1,465,363
17,014,413 15,279,261
Note 2
Note 1
Non-Tax Revenue
Tax Revenue
(21,329,919) (20,546,749) Note 4 Voted (Departmental Expenditure Voted Annually by the Dail)
(4,792,700) (3,375,388)
(645,681) 0
Note 5
Note 5
. Other Non-Voted Current Expenditure
. Sinking Fund *
Non-Voted Non-discretionary Expenditure charged directly on the Central Fund
1,452,152 786,951
806,471 786,951
645,681 0
Note 3
Other Capital Receipts
Sinking Fund *
Receipts and Expenditure - Capital
(2,867,859) (4,437,902)
(1,775,452) (3,087,067)
(1,092,407) (1,350,835)
Note 6
Note 4
Non-Voted (Expenditure charged under particular legislation)
Voted (Departmental Expenditure Voted Annually by the Dail)
(1,415,708) (3,650,951) Surplus / (Deficit) on Capital Account
Surplus / (Deficit) on Current Account (8,027,755) (7,177,513)
(26,768,299) (23,922,137) Total
1,037,505 5,824,543
3,060,000 0
(13,540,968) (16,653,006)
Note 8
Note 7
Total Increase / (Decrease) in Exchequer Deposits and Other Balances
Promissory Note issued to IBRC **
Total (Borrowing) / Repayment
Source and Application of Funds
(9,443,463) (10,828,463) Exchequer Surplus / (Deficit)
* The Sinking Fund provision is a transfer from the current account to the capital account to reduce national debt
Tables detailing the performance of voted expenditure and tax revenues on a year-on-year basis as well as against profile
for the period covered by this Exchequer Statement are available on the Department of Finance Website at
** The 3.06 billion transaction in respect of the Promissory Note for IBRC is not included in Note 6 due to the statutory
payments basis (no cash issued arising from the transaction) of the Finance Accounts and the exceptional nature of the
transaction in that regard. The bond issued in regard to the transaction is included in Note 7 and in the Source and
Application of Funds. The payment made under the different arrangements applying in 2011 (March) is included in Note 6
for that year.
STATEMENT OF EXCHEQUER SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) in the period ended June 2012
Page 2
1,726,131 1,465,363
64 0
7,173 5,664
56,041 5,079
17,956 29,491
0 476
3,972 6,561
11,254 12,080
10,200 0
7,161 11,944
4 1,501
546,766 595,792
0 3,232
138 200
2,059 2,314
105,000 120,000
958,343 671,029
Public Service Pension Payments
Pension Levy
Other Receipts collected by Departments etc.
Motoring Fines
Property Registration Authority Fees
Dublin Port Company
Other Advances
Local Loans Fund
Income from Credit Inst (Eligible Institutions
Income from Credit Inst (Financial Support
Collector General No 2 A/C Surplus
Marathon Petroleum Ireland Ltd
National Lottery Surplus
Central Bank Surplus Income
Other Receipts
Interest on Loans
Surplus Incomes / Royalties
000 000
2012 2011 Note 2 Non-Tax Revenue
17,014,413 15,279,261
25,587 22,519
107 171
5,188,563 5,074,635
1,979,993 1,423,604
7,061,081 6,038,316
222,370 265,064
46,999 48,382
171,520 89,927
2,209,153 2,199,641
109,040 117,002
Unallocated Tax Receipts
Training and Employment Levy
Value Added Tax
Corporation Tax
Income Tax
Capital Acquisitions Tax
Capital Gains Tax
Excise Duty
Tax Head
000 000
2012 2011 Note 1 Tax Revenue
STATEMENT OF EXCHEQUER SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) in the period ended June 2012
Page 3
806,471 786,951
16,303 18,234
10 110
0 0
1,903 1,406
0 49,000
720,000 673,000
32 4,001
0 13,023
16 16
104 505
65,893 27,656
2,208 0
Miscellaneous Capital Receipts
IDA Ireland
Sale Of State Property
Carbon Fund Act 2007
NAMA Advance Repayments
FEOGA Intervention
Local Loans
EU Solidarity Fund Contribution
Other EU Receipts
Trans European Network
European Regional Development Fund
Cohesion Fund Receipts
Other Capital Receipts
Capital Receipts Under
Loan Repayments
EU Receipts
000 000
2012 2011 Note 3 Capital Receipts
(22,422,326) (21,897,584)
0 110,285
(210,476) 0
(445,366) (330,557)
(622,601) (592,463)
(69,977) (92,290)
(7,163,507) (6,479,471)
(1,012,836) (1,082,866)
(6,686,969) (6,753,942)
(320,806) (337,370)
(161,650) (171,130)
(344,972) (563,819)
(289,201) (340,440)
(4,161,414) (4,144,266)
(421,153) (417,269)
0 (104,078)
(81,924) (98,952)
(125,448) (74,917)
(304,026) (424,039)
Recovery of Advance to Social Insurance Fund
Children and Youth Affairs
Public Expenditure and Reform
Transport, Tourism and Sport
Taoiseach's Group (incl Legal Votes)
Social Protection
Justice Group
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Finance Group
Environment, Community and Local Government
Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation
Education and Skills
Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs
Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Recovery of Advance to
Social Insurance Fund
Vote Group
000 000
2012 2011 Note 4 Voted Departmental Expenditure (Current and Capital)
STATEMENT OF EXCHEQUER SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) in the period ended June 2012
Page 4
(1,775,452) (3,087,067)
(25,000) (3,085,000)
(5) (5)
0 (1,903)
0 (159)
(697) 0
(1,300,000) 0
(449,750) 0
Promissory Notes issued under the Credit
Institutions (Financial Support) Act 2008
Other Payments under Statute
Carbon Fund Act 2007
Shares in EFSF
Development Banks Acts, 2005
Irish Life Limited
Loans to Insurance Compensation Fund
Other Capital Payments
Investment in International
Share Capital Acquired in
000 000
2012 2011 Note 6 Non-Voted Capital Expenditure
(5,438,380) (3,375,388)
(69) 0
(18) (18)
(167) (1,197)
(23,400) (18,000)
(49,708) (55,712)
(21,320) (21,944)
(6,908) (6,459)
(12,922) (14,632)
(2,603) (2,868)
0 (13,358)
(810,051) (740,927)
(105,113) (87,698)
(645,681) 0
(3,760,420) (2,412,576)
Post & Telecommunications Services Act 1983,
Section 46
IDA & ADF - Payments under Development Banks
Acts, 2005
Oireachtas Commission
Salaries, Pensions and Allowances
Payments to Political Parties under the Electoral
Election Expenses
Payments to Marathon Petroleum Ire. Ltd.
P&T Services Act, (Amendment) 1983 Section 75
Contribution to EU Budget
Other Debt Management Expenses
Sinking Fund Contributions
Other Non-Voted
Service of National Debt
000 000
2012 2011 Note 5 Non-Voted Current Expenditure
STATEMENT OF EXCHEQUER SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) in the period ended June 2012
Page 5
(13,540,968) (16,653,006)
(965,567) 0
(150,000) 0
0 0
0 0
(840,227) (1,011,253)
63 1,460
0 0
2,578,580 458,723
(4,663,263) (7,178,542)
(4,483,035) (11,369,920)
(4,553,689) (3,659,563)
0 0
(100,000) 0
40,516 6,012,304
(404,347) 93,786
UK Bilateral Loan
Swedish Bi-Lateral Loan
Private Placements
Othr Ir Govt Public Bond issue
Nat Saving Schemes
Miscellaneous Debt
Medium Term Notes
Ir Govt Bonds on Irish Exch
IMF Extended Fund Facility
Euro Financial Stabilisation
Euro Fin. Stability Facility
EIB loans
Denmark Bi-Lateral Loan
Commercial Paper
(Borrow)/Repay Min funds
000 000
2012 2011 Note 7 Source and Application of Funds - (Borrowing) / Repayments
1,037,505 5,824,543
443 554
(352,522) 9,723,531
1,389,583 (3,899,542)
Inc/(Dec) in Othr Balances
Inc/(Dec) in Deposits, Notes & Treasury Bills
Inc/(Dec) in Exch Balances
000 000
2012 2011 Note 8 Source and Application of Funds - Increase / (Decrease) in
Exchequer Deposits and Other Balances
'Ir Govt Bonds on Irish Exch' - Includes settlement on a non-cash basis, of Irish Government bonds issued to IBRC in
respect of Promissory Note repayment due.

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