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Georgina Saunders First Ice Analysis

First Ice Analysis Our interpretation of First Ice changed the setting from what we imagined it to be, a dark, gloomy street hardly lit with a telephone box on the pavement, to a bright spacious area outside, that was still isolated, but instead filled with nature. When filming we had to ensure the meaning of the poem remained the same, but though signs, codes and conventions we managed to edit together 20 seconds of footage which gave the impression the actress had received terrible news via the phone. We assumed this to be her boyfriend ending the relationship, although our edited clip has no sound to suggest this, and the original poem does not make it clear either.

The opening to our clip breaks the rules of typical media conventions, our actress, Rio, if positioned so she looks out of the shot. Typically when using the rule of thirds the actor/actress would look into the shot by doing the opposite to this, it signifies she is isolated, secluded and disconnected. Her position in the shot also means she is facing away from the gate that is just behind her, the gate would offer her a path to a nice life, if she chose to take it, but as her back is to this, it signifies she is rejecting the idea. She would have to take the change of the gate being unlocked, which leaves her future in someone elses hands. The metal bars would be cold, as they are in the shade, and not warmed by the sun, this signifies the complications this path could lead her to and also predicts possible emotions she might fee, such as depression and self pity. At this moment, the audience cannot see another exit for her which suggests her emotions are leading her to his path as she has not had time to process the news. Behind her is a display of nature, the red colour of the poppies represent love, passion and romance, but again her position contradict this, emphasizes she is not willing to accept this. The brick wall offers conflict between nature and industry as it encloses her and the foliage, which rejects how nature is free. This reflects the conflict in conversation between her and the person on the phone and also the conflict in her life. The regular pattern of the brick wall and its unbreakable structure parallels her situation, as it is no longer secure, and her happiness can be shattered in a matter of seconds.

Georgina Saunders First Ice Analysis

The next shot cuts to a close up of her face, where she is still positioned to the left half of the screen, in the direction of her eye line, looking out of the shot.

The focus of the screen is on the phone, meaning the conversation and the person she is talking to are important to her emotions and is probably the cause of them. The greenery is still in the shot, which connects it to the shot before. Whereas in the first shot the foliage takes up two thirds of the shot here it is barely noticeable which represents how Rio is trying to ignore certain aspects of her life, but is failing as they will always be in the back of her mind. Her blue nail varnish continues the focus of nature as it reflects the colour of the sea and sky which are seen as positive things, but blue is often connected to sadness so again there is opposition in the shot. The close up shot allows the audience to connect with her emotion; the expression on her face is blank, but also surprised and links to the idea of her being disconnected. The third shot starts by focusing in Rios hands that are positioned in her lap in a defensive manner, the camera then tilts upwards until it is focused on her face. The movement the camera undergoes suggests that Rio is above the person on the phone and they have been lowered to her lap and the camera ends it focus on her making her the more important individual. The slow movement of the camera is her realizing the extend of her situation and what has happened.

Georgina Saunders First Ice Analysis

Rios left hand is dominantly lit making it the focus of the shot. Again the costume in the shot creates tension and conflict. The ring on her left hand is a large costume ring, which suggests it was brought by a female, this suggests independence, whereas the smaller ring on her right hand is more delicate looking, and possible a gift from her boyfriend. The cracked effect on the surface of the costume ring encodes how her emotions are fragile and can be easily harmed. Her hand is gripping the phone, creating a tension line, emphasizing how the situation has caused her grief and it illustrates her feelings towards the person at the end of the phone, although she takes it out on the phone by gripping it so tightly.

The camera picked up the fine detail of her hair which is being moved by the wind, as the light emphasis the fly away parts of her hair it becomes the focus of the shot. Its messiness reflects how her life is not in order, and because the detail is so sharp it distracts you from the sensitive look on Rios face which signifies there are distractions in her life; these might have been the cause of her break up. The long hair is stereotypically linked to younger women, and the fat it is free

Georgina Saunders First Ice Analysis

flowing links to her freedom and how would have no serious ties at this moment in her life. It can also be a representation of her character and personality as flicking your hair often signifies confidence. This is the first time in the clip that Rio is the focus of the shot which implies she is in charge, she is taking up two thirds of the screen and for the first time is looking into the shot, and this signifies her situation is normal. The brick wall is a reoccurring background to the shots to highlight her isolation and loneliness. It is also the first time you cannot see any nature in the shot; flowers are often seen as sex symbols and reproductive organs so these vanishing connects to how she is accepted her relationship has ended. This is the first over the shoulder shot we use in our edit, it increases the feeling of isolation as the area Rio is sitting in is extremely closed off and the position of the camera here suggests there is only a small opening for her to leave by.

Seeing a second bench in the picture signifies how alone Rio is as there are no other people around her, this is both with her feelings but also in her life, as someone she obvious cares about will no longer be there. In media texts, shadows are typically a negative sign that actors/actresses should avoid for their own safety, in this case Rio is required to walk through them to exit her isolated section. With shadows comes darkness, but there are small areas of light getting through the tree, showing that there will be happiness in her future, but it is uncertain. The camera position does not move for the next shot, but shows her walking off into the distance, she has walked further from the gate behind her, which signifies how her life could have taken many different paths from this moment but she chose which one, highlighting she is in charge of her own destiny and will not rely on anyone else in the future.

Georgina Saunders First Ice Analysis

The positioning of the shot it interesting as Rio he progressed to the middle of the shot, unlike all previous where she has been on the left, this signifies her shift to normality. As she walks away her head is cut from the shot, this emphasizes she makes a decision based on her emotions and follows her heart, rather than thinking logically with her brain. Our edit continues with Rio walking away and cuts to a shot similar to our establishing shot, as the same brick wall and foliage can be seen, just more of it, showing the shot it wider and further away.

The natural sunlight has lit the bench, making it the main focus; that was the last place Rio was happy with her life, which the lighting signifies. Her distance from the bench illustrates this is now not the case as she walks into the shadows. This signifies she is being withdrawn for the world around her and wants to be alone to grief the loss of her relationship. The way her bag is barley lifted for the floor is a reflection of her mood, and makes her seem childlike as the information she is carrying is too much for her and weighs her down.

Georgina Saunders First Ice Analysis

Rio has now walked out of the shot, and we have seen the last of her in out clip. We can mainly see green and brown, but the redness of the poppies is just noticeable. Poppies are seen as a flower of death, as thousand grew in the trenched, where hundreds of men died during the world war, encoding to mean as well as representing love, they also signify loss. In Rios situation both are relevant as she is grieving the loss of a romantic relationship.

The emptiness of the shot mirrors the loneliness inside of her, and the fact we cannot see her signifies she is isolated and alone.

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