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Online National Polling

Objective The aim of the project is to create and manage polling and election details like general user details, nominated users, election and result details efficiently. Existing System It is manual system. Complexity in Management of Polling Station. The existing system may not provide security to Polling


Maintain nominee, field officers, user details is risky tasks. This system is not providing secure registration and profile

management of all the users properly. Proposed System The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach. Automates information related to polling stations.

Avoid mismanagement (verify users profiles, accept, reject


We can maintain all type of users details properly.

Rich user interface.

Number of Modules 1. Commissioner and Field Officers Modules 2. Users Registration Modules 3. Constituency and Zone Modules 4. Party and Nominations Modules 5. Election and result Modules Modules Description 1. Commissioner and Field Officers Modules: In this module the role of commissioner is to maintain the field officers and take responsibility of users request to make forward to Field Officers and he has privileges to accept or reject the nominees requests who can participates in election. 2. Users Registration Modules: This module a general user is willing to participates in voting then first he has to make request to commissioner by filling registration form. After getting the permissions he will get a user name, password, using that username, password he/she attends in election. 3. Constituency and Zone Modules

In this specified module the commissioner is enter the details of each constituency and zone details. Total area is divided into zones and each zone contain many constituencies to select the nominated persons. 4. Party and Nominations Modules In this election the members/nominees whose participating in election may belongs to a particular party and each party contain its own party symbol, agenda/manifesto and campaigns. The persons (nominated) who participating in election may belongs to party. 5. Election and result Modules In this module nominated peoples are participating in election and based on the users who participates in polling the nominated person will be elected. Users of System A. B. C. D. E. Commissioner Field Officer Nominee User Normal Users

Software Requirements Operating System User Interface Client-side Scripting Programming Language Web Applications IDE/Workbench Database Server Deployment : : : : : : : : Windows XP/ 2003 or Linux HTML, CSS JavaScript Java JDBC, Servlets, JSP My Eclipse 6.0 Oracle 10g Tomcat 5.x

Hardware Requirements Processor Hard Disk RAM : : : Pentium IV 40GB 512MB or more

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