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St Christophers C E School


No 22: Thursday 28th June 2012

Dear Parents
We would like to offer our thanks and appreciation to Becky Berry who came and shared her Olympic Torch experience with the children. Everyone, including staff, were delighted to hold a real Olympic torch! Our annual Healthy Living Week started with a great assembly by Joy Howard, from Barnabus in Schools, who then developed the theme of Olympic values through workshops with each class. We are now eagerly watching the weather for tomorrow when I hope many of you will be able to join us for our Olympic themed Sports Day.

Carol Phillips Acting Headteacher SCPA FAMILY BARN DANCE SATURDAY 7TH JULY 2012

Monday 2nd July Foundation Little Cherries Burford Partnership of Schools Multi-skills at St Christophers dont forget PE Kit!. Monday 2nd July Year 5s Enrichment Day at Burford Secondary dont forget packed lunch! Wednesday 4th July - 9am Foundation & Keystage 1 Music Festival in School Hall Everyone Welcome! July 5 & 6 Year 5 Residential dont forget sleeping bags etc & packed lunch. Monday 9th July & Tuesday 10th July Year 3 & 4 Forest School respecitvely slips back please and dont forget wellies/suncream & packed lunch

Quick Reminders

HOT FOOD / REFRESHMENTS INCLUDING BAR / RAFFLE Dont forget to get your tickets further forms available outside the school office

EVERY THURSDAY LUNCHTIME for reserved books and stamps No Lunchtime Bookshop Thursday 19th July 2012. On:TUESDAY 17TH MAY 2012 3.15PM 3.45PM All books will be available in the hall to purchase SCHOOL UNIFORM St Christophers uniform can be ordered from: Tel: 0800 404 6644 or


On a recent visit by our Police Community Office, PCSO Colin Davies, he mentioned that there had been reports of vehicles not slowing down for horses on the local roads and mentioned that we all need to be aware and respectful of other people using the roads.
Missed a Newsletter? If you have missed a newsletter, they are available on our website

In addition to our text system, school closures will be broadcast on:

Emergency School Closures

HEART FM 102.6 FM /GWR96.3 FM/ BBC Radio Oxford95.2FM Or check local radio station websites

School Lunch Menus!

Monday Tuesday
Toad in the Hole with Jacket Potato, Seasonal Vegetables Lemon Crumble Slice with Custard

Week Commencing 2nd July 2012 Roast Turkey, Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables Strawberry & Chocolate Dessert



BBQ Chicken with Rice & Seasonal Vegetables Chocolate Marble Cake with Hot Chocolate Sauce

Champions Lunch as previously advised Pre-order only

Breaded Fish, Chunky Chips, Peas/Baked Beans Peach Melba

Week Commencing 9th July 2012 Pizza With Jacket Potatoes Seasonal Vegetables Iced Bun Chicken Breast in Bap, with Potato Wedges & Seasonal Vegetables Oaty Flapjack & Custard Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables Apple & Strawberry Mousse Honey Roast Ham & Pineapple, new potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables Carrot Cake with yoghurt & honey topping Breaded Fish, Chunky Chips, Peas/Baked Beans Sticky Toffee Ice Cream

Cheesy Macaroni Bake Seasonal Vegetables Summer Fruit Crumble with cream

Week Commencing 16th July 2012 Pork & Apple Grill With gravy & Peas & Sausages Roast Chicken Breast with Beans With Mashed Potato, Yorkshire Pudding , Roast Seasonal Vegetables and gravy, & Seasonal Potatoes, & Seasonal Vegetables Vegetables Chocolate Crunchy Fruit Muffin with glass of Strawberry Jelly & Fruit Shortbread with hot milk strawberry sauce

Fish in Breadcrumbs With tomato ketchup, chunky chips, baked beans & peas Raspberry Ice Cream Sponge

Also available every day: Yoghurt, Fresh Fruit & Water - 2.10 per meal. Any cheques for dinners please make payable to Oxfordshire County Council.

Diary Dates
2nd July Yr 5 at Burford School Enrichment Day F/S Partnership Multiskills pm 3.15pm Nature Club F/S Yrs 1 & 2 9th July Year 3 Forest School 3.15pm Nature Club F/S Yrs 1 & 2 6.15pm Maple & Ginkgo Performance 16th July 9.15am Official Opening of Play Park everyone welcome 2.45pm Music for Schools Assembly 3rd July Burford Partnership of Schools Swimming Gala No Yr 3 & 6 Swimming 10th July Year 2 Tennis at St Peters Year 4 Forest School Yr 3 & 6 Swimming 6.15pm Oak & Willow Performance 17th July Am Broadshires Pre School Sports Day F/S Yr 1 & 2 Swimming 3.15pm SCPA Bookshop 4th July 9.00am F/S & KS1 Music Festival in School Hall Parents Families & Friends Welcome Year 1 3.15pm Photography 11th July
8.40am Choir Yrs 1 & 2 Forest School

5th July Yr 5 Lea Wood Outdoor Centre Residential Lunchtime Bookshop 12th July Shuffle Up Day Yr 6 at Burford Secondary Lunchtime Bookshop 3.15pm Athletics Club 19th July

6th July Yr 5 Lea Wood Outdoor Centre Residential 2.45pm Celebration Assembly 3.15pm Nature Club 13th July Yr 6 at Burford Secondary 2.30pm Celebration Assembly 3.15pm Nature Club 3.15pm Cook4Books Ginkgo 20th July LAST DAY OF TERM 1.30PM FINISH

3.15pm Photography

18th July
9.30am Year 6 Leavers Church Service

NO Lunchtime Bookshop
6pm Year 6 Leavers Family Evening

9.15am - Assembly End of Year & Fond Farewells Everyone Welcome

Please note End of Year Reports and letters advising of your childs/rens class for September will be sent home by Wednesday 11th July 2012 at the latest.

Booking forms for July & September are now available from Mrs Brindle or the School Office


If your child is absent from school for any reason, please dont forget to let us know. Absences are recorded in our registers with the appropriate reason code, i.e illness, holiday, medical appointment etc. Where no reason is given the absence is recorded as unauthorised and may be investigated by the Educational Welfare Officer. Please remember that requests for holiday should be authorised before booking. See website for Absence Policy for further details. Please notify us about the absence by telephoning school on 01367 860318 and selecting option 1 to leave a message. Thank you.

On Monday 16th July 2012 the School Council have been invited by Langford Parish Council to officially open the new play area. After registration the whole school will be walking to the park and all parents, families and friends are welcome to join us at the park for the official opening scheduled at 9.15am.


Provided by Petit Enfant @ St Christophers Please contact Kelly on 01993 841700 or 07584661571 for further details.

If your family eats Nestle cereals, please remember to tear off the token on the top of the box and bring it in to school. It takes as little as 10 tokens to get one book so the more tokens we collect the more books we can receive for school.

We have now counted up and have sent off an order for a croquet set, cone set and riboon twirls to be used at playtime/pe sessions and some bead strings to support maths in the classroom. A big thank you for sending in your vouchers.

Cotswold Voices
have been invited to sing at the Music & Fireworks at the Defence Academy, Shrivenham On Thursday 12th July 2012 The theme of the gig is party in the park where families come with hampers and picnics and join in the fun of the long summer evening. Gates open from 6pm. Also featuring: Band of the Royal Engineers Guest Vocalist Magnificent MK XI Spitfire Fireworks Spectacular by Kimbolton Fireworks & Local Entertainment For tickets and further details contact the Music & Fireworks Ticket Office on 01793 785676 COOK4 BOOKS UPDATE well done to Maple Class who raised 38.00 on Friday. Next sale is Ginkgo on Friday 13th July 2012.

Colston Tennis Club

Broadwell, Nr Filkins. Summer Holidays Coaching Courses Tues 24th July Thurs 26th July Tues 28th August Thurs 30th August 9.30am 12.30pm 10 per child, per session
Saturday morning junior sessions & ladies cardio continue throughout the summer

Contact Chris Hand 07970 481707 or

ST CHRISTOPHERS CE SCHOOL ARE PROUD TO PRESENT THE ANCIENT GREEKS On Monday 9 July 2012 - Maple & Ginkgo Class Tuesday 10th July 2012 Oak & Willow Class

Oak and Willow will be performing in their very own production of the Ancient Greeks. Willow Class will be re-enacting a typical St. Christopher's Learning celebration with the contribution of some new 'Greekish' Literacy work by Oak Class. Maple & Ginkgo will be performing Its all Greek to me! an eclectic mixture of ancient Greek, fables, myths and legend. All children will, therefore, need to arrive at school by 6.15pm please. Refreshments will be available whilst the children are preparing for their performance which is scheduled to commence at 6.30pm with a performance by St Christophers School Choir. As usual to comply with Fire Regulations in the hall, we need to limit the number of seats available. Tickets, at 1.00 each, will be sold on a first come, first served basis, with a maximum of 2 tickets per family to ensure everyone has the opportunity see their child. Please note that if you wish to use any filming equipment i.e camera, video, mobile phones etc, you will need to collect a form, on arrival, requesting and agreeing to the conditions stated therein. Please allow yourself appropriate time. Equipment may not be used without this completed and signed form. To order your tickets please return the form below by Friday 6 th July 2012. Any spare tickets available will be released on Monday 9th July 2012. As you will appreciate, all the children have all worked really hard towards these performances. child cannot attend please do let your Class Teacher know as soon as possible thank you. If your

All the children who attend Choir on Wednesday mornings with Mrs Henderson are invited to perform from 6.30pm. If your child attends Choir and is unable to participate the performance, please inform the school office.


I request 2 tickets for the Maple & Ginkgo performance on Monday 9th July I request 2 tickets for the Oak & Willow performance on Tuesday 10th July I enclose . (1 per ticket)


(Please tick your preference)

I request 1 ticket for the Maple & Ginkgo performance on Monday 9th July I request 1 ticket for the Oak & Willow performance on Tuesday 10th July

Cheques payable to St Christophers CE School please.

Name .. Class

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