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Adina Moldovan

Supervisor: Prof. Eng. Liviu Miclea Consultants: Prep. Eng. Iulia Stefan


1. Short history 2. Robot Sumo 3. Waterfall methodology & V.A.S.I.L.E. 4. Scrum method & Rammstein 5. Conclusions

1. Short history
Software methodologies
Early years of computer science 1980s Agile

Robot sumo
late 1980s in Japan, Hiroshi Nozawa 2010 in Romania

2. Robot sumo
Sport sumoBot Challenges Classes

Figure 1. Robot sumo in the ring

3. Waterfall methodology
Linear and sequential Each phase completed before the next Easy to manage Small projects Very well specified requirements ? High amount of risk and uncertainty
Figure 2. Waterfall methodology

3. V.A.S.I.L.E.

Figure 3. V.A.S.I.L.E. components diagram

3. Waterfall methodology

Figure 4. Waterfall methodology applied on V.A.S.I.L.E.

3. Testing V.A.S.I.L.E.
Unit testing
Reflective object sensors Analog distance sensors Digital distance sensor

Reliability testing Stress testing

Functional testing System testing
Figure 5. V.A.S.I.L.E. sensors

3. Testing V.A.S.I.L.E.
Unit testing

Reflective object sensors Trial and error method: high/low, black/white Samples from ring Oscilloscope Potentiometer Bugs: soldering

Figure 6. Reflective object sensor HIGH/LOW transition

3. Testing V.A.S.I.L.E.
Unit testing

Analog & digital distance sensors Arduino program Arduino debug screen Ruler Voltage cm Accuracy: 2 sensors Noise

// set the analog input pin int sensorPin = 0;

void setup() { // open serial port with data rate // to 9600 bps Serial.begin(9600); }

void loop() { // read the value from the analog pin // float volts = analogRead(IRpin); // print the value of the sensor Serial.println(volts); // sleep 100 milis delay(100); }

Code 1. Analog distance sensor test program using Arduino

3. Testing V.A.S.I.L.E.
Reliability testing
Checklist 1 (C1) Components dont fall Motors dont burn Reflective object sensors dont scratch the floor Checklist 2 (C2) sumoBot can be stopped Components dont fall Mainboard circuits dont break Sensors dont break

Environments Search operations C1

Reliability 100%

In a collision with the opponent C1

Reliability 95%

Being pushed out of the ring C2

Reliability 100%

3. Testing V.A.S.I.L.E.
Reliability testing
+ 5 10 + 1 7 57 = 100 = 100 = 100 = 95% 6 10 60

where, R the reliability of the system Ip number of passed items in the checklist If number of failed items in the checklist It total number of items in the checklist Tp number of passed tests Tt total number of tests

3. Testing V.A.S.I.L.E.
Stress testing

Motors Load limit to be pushed Metallic weights for market Results:

5 kilos 25% usual speed 6 kilos not moving

3. Testing V.A.S.I.L.E.
Integration testing

Interface between hardware and software

Motor software functions motor directives - PASS

Interface between hardware, software and hardware

BW software function motors - FAIL Presence software function motors forward - PASS IR software computation motors adjustment - FAIL US software function motor turn 180 - PASS

BW Reflective object sensors used for black and white detection, mounted on the 4 corners of the robot Presence Infrared digital distance sensor on a distance of 10cm, mounted in the middle front of the robot IR Infrared analog distance sensor on a distance of 10-80cm, mounted on the front of the robot: left and right US Ultrasonic analog distance sensor on a distance of 500cm, mounted in the middle back of the robot

3. Testing V.A.S.I.L.E.
Functional testing

Figure 7. Test scenarios

3. Testing V.A.S.I.L.E.
System testing

Battle with real sumoBots Observe behavior Bugs

Battery charge level influences the motor directions During a delay no input is read/processed No angle blade Battery too big and heavy

3. Scrum method
Agile methodology Iterative Incremental Sprint Speed Meetings Communication
Figure 8. The Sprint

3. Rammstein

Figure 9. Components diagram Sprint 1

3. Scrum method
Rammstein & Sprints

Figure 10. Components diagram Sprint 2

3. Scrum method

Figure 11. Components diagram Sprint 3

3. Testing Rammstein
Sprint 1
Unit testing
Reflective object sensors Analog distance sensors Digital distance sensor

Reliability testing

Sprints 2, 3
Functional testing System testing
Figure 12. Rammstein sensors

4. Conclusions
Software methodologies identified in sumoBots Adaptation Scrum better results Testing high level after Sprint 2

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