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The Attraction Building Blueprint

Video 3 Tools, Strategies, and Mindsets for Attracting Beautiful Women By Bobby Rio

What to Expect in this Video:

How-to Guide for Attraction What to SAY and DO ATTITUDE and the way you come across as you say or do it

Important Concepts to Understand: Women are creatures of emotion Perception isnt always reality Women value men differently then men value women

The Attraction Killer Combo 1. Passion/Ambition 2. Social Intelligence

Displaying Passion/Ambition Ignites the Chase Makes you a Challenge Passion is Sexy Makes you 3 Dimensional Shows Youre a Leader/Provider Unleashes biological responses

In Action Storytelling Manning Up Putting Your Foot Down

The Commode Story Reservoir Dogs Let her draw her own conclusions

What Should the Story Convey Recreate an Emotional Experience Leadership role An Ambition for Greatness

Examples Closing a tough sale How you came to start your business You leading a group/team to success Your love of playing a musical instrument

An Example Story
You: So Tuesday afternoon Im sleeping late. This was like the first good comfortable sleep Ive had in a couple weeks as Ive been busting my ass trying to elevate my business to the next level. Monday night we scored a kick ass contract and me and my team finally decided it was time to celebrate. So now Tuesday morning Im lying in bed, with the kind of hangover I havent had in years and I keep hearing a knock on the door. I just dont want to get out of bed. Later than night I had a few more important meetings, I really wanted to sleep off the hangover so I would be in top shape to deliver the proposal. Well, the knocking stops for like ten minutes but then starts up again. And now theyre ringing my bell too. Finally I throw on some clothes and head downstairs and answer the doorand its these two little girls. At first Im thinking they want to sell me girl scout cookies, but then she hands me this flyer that says let Jesus save you from your treacherous life and Im thinking am I on some sort of list or something

Try This: 1. Create one story that highlights your passion 2. Create one story that highlights your ambition

Social Intelligence The only rule in pick-up is to always be visibly cooler than the chick youre trying to game. Tyler Durden

The Importance of Social Intelligence She wants you to be cooler than her She wants her friends to like you She wants to believe you can offer her things

Displaying Social Intelligence Always have the better comeback Slightly Cocky/Over Confident Patronizing Comments Passing Shit Tests

Other Ways to Display Social Intelligence Be Aware and Point Out Examples of Lack of Social Intelligence Around You Accurately Cold Reading Her

Golden Opportunities Use opportunities when the conversation turns towards relationships or social dynamics you show you get it.

"You're not one of those clingy girls are you? I'm all about meeting new people, and making friends but damn, its like with some girls, you show a little interest, and the next minute they're saying I love you "IF I give you my number you're not going to turn into a stalker, are you?"

More Examples "IF I give you my number you're not going to turn into a stalker, are you? Use Quotes or Stories

Try This: Use the Needy Texter Story Use the Clingy Ex Story

Shit Tests If a Girl Is Trying to Get you to Buy Her a Drink Her: "I need a drink" You: "Ok, go get one, and while you're up there, grab me a rum and coke."

Shit Tests If a girl thinks she is cooler than you Wow, youre sooo cool. Can I be your friend? You know what? You impress me. Youre A-crowd.

Conclusion This is all you need for attraction Tease Push/pull Demonstrate passion/ambition Display Social Intelligence Escalate

If Youre Still Struggling with Attraction Looks Fashion Body Language Non Verbals

Your Mentality While Learning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Implement Immediately Everything is a Test Pickup is Messy Build Skills, Not Just Results Focus on Attraction and Escalating

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