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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

The "Self Esteem" 8 Week Confidence Conditioning Program

By Bobby Rio

2011, Bobby Rio

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma


Welcome to The "Self Esteem" 8 Week Confidence Conditioning Program. This has been designed to assist you in reprogramming yourself for total confidence and success with women. It is based on the premise that every action you take, every thought you have, creates the blueprint for the life you live. People are creatures of habit. Research shows that those who participate in a daily routine are 3 times as likely to stay on track than those who participate 6 says a week- and fare 5 times better than those who participate 3, 4, or 5 days a week. Therefore, for best results, use your program daily for the entire 8 weeks (56 days). If you miss a day, simply start again the next day possible. Be kind to yourself. But strict. A major focus of this program is developing a strong sense of integrity. You know when you're making excuses. However, if you're too hard on yourself you might find yourself giving up out of frustration. The program is quick and simple and will take you less than 10 minutes a day. Give yourself a chance. Each week's daily assignments will coordinate with a weekly video that should be watching as part of the Self Esteem Blueprint video series.

Preparation 1. I recommend that you make sure you watch each week's video before following the lessons for each day. The lessons will not make as much sense or have as much impact if you haven't watched the video for the week.

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2. Mark your starting point. Make sure you fill out the "Starting Point" worksheet. This will allow you to track your progress over the next 2 months. The more detailed you are when writing your "Starting Point" description, the more you will be able to judge how fast you are making improvements in the desired areas. You will be updating this "Starting Point" every 21 days.

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Instructions Begin each day by opening your workbook and filling in the date. Then complete the confidence conditioning process for the day. Do this before anything else in the morning. That way, you can be sure it gets done. IMPORTANT: Some of the "action steps" you need take involve your dealings with other people. If circumstance you prevents you from taking these actions on the day noted, make sure you complete it by the end of the week. Some of the daily actions will be the same throughout the entire 8 week program. Some will be specific to the video you've watched that week. Since "self esteem" is the result of a compound effect. Each week you will see repetitions of the previous week's exercises.

Responsibility Exercises Throughout the entire 8 weeks you will encounter many responsibility exercises. These are designed to hold you accountable for doing the drills assigned the day before. A good idea is to create a punishment and reward system for yourself.

Daily Success Acknowledgement Like attracts like. Success breeds success. The more you feel successful the more success will come to you. Each day you will be asked to write down 5 successes that occurred in the previous 24 hours. The success can be major or minor. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you acknowledge yourself for whatever you do. i.e.) "I completed my Confidence Condition exercise" i.e.) "I approached a random girls and started a conversation" i.e.) "I mowed the lawn."
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1. I take 100% Responsibility for My Life.

2. I am Personally Responsible for Bringing Women into My Life.

3. I Create My Sex Life. I must Create the Opportunity and Attraction to Get Women into my Bed.

4. I Take the Necessary Risks to Continually Improve My Life

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5. I accept myself completely I deserve beautiful women, and give myself permission to have them

6. I Refuse to Accept Mediocrity And Will Not Stop Striving Until I Get Exactly What I want.

7. I have Immense Courage. I Overcome any Fears.

8. I Make No Excuses for My Desires as a Man.

9. Rejection is a Good Thing. The More I Get Rejected, the More I will Get Laid.

10. I Admire and Model Men Who Are Successful With Women
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Starting Point


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Video 1: I Create My Life

Day 1 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declarations

2. Acknowledge the Payoff You're Getting From Playing "Victim" Chances are, that in some area of your life you are playing the role of victim. It is important to realize what your motivation is for doing this. Describe the "payoff" you get for playing the role of being the victim.

3. The "No Complaint" Challenge For the remainder of the week, refrain from complaining about anything. And refrain from engaging in other people's complaints.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 2 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Notice areas where you are rationalizing We all find ways to rationalize why we don't have certain things, or avoid doing things we know we should. Write down the areas you've rationalized. For instance, maybe you've been staying in on Friday nights and have rationalized its "to save money" when deep down you know you're avoiding the discomfort of meeting new people.

3. Proactive Success Write down one "Proactive Success" you want to achieve today. It can be anything from approaching a woman, getting a phone number, going to the gym. Tomorrow you will be held accountable for achieving this success.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 3 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday you wrote down one "proactive" success you were going to achieve. Take responsibility for the success or failure of that action.

3. Event (E) + Response (R) = Outcome (O) The basic idea of this formula is that every outcome you experience in life is the result of how you have responded to an earlier event or events in your life. Here is an example of how this formula comes into play on a daily basis: Event: Every Saturday and Sunday you have off from work Response: You lay on the couch play video games, eat pizza, and drink beer. Outcome: You are out of shape and have very little social life Today I just want you to recognize the formula for 3 areas of your life you are struggling with:

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 4 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Event (E) + Response (R) = Outcome (O) Yesterday you wrote down your current formula for 3 areas of your life you're struggling with. Today I want you to write down the NEW Formula signifying a change.

3. Proactive Success Write down one "Proactive Success" you want to achieve today. It can be anything from approaching a woman, getting a phone number, going to the gym. Tomorrow you will be held accountable for achieving this success.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 5 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday you wrote down one "proactive" success you were going to achieve. Take responsibility for the success or failure of that action.

3. The "No Complaint" Challenge Have you been keeping up with your "no complaint" challenge? Write down any differences you noticed. If you failed to do this; Take responsibility for your failure.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 6 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Turn "Victim" Mentality into "Driver" Mentality Write down 5 ways you are going to take responsibility for your life. Ask yourself this question "What Can I Fix?" And any area that is currently challenging you, affirm your ability to change your circumstance. For instance: "Women are too hard to read" is changed to "I am going to work on recognizing the signals women are giving me."

3. Who am I giving power to? Every time you catch yourself blaming, justifying, or complaining, stop and analyze your statement. And ask yourself this question: Who am I giving the power to?

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 7 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Write down your purpose for wanting to improve your self esteem Reminding yourself why you're doing this will help you stay focused over the next 8 weeks.

3. Proactive Habit Write down one "Proactive Habit" you want to achieve today. It can be anything from waking up earlier, emailing 5 girls a day, or starting a workout routine. Continue this new habit over the remainder of the program (preferably past that)

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma Video 2: I Play to Win

DAY 8 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Write down all the areas you are Playing Not To Lose rather than Playing to Win These are all the areas that you not going full force because you're more scared of messing up then you are of achieving what you want.

3. Write down the 'pay off' you're getting by playing not lose. Remember everything we do is because we get some reward out of it. If you're avoiding taking the necessary risks to get what you want. You must be getting some reward out of it. Recognize what it is.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 9 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Reframing Rejection (review video 1 from this week) What are you going to replace outcome dependency with?

3. Learning from rejection What did you learn? What skill did you build? What do you still need to work on?

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 10 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. What have you avoided "asking for"? The fear of asking hold us back from so much in life. Right down all the things you have avoided asking for.

3. Proactive Asking Pick one thing you've avoided asking for, and ask for it in the next hours.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 11 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday you wrote down one "proactive" thing you were going to ask for. Take responsibility for the success or failure of that action. Did you ask for it?

3. Formulate your intent Your ability to plow on to the end comes from your intent. When it comes to meeting women, what is your intent? Write down what you want out of your next interaction with a woman.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 12 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. What areas in life are you content? Acknowledge the areas in life you feel content to know you could do something that rather than do it.

3. Bust through your barrier of content Pick one of the areas where you are content in the knowledge you can do something. And do it. Prove to yourself that you can really do it. Whether its approaching a woman, writing the first chapter of your book, or cold calling a customer and making a sale.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 13 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday you wrote down one are you were content to get out of your "content phase" and take action. Take responsibility for the success or failure of that action.

3. Where are you holding onto mediocrity? List all the areas you are holding onto mediocrity

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 14 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. List what you intend to have Include your ideal girlfriend, lifestyle, career, and social life.

3. Write down your purpose for wanting to improve your self esteem Reminding yourself why you're doing this will help you stay focused over the next 8 weeks.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma Video 3: The Us Framework

DAY 15 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. What is your current framework in regards to women? What do you think you have to do to get them? How do you think they view you? How do you perceive the kind of guys who get them?

3. Proactive Asking Pick one thing you've avoided asking for, and ask for it in the next hours.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 16 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday you wrote down one "proactive" thing you were going to ask for. Take responsibility for the success or failure of that action. Did you ask for it?

3. Recognize where you've been programmed Write down statements youve heard, repeated, or thought about. Write down the affect theyve had on your life so far. Recognize this isnt the truth.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 17 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Get Rejected As we talked about last week, getting over your fear of rejection is crucial for your success. Today I want you to go out and "get rejected" 2 times. You can simply ask a strange woman for her phone number. The objective is solely to get rejected. Tomorrow you are going to have to face responsibility for whether or not you followed through.

3. Your Current Models Make a List of who do you currently model? What is their frameworks about women? How has that framework affected you?

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 18 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday you were given an exercise to go out and get rejected twice. Did you do this? If not, notice if you're rationalizing, making excuses, or justifying your decision. Instead, take responsibility. If you did it, take responsibility for getting outside your comfort zone.

3. Model More Empowering Frameworks Yesterday you listed the frameworks you currently model. Today I want you to seek out guys with better frameworks and begin modeling them. List some guys you know who have a more empowering framework?

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 19 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Develop your More Empowering Framework Find Evidence to Believe it. Actively Think it. How Would You Act if You Had believed this your whole life?

3. Practice Empathy Go Back and Re-live Specific situation through other point of view.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 20 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. What Specific Incidents Have Shaped Your Framework List any specific incidents that stand out in your mind? What emotions have you anchored to being around women?

3. List what you intend to have Include your ideal girlfriend, lifestyle, career, and social life. Be sure to include why you are capable of achieving these.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 21 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. What to Do Right Now Set a Condition that will ensure you find new models. Set a Condition that will ensure you eliminate negative frameworks from vocabulary.

3. Write down your purpose for wanting to improve your self esteem Reminding yourself why you're doing this will help you stay focused over the next 8 weeks.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Starting Point (Where are You Now)



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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma Video 4: The "I Can" Mentality
DAY 22 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Take the Insecurity Test Close your eyes and imagine: Walking up to a Beautiful Women unprovoked in a Night Club. Picking up the phone to call a woman for the first time. Walking into your bedroom with a beautiful woman .

Make Note of: Any Anxiety You Felt. What Thoughts Went Through Your Mind? What Situation Was the Anxiety Most Prominent?

3. Responsibility Exercise A couple days ago I told you to set conditions to ensure that you develop new frame works and find new role models. Have you followed through?

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 23 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Begin a judgment free week For the remainder of this week refrain from making any judgments about yourself or other people.

3. Win a Battle It is important to win small battles to show yourself you can. Today, write down one small battle you're going to win, and then in the next 24 hours do whatever it takes to win the battle.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 24 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday I told you to go and win a battle. Now it is time to take responsibility for either having taken the action or not.

3. Meditate Part of developing self trust is the ability to quiet your mind. For the next 10 minutes practice meditation. This is simply the act of keeping your mind free of thought. Each time a new thought comes into your mind, just release it.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 25 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. What is your comfort zone? Write down all of the different areas where you refuse to leave your comfort zone. Acknowledge what your comfort zone is.

3. Practice Therapeutic recklessness At some point over the next 24 hours practice purposely being reckless and acting without thought.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 26 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday I told you to go and be reckless. Now it is time to take responsibility for either having taken the action or not.

3. Write down all the lies you tell yourself We all tell ourselves lies to avoid stepping outside of our comfort zone. Write down the lies you tell yourself.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 27 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Get Outside Your Comfort Zone The other day you wrote down all the areas you stay within your comfort zone. Over the next 24 hours pick one of those areas and venture outside your comfort zone.

3. Meditate Part of developing self trust is the ability to quiet your mind. For the next 10 minutes practice meditation. This is simply the act of keeping your mind free of thought. Each time a new thought comes into your mind, just release it.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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DAY 28 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. List what you intend to have Include your ideal girlfriend, lifestyle, career, and social life. Be sure to include why you are capable of achieving these.

3. Write down your purpose for wanting to improve your self esteem Reminding yourself why you're doing this will help you stay focused over the next 8 weeks.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma Video 5: No Wiggle Room

DAY 29 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Its Decision Making Time What must you have in your life? What kind of life won't you accept?

3. Create a dream board Using my dream board in the video as an example, create a board with pictures of the way you want your life to look. Do this by the end of the week. You will be held responsible.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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DAY 30 Date: ___________ 1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Create Your Heroes' Code Define integrity for yourself. What is your moral code for yourself? How clear are the lines?

3. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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DAY 31 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Set Conditions to Create a "Conditioned" Response Eliminate your wiggle room. Set specific guidelines for what you have to do. Set conditions to make sure that you do it. Use this idea of "setting conditions" to hold yourself responsible for the remainder of the workbook.

3. Get Rejected As we talked about in previous weeks, getting over your fear of rejection is crucial for your success. Today I want you to go out and "get rejected" 2 times. You can simply ask a strange woman for her phone number. The objective is solely to get rejected. Tomorrow you are going to have to face responsibility for whether or not you followed through.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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DAY 32 Date: ___________ 1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday you were given an exercise to go out and get rejected twice. Did you do this? If not, notice if you're rationalizing, making excuses, or justifying your decision. Instead, take responsibility. If you did it, take responsibility for getting outside your comfort zone.

3. Event (E) + Response (R) = Outcome (O) Remeber the above formula from week 1 Today I want you to write down the NEW Formula signifying a change in an area that you've been to easy on youself.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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DAY 33 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Eliminate Crutches/ Burn Ships/ No retreat Where are you giving yourself an "out." Eliminate means of retreat.

3. Write down all the words and phrases you are going to eliminate from your vocabulary Write down words like "might" "should" or any other phrases you commonly use to give yourself a means of retreat.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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DAY 34 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise 6 days ago you were given an exercise to create a Dream Board. Did you do this? If not, notice if you're rationalizing, making excuses, or justifying your decision. Instead, take responsibility. If you did it, take responsibility for taking a step that will get you closer to achieving your goals.

3. Review Your Heroes Code Look over the hero's code you created a few days ago. Acknowledge if you've been living up to the guidelines you set for yourself.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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DAY 35 Date: ___________ 1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. List what you intend to have Include your ideal girlfriend, lifestyle, career, and social life. Be sure to include why you are capable of achieving these.

3. Write down your purpose for wanting to improve your self esteem Reminding yourself why you're doing this will help you stay focused over the next 8 weeks.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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Video 6: Sell Yourself
DAY 36 Date: ___________ 1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. List all the ways you currently avoid "selling" yourself Do you dress conservative? Not ask girls out? Avoid standing out in a crowd?

3. What are some negative Beliefs that have held you back? Everyone suffers from holding onto negative beliefs like "Girls only like guys with money" or such like that. What are some negative beliefs that have held you back?

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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DAY 36 Date: ___________ 1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Define Your Value What value do you hold? Why do people benefit from knowing you? Why do you deserve to date beautiful women?

3. Turn negative beliefs into empowering beliefs Yesterday I had you list some of your negative beliefs. Take those beliefs and re-write them in an empowering way. So if your former belief was "Women only like guys with money" you could re-write that belief to be "Women like the guy who is most fun to be around."

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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DAY 37 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Exercise for Enthusiasm 1 Watch and listen to some speakers talk about a boring, dry topic. Watch on either TV, taped lectures, technical presentations, etc. Really pay attention to how they speak, their tone, their pace, and how much (or little) energy is conveyed.

3. Exercise for Enthusiasm 2 Watch and listen to some speakers who use a lot of energy and enthusiasm when they are talking! Really pay attention to how they speak, their tone, their pace, and how much (or little) energy is conveyed. Note how even if the material is something you do NOT care about, that a good speaker can really grab your attention with their energy and enthusiasm.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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DAY 38 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Get Outside Your Comfort Zone The other day you wrote down all the areas you stay within your comfort zone. Over the next 24 hours pick one of those areas and venture outside your comfort zone.

3. Meditate Part of developing self trust is the ability to quiet your mind. For the next 10 minutes practice meditation. This is simply the act of keeping your mind free of thought. Each time a new thought comes into your mind, just release it.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 39 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Make One Big Improvement Today Take one step today to improving your appearance. Whether its getting a haircut, buying a fashionable outfit, or shaving a scruffy beard.

3. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday I told you to get outside your comfort zone. Now it is time to take responsibility for either having taken the action or not.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 40 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Promote Yourself on Facebook Leave a Facebook Status update that promotes your personality. If you dont have an account set one up today.

3. Be a good audience For the Rest of the Week Concentrate on Becoming the Best Audience You can Be

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 41 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Make One More Improvement Today Take one step today to improving your appearance. Whether its getting a haircut, buying a fashionable outfit, or shaving a scruffy beard. The reason you are making two big improvements this week is because it will create momentum.

3. Discover your passions Part of your ability to sell yourself is to know what you're really passionate about. Make a list of the things in life that you feel passion for.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 42 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. List what you intend to have Include your ideal girlfriend, lifestyle, career, and social life. Be sure to include why you are capable of achieving these.

3. Write down your purpose for wanting to improve your self esteem Reminding yourself why you're doing this will help you stay focused over the next 8 weeks.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

Starting Point (Where are You Now)



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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma Video 7: Getting into Flow

DAY 43 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Describe a time you were in "flow" What were Commonalities to Events? Were you Around Certain People? What Was Your Specific Thought Process Like? What was the Goal You Were After? What was the Level of Challenge You were Facing?

3. Event (E) + Response (R) = Outcome (O) Remeber the above formula from week 1 Today I want you to write down the NEW Formula signifying a change in an area that you've been to easy on youself.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 44 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Set an inspiring goal for the week Jot down a goal that you could realistically achieve this week that would inspire you. And then achieve that goal. You will be held responsible.

3. Conversation Flow In the next conversation you are in, attempt to figure out what the other person's goal is within the conversation and help them achieve it. Re-watch the video if you need to be refreshed what this means.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 45 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. What are you grateful for? List all of the things in your life that you are grateful for.

3. Meditate Part of developing self trust is the ability to quiet your mind. For the next 10 minutes practice meditation. This is simply the act of keeping your mind free of thought. Each time a new thought comes into your mind, just release it.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 46 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Exercise for Flow Make a Conscious Effort to Practice One Simple Activity in Complete Immersion. Simply Enjoy the Experience of the Activity. (ie. Washing Your Car, Jogging, Cleaning Your Room, ect)

3. Meditate Part of developing self trust is the ability to quiet your mind. For the next 10 minutes practice meditation. This is simply the act of keeping your mind free of thought. Each time a new thought comes into your mind, just release it.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 47 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Try Something New Pick one thing youve never done, or dont do enough, and put your complete energy this week in attempting it. Close off distractions, excuses, or frustrations about it.

3. Practice Empathy Go Back and Re-live Specific situation through other point of view. The ability to empathize with people is a skill worth continued practice.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 48 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise In the beginning of the week I told you to get go after one goal. Now it is time to take responsibility for either having taken the action or not.

3. Conversation Flow In the next conversation you are in, attempt to figure out what the other person's goal is within the conversation and help them achieve it. Re-watch the video if you need to be refreshed what this means.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 49 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. List what you intend to have Include your ideal girlfriend, lifestyle, career, and social life. Be sure to include why you are capable of achieving these.

3. Write down your purpose for wanting to improve your self esteem Reminding yourself why you're doing this will help you stay focused over the next 8 weeks.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma Video 8: The Attitude

DAY 50 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. List where you might be presenting "nice guy" behaviors Be honest with yourself, are you doing things you don't want to do in hopes it will make a woman like you?

3. Meditate Part of developing self trust is the ability to quiet your mind. For the next 10 minutes practice meditation. This is simply the act of keeping your mind free of thought. Each time a new thought comes into your mind, just release it.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 51 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. List areas where you are presenting a scarcity mindset Be honest with yourself, what areas are you living with a scarcity mindset.

3. Get Outside Your Comfort Zone The other day you wrote down all the areas you stay within your comfort zone. Over the next 24 hours pick one of those areas and venture outside your comfort zone. You will be held responsible

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 52 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. List all the areas where you have handed over your power to a woman Be honest with yourself. Where have you given away your power to a woman.

3. Responsibility Exercise Yesterday I told you to pick one area and get outside of your comfort zone. Now it is time to take responsibility for either having taken the action or not.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 53 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Anti Nice Guy Exercise Go Out Tonight and Act Solely With Your Best Interest in Mind. Talk About What YOU Want to Talk About. And Practice Obliviousness to What She Might Be Thinking

3. Meditate Part of developing self trust is the ability to quiet your mind. For the next 10 minutes practice meditation. This is simply the act of keeping your mind free of thought. Each time a new thought comes into your mind, just release it.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 54 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. What are you grateful for? List all of the things in your life that you are grateful for.

3. Anti Scarcity Exercise Cut Off All Ties With Women Who Treat You Badly. If Youre holding onto a Crush release her from your mind. Approach a Woman with the firm belief that it is a Numbers Game.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 55 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. Responsibility Exercise Over the past couple days I gave two exercises, one for Anti-Nice Guy and one for Scarcity. Now it is time to take responsibility for either having taken the action or not.

3. Take the Power Back Exercise Begin using the word Lets and start taking control in every interaction you are in with a female.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

DAY 56 Date: ___________

1. Attitude of Confidence Declaration

2. List what you intend to have Include your ideal girlfriend, lifestyle, career, and social life. Be sure to include why you are capable of achieving these.

3. Write down everything you've learned over the past 56 days Reminding yourself why you're doing this will help you stay focused over the next 8 weeks.

4. Acknowledge Your Success. List at least 5 successes that you enjoyed over the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

Completing Your 8 Week Program Over the past 8 weeks or the duration of the program

1. Describe your progress in terms of feeling and acting more confident in various situations.

2. Describe your progress in terms of opportunities that came your way because you stepped outside your comfort zone.

3. Describe your progress in terms of enjoying socializing more.

4. Describe your progress in terms of "how you feel about yourself."

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5. Describe your progress in terms of "how you feel about life"

6. Describe your progress in terms of how you relate to others.

7. What did you learn about yourself?

8. What will you do now to keep your momentum?

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8 Weeks to Confidence, Courage, and Charisma

Well done! Go reward yourself!

Starting Point (Where are You Now)



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