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Ana Teresa N. Behrens 2009-78825 Possible Building Type Problems 1. Technology Research and Development Center 2. Workhomes 3.

Sports Facility/ Athletics Center Technology Research and Development Center

Arch 197 - Silvestre 1st Sem SY 2012-2013

Technology Research and development center are facilities that cater to the research and development of the products or technologies of a certain company. Research and development is one of the means by which business can experience future growth by developing new products or processes to improve and expand their operations. Research facilities are essential to the discoveries and breakthroughs of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Thousands of public and private sector scientists and engineers from industries such as pharmaceutical, biomedical, manufacturing, and biotechnology use all types of laboratories and instruments to advance the frontiers of knowle dge. At times, an entire facility may be built to support the specialized instruments required for research, including accelerators, light sources, research reactors, neutron beam facilities, plasma, fusion science facilities, genome centers, advanced computational centers, wind tunnels, model testing facilities, hot cells, and launch facilities. New product design and development is more often than not a crucial factor in the survival of a company. In an industry that is changing fast, firms must continually revise their design and range of products. Having a research and development facility is necessary due to continuous technology change and development as well as other competitors and the changing preference of customers Existing Buildings:

Zhangjiang Semiconductor Research Park Location: Shanghai, China

Design Architect: MulvannyG2 Architecture Local project architect: ECADI, Shanghai (East China Architectural Design & Research Institute) Apple Inc. Research and Development Campus

Location: Infinite Loop 1, Silicon Valley, California Architect: Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabuam, Inc; BAR Architects (interior) and Gensler Architecture and Design

Nokia Siemens Network (NSN)'s Research and Development Facility Location: Building 9 University of the Philippines-Ayala Technohub, Quezon City, Philippines

Arch 197 Silvestre| Proposed Building Type Problems |Behrens

Workhomes [Live+Work Space] The building type that combines dwelling and workplace. The term live/work was coined in the 1970s, generated as part of a highly successful branding exercise for loft developments in SoHo, New York. These were marketed as an innovative building type that facilitated an exciting new lifestyle. "Live/work" describes accommodation that is specifically designed to enable both residential and business use. It differs from ordinary home working in its nature and in the intensity of business use that may be involved. With live/work accommodation, bui ldings or units are specifically designed to have a higher intensity of business use. This may be in terms of the amount of space devoted to the work use. It may also be that the work element is designed to accommodate more workers than just the resident, and may be set up to encourage company growth. There is a very wide range of different home-based occupations. Therefore a one size fits all design approach is not really appropriate. While both may be home-based workers, a single sculptor making vast installations out of rusty steel is likely to require a different set of spaces to a homebased telecommunication agent with four children. The occupation and status of the users shall be greatly considered on designing a workhomes.

Existing Buildings: Concrete Tower Location: Concepcion, Chile Architect: Mauricio Pezo and Sofa von Ellrichshausen

Live/Work House; Beaver Street Reprise Location: San Francisco, California Architect: Craig Steely

Loloma 5; Loloma Arts District Location: Downtown Scottsdale, Arizona Architect: Will Bruder

Arch 197 Silvestre| Proposed Building Type Problems |Behrens

Sports and Wellness Facility/ Athletics Center A sports and wellness facility is a health, recreational, and social facility geared towards exercise, sports, and other physical activities. It may be for a commercial, community or an institution. An effective sports facility shall accommodate both the serious athlete and the casual recreational user. Sports Facilities include organized activities, group instructional programs such as dance, yoga, and martial arts; organized and impromptu team sports; and individual fitness opportunities such as cardiovascular training, weight training, and swimming. The Athletics Center shall also accommodate outdoor activities with features such as a running track, swimming pool and sport playing fields. The social component is an important secondary function of the Athletics Center and is represented by elements that support the fitness goals but also encourage social interaction. These include a juice or snack bar, and sport spectator seating. Existing Buildings: Nanjing Sports Park Location: Nanjing, China Architect: HOK

Richard A. Lindner Athletics Center Location: Cincinnati, USA

Architect: Bernard Tschumi

RELAXX Sports and Leisure Center Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Architect: AK2 ; Andrea Klimkov, Peter Kruay

References Shulz, Daniel. 2007. Global Creative Architecture. Liaoning Science and Technology Press. USA Pearman, Hugh. Contemporary World Architecture. Phaidon Press Ltd, London, United Kingdom Tschumi, Bernard. 1996. Architecture and Disjunction. MIT Press, USA. Tschumi, Bernard. 2005. Event-Cities 3: Concept vs. Context vs. Content. MIT Press, USA

Arch 197 Silvestre| Proposed Building Type Problems |Behrens

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