Οι Βυζαντινοί απέναντι στους λαούς του ανατολικού και του βαλκανικού κόσμου (με έμφαση στα τουρκόφωνα φύλα)

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The Byzantines vis--vis the peoples of the Oriental and the Balkan worlds
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knowledge and the terminology employed by the Byzantines for their neighbours. A diachronical perusal, based on primary sources and the main secondary works, of the image of the peoples of the Oriental and Balkans world in
the eyes of the Byzantines. Special emphasis is given to the Turkish/Turkophone peoples, as they were transformed in the medieval period via the two
main migratory directions towards the West: a) the Russian steppes and northeastern Balkan peninsula; and b) central (Altaic) Asia and then the
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as their relations with the Eastern Empire, in the framework of international
relations with the diplomatic chessboard in the southeastern Mediterranean

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