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BREAK-UP Experience

Annexure-I Water & Sewerage Department, Eastern

Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Annexure-II PTA(SZ) Environment, KIA, Karachi

Annexure-III Global Environmental Lab, Karachi

Annexure-IV SGS Pakistan Ltd, Karachi

BREAK-UP Experience
Water & Sewerage Authority, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia.

October 1980 till January 1995

Experience as “Lab Supervisor” in Water & Sewerage Authority
Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia involves following operations:

The undersigned has been permanent employee of Ministry of Water & Sewerage
from October,1980 till January 1995 as Lab Supervisor in Central Quality Control
Lab of the Ministry controlling all Sewer Treatment and Desalination Plants in the
Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.

The undersigned has gained specialized Training in Water/Wastewater Treatment

Systems and its associated works from MetCalf & Eddy Incorp, Waikfield,
Mass, USA, while engaged in his services in Water & Sewerage Deptt in eastern
province of Saudi Arabia.

While in Saudi Arabia the undersigned has also worked on Lagooning system of
Wastewater Treatment based on Natural aeration of Wastewater, designed &
constructed by Ballast, B.V. Netherlands.

In Saudi Arabia, every-inch-aspect of Water/ Wastewater were extensively

studied & supervised by the undersigned and has long been involved in
Challenging assignments of the department .A brief description of which are
outlined as under:

 Quality control work of Drinking water supplies from Al-Azizia and Al-Jubail
Desalination Plants. This includes Physical /Chemical/Biological examination of
water from all aspects ; also including study of hostile brine water discharges
impacts on oceanic environment such as continuous extinction of natural
inherited marine flora and fauna in Gulf Marine waters.

 Quality control work of Drinking water supplies from Groundwater

resources(wells), privately managed desalination factories and other water
resources in the province. This includes Physical /Chemical/Biological
examination from all aspects.
 Quality Control work of Dammam /Al-Khobar City Sewer Treatment Plants
(STP) based on Mechanical Aeration of wastewater Treatment, with activated
sludge, designed & constructed by MetCalf & Eddy Incorp, USA. The plant
consisting vital unit operations depicted as under:

 Inlet Structure = 1 ( = 1 Al-Khobar city)

 Aeration Tanks of 15,100m capacity each = 8 ( = 6 Al-Khobar city)
 Sludge Thickeners capacity 800m each = 2 ( = 2 Al-Khobar city)
 Screw Pump Stations = 3 ( = 3 Al-Khobar city)
 Final Clarifiers = 8 ( = 6 Al-Khobar city)

It includes running wide range of Physical/Chemical/Biological tests on various

treatment stages up to the final treated effluent at Sea out-fall at Arabian

 Chlorination of Drinking water Supplies at the origin and at various pumping

stations and in the Dammam city water-Net work and surrounding towns and
villages such as Al-Abqaiq, Al-Rahima, Al-Kafji, Al-Sihat, Al-Qatif, Safwa ,
Taroot and Al-Hassa etc.
 Bacteriological examination of above mentioned water supplies on daily basis.
 Disinfection of Newly laid Mains, branched lines, lateral lines up to the house
 Challenging disinfection of Water Mains of 2000mm dia and 15-20 km length.
 Challenging disinfection of Huge Elevated water tanks rising to the height of
20/30 storied building.
 Challenging Disinfection of Newly built Ground Storage Tanks of capacity 10 –
 Challenging Disinfection following Bacteriological sampling himself from 50/60
locations in the desert including its culturing, in one day.
 Challenging Disinfection/Bacteriological Sampling & other associated work
during active“Gulf War” in seriously war-effected environment, in the year
Jan to March, 1991.
BREAK-UP Experience
PTA(SZ) Environment, KIA, Karachi
June-1996 till January-2004

Experience as “Lab In charge” in PTA Environment, Karachi

involves following operations:

 Establishment/Operation of Quality Control Environmental Lab :

Establishment and Operation of Environmental Lab capable to monitor the

quality control operations of UASB(Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) Pilot
Plant consulted and designed by M/S Haskoning BV Netherlands, a foreign
consultant; and joint ventured by M/S NEC Environment Consultant, Karachi.

 Training Lab Staff:

Training Lab staff of vital Physical and Chemical tests related to Water &
Wastewater treatment ; sample collection, preparation and preservation
techniques adapted by APHA,HACH,USCFR and USEPA based standard
Procedures and protocols.

 Quality Control Work:

Quality Control work /Bench studies relating to operation of Pilot Plant
consisting of vide varieties of Effluent,s parametric tests and other associated
water/wastewater work utilizing Instrument/Equipments listed as under:

 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, AAS (GBC Australia).

 Gas Chromatograph, GC (Perkin Elmer, USA).
 Spectrophotometers/Colorimeters (Hach USA).
 Flame Photometer(Ciba Corning, UK)
 Conductivity/PH/DO Meters(Jenway,UK)
 Digesdahl assembly for TKN (Hach,USA)
 Reactor digestion assembly for COD & Metals (Hach,USA)

 Pilot Plant Studies:

In June 1996 ,PTA, SZ(Pakistan Tanners Association, Southern Zone) hired

me as “Lab In charge” to establish and operate the Environmental Lab and
to assist the related water/wastewater work of its An-Aerobic Pilot
Treatment plant(Phase I) at Korangi Industrial Area in Karachi.
PTA contracted NEC Environment Consultant and its Subsidiary foreign
company M/S “HASKONING” BV, Netherland to design and establish a Pilot
Effluent Treatment Plant for treatment of its Tannery effluent discharges;
whereas financing of the project was sponsored by following three sectors:

o The Government of Pakistan.

o The Royal Dutch Government of Netherlands.
o The PTA Group of Industries(consisting more than 150 small & Bigger

The term Tanning means processing of raw animal hides & skins and
finally converting it to finished leather. There are more than 150 Tanneries
from smaller to larger size are in operation in this particular sector of
Korangi Industrial area.

First phase of the project is to establish an Environmental Quality control

lab ,a Pilot plant based on effluent Treatment by well known Technology
referred to as UASB ( Up flow An-Aerobic Sludge Blanket)Technology ; and
to use raw influent from nearby waste discharges of M/S Mohammad Shafi

In this technology Influent waste discharges enters an An-Aerobic closed

system(An-Aerobic Bio-reactor) from the bottom ; passes through an
activated sludge blanket for an optimized period of time ,raised to the
surface with evolution of bio-degraded components such as mainly of CH4
& CO2 in association with viable amount of N2 and varying minor amounts
of H2S,H2 and volatile fatty acids. These Bio-degraded gases are collected
on the top along with treated effluent and is discharged outside for further

There is an estimated cluster of 200 tanneries are operating in Korangi

Industrial Area, discharging multi type of chemicals and animal wastes
with varying amount along with evolution of very disgusting and un-
pleasant smell, that is causing acutely serious Environmental impacts to
an alarming level in the region as well as to the nearby agricultural land
and further to the sea-outfall at Indian ocean ; thereby endangering the
aquatic based life consisting of precious flora and fauna.

With group of Engineers and technicians the Pilot Plant was put into
operation. In the early stage of operation, only pure Tannery effluent was
used after equalization step but no viable reaction was observed even
after prolong waiting. It was found after hectic efforts that the effluent
stream is acutely short of microbial population that are mainly responsible
for degradation of huge amount of Organics in the form of carbohydrates,
proteins and lipids.

In other words the optimum level of F/M (Food to Biomass) ratio was not
achieved; because large F/M ratio do not support an active biochemical
reaction with proportional growth and propagation of microorganisms but
proving mortal to biomass. In order to overcome the dilemma the tannery
effluent stream was gradually enriched with fresh domestic wastewater
brought from nearby Mahmoodabad,s domestic Effluent Treatment Plant.

Our Technical team come across many difficulties to stabilize the Pilot
plant to an optimum level. The fact of the matter was that the effluent
loading was accompanied by terribly large amount of pollutants in the
form of COD, BOD,TSS,VSS,TDS and TKN ; I never come across before ;
sometimes it looks difficult to apply APHA analytical procedures correctly
because of unprecedented and unimaginable interferences.
Depicted below is summary of problems, we come across to stabilize the
pilot plant:

 High Sulphate Contents, ranging from 2000 to 3000ppm , because most

tanneries consuming water from its own bored wells.
 Extremely large BOD/COD loadings, ranging from 1500 to 3000ppm BOD
and 30,000+ ppm as COD respectively.
 Extremely High Suspended solids(TSS) ,ranging 500 to 2500ppm.
 Extremely Large Volatile Suspended Solid(VSS), ranging 400 to 2000ppm.
 High Chromium contents, ranging 50 to 250 ppm.
 Low Microbial population as compared to huge amount of nutrient food in
the form of Carbonaceous and Nitrogenous organics(Proteins).
Tanning of raw hides and skins involves multi fold treatment processes
such as De-hairing, Liming, Trimming, De-liming, Bating, De-greasing,
Pickling, Tanning and Dyeing ; and multi type Chemicals and dyes are
used in these processes. The combined effluent emerges from individual
Tannery has multi fold pollution load in terms of COD,
BOD,TSS,VSS,TDS,TKN ,Amm(N),PO4 and Chromium.

It was ultimately revealed that Tannery effluent stream is acutely lack of

microbial population mainly due to Extremes of PH caused by extensive
chemical usage and due to presence of extra large organics as nutrient
food ; because presence of extra large food/nutrient prove toxic to

In order to compensate the shortfall of biomass , the tannery effluent

was gradually enriched with domestic wastewater since the plant was
found acutely short of Microbial population . Dilution activity with domestic
sewer was conducted in very small increments until peak ratio of (1:1.5)
to (1:1.7) was reached ; at this dilution the Bio-reactor yielded optimum
and ultimate efficiency. A significant long time was lapsed to reach at peak
ratio ranges at which maximum biochemical reaction took place ; thereby
accelerating the biodegradability of large organics. So in this way, after
months of hectic efforts, we were finally be able to stabilize the pilot plant
to optimum efficiency with optimum evolution of following gaseous

 Methane,CH4 = 80%
 Carbon Dioxide, CO2 = 10%
 Nitrogen, N2 = 10%
BREAK-UP Experience
Global Environmental Lab, Karachi
Jan-2005 till June-2005

Experience as “General Manager” in Global Environmental Lab,

Karachi involves following operations:

 Training Lab Staff :

Training Lab staff on Water/Wastewater for Sampling/Storage and Analytical

Techniques adapting APHA/ HACH/ USEPA approved Standard Procedures.

 Marketing/Consultancy Services:

Marketing and providing Consultancy services in the field of Emission

monitoring , Combustion , Pollution Control and Water/Wastewater Treatment
System and its related work.
 Quality Control Work:
Quality Control Work relating to Environmental Monitoring, Water/Wastewater
Sampling and other associated work utilizing Instrument/Equipments listed as
1. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, AAS (GBC Australia).
2. Gas Chromatograph, GC (Hewlett Packard USA).
3. Spectrophotometers/Colorimeters (Hach USA).
4. Microbiology Analyses.
5. Maester-2000, Flue Gas Analyses (Maester Instrument, UK).
6. Lancôme Series II, Flue Gas Analyzer (Land Combustion/Environmental
Monitoring, UK).
7. Ambient Air Monitoring using Dragger,s tubes.
8. High Volume Sampler for PM10 and Metal Analyzer in ambient air.
9. Noise Level meter/ Lux Meter etc.
 Environmental Studies:

Active involvement in Environmental studies of various local, national and

multinational projects depicted as under:

 PPL – Pakistan Petroleum,s projects at Sui, Mazrani, Kandhkot and Adhi

gas Fields in Baluchistan and Panjab (2005).
 JICA – Japanese oriented project referred to as “ Leach ate studies” in
surroundings of Islamabad(2005).
 MRDL – Chinese oriented project in Copper/Gold Mines Saindak, Quetta,
 ACE-ROC – Joint ACE-FFC 175 MW Thermal Power Plant at Daharki, Sindh
run on Mari gas (2005).
 MANGLA DAM RAISING PROJECT—10 MGD Water Treatment Plant, New
Mirpur City by Joint ACE-NESPAK Venture (2005).
BREAK-UP Experience
SGS Pakistan Ltd, Karachi
September-2005 till date

Experience as “In charge Environmental Lab” in SGS Pakistan Ltd,

Karachi involves following Operations:

 Quality Control :

Quality control work of Environmental Analyses described as under:

1. Water/Wastewater Analyses
2. Sediment Analyses
3. Soil Analyses
4. Solid waste Analyses
5. Gases Emission Analyses (Point Source Emissions)
6. Ambient Air Analyses (Non-Permanent gases in Ambient
7. Microbiological Analyses


Spectrophotometers(VIS/UV), Ion-selective Electrodes, Atomic Absorption

Spectrophotometers , Gas Chromatographs , Flame Photometers , Lancom
Flue Gas Analyzers(Point source emissions) ; High volume
samplers(TSP/PM10/PM2.5 analyses) and later on metal analyses by AAS
Spectrometry ; Concentration-based air sampling based on
Adsorption/Absorption for later on GC/Wet analyses (ambient gaseous
analyses); ITX Macro-determination air contaminants(indoor air
monitoring);Weather Station, equipped also with micro-determination of most
desired air contaminants such as CO, NOx, SOx, PM10 etc ; plus Wet Analyses
and many other baseline lab instruments.

Sampling/Analyses Protocols and Guidelines:


 Marketing:

Capability marketing based on profession and social-based linkages from

diversified Local and multinational companies throughout Pakistan.
 EIA , IEE, ESA Studies:

Active involvement in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Initial

Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environment Site Assessment(ESA) and
other Environmental studies of various local, multinational and International
projects depicted as under:

1. PPL,s Effluent Treatment Plant, Sui , Baluchistan based on Lagooning

system of wastewater treatment by extended aeration(2006).
2. PPL,s Environmental study of 82 wellheads, its Gaseous Emission Releases
; its Soil amenability to agriculture and its Ground water resources(2007).
3. PPL,s Environmental study of diversified process locations in Sui, Kandkot,
Mazrani and Adhi gas fields(2007/2008).
4. Baseline data generation for ETP Studies for Atlas Honda, SITE, Karachi
5. Baseline data generation for ETP Studies for Abbott Pakistan Ltd, LIA,
Karachi (2006/2007).
6. Nestle Water Desalination Plant, Port Qasim, Karachi involved in
production of bottled water by Reverse Osmosis Desalination(2006).
7. Century Paper & Board Mills Limited,67–KM, Multan Road, Lahore,
Bhaipheru, Distt. Kasur. involved in production of Paper & allied
8. Pak-China Chemicals, Lahore involved in first-ever production of Bio-
Pesticides in the country (2007).
9. EMAAR GIGA Modern city project, Budoo-Bundal Island, Karachi involved
in construction of modern city on BB Island through Dubai-based company
10. Gul Ahmed,s 15 MW Power Co-Generation expansion based on Gas &
Steam Turbine in Landhi industrial area, Karachi(2008).
11. PARCO-MCR expansion of De-Sulfurization & Air blown Asphalt units, in
Muzafargarh of Multan district(2008).
12. WWF,s Study of wetlands in Pakistan (2007/2008).
13. Nestle,s Expansion of Effluent Treatment Plant and other dairy products in
Kabirwalla city of Multan district(2008).
14. Sitara,s PVC and Hydrogen Peroxide manufacturing plants respectively in
Faisalabad city of Pakistan(2007).
15. Plus many small to Medium Environmental Studies in Pakistan.


Postal Address: House:A-72,Faraz Avenue,

Off Rashid Minhas Road,
Gulistan-e-Johar, KARACHI-75290
Tel: 92-21- 4017744


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