PSE Conf 2012

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IEA-Annex 9 Energy Efficient Separation Systems

Workshop on Energy Efficient Separation Systems at PSE 2012

Organized by: Assoc. prof. Grkan Sin*, Prof. Rafiqul Gani*, Prof. Raj Srinivasan**, Prof. Iftekhar Karimi**. *CAPEC, DTU Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark & ** National University of Singapore. Endorsed by: IEA Energy Technology Network: IEA-Industry an implementing agreement established under the auspices of International Energy Agency (IEA). Workshop scope Process industries offer large energy efficiency opportunities. According to IEA, adoption of known (best available) technologies by process industries can lead to energy savings of 2741 exajoules (EJ) and 7-12% reduction of todays global CO2 emissions.. Separation systems can represent 40-70 % of both capital and operating costs in industry. Separation systems are essential principal unit operations employed in many process industries. They also account for 45 % of all the process energy used by the chemical and petroleum refining industries every year. Therefore energy efficient separation technologies and systems are critical factors in long-term sustainability of the industry, energy efficiency and productivity. Workshop objectives There are a number of separation technologies developed over the years employed across the board of processing industries from chemical, oil refinery, petrochemical, food and pharmaceutical industries. These separation technologies range from processes that use the principle of phase addition/creation (such as distillation, flash, crystallisation, etc), separation by solid agent (such as adsorption, ion exchange, etc), to separation by field or gradient (centrifugation, electrodialysis, electrophoresis, ...). These separation techniques have different unit energy consumption and environmental footprint metrics, which contributes to the overall sustainability and energy efficiency equation of the processing industries. This workshop aims to bring together professionals and eminent experts in the field of separation processes both from academia and industry to share, exchange and discuss various aspects of energy efficiency challenge of separation task in processing industry. The workshop will feature 3 invited professionals from industry and 3 invited experts from academia and will take 3.5 hours in total including lecture and discussions. The invited lecturers will represent a number of countries and industries. Based on the invited lectures presentations and discussions with the participants, the workshop aims to contribute to formulation of a road map on energy efficient separation technologies with recommendations and guidelines on new technologies, best methods and practices to be drafted for IEA-Industry Technology Network. The workshop is open for participants of PSE 2012 conference. Due to the availability of a limited number of seats, the workshop participants will be accepted on first come first serve basis. Please indicate your interest in participation when registering to the PSE 2012 conference.

Workshop Date: On July 20, 2012 follow-up to PSE2012 conference.

Venue: National University of Singapore, Singapore

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