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August 10, 2007 Vol. 46, No.


Spaceport News
John F. Kennedy Space Center - America’s gateway to the universe

STS-118 crew members proud of modified Endeavour

By Linda Herridge for Endeavour since 2002.
Staff Writer An excited orbiter team
cheered as Endeavour made its

t press time, the Space way from the Orbiter Processing
Shuttle Endeavour and the Facility to the Vehicle Assembly
STS-118 seven-member Building last month for mating
crew were scheduled to lift off from to its external tank and solid
Launch Pad 39A on Aug. 8. rocket boosters. After spending
Commander Scott Kelly will lead nearly five years in the facility
Pilot Charlie Hobaugh and for intense orbiter modification
Mission Specialists Tracy and maintenance, known as
Caldwell, Alvin Drew, Rick OMM, Endeavour was ready
Mastracchio, Barbara R. Morgan to fly.
and Dave Williams on the sched- When the OMM and return-
uled 11-day mission. to-flight modifications were
The 22nd flight to the Interna- completed in June, the team had
tional Space Station will be the inspected, tested, repaired,
first mission for Morgan, the replaced, modified or upgraded
teacher-turned-astronaut whose practically every piece of the
association with NASA began orbiter’s components.
more than 20 years ago. The The first “station-to-shuttle
SPACE SHUTTLE Endeavour’s cockpit instrumentation was replaced with
mission also marks the first flight (See ENDEAVOUR, Page 4) a new multi-functional electronic display system, also called the glass
cockpit. The orbiter has undergone nearly five years of modifications.

NASA’s Phoenix begins journey to sample Mars water

ASA’s Phoenix Mars Phoenix project manager at
mission blasted off Aug. 4 NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
and is now aiming for a in Pasadena, Calif. “We are all
May 25, 2008, arrival at the Red thrilled!”
Planet for a close-up examination Phoenix will be the first
of the surface of the northern polar mission to touch water-ice on
region. Mars. The spacecraft’s robotic arm
Perched atop a Delta II rocket, will dig to an icy layer believed to
the spacecraft left Cape Canaveral lie just beneath the surface. The
Air Force Base Launch Pad 17A at mission will study the history of
5:26 a.m. The spacecraft estab- the water in the ice, monitor
lished communications with its weather of the polar region, and
ground team via the Goldstone, investigate whether the subsurface
Calif., antenna station of NASA’s environment in the far-northern
Deep Space Network at 7:02 a.m. plains of Mars has ever been
after separating from the third favorable for sustaining microbial
stage of the launch vehicle. life.
The NASA Launch Services The Phoenix Mars mission is
Program at Kennedy Space Center the first of NASA’s competitively
and the United Launch Alliance proposed and selected Mars Scout
are responsible for the Delta II missions, supplementing the
launch service. agency’s core Mars Exploration
“The launch team did a Program, whose theme is “follow
THE DELTA II rocket carrying NASA’s Phoenix Mars lander launches from
spectacular job getting us on the the water.” The University of Pad 17A on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. Phoenix will land in icy
way,” said Barry Goldstein, (See PHOENIX, Page 7) soils near the permanent ice cap of Mars in May 2008.
Page 2 SPACEPORT NEWS August 10, 2007

STS-120 crew members complete test for October mission

he crew members for INSPECTING THE thermal protection
NASA’s STS-120 mission system, or TPS, tiles under Space
recently completed their Shuttle Discovery in Orbiter Processing
Crew Equipment Interface Test, or Facility bay 3 are, from left, Expedition 16
Awards Flight Engineer Daniel Tani; Mission
CEIT, at the Kennedy Space
Specialist Douglas Wheelock; Pilot
Center. Among the activities George Zamka; Mission Specialist Paolo
standard to a CEIT are harness Nespoli (sitting), a European Space
training, inspection of the thermal Agency astronaut from Italy; Mission
protection system and camera Specialist Scott Parazynski; Commander
operation for planned extravehicu- Pamela Melroy; Allison Bolinger
lar activities. (kneeling), an EVA technician with NASA;
The STS-120 mission will and Mission Specialist Stephanie
deliver the Harmony module, Wilson.
christened after a school contest,
which will provide attachment
points for European and Japanese
laboratory modules on the
International Space Station.
Also known as Node 2, it is members handle tools
similar to the six-sided Unity they will use during the
module that links the U.S. and mission. Around the
Russian sections of the station. table, from left with
Built in Italy for the United States, flight suits, are Mission
Harmony will be the first new U.S. Specialists Scott
pressurized component to be Parazynski, Douglas
added. The STS-120 mission is Wheelock, Paolo
Nespoli and Expedition
targeted to launch on Oct. 20.
16 Flight Engineer GIVING A close inspection to Discovery
Visit for Daniel Tani. are Mission Specialist Stephanie Wilson
the latest update. (left) and Commander Pamela Melroy.

National Space Club honors three with Lifetime Achievement Awards

he National Space Club of
Florida will recognize space
pioneers Norris “Chief”
Gray, Jay Honeycutt and Charlie
Murphy with the 2007 Lifetime
Achievement Awards during a
luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Aug. 14 at
the DoubleTree Hotel in Cocoa
“Jay, Charlie and Norris each
have made significant contribu-
tions to the space community
through their impressive careers,”
said Adrian Laffitte, chairman of
FROM LEFT, Norris “Chief” Gray, Jay Honeycutt (pictured left) and Charlie Murphy will be honored by the National
the non-profit organization. “The Space Club of Florida with Lifetime Achievement Awards on Aug. 14 at the montly luncheon.
Space Club is proud to acknowl-
edge their achievements.” Missile Annex as fire chief and served as special assistant to the XSM-64 Navaho Program; the
Gray, retired since 1984, still emergency preparedness officer. associate administrator for Titan, Atlas and Minuteman
serves as a NASA public affairs Honeycutt’s career has spanned spaceflight, and coordinated Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
volunteer with almost 60 years of almost the entire history of the U.S. Presidential Commission and Programs; the S-II stage of the
involvement in rocket launching human spaceflight program. He Congressional activities related to Saturn V; the Apollo Command
activities at Cape Canaveral and served as director of Kennedy the Challenger accident. He retired and Service Module; and the
Kennedy Space Center, spanning Space Center and director of from a Lockheed Martin program Space Shuttle Program, where he
from the Bumper rocket launch to shuttle management and opera- vice president position in 2004. directed launch and landing
the Space Shuttle Program’s STS- tions at KSC. He was responsible Murphy, a recently retired operations and all orbiter logistics.
117 mission. His spaceport career for engineering management and senior executive for United Space For reservations, contact
began in 1949 at the Joint Long- technical direction of preflight, Alliance, is a 48-year veteran of LaDonna Neterer at 867-0895 or
Range Proving Ground before launch, landing and recovery aerospace launch operations. He
moving on to the Cape Canaveral activities for shuttles. Honeycutt has served critical roles on the
August 10, 2007 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 3

Hail monitoring system provides accurate analysis

By Jeff Stuckey great example of NASA ingenu-
Editor ity.”
The original hail detection

etween the late-February system used sheets of aluminum
hailstorm that forced Space foil stretched over Styrofoam, a
Shuttle Atlantis to roll back system developed by Colorado
from Launch Pad 39A to the State University. The foil revealed
Vehicle Assembly Building, to the when hail struck an area by
July torrential rainstorms that showing large indentations on the
brought the potential for more hail, surface.
Kennedy Space Center engineers The need for an advanced
have been relying on a new hail system became apparent after hail
detection system more than ever. struck Space Shuttle Discovery in
NASA and ASRC Aerospace May 1999 while awaiting launch
engineers have developed a for STS-96. The hail monitors have
special hail monitor, called the not replaced manual inspections
size distribution impact transducer, after a storm, but rather supplement
to better detect and assess hail- visual inspections. Engineers
storms that could damage a space retrieve information from the
shuttle or its fuel tank while monitors at the launch pad.
standing on a launch pad. The According to ASRC Aerospace
shuttles have been struck five engineer John Lane, the sound of
times while at the pad undergoing rain deflecting off a vehicle is
preparation for launch. distinctly different than the sound
The new hail monitoring produced by falling hail. The
system was first used at Launch sound of hail is not only louder, it
Pad 39B for last year’s STS-115 also contains higher frequencies JOHN LANE, an ASRC Aerospace engineer, kneels next to the hail
mission. due to its hardness. monitoring system. Other developers of the monitor include, from left, Joe
“Armed with this hail impact “The hail monitor sensor is a Dean, Bill Haskell, Bob Cox and Dr. Bob Youngquist.
data, a more informed judgment metal plate in the shape of a processes the microphone signal. Lane said by performing
can now be made as to the size, shallow pyramid which deflects By placing three hail monitor- special data processing, the hail
depth and number of damaged hail from the sensor surface after ing systems close to the launch data, coupled with velocity data,
sites to expect, and the possible one hit, thus preventing multiple pad, any hail striking the shuttle or can be merged into a four-dimen-
type of repair that may be re- bounces from the same hail stone,” the launch pad structures can be sional picture showing space and
quired,” said Charlie Stevenson, Lane said. A microphone pickup is detected by the monitors and time of hail size distributions.
NASA technical assistant to the mounted beneath and in the center recorded by the liquid crystal Specific impact areas can then be
shuttle chief engineer. “When fully of the metal plate. display, or LCD, counters. Ground pointed out for inspection crews
deployed, the hail monitor will The output of this microphone operations personnel check the immediately following a hail
transmit data back to the Launch is connected to an electronic counters daily when a vehicle is on storm.
Control Center. This is another circuit which digitizes and the pad.

August NASA employees of the month

he August NASA employees
of the month include, from
left, Renee Debing, Informa-
tion Technology and Communica-
tions Services; Fayann Hull,
External Relations; Sheila Plourd,
International Space Station and
Spacecraft Processing; Tammy
Burlein, Procurement Office;
Damara Belson, Chief Financial
Office; Maurice Lavoie, Center
Operations; Theresa Kroning,
Launch Services Program; Giselle
Altman, Engineering Directorate;
and Vera Murphy, Safety and
Mission Assurance.
Page 4 SPACEPORT NEWS August 10, 2007

Endeavour ready to fly after major modifications

ENDEAVOUR . . . inspection.
The orbiter’s cockpit instru-
(Continued from Page 1) mentation was gutted and replaced
with a new multi-functional
power transfer system” was
electronic display system, also
installed in Endeavour’s payload
called the “glass cockpit.” A
bay. The orbiter also received
global positioning satellite system
return-to-flight modifications
was added and the cockpit’s
including the orbiter boom sensor
outermost windows on each side
system, wing leading edge
were replaced with thicker
instrumentation and a digital
window panes.
external tank separation camera.
Approximately 2,045 tiles were
NASA Launch Director Mike
removed and replaced, and 72
Leinbach said the changes make
Boeing reusable insulation tiles
Endeavour quite unique. “In
were installed in critical areas on
particular, the station-to-shuttle
wing leading edges, and main and
power transfer system work makes
nose landing gear doors. All wing
the orbiter a more flexible ship to
leading edge reinforced carbon-
support the continuing construc-
carbon panels were removed and
tion of the station by allowing for
inspected using non-destructive TECHNICIANS
longer docked times with the
evaluation. A record-breaking REINSTALL the
2,000 thermal control system remote manipulator
The orbiter also carried with it
insulation blankets were removed system (above) in
something not visible — the hopes
from inside the vehicle and either Endeavour as part
and dreams of hundreds of NASA, of the orbiter
refurbished or replaced.
United Space Alliance and Boeing modification and
“This was a unique flow with
engineers, planners, technicians, maintenance. At
the large volume of work accom-
quality inspectors and many others left, a technician
plished by a lot of great people,”
who painstakingly worked around inspects one of
said Mike Parrish, USA’s opera- 2,045 tiles that
the clock to prepare the vehicle for
tions chief for orbiter Endeavour. were replaced.
Among the major components
During the OMM, the process-
removed, inspected and reinstalled
ing team completed 195 modifica-
were the remote manipulator
tions and 205 special tests,
system, forward reaction control
according to Tassos Abadiotakis,
system, orbital maneuvering
Endeavour’s flow director since
system pods, rudder speed brakes
and body flap.
“This was a long and challeng-
Every orbiter system was
ing flow for the team and I’m really
inspected and tested, including the
proud of their hard work and
hydraulics, electrical and main
dedication,” Abadiotakis said.
propulsion systems. The vehicle’s
Extensive structural and wiring
mechanisms, communications
inspections were completed on the
systems, environmental control life
vehicle. Approximately 150 miles
support system, fuel cells, struc-
of wiring was inspected and many
tures, cryogenics and flight
components were removed to gain
controls were also tested.
access to the vehicle’s airframe for

Teachers in space conference FORMER

helps build future work force astronaut

ore than 400 participants attended the Innovative Strategies Springer talks
for Cultivating the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering to attendees
and Mathematics) Conference in Orlando and at the Kennedy of the
Space Center on Aug. 5-8. They included educators of kindergarten teachers in
through 12th grades, university faculty and students, informal education
conference in
leaders (from science centers, the Girl Scouts and others), and companies the Apolllo/
such as Microsoft and Google. The conference focused on discussing Saturn V
innovative programs at all educational levels to attract and retain more Center.
students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disci-
plines to help build the technical work force of the future. The confer-
ence was sponsored by NASA’s Office of Education and the Space
Operations mission directorate.
August 10, 2007 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 5

Bruce Willis Blues Band, ‘Armageddon’ screening

entertains guests at Visitor Complex
he Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex and the Netflix Live!
on Location concert and movie series teamed up to offer a live
concert with the Bruce Willis Blues Band on Aug. 2 in the Rocket
Garden. The concert was followed by a free outdoor screening of the
1998 Academy Award-nominated classic “Armageddon,” which included
scenes filmed at the center. The series pairs a free screening of a pop-
culture movie classic with a live musical performance by one of the
films’ featured stars in locations uniquely associated with the movies.
Entertainment correspondent and actress Maria Menounos hosted the
event and introduced the band and the film.

THE BRUCE Willis Blues Band begins performing in the Rocket Garden
at the Netflix Live! on Location concert held Aug. 2.

CENTER DIRECTOR Bill Parsons welcomes the crowd to the concert

while host Maria Menounos looks on.

(right) plays
during the
concert. The
actor also
appeared in the
shown after the
THE CROWD at the Netflix Live! on Location concert at the Visitor
Complex welcomes The Bruce Willis Blues Band to the stage.

THE AUDIENCE, estimated between

6,000 to 7,000 people, was able to bring
lawn chairs to enjoy the “Armageddon”
screening. For the day, the Visitor Complex
set a one-day attendance record of 9,400
people. The Netflix Live! on Location
concert series pairs a free screening of a
movie classic with a live musical
performance by one of the films’ featured
stars in locations associated with the
Page 6 SPACEPORT NEWS August 10, 2007

NASA’s Space Grant projects inspire students, teachers

By Linda Herridge Garner said. DR. JOSE Granda, a
Staff Writer Garner is a higher-education professor in
program specialist in the education mechanical

ollege students and their programs and university research engineering at
California State
instructors will soon division of the External Relations
University, has met with
participate in exciting and directorate at KSC. representatives from
educational research and develop- For the Faculty Project, Garner many of the center’s
ment opportunities through said five faculty members were directorates to talk
NASA’s new Space Grant Student competitively selected for the 10- about future internship
Project and Space Grant Faculty week summer program, with each and senior project
Project. The agency’s Exploration working at two NASA field centers. needs. “What I’m doing
Systems mission directorate They serve as liaisons between has a direct impact on
oversees both projects. NASA, the universities and the motivating and training
the future NASA and
Dr. Lesley Garner, who man- students.
contractor work force,”
ages the projects for the agency at At KSC, the Exploration Granda said.
Kennedy Space Center, said they Systems Space Grant faculty
support NASA’s education participant is Dr. Jose Granda, a
framework by contributing to the professor in mechanical engineer-
development of the science, ing at California State University
technology, engineering and in Sacramento. the success of students in any tives from the Launch Services
mathematics work force. Prior to arriving at the center, NASA internship program,” Program, the Life Sciences
The goal is to establish a close Granda spent five weeks at Ames Granda said. “What I’m doing has Division, Applied Technology,
relationship between NASA’s Research Center at Moffett Field, a direct impact on motivating and Constellation Project Office,
centers and the National Space Calif. He has been a NASA Faculty training the future NASA and Engineering Development,
Grant Consortia, also known as Fellow since 2002 and serves as contractor work force, and contrib- environmental, guidance and
Space Grant, and increase the the campus director at CSU- uting to the success of students is a control systems, and many others
collaboration between NASA and Sacramento for the California very rewarding experience for a to discuss their internship and
the academic community that Space Consortia. professor. senior project needs.
contributes to the agency’s Granda met with researchers “It’s very exciting, working The directorate’s internships
objectives. and engineers to gather senior with the engineers that make the and senior design projects for 2008
“Students are exposed to design project ideas and internship space program move forward. It is will be available to view at http://
systems engineering in a real- opportunities relative to the an enriching experience, both
world setting through internships directorate’s needs. technically and personally.” ESMDspacegrant/.
and senior design projects,” “The word ‘inspire’ is key to Granda met with representa-

Plourd honored by space station, spacecraft processing team

By Jennifer Wolfinger NASA. Plourd’s wish was fulfilled recently was impressed by her
Staff Writer when she joined the agency in ability to handle complex and
2005. She supports the international travel orders.

anagement support directorate’s deputy of operations, “Her professionalism and
assistant Sheila Plourd the chief of operations, branch excellent attitude in making last-
was chosen as the managers and their staff. She minute changes to travel plans
International Space Station and handles all the administrative tasks removes the stress from the
Spacecraft Processing directorate’s for 35 employees, streamlines the traveler, allowing them to focus on
August employee of the month for division’s activities and calendars, the actual business rather than
her ability to balance an ever- coordinates travel arrangements worry about travel planning,” he
changing schedule of activities, a and performs many other tasks. said.
demanding work load and the “The people are very apprecia- She and her husband have one
competing priorities of her tive and I feel valued at my job. I adult daughter, Jennifer, who is
colleagues. consider it a real honor to be a studying finance at the University
“I was very honored to be member of the International Space of South Florida in Tampa. Plourd
selected, because our directorate Station processing team,” she said. also looks forward to sharing her
has a lot of high achievers, so to be “An added bonus was being able experiences with future genera-
compared to them was a great to see the flight hardware up close tions.
honor,” she shared. and personal, and touring the She said, “I can’t wait to tell
When her husband, Steve, was Orbiter Processing Facility and my grandchildren, with pride, that
assigned to be a senior chief and both launch pads.” I worked with the people who built
medical department representative Plourd believes her can-do the International Space Station,
International Space Station and
at the Naval Ordnance Test Unit at attitude and dedication to helping which helped us prepare to go Spacecraft Processing directorate
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, people led to her recognition. Her back to the moon and travel to is an August NASA employee of
she immediately wanted to work at division chief, Gennaro Caliendo, Mars.” the month.
August 10, 2007 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 7

Remembering Our Heritage

30 years ago: First free flight for shuttle orbiter draws a crowd
By Kay Grinter
Reference Librarian

n Aug. 12, 1977, astro-
nauts Fred Haise and
Gordon Fullerton took the
orbiter Enterprise for the first
piloted free flight during the
Approach and Landing Test, or
ALT, program for NASA’s new
manned vehicle, the space shuttle.
Sixteen various exercises were
conducted altogether, culminating
in five free flights.
The free flights were designed
to verify the orbiter’s subsonic
airworthiness, the operation of its
integrated system, and its pilot-
THE ORBITER Enterprise soars above the NASA 747 carrier aircraft only seconds after separating during the
guided approach and landing first free flight of the shuttle Approach and Landing Tests. Astronauts Fred Haise (left) and Gordon Fullerton
capabilities. were the crew members of the Enterprise.
The crew was trained to
separate the orbiter from atop the “The office staff was made up and SCA for flight, a mission simulators,” Haise reported.
Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, or SCA, of employees assigned from three profile, and landing and post- Fullerton described its perfor-
and glide to a landing on a dry space centers,” Tharpe recalled. “A landing ground operations.” mance as “like a fighter aircraft,
lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base Johnson recruit interacted with the In flight, the SCA performed a rather than a freighter.”
in California. During the first free flight crews, a Dryden employee shallow dive on cue, and Haise After flying free for 5 minutes,
flight, a tail cone was installed coordinated the logistical support, triggered the explosive bolts 22 seconds, Enterprise touched
over the orbiter’s dummy main and Kennedy provided a manager linking the two aircraft. Enterprise down on Rogers Dry Lake at a
engines to reduce buffeting. — me — and a console operator, lifted free. One of the redundant speed of 207 miles per hour and
Roy Tharpe is the deputy site Don Eversberg. I was the ‘go-to’ computers on the orbiter failed at rolled about two miles before
leader for Boeing Florida Opera- guy for anything and everything separation, cutting off flight- coming to a stop.
tions at Kennedy Space Center. that had to do with test support for control accelerometers but without Approximately 70,000 specta-
From 1975 to 1977, though, he ALT ground operations. affecting the flight. tors braved the heat in the Mojave
lived in Lancaster, Calif., and was “The first free flight was the Both astronauts gave the Desert just after 9 a.m. Pacific time
NASA’s manager of the Shuttle first test to require all aspects of an orbiter a good evaluation. for the orbiter’s historic first
Test Support Office at Dryden actual shuttle mission: ground “Enterprise’s handling qualities landing.
Flight Research Center. processing to prepare the orbiter were better than experienced in our

PHOENIX . . . (Continued from Page 1) ON LAUNCH

Pad 17A at
Arizona was selected to lead the mission in August 2003 and is the first Cape Canaveral
public university to lead a Mars exploration mission. Air Force
Phoenix uses the main body of a lander originally made for a 2001 Station, the first
mission that was cancelled before launch. half of the
Samples of soil and ice collected by the lander’s robotic arm will be fairing is moved
into place
analyzed by instruments mounted on the deck. One key instrument will
around the
check for water and carbon-containing compounds by heating soil Phoenix Mars
samples in tiny ovens and examining the vapors that are given off. lander for
The lander carries seven instruments. They include the robotic arm, installation. The
which will dig into the ground and deliver samples to two instruments spacecraft is
for analysis; the robotic arm camera, which will provide close-up color scheduled to
images of the soil and ice; the thermal and evolved-gas analyzer that will land on Mars on
heat soil samples delivered by the arm and measure how much water May 25, 2008,
vapor, carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds are given off as for a close-up
examination of
the temperature climbs; the microscopy, electrochemistry and conductiv-
the surface of
ity analyzer; the surface stereo imager; the meteorological station; and the northern
the Mars descent imager, which will provide geological context for the polar region.
landing site.
Page 8 SPACEPORT NEWS August 10, 2007

Intercenter Walk/Run set for Sept. 18 at landing facility

he Kennedy Space Center
Fitness Centers are sponsor-
ing the Intercenter Walk/
Run which will start at 5 p.m. on
Sept. 18 at the Shuttle Landing
Facility. The 2-mile walk/run, 5K
run and 10K run are free for all
spaceport employees.
Stop by either fitness center by
Sept. 14 to pre-register. Late
registration will take place at the
race. T-shirts may be ordered at
any NASA Exchange store
beginning Aug. 13. The order
deadline for T-shirts is Sept. 7.
Anyone interested in helping
out should call 867-7829 or e-mail SPACEPORT EMPLOYEES line up for the start of last year’s Intercenter Walk/Run at the Shuttle Landing Facility.
This year’s 2-mile walk/run, 5K run and 10K run events are scheduled for Sept. 18.

Last SPACEHAB module assists STS-118 mission

By Steven Siceloff The MPLMs are built to attach
Staff Writer directly to the space station during
a shuttle mission, but still come

PACEHAB is preparing to back with the orbiter. A module
close the hatch on its shuttle from SPACEHAB remains in the
research and cargo carrier cargo bay during the entire flight.
enterprise 14 years after its first Since flying its first pressurized
pressurized module flew into space module in 1993 aboard STS-57,
on an orbiter, while the company the company has claimed the
begins its strategic journey into mantle of a successful aerospace
space-based microgravity process- corporation by catering to re-
ing. searchers and others willing to pay
The company provided its first to get their experiments into space
space-rated travel trailer of sorts to and back aboard an orbiter.
NASA in 1993. Later, the design The hundreds of past experi-
would come in especially handy ments carried out aboard the
for missions to the Mir space modules include aerogel, the
station and during the construction super-lightweight substance that
of the International Space Station. became the centerpiece of the
The single module bolted into Stardust mission to gather particles
THE LAST SPACEHAB module is loaded for transport to Endeavour’s
Endeavour’s cargo bay will from interstellar space. cargo bay for the STS-118 mission.
continue that work by carrying Just packing the module takes
some 5,800 pounds of equipment considerable planning, especially
and supplies to the International considering that some of the bags John F. Kennedy Space Center
Space Station, according to Don have to be loaded while the
Moore, director of ground opera-
tions at the company’s Cape
module is on its back inside
Endeavour at the launch pad. The
Spaceport News
Canaveral facility. loaders devise a complex choreog-
Pete Paceley, SPACEHAB raphy to get the 5,800 pounds of Spaceport News is an official publication of the Kennedy Space Center and
Flight Services vice president said, gear on racks and stacked in bags is published on alternate Fridays by External Relations in the interest of KSC
“It is a transition flight for us and exactly where the astronauts civil service and contractor employees.
we’re excited about the demonstra- expect to find the items. Contributions are welcome and should be submitted two weeks before
publication to the Media Services Branch, IDI-011. E-mail submissions can be
tion tests for microgravity process- In the case of STS-118, the sent to
ing that we’re flying, as well.” crew can expect a tight fit in the
The space agency could still module because of all the gear Managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amber Philman
Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jeff Stuckey
enlist a pressurized module for a strapped to the walls. The good
Copy editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Corey Schubert
shuttle supply run in the future, news is that what seems like a tight
but the flight manifest currently fit on Earth opens up significantly Editorial support provided by InDyne, Inc. Writers Group.
leaves that task to the Italian-built in space, where the lack of gravity NASA at KSC is located on the Internet at
multi-purpose logistics modules, lets astronauts float up to the USGPO: 733-049/600139
or MPLMs. module’s window.

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