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June 29, 2007 Vol. 46, No.


Spaceport News
John F. Kennedy Space Center - America’s gateway to the universe

STS-117 team completes starboard truss assembly

New truss segment
significantly increases
power output

he Space Shuttle Atlantis
and its crew are home after
completing a 14-day
journey of more than 5.8 million
miles in space. Atlantis’ STS-117
mission successfully increased the
power capability of the Interna-
tional Space Station, preparing for
the future delivery of European
and Japanese laboratories.
Commander Rick Sturckow,
Pilot Lee Archambault and
Mission Specialists Jim Reilly,
Patrick Forrester, Steven Swanson,
John “Danny” Olivas and Sunita
Williams landed at Edwards Air
Force Base, Calif., on June 22 at
3:49 p.m. EDT.
Weather concerns forced
mission managers to shift the
landing from the Kennedy Space
Center to Edwards after rain clouds
were too close to the Shuttle
Landing Facility. Atlantis was RETURNING FROM mission STS-117, Space Shuttle Atlantis approaches touchdown on the runway at NASA’s
Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in California. This was the 51st landing for the Space
(See STS-117, Page 4) Shuttle Program at Edwards.

NASA’s Dawn mission ready for employees check
the attachments of
early July launch from Cape the Dawn
spacecraft that
By Linda Herridge for processing the spacecraft and connect the upper-
Staff Writer integrating it with the launch stage booster.
vehicle for its mission to the Dawn’s goal is to

fter four years of planning asteroid belt between Mars and study the conditions
and processes of
and preparing, NASA’s Jupiter. The processing team
the solar system’s
Launch Services Program includes NASA, United Launch
earliest epoch by
at Kennedy Space Center sees the Alliance, Analex and AI Solutions investigating in
light at the end of the tunnel as it employees and the Orbital detail the largest
prepares for the launch of the Sciences Corp. and Jet Propulsion protoplanets that
Dawn spacecraft aboard a Delta II Lab team. have remained
heavy launch vehicle in early July. Armando Piloto is the NASA intact since their
Since the arrival of Dawn at the KSC Dawn mission manager. He formations: asteroid
Astrotech facility in Titusville on said spacecraft processing work Vesta and the dwarf
planet Ceres.
April 10, the Launch Services included integrating the solar
Program team has been responsible (See DAWN, Page 2)
Page 2 SPACEPORT NEWS June 29, 2007

help in providing the most that may go beyond the scope of

appropriate information concern- their specific technical work, or
ing NASA activities at the center. beyond the range of the agency.

Director’s Contractor employees should work

with their company’s public
affairs office.
As NASA Administrator Mike
Griffin said, “Decisions concerning
the newsworthiness of the numer-
Public affairs representatives ous activities within NASA must
Update must be on hand during media
visits to KSC primarily for safety
and security reasons. They also
be made and carried out in a
coordinated fashion, but with
views from all parties considered.”
facilitate discussions between We remain committed to the
Bill Parsons employees and media, but do not standard of open communication
tell employees what to say. across KSC.
Center Director The agency’s policy on Those who have questions
releasing information guarantees about the policy are invited to

s Kennedy Space Center’s culture of openness. Consistent that NASA scientists may share contact KSC’s News Center, or
high-profile achievements with NASA’s policy on the release their conclusions with the media, David Mould at NASA Headquar-
continue to capture the of information to the media, but requires that they draw a ters in Washington at 202-358-
attention of the world, NASA’s available at distinction between professional 1898 or at
launch operations center receives communication_policy, employees conclusions and personal views
thousands of public information may speak to the press and the
requests from the media each year. public about their work. The
These range from simple
requests such as interviewing an
policy explains many ways to offer
the best communication in sharing
NASA’s Phoenix processing
engineer or taking up-close photos
of a space shuttle, to more inten-
NASA’s message with the public.
NASA employees who receive
continues for August launch
sive requests like gaining escorted a request from a media representa-
access to a high-security area. tive should coordinate with KSC’s
It’s important that employees News Center at 321-867-2468 so
understand that NASA desires a that our public affairs officers can

DAWN . . . solar electric ion propulsion

engines. Ion propulsion is the
(Continued from Page 1)
world’s most advanced and
arrays, completing final space- efficient space propulsion
craft alignments and a final technology.
comprehensive performance test, According to Dr. Christopher
and fueling the spacecraft. It Russell, principal investigator at
also involved performing a spin- the University of California-Los
balance test and final weighing. Angeles, the mission’s primary
The spacecraft was mated to the scientific objective is to advance
Delta II launch vehicle’s third our understanding of the origin
stage at Astrotech and then and evolution of the solar system
transported to Launch Pad 17-B by studying asteroid Vesta and
at Cape Canaveral Air Force the dwarf planet Ceres, which
Station. have remained intact since their
“Dawn is a very ambitious formation 4.6 billion years ago.
mission,” Piloto said. “For the During the mission, Dawn
last four years, the Dawn team will perform three different orbits
has done a tremendous job to around each of these protoplan-
get us to this point in the flow, ets. According to Russell, Ceres
and we continue to work very is the largest, most massive
actively and very safely to asteroid in the main asteroid belt,
ensure mission success.” while Vesta is smaller and
Dawn is the ninth mission in irregularly shaped.
NASA’s Discovery Program. The The spacecraft will arrive at ON PAD 17-A at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, a third solid rocket
spacecraft will be the first to Vesta in September 2011 and at booster is raised from its transporter to be lifted into the mobile service
orbit two planetary bodies Ceres in February 2015. tower, where two others wait. The boosters will be mated with the Delta II
during a single mission and Dawn, built by Orbital first stage. The Delta is the launch vehicle for the Phoenix Mars Lander
study two of the largest asteroids Sciences Corp. in Dulles, Va., spacecraft. Phoenix will land in icy soils near the north polar permanent
in the main asteroid belt. This is contains instruments from Italy, ice cap of Mars and explore the history of the water in these soils and any
associated rocks, while monitoring polar climate. Landing on Mars is
also NASA’s first purely scien- Germany and the U.S.
planned in May 2008 on arctic ground where a mission currently in orbit,
tific mission powered by three Mars Odyssey, has detected high concentrations of ice just beneath the
top layer of soil. Phoenix is scheduled to launch Aug. 3.
June 29, 2007 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 3

Kennedy is first ‘StormReady’ NASA center

By Jeff Stuckey We’ve worked well together for a
Editor long time.”
KSC is the first government

howing a complete commit- site in Florida and only the eighth
ment to employee safety, the in the nation to be recognized as
Kennedy Space Center is StormReady. It is also the first
now a certified “StormReady” NASA field center to earn this
facility. Working together with the certification.
National Weather Service, KSC has The StormReady program is
developed a proactive hazardous designed to reduce the number of
weather action plan. injuries and property damage from
As part of the severe weather severe storms through prepared-
notification process, there are ness and education.
multiple methods to provide Also participating in the
warnings to the work force and presentation were Mike Benik,
visitors of KSC in the event of director of Kennedy Center
approaching hazardous weather. Operations; Steven Cooper, acting
“Being certified as director of the National Weather
StormReady shows we are proac- Service southern region; Bob
tive as hazardous weather ap- Allen, Florida state representative;
proaches our operations,” Center Scott Rayder, chief of staff for the
Director Bill Parsons said at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RECOGNIZING KSC as a “StormReady” community were, from left,
June 22 recognition presentation. Administration; and Bart
Steven Cooper, director of the National Weather Service southern region;
“I would also like to recognize the Hagemeyer, meteorologist-in- Scott Rayder, chief of staff for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
partnerships we have with the 45th charge of the National Weather Administration; Bob Allen, Florida state representative; Bart Hagemeyer,
Space Wing Weather Squadron Service Forecast Office in chief meteorologist-in-charge of the National Weather Service Forecast
and the National Weather Service. Melbourne. Office in Melbourne; and Bill Parsons, KSC director.

Spaceport community enjoys the BEST Barbecue

By Jason Rhian THE BLACK Employee
Summer Intern Strategy Team, or BEST,
hosted its annual barbecue

ith colorful, creative at KARS Park 1 on June 22
for students, guests and
desserts, stacks of ribs
workers. The barbecue is a
and chicken and an chance to promote
enthusiastic crowd, the sixth- fellowship among
annual BEST Barbecue on June 23 employees, as well as
at KARS Park 1 was a success. welcome interns to the
Emcee Sonya Plummer center.
welcomed guests and the hazy
smoke seemed to attract more
people until the tables were filled
to capacity. The barbecue is hosted
annually by the Black Employee
Strategy Team to promote fellow-
ship among employees, as well as
welcome interns to life at Kennedy
Space Center. Gateway Support security. MEMBERS OF
The cooks for this year’s the Black
Although the weather kept
Atlantis from landing, it did not barbecue were Tom Cooper, Bruce
Strategy Team
dampen the spirits of the guests or Lockley, Al Jenkins, Javan Banks, (right), or BEST,
hosts as they enjoyed the food and Sena Jones, Brian Turner and serve attendees
lively music. Guests had their Joylene Hall. at the 2007
choice of ribs, chicken or a combo “We added the discounted BEST Barbecue.
platter with potato salad, baked student tickets and combo plates
beans and bread. this year and because of this, we
As in the past, the desserts were sold 75 more tickets than last
among the most popular features. year,” said Stacie Smith, one of the
The winner of the dessert contest event’s organizers. More than 300
was Selina Gaymon of Space people attended this year’s event.
Page 4 SPACEPORT NEWS June 29, 2007

STS-117 crew members deliver S3/S4 truss

STS-117 . . . space, ground teams were trouble-
shooting a problem with Russian
(Continued from Page 1) computers that help control the
scheduled to be ferried back to station’s attitude. Russian
KSC beginning June 29. specialists worked closely with
Atlantis’ crew attached the new teams in the United States to
S3/S4 solar array truss segment on recover the computer capabilities.
the right side of the station’s NASA astronaut and station
backbone, deployed a new set of Flight Engineer Clayton Ander-
solar arrays and retracted the Port 6 son, who launched with the crew
starboard solar array back into its aboard Atlantis, remained on the
box. The station has a new look station. He is scheduled to return
with two symmetrical solar panels home aboard Space Shuttle
mounted on each end of the Discovery on a mission targeted
station’s truss. for launch in October.
Reilly, Olivas, Swanson and Anderson replaced Williams,
Forrester, with the help of their who set a new record for a single,
crewmates, made a total of four long-duration spaceflight by a
spacewalks to complete the woman with 195 days.
construction tasks. They activated Atlantis will be transported BACKDROPPED BY the blackness of space and Earth’s horizon (above),
approximately 2,500 miles from the Space Shuttle Atlantis moves away from the International Space
the truss segment and the solar
Station on June 19. Below is a close-up photograph of the thermal
alpha rotary joint, which allows California to Florida on the back
blanket on one of Atlantis’ orbital maneuvering system pods before and
the new arrays to track the sun, and of a modified 747 jumbo jet. Once after its repair work performed by Mission Specialist Danny Olivas.
helped fold the Port 6 array. at Kennedy, Atlantis will be
During the third spacewalk, the separated from the aircraft to
crew repaired a 4-by-6-inch raised begin immediate processing for
corner of a thermal blanket on the its next flight, targeted for
port side orbital maneuvering December.
system pod. Aerodynamic forces STS-117 was the 21st flight to
during Atlantis’ ascent lifted the the station, the 28th flight for
blanket. Atlantis and the first of four
While the crew worked in missions planned for 2007.

Remembering Our Heritage

25 years ago: Space Shuttle Program’s last development flight
By Kay Grinter formation. Facility for USBI, recalled from his
Reference Librarian The cargo for the mission home in Salem, S.C.: “The G-force
included a classified Department switches which activated the

n June 27, 1982, NASA of Defense payload and the first parachute separation nuts at water
launched mission STS-4, commercial payload, the Continu- impact were fluid-dampened.
the fourth and final ous Flow Electrophoresis System. “This being the shuttle’s first
research and development flight of The first Getaway Specials and two summer launch, warmer air
the Space Transportation System. Shuttle Student Involvement temperatures lowered the fluid’s
Commander Thomas Mattingly Program experiments also flew. viscosity, making the switches
and Pilot Henry Hartsfield Jr. made Following launch, the separa- more sensitive to the shock of the
up the two-man crew aboard Space tion nuts which release half the ordnance ring blast which sepa-
Shuttle Columbia. risers on the two solid rocket rates the frustum and deploys the
A hailstorm with pellets “the booster main parachutes prema- main parachutes.
size of golf balls” the previous turely fired, causing the parachutes “Inserting a timer into the
night almost delayed the launch. A to stream instead of inflate. The circuitry to block the switch’s
hardener was applied to strengthen booster casings were severely signal until well after frustum
the water-soaked tiles, and liftoff damaged from the high-speed separation solved the problem.”
took place as planned. water impact; they sank and were The July 4 landing at Edwards EMPLOYEES INSTALL the
Once on orbit, the affected area unrecoverable. Air Force Base of the successful Getaway Special aboard Space
was turned toward the sun to dry Bruce Rutledge, former test flight was attended by Presi- Shuttle Columbia for the STS-4
out the tiles and prevent ice manager of KSC’s Parachute dent Ronald Reagan. mission launched June 27, 1982.
June 29, 2007 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 5

2007 Kennedy Space Center Honor Awards

T he Kennedy Space Center Honor Awards Ceremony was held June 26
at the KSC Visitors Complex IMAX Theatre II to recognize KSC civil
service and contractor employees with other honorary medals given
by NASA.

NASA Distinguished
Service Medal Group Achievement Awards
Douglas Hendriksen
Roslyn McKinney Clifton School House
Restoration Team
NASA Distinguished Public John Stiner, Cheryl Paige, Mario
Service Medal Busacca, Barbara Naylor,
James Banke, Camille Chidester, Roz Foster
Jarl Gustafson, Harvey Mizell,
James Orr, Lynda Weatherman Engineering Directorate
FAMILY, FRIENDS and co-workers applaud recipients of the 2007 KSC
Organizational Development Team Honor Awards in the IMAX Theater at the Visitor Complex on June 26.
2006 Presidential Rank Awards Robert Cannon, Shannon Bartell,
Meritorious Executive Barry Braden, Nancy Bray, Wegerif, Mary Whitten, Michael Giles, Daniel Johnson, Edwin New,
Michael Benik, NASA director of Benjamin Bryant, Patrick Hanan, Ynclan, Paul Atkins, Mark Berg, Francisco Valdes, Timothy
Center Operations Dicksy Hansen, Roselle Hanson, John Blue, Kristina Brink, David Widrick, Michael Woltman
John “Tip” Talone, NASA Ruth Harrison, Robert Hubbard, Cornell, Jeffrey Crisafulli, James
associate program manager of the Retha Hart, George Hurt, Scott Fesmire, Michael Hartnett, Andrew Node-2 ACBM Closeout Team
Constellation Program Kerr, Jennifer Lyons, Phillip Knutson, Jared Sass, Stephen Van Terri Holbert, David Cook, Ronald
Meade, Thomas Pentrack, June Genderen, Kevin Cummings, Walls, Ryan Alexander, Tiffaney
NASA Outstanding Perez, Pepper Phillips, Stacie Philip D’Andreamatteo, John Alexander, James Alter, Julie
Leadership Medal Phillips, Patrick Simpkins, Gates, Walter Hatfield, Arthur Anderson, William Bahr, Robert
Richard Cota, Roberta Gnan, Ruth Maynette Smith, Steven Sullivan, Hendren, Patricia Lowery, Douglas Bickley, Thomas Bonifacio, Albert
Harrison, Stephanie Stilson, James Thompson, Oscar Toledo, Rewinkel, David Ross, Mark Branson, Clifton Burkett, Richard
Steven Sullivan Warren Wiley, Carolyn Yowell, Velasco, Gary Wall Chamberlain, Ronald Constantino,
John Zuber Christopher Cox, Beenal Desai,
NASA Exceptional KSC NASA/ODIN Migration Calvin Dunn, Clayton Everhart,
Achievement Medal Flight Termination System Nomad System Thomas Grant, David Griner,
Robert Ashley, Scott Colloredo, Interference Team Carol Valdes, Kimmarie Barrett, Martin Hall, Eric Hanson, Sandra
Michael Dalton, James Draus, James Bjornbak, David Hendricks, Dean Bent, Deborah Bledsoe, Harrington, David Haysbrook,
Kenneth Hale, Dicksy Hansen, John Isella, Thomas Woodard, Susan Cargile, Peter Clements, Mark Henry, William Hutchinson,
Vu Le, Alan Littlefield, Jack Sarah Quach Jeffrey Lane, Clifford Smith, Kevin Jackson, Lance Kinney,
Massey, Phillip Meade, Stacie Randall Thurman, Vickie Hall, Patrick Layton, Michael
Phillips, Timothy Pugh, Jorge KSC Environmental Point of James Winn Lombardo, William McDaniel,
Rivera, Janice Robertson, Compliance Team Timothy McMichael, Gary Meier,
Douglas Younger John Shaffer, Laura Hall, Lisa Mars Science Laboratory Launch Charlene Ormsby, Lucy Orozco,
Marie Ruffe, Mario Busacca, Service Task Order Team Michael Panopoulos, Raymond
NASA Exceptional Bravery Medal Denise Thaller Tammy Harrington, Theodore Reynolds. David Ricouard,
Donald Snyder Adams, Robert Athman, David Jennifer Sachs, Brian Scofield,
KSC GH2 Vent Line Ice Barber, Warren Bayliss, Stuart Mitchell Sestile, Gregory Smilek,
NASA Exceptional Service Medal Suppression Shroud Team Bryant, Thomas Clark, Phillip George Smith, Craig Stanton,
William Bartley, Perry Becker, Kenneth Fore, Fred Lockhart, C. Davidson, Armand Gosselin, Donald Stieler, Dennis Testa, Vajid
Kathy Bryant, Manuel Cabrera, Arkin, Charles Baker, Christopher Harlan Hannah, Roy Heinl, Fred Vayda, Michael Waugh, James
Lisa Colloredo, Ruth Gardner, Collette, Harold Crain, Wayne Hernandez, Gary Hopkins, David Windhausen, Robert Beary, Kevin
Randall Greeson, Roger Hall, Crawford, Daniel Davis, David King, Phillip Kocol, Michael Gill, Melanie Gurnavage, Stephen
Marlo Krisberg, Jim Medina, Luis Earley, Jeffrey Garrison, Carl Levitt, Jerad Merbitz, Barry Miner, Wilson, Jeffery Beyer, Juan Calero,
Moctezuma, Marjorie Nelson, Hallberg, Kenneth Heckle, Brian Kenneth Page, Robert Smithson, Glenn Chin, Gary Craig, Joseph
Cheri Wynn Hunter, Darrell March, William Stephen Spath, Gabor Tanacs, Delai, Stephen Ernest, Polly
McCartney, Martin McLellan, Thomas Trovillion, Jeffrey Tuttle, Gardiner, Randall Gordon, David
NASA Exceptional Public Mark Minich, Michael Minter, Ellen Underwood, Frank Walker, Guibeau, Joseph Hyppolite,
Service Medal Martin Moneysmith, Guy Naylor, Ralph Webber, Gary Wozniak, Joanna Johnson, Rachel
Robert Castlen, Katherine Gay, Thomas Naylor, Roy Nungesser, James Colvin, Louis D’Amario, Kamenetzky, Douglas Kverek,
Terry Greenfield, Mark Laposky, Michael Patrick, Andrew Pysz, Lutha Shaw, David Woerner, Harry Carlos Marin, Kenneth Mathews,
Edward Ruth, Stephen Shannon, Geoffrey Rowe, Arthur Shutt, Batey, Jon Bauschlicher, Brian Donald McMahon, Ronald Morris,
Kerry Stinson, Ronald Ten Haken, Stephen Sojourner, Stephen Stout, Beaver, James Behling, Jeanne Lisa Pantano, Robert Parks,
Randall Thurman Mark Stratton, Sammie Talluto, Burkhart, Lorenzo Chance, Harold Antonio Pego, Gerardo Rivera,
Ronald Vangilder, Daniel Coleman, Robert Freeman, John Robert Ruiz, Michael Shoup,
(See AWARDS, Page 6)
Page 6 SPACEPORT NEWS June 29, 2007

2007 Kennedy Space Center Honor Awards

Michelle Franklin, Eric Hanson, WILLIAM BARTLEY
AWARDS . . . Gary Hendrickson, Randall (center) receives the
(Continued from Page 5) Hitchcock, Kevin Jackson, Karl NASA Exceptional
Johnson, Steven Kelly, Ray Service Medal from
Edward Stanton, Courtney Stern, Janet Petro, KSC
Kindred, Donn Landfried, Thomas
David Stewart, Vanessa Stroh, deputy director, and
Leblanc, Karen Livengood,
Walner Thervil, Robert Wark, Tom Bill Parsons, center
Constance Magill, Bret McAfee, director.
Yencso, Robert Crain, Betsy
Kathleen McQuade, Larry Miller,
Kelly Moes, Carmen Moore,
Michelle Olsen, Bryan Onate,
Operations and Checkout
Charles Ralph, Luis Ramos,
Building Cleanout Team
Patricia Rose, Joseph Ross, Patricia
Kent Beringer, Tara Miller,
Shadrick, Sharon Tolbert, Christo-
Anthony Hillman, Francis Beach, Smith, Jeffrey Starnes, John Taylor,
pher Short, Bruce Smodell, Donna Meister, Karl Meyer, Christopher
Ellen Brown, Douglas Cooley, Ivan Townsend, Steven Trigwell,
Spencer, Cesar Villanueva, Milner, Willie Moore, Robert
Lisa Cochran, Christopher Cox, Pedro Vazquez, Rubiela Vinje,
William Voigt, William Myers, David Parker, Robert Pine,
Jim Daniel, Joseph Degano, Wayne Peter Vokrot, Carlos Zavala,
Weisenberger, Shelia White, Andrew Powers, Thomas Ranew,
Derbyshire, Michael Gisondi, Roger Zoerner
Bernadette Brightman-Merrell, Lon Raver, Philip Reno, John
Danny Gresham, Kenneth
Polly Gardiner, Tracy Gill, Luis Rhode, Robert Rokobauer, Ramiro
Hammons, Edward Hardy, John
Moctezuma, Lisa Pantano, Renee Boeing/Delta Flight Saldivar, William Schools, Harold
Ippolito, Rupert Jordan, Tim King,
Sawyer, Theresa Schroeder, Deon Operations Team Shackelford, Robert Schneider,
David Kolb, Christine Layne, Hui Michael Taylor, Michael Kennard,
Williams Andrew Shepard, Earl Shiflett,
Han Liu, Jackie Nichols, Robert Cheree Kiernan, Laura Maginnis Tommy Shinholster, William
Reuter, Hubert Ridens, Christopher
Payload Rack Checkout Unit Team Slocum, Stephen Spath, James
Rose, Nancie Strott, Bart
Michael Gardner, David Brink, Crawler Transporter Tread Belt Speigner, Roger Spillers, Gregory
Faulkenberry, Deborah Gast, James
Vincent Carrubba, Cristine Replacement Team Stanek, Nicole Starke, Warren
Kerrigan, Lynnard Woods, James Raymond Trapp, Roy Burton,
Dundas, Thomas Eichenlaub, Stratton, Larry Strenth, Edward
Boland, Johnny Hovis, Tim King, Eugene Hajdaj, Edward Allen,
Tracy Gill, Joseph Hyppolite, Tibbits, John Truscott, Jeffrey
Jeffrey Norgren, Kelly Sorey, Robert Bennett, George Billie,
David Macon, Donald McMahon, Venable, Michael Watkins, Ralph
Michael Stites, Douglas Thom, Thomas Braswell, Hiawatha
Lisa Pantano, Matthew Parris, Webber, Edward West, Thomas
Jayne Huvar, Robert Acosta, Bruce Brown, Richard Buckingham,
Shirishbhai Patel, Carlos Wielepski, John Wiley, Samuel
Bjornstad, Charles Mason Eugene Buckner, Frank Caldwell,
Rodriguez, Jessica Rodriguez, Zerilli
Morgan Simpson, Susan Sitko, Chrisopher Cassidy, Thomas
Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle Chabrak, Erik Cole,Peter Collins,
Courtney Stern, David Stewart, KICS Voice Operations Team
Procurement Team William Couch, David Crossman,
Deon Williams, Thomas Yensco, Gary Carr, Jonathan Bradley,
Roselle Hanson, Steven Bigos, Richard Davies, Thomas Denman,
Kevin Zari Benny Douglas, Michael Evolga,
David Board, Richard Boyles, Patrick Derosa, George Donall, Gregory Hakanson, Dwight
Nancy Bray, Mario Busacca, Debra Samuel Dove, Daniel Drake, Cary
Space Shuttle Main Engine Seal Herrman, James Hudson, Era Hunt,
Caldwell, Matthew Carroll, Eide, Glenn Ellison, Bradley
Investigation Team Timothy Jacobs, Glenn King,
Michael Conroy, Suzanne Fenton, Robert Flewwellin,
Jeffery Osgood, Enrique Barnes, William Nolan, Jeffery Short,
Cunningham, Brian Graf, Henry Glenn Giordano, Scott Goodwin,
Kenneth Delaney, Douglas Folkes, Daniel Sirp
Harriel, Andrew Haugevik, Rachel Armand Gosselin,Edward Griffith,
Terrence Oshea, Heriberto Soto,
Kamenetzky, Ira Kight, Ronnie James Guarino, James
Richard Wilder, Fred Jackson, LC-39B Lightning Protection
Lawson, Roger MacLeod, Pauletta Guppenberger, Lewis Hanna,
Salvador Lucio, Dave Margrave, System Design Team
McGinnis, Steven Milton, James Robert Hemric, Allen Hinton,
John Posey, Michele Devane Carlos Mata, William Angerer,
O’Malley, Mary Remley, Ronnie Arnold Honaker, Kevin Hunt, Jamel Bland, Raymond Brewer,
Rodriguez, Donald Schiller, Stevie Jack, Randall Johnson,
ASRC New Technologies Team Ivan Bush, Edward Carillion,
Robert Yaskovic, Leslie Alderman, Catherine Kammerer, Andrew
John Lane, Cristina Berger, Mary James Dike, Scott Dornton, Ahmad
Joseph Beardall, Robert Kenney, Ryan Kiechle, Randy
Whitten, Stanislaw Ekhlassi, Anthony Hilton, Joshua
Cunningham, Carl Eastman, Robbins
Augustynowicz, Jacobs, Terry Jones, John Laplante,
Michael Haddad, Glenn
Charles Buhler, Bradley Burns, Louis Lemire, Anthony Marketon,
Rhodeside, Philip Weber,
Irving Bushnell, James Captain, United Space Alliance External Gonzalo Mendez, Michael
Mark Woloshin
Robert Cox, Joseph Curran, Joseph Tank Engineering and Shop Ravenscroft, William Richards,
Dean, Jesus Dominguez, Tracy Processing Team Jerry Rucker, Paul Sierpinski,
Payload Depot Work Authorization Ahmad Ekhlassi, Christopher
Gibson, Carl Hallberg, Christopher Robert Williams, Tatiana Bonilla,
Document Team Broadaway, Walter King, David
Immer, Scott Jolley, Steven Irving Bushnell, Angel Mata,
Michael Wall, Annette Miele, Kobilis, Gregory Krems, Mark
Klinko, Mark Kolody, Brian Pedro Medelius, Marilyn Ramirez
Mary Bullock, Peter Burridge, Kari Laposky, Michael Lind, Phillip
Larson, Carlos Mata, Pedro
Capatosto, Phillip Chandler, Looney, Ronnie Lucas, William
Medelius, David Miller, Barbara NASA Education Exploration Team
Thomas Cissell, Beenal Desai, Manley, Robert Marty, William
Peterson, Mindy Ritz, Marshall Birdette Brown, Clarence Bostic,
Claudia Dorn, Kyle Fears, Mayhew, Jodi McAmis, John
Scott, Stephen Simmons, Guy (See AWARDS, Page 7)
June 29, 2007 SPACEPORT NEWS Page 7

2007 Kennedy Space Center Honor Awards

AWARDS . . . Ronald Phillips, Christopher Bethay, Mark Biesack, Thomas Veneri, Ned Voska, Michele
Solomon, Daniel Wegerif, Caroline Bookhart, Barry Braden, John Whittaker, Mark Wiese, Douglas
(Continued from Page 6)
Zaffery, Charles Zaffery, Branard, Donald Brandl, Tammy Willard, Scott Wilson, Roy Worthy
James Gerard, Leslie Gold, Damon David Zeiters Burlein, Henry Bursian, Steven
Talley, Barbara Wentworth, Peter Cain, Penny Chambers, Bruce KSC Service Awards - 40 years
Abramovs, Laura Baker, Birdette Spaceflight Independent Chesson, Charles Cole, George James Aliberti, Edgar Deane III,
Brown, Carol Denicole, Lori Assessment Team Cole, Marilyn Davidson, Michael Douglas Hendriksen, Marlo
Desouza, Keely Keyser, Tammie Edward Ruth, Robert Abernathy, Deliz, Carlos Garcia, Michael Krisberg, Milton Riddle, Lamar
Lawston, Annette Marshall, Jay Bernard, Alfred Britting, Gardner, Judy Gari, Tracy Gill, Russell, Albert Taff
Natalie Marshall, Lina Rosado, Manfred Buechler, Richard Leticia Gomez, Penelope Hale,
Thomas Sarko Francis, James Gazur, Richard Donald Hammel, Tammie Hines, Quality And Safety Achievement
Gerardi, James Gin, Kerry Hoskins, Nancy Hoffman, Sharolee Huet, Recognition (QASAR) Award
Process Improvement Joseph Hough, William Huber, George Jacobs, Janice Justice, Tim Bianchi, Zachary Cline,
Engineering Team Daniel Marten, Donald Martin, Rachel Kamenetzky, Kristin, Michael Young
Brian Baldwin, Robert Brinsmade, Bruce Mau, Chester Orciuch III, Kelley, Raymond Kotowski,
George Caruso, Jessica Defabrizio, Daniel Ortiz, Manfred Peinemann, Dorthea Kuzma, Lisa Langham, Center Director’s Gold Dollar
Sean Eidem, William Hudecek, Dennis Pelaccio, Phillip Mark Lewis, Rebecca Lewis, Angel Ace Award
David Humphrey, Kirsten James, Plemmons, Martin Ross, Susan Lucena, Lawrence Ludwig, Janet Stanislaw Augustnyowicz
Ryan Loporto, Elizabeth Ruth, Stanley Saloff, Edward Mayers, Philip Metzger, Robert
Sgammato, David Sheriff, Samuel Schatzman, Robert Seibold, John Mott, Jacklyn Norman, Eric Perritt, KSC Strategic Leadership Award
Swanger, Barry Taylor, Philip Skratt, Ralph John, James Taylor, John Porter, Lauren Price, Asha James Ball, Pamela Zeitler
Touchberry, Philip Vanaria Margo Wasz, Myra Watts, Reavis, Mary Remley, Joseph
David Zelisse Roeder, Mark Ruether, Lisa Marie KSC Equal Opportunity Award
Space Launch Complex Team Ruffe, Sarah Schilling, Keith Ronnie Rodriguez, Hortense Burt
Peter Gould, Irving Bushnell, KSC Certificate of Commendation Schuh, Wendy Shrewsbury,
Robert Ferguson, Warren Lackie, Diana Alicea, Paul Atkins, Rose Charles Smith, Pamela Steel, KSC Director’s Award
Rhonda Mitchell, Tibor Nagy, Austin, Rosemary Baize, Janet Donna Stephenson, Michele Darren Bedell

Safety award recognizes Bianchi’s awareness

By Jennifer Wolfinger loose and unsealed screws that TIM BIANCHI
Staff Writer interface with the mechanism for (center)
deploying the solar array. receives the

ASA recently awarded Tim This discovery prompted QASAR Award
from Charles
Bianchi with the Quality additional checks on the remain-
Scales, NASA
and Safety Achievement ing mast canisters. If left unad- associate
Recognition, or QASAR Award, for dressed, this finding could have deputy
his exceptional dedication. prevented mast canister deploy- administrator
The award, which was pre- ment and resulted in functional and Shana
sented May 10 at NASA Headquar- loss of a solar array wing assembly Dale, NASA
ters in Washington, is the agency’s on orbit. deputy
highest honor for quality and “His leadership in identifying administrator,
safety. Selection is based on a and correcting a significant flight for his actions
with the Safety
person’s contribution to the hardware problem benefited our
and Mission
quality and safety of products, ISS counterparts at Johnson Space Assurance
services, processes, or management Center. Because of his efforts, the directorate.
programs and activities. Bianchi ISS Program is assured a quality
received a monetary award and a product throughout the life of the and meetings between NASA and winners chosen from 29 nominees.
plaque during the NASA Honor ISS Program,” said Shannon the Air Force. Bianchi also audits Prior to his selection, Bianchi was
Awards ceremony. Bartell, Safety and Mission work breakdown structures. unaware of the award, but quickly
He was selected for a discovery Assurance director. There are four QASAR award recognized its significance and his
he made during processing of the Bianchi is now a program categories, and his award was in teammates’ contribution.
International Space Station, or ISS, specialist within the Cape the “NASA employee within “This is a tremendous honor to
while serving as the Safety and Canaveral Spaceport Management Safety and Mission Assurance” receive an award of this stature,
Mission Assurance directorate’s Office, a joint NASA and U.S. Air category. Nominees were initially and to be sent to D.C. to retrieve it
mission lead for quality assurance Force office responsible for nominated by their center director, is humbling,” said Bianchi, who
on STS-117 payload processing. managing the JBOSC contract. He and the nominations were evalu- joined NASA in 2004. “I credit my
During flight closeouts for the S3/ serves as the integrated product ated and scored by each center’s excellent bosses, co-workers and
S4 truss segment’s aft bulkhead team lead for quality and safety, Safety and Mission Assurance processing team support for this
canister area, he discovered three managing performance evaluations director. He was one of four award.”
Page 8 SPACEPORT NEWS June 29, 2007

West Point cadets assist launch analysis team

By Jennifer Wolfinger testing SALT products, which
Staff Writer support everything from providing
launch teams with experience and

our U.S. military cadets are methods to make rapid and
spending their summer complex decisions, to determining
helping Kennedy Space the origin of problems associated
Center engineers use computers to with communication, processing,
simulate the actions of humans in and personnel job requirements
order to transform training and and limitations.
evaluations. Lefler, a senior from Kentucky,
The Army Research Lab sent is studying electrical engineering
the cadets from the U.S. Military with a track in robotics and
Academy at West Point in New electronics. Born in Pennsylvania,
York to support NASA’s Simula- Millen is a senior on the Army
tion and Analysis of Launch football team with a major in
Teams effort, known as SALT. management and a minor in
SALT began in 2005 to address environmental engineering.
the need to simulate humans for Also a senior, Kleinsorget of
analysis, training and evaluation Kansas is a systems engineering
for NASA’s current and future major and a member of Sandhurst, SEATED FROM left, West Point cadets Theodore Kleinsorget, Tad Lefler
and Sarah Phillips, and NASA co-op student Richard Hoblitzell test a
launch operations, and to meet a team that competes in military
project for the Simulation and Analysis of Launch Teams project. Team
other KSC needs. According to skills competitions with the Royal member Luis Bares of ASRC (standing left) and the project’s principal
Cary Peaden, the cadet’s mentor Military Academy. Phillips is a investigator, Cary Peaden of NASA, overlook the group’s work.
and SALT principal investigator, junior from California majoring in
the research is essential for life science. application for the group. technical team performs critical
improving future NASA training Richard Hoblitzell, a KSC “The cadets participate in real operations and about governmen-
and analysis. co-op student from the University government engineering on a tal and multi-organizational
Cadets Tad Lefler, Sarah of Louisville in Kentucky, is also small research project,” said cooperation.
Phillips, and Theodore Kleinsorget contributing to the team. Serving Peaden, an Engineering Director- “They also learn how valuable
will be at KSC until July 7, while in his third semester with the SALT ate employee who added that the a West Point education is, and the
Marcus Millen completed his tasks project, Hoblitzell is one of the partnership also strengthens KSC’s interesting things you can do with
June 15. Their work includes prime software developers of the relationship with the academy and an academy degree and leadership
gathering data and analysis, and SALT proof-of-concept training lab. “They learn how one large experience.”

United Way honors civil servants’ Combined Federal Campaign

ASA employees at ment for United Way, 81 percent of connect with the community. of reaching out and helping the
Kennedy Space Center NASA employees participated in “Often, the demands on our community. I believe it’s rooted in
recently were recognized the monthlong campaign that runs time preclude us from actively the values of our employees to do
by the United Way of Brevard for annually in October. Workers gave engaging with our community to the right thing.”
their increased generosity and $417,800 to 49 United Way help our fellow man in times of The Combined Federal Cam-
support through the agency’s 2006 programs and services. need,” Lugo said. “Last year, KSC paign for 2007 will kick off in
Combined Federal Campaign. The Ray Lugo, deputy director of employees continued the tradition early October.
civil servants were honored for NASA’s Launch Services Program
achieving a new level of at KSC, was the campaign chair-
participation. man for 2006. He said the cam- John F. Kennedy Space Center
According to Susan McGrath, paign, also known as the CFC, is a
vice president of resource develop- good way for KSC employees to Spaceport News
Kennedy Space
Spaceport News is an official publication of the Kennedy Space Center and
Center deputy
is published on alternate Fridays by External Relations in the interest of KSC
director, accepts the civil service and contractor employees.
United Way Award of Contributions are welcome and should be submitted two weeks before
Distinction from publication to the Media Services Branch, IDI-011. E-mail submissions can be
Susan McGrath, vice sent to
president of
Managing editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amber Philman
Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jeff Stuckey
development for
Copy editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Corey Schubert
United Way of
Brevard. Editorial support provided by InDyne, Inc. Writers Group.
NASA at KSC is located on the Internet at
USGPO: 733-049/600136

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