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sociology deals with society[people];how people interact,their culture,norms,values just like other social sciences like psychology,economics,psychology which

also deal with people and how they behave,their mental processes. there is also a relationship between sociology and economics which is another social science.economics deals with the production of goods and services and how they are distributed to people just like sociology which also consider how the goods are distributed to members of the society. the answer sciences related to sociology are social science are sciences which deal with people and have the following characteristics;observable,measurable,practical,factual. psychology and sociology link on that they al deal with the behavior of people,psychology deals with the behavior of people and their mental process just like sociology which also seek to understand how people's behavior affect society. anthropology and sociology also deal with society but the only difference is that social anthropology mainly considers small states and their culture but their area of studies is basically the same. sociology and political science are also related in the sense that they both concern the welfare of people in a society.political science basically deals with the distribution of power and the exercise of power,democracy,dictatorship,communism,how people vote etc. history is another social science which is related to sociology.history primarily deals with past events and how they affected society eg how the colonization of Africa underdeveloped Africa.sociology on the other end will be concerned with how people interacted, how culture was affected etc during the colonization and the present. geography can also be a social science which deals with society just like sociology.the population studies,demography, health and environment are all geographical studies which deal with society which are also inter-related to sociology as a field of study.

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Sociology is the mother of all social sciences.

Because briefly sociology lovers the whole aspects of human social life, while the rest of social life, while the rest of social sciences confined only to a single aspect of human life. E.g. Economics is a social science which focuses only on economic life of human being but it is one of the aspects of society student by sociology, similarly political science, history etc. The relationship of sociology with other social sciences is discussed as follow. Social sciences and their relationship with sociology are discussed below: Sociology and Psychology. Psychology is the science of the mind. It deals with mental processes such as thinking, learning, remembering and decision-making. Modern psychologists also study feelings, emotions, motives and personality. Sociology and psychology are closely inter-linked with each other. It is in the area of social psychology, that psychology comes closest to sociology. Both of the sociologists and social psychologists do the same kind of research. Some of the social psychologists are interested in how personality and behavior are influenced by peoples social backgrounds or by the social settings in which they find themselves. Other social psychologists are especially interested in how peoples personalities influence their behavior. It shall thus be observed that both sociology and psychology deal with human

beings. McIver has rightly said that sociology is special aid to psychology, just as psychology give special aid to sociology. In spite of the similarity and relationship, there is difference between them as well. The object of study of a psychologist is individual whereas that of a sociologist is society. As both have different objectives. Sociology studies society from the viewpoint of community elements, whereas psychology from the viewpoint of psychological factors involved. It has been concluded that sociology and psychology when we study society and we become students of sociology when we study the psychology of the individual being. We are also students of psychology when we study society and we become students of sociology when we study the psychology of the individual being. We are also students of psychology when we study society and we become students of sociology when we study the psychology of the individual being.

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Pure and Applied Sociology Women Education and Social Structure Sociology and Anthropology. Anthropology has a close relationship with sociology. It includes Archaeology, physical anthropology, cultural or social anthropology, many branches of linguistics and the study of all aspects of primitive humanity everywhere. Archaeology is the study of men and civilizations that are not alive but have left some remains. Physical anthropology deals with origin of races and human beings. Cultural anthropology deals with cultural development of human beings and behavior of man in social situation. Anthropology has strong ties with the natural sciences, especially biology. Culture, by which we mean the system of symbols, including language and beliefs that is shared by a particular group, is the subject matter of anthropology in the same sense that power and authority are the subject matter of political science, and the production and distribution of goods is the subject matter of economics. Anthropologists tend to study primarily primitive, non-industrial, or non-literate humanity, whereas sociologists study more advanced civilizations. The result of this difference is that anthropologists tend to study societies as wholes. If they specialize, it is usually in a particular culture area. Sociologists, by contrast usually parts of a society, they generally specialize in some institution, such as the family etc. Social Work. Social work is not actually a social science. It is a profession that trains its own members. However it is often confused with sociology. Social work is to sociology what engineering is to physics. It is an applied field that draws upon the principles of sociology, psychology, and other social sciences, but is also uses its own set of techniques in helping people solve personal and group problems. Sociologists do research, but they almost never try to influence people directly through personal contact, as social workers do. Social work has specific areas, which include poverty, community organization, drug addiction, mental illness, family disorganization etc. These are closely related to the field of sociology. Sociology and Economics. Economics is concerned with the production and distribution of goods and services. It deals with the relationship of prices to supply and demand. Economics has a relationship with sociology as economic changes affect social life, for example the employment of women has changed the structure and functions of the family in modern life. Few economists pay much attention to an individuals actual behavior or attitude towards his or her job or towards money. Neither do they study business enterprises as social organizations. They leave such matters to the sociologists, who often study topics that are related to economics, for example, the social backgrounds of businessmen, the contribution of education to productivity etc.

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Pure and Applied Sociology

Women Education and Social Structure Sociology and Political science. Political Science is the study of state. Many years ago political science was concerned largely with how to make government more efficient. It left to political sociologists the study of political behavior, for example, the social backgrounds of politicians etc. The political system does affect the group life, for example communism, democracy and dictatorship affect group life differently. Sociology studies all aspects of society. Political science deals mainly with the government, which is under the jurisdiction of sociology. Sociology and History. History deals with the study of past. Sociologists are usually more interested in the present or the recent past. History also gives us information about the development and growth of social institutions. It is due to this that historical method of study is considered one of the important methods for the study of sociology. The historians also take the help of sociologists while arriving at their conclusions. It is one of the major duties of a historian that he should study social conditions of the people. History is past sociology and sociology is present History. in-spite of the similarity both have differences as well. All that is contained in history is not the concern of sociology. A sociologist needs social history and institutions, which is just a part of the whole history. We also find another difference that History deals with individual with individuals e.g. Badshah, monarch etc. But sociology does not deal with individuals. It deals with groups, communities and institutions. Both have different fields to cover. Sociology and Geography. Geography is concerned with the relationship between human beings and their natural environment. Sociologists are concerned with human behavior It is largely affected by geographical environment. The rigidity, politeness etc. are important personality traits, which depend on geographical conditions. The close relationship of both of the subjects does not mean that they are one and the same subjects. Sociology is a social science, while geography is partly a natural science and partly social science Physical geographers are often interested in climate, agriculture, social composition and other natural phenomena. Social or cultural geographers may examine many of the same areas that sociologists are interested in. Urban geographers and urban sociologists sometimes work together; they may, for example team up to study the impact of various kinds of housing on family life.

The Relationship Between Sociology and Other Social Sciences Sociology can be defined as the science that deals with human relationship. It is the study of how human beings relate with each other, how each individual relationship has been influenced by other people and the patterns which are formed out of their interactive relationships. Sociology emphasizes group relationships and total social environment. Sociology studies human behaviour in a different way from other academic approaches. Sociology looks at a wide range of behavior than economist or political scientist. Political science studies the organization and functioning of system government. Sociology also study political life but less as an isolated phenomenon and more in terms of general sociological principles. The focus of the economist is on the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Sociology also study economic behavior but it relates closely to social and cultural factors such as age sex, social class and ethic groups. Where psychology study individual behaviour, sociologist study social behaviour. Sociology deals with social behaviour that goes beyond the psychology on a single individual and necessarily focuses on the observation of categories or groups. With regards to social work it studies human behaviour on a micro scale, whereas sociology studies human behaviour on a macro scale. The focus of a social worker is behavioural change. Anthropology is another social science that is related to sociology. They both share an interest in the past, with history and are concern with contemporary events. As anthropology and sociology develops the distinction between them has become blurred. However it has been argued that the difference between two disciplines is that anthropology emphasizes the study of a particular culture in its entirety and its uniqueness. Sociology on the other hand seeks to establish analytical principles of social organizations and social relationships and develop generalizations that are applicable to a wide variety of cultural context. Demography is the study of the population. All aspects of sociology are studied by demographers. Demography goes hand in hand with sociology, providing empirical data on which sociologist build theories.

- Sociology is more focused on the social aspects of society. - History is the study of the past. - Political Society studies politics and government of societies. - Psychology studies the mind of people in our society. - Economics studies finances of cultures and societies.

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