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4th July 2012

Dates For Your Diary


LINC summer opening times for July and August are 11-3 on Tuesdays and 11-8 on Thursdays. Please note we will be closed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Camp runs from the 4th to the 25th July. Set up for camp has started camp proper starts this Wednesday :) Contact LINC for more information. Late night drop-in continues as usual during the summer months on Thursdays until 8.00pm. OUT4DINNER Takes place this Friday at 7pm. Contact Tina to book a place or phone 4808600

LIVE LOVE LAUGH comes to Cork.

Lesbian Line now runs from 6-8 on Wednesdays 0214318318 THE National LGBT helpline is open from 6pm-9pm on Wednesdays, 4pm9pm Thursday/ Friday and 4pm6pm on sat/Sunday 1890929539

Eilish OCarrolls one-woman play runs for three nights at the CAT club on the 19th, 20th and 21st July. Tickets cost 12 or two for 20. or ring 0214505624 for details.

Pride season has seen both Tainiste Eamonn Gilmore and Minister for Justice Alan Shatter express support for marriage equality for lesbian and gay couples. Gilmore described the issue as quite simply the civil rights issue of this generation, and in my opinion, its time has come. Minister for justice Alan Shatter declared his support for marriage equality for L/ G couples yesterday stating that a constitutional referendum would be needed to effect change,. This follows on foot of a recommendation to the forthcoming Constitutional Convention to address the issue.

Meeting at The Lee Fields, The Running Way is Corks only fitness group to offer a beginner running program plus much more! Courses include bootcamp, 0 5 km running programs, 5 10 km running programs, and trail runs. Our aim is to create non-intimidating and sociable work outs under professional instruction with achievable and noticeable results. Our prices are the most competitive in Cork and we regular run special offers. This month if you are among the first 20 people to sign up for bootcamp you will receive a MASSIVE 20% OFF!! We are also running a competition on our Facebook where one winner will receive a month of bootcamp for FREE!! For more info: Find us on Facebook at Visit our website Or contact Eimear on 085 125 1682.

Substance Use Issues In Youth and Community Work

Cork City Partnership Ltd in conjunction with Cork College of Commerce will be rolling out the Substance Use Issues in Youth & Community Work FETAC L 5 course this coming September. This FETAC Level 5 course is designed to promote good practice among those who work (in a paid or voluntary capacity) with young people and communities who are affected by substance use. It provides a critical perspective on some of the issues that affect young people and their communities and encourages the development of coherent responses at individual and organizational level. The components should promote the ability of learners to work safely and effectively in youth and / or community work settings. Graduates will receive a FETAC Level 5 Record of Achievement.

Congratulations to Maeve who opens her yoga centre Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre on Academy Street this Saturdaywe wish her the best of luck. Check out for more details.
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