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Library Newsletter

UNESCO Office, Jakarta

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UNESCO Librarian : Rosinta P. Hutauruk ( )

January 19, No. 02

News from UNESCO Office, Jakarta

Launch of Tertiary HIV e-Learning Distance Course (Feb Mar 2012)
19-1-2012 UNESCO Office, Jakarta in collaboration with University of Indonesia will launch the Tertiary HIV e-Learning Distance Course, linking 22 Universities around the nation, including 2 in Papua and 1 in Timor-Leste, with Health Promotion and HIV Prevention education. Interested parties can read more and sign up for the course in the following link: More

HIV Youth Online Quiz in Indonesia 25 Mobile Phone Prizes! (Jan to Mar of 2012)
17-1-2012 UNESCO Office, Jakarta, under funds from UNAIDS, in collaboration with University of Indonesia and youth group ARI (Independent Youth Alliance) launched an online HIV quiz that can be found at More

Stone Conservation Workshop, Borobudur, Central Java, Indonesia, 11-12 January 2012
16-1-2012 As part of the Emergency Safeguarding Operation for the Borobudur Temple Compounds, UNESCO in close collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy invited two stone conservators from Germany to the Borobudur Temple. More

Online Publication
Achieving EFA Through Equivalency Programmes in Asia-Pacic: A regional overview with highlights from India, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines
The publication draws on information from a range of sources, including research reports, regional workshop materials and individual experiences from Non-Formal Education (NFE) personnel. This collection of information comes from eleven countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including three of the worlds most populous, namely, China, India and Indonesia. Four of these eleven countries (India, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand) provided APPEAL with detailed impact studies of EPs in their respective countries. DOWNLOAD

Library Newsletter
UNESCO Office, Jakarta

Article Alert!
Heritage buildings not well maintained. JakartaPost 9-1-2012
Kusumasari Ayuningtyas, The Jakarta Post, Surakarta | Mon, 01/09/2012 11:10 PM Many protected traditional buildings and houses in the batik heritage village of Laweyan, Surakarta, Central Java, are in poor condition due to lack of adequate maintenance and mismanagement. More

MUI Against Free Condoms for Sex Workers in Fight Against HIV. JakartaGlobe 10-1-2012

Tangerang. The South Tangerang Branch of the Indonesia Ulema Council spoke out on Tuesday against a move by health authorities to distribute free condoms to sex workers to help halt the spread of HIV/AIDS in the city close to Jakarta. More

Papua HIVAIDS infected consumes ARV regularly. Antaranews 3-1-2012

Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA News) - A total of 2,180 people infected with HIV / AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) in Papua are reported to have consumed the anti-retro viral (ARV) drugs that caused an increase in their body endurance. More

Recorded HIV AIDS cases in Jakarta Increase. JakartaGlobe 17-1-2012

Health authorities have revealed a startling 31 percent leap in the number of recorded HIV/AIDS cases in Jakarta in 2011, which they attributed to greater public awareness and testing rather than to new infections. More

Safeguarding Indonesia. JakartaGlobe 13-1-2012

In November, Unesco officially added Indonesias Saman Gayo, a sitting dance from the Gayo Lues district of Aceh, to its List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Urgent Need of Safeguarding. While other intangible Indonesian cultural traditions (including batik textiles and wayang puppet theatre) have already been recognized as part of the countrys cultural heritage, Saman Gayo is the first that includes that parties to the matter consider implementing urgent measures to keep it alive. More

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