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Thomas B.


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Thomas B. Roberts, Ph.D. tel: (815) 753-8467 email: fax: (815) 753-9250 FORMAL EDUCATION Hamilton College 1961. A.B. Liberal Arts: English, Psychology Ohio University Summer 1964. Certificate: Counselor Aide University of Connecticut 1967. M.A.Foundations of Education Stanford University 1970. Ph.D. Educational Administration, Minor: Psychology Esalen Institute Summer 1973 Exploring Human Consciousness Non-degree program Esalen Institute May 1978 Frontiers of Science Non-degree program PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Present 1999-present 1978-1999 1970-1977 1967.1970 1966.1967 The Senior Full Professor in the College of Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL. Professor, Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations, Northern Illinois University Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education, Faculty of Educational Psychology, Northern Illinois University Associate Professor, Department of Secondary and Adult Education, Northern Illinois University National Defense Education Act Fellow in Educational Administration, Stanford University. Stanford University Graduate Assistant to the Dean, College of Education, Univ. of Conn. Storrs, CT. Financial Aid Officer, Administrator of the College Work-Study Program, Office of Financial Aid and Placement, University of Conn. Storrs, CT. Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 60115

MAJOR PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS: Entheogens psychoactive plants and chemicals used in a religious context.

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Thomas Bradford Roberts, Ph.D. Professional Experience: 1978-present Professor of Educational Psychology Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education Northern Illinois University My duties include teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in educational psychology, adolescent development, transpersonal psychology, and a special-topics seminar which varies from semester to semester. The seminars content is associated with transpersonal, mindbody, and state-of-consciousness psychologies as they apply to instruction, administration, policy, counseling, and mental health. Examples are State-of-Consciousness Education, Mind Adventurers, Aquarian Conspiracy, Psychedelic Mindview, Mind-Body Seminar, and Brain/Mind Seminar. Additional instructional responsibilities include service on master's and doctoral programs, independent studies, dissertation committees, and supervision of student observation-participation. 1970-1977 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Secondary and Adult Education Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115 My duties consisted of teaching courses in educational psychology, adolescent development, and similar topics to graduate and undergraduate students on an inservice and preservice basis. This included some supervision of student observation in schools, informal counseling, and related duties. In 1973 I organized the first conference on the educational implications of transpersonal psychology. 1967-1970 NDEA Fellow in Educational Administration Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Full-time doctoral fellowship. My studies consisted largely of exploring

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humanistic psychology for its applications to learning and mental health, with special emphasis on Maslow's needs hierarchy. During the summer of 1967 I worked part-time in the Stanford Financial Aids Office. 1966-1967 Graduate Assistant to the Dean, College of Education University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06268 In this position I helped the dean in various tasks including research for publication, first steps on a newsletter, meeting and guiding potential faculty members through the University and community. 1965-1966 Financial Aid Counselor-Work-Study Specialist Office of Placement and Financial Aid Originally the position was jointly held with the Placement Office, but due to a reorganization was transferred to the newly separate Financial Aids Office. I interviewed applicants for financial aid, organized and administered the College Work Study Program throughout the University and statewide, visited four branches of the University representing the Financial Aid Office there, founded and edited a monthly Financial Aid Office Newsletter, computed basic need determination, organized appropriate packages of aid, spoke at high schools and interviewed high school students, and related matters. 1963-1964 This was my wanderjahr and consisted of travels in the West and Northwest of the U.S. This included stints as a newspaper reporter on a suburban newspaper near Salt Lake City and a government-sponsored summer training program at Ohio University to work in Youth Opportunity Centers. 1961-1963 Assistant Editor Alexander Hamilton Institute 235 E. 42nd Street New York, NY In this position I wrote, edited, and did editorial production for four newsletters having to do with business and finance. This included editorial work on a series of books for middle-level managers, supervisors, and corporate department heads.

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PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND RECOGNITION Visiting Professorships: Summer 1975 and 1976. University of California, Berkeley. Extension instructor at San Francisco Campus. Co-taught with Frances Vaughan, Ways of Growth: Personal and Transpersonal. Fall 1977. California Institute of Asian Studies (now California Institute of Integral Studies). Transpersonal education. Spring 1978. California State University, Bakersfield. Weekend course in Transpersonal Education. Summer 1982. University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Faculty of Adult Education. Extramural professor, taught graduate classes: Transpersonal Education and Mind/Body Seminar. Professional Honors: 1970 Phi Delta Kappa, Stanford Chapter 1972 Departmental and College Nominee for Excellence in Teaching Award 1974-1984 Regular invitee to the Council Grove Conferences on Voluntary Control of Internal States, sponsored by the Research Department of the Menninger Foundation 1979 Distinguished Educational Researcher Award, Oregon State University. For contributions to the theory of consciousness education 1994 Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, Northern Illinois University 1998 Psychoactive Sacraments: An Entheogen Chrestomathy. Nominated for the 1998 Book of the Year Award by the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. [Available online] Articles written about my work by others: Scott, Foresman College Division. (Fall, 1975).Transpersonal Psychology and Maslow's Hierarchy. Psychology and Life Newsletter, 3(2), 3 McInnis, Noel. (1982). Consciousness Meets Education at UC-Berkeley. Brain/Mind Bulletin, 7(12), 1,3.

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McNeill, Barbara. States of Consciousness and Human Capacities. Newsletter of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, 1982, 10(1), 10-11. Andrews, Valerie. (Feb. 1983) New Insights in Education. The Tarrytown Letter, p. 6. Rice, Donadrian L. (1984). Tom Roberts Offers New Directions New Hope for Education. Celebrations, 10(2), 2 (Fall). (Newsletter of the Association for Humanistic Education). Volkan, Kevin. (Winter, 1985). A Perspective on a Transpersonal/Humanistic Graduate Program in Education at NIU. Celebrations, 10(3), pp. 2,6,8. (Newsletter of the Association for Humanistic Education) Riedlinger, T. (1987). Psychedelic Schooling. Psychedelic Monographs and Essays, 1(2), 53-59. Craft, R. (1989). "Maslow started it." Speaker Says, AXIOM, 1(1), 1. Wishnia, Steven. (1996). Thomas Roberts - psychedelics, religion, and the untapped human mind. High Times, No. 254, 58-61, October. (interview) Grants: Summer, 1971, NIU Organized Research Grant, Explorations of a Consciousness Social Theory. Summer, 1972, NIU Organized Research Grant, Humanistic Social Theory in Higher Education. Summer, 1973, NIU Organized Research Grant, Pilot Project on the Applications of Transpersonal Psychology to Education. Academic year 1977-78. Sabbatical leave. Exploration of the Edcuational Implications of the Psychology of Consciousness. Locations: San Francisco Bay Area and Big Sur, California. Institutional affiliations: California Institute of Asian Studies, Association for Transpersonal Psychology, and Esalen Institute. Spring semester 1985. Sabbatical leave. Title: Variations in Behavior as a Function of States-of-Consciousness. DeKalb, IL Summer 1985. Unsolicited travel grant to attend Federal Court Hearings on

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MDMA. Grinspoon, Bakalar, Roberts, and Greer vs. U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. Kansas City, MO. July 10-11, 1985. Spring 1986. Grant to print materials for presentation at 17th Council Grove Conference, Sponsored by the Research Department, The Menninger Foundation, Council Grove, KS. March 31-April 4, 1986. Spring 1990. The entire videotape library of the Thinking Allowed Series, consisting of 64 2-hour tapes and 16 1-1/2 hours tapes. Donated by an anonymous donor at my request to NIU's videotape collection. Fall 1991. Sabbatical leave. Title: Implications of Mindbody Research for Educational Psychology. Spring 1994. Horizons Unlimited Foundation donated $2500 to NIU to support my research into exploration of states of consciousness. May 1994. Dean's Research Grant, College of Education, Northern Illinois University. Mystical Experiences and Addiction Beliefs of Northern Illinois University Undergradaute and Gradaute Students: An Exploratory Study. Spring 1995. Released 1/4 time to organize and moderate a conference Psychoactive Sacraments, cosponsored by the Council on Spiritual Practices and Chicago Theological Seminary. Feb. 15-20, 1995, Vallombrosa Conference-Retreat Center, Menlo Park, CA. Spring 1995. With Roberts Jesse. Three grants from private donors to support the conference Psychoactive Sacraments cosponsored by the Chicago Theological Seminary and the Council on Spiritual Practices: a) $5000 from Sandy Sanderling for general conference purposes, b) $2000 from New Horizons Foundation, for general conference purposes, c) $500 from Melissa Barnhart, for scholarships for Stanford Graduate Students to attend the conference. 1996. With Robert Jesse. $3000 from Jeffrey Bronfman. To the Council on Spiritual Practices for general expenses. 1997-1999. With Jesse, Robert. From a private foundation, Houston, to the Council on Spiritual Practices, San Francisco. A 3-year, renewable grant of $255,000 per year to develop an entheogen educational program for teams of psychologists/clients and clergy/laity and for general CSP administrative expenses. Renewable in the same amount for 2 additional years.

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Fall 2006. Sabbatical leave to study censorship of psychedelic ideas in higher education, Northern Illinois University. Full academic year 2006-2007. A sabbatical leave to study research into existential intelligence and primary religious expereince. Award declined to retire.

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1 A Humanistic Social Theory: A Human Systems Theory Applied to Youth, Higher Education, and Our Cultural Metamorphosis, Research in Education. ERIC, document ED-963-170, 1972. 677 pp. A Social Typology Applied to a Study of Higher Education with Suggestions for a Humanistic Social Theory. Unpublished, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1972.

3A Four Psychologies Applied to Education: Freudian, Behavioral, Humanistic, Transpersonal. (Editor), Halsted Press, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1975. 588 pp. (A Schenkman Book). 3B Translation: Quatro Psicologicas Aplicadas a la Educacion, Vol. I, Freudiana, Transpersonal; Vol. II, Behavioristica, Humanistica. Narcea, S. A. De Ediciones, Madrid, 1978. 4A With Frances Vaughan Clark, Transpersonal Psychology in Education, Fastback Pamphlet Series #53, Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, Bloomington, Indiana, 1975. 37 pp. 4B Reprinted in Transpersonal Education, Gay Hendricks and James Fadiman, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976. pp. 3-23. 5 6 With Gay Hendricks, The Second Centering Book, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1977, 322 pp. Reprints: Selected Readings in Consciousness Education: papers collected and distributed at Conference on Conscious and Unconscious Mental Processes: Implications for Learning. Invitational sponsored by Lawrence Hall of Science at U.C. Berkeley, School of Education at U.C. Berkeley, Institute of Noetic Sciences. Superintendent of Public Schools of Santa Clara County, and Atari Institute for Education Action Research. Circulation limited to conference participants. 1982.

7A With Gay Hendricks (1989). Revised edition of #5. The Second Centering Book: Learning Activities for Children, Teachers and Parents. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 7B (1996) Shuju-Sha. Japanese translation of 7A. 8 Roberts T. (1989). Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Grofian Interpretation. Berkeley: Rosetta Press. Monograph reprint of an earlier

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article. 9 Roberts, T.B. & Hruby, P. J. (editors-compilers) (1995). Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: A Bibliographic Guide. San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices.

10 Roberts, T. B. & Hruby, P. J. (editors-compilers) (1997). Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: An Entheogen Chrestomathy. San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices. [Available online:]. It is searchable, can be downloaded in whole or in part, and is being added to regularly. 11 Roberts, T. B. (2001) (editor) Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion. San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices. 12 Roberts, Thomas B. (2006). Psychedelic Horizons: Snow White, Immune System, Multistate Mind, Reasking Education. Imprint Academic: Exeter, UK. 13 Roberts, Thomas B. & Winkelman, Michael. (editors) (Forthcoming 2007). Tentative title: Hallucinogens and Healing: New Scientific Evidence for Psychedelic Substances as Treatments. A 2-volume set: Vol. I: History and Uses, Vol. II: Psychological and Spiritual Uses, Medical and Legal Issues. Westport, CT: Praeger. Signed contract. Editing chapters. 14 Roberts, Thomas B. (under construction, 2007?). Chemical Input, Religious Output: Increasing Spiritual Intelligence. Praeger/Greenwood has expressed earnest interest in this book.

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1 Roberts, T. B. (1970). Campus explosion. College and University Journal, 9(2), 35-37.

2A Roberts, T. B. (1970). Many student activists feel that middle-class society needlessly blocks personal growth. Today's Education: NEA Journal, 69(1), 22- 23. 2B Reprinted in D. Westby-Gibson (Ed.), Education in a dynamic society: A contemporary sourcebook. Addison-Wesly, 1972. 2C Reprinted in D. Tighe (Ed.), Ways of communicating. Cambridge, MA: Winthrop Publishers, 1973. 2D Reprinted in C. G. Hass, J. Bondi, & J. Wiles (Eds.), Reading in curriculum (3rd ed.). New York: Allyn and Bacon, forthcoming. 3A Roberts, T. B. (1970). Toward a humanistic social theory: A consciousness theory outlined and applied. The Journal of Human Relations, 18(2), 1204-1227. 3B Reprinted in J. Glass & J. Staude (Eds.), Humanistic society: Today's challenge to sociology (2nd ed.). New York: Goodyear Publishing Co. 4 Roberts, T. B. (1971). Freedom of mind: Student activism and humanistic consciousness. The Journal of Human Relations, 19(2), 118-211.

5A Roberts, T. B. (1972). Beginning a humanistic normal science: Developing thoughts on developmental psychology and moral development. Research in Education, ERIC, ED-056-934. 5B Reprinted with emendations in Roberts, T. B. (Ed.), Four psychologies applied to education. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman Publishing Co. Distributed by Halsted Press, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1975. 6A Roberts, T. B. (1972). Seven major foci of affective experiences: A typology for educational design, planning, analysis, and research. Research in Education, ERIC ED-056-215. 6B Incorporated in R. Mueller, Chapter 12 of Principles of classroom learning and perception. New York: Praeger, 1974.

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6C Reprinted in Roberts, T. B. (Ed.), Four psychologies applied to education. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman Publishing Co., 1975. Distributed by Halsted Press, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 7 8 9 Roberts, T. B. (1973). Maslow's human motivation needs-hierarchy: A bibliography. Research in Education, ERIC, ED-069-591. Roberts, T. B. (1974). Transpersonal: The new educational psychology. Phi Delta Kappan, 56(3), 191-193. Roberts, T. B. (1975). Transpersonal education: Bibliography and resource guide. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, & Co. (mimeograph).

10 Roberts, T.B. (Ed.) (1975). Editor's Hello. Four psychologies applied to education. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman Publishing Co. Pages 1-2. Distributed by Halsted Press Division, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 11 Roberts, T. B. (1975). Freudian psychology - Introduction. Pages 3-9. Four psychologies applied to education. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman Publishing Co. 12 Roberts, T. B. (1975). Behavioral psychology - Introduction. Pages 131139. Four psychologies applied to education. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman Publishing Co. 13 Roberts, T. B. (1975). Humanistic psychology - Introduction. Pages 289292. Four psychologies applied to education. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman Publishing Co. 14 Roberts, T. B. (1975). Transpersonal psychology - Introduction. Pages 395-401. Four psychologies applied to education. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman Publishing Co. 15 Roberts, T. B. (1976). How three teachers use fantasy journeys. In G. Hendricks & J. Fadiman (Eds.), Transpersonal education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall (pp. 71-82). 16 Roberts, T. B. (1976). Bibliography: Sources and resources (compiler and contributor). In G. Hendricks & J. Fadiman (Eds.), Transpersonal education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall (pp. 178-184). 17 Furman, B., & Roberts, T. B. (1976). Transpersoonallinen psykologia. [Transpersonal psychology]. Mielenterveys [Mental Health], 4, 30-36. [Finnish]

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18A Roberts, T. B. (1977). Transpersonal relations in education: A research agenda. Simulations & Games, 8(1), 7-28. 18B Reprinted in J. L. Fletcher (Ed.), Human growth games: Explorations and research prospects. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1978. (Sage Contemporary Social Science Issues, #41), Chapter 1, 11-32. 18C Reprinted in Walsh, R., & Vaughan, F. (Eds.) Beyond ego: Transpersonal dimensions in psychology. Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, 1980, 228-233. 19A Roberts, T. B. (1978). Beyond self-actualization. ReVision, 1(1), 42-46. 19B Reprinted in H. Williams (Ed.), Adult development and education. Minneapolis, MN: Burgess Publishing Co., forthcoming. 20 Roberts, T. B. (1979). Education and consciousness: A visionary's vision from 2001. AURA (Finnish). 21A Roberts, T. B. (1979). Consciousness counseling New roles, new goals. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 14(2), 103-107. 21B Reprinted in Australian Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 1981, 1(1), 73-75. (Expanded version of paper above). 22A Roberts, T. B., & Hannon, R. H. (1979). A holistic meeting of transpersonal psychology and theosophy: Chakras, needs, and moral development. The American Theosophist, 67(12), 365-373. 22B Roberts, T. B. (1980). Transpersonal psychology. The Colloquy, 1, 3-5. (The Maine Association for Children with Learning Disabilities.) 23A Roberts, T. B. (1981). Intelligence and consciousness: Some preliminary speculations. Human Intelligence International Newsletter, Sept./Oct., 4 23B Reprinted in Institute of Noetic Sciences Newsletter, 1981, 9(2), 8-9, 23. 23C Reprinted in Faculty Bulletin, April 1983, 5-7. (Northern Illinois University). 24A Roberts, T. B. (1980). Consciousness, psychology and education. Journal for the Society for Accelerative Learning & Teaching, 5(3), 189-232. 24B Roberts, T. B. (1980). Consciousness, psychology and education, ERIC

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ED- 184-950. Early draft of above article. 24C Reprinted in Phoenix: Journal of the Association for Transpersonal Anthropology, 1981, 5(1), 79-116. 25 Roberts, T. B. (1980). Consciousness studies A new discipline. Expansion, 2, 2, July-August. 26ARoberts, T. B. (1981). Expanding thinking through consciousness education. Educational Leadership, 39(1), 42-54. 26B Reprinted in Newsletter of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Winter 1981, 10-11. 26C Partially reprinted as Roberts, T. B. (1984). Guided cognitive imagery. Educare (Great Britain), 1(1), 28-29. March. 27 Roberts, T. B. (1981). Consciousness education--Minddoor to the twentyfirst century. In A. Harris (Ed.), Holistic education: Education for living (Holistic Education Series), DelMar, CA: Holistic Education Network, Chapter 13, 119-131. 28A Roberts, T. B. (1981). Consciousness criticism. C.E.A. Critic (College English Association) 44(1), 25-32. 28B Expanded version in The Australian Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2(2), 143-159. 29 Roberts, T. B. (1982). Comment on Mathes's article. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 28(4), 97-98. 30 Roberts, T. B. (1982). A global perspective in a consciousness context. Thresholds in Education, 8(4), 29-30. 31 Roberts, T. B. (1983). New learning. In L. Grinspoon, & J. Bakalar (Eds.), Psychedelic reflections. New York: Human Sciences Press, Chapter 19, 234-252. 32 Roberts, T. B. (1983). State-of-consciousness psychology and learning capacity. In R. M. Smith (Ed.), Helping adults learn how to learn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (New Directions in Continuing Education Series, No. 19), Chapter 7, 71-82. 33 Roberts, T. B. (1983). State-of-consciousness counseling: An introduction.

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In G. R. Walz & L. Benjamin (Eds.), Shaping counselor education programs in the next five years: An experimental prototype for the counselor of tomorrow. (Proceedings of the Flagship Conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Orlando, Florida, April 29-May 2). ERIC/CAPS, Ann Arbor, Chapter 8, 75-89. 34 Roberts, T. B. (1983). An outsider reacts. ACES Newsletter, 44(1), 5. (Association for Counselor Education and Supervision). 35 Roberts, T. 1983). Expanding thinking through consciousness education. Educare, 1(1). 36 Roberts, T. 1984). Guided cognitive imagery. Educare, 1(1), 28-29. (March). 37 Roberts, T. B. (1985). States of consciousness: A new intellectual direction, a new teacher education direction. Journal of Teacher Education, 36(2), 55-59, March-April. 38 Roberts, T. B. (1986). Brainstorm: A psychological odyssey. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 26(1) Winter, 126-136. 39 Roberts, T. B. (1986). The concept "state-of-consciousness" and an SOC model of psychology. Menlo Park, CA: William James Publishers. 40 Roberts, T. B. (1986). State-of-consciousness counseling: A projected syllabus. Menlo Park, CA: William James Publishers. 41 Roberts, T. (1986). MDMA: The issue is human nature. Perspective, May, 12. 42 Roberts, T. (1986). Education and transpersonal relations: A research agenda. In R. Walsh, & F. Vaughan (Eds.), Beyond ego (1985). Bern/Munchen/Wien: Scherz Verlag (translation into German of item 18). 43 Roberts, T. B. Guided imagery and consciousness education. In A. Akhter, A. T. Doland, & C. S. Jordan (Eds.), Handbook of imagery research and practice. Yonkers, NY: Brandon House. 44 Roberts, T. B. (1987). A Grofian interpretation of Walt Disney's imagery in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". In A. Akhter, A. T. Doland, & C. S. Jordan (Eds.), Handbook of Imagery Research and Practice. Yonkers, NY: Brandon House.

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45A Roberts, T. (1991). Disney's intrapsychic drama Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Grofian interpretation. Psychedelic Monographs and Essays, No. 5, 18-41. 45B Roberts, T. (1994). Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Grofian interpretation. Chapter in Lyttle, T. (editor). Psychedelics. New York: Barricade Books. 46 Roberts, T.B. (1988). Psychedelic research class: A professor's view. Psychedelic Monographs and Essays,(3) 62-76. 47 Roberts, T.B. (1988). Psychedelics research: An annotated bibliography. Psychedelic Monographs and Essays, (3) 77-90. 48 Roberts, T.B. (1989). Multistate education: Metacognitive implications of the mindbody psychotechnologies. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 21 (1), 83-102. 49 Roberts, T.B. (Solicited Forthcoming). At one with nature and the spirit of adventure: Some transpersonal contributions to outdoor education. Journal of Outdoor Education. 50 Roberts, T.B. (1990). Psychological and physiological foundations of holistic education: A survey of available research and resources. Holistic Education Review, Spring, 34-36. 51 Roberts, T.B. (1990). Cognitive Science, Religion, and Academic Freedom vs. The Drug Prohibition Ideology. Chapter in Trebach, A., and Zeese, K. (eds.) Drug Policy 1990-1991: A Reformer's Guide. Washington, D.C: Drug Policy Foundation. 52A. Roberts, T. B. (1991). When the drug war hits the fan. Phi Delta Kapan, Sept., 58-61. 52B Reprinted in Coalition News: The Official Newsletter of the Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy. Spring 1992. 53 Lajoie, D., Shapiro, S. I., & Roberts, T. B. (1991). A historical analysis of the statement of purpose. The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 23(2), 175-182. 54 Roberts, T. B. (1992). Cognitive Science, Religion, and Academic Freedom vs. The Drug Prohibition Ideology. Special reprint chapter distributed at the spring meeting of the Schwizerische Liga gegan Drogen-prohibition

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(Swiss League Against Drug Prohibition). Reprinted from Trebach, A. S. and Zeese, K. B. (editors) (1990). The Great Issues of Drug Policy, Washington, DC: Drug Policy Foundation. 55 Roberts, T. B. (1992). Rev. Jonathan Reich, Illinois Congressional Candidate, Backs Medical Marijuana. Coalition News. Fall 1992, 2. 56 Roberts, T. B. (1992). Science and spirituality: Prague conference draws 1500 participants from 35 nations: Considers spirituality of "War on Drugs." Coalition News. Fall 1992, 2-3. 57A Roberts, T. (1993). Psychedelics: A first amendment right. Gnosis: A Journal of Western Inner Traditions. No. 26, 31-33. 57B Roberts, T. (1994). Psychedelics: A first amendment right. Dupree's Diamond News: Documenting the Deadhead Experience. No. 29. 48-50 (Fall). Edited reprint of #57. 58 Roberts, T. (1995). States of unitive consciousness: A research summary. San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices. [Available online:] 59 Roberts, T. B. (1996). Academic and Religious Freedom in the Study of the Mind. Chapter in R. Forte (editor) The Entheogens and the Future of Religion. San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices. 60A Roberts, T. B. (1997). Beware the many pitfalls when interpreting drug research. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly. 9(42), 5 (Nov. 3) 60B Roberts, T. B. (1998). Beware the many pitfalls of interpreting drug research. Northwest Frontier Addiction Technology Transfer Center. Available online: (reprint of 1997 item above) 61. Roberts, T. B. (1998). Multidisciplinary approaches to psychedelic scholarship. MAPS Bulletin, Vol. VII, No. 1, pages 38-41. 62. Roberts, T. B., Jesse, R. N. (1998). Recollections of the Good Friday Experiment: An Interview with Huston Smith. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. 29(2), 99-104. [publication dated 1997] 63. Roberts, T. B., & Hruby, P. J. (1998). Entheogens Return of the Ostracized. ERIC. ED-407-298. Microfiche and online editions of presentation at 1996 AERA Annual Meeting, New York. 64. Roberts, T. (1999). States of unitive consciousness: A research summary. San Francisco:

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Council on Spiritual Practices. [Available online:] Roberts, Thomas B. (1999). Do Entheogen-induced Mystical Experiences Boost the Immune System? Psychedelics, Peak Experiences, and Wellness. Advances in MindBody Medicine. Vol. 15, pages 139-147 66. Roberts, Thomas B, and Hruby, Paula Jo. (2000). Annotated Bibliography. Pages 246-265 in Saunders, Nicholas; Saunders, Anja; and Pauli, Michelle. (2000). In Search of the Ultimate High: Spiritual Experiences Through Psychoactives. London: Trafalger-Rider. 67. Roberts, Thomas B., and Jesse, Robert N. (2000). The Good Friday Experiment An Interview with Huston Smith. Chapter 7 in Smith, Huston (2000) Cleansing the Doors of Perception: The Religious Significance of Entheogenic Plants and Chemicals. New York: Tarcher/Penguin Putnam. 68. Roberts, Thomas B. (2000). Academic and Religious Freedom in the Study of the Mind. Chapter in Forte (editor) (2000) Entheogens and the Future of Religion. San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices. Reprint of the 1997 chapter with some changes. 69. Roberts, Thomas B. (2001). Where Do We Go From Here? An Entheogen Idea-Map. Chapter in T. Roberts (ed.) Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion. San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices. 70. Roberts, Thomas B., and Hruby, Paula Jo. (2002). Toward an Entheogen Research Agenda. Jr. of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 42, No. 1, Winter, pages 71 89. 71. Roberts, Thomas B. (2003). In Memorium: Bob Wallace. ENTHEOS: Journal of Psychedelic Spirituality. (2)1, 93. 72. Roberts, Thomas B. (2003). A New Relationship with Our Minds Multistate Mind. Thresholds in Education. Vol. XXIX, No. 3, pp. 36-40. 73. Roberts, Thomas B. (2005). From Armchair Theology to Experimental Science: Entheogenic Keys to the Doors of Experimentation. Anthropology of Consciousness, 16(1), 51-55. 74. Roberts, Thomas B. (in press 2006). Chemical Input, Religious OutputEntheogens: A Pharmacology Sampler. Chapter in The Psychology of Religion Vol. 3 of a 3-volume set Brain and Religion, McNamara, Patrick (editor). Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood. 75. Kackar, Hayal, and Thomas B. Roberts. (2006, dated 2005). Fight Club and the Basic Perinatal Matrices: A Movie Analysis via a Grofian Frame. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 37(1). 76. Sewell, Andrew R. et al. (contributor) (2006). So You Want to be a Psychedelic Researcher? The Entheogen Review. XV(2) 41-47.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Understanding drugs: An adult's guide to drugs and the young, by P. Marin & A. Y. Cohen. Illinois Schools Journal, 1971, 51, 191-192. Democracy's stepchildren: A study of need and belief, by E. L. Simpson. Illinois Schools Journal, 1973, Summer. The centering book: Awareness activities for children, parents and teachers, by G. Hendricks & R. Wills. Phi Delta Kappan, 1975, 57(2), 130. Biofeedback: Yoga of the West (movie), by Hartley Productions. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology,1975, (7)1, 100. 100 ways to enhance self-concept in the classroom, by J. Canfield & H. Wells. Phi Delta Kappan, 1976, (57)10, 107. Transpersonal education: A curriculum of being and feeling, by G. Hendricks & J. Fadiman. Phi Delta Kappan, 1976, 57(10), 104-105. Life after life, by R. Moody, Jr. Brain/Mind Bulletin, 1976, 1(10), 4. Experiments in growth, by B. Caprio. Brain/Mind Bulletin, 1976, 2(1), 4. Earth festivals, by J. Bourque & D. LaChappell. Brain/Mind Bulletin, 1977, 2(8), 4.

10 Expanding the limits of consciousness (movie), by Hartley Productions. Brain/Mind Bulletin, 1978, 3(8), 4. 11 Altered states: A novel, by P. Chayefsky. Brain/Mind Bulletin, 1978, 3(19), 4. 12 There is a rainbow behind every dark cloud, by G. Jampolsky, (Ed.). Brain/Mind Bulletin, 1978, 3(20), 4. 13 Beyond the scientific, by A. W. Foshay & I. Morrissett (Eds.). Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 1978, 10(2), 184-185. 14 The silent pulse, by G. Leonard. Phi Delta Kappan, 1979, 60(7), 543-544. 15 Person/planet, by T. Roszak. Phi Delta Kappan, 1979, 60(9), 587.

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16 Earth wisdom, by D. LaChappell. Brain/Mind Bulletin, 1979, 4(17), 4. 17 Aquarian conspiracy, by M. Ferguson. Phi Delta Kappan, 1980, 61(10), 720. 18 What to do between here and there, by S. Kirsch. Newsletter of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, April 1981, 20. 19 Keyword Index to Brain/Mind Bulletin, by C. W. Ford. Contemporary Education Review, 1982, 1(3), 217-218. 20 Explaining the unexplained: Mysteries of the paranormal, by H. Eysenck & C. Sargent. Contemporary Education Review, 1983, 2(1), 67-68. 21 Spinning inward: Using guided imagery with children, by M. Murdock. Newsletter of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Summer 1983, 10. 22 Aldous Huxley Moksha: Writings on psychedelics and the visionary experience, by M. Horowitz & C. Palmer (Eds.), paperback edition. Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, 1982. Phoenix: Journal of Transpersonal Anthropology, 3(1 & 2), 170- 171. 1983. 23 Mind-Sight: Learning through imagery, by Galyean, Beverly-Colleene. Long Beach, CA: Center for Integrative Learning, 1983. Newsletter (Association for Transpersonal Psychology). Spring, 1984, 3 24 Handbook of States of Consciousness by Wolman, B., & M. Ullman (Eds.). New York: VanNostrand Reinhold & Co., 1986. Reviewed in AHP Perspective, Dec. 1986, 17. 25. Spinning Inward (2nd edition) by Murdock, Maureen. Shambhala-Random Hourse 1988. In Holistic Education 1(2). 26. (2001) In Anthropology of Consciousness. 141), pp. 75-79. Book review of: Benny Shanon. (2001). The Antipodes of the Mind: Charting the Phenomenology of the Ayahuasca Experience. Oxford University Press. 27. (2001) In Bulletin of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, page 45. When It Was Cool to be Kind. Book review of: James Fadiman (2001). The Other Side of Haight: A Novel. Celestial Arts, San Francisco. 28. (2002). In Bulletin of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. Vol. XII, No.

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1, page 43. Myth, Mind, and Molecule. New journal review of: ENTHEOS: The Journal of Psychedelic Spirituality 29. (2003) In International Journal of the Psychology of Religion. 13(1) pp. 75-77. Double book review of: (a) Andrew Newberg, Eugene DAquili, and Vince Rause (2001) Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. New York: Ballantine Books. (b) Robert C. Fuller (2000) Stairways to Heaven: Drugs in American Religious History. Boulder, CO: Westview Press 30. (2003) Triple book review) In International Journal of the Psychology of Religion, 13(1) 7577. Book review of: (a) Strassman, Rick. (2001).DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press. (b) Jansen, Karl. (2001). Ketamine: Dreams and Realities. By Karl Jansen. Sarasota, FL: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. (c) Saunders, Nicholas, Anja Saunders, and Michelle Pauli. (2000) In Search of the Ultimate High: Spiritual Experience Through Psychoactives. Trafalger Square/Rider: London. (2007, forthcoming? solicited in progress) Double book review of: Dalai Lama: The Universe in a Single Atom and Mitchell Earleywine, Mind-Altering Drugs: The Science of Subjective Experience, Oxford University Press. Solicited by the Journal of Consciousness Studies.

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[The largest archive of entheogenic books and dissertations. Located at ]

1994 - 1995 chrestromathy entries: items 1 - 223 Roberts, T. and P. J. Hruby (1994-1995). Bibliographic entries and excerpts from 223 books having to do with entheogens (plants and chemicals used in a religious context) were published in the book Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: A Bibliographic Guide. (See item # 9 under Books and Monographs above). In addition to the standard bibliographic information, the descriptive reviews include ISBN, description, contents, contributors if the book is an anthology, notes, and excerpted paragraphs which have to do with entheogens. In this hardcopy edition, most descriptions are 1 full page; a few are 2 or 3 pages. Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: A Bibliographic Guide is the major scholarly resource in the field. Because these entries were not also published separately, they are not listed individually here.

1996 - 1997 chrestomathy entries: items 224 - 375 Roberts, T. B. (1997). See item # 10 under Books and Monographs above. These 1-5 page extended bibliographic descriptions together with selected excerpts were published at various times during these years three ways: they are permanent entries in Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: An Entheogen Chrestomathy (; they published online by the Entheogen List, a private, professional email list; where noted, most were forwarded to ELF online, another private email list.

Aaronson, Bernard, and Osmond, Humphry. (Editors) (1971). Psychedelics: The Uses and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs. London: Hogarth Press Abramson, Harold A. (Editor) (1967). The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy and Alcoholism. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill

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Albert, David Bruce, Jr., (1993). Event Horisons of the Psyche: Synchronicity, Psychedelics, and the Metaphysics of Consciousness. Riverside, CA: University of California Alcoholics Anonymous. (1984).Pass It On: The Story of Bill Wilson and How the A.A. Message Reached the World. New York: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Allegro, John M. (1971). The End of the Road. London: MacGibbon & Kee. Alston, William P. (Editor) (1963). Religious Belief and Philosophical Thought: Readings in the Philosophy of Religion. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World Alston, William P. (1991). Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press Anderson, Edward F. (1996). Peyote: The Divine Cactus. Tucson: University of Arizona Press Argyle, Michael. (1968). Religious Behavior. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Aurobindo, Sri. (1964). On the Veda. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Baer, Rosemary. (1972). Reflections on the Manson Trial: Journal of a Pseudo-Juror. Waco, TX: Word Books Barnard, Mary. (1966). The Mythmakers. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press Barron, Frank. (1968). Creativity and Personal Freedom. Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Co. Baruss, Imants. (1996). Authentic Knowing: The Convergence of Science and Spiritual Aspiration. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press Batson, C. Daniel; Schoenrade, Patricia; and Ventis, W. Larry. (1993). Religion and the Individual: A Social-Psychological Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press Beck, Jerome; Harlow, Deborah; McDonnell, Douglas; Morgan, Patricia

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A.; Rosenbaum, Marsha; and Watson, Lynne. (1989). Exploring Ecstasy: A Description of MDMA Users. San Francisco: Institute for Scientific Analysis Buechler, Mark. (1992). The Infinite Goof: Psychedelic Drugs and American Fiction of the 1960s. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Blood, Benjamin Paul. (1874). The Anaesthetic Revelation and The Gist of Philosophy. Amsterdam, NY: no publisher Blum, Richard H, and Associates. (Editor) (1969). Society and Drugs: Drugs I: Social and Cultural Observations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Blum, Richard H., and Associates. (Editor). (1969). Students and Drugs: Drugs II: College and High School Observations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Blum, Richard, and Associates. (Editor). (1972). The Dream Sellers: Perspectives on Drug Dealers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Buber, Martin. (1965). (Maurice Friedman, Editor). The Knowledge of Man. London: George Allen & Unwin Braden, William. (1970). The Age of Aquarius: Technology and the Cultural Revolution. Chicago: Quadrangle Books Caceres, Abraham D. (1984). In Xochitl, In Cuicatl: Hallucinogens and Music in Mesoamerican Amerindian Thought. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University California Law Review. (1968). Symposium: Drugs and the Law. Vol. 56, No. 1, January b) Republished June 18, 1997, by ELF Online Cholden, Louis. (Editor). (1956). Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Mescaline in Experimental Psychiatry. New York: Grune & Stratton Clark, Stephen R. L. (1986). The Mysteries of Religion: An Introduction to Philosophy Through Religion. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Cotton, Ian. (1996). The Hallelujah Revolution: The Rise of the New Christians. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books Cox, Richard H. (Editor). (1973). Religious Systems and Psychotherapy. Springfield, IL: Crocket, Richard; Sandison, R. A., and Walk, Alexander. (Editors).

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(1963). Hallucinogenic Drugs and Their Psychotherapeutic Use. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Davis, Caroline Franks. (1989). The Evidential Force of Religious Experience. Oxford: Clarendon Press Davis, Wade. (1996). One River: Explorations and Discoveries in the Amazon Rain Forest. New York: Simon & Schuster DeBold, Richard C., and Leaf, Russell C. (Editors) (1967). LSD, Man & Society. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. Dobkin de Rios, Marlene. (1976). The Wilderness of Mind: Sacred Plants in Cross-cultural Perspective. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications Dobkin de Rios, Marlene. (1990). Hallucinogens: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Bridport, Dorset: Prism Dobkin de Rios, Marlene. (1992). Amazon Healer: The Life and Times of an Urban Shaman. Bridport, Dorset: Prism Donaldson, Maureen, and Royce, William. (1989). An Affair to Remember. New York: G. P. Putnams Dunphy, Joan S. (1975). Psychedelic Literature. Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami b) Republished June 2, 1997, by ELF Online Durr, R. A. (1970). Poetic Vision and the Psychedelic Experience. Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, NY du Toit, Brian M. (Editor). (1977). Drugs, Rituals, and Altered States of Consciousness. Amsterdam: Balkema Efron, Daniel H; Holmstedt, Bo; and Kline, Nathan S. (Editors).(1967). Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office Estrada, Alvaro. (1981). Maria Sabina: Her Life and Chants. Santa Barbara, CA: Ross-Erikson ETC.: A Review of General Semantics. (1965). Vol. XXII, No. 4, December. (Special issue on psychedelics)

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Fadiman, James Racolin. (1965). Behavior Change Following Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Featherstone, Robert M, and Simon, Alexander. (Editors). (1959). A Pharmacological Approach to the Study of the Mind. Springifeld. IL: Charles C. Thomas Ferm, Virgilius. (Editor) (1945). An Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: The Philosophical Fleischman, Paul R. (1989). The Healing Zone: Religious Issues in Psychotherapy. New York: Paragon House Flowers, Ronald B. (1994). That Godless Court?: Supreme Court Decisions on Church-State Relationships. Louisville, KY: Westminister John Knox Press Forte, Robert. (Editor). (1997). Entheogens and the Future of Religion. San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices Gartz, Jochen. (1996). Magic Mushrooms Around the World: A Scientific Journey Across Cultures and Time: The Case for Challenging Research and Value Systems. Los Angeles: LIS Publications Gips, Elizabeth. (1991). Scrapbook of a Haight Ashbury Pilgrim: Spirit, Sacraments, and Sex in 1967/68. Santa Cruz, CA: Changes Press Godin, A. (Editor). (1965). From Religious Experience to a Religious Attitude. Chicago: Loyola University Press Godin, Andre. (1985). The Psychological Dynamics of Religious Experience (It Doesnt Fall Down from Heaven). Birmingham, AL: Religious Education Press Goldberg, Ivan K.; Malitz, Sidney; and Kutscher, Austin H. (Editors). (1973). Psychopharmacological Agents for the Terminally Ill and Bereaved. The Foundation of Thanatology: no place Goodwin, Lloyd G., Jr. (1974). Psycho-Social Motivations for the Initial, Continuing, and Discontinuing Use of Marihuana and the Psychedelic Drugs. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University Gossop, Michael. (1996). Living With Drugs. London: Arena/Ashgate, Brookfield, VT: Ashgate

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Graves, Robert (1990). Between Moon and Moon: Selected Correspondence. Mount Kisco, NY: Moyer Bell Limited. (Edited with commentary and notes by Paul OPrey) Greeley, Andrew M. (1972). The Denominational Society: A Sociological Approach to Religion in America. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company Grinspoon, Lester, and Bakalar, James B. (1997). Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered. New York: The Lindesmith Center Grof, Christina, and Grof, Stanislav. (1990). The Stormy Search for the Self: A Guide to Personal Growth through Transformational Crisis. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher Grof, Stanislav. (1988). The Adventure of Self-Discovery: Dimensions of Consciousness and New Perspectives in Psychotherapy and Inner Exploration. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press Grof, Stanislav. (1993). Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research. London: Souvenir Press (Educational and Academic) Grof, Stanislav, with Marjorie Livingston Valier. (Editors). (1984). Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press Grof, Stanislav, with Valier, Marjorie Livingston. (Editors). (1988). Human Survival and Consciousness Evolution. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Guthrie, Lee. (1977). The Life and Loves of Cary Grant. New York: Drake Publishers Hardy, Alister. (1979). The Spiritual Nature of Man: A Study of Contemporary Religious Experience. Oxford: Clarendon Press Heinrich, Clark. (1995). Strange Fruit: Alchemy, Religion and Magical Foods, A Speculative History. London: Bloomsbury Heinze, Ruth-Inge. (1984). Proceedings of the International Conference on Shamanism. Berkeley, CA: Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, University of California

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Henderson, Leigh A., and Glass, William J. (Editors) (1994). LSD: Still With Us After All These Years. New York: Lexington-Macmillan Hisey, Lehmann. (1975). Keys to Inner Space. New York: Avon Hoffer, Abram, and Osmond, Humphry. (1968). New Hope for Alcoholics. New Hyde Park, NY: University Books Hollingshead, Michael. (1973). The Man Who Turned On the World. England: Blond & Briggs Hood, Ralph W., Jr. (Editor) (1995). Handbook of Religious Experience. Birmingham, AL: Religious Education Press Hopkins, Thomas J. (1971). The Hindu Religious Tradition. Encino, CA: Dickenson Publishing Co. Hruby, Paula Jo. (1996). The Varieties of Mystical Experience, Spiritual Practices, and Psychedelic Drug Use Among College Students. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Inglis, Brian. (1975). The Forbidden Game: A Social History of Drugs. London: Hodder and Stoughton Jeffrey, Francis, and Lilly, John C. (1990). John Lilly, So far ... . Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher Johnston, William. (1978). The Inner Eye of Love: Mysticism and Religion. San Francisco: Harper & Row Kaelbling, Rudolf, and Patterson, Ralph. (1966). Eclectic Psychiatry. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Kachel, Arthur Theodore. (1975). An American Religious Community Using Hallucinogens in 1970. New York: Columbia University Kaiser, Charles. (1988). 1968 in America: Music, Politics, Chaos, Counterculture, and the Shaping of a Generation. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicholson King, John C. (1970). A Christian View of the Mushroom Myth. London: Hodder and Stoughton. Kluver, Heinrich. (1966). Mescal and the Mechanisms of Hallucination.

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Chicago: University of Chicago Press Knight, Christopher, and Lomas, Robert. (1997). The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus. Rockport, MA: Element Books Konvitz, Milton R. (1968). Religious Liberty and Conscience: A Constitutional Inquiry. New York: Viking Kung, Hans; Ess, Joseph van; Stietencron, Heinrich von, and Bechert, Heinz. (1986). Christianity and the World Religions: paths to Dialogue with Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co. Lanternari, Vittorio. (1963). The Religions of the Oppressed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Laski, Marghanita. (1990). Ecstasy in Secular and Religious Experiences. Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher Leech, Kenneth. (1985). Experiencing God: Theology as Spirituality. New York: Harper & Row Lewis, H. D. (1959). Our Experience of God. New York: Macmillan Lewis, I. M. (1971). Ecstatic Religion: An Anthropological Study of Spirit Possession and Shamanism. Hammondsworth, UK: Penguin Lilly, John C. (1975). Simulations of God: The Science of Belief. New York: Simon and Schuster Lin, Geraldine C., and Glennon, Richard A. (1994). Hallucinogens: An Update. Washington: National Institute of Drug Abuse Lindzey, Gardner, and Aronson, Elliot. (1969). The Handbook of Social Psychology: Vol. Five: Applied Social Psychology. Reading, MA: AddisonWesley Ling, Thomas M., and Buckman, John. (1963). Lysergic Acid (LSD 25) & Ritalin in the Treatment of Neurosis. England: Lambarde Press Malony, H. Newton. (Editor) (1977). Current Perspectives in the Psychology of Religion. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. McLoughlin, William G. (1978). Revivals, Awakenings, and Reform: An

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Essay on Religion and Social Change in America, 1607-1977. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Melody, Roland. (1971). Narco Priest. New York: World Publishing Miami-Dade Community College. (1978). Studens Guide to the Long Search: A Study of Religions. Dubuque, IA : Kendall/Hunt McCabe, Oliver LeRoy. (1968). An Empirical Investigation Of The Effects Of Chemically (LSD-25)-Induced Psychedelic Experiences On Selected Measures Of Personality, And Their Implications For Therapeutic Counseling Theory and Practice. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Melechi, Antonio. (Editor). (1997). Psychedelia Britannica: Hallucinogenic Drugs in Britain. London: Turnaround Merkur, Dan. (1993). Gnosis: An Esoteric Tradition of Mystical Visions and Unions. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press Michaux, Henri. (1974). The Major Ordeals of the Mind and the Countless Minor Ones. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Miller, Richard Alan. (1993). The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books Moody, Raymond A. (1976). Life After Life. New York: Bantam b) Republished July 1, 1997, by ELF Online Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literture: Part I. (1986). Winnipeg, Manitoba: University of Manitoba. (Topical issue: Literatrure and Altered States of Consciousness) Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literture: Part II . (1986). Winnipeg, Manitoba: University of Manitoba. (Topical issue: Literature and Altered States of Consciousness) Murphy, Nancey. (1997). Anglo-American Postmodernity: Philosophical Perspectives on Science, Religion, and Ethics. Boulder, CO: Westview Press Needleman, Jacob. (1970). The New Religions. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co. Ott, Jonathan. (1994). Ayahuasca Analogues: Pangaen Entheogens. Kennewick, WA: Natural Products

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Oxtoby, Willard G. (Editor). (1996). World Relgions: Eastern Traditions. Toronto: Oxford University Press Paffard, Michael. (1973). Inglorius Wordsworths: A Study of Some Transcendental Experiences in Childhood and Adolescence. London: Hodder and Stoughton Parapsychology Foundation. (1961). Proceedings of Two Conferences on Parapsychology and Pharmacology. New York: Parapsychology Foundation Parrinder, Geoffrey. (1976). Mysticism in the Worlds Religions. Oxford: Oxford University Press Passie, Torsten. (1997). Psycholytic and Psychedelic Therapy Research 1931-1995: A Complete International Bibliography. Hannover, Germany: Laurentius Publishers Patteson, James D. (1995). Psychedelic Drugs and Spirituality. Dominguez Hills, CA: California State University Perrine, Daniel M. (1996). The Chemistry of Mind-Altering Drugs: History, Pharmacology, and Cultural Context. Washington: American Chemical Society Pike, James A. (1967). If This Be Heresy. New York: Harper & Row Pike, James A., with Diane Kennedy. (1968). The Other Side: An Account of My Experiences with Psychic Phenomena. Garden City, NY: Doubleday Pletscher, A., and Ladewig, D. (1994). (Editors). 50 Years of LSD: Current Status and Perspectives of Hallucinogens: New York: Parthenon Provonsha, Jack Wendell. (1967). An Appraisal of the Hallucinogenic Drugs From the Standpoint of a Christian Person-Agapeic Ethic. Claremont, CA: Claremont Graduate School b) Republished June 9, 1997, by ELF Online Ramanathan, A. S. (1995). The Vedic Concept of Soma. Jaipur, India: Rajasthan Patrika, Ltd. Richardson, Herbert W., and Cutler, Donald R. (Editors) (1969). Transcendence. Boston: Beacon Press Robinson, Rowan. (1996). The Great Book of Hemp: The Complete Guide to

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the Environmental, Commercial, and Medicinal Uses of the World's Most Extraordinary Plant. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press Sagan, Carl. (1979). Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science. New York: Random House Salman, D. H., and Prince, R. H. (Editors) (1967). Do Psychedelics Have Religious Implications? Montreal: R. M. Bucke Society Sankar, D. V. Siva. (1975). LSD - A Total Study. Westbury, NY: PJD Publications Saunders, Nicholas. (1995). Ecstasy and the Dance Culture. London: the author Saunders, Nicholas. (1997). Ecstasy Reconsidered. London: the author Schaefer, Stacy B., and Furst, Peter T. (Editors) (1996). People of the Peyote: Huichol Indian History, Religion, and Survival. Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press Schwarz, Hans. (1975). The Search for God. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg House Slotkin, J. S. (1975). The Peyote Religion: A Study in Indian-White Relations. New York: Octagon - Farrar, Straus and Giroux Smith, David E. (Editor) (1970). The New Social Drug: Cultural, Medical, and Legal Perspectives on Marijuana. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Smith, Huston, and Snake, Reuben. (1996). (Editors and compilers). One Nation Under God: The Triumph of the Native American Church. Santa Fe, NM: Clear Light Publishers Spilka, Bernard; Hood, Ralph W., Jr.; and Gorsuch, Richard L. (1985). The Psychology of Religion: An Empirical Approach. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Spinks, G. Stephens. (1965). Psychology and Religion: An Introduction to Contemporary Views. Boston: Beacon Press Stace, W. T. (1960). Mysticism and Philosophy. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Tarnas, Richard T. (1976). Birth and Rebirth: LSD, Psychoanalysis, and

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Spiritual Enlightenment. No publisher: no place Tarnas, Richard. (1991). The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that Have Shaped Our World View. New York: Harmony Books Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. (Fall, 1996). Buddhism and Psychedelics.6(1). Topical issue Trungpa, Chogyam. (1973). Cutting through Spiritual Materialsm. Shambhala: Berkeley Turkel, Peter. (1969). The Chemical Religion: The Truth About Drugs and Teens. Glen Rock, NJ: Paulist Press Deus Books Turner, D.M. [pseudonym]. (1994) The Essential Psychedelic Guide. San Francisco: Panther Press Wagner, David. (1997). The New Temperance: The American Obsession with Sin and Vice. Boulder, CO: Westview Press Wainwright, William J. (1981). Mysticism: A Study of its Nature, Cognitive Value and Moral Implications. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press Warner, Nicholas O. (1997). Spirits of America: Intoxication in NineteenthCentury American Literature. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press Wells, Brian. (1973). Psychedelic Drugs: Psychological, Medical and Social Issues. Penguin: Harmondsworth, Middlesex Wilbert, Johannes. (1987). Tobacco and Shamanism in South America. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press Winkelman, Michael James. (1984). A Cross-cultural Study of MagicoReligious Practitioners. Irvine, CA: University of California Wood, James E., Jr. (Editor) (1985). Religion and the State: Essays in Honor of Leo Pfeffer. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press Zaretsky, Irving, and Leone, Mark P. (Editors) (1974). Religious Movements in Contemporary America. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

1998 - new entries to Sept. 13: items 383-417

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Beck, Peggy V., and Walters, Anna L. (1977). The Sacred: Ways of Knowledge Sources of Life. Tsaile (Navajo Nation) AZ: Navajo Community College Press. Bell, Catherine. (1997). Ritual: Perspectives and Dimensions. New York: Oxford University Press. Campbell, Joseph. (edited by Phil Cousineau). (1990). The Heros Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco. Cortright, Brant. (1997). Psychotherapy and Spirit: Theory and Practice in Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Cutler, Donald R. (editor) (1968). The Religious Situation: 1968. Boston: Beacon Press. Cutler, Donald R. (1969) (editor). The Religious Situation: 1969. Boston: Beacon Press. Evans, Bette Novit. (1997). Interpreting the Free Exercise of Religion: The Constitution and American Pluralism. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press. Faber, M. D. (1981). Culture and Consciousness: The Social Meaning of Altered Awareness. New York: Human Sciences Press. Graboi, Nina. (1991). One Foot in the Future: A Womans Spiritual Journey. Santa Cruz, CA: Aerial Press. Heffter Review of Psychedelic Research. (1998). Vol. 1. Santa Fe, NM: The Heffter Research Institute. Jenks, Shepherd M., Jr. (1997). The Phoenix Has Risen from the Ashes: A Socio-cultural Examination of the Neo-psychedelic Movement. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico. Lang, Bernhard. (1997). Sacred Games: A History of Christian Worship. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Mahony, William K. (1998). The Artful Universe: An Introduction to the Vedic Religious Imagination. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Matossian, Mary Kilbourne. (1989). Poisons of the Past: Molds, Epidemics, and History. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Merkur, Dan. (1998). The Ecstatic Imagination: Psychedelic Experiences and the sychoanalysis of Self-Actualization. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Metzner, Ralph. (1997). The Unfolding Self: Varieties of Transformative Experience. Novato, CA: Origin Press.

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Miller, John, and Koral, Randall. (1995). White Rabbit: A Psychedelic Reader. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. Neusner, Jacob; Frerichs, Ernest S., and Flesher, Paul Virgil McCracken. (Editors) (1989). Religion, Science, and Magic: In Concert and In Conflict. New York: Oxford University Press. Newport, John P. (1998). The New Age Movement and the Biblical Worldview. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Oakes, Len. (1997). Prophetic Charisma: The Psychology of Revolutionary Religious Personalities. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. Patterson, Alex. (1992). A Field Guide to Rock Art Symbols of the Greater Southwest. Boulder, CO: Johnson Printing Co. Pinkson, Tom Soloway. (1995). Flowers of Wiricuta: a Gringos Journey to Shamanic Power. Mill Valley, CA: Wakan Press. Scotton, Bruce W., Chinen, Allan B., and Battista, John R. (Editors) (1996). Textbook of Transpersonal Psychiatry and Psychology. New York: Basic Books. Sheldrake, Rupert; McKenna, Terence, and Abraham, Ralph. (1998). The Evolutionary Mind: Trilogues at the Edge of the Unthinkable. Santa Cruz, CA: Trialogue Press. Shulgin, Alexander, and Shulgin, Ann. (1997). TIHKAL: The Continuation. Berkeley, CA: Transform Press. Stamets, Paul. (1996). Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World: An Identification Guide. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press. Taylor, Kylea. (1995). The Ethics of Caring: Honoring the Web of Life in our Professional Healing Relationships. Santa Cruz, CA: Hanford Mead. Vento, Carlos Arnoldo. (1998). Mestizo: The History, Culture and Politics of the Mexican and the Chicano: The Emerging Mestizo-Americans. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. Voeks, Robert A. (1997). Sacred Leaves of Candombl: African Magic, Medicine, and Religion in Brazil. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. Weaver, Jace. (editor) (1998). Native American Religious Identity: Unforgotten GodsMaryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. Webb, Marilyn. (1997). The Good Death: The New American Search to Reshape the End of Life. New York: Bantam.

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Fosshage, James L. and Olsen, Paul. (1978). Healing: Implications For Psychotherapy. New York and London: Human Sciences Press. Frances, Sherana Harriette. (2001). Drawing It Out: Befriending the Unconscious. (A Contemporary Womans Psychedelic Journey) Sarasota, FL: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Fuller, Robert C. (2000). Stairways to Heaven: Drugs in American Religious History. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Gray, James P. (2001). Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It: A Judicial Indictment of the War on Drugs. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. The Heffter Review of Psychedelic Research. (2001). Volume 2, Santa Fe, NM: The Heffter Research Institute Kavaler, Lucy. (1965). Mushrooms, Molds, and Miracles. NY: The John Day Company. Lindon, John A. (Editor) (1969). The Psychoanalytic Forum. A Psychoanalytic View of the Family: A Study of Family Member Interactions. Volume 3. NY: Science House McDannell,Colleen. (Editor) (2001). Religions of the United States in Practice. Volume 2. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press Merkur, Dan. (2001). The Psychedelic Sacrament: Manna, Meditation and Mystical Experience. Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press Newberg, Andrew; DAquili, Eugene; and Rause, Vince. (2001). Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. New York: Ballantine Books Ott, Jonathan. (1976). Hallucinogenic Plants of North America. Berkeley, CA: Wingbow Press Oursler, Will. (1968). Religion: Out or Way Out. Harrisburg, PA: The Stackpole Company. Pollan, Michael. (2001). The Botany of Desire: A Plants-Eye View of the World. New York and Toronto: Random House, Inc.
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1 Roberts, T. (1965). untitled letter to the editor. Summerhill Bulletin.(5)2, 5. Oct. 2 2 Roberts, T. (1966). I seen the growth scene: An Econo-Religio-MysticoDialogue. Summerhill bulletin. pp. 89, (April) 3 Roberts, T. B. (1971). Describing ERIC (Educational Resource Information Clearinghouse) and inviting alternative-school people to contribute to ERIC and to use the system. New Schools Exchange Newsletter, (67), Dec. 1 (untitled letter). Roberts, T. B. (1977). Recommended transpersonal readings. Newsletter of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Fall, 8 (bibliography). Roberts, T. B. (1978). Undergraduate course outline in transpersonal psychology. Newsletter of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Fall (syllabus).

4 5

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Roberts, T. B. (1978). Transpersonal psychology: General references, theory, and research. Newsletter of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Fall (bibliography). Roberts, T. B. (1980). Consciousness education. Educational Research Monograph #2, Oregon State University (abstract). Roberts, T. B. (1981). The placebo ability. Not Just Words: The Newsletter of the Transpersonal Linguistics, Autumn-Winter, 1, 2-3 (brief item). Roberts, T. B. (1982). "Transpersonal" isn't "interpersonal" or "social". Not Just Words: The Newsletter of Transpersonal Linguistics, Spring, 1(4), 3 (brief item).

7 8 9

10 Roberts, T. B. (1982). The intellectual frontier is on the West Coast? The Chronicle of Higher Education, Dec. 15, 15 (letter to the editor). 11 Roberts, T. B. (1983). Graduate programs in humanistic, transpersonal, and consciousness education. National Holistic Education Network Newsletter, March, 6, 8 (program description). 12 Roberts, T. B. (1984). Urging yes vote (on school tax referendum). DeKalb Chronicle. 13 Roberts, T. B. (1987). Is there a placebo ability? Advances (Inst. for the Advancement of Health), 4(1), 5 (letter to the editor). 14 Roberts, T. B. (1993). Sign of the Times. Barron's: Business and Financial Weekly, January 4, (letter to the editor). 15 Roberts, T. B. (1994). untitled. The Drug Policy Letter. No. 24, (Fall 1994) 3. (letter to the editor). 16 Roberts, T. B. (1995). End the drug war. Chicago Tribune. May 25, 1995, 28. (letter to the editor). 17 Roberts, T. B. (1996). Comment on Grob, C., & Harman, W., (1995). Federal Approval for Research on Psychedelics Resumes: Making Sense of the Psychedelic Issue, Institute of Noetic Sciences Bulletin, Spring 1996. (letter to the editor) 18 Roberts, T. B. (1996). A living museum. The Hartford [CT] Courant, Wednesday, August, 25. (letter to the editor suggesting establishing a living history

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museum representing the Mill Town Era of America of the late 1800ss, to be situated in a mill town along the Shetucket or Quinabaug Rivers in eastern Connecticut.) 19. Roberts, T. B. (1997). Preventing drug abuse. APA Monitor. [American Psychological Association]. Nov. 3. (letter to the editor) 20 Roberts. T. B. (1999). The War on (Some) Drugs. Harpers Magazine, August, page 6, (letter to the editor) 22. Roberts, Thomas B. (2002). A Bit Dopey? New Scientist, 30 March, page 53 (letter to the editor) 23. Roberts, Thomas B. (2005, Sept. 19). Flood Control. Barrons: The Dow Jones Business and Financial Weekly. (letter to the editor).

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1. Roberts, T. B. (1974). Transpersonal Education in Process. Audiotape of panel discussion at 1974 Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Stanford, CA. Saratoga, CA: Cognetics, Inc. Roberts, T. B. (1978). Transpersonal education: What is it? Where did it come from? Where is it going? Audiotape of plenary speech at Children of the New Age Conference sponsored by California State University at Fullerton, May 15-17. No. Hollywood, CA: On-the-Spot Duplicators, Inc. Roberts, T. B. (1978). All the questions get re-asked: Consciousness, research, and education. Audiotape of session presentation at Children of the New Age Conference sponsored by California State University at Fullerton, May 15-17. No. Hollywood, CA: On-the-Spot Duplicators, Inc. Roberts, T. B. (1978). Consciousness education. Audiotape of afternoon workshop at the conference Philosophy, Where are You? Dominican College, San Rafael, CA. June 28-July 4, 1978. Hollywood, CA: Mobiltape Co., Inc. Roberts, T. B. (1979). Psychology of consciousness. Audiotape of invited address at the International Association for Children with Learning Disabilities Annual Conference, March 1, San Francisco. Garden Grove, CA: Audio-Stats. Roberts, T. B. (1979). An overview of centering and consciousness. Audiotape of plenary speech at Virginia Council on Social Welfare Western Fall Conference. Hampton, VA: Child Care Information Center. Roberts, T. B. (1979). Centering and consciousness. Audiotape of session slide-lecture at Virginia Council on Social Welfare Western Fall Conference. Hampton, VA: Child Care Information Center. Roberts, T. B. (1979). Transpersonal and consciousness education. Audiotape of lecture at Fifth International Congress on Transpersonal Psychology, Boston, Nov. 9-14. Saratoga, CA: Cognetics, Inc. Roberts, T. B. (1980). Transpersonal/consciousness education: Understanding it and explaining it. Audiotape of workshop. San Diego: Mandala Holistic Health Conference, Aug. 6-7.









10. Floyd, J. (1981). New approaches to physical health. 1/2 - hour videotape

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panel discussion. PRN Center at Northern Illinois University, taped for U.S. Army. 11. Roberts, T. B. (1983). Transpersonal education? Explaining it and understanding it. 7-hour videotapes of preconference institute at 1983 Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology. June 16-17, Pacific Grove, CA. Riverside, CA: The Video Record. 12. Audiotapes of Transpersonal education? Explaining it and understanding it. 7- hour videotapes of preconference institute at 1983 Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology. June 16-17, Pacific Grove, CA. Riverside, CA: The Video Record. 13. Roberts, T. B. (1983). It means something different to be a human being. Audiotape of presentation at Ocean to Ocean--Blending Transpersonal Currents. Conference sponsored by the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Stony Point (New York) Conference Center. Dec. 9-11. Brooklyn, NY: Conference Copy, Inc. 14. Harari, C., Katz, R., Komito, D., & Roberts, T. (1983). Transpersonal education: Perspectives and applications. Audiotape of panel at Ocean-toOcean--Blending Transpersonal Currents. Conference sponsored by the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Stony Point (New York) Conference Center. Dec. 9- 11. Brooklyn, NY: Conference Copy Inc. 15. Roberts, T., Houston, J., Murphy, M., Ferguson, M. (1984). Changing our minds (panel interview). IDEAS Series, Toronto: Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Broadcast on 76 CBC stations, April 5, 1984. Audiotapes and printed transcript available from CBC. 16. Roberts, T. B. (1987). Consciousness education. The Ryan Elliott Show: Centel Cable, Wheaton, IL. (Television taping for later broadcast in Fall 1987.) 17. Roberts, T.B. (1988) audiotape. Multistate Education, presented at the Tenth International Congress of the International Transpersonal Assoc. Santa Rosa, CA. Berkeley, CA.: Conference Recording Service (ITC88043). 18. Roberts, T. (1994). Multistate studies: The major intellectual opportunity of our times. 1-hour slide lecture. Delivered June 22 at the Twelfth International Congress of the International Transpersonal Association, Prague. Available from ITA: Mill Valley, CA.

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Presentations at these conferences are listed in the following section Activities at Professional Meetings 1. Second International Conference on Humanistic Psychology, Sponsored by the Association for Humanistic Psychology, Wurzburg, Germany, July, 1971. 2. International Conference on Transpersonal Psychology and Psychobiology. Sponsored by Institute for Consciousness Research, Reykjavik, Iceland, and Transpersonal Association, Palo Alto, California, May 31-June 5, 1972, Bifrost, Iceland. 3. Humanistic Education. Sponsored by the Association for Humanistic Psychology. September 6, 1972, Squaw Valley, California. This was an invitational submeeting of the larger Annual Meeting. 4. Humanistic Education. Sponsored by the Association for Humanistic Psychology. August 25-27, 1974, New Orleans, Louisiana.This was an invitational submeeting of the larger Annual Meeting. 5-7. Sixth through Eighth Conferences on the Voluntary Control of Internal States: (Council Grove VI-VIII), 1974-76. Sponsored by the Research Department, The Menninger Foundation. Held at Council Grove, Kansas. 8. Second International Conference on Transpersonal Psychology and Psychobiology. Sponsored by Institute for Consciousness Research, Reykjavik, Iceland, and Transpersonal Association, Palo Alto, California, June 1-June 6, 1972, Iceland. 9. Consciousness, Mythology, and the Creative Processes. Sponsored by the Institute for Consciousness and Music, Baltimore, Maryland. October 28November 1, 1974. Olive Hill, Kentucky. 10. Midnight Sun Conference on Transpersonal Psychology. Inari, Finland. June 23-28, 1976. Sponsored by the GONPO Transpersonal Institute, Helsinki and Copenhagen. 11-13. Thirteenth-Fifteenth Conferences on the Voluntary Control of Internal States (Council Grove XIII-XV) 1981-83. Sponsored by the Research

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Department, The Menninger Foundation. Held at Council Grove, Kansas. 14-15 Consciousness and Education. Sponsored by the Kettering Foundation, the Pillsbury Foundation, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. October 19- 22, and November 16-19, 1981, Wyzata, Minnesota. 16. Conscious and Unconscious Mental Processes: Implications for Learning. Sponsored by the Lawrence Hall of Science at U.C. Berkeley, School of Education at U.C. Berkeley, Atari Action Research Foundation, Santa Clara County School District, June 24-26, 1982, Berkeley, California. 17. Fourth International Conference on Human Development, Learning, and Personality Formation. Sponsored by UNESCO, Czech Ministry of Sciences, Czech Ministry of Education, July 6-10, 1982, Prague, Czechoslovakia. 18. Seventeenth Council Grove Conference. Sponsored by the Research Department, The Menninger Foundation. Held at Council Grove, KS. March 31-April 4, 1986. 19. Primera Conferencia Internacional Sobre Los Nuevos Paradigmas de la Ciencia. University of Guadalajara. November 18-23, 1993. 20. II Conferencia Internacional Sobre Los Nuevos Paradigmas de la Ciencia. University of Guadalajara. November 10-17, 1994. 21. Pacific Symposium on Psychedelics, II. Big Sur, California. January 15-20, 1995. Sponsored by the Pacific Symposium. 22. Psychoactive Sacraments. Menlo Park, CA. Feb. 16-19, 1995. Sponsored by the Chicago Theological Seminary and the Council on Spiritual Practrices. 23. Psychedelics 1996. Big Sur, CA. Jan. 1996. Sponsored by the Pacific Symposium. 24. Entheogens 1997. Big Sur, CA. Jan. 6-8, 1997. Sponsored by the Council on Spiritual Practices. 25. PREP Conference [Primary Religious Experience Project]. Mar. 6 - 10, 1998, Bishops Ranch (Episcopal), Sonoma, CA. Co-sponsored by the Council on Spiritual Practices and the Episcopal Bishopric of Northern California.

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1-2 Second International Invitational Conference on Humanistic Psychology, Wurzburg, Germany, July, 1971. a) (Paper) Beginning a humanistic normal science: Developing thoughts on developmental psychology and moral development. b) (Paper) Thoughts on cultural development. 3. (Co-chair and participant) Teaching humanistic social science in higher education. Annual Meeting of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, Squaw Valley, California, September, 1972. 4. (Invited speaker) Humanistic Education. Illinois Junior College Association, Springfield, Illinois, Nov. 21, 1972. 5. (Keynote and conference moderator) Welcome to conferees Thoughts on applications of transpersonal psychology to education. First Conference on Applications of Transpersonal Psychology to Education, sponsored by Department of Secondary Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, May 6, 1973. 6. (Co-chair and participant) Transpersonal education: Plans, practices, and possibilities. Annual Meeting of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, Montreal, Canada, August, 1973. 7. (Panel member) Transpersonal education in process. 1974 Annual Meeting of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, New Orleans. 8. (Performance) Videofeedback concert. Consciousness, Mythology, and the Creative Process, Olive Hill, Kentucky, October 31, 1974, sponsored by the Institute for Consciousness and Music, Baltimore, Maryland. 9. (Co-chair) Discussion on transpersonal education. Second International Invitational Conference on Transpersonal Psychology: Consciousness and Society, Lojosaratnsskart, Iceland, May 28, 1975. Sponsored by Institute for Consciousness Research, Reykjavik, Iceland. 10. (Co-chair) Discussion on transpersonal education. 1975 Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, July 20, 1975, Stanford, California. 11. (Performance) Videofeedback concert. Seventh Conference on the

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Voluntary Control of Internal States: (Council Grove VII), April 3, 1975. Sponsored by the Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas, and the Transpersonal Institute, Palo Alto, California. 12-13. (Recorder at two sessions) (1) Meditation, (2) Psychosynthesis in Counseling. American Personnel and Guidance Association Annual Convention, April 12, 1976, Chicago. 14. (Panel member) Values and consciousness. Eighth Conference on the Voluntary Control of Internal States (Council Grove VIII), April 21, 1976. Sponsored by the Research Department, The Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas and the Transpersonal Institute, Palo Alto, California. 15. (Performance) Videofeedback for Altered States. Eighth Conference on the Voluntary Control of Internal States (Council Grove VIII), April 22, 1976. Sponsored by the Research Department, The Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas and the Transpersonal Institute, Palo Alto, California. 16-20. Midnight Sun International Conference on Transpersonal Psychology. Inari, Finland, June 24-29, 1976. North American member of the Organizing Committee. a) (Keynote address) Welcome to Delegates and Inaugural Address b) (Panel member) The Wisdom of the East Meets the Skill of the West c) (Panel member) Elements of Transpersonal Psychology in Education and its Applicability d) (Plenary speaker) Transpersonal Education 21. (Panel chair) Transpersonal education. 1976 Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Pacific Grove, California, July 23-25, 1976. 22. (Open forum leader) Teaching with transpersonal education. 1976 Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Pacific Grove, California, July 23-25, 1976. 23. (Panel member) Psychosynthesis. American Society for Clinical Hypnosis Annual Meeting, Chicago, October 22, 1976. 24. (Speaker) Transpersonal education. Frontiers in Education--A Transpersonal Approach. Conference sponsored by the California Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, San Francisco, February 11-13, 1977. 25. (Plenary speaker) Relationships between S.A.L.T. and transpersonal education. Second International Conference on Suggestive Accelerative

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Learning and Teaching. Department of Psychology, Iowa State University, Ames, April 1977. 26. (Co-chair) Education. 1977 Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Pacific Grove, California, July 22-24, 1977. 27. (Keynote speaker) Education and consciousness. Los Angeles Association of Elementary School Principals Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, Dec. 3, 1977. 28. (Workshop leader) Applying consciousness studies to education. Los Angeles Association of Elementary School Principals Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, California, Dec. 3, 1977. 29. (Panel member) New ways of teaching. Los Angeles Association for Humanistic Psychology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, Jan. 27-29, 1978. 30. (Post-meeting institute leader) Transpersonal psychology in the classroom. Los Angeles Association for Humanistic Psychology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, Jan. 27-29, 1978. 31. (Keynote address) Expanding human abilities by expanding consciousness. Fourth Annual Symposium on Behavioral and Learning Disorders. Devereux Foundation and Division of Special Education at the University of San Diego, Santa Barbara, California, Feb. 24, 1979. 32. (Plenary speech) Can the psychology of consciousness help the learning disabled? Hints, hope, and happenings. Association for Children with Learning Disabilities International Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March 1, 1979. 33. (Convener) Organizational meeting of the Mind/Body Education Special Interest Group. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 10, 1979. 34. (Plenary speech) New roles for counselors: Implications of consciousness psychology. Northern Illinois Personal and Guidance Association Annual Meeting, Oregon, Illinois, April 21, 1979. 35. (Plenary speech) Implications of consciousness studies for higher education and (session speaker) Consciousness education: Redomaining. Conference sponsored by Student Services Division, Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta.

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36. (1/2-day institute) Consciousness education: A smorgasbord of philosophical problems. Philosophy, Where are You? Conference sponsored by Reminding Seminars and Dominican College, San Rafael, California. June 28-July 3, 1979. 37. (Slide-lecture) Transpersonal literary criticism: A Grofian analysis of Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Association for Transpersonal Psychology Annual Meeting, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, July 14, 1979. 38. (Speaker) Consciousness education. Fifth Congress of the International Transpersonal Association, Boston, MA, Nov. 10, 1979. 39. (Reacter/discussant) Think-tank Conference on the Implications of Split-brain Research for the Mentally Retarded, March 13-15, 1980. New Orleans, Louisiana. Sponsored by the National Association for Retarded Citizens. 40. (Session chair) Biofeedback, yoga, and hypnosis. Invited address by Theodore X. Barber. 1980 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Boston, MA April 8, 1980. 41. (Paper) Consciousness--New psychology, new educational psychology. 1980 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Boston, MA, April 9, 1980. 42. (Plenary speaker) Consciousness studies, Can they help the learning disabled? Annual Meeting of the Maine State Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, Augusta, ME, May 10, 1980. 43. (Wrap-up speaker) Where do we go from here? Annual Meeting of the Maine State Association for the Learning Disabled. Augusta, Maine, May 10, 1980. 44. (Premeeting institute leader) Transpersonal education. Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Pacific Grove, CA. June 26, 1980. 45. (Panel member) Transpersonalizing public education. Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology. Pacific Grove, California, June 27- 29, 1980. 46. (Panel member) Transpersonalizing public education. Annual Meeting of

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the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Pacific Grove, California, June 27, 1980. 47. (Panel member) Graduate programs in transpersonal studies. Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Pacific Grove, California, June 28, 1980. 48(Speech) Consciousness education. Sixth Annual Holistic Health Conference, San Diego, California, August 1-7, 1980. 49. (Slide-lecture) A transpersonal interpretation of Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Sixth Annual Holistic Health Conference, San Diego, California, August 1-7, 1980. 50. (Plenary lecture) Transpersonal/consciousness education Concepts and theories. National Institute of Education Adult Learning Project, Bolton, Vermont, Oct. 24, 1980. 51. (Reactor/discussant) National Institute of Education Adult Learning Project, Second Meeting. January 1981. 52. (Plenary lecture) Disney's intrapsychic drama "Show White and the Seven Dwarfs" A Grofian Interpretation. Thirteenth Conference on the Voluntary Control of Internal States, sponsored by the Research Department of the Menninger Foundation. April 20-24, 1981, Council Grove, Kansas. 53. (Workshop/discussion) Consciousness education. Thirteenth Conference on the Voluntary Control of Internal States,sponsored by the Research Department of the Menninger Foundation. April 20-24, 1981, Council Grove, Kansas. 54. (Paper read in my absence) Redomaining education. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Los Angeles, CA, April 16, 1981. 55 . (Keynote speech) Consciousness counseling. Illinois Welfare Association District 1 Spring Meeting, Genoa, IL, May 1, 1981. 56. (Panel chair) Professional development, activities, and organizations: Injecting transpersonal juice into mainline professional organizations. Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Aug. 8, 1981.

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57 . (Paper) Surviving as a psychologically sound person. A Basis for a Curriculum for Human Survival, Annual conference sponsored by Thresholds in Education Foundation, Washington Island, Wisconsin, Sept. 26-27, 1981. 58 . (Paper presentation) Disney's intrapsychic drama "Show White and the Seven Dwarfs" A Grofian Interpretation. Fifth American Imagery Conference, Chicago, Illinois, Oct. 9, 1981. 59. (Paper presentation) Kids learn more and like it Teaching with cognitive guided imagery. Fifth American Imagery Conference, Chicago, Illinois, Oct. 9, 1981. 60. (Keynote slide-lecture) Social and intellectual background of consciousness studies. Invitational Conference on Consciousness and Education, sponsored by the Kettering Foundation, Minneapolis Foundation, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Wyzata, Minnesota, October 19-11, 1981. 61. (Plenary slide-lecture) A model of consciousness education. Invitational Conference on Consciousness and Education, sponsored by the Kettering Foundation, Minneapolis Foundation, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Wyzata, Minnesota, October 19-11, 1981. 62. (Keynote slide-lecture) Social and intellectual background of consciousness studies. Invitational Conference on Consciousness and Education, sponsored by the Kettering Foundation, Minneapolis Foundation, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Wyzata, Minnesota, Nov. 16-19, 1981. 63. (Plenary slide-lecture) A model of consciousness education. Invitational Conference on Consciousness and Education, sponsored by the Kettering Foundation, Minneapolis Foundation, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Wyzata, Minnesota, Nov. 16-19, 1981. 64. (Invited featured speaker) The role of biofeedback in consciousness education. Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Society of America, Chicago, Illinois, March 6, 1982. 65. (Plenary slide-lecture) Consciousness education. Conference on Voluntary Control of Internal States (Council Grove XIV). Sponsored by the Research Department of the Menninger Foundation, Council Grove, Kansas. 66. (Plenary slide-lecture) Consciousness education. Invitational Conference on Conscious and Unconscious Mental Processes: Implications for Learning. Sponsored by Lawrence Hall of Science at University of

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California-Berkeley, the School of Education at University of California-Berkeley, Atari Action Research Foundation, Santa Clara County Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Institute of Noetic Sciences, Berkeley, California, June 24-26, 1982. 67. (Plenary speaker) State of consciousness research, meanings, and implications for ethics. Association for Transpersonal Anthropology, International. Annual Meeting. Troy, New York, Sept. 2, 1982. 68. (Workshop leader) Transpersonal anthropology. Association for Transpersonal Anthropology, International, Annual Meeting.Troy, New York, Sept. 2-3, 1982. 69. (Speech) Consciousness and transpersonal education. Association for Humanistic Psychology Midwest Annual Meeting. Rosemont, Illinois, Oct. 12, 1982. 70. (Invited plenary speaker) State of consciousness counseling. Shaping Counselor Education Programs in the Next Five Years: A Flagship Conference. Sponsored by the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision and the Kellogg Foundation. Orlando, Florida, April 30-May 3, 1983. 71. (Invited, preconference institute) Transpersonal education? Explaining it and understanding it. Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology. Pacific Grove, California, June 16-19, 1983. 72. (Panel member) Graduate programs with transpersonal orientations. Annual Meeting of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Pacific Grove, California, June 16-19, 1983. 73. (Invited slide-lecture) Transpersonal and consciousness education. VIIIth Congress of the International Transpersonal Association, Davos, Switzerland, August 26-Sept. 2, 1983. 74-77. Nebraska State Council on Exceptional Children Annual Meeting, Omaha, Nebraska, Oct. 26-28, 1983. (Keynote panel) State of consciousness education. (Keynote address) SOC approaches to the handicapped. (Plenary speech) SOC counseling. (Plenary summary panel) Questions, problems, and possibilities. 78. (Plenary panel member) Transpersonal education: Perspectives and applications. Association for Transpersonal Psychology East Cost

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Conference, Stony Point, New York, Dec. 9-11, 1983. 79. (Session slide-lecture) It means something more to be a human being. Association for Transpersonal Psychology East Coast Conference, Stony Point, NY, Dec. 9-11, 1983. 80. (Invited, plenary speaker). Sixth Annual Winter Retreat for Faculty, Students, and Graduates of the Instructional Technology Faculty, Northern Illinois University. Oregon, IL. Feb. 3, 1984. 81. (Slide-lecture). A course on psychedelic research. Annual Meeting of the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Chicago, July 25, 1985. 82-83. Seventeenth Council Grove Conference. Sponsored by Research Department, The Menninger Foundation, Council Grove, KS. March 31-April 4, 1986. (a) Discussion). A course on psychedelic research. (b) Lecture). The MDMA Controversy. 84 . (Paper presentation). Transpersonal contributions to counseling and human development. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Washington, DC. April 20-24. (Presented in absentia by G. Render.) 85. (Slide-lecture) Roberts, T.B. (1988). Multistate Education. 1-1/2 hour slide lecture. Tenth International Transpersonal Association Conference, Santa Rosa,CA: Oct. 9-14. 86. (Invited Address) Roberts, T.B. (1989). Humanistic and Transpersonal Education: What Are They? Association of Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Transpersonal and Humanistic Special Interest Group. St. Louis, MO. Feb. 21, 1989. This was the first meeting of this new SIG as an officially recognized SIG in ATE. 87. (Invited Address) Roberts, T.B. (1989). slide-lecture: Mind Adventurers. NIU Dept. of Outdoor Education, Larado Taft Campus Spring Weekend, April 8. 88. (Invited slide-lecture) Roberts, T.B. (1989). Disney's Snow White A Grofian Interpretation. Sunburst Holistic Life Center, DeKalb, IL. Inaugural 1989-1990 Meeting, Oct. 6, 1989. 89. (Invited keynote address) Roberts, T.B. (1989). The Origins of Transpersonal Psychology. Organizational Meeting of the Transpersonal

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Psychology Network (Chicago). Nov. 19. 90-91. (Panel member) Roberts, T.B. (1990). Conference: The Great Issues of Drug Policy, sponsored by the Drug Policy Foundation, Washington, D.C. Oct, 31-Nov. 4, 1990 a) Preventing Drug Abuse through Education b) Developing a College-level Drug Curriculum 92-93. (Invited seminar organizer and speaker). The Bridge Conference: Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Psychedelics. Feb. 2, 1991. Stanford California (a) Roberts, T.B.(chair), Michael Aldrich, Michael Horowitz, James Musser Psychedelic Research: Sources of Information for Scholars and Collectors (b) Curricula and Classroom: You teach What? Where: (description of a course on psychedelics) 94. (Invited speaker) Roberts, T.B. (1991). Drug Peace Beyond the Drug War. Exploring Possibilities: Creative Approaches to Substance Abuse Prevention, sponsored by Health Enhancement Services of NIU and the Prairie States Consortium. Oakbrook, IL. Sept. 30th, 1991. 95. (Invited speaker). Multistate Studies: The Major Intellectual Opportunity of Our Time. A slide-lecture presentation of 1 hour. The Twelfth International Transpersonal Conference: Science, Spirituality and the Global Crisis. Prague, June 20-25, 1992. 96-98. Primera Conferencia Internacional sobre Los Nuevos Paradigmas de la Ciencia, (Firest Conference on New Paradigms in Science) sponsored by the University of Guadalajara and CONACyT (National Consortium for Science and Technology, an agency of the Mexican government). University of Guadalajara, Social Sciences Campus, November 21-27, 1993. a) (Invited plenary speaker: 1 1/2 hours) Multiples estados mentales, multiples paradigmas (Multiple Mindbody States, Multiple Paradigms). b) (Invited panel member: 2 hours) Viejos y nuevos paradigms del conocimiento (Old and New Paradigms of Consciousness). c) (Invited panel member: 1 hour) El impacto de los neuvos paradigmas en la sociedad y la cultura naciente. (The Impact of New Paradigms in Society and the Emerging Culture) 99. (Paper presentation) "Psychedelics and Cannabis: Medicine, Spirituality,

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and Policy" San Francisco, California, April 17-18, 1993. LSD Fifty Year Anniversary Celebration. Sponsored by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies and The Island Group. 100-102. Annual Meeting of the MidWest Educational Research Association. Chicago, October 12-15, 1994: a) (Panel chair and organizer) The Multistate Paradigm Contributions from Imagery Eastern Psychology, Meditation, Mysticism, and Psychedelics. b) (Presenter) Multistate Theory and Psychoactive Drugs c) (co-Presenter with P. J. Hruby) Mystical Experiences and Addiction Beliefs Among Undergraduates. 103-105. II Conferencia Internacional Sobre Los Nuevos Paradigmas De La Ciencia. (Second International Conference on New Paradigms in Science). Centre for Frontiers of Science, University of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, November, 14-18, 1994. a) (Invited plenary speaker) La Educacion Transpersonal. b) (Invited panel member) Los Nuevos Paradigmas de la Educacion. c) (Invited workshop presenter) Educacion Transpersonal. 106.(Invited panel member) Nootropics, Psychedelics and Cannabis, Pro & Con Policy Debate. Tuesday, April 19, 1994, Harper College, Palatine, Illinois. 107. (Invited paper presenter). A Menu of Psychedelic Policy Ideas: Greater Visions Panel. Second Invitational Pacific Symposium on Psychedelics. Big Sur, California. January 1520, 1995. Sponsored by the Pacific Symposium and Esalen Institute. 108. (Conference Organizer and Moderator) Psychoactive Sacraments, a conference cosponsored by Chicago Theological Seminary and the Council for Spiritual Practices, Menlo Park, CA., Feb. 15-20, 1995. 109. Psychoactive Sacraments, a conference-retreat sponsored by Chicago Theological Seminary and the Council for Spiritual Practices. Menlo Park, Ca., Feb. 15-20, 1995. a) (Invited panelist) Religious Centers for Exploration in Psychoactive Sacraments b) (Plenary wrap-up panel.) Where Do We Go From Here? 110. (Paper co-presenter with P. J. Hruby). Psychedelic Drug Use: Implications for Health Care Professionals. Mid-America College Health Association Annual Meeting, Nov.1-3, 1995. Northern Illinois University.

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111. (Paper co-presenter). With Hruby, P. J. Entheogens: Return of the Ostracized. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York City, April 8-12, 1996. Cosponsored by the Religion and Education Special Interest Group. 112. (Paper co-presenter). With Hruby, P. J. How Big is Your Umwelt? American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York City, April 8-12, 1996. Sponsored by the Semiotics and Education Special Interest Group. 113. (Paper presenter) Entheogens and IgA. [salivary immunoglobulin A]. PREP Conference [Primary Religious Experience Project]. March 6 - 10, 1998. Bishops Ranch, Somona CA. Co-sponsored by the Council on Spiritual Practices and the Bishopric of Northern California. 114.(Poster session) God, Drugs, and Consciousness. Toward a Science of Consciousness III, Tucson, AZ. April 30 - May, 5, 1998. Co-sponsored by the University of Arizona and The Journal of Consciousness Studies. 115. (invited plenary) Entheogen Assisted Mystical Experiences and Religious/Spontaneous Healing. Presented at PREP Conference [Primary Religious Experience Project]. Mar. 6 - 10, 1999, Bishops Ranch (Episcopal), Sonoma, CA. Co-sponsored by the Council on Spiritual Practices and the Episcopal Bishopric of Northern California. 116. (invited plenary) Community Psychedelic Centers. Presented at Invitational Conference on the Work of Stanislav Grof, March 19-24, 2000. Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA. 117. (invited plenary) Ten Questions Searching for Answers. Presented at Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ. April 2 6, 2000. 118. (refereed paper) Entheogens Spores of the Religious Imagination. Presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Columbus, OH. Oct. 18 - 21, 2001. 119. (refereed paper) The Shaman-Scholar Anthropologys Contributions to a Department of Consciousness Studies. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropology Association, Washington, D. C. Nov. 30 Dec. 2, 2001. 120. (refereed paper) Psychoactive Sacramentals Easy Questions, Hard Answers. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, Chicago, August 15 17, 2002. 121. (invited panel member) Religious Issues and Drug Policy. Presented at Midwest Regional Conference Towards A Sensible Drug Policy: Educating, Empowering and Encouraging April

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13-14, 2002. Loyola University, Chicago. 122. (refereed paper accepted, not presented due to lack of travel funds) Beyond Sociologys Hegemony Entheogens! You Must Be Kidding! Accepted but not delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Salt Lake City, Oct. 31 Nov. 2, 2002. 123. (invited speaker) The New Gutenberg Reformation: Democratizing Primary Religious Experience. Entheogenesis II (a public conference). Vancouver, BC. Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2004. 124. (refereed paper) The New Gutenberg Reformation: Entheogenic Frontiers in the Scientific Study of Religion. Presented as Religious Studies 419: EntheogensSacramentals or Sacrilege? (a tentative syllabus design). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Oct. 21-14, 2004. Kansas City, MO. 125. (invited presentation). Psychedelics in Education? Surely, Youre Joking! Lecture-discussion in the Heart-to-Heart Faculty Colloquia Series, sponsored by the Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations, Northern Illinois University. March 25, 2005. 126. (refereed paper) EntheogensVenture Spiritual Capital? Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Rochester, NY. Nov. 4-6, 2005. 127.(invited panel member) Panel on Entheogens, Sponsored by Intersections Lectures Series, Columbia College (Chicago) and Chicago Cultural Center. Nov. 3, 2005. 128.(refereed paper) A New Scientific Endeavor: Psychedelic Enhancements and Mindbody Psychotechnologies. At the conference Human Enhancement Technologies and Human Rights to be held at Stanford University Law School, jointly sponsored by the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, Center for Cognitive Liberty, Stanford Center for Law and the Biosciences, Stanford Program in Ethics and Society. May 26-28, 2006.

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Professional Offices: Presentations are listed under Activities at Professional Meetings. 1-2 American Educational Research Association, Mind/Body Special Interest Group (now merged into the Holistic Education SIG): a) Co-founder 1977-78 b-d) Program chair for AERA Annual Meetings 1980, 1981, 1982 3-6 Association for Transpersonal Psychology: a) First chair of the Education Committee, 1964-67 b) Member of the Board of Directors 1977-79 c) Vice-president 1977 d) Member-at-large 1978 7-9 International Transpersonal Association: a) Founding member, 1976 b) Co-organizer of the Third Intl Congress, Inari, Finland, 1976. c) Program Chair of Education Sessions at the Fifth International Congress, Boston, Massachusetts, November 9-14, 1979 10-11 National Mental Health Association: a) Member of the Prevention Committee 1980-82 b) I nominated the winner of the 1981 Lela Howland Award for Prevention of Mental Illness 12 Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies: a) Member of the Founding Board of Directors, 1986-1990.

13 Center for New Paradigms in Science, University of Guadalajara a) Member of International Advisory Board 14-18 Council on Spiritual Practices a) Co-founder 1994 b) Member of Executive Committee 1994-present c) Co-organizer of the Internet list, 1994-present d) Co-administrator of the World Wide Web site 1995-present e) Co-organizer of the Primary Religious Experience Project Committee, 1997- present 19 Heffter Research Institute

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a) Member of the Board of Consultants, Santa Fe, NM. 1995 - present Editorial Boards: 1 2 3 Consciousness and Culture 1976-79 AURA (Helsinki) 1976-79 ReVision: Journal of Knowledge and Consciousness 1978-1985. Consulting editor 1985-1992. 4 Brain/Mind Bulletin 1981-1988 5 Phoenix: Journal of Transpersonal Anthropology 1982-1987 6 Website administrative committee: Council on Spiritual Practrices, 1995 present 7 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry On-line, 1995 - present Institute Boards: 1 2 3 4 5 GONPO Transpersonal Institute, Helsinki & Copenhagen, 1975-80 Institute for Humanistic and Transpersonal Education, 1976-80 Proteus Institute, Big Sur, California, 1978-80 International Board of Consultants, Center for Future Directions in Policy, University of Guadalajara, 1993 - 1995. Council on Spiritual Practices, Executive Board

Conference Planning Boards and Committees: 1 First Conference on the Educational Applications of Transpersonal Psychology. Organizer and convener. May 3-5, 1973. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. International Conference on Consciousness and Society, Planning Committee. May 26-30, 1975. Lojosavatnaskart, Iceland. Co-sponsored by the Institute for Consciousness Research, Reykjavik, Iceland, and Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, California. Midnight Sun International Conference on Transpersonal Psychology, Planning Committee. June 26-30, 1976. Inari, Finland. Co-sponsored by GONPO Transpersonal Institute, Helsinki and Copenhagen, and the Institute for Transpaersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, CA. . Eighth Conference on Voluntary Control of Internal States (Council Grove VIII), Planning Consultant. April 10-15, 1977. Research Department, Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas, and Transpersonal Institute, Palo Alto, California.

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Psychoactive Sacraments. An international, invitational conference sponsored by the Council on Spiritual Practices, San Francisco, and Chicago Theological Seminary, held in Menlo Park, California. February 15-20, 1995. (a) Co-organizer and convener (b) program chair and inviter (c) floor manager and moderator.

6 Mid-America College Health Association Annual Meeting, DeKalb, Il. Nov. 1-3, 1995. 7. Planning Conference on Primary Religious Experience Project, Bishops Ranch (Episcopal), Sonoma, CA. March 10 -1 16, 1998.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Northwestern University, School of Education, Evanston, IL, lecture, "Transpersonal Education," July 9, 1975. University of British Columbia Faculty of Education, Vancouver, B. C. Guest Director of Workshop on Transpersonal Education, October 24-25, 1975. Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Education, Burnaby, British Columbia, lecture, "Transpersonal psychology," October 27, 1975. Scott, Foresman & Co., Glenview, Illinois, manuscript reviewer for Psychology Editor, Fall, 1975. California Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Menlo Park, Ca. Lecture, "Transpersonal Education," December 20, 1975. Chicago State University, University Without Walls, Field Faculty Member, Spring, 1976. Phi Delta Kappan Educational Foundation, manuscript reviewer for editor of Fastback Series, April, 1976. Southard School, The Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas, lecture "Transpersonal Education," May 30, 1976. First Unitarian Church of San Francisco, Adult Education Committee, consulting on transpersonal growth, August 2, 1976.

10 Research Department, The Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas, Council Grove Conference on Voluntary Control of Internal States, 1977 Planning Committee, consultant. Summer, 1976. 11 Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa, lecture "Transpersonal Education," June 6, 1977. 12 California Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Menlo Park, California, lecture "Transpersonal Education and Consciousness," June 20-July 2, 1977. 13-15 University of Redlands, Redlands, California: a) lecture "Transpersonal Psychology: Its Meaning and History", Dec. 1, 1977.

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b) lecture "The Fourth Force in Psychology", Dec. 2, 1977. c) lecture "Using Transpersonal Psychology in Teaching and Counseling", Dec. 2, 1977. 16 Weekend Workshop at California State University at Bakersfield, January 27-29, 1978. Transpersonbal Education. 17-19 Children of the New Age Conference, Fullerton, California, May 20-22, 1978: a) Organizing and planning consultant. b) Major speaker, "Consciousness and Education". c) Workshop leader, "Questions from Transpersonal Research". 20 Prentice-Hall, manuscript reviewer, 1978-1979. 21 U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, consultant panel "The Outer Limits of Human Educability: A Proposed Research Program," by Jerry L. Fletcher, Senior Policy Analyst in Education. Published in Educational Researcher, Sept. 1978, pp. 13-28. 22 Northern Illinois University, Education Faculty Lecture Series, First Speaker, "Expanding Education by Expanding Consciousness", Nov. 28, 1978. 23 Proteus Institute, Big Sur, California, "Expanding Education by Expanding Consciousness", Dec. 9, 1978. 24 Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, "Disney's Snow White: A Transpersonal Interpretation", staff development seminar, Dec. 12, 1978. 25 Northwest Regional Education Laboratory, Portland, Oregon, "Expanding Education by Expanding Consciousness", selected staff development seminar, Jan. 7, 1979. 26 Johnson College, University of Redlands, Redlands, California, outside thesis reader, 1978-79. 27 Northern Illinois University Continuing Education, planning consultant for Age of Consciousness Conference, spring 1979. 28 Texas Wesleyan College, telephone interview "Transpersonal Education" relayed via closed-circuit TV to classes in 14 locations in central Texas,

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Oct. 3, 1978. 29 Institute for Higher Education Research and Services, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, "Research Implications of Consciousness Studies", April 23, 1979. 30 Consultant-nominator of 1,000 most influential policy-makers in U.S. education. They were selected to receive a copy of the education chapter of Aquarian Conspiracy and a covering letter form a West Coast university president, Dec. 1979. 31 University of Southern California, "Distinguished respondent" in National Delphi Study of the Educational Implications of Brain/Mind Research, 1980. 32 Coordinated effort to have the National Science Foundation's Task Force on Innovative Research consider consciousness studies as an area deserving more attention, 1980. 33 Co-originated the "Innovative Therapies Resolution" stimulating the National Mental Health Association to form a task group to examine the mental health implications of consciousness research, 1980. 34 Nominator of books for review in Contemporary Education Review, a publication of the American Educational Research Association, 1980-present. 35 Panel of Judges for Transformational Book Award given by Renewal Newsletter, 1980-1984. 36 Spotter of works for ERIC-Chess, 1971- ca. 1987 37 University of Vermont, Parapsychology Club, speech "Consciousness and Transpersonal Education", Oct. 23, 1981. 38 Case study interpreter at National Institute of Education, Adult Learning Project, Burlington, Vermont, Feb. 14-17, 1981. 39 Institute of Noetic Sciences, San Francisco, California, consulting June 1617, July 22, 27, Aug. 15-16. Planning conferences and list of invitees for two invitational conferences sponsored by the Kettering Foundation, the Minneapolis Foundation, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Held Oct. 19-23 and Nov. 16-20 in Wyzata, Minnesota. 40 Institute of Noetic Sciences, San Francisco, California, slide-lecture

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"Consciousness Education", July 19, 1981. 41 Sausalito, California, slide-lecture for selected officers of the Association for Humanistic Psychology and Association for Transpersonal Psychology, "Disney's Intrapsychic Drama Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Grofian Interpretation", Aug. 13, 1981. 42 Vermillion County Teachers' Institute, Danville, Illinois, workshop leader "Transpersonal and Consciousness Psychologies in the Schools", March 26, 1981. 43 Wayne County, Michigan Intermediate School District, main presenter "Making Mainstreaming Work", March 29-31, 1982. 44 Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, seminar presenter "Implications of State-of-Consciousness Research for Education", Aug. 10, 1982. 45 Foundation for Mind Research, Pomona, New York, mentor for "Cultivation of Human Capacities, Research and Applications Program", 1982-1984. 46 Union Graduate School, Yellow Springs, Ohio, mentor, 1981-1986. 47 Delta Force, U.S. Army, Department of Defence, member-consultant 1981-1983. 48 Washtenaw County Intermediate School District, Ann Arbor, Michigan, inservice institute speaker "New Directions in Special Education Consciousness Research", August 25, 1982. 49 C. G. Jung Club of Rockford (Illinois), "Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Grofian Interpretation", Sept. 17, 1982. 50 Science and Technology Policy Studies Group, Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, seminar "The Policy Implications of Consciousness Research", Sept. 30, 1982. 51 Department of Philosophy, State University of New York at Albany, guest lecture "SOC Research", Oct. 1, 1982. 52 Larado Taft Field Campus of Northern Illinois University, "Extending Experience" featured presenter Winter Weekend, Feb. 18, 1983. 53 Dakota Community Unit District, Freeport, Illinois, inservice workshop

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"Consciousness Counseling", Oct. 21, 1982. 54 Education Center, Racine, Wisconsin, discussion "Transpersonal Education", Feb. 22, 1983. 55 Knapp Elementary School, Racine, Wisconsin, inservice workshop "Using SOCs in Teaching", Feb. 23, 1983. 56 Northwest Regional Special Education District, Stockton, Illinois, inservice speaker "An SOC Approach to Special Education", April 20, 1983. 57 Northern Illinois University, College of Education, inservice faculty development seminar, "Conceptual Research", Feb. 25 and Mar. 4, 1983. 58 Guggenheim Foundation, proposal evaluator, 1983. 59 Center for Accelerated Learning, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, consultant, Nov. 29, 1983. 60 Ulster County Community College, Stone Ridge, New York, speech "State of Consciousness Studies", Dec. 8, 1983. 61 Ulster County Community College, Stone Ridge, New York, speech "A Grofian Interpretation of Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", Dec. 8, 1983. 62 IDEAS Series. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. "Changing Our Minds--Part 1." Interviewed with Michael Murphy, Marilyn Ferguson, and Jean Houston. Broadcast April 5, 1984 over 76 CBC radio stations. 63 (Videotaping) WREX-TV, Rockford, IL. Hallowe'en and Odd Occurrences. Nov. 16, 1984. 64 (Professional Evaluation). Visiting accreditation committee, Western Regional Association of Colleges and Universities for university reaccreditation and new doctoral accreditation at JFK University, Orinda, California. November 2-6, 1984. 65 (Consulting) Centerlink Information Services, Inc. November 6, 1984. Tiburon, California. Commercial database on consciousness, growth, and religion. 66 (Professional action). I was one of four litigants who sued the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration for hearings on MDMA (3, 4,

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methylenedioxymethamphetamine). The suit was successful. Three hearings were held in Los Angeles, Kansas City, and Washington, D.C. Our position was that MDMA has medically safe uses and is not strongly addictive. The hearing judge ruled in our favor on all points; the DEA administrator over-ruled his finding. July 1984-June 1986. 67 (Interview) St. Paul Dispatch, December 19, 1984. 68 (Workshop-Institute leader) "Whole Mind Learning" March 20, 1985. Cosponsored by Continuum Project, Minnesota Board of Education, M-Tech School, Minneapolis. 69 (Talkshow guest) WJZ-TV, Baltimore, MD. "People are Talking." May 9, 1985. (Neilson 175). Topic: MDMA. 70 (Telephone talkshow guest) WIND, Topic: MDMA. Chicago. July 26, 1985. 8:00-8:30 p.m. 71 (Videotape interview) WBBM-TV, Chicago. June 20(?), 1985. Topic: MDMA. 72 (press interviews) During May and June, 1985, I was interviewed over the telephone about MDMA by the (a) Chicago Tribune, (b) CBS, (c) TIME, \ (d) Newsweek, and (e) part of an interview became an article in the Kansas City Star. 73 (outside evaluator) Faculty of Adult Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Outside evaluator and member of Oral Examination Committee for the dissertation of S. Rolbin. Title: The Mystical Quest: Experiences, Goals, Changes, and Problems.Toronto. July 24, 1985. 74 (Lecture-discussion) Adult Christian Education Meeting, First Congregational Church, DeKalb, IL. Sept. 29, 1985. "Toward a Psychotheology for the Third Millenium," 75 (invited lecturer) Sunburst Life Center, First Congregational Church, DeKalb, IL. April 11, 1986. "Consciousness" 76 (professional evaluation) Department of Psychiatry, University of California Medical School, University of California, Irvine. April, 15, 1987. Evaluation of the professional contributions of Dr. Roger Walsh for promotion to Full Professor

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77 (consulting) Association of Teacher Educators: Transpersonal-Humanistic Special Interest Group. Winter 1986-87. Advice on organizing, recruiting, and founding this SIG. J. Braun, co-founder 78-80 Buena Vista College, Storm Lake, IA.. April 6 & 7, 1987. (Guest Lecturer) The Mindbody Department of the Invisible College (Guest Lecturer) The Quiet Side of Fitness (Guest Lecturer) New Dimensions in Mind and Learning 81 (professional evaluation). Department of Psychology and the Provost, Univiersity of California, Davis. Evaluation of the professional contributions of Charles T. Tart. 1990. 82 (accreditation site visit) Western States Regional Accrediting Assocaiton of Colleges and Universities. Evaluation for original accredation of John F. Kennedy Graduate School, Orinda, Ca. Membver of visiting accrediting committee. (Nov. 4,1992) 83-84 Midwest Hemp Harvest Festival, Madison WI. Sept. 23-4, 1994. (invited speaker) Beyond Anger and Name-calling (invited workshop panelist) A University Course in Psychedelics 85 (invited sermon) First Congregational-United Church of Christ, DeKalb, IL. Oct. 9, 1994 10,000 Prophets Against the Drug War 86-88 Extensive background interview of over 1 hour each about psychoactive drugs for: a) The New York Times b) Parade Magazine c) CBS 89 Consultant to the American Medical Associations American Medical Televisions From the Hill. Provided information for Orbis Communications, Chicago. Orbis produces this weekley TV show as part of AMAs program of professional development. 90 (invited speaker) First Congregational-United Chruch of Christ, DeKalb, IL. Oct. 22, 1995. Do the Dutch Do it Better? Dutch Drug Policy 91 (invited co-speaker) With Hruby, P. J. Should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes? Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, NIU Resources for Women Center, DeKalb, IL.

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92 (expert testimony) With Jesse, Robert, and Hruby, Paula Jo. (1996). Recommendations on drug policy. Committee on Drugs and the Law of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. April 8, 1996. 93 (speaker) Soros Foundation, Open Society Institute, Lindesmith Center. April 10, 1996. Entheogenic Religion: A Personal View 94 (invited speaker) Entheogens.Unitarian-Universalist Meeting of DeKalb. Sunday, Oct. 6, 1996 95 (directory listing) Wilson, Aaron. (editor) (1997). The PRDI Drug Policies Resources Directory for the Media. New York: Partnership for Responsible Drug Information. Listeed as expert on entheogens and psychedelics. 96 (outside reader of dissertations) (2004, 2005) International Transpersonal Institute, Palo Alto, CA. 97 (book proposal reviewer) McGraw Hill. July 31, 2006. 98 (telephone interview phoner on TV) MSNBC, July 11th, 2006. The MOST a topical TV news magazine. Evaluation and comments on the Johns Hopkins study of psilocybin and meaningful spiritual experiences.

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