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Principles of Landscape Design

Concepts of Landscape Design

Unity Order Scale and proportion Balance Focal area Rhythm


Crepe Myrtle as a Dominant Element

unity through dominance

Asiatic Jasmine as a Unifier


Scale and Proportion

plants too small for house

plants too large for house

Symmetrical Each side is a mirror image of the other This is the balance we see in formal type gardens Asymmetrical Is informal in that the opposite sides are the same in composition, but are not mirror images

Balance Through Symmetry


Applications of Design Principles

Line Repetition Simplicity Harmony Variety

Lines in the Landscape

Use the same or similar elements throughout the landscape to create unity in the design. For example
repeat the same plant repeat a color such as burgundy repeat a shrub form

Rhythm and Line

Rhythm through repetition Lines as edges

Remember the acronym: KISS (keep it simple stupid) Dont overdo anything Less is more

Work together Plants should fit

Repetition is goodto a point, but remember, too much variety is chaotic.

Plants in Landscape Design

Characteristics of Plants
Color Texture Form

plant color

Plant Texture
Interest and variety Distinction between masses of plants Coarse
Large, rough, leaves read as separate, even at a distance

Bark Texture


examples of coarse textured bark

Thin, narrow, small leaves read as on blob at a distance


Plant Form

Tree Forms

Plants in Landscape Design

Arrangement Massing Specimen plants Accent plants Plant spacing

Plant Arrangement
Straight lines = formal Hard to maintain If not perfectly straight, look crooked Massed groupings



accent features like walks and entrances

What makes a landscape design good?

Personal taste Personal experiences Plant arrangement Plant knowledge Simple design principles

The Process of Designing a Landscape Begins With

Research Books Magazines Observation Neighbors Parks and public gardens

Do the Homework
Site Analysis Personal needs Individual tastes Combine all of the above

Ideas for Landscape Design

Ideas Start small

Impact of Design on Maintenance

Plant Spacing
Leave plenty of room Space plants properly 75% rule

7 years of growth

Lawns Size
Turf is great unifier Use turf for play areas Use turf to lighten up darker areas

Lawns and Mowing

Grass needs to be mowed A manageable lawn Eliminate or reduce small beds Edging treatments

Landscape Standards
Follow conventions or standards for
Walk and driveway widths Driveway turn around Retaining wall construction Drainage systems

Prepared by: David Berle Extension Horticulturist Landscape Design Cooperative Extension The University of Georgia


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