NASA: 70891main FS-2004-02-84-LaRC

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Fact Sheet

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Langley Research Center

Hampton, Virginia 23681-2199 FS-2004-02-84-LaRC

NASA Langley Research Center

Contributing to the Next 100 Years of Flight
Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, With computer-enhanced wind tunnels and
is a vital component of NASA. In collaboration laboratories, research aircraft and spacecraft, and
with other NASA Centers, Langley strives to flight simulators, the highly qualified staff at
understand and protect the Earth, explore the Langley contributes to technological advances in
universe and search for life, and inspire the next aerospace systems concepts and analysis;
generation of explorers. Since 1917 Langley has aerodynamics, aerothermodynamics, and
examined the challenges of flight and made air acoustics; structures and materials; airborne
and spacecraft more responsive to the needs of systems; atmospheric sciences; and systems
our Nation. engineering.

Artist concept of landing, entry, and A computer-generated image of the space shuttle
descent of the Mars Rover ‘Spirit’. showing varying pressures in the airflow
Langley is making the national air transportation the redesigned bipod for the external tank. Areas
system safer, more secure and more efficient; of work also include developing sophisticated
contributing to the exploration of our universe; tools to quantify potential damage, improving the
and increasing understanding of our home planet. leading edge of the Orbiter wing, and on-orbit
We are partnering with parents and educators to repair of the thermal protection system. These
inspire the next generation. Visit the NASA areas were identified by the Columbia Accident
Langley web site at Investigation Board. Langley has demonstrated
that advanced NDE technology can effectively be
NASA’s New Vision used to detect voids between the spray-on foam
and the external tank surface.
On January 14, 2004, President Bush committed
the United States to a long-term human and
robotic program to further explore the Moon and
NASA Engineering and
beyond. Langley is expected to play a role in Safety Center
fulfilling President Bush’s new vision for the In the wake of the Columbia
space program. The Center’s priority is to tragedy, the NASA
continue research for the Space Shuttle’s return Engineering and Safety
to flight and the International Space Station by Center (NESC) was created
supporting systems analysis, systems to provide a comprehensive
engineering, and technology development. examination of selected
Langley could also be involved in developing NASA programs and
better structures and materials for the new Crew projects. Based at Langley, the new center
Exploration Vehicle (CEV) that will better coordinates and conducts in-depth engineering
protect astronauts against radiation. Langley and safety assessments. The new center will help
could also lead atmospheric entry, descent, and NASA strengthen and expand the Agency’s
landing research for new spacecraft. safety and mission assurance through
collaboration of experts from a variety of
Planetary Exploration engineering disciplines. For more information see
Recently the Center contributed to the successful
landing of twin rovers for the Mars Exploration Flying at Mach 7
Rover (MER) mission. Langley researchers
developed the entry, descent, and landing (EDL) Langley is working with NASA Dryden Flight
flight dynamics simulation that modeled the Research Center to demonstrate—in flight for the
lander’s flight from cruise-stage separation to first time— promising new engine technologies
landing. The end-to-end EDL simulation included for advanced space launch vehicles or airplanes
multibody analysis of the combined parachute- that would fly many times the speed of sound.
backshell-lander configuration. It incorporated an These “air-breathing” engines offer increased
EDL aerodynamic database by Langley, which safety and more economical airplane-like
will be used for the post-flight trajectory operations. The unpiloted X-43A hypersonic
reconstruction. In addition to the EDL simulation, research vehicle will be tested at Mach 7, or
Langley also made important contributions to the seven times the speed of sound.
analysis and testing of the parachute system, and
in the assembly, test, and launch operations of the
flight hardware.

Shuttle Return to Flight

Langley is helping to safely return the Space The X-43 hypersonic research vehicle separates
Shuttle to flight. Langley is supporting tests of from the booster rocket in this artist’s concept.
Better Flight Service for Health Management for Aircraft
More People Aircraft accidents caused by equipment failure
The Advanced General Aviation Transportation may some day be prevented with the Aircraft
Experiments (AGATE), an alliance of NASA, Condition Analysis and Management System
government agencies, industry, and universities, (ACAMS), being developed at Langley with an
helped to revitalize the U.S. general aviation industry partner. This system would read data
(GA) industry by creating an approach to design, from sensors throughout an aircraft. Detection of
manufacture, and certify safer, more affordable a malfunction or degrading performance would
small aircraft. For example, the AGATE team trigger an alert. During a flight simulation, the
developed computer gauges to replace dial ACAMS technology prototype successfully
gauges that reduce pilot workload. It also identified landing gear brake faults that were
developed a standard that allows easy, cost intentionally set. In addition, it predicted how a
effective replacement of avionics equipment. small crack in an airframe structure would grow
if no corrective action was taken.

Nozzle on Aircraft Noise

The Quiet Aircraft Technology (QAT) Program
is addressing the difficult problem of reducing
noise from flying aircraft. Noise generated from
wing slats and flaps and landing gear–airframe
noise–as well as engine noise is being examined.
To quiet engine noise, noise-absorbing engine
inlets, and "chevron" engine nozzle exit concepts
Artist’s concept of SATS. were successfully flight-tested. Researchers are
examining ways that aircraft fly around airports
The Small Aircraft Transportation System to determine flight paths that have the least noise
(SATS) is building on AGATE. SATS plans to impact on surrounding communities.
increase air transportation access to smaller
communities and improve the transportation of Better Understanding of Clouds
people, services and goods by effective use of Programs like the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant
over 5,000 small public airports. See the SATS Energy System (CERES) include a number of
web site at Langley instruments currently in orbit. CERES is
providing a better understanding of the role of
Smoother Safer Flights clouds and the energy cycle in global climate
Researchers with the NASA Aviation Safety change. Understanding clouds, where they occur
Program (AvSP) – a partnership with the Federal and their characteristics, is thought to be one of
Aviation Administration (FAA), aircraft the keys to understanding on-going natural and
manufacturers, airlines, and the Department of human-induced climate change.
Defense led by Langley – tested a new way to
predict turbulence around thunderstorms.
Atmospheric turbulence is not only hazardous; it
also costs money and time because of rerouting
and late arrivals. Turbulence is the leading cause
of in-flight injuries to airline passengers and
flight crews. Visit the AvSP web site at
CERES Instruments measuring heat loss from Earth (left) and heat reflected back into space (right).
Understanding Our Atmosphere During World War II, Langley was instrumental
in drag cleanup studies that improved the
Center scientists joined more than 350 performance of military aircraft.
researchers from around the world in 2003 to
measure ozone and other atmospheric gases in The Langley staff made crucial contributions to
the Arctic for the SOLVE II (SAGE III Ozone the Mercury, Gemini, Lunar Orbiter, Apollo,
Loss and Validation Experiment). SOLVE II Viking, Space Shuttle, and Space Station
used aircraft, large and small balloons, ground- programs.
based instruments, and satellites. This study Significant technologies for today’s aircraft was
follows an earlier study in which record ozone developed at Langley in programs such as NASA
losses of 70 percent were observed at higher Aircraft Energy Efficiency (ACEE) Program,
altitudes above the Arctic Circle. The ozone layer NASA Advanced Subsonic Technology Program,
prevents the Sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation and the High-Speed Research Program.
from reaching the Earth's surface.
Five sites at Langley are designated as National
Technology Transfer Historic Landmarks.
Langley is known for unparalleled technology • Langley Variable Density Tunnel
transfer to both aerospace and non-aerospace • Langley Full-Scale Tunnel
businesses. These spin-off technologies have • Langley 8-Foot High-Speed Tunnel
enormous benefit to the public and the local and • Lunar Landing Research Facility
national economy. Learn more about technology • Rendezvous and Docking Simulator
transfer at The American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA) named Langley a Historic
Monitoring Fetal Heartbeats Aerospace Site. Visit the NASA History Office
Aerospace technology originally created to better web page at:
understand airflow over a wing was developed to
monitor fetal heartbeats. The easy-to-use portable Significant Agency Milestones
device allows expectant mothers, who live in • 1915 - National Advisory Committee for
remote areas or have difficulty in visiting a Aeronautics (NACA) formed.
doctor’s office, to send a heart-monitoring signal • 1917 - Langley Memorial Aeronautical
over a telephone line to their doctor. Laboratory founded.
• 1948 - Name changed to Langley
Langley History Aeronautical Laboratory.
• 1958 - National Aeronautics and Space
The Center was awarded Collier Trophies for:
Administration (NASA) formed; Langley
• 1929 - Development of a low drag engine Aeronautical Laboratory renamed NASA
cowling. Langley Research Center.
• 1947 - Determining the physical laws
affecting supersonic flight, shared by John
Stack of Langley and Lawrence Bell and
Chuck Yeager.
• 1951 - Development and use of the slotted-
throat wind tunnel for transonic speed For more information, contact:
research, shared by John Stack and associates.
• 1954 - Development of the Whitcomb area Office of External Affairs
rule to reduce the increase in wing drag NASA Langley Research Center
associated with transonic flight, to Richard Hampton, Va. 23681-2199
Whitcomb. (757) 864-6124

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