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5 March 2012

Week 7

Main Topic & Sub topics: Structure of brain and the function of brain. Activities carried out in class: In this first week of second semester, there are some of groups continue their presentations because they did not present yet. They presented about the structure of brain and the function brain. For the other groups, they just listen and try to understand what the each group delivered about brain. In addition, there are some students asked the questions for them. At the last 10 minutes, Miss make announcement about learning Journal that we will do it until week 12. Main Ideas: In the structure and function of brain. There is a four part in brain structure such as anthropology, neuro, neuroanthopolgy, antropology. Reflection: Thanks to Allah for give me a chance to write a reflections in this second semester. In this week, I had learnt a structure and function of brain. Actually, since me in high school (Form 3) I had learnt this topic before but it is only a basic material. However, in foundation study this topic is more details than the previous that I learned. As a human, we should know there is a special and great thing in our head that have been created by Allah. Entries: Power point slides.

12 March 2012 Main Topic & Sub topics: The Ned Hermans Model

Week 8

Activities carried out in class: In week eight, our lecturer Miss Siti had been given a group assignment. She asked each group to make a mind mapping of the project or output resulting from group discussion according to the topic. Overall, each group has a same opinion in the Ned Hermans Model. Main Ideas: Logical rational (blue) big picture creative (yellow) organized planned (green) interpersonal (red) Reflection: This week I am so lazy and I am not focused what the lessons that had been teach by Miss. To be honest, I cant event understand about the Ned Hermans Model. I just know we have four quadrants in our brain which consists of (top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right). I heard my friends said these four quadrants have a different personality types. Questions: Why it have a different functions or personality types? Actually, it just looks same if we see the real fresh brain.

Entries: Mind Mapping

19 March 2012 Main Topic & Sub topics: Creativity

Week 9

Activities carried out in class: In this week, we sat on each group like usual. Firstly, before Miss start to continue for our lessons, she wrote one word on a white board. It is CREATIVITY. Then, she asked to the whole classmate What is the meaning of Creativity? There are same idea and opinion that had been answered. They said creativity it is new ideas that there is no one are not do this idea yet. Miss Siti was agreed with the opinion. After that, each group have been given a different thing or item such as plastic bottle, small and big envelope and a box. For my group, we have been given a tissue. Our dear Miss Siti asked us to create something creativity using the item. So, for my group we make a decision to create a doll. After, the time is up. Each group should present what are the think that we can create something creativity to think more creative. Main Ideas: Creativity Reflection: In this world, there are a many ideas and creativity among us. In my opinion, creativity is like a new different idea that is no one had not done it yet. According to the topics that I learnt, I was very exiting when I heard the word of Creativity. I also do not know why I become like this. Usually, after I had created my own idea, I felt so proud with myself. It is because the idea its mine not others. So, I should be practise more creativity thinker but how? Questions: How to become more creativity thinker in future? As a student, what are the effects if we use our own idea? Entries: Task and Hand-out

26 March 2012

Week 10

Main Topic & Sub topics:

Creative Problem Solving with SCAMPER

Activities carried out in class:

In this week, I did not attend the class because I have a personal problem on that day. However, I could see what my members group are doing. Actually, I already know what the tasks that have been given for us. Last day before this class was started; I have a discussion with my Englishs group. I saw the other group was discussed about this task. In this week, each group have been given a mahjung paper and each person has been given two sheets of paper it is about a SCAMPER. So, we have been asked to create and draw an extraordinary or creativity bed that we can make people who buy this bed can easily wake up in the morning.

Main Ideas:
SCAMPER is a step that I can use to spark my creativity and help me to overcome it when I have any problem in my daily life.

For this week reflections, I cannot give my reflections so details because I am not attend the class. I just can give a few reflections because I not understand this topic clearly. I am very sorry Miss? As I know, SCAMPER is Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Magnified, Put to Other Uses, Eliminate and Rearrange. This technique can use to spark your creativity and help you overcome any challenges.

Entries: Hand-out on SCAMPER

2 April 2012 Main Topic & Sub topics: Egg drops

Week 11

Activities carried out in class: As usual, every week each group will been given a group task. However, this week group project its different than the previous. Firstly, each group had been given a sheet of paper. It is an instruction for us and there is a list of items that we should buy anything that we will use in the project. Each group has been provide a RM50 of coupons, it is depends on us how much we want to use it but not more than RM50. The task asked us How to protect the egg from broken? Furthermore, to test whether the egg will break or not we will throw the egg from level 3 to level one. If the egg is broken then we will fail in that task. Thankful to Allah. My group had succeeded our project. Main Ideas: The application of Creative thinking, Problem Solving, Edward de Bono 7 Thinking Tools & Edward de Bono 6 Thinking Hats: Group project 2 (EGG DROP activity ) Reflection: This week I was very excited because the group for this project is very different from that before. This project encourages us to think beyond the scope of our thinking. The reason is we have to think about how to protect the egg from breaking when thrown from level 3 to level 1. For me, it's a question that has never appeared in my mind. So, this is a challenge for me and trying to be someone who has creative thinkers. Questions: I have no question to ask because this project is awesome.

9 April 2012 Main Topic & Sub topics: Tangram Game (Puzzle) & Reflections

Week 12

Activities carried out in class: Firstly, we sat in the new groups. Then, we had been given some game for each group. The items that we got during thinking skills lesson are paper of instruction. The instructions asked us to arrange pieces of paper to 40 shape of Tangram. Then, we began to arrange the papers. All of my classmates they are trying their best to arrange and finish the game. After we finished our game, Miss gave some encouragement for us to go through our exam next week. Main Ideas: To build up our creativity and our leadership. Reflection: In this week, what I am understood from the game is learnt to become a kinaesthetic and to practise my brain especially for right brain. This game is enjoyed and interesting. This is the last activity and very emotional because this is the last week for our Thinking Skills class. There are 3 students gave their reflections during the Thinking Skills class. I hope will see next semester.

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