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LONDON Advertising announces unique competition offering 100,000 of funding for new digital agency start-up.
London 4th July 2012 for immediate release. Today an innovative new initiative was launched to find the best British digital talent at an event for the New Entrepreneurs Foundation at 10 Downing Street, hosted by the Prime Minister. Oliver Pawle, Senior Advisor and Partner at LONDON Advertising, and Chairman of The New Entrepreneurs Foundation, announcing the competition said: I am delighted that the Partners of one of the New Entrepreneurs Foundations first host companies, LONDON Advertising, have been inspired by our scheme and are offering 100,000 of start-up funding to a new digital agency David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, commented: "Entrepreneurialism could not be more important in our country right now. In 2011 there were more start-ups in British business than at any other time in our history. We have it within ourselves to rebalance our economy, to be a more entrepreneurial nation. "There is a role for government to back entrepreneurship, and this is why we have changed the tax system, to incentivise investment into entrepreneurs, to make it easier to start up and grow a business. But there is also a role for business to play which is why this competition is great news for entrepreneurs in Britain and I hope it uncovers some great new digital talent." Michael Moszynski, Founder and CEO of LONDON Advertising added: My creative partner, Alan Jarvie, and I took the plunge to set up our own business two weeks after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. Despite the downturn we have gone on to win business on every continent and recently bought our own office building in the heart of Silicon Roundabout.

LONDON Advertising LLP, LONDON House, 3 Baltic Street East, London EC1Y 0UJ. Phone +44 (0)20 7608 7222 Registered Partnership No. OC341164 UK VAT Registration No. 941 8599 80

We now want to encourage and support other new businesses by giving them the confidence to do similar. We are looking for people who can define what the future digital agency will look like and can live up to our mantra to be brilliant. We would like to thank Samsung, Warner Bros. and Bupa who are supporting this initiative by agreeing to provide a range of live briefs for the new agency and participate in the judging panel. The funding is being provided under the Governments new Seed EIS scheme which allows up to 50% tax relief for high rate payers. This goes to prove two things: that you can be a moral capitalist and that there has never been a better time to start a new business in the UK or invest in one. The Prize 100,000 of investment under the Governments new Seed EIS scheme An equity stake in the business Confirmed opportunities to pitch for briefs from Samsung , Warner Bros. and Bupa A high profile launch via extensive coverage in The Times and other media Access to LONDONs global client list and new business opportunities The opportunity to be a global business from day one via LONDONs international network Mentoring by the Board and Advisors of LONDON, including Lord Davies Vice Chairman of Corsair Capital and Non-executive Director of Diageo and Charles Fallon, Managing Partner at S.I. Partners, advisors to marketing services/tech companies Legal support from Lewis Silkins Media, Brands & Technology team

Application Process Visit to download a simple application form.

LONDON Advertising LLP, LONDON House, 3 Baltic Street East, London EC1Y 0UJ. Phone +44 (0)20 7608 7222 Registered Partnership No. OC341164 UK VAT Registration No. 941 8599 80

Timings July 4th Competition launched at 10 Downing St with the Prime Minister July 31st Deadline for entries Aug 7th Shortlisted applicants to be contacted with brief for a pitch to judging panel September 7th Dragons Den style pitch Sept 14th Announce winner

Background to the competition The creative and media sector accounts for over 5% of UK employment and 10% of the UKs service sector exports. It is a key sector for helping restore growth in the UK economy and one in which the UK has a strong reputation internationally. The sector consists of many smaller sized businesses which have low barriers to entry the biggest being self-confidence in making the move to start up. This competition is designed to promote the opportunities for people in the creative and digital industries to start a new business and increase awareness of the benefits of the recent budget measures, such as Seed EIS (allowing high rate tax payers 50% tax relief), that were over-shadowed by the pasty tax row. With Entrepreneurs Tax Relief also extended by the Government, this means individuals only need to pay 10% tax on the first 10m from an eventual sale of their business a far lower rate compared to working for someone else and potentially paying 50% tax on income/bonuses. LONDON Advertising was one of the first host companies for the New Entrepreneurs Foundation which offers a one year graduate trainee scheme for budding entrepreneurs to help boost Britains entrepreneurial talent base.

LONDON Advertising LLP, LONDON House, 3 Baltic Street East, London EC1Y 0UJ. Phone +44 (0)20 7608 7222 Registered Partnership No. OC341164 UK VAT Registration No. 941 8599 80

Background to LONDON Advertising. LONDON Advertising is a global ad agency built for today. We create One Brilliant Idea for every client that works in any market and in any media. We have pioneered a new way of working via the internet to replace the need for a traditional network of bricks and mortar offices. With local market strategic planners and copy writers in over 150 countries and a global production capability we can produce any form of advertising in any language and supply it to any media in the world. The agency was set up by two of the Founding Partners of M&C Saatchi, Michael Moszynski and Alan Jarvie, who have worked together for 20 years and previously set-up agencies in London, Hong Kong, New York and the Middle East. Since launching in Autumn 2008 we have secured clients on every continent, including Mandarin Oriental, Alliance Boots, Circle Health, Wedgwood and Fox International. This year we acquired an early Victorian warehouse building in the heart of Silicon Roundabout, which has been converted and fitted out to our specifications. We are keen to make the building a creative hub of like-minded people. Other tenants include Jefferson Hack with his MAD Agency (specialising in fashion) and Point Blank a new global advertising production company. The first floor has been reserved to incubate new start-ups. Our first priority is to enhance our digital and social media capability and are looking to work with experienced talent who share our desire to be brilliant.

LONDON Advertising LLP, LONDON House, 3 Baltic Street East, London EC1Y 0UJ. Phone +44 (0)20 7608 7222 Registered Partnership No. OC341164 UK VAT Registration No. 941 8599 80

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